Add subroutine to display one-line summary of hunks
authorWilliam Pursell <>
Thu, 4 Dec 2008 10:00:24 +0000 (10:00 +0000)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Fri, 5 Dec 2008 01:59:41 +0000 (17:59 -0800)
This commit implements a rather simple-minded mechanism to display a
one-line summary of the hunks in an array ref. The display consists of
the line numbers and the first changed line, truncated to 80 characters.
20 lines are displayed at a time, and the index of the first undisplayed
line is returned, allowing the caller to display more if desired. (The 20
and 80 should be made configurable.)

Signed-off-by: William Pursell <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index b0223c3419301132032fb67519a275e57707df22..eb11132b23f2da01c71035fe3f5f321b9f09c908 100755 (executable)
@@ -836,6 +836,47 @@ sub patch_update_cmd {
+# Generate a one line summary of a hunk.
+sub summarize_hunk {
+       my $rhunk = shift;
+       my $summary = $rhunk->{TEXT}[0];
+       # Keep the line numbers, discard extra context.
+       $summary =~ s/@@(.*?)@@.*/$1 /s;
+       $summary .= " " x (20 - length $summary);
+       # Add some user context.
+       for my $line (@{$rhunk->{TEXT}}) {
+               if ($line =~ m/^[+-].*\w/) {
+                       $summary .= $line;
+                       last;
+               }
+       }
+       chomp $summary;
+       return substr($summary, 0, 80) . "\n";
+# Print a one-line summary of each hunk in the array ref in
+# the first argument, starting wih the index in the 2nd.
+sub display_hunks {
+       my ($hunks, $i) = @_;
+       my $ctr = 0;
+       $i ||= 0;
+       for (; $i < @$hunks && $ctr < 20; $i++, $ctr++) {
+               my $status = " ";
+               if (defined $hunks->[$i]{USE}) {
+                       $status = $hunks->[$i]{USE} ? "+" : "-";
+               }
+               printf "%s%2d: %s",
+                       $status,
+                       $i + 1,
+                       summarize_hunk($hunks->[$i]);
+       }
+       return $i;
 sub patch_update_file {
        my ($ix, $num);
        my $path = shift;
 sub patch_update_file {
        my ($ix, $num);
        my $path = shift;