- The parameter given must be usable as a single, valid
- object name. Otherwise barf and abort.
+ Verify that exactly one parameter is provided, and that it
+ can be turned into a raw 20-byte SHA-1 that can be used to
+ access the object database. If so, emit it to the standard
+ output; otherwise, error out.
+If you want to make sure that the output actually names an object in
+your object database and/or can be used as a specific type of object
+you require, you can add "^{type}" peeling operator to the parmeter.
+For example, `git rev-parse "$VAR^{commit}"` will make sure `$VAR`
+names an existing object that is a commit-ish (i.e. a commit, or an
+annotated tag that points at a commit). To make sure that `$VAR`
+names an existing object of any type, `git rev-parse "$VAR^{object}"`
+can be used.