- By default (unless NO_PERL is provided) Git will ship various perl
- scripts & libraries it needs. However, for simplicity it doesn't
- use the ExtUtils::MakeMaker toolchain to decide where to place the
- perl libraries. Depending on the system this can result in the perl
+ scripts. However, for simplicity it doesn't use the
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker toolchain to decide where to place the perl
+ libraries. Depending on the system this can result in the perl
libraries not being where you'd like them if they're expected to be
used by things other than Git itself.
Will result in e.g. perllibdir=/usr/share/perl/5.26.1 on Debian,
perllibdir=/usr/share/perl5 (which we'd use by default) on CentOS.
+ - Unless NO_PERL is provided Git will ship various perl libraries it
+ needs. Distributors of Git will usually want to set
+ NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS if NO_PERL is not provided to use their own
+ copies of the CPAN modules Git needs.
- Git is reasonably self-sufficient, but does depend on a few external
programs and libraries. Git can be used without most of them by adding
the approriate "NO_<LIBRARY>=YesPlease" to the make command line or
all:: $(LIB_CPAN_GEN)
perl/build/lib/%.pm: perl/%.pm
$(QUIET_GEN)mkdir -p $(dir $@) && \
- sed -e 's|@@LOCALEDIR@@|$(localedir_SQ)|g' < $< > $@
+ sed -e 's|@@LOCALEDIR@@|$(localedir_SQ)|g' \
+ < $< > $@
perl/build/man/man3/Git.3pm: perl/Git.pm
$(QUIET_GEN)mkdir -p $(dir $@) && \
will fall back on C<FromCPAN::Module::Name> shipped with Git itself.
Usually distributors will not ship with Git's Git::FromCPAN tree at
-all, preferring to use their own packaging of CPAN modules instead.
+all via the C<NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS> option, preferring to use their
+own packaging of CPAN modules instead.
This module is only intended to be used for code shipping in the
C<git.git> repository. Use it for anything else at your peril!
+# NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS_STR evades the sed search-replace from the
+# Makefile, and allows for detecting whether the module is loaded from
+# perl/Git as opposed to perl/build/Git, which is useful for one-off
+# testing without having Error.pm et al installed.
+use constant NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS_STR => '@@' . 'NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS' . '@@';
+use constant NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS => (
+ and
sub import {
my $caller = caller;
} or do {
my $error = $@ || "Zombie Error";
+ chomp(my $error = sprintf <<'THEY_PROMISED', $module);
+BUG: The '%s' module is not here, but NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS was set!
+Git needs this Perl module from the CPAN, and will by default ship
+with a copy of it. This Git was built with NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS,
+meaning that whoever built it promised to provide this module.
+You're seeing this error because they broke that promise, and we can't
+load our fallback version, since we were asked not to install it.
+If you're seeing this error and didn't package Git yourself the
+package you're using is broken, or your system is broken. This error
+won't appear if Git is built without NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS (instead
+we'll use our fallback version of the module).
+ die $error;
+ }
my $Git_LoadCPAN_pm_path = $INC{"Git/LoadCPAN.pm"} || die "BUG: Should have our own path from %INC!";
require File::Basename;