--- /dev/null
- TKFRAMEWORK = /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Resources/Wish.app
+# Define V=1 to have a more verbose compile.
+# Define NO_MSGFMT if you do not have msgfmt from the GNU gettext
+# package and want to use our rough pure Tcl po->msg translator.
+# TCL_PATH must be vaild for this to work.
+uname_S := $(shell sh -c 'uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo not')
+uname_O := $(shell sh -c 'uname -o 2>/dev/null || echo not')
++uname_R := $(shell sh -c 'uname -r 2>/dev/null || echo not')
+SCRIPT_SH = git-gui.sh
+GITGUI_MAIN := git-gui
+GITGUI_BUILT_INS = git-citool
+ALL_LIBFILES = $(wildcard lib/*.tcl)
+PRELOAD_FILES = lib/class.tcl
+ lib/git-gui.ico \
+ $(wildcard lib/win32_*.js) \
+ifndef SHELL_PATH
+ SHELL_PATH = /bin/sh
+ifndef gitexecdir
+ gitexecdir := $(shell git --exec-path)
+ifndef sharedir
+ sharedir := $(dir $(gitexecdir))share
+ifndef INSTALL
+ INSTALL = install
+RM_RF ?= rm -rf
+RMDIR ?= rmdir
+INSTALL_D0 = $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 # space is required here
+INSTALL_R0 = $(INSTALL) -m 644 # space is required here
+INSTALL_X0 = $(INSTALL) -m 755 # space is required here
+INSTALL_A0 = find # space is required here
+INSTALL_A1 = | cpio -pud
+INSTALL_L0 = rm -f # space is required here
+INSTALL_L1 = && ln # space is required here
+REMOVE_D0 = $(RMDIR) # space is required here
+REMOVE_D1 = || true
+REMOVE_F0 = $(RM_RF) # space is required here
+CLEAN_DST = true
+ifndef V
+ QUIET = @
+ QUIET_GEN = $(QUIET)echo ' ' GEN '$@' &&
+ QUIET_INDEX = $(QUIET)echo ' ' INDEX $(dir $@) &&
+ QUIET_MSGFMT0 = $(QUIET)printf ' MSGFMT %12s ' $@ && v=`
+ QUIET_MSGFMT1 = 2>&1` && echo "$$v" | sed -e 's/fuzzy translations/fuzzy/' | sed -e 's/ messages*//g'
+ QUIET_2DEVNULL = 2>/dev/null
+ INSTALL_D0 = dir=
+ INSTALL_D1 = && echo ' ' DEST $$dir && $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 "$$dir"
+ INSTALL_R0 = src=
+ INSTALL_R1 = && echo ' ' INSTALL 644 `basename $$src` && $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$src
+ INSTALL_X0 = src=
+ INSTALL_X1 = && echo ' ' INSTALL 755 `basename $$src` && $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$src
+ INSTALL_A0 = src=
+ INSTALL_A1 = && echo ' ' INSTALL ' ' `basename "$$src"` && find "$$src" | cpio -pud
+ INSTALL_L0 = dst=
+ INSTALL_L1 = && src=
+ INSTALL_L2 = && dst=
+ INSTALL_L3 = && echo ' ' 'LINK ' `basename "$$dst"` '->' `basename "$$src"` && rm -f "$$dst" && ln "$$src" "$$dst"
+ REMOVE_D0 = dir=
+ REMOVE_D1 = && echo ' ' REMOVE $$dir && test -d "$$dir" && $(RMDIR) "$$dir" || true
+ REMOVE_F0 = dst=
+ REMOVE_F1 = && echo ' ' REMOVE `basename "$$dst"` && $(RM_RF) "$$dst"
+TCL_PATH ?= tclsh
+TCLTK_PATH ?= wish
- echo ' 'exec \''$(libdir_SQ)/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish'\' \
++ifeq ($(uname_S),Darwin)
++ TKFRAMEWORK = /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Resources/Wish.app
++ ifeq ($(shell expr "$(uname_R)" : '9\.'),2)
++ TKFRAMEWORK = /System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Resources/Wish\ Shell.app
++ endif
++ TKEXECUTABLE = $(shell basename "$(TKFRAMEWORK)" .app)
+ifeq ($(findstring $(MAKEFLAGS),s),s)
+-include config.mak
+DESTDIR_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(DESTDIR))
+gitexecdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(gitexecdir))
+SHELL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(SHELL_PATH))
+TCL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(TCL_PATH))
+TCLTK_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(TCLTK_PATH))
+TCLTK_PATH_SED = $(subst ','\'',$(subst \,\\,$(TCLTK_PATH)))
+gg_libdir ?= $(sharedir)/git-gui/lib
+libdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(gg_libdir))
+libdir_SED = $(subst ','\'',$(subst \,\\,$(gg_libdir_sed_in)))
+exedir = $(dir $(gitexecdir))share/git-gui/lib
+ifeq ($(uname_O),Cygwin)
+ GITGUI_SCRIPT := `cygpath --windows --absolute "$(GITGUI_SCRIPT)"`
+ gg_libdir_sed_in := $(shell cygpath --windows --absolute "$(gg_libdir)")
+ ifeq ($(exedir),$(gg_libdir))
+ endif
+ gg_libdir_sed_in := $(gg_libdir)
+ifeq ($(uname_S),Darwin)
+ ifeq ($(shell test -d $(TKFRAMEWORK) && echo y),y)
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(uname_S)))
+GITGUI_MAIN := git-gui.tcl
+ $(QUIET_GEN)rm -f $@ $@+ && \
+ echo '#!$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' >$@+ && \
+ echo 'if test "z$$*" = zversion ||' >>$@+ && \
+ echo ' test "z$$*" = z--version' >>$@+ && \
+ echo then >>$@+ && \
+ echo ' 'echo \'git-gui version '$(GITGUI_VERSION)'\' >>$@+ && \
+ echo else >>$@+ && \
- $(TKFRAMEWORK)/Contents/MacOS/Wish
++ echo ' 'exec \''$(libdir_SQ)/Git Gui.app/Contents/MacOS/$(subst \,,$(TKEXECUTABLE))'\' \
+ '"$$0" "$$@"' >>$@+ && \
+ echo fi >>$@+ && \
+ chmod +x $@+ && \
+ mv $@+ $@
+ macosx/Info.plist \
+ macosx/git-gui.icns \
+ macosx/AppMain.tcl \
- cp '$(subst ','\'',$(TKFRAMEWORK))/Contents/MacOS/Wish' \
+ $(QUIET_GEN)rm -rf '$@' '$@'+ && \
+ mkdir -p '$@'+/Contents/MacOS && \
+ mkdir -p '$@'+/Contents/Resources/Scripts && \
++ cp '$(subst ','\'',$(subst \,,$(TKFRAMEWORK)/Contents/MacOS/$(TKEXECUTABLE)))' \
+ '$@'+/Contents/MacOS && \
+ cp macosx/git-gui.icns '$@'+/Contents/Resources && \
+ sed -e 's/@@GITGUI_VERSION@@/$(GITGUI_VERSION)/g' \
+ macosx/Info.plist \
+ >'$@'+/Contents/Info.plist && \
+ sed -e 's|@@gitexecdir@@|$(gitexecdir_SQ)|' \
+ -e 's|@@GITGUI_LIBDIR@@|$(libdir_SED)|' \
+ macosx/AppMain.tcl \
+ >'$@'+/Contents/Resources/Scripts/AppMain.tcl && \
+ mv '$@'+ '$@'
+GITGUI_MAIN := git-gui.tcl
+git-gui: windows/git-gui.sh
+ cp $< $@
+ $(QUIET_GEN)rm -f $@ $@+ && \
+ sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)|' \
+ -e '1,30s|^ argv0=$$0| argv0=$(GITGUI_SCRIPT)|' \
+ -e '1,30s|^ exec wish | exec '\''$(TCLTK_PATH_SED)'\'' |' \
+ -e '$(GITGUI_RELATIVE)s|@@GITGUI_LIBDIR@@|$(libdir_SED)|' \
+ git-gui.sh >$@+ && \
+ chmod +x $@+ && \
+ mv $@+ $@
+XGETTEXT ?= xgettext
+ifdef NO_MSGFMT
+ MSGFMT ?= $(TCL_PATH) po/po2msg.sh
+ MSGFMT ?= msgfmt
+ ifeq ($(shell $(MSGFMT) >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo $$?),127)
+ MSGFMT := $(TCL_PATH) po/po2msg.sh
+ endif
+msgsdir = $(gg_libdir)/msgs
+msgsdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(msgsdir))
+PO_TEMPLATE = po/git-gui.pot
+ALL_POFILES = $(wildcard po/*.po)
+ALL_MSGFILES = $(subst .po,.msg,$(ALL_POFILES))
+ $(XGETTEXT) -kmc -LTcl -o $@ $(SCRIPT_SH) $(ALL_LIBFILES)
+update-po:: $(PO_TEMPLATE)
+ $(foreach p, $(ALL_POFILES), echo Updating $p ; msgmerge -U $p $(PO_TEMPLATE) ; )
+$(ALL_MSGFILES): %.msg : %.po
+ $(QUIET_MSGFMT0)$(MSGFMT) --statistics --tcl -l $(basename $(notdir $<)) -d $(dir $@) $< $(QUIET_MSGFMT1)
+ $(QUIET_INDEX)if echo \
+ $(foreach p,$(PRELOAD_FILES),source $p\;) \
+ auto_mkindex lib '*.tcl' \
+ | $(TCL_PATH) $(QUIET_2DEVNULL); then : ok; \
+ else \
+ echo 1>&2 " * $(TCL_PATH) failed; using unoptimized loading"; \
+ rm -f $@ ; \
+ echo '# Autogenerated by git-gui Makefile' >$@ && \
+ echo >>$@ && \
+ $(foreach p,$(PRELOAD_FILES) $(ALL_LIBFILES),echo '$(subst lib/,,$p)' >>$@ &&) \
+ echo >>$@ ; \
+ fi
+ $(subst ','\'',SHELL_PATH='$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)') \
+ $(subst ','\'',TCL_PATH='$(TCL_PATH_SQ)') \
+ $(subst ','\'',TCLTK_PATH='$(TCLTK_PATH_SQ)') \
+ $(subst ','\'',gitexecdir='$(gitexecdir_SQ)') \
+ $(subst ','\'',gg_libdir='$(libdir_SQ)') \
+ @VARS='$(TRACK_VARS)'; \
+ if test x"$$VARS" != x"`cat $@ 2>/dev/null`" ; then \
+ echo 1>&2 " * new locations or Tcl/Tk interpreter"; \
+ echo 1>$@ "$$VARS"; \
+ fi
+all:: git-gui Git\ Gui.app
+all:: git-gui
+all:: $(GITGUI_MAIN) lib/tclIndex $(ALL_MSGFILES)
+install: all
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)' $(INSTALL_D1)
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_X0)git-gui $(INSTALL_X1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(GITGUI_BUILT_INS), $(INSTALL_L0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)/$p' $(INSTALL_L1)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)/git-gui' $(INSTALL_L2)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)/$p' $(INSTALL_L3) &&) true
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_R0)git-gui.tcl $(INSTALL_R1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)' $(INSTALL_D1)
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_R0)lib/tclIndex $(INSTALL_R1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_A0)'Git Gui.app' $(INSTALL_A1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_X0)git-gui.tcl $(INSTALL_X1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(ALL_LIBFILES) $(NONTCL_LIBFILES), $(INSTALL_R0)$p $(INSTALL_R1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)' &&) true
+ $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)' $(INSTALL_D1)
+ $(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(INSTALL_R0)$p $(INSTALL_R1) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)' &&) true
+ $(QUIET)$(CLEAN_DST) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/git-gui $(REMOVE_F1)
+ $(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(GITGUI_BUILT_INS), $(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/$p $(REMOVE_F1) &&) true
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)'/git-gui.tcl $(REMOVE_F1)
+ $(QUIET)$(CLEAN_DST) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'/tclIndex $(REMOVE_F1)
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)/Git Gui.app' $(REMOVE_F1)
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'/git-gui.tcl $(REMOVE_F1)
+ $(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(ALL_LIBFILES) $(NONTCL_LIBFILES), $(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'/$(notdir $p) $(REMOVE_F1) &&) true
+ $(QUIET)$(CLEAN_DST) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'
+ $(QUIET)$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(REMOVE_F0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'/$(notdir $p) $(REMOVE_F1) &&) true
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(gitexecdir_SQ)' $(REMOVE_D1)
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)' $(REMOVE_D1)
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_D0)'$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)' $(REMOVE_D1)
+ $(QUIET)$(REMOVE_D0)`dirname '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(libdir_SQ)'` $(REMOVE_D1)
+ @mkdir -p $(TARDIR)
+ @echo $(GITGUI_VERSION) > $(TARDIR)/version
+ $(RM_RF) $(GITGUI_MAIN) lib/tclIndex po/*.msg
+ $(RM_RF) 'Git Gui.app'* git-gui
+ $(RM_RF) git-gui
+.PHONY: all install uninstall dist-version clean
--- /dev/null
- bind_button3 $ui_comm "tk_popup $ctxm %X %Y"
+# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
+ if test "z$*" = zversion \
+ || test "z$*" = z--version; \
+ then \
+ echo 'git-gui version @@GITGUI_VERSION@@'; \
+ exit; \
+ fi; \
+ argv0=$0; \
+ exec wish "$argv0" -- "$@"
+set appvers {@@GITGUI_VERSION@@}
+set copyright [encoding convertfrom utf-8 {
+Copyright © 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce, et. al.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA}]
+## Tcl/Tk sanity check
+if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.4} err]
+ || [catch {package require Tk 8.4} err]
+} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
+ -message $err
+ exit 1
+catch {rename send {}} ; # What an evil concept...
+## locate our library
+set oguilib {@@GITGUI_LIBDIR@@}
+set oguirel {@@GITGUI_RELATIVE@@}
+if {$oguirel eq {1}} {
+ set oguilib [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
+ set oguilib [file join $oguilib share git-gui lib]
+ set oguimsg [file join $oguilib msgs]
+} elseif {[string match @@* $oguirel]} {
+ set oguilib [file join [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] lib]
+ set oguimsg [file join [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] po]
+} else {
+ set oguimsg [file join $oguilib msgs]
+unset oguirel
+## enable verbose loading?
+if {![catch {set _verbose $env(GITGUI_VERBOSE)}]} {
+ unset _verbose
+ rename auto_load real__auto_load
+ proc auto_load {name args} {
+ puts stderr "auto_load $name"
+ return [uplevel 1 real__auto_load $name $args]
+ }
+ rename source real__source
+ proc source {name} {
+ puts stderr "source $name"
+ uplevel 1 real__source $name
+ }
+## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
+## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html
+package require msgcat
+proc _mc_trim {fmt} {
+ set cmk [string first @@ $fmt]
+ if {$cmk > 0} {
+ return [string range $fmt 0 [expr {$cmk - 1}]]
+ }
+ return $fmt
+proc mc {en_fmt args} {
+ set fmt [_mc_trim [::msgcat::mc $en_fmt]]
+ if {[catch {set msg [eval [list format $fmt] $args]} err]} {
+ set msg [eval [list format [_mc_trim $en_fmt]] $args]
+ }
+ return $msg
+proc strcat {args} {
+ return [join $args {}]
+::msgcat::mcload $oguimsg
+unset oguimsg
+## read only globals
+set _appname {Git Gui}
+set _gitdir {}
+set _gitexec {}
+set _reponame {}
+set _iscygwin {}
+set _search_path {}
+proc appname {} {
+ global _appname
+ return $_appname
+proc gitdir {args} {
+ global _gitdir
+ if {$args eq {}} {
+ return $_gitdir
+ }
+ return [eval [list file join $_gitdir] $args]
+proc gitexec {args} {
+ global _gitexec
+ if {$_gitexec eq {}} {
+ if {[catch {set _gitexec [git --exec-path]} err]} {
+ error "Git not installed?\n\n$err"
+ }
+ if {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ set _gitexec [exec cygpath \
+ --windows \
+ --absolute \
+ $_gitexec]
+ } else {
+ set _gitexec [file normalize $_gitexec]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$args eq {}} {
+ return $_gitexec
+ }
+ return [eval [list file join $_gitexec] $args]
+proc reponame {} {
+ return $::_reponame
+proc is_MacOSX {} {
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+proc is_Windows {} {
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+proc is_Cygwin {} {
+ global _iscygwin
+ if {$_iscygwin eq {}} {
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
+ if {[catch {set p [exec cygpath --windir]} err]} {
+ set _iscygwin 0
+ } else {
+ set _iscygwin 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ set _iscygwin 0
+ }
+ }
+ return $_iscygwin
+proc is_enabled {option} {
+ global enabled_options
+ if {[catch {set on $enabled_options($option)}]} {return 0}
+ return $on
+proc enable_option {option} {
+ global enabled_options
+ set enabled_options($option) 1
+proc disable_option {option} {
+ global enabled_options
+ set enabled_options($option) 0
+## config
+proc is_many_config {name} {
+ switch -glob -- $name {
+ gui.recentrepo -
+ remote.*.fetch -
+ remote.*.push
+ {return 1}
+ *
+ {return 0}
+ }
+proc is_config_true {name} {
+ global repo_config
+ if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
+ return 0
+ } elseif {$v eq {true} || $v eq {1} || $v eq {yes}} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+proc get_config {name} {
+ global repo_config
+ if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
+ return {}
+ } else {
+ return $v
+ }
+## handy utils
+proc _git_cmd {name} {
+ global _git_cmd_path
+ if {[catch {set v $_git_cmd_path($name)}]} {
+ switch -- $name {
+ version -
+ --version -
+ --exec-path { return [list $::_git $name] }
+ }
+ set p [gitexec git-$name$::_search_exe]
+ if {[file exists $p]} {
+ set v [list $p]
+ } elseif {[is_Windows] && [file exists [gitexec git-$name]]} {
+ # Try to determine what sort of magic will make
+ # git-$name go and do its thing, because native
+ # Tcl on Windows doesn't know it.
+ #
+ set p [gitexec git-$name]
+ set f [open $p r]
+ set s [gets $f]
+ close $f
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
+ #!*sh { set i sh }
+ #!*perl { set i perl }
+ #!*python { set i python }
+ default { error "git-$name is not supported: $s" }
+ }
+ upvar #0 _$i interp
+ if {![info exists interp]} {
+ set interp [_which $i]
+ }
+ if {$interp eq {}} {
+ error "git-$name requires $i (not in PATH)"
+ }
+ set v [concat [list $interp] [lrange $s 1 end] [list $p]]
+ } else {
+ # Assume it is builtin to git somehow and we
+ # aren't actually able to see a file for it.
+ #
+ set v [list $::_git $name]
+ }
+ set _git_cmd_path($name) $v
+ }
+ return $v
+proc _which {what} {
+ global env _search_exe _search_path
+ if {$_search_path eq {}} {
+ if {[is_Cygwin] && [regexp {^(/|\.:)} $env(PATH)]} {
+ set _search_path [split [exec cygpath \
+ --windows \
+ --path \
+ --absolute \
+ $env(PATH)] {;}]
+ set _search_exe .exe
+ } elseif {[is_Windows]} {
+ set gitguidir [file dirname [info script]]
+ regsub -all ";" $gitguidir "\\;" gitguidir
+ set env(PATH) "$gitguidir;$env(PATH)"
+ set _search_path [split $env(PATH) {;}]
+ set _search_exe .exe
+ } else {
+ set _search_path [split $env(PATH) :]
+ set _search_exe {}
+ }
+ }
+ foreach p $_search_path {
+ set p [file join $p $what$_search_exe]
+ if {[file exists $p]} {
+ return [file normalize $p]
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+proc _lappend_nice {cmd_var} {
+ global _nice
+ upvar $cmd_var cmd
+ if {![info exists _nice]} {
+ set _nice [_which nice]
+ }
+ if {$_nice ne {}} {
+ lappend cmd $_nice
+ }
+proc git {args} {
+ set opt [list exec]
+ while {1} {
+ switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ --nice {
+ _lappend_nice opt
+ }
+ default {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ set cmdp [_git_cmd [lindex $args 0]]
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ return [eval $opt $cmdp $args]
+proc _open_stdout_stderr {cmd} {
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [open $cmd r]
+ } err]} {
+ if { [lindex $cmd end] eq {2>@1}
+ && $err eq {can not find channel named "1"}
+ } {
+ # Older versions of Tcl 8.4 don't have this 2>@1 IO
+ # redirect operator. Fallback to |& cat for those.
+ # The command was not actually started, so its safe
+ # to try to start it a second time.
+ #
+ set fd [open [concat \
+ [lrange $cmd 0 end-1] \
+ [list |& cat] \
+ ] r]
+ } else {
+ error $err
+ }
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
+ return $fd
+proc git_read {args} {
+ set opt [list |]
+ while {1} {
+ switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ --nice {
+ _lappend_nice opt
+ }
+ --stderr {
+ lappend args 2>@1
+ }
+ default {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ set cmdp [_git_cmd [lindex $args 0]]
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ return [_open_stdout_stderr [concat $opt $cmdp $args]]
+proc git_write {args} {
+ set opt [list |]
+ while {1} {
+ switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
+ --nice {
+ _lappend_nice opt
+ }
+ default {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ set cmdp [_git_cmd [lindex $args 0]]
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ return [open [concat $opt $cmdp $args] w]
+proc githook_read {hook_name args} {
+ set pchook [gitdir hooks $hook_name]
+ lappend args 2>@1
+ # On Cygwin [file executable] might lie so we need to ask
+ # the shell if the hook is executable. Yes that's annoying.
+ #
+ if {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ upvar #0 _sh interp
+ if {![info exists interp]} {
+ set interp [_which sh]
+ }
+ if {$interp eq {}} {
+ error "hook execution requires sh (not in PATH)"
+ }
+ set scr {if test -x "$1";then exec "$@";fi}
+ set sh_c [list | $interp -c $scr $interp $pchook]
+ return [_open_stdout_stderr [concat $sh_c $args]]
+ }
+ if {[file executable $pchook]} {
+ return [_open_stdout_stderr [concat [list | $pchook] $args]]
+ }
+ return {}
+proc sq {value} {
+ regsub -all ' $value "'\\''" value
+ return "'$value'"
+proc load_current_branch {} {
+ global current_branch is_detached
+ set fd [open [gitdir HEAD] r]
+ if {[gets $fd ref] < 1} {
+ set ref {}
+ }
+ close $fd
+ set pfx {ref: refs/heads/}
+ set len [string length $pfx]
+ if {[string equal -length $len $pfx $ref]} {
+ # We're on a branch. It might not exist. But
+ # HEAD looks good enough to be a branch.
+ #
+ set current_branch [string range $ref $len end]
+ set is_detached 0
+ } else {
+ # Assume this is a detached head.
+ #
+ set current_branch HEAD
+ set is_detached 1
+ }
+auto_load tk_optionMenu
+rename tk_optionMenu real__tkOptionMenu
+proc tk_optionMenu {w varName args} {
+ set m [eval real__tkOptionMenu $w $varName $args]
+ $m configure -font font_ui
+ $w configure -font font_ui
+ return $m
+proc rmsel_tag {text} {
+ $text tag conf sel \
+ -background [$text cget -background] \
+ -foreground [$text cget -foreground] \
+ -borderwidth 0
+ $text tag conf in_sel -background lightgray
+ bind $text <Motion> break
+ return $text
+set root_exists 0
+bind . <Visibility> {
+ bind . <Visibility> {}
+ set root_exists 1
+if {[is_Windows]} {
+ wm iconbitmap . -default $oguilib/git-gui.ico
+## config defaults
+set cursor_ptr arrow
+font create font_diff -family Courier -size 10
+font create font_ui
+catch {
+ label .dummy
+ eval font configure font_ui [font actual [.dummy cget -font]]
+ destroy .dummy
+font create font_uiitalic
+font create font_uibold
+font create font_diffbold
+font create font_diffitalic
+foreach class {Button Checkbutton Entry Label
+ Labelframe Listbox Menu Message
+ Radiobutton Spinbox Text} {
+ option add *$class.font font_ui
+unset class
+if {[is_Windows] || [is_MacOSX]} {
+ option add *Menu.tearOff 0
+if {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ set M1B M1
+ set M1T Cmd
+} else {
+ set M1B Control
+ set M1T Ctrl
+proc bind_button3 {w cmd} {
+ bind $w <Any-Button-3> $cmd
+ if {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ # Mac OS X sends Button-2 on right click through three-button mouse,
+ # or through trackpad right-clicking (two-finger touch + click).
+ bind $w <Any-Button-2> $cmd
+ bind $w <Control-Button-1> $cmd
+ }
+proc apply_config {} {
+ global repo_config font_descs
+ foreach option $font_descs {
+ set name [lindex $option 0]
+ set font [lindex $option 1]
+ if {[catch {
+ set need_weight 1
+ foreach {cn cv} $repo_config(gui.$name) {
+ if {$cn eq {-weight}} {
+ set need_weight 0
+ }
+ font configure $font $cn $cv
+ }
+ if {$need_weight} {
+ font configure $font -weight normal
+ }
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Invalid font specified in %s:" "gui.$name"] "\n\n$err"]
+ }
+ foreach {cn cv} [font configure $font] {
+ font configure ${font}bold $cn $cv
+ font configure ${font}italic $cn $cv
+ }
+ font configure ${font}bold -weight bold
+ font configure ${font}italic -slant italic
+ }
+set default_config(merge.diffstat) true
+set default_config(merge.summary) false
+set default_config(merge.verbosity) 2
+set default_config(user.name) {}
+set default_config(user.email) {}
+set default_config(gui.matchtrackingbranch) false
+set default_config(gui.pruneduringfetch) false
+set default_config(gui.trustmtime) false
+set default_config(gui.diffcontext) 5
+set default_config(gui.newbranchtemplate) {}
++set default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) {}
+set default_config(gui.fontui) [font configure font_ui]
+set default_config(gui.fontdiff) [font configure font_diff]
+set font_descs {
+ {fontui font_ui {mc "Main Font"}}
+ {fontdiff font_diff {mc "Diff/Console Font"}}
+## find git
+set _git [_which git]
+if {$_git eq {}} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
+ -message [mc "Cannot find git in PATH."]
+ exit 1
+## version check
+if {[catch {set _git_version [git --version]} err]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
+ -message "Cannot determine Git version:
+[appname] requires Git 1.5.0 or later."
+ exit 1
+if {![regsub {^git version } $_git_version {} _git_version]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
+ -message [strcat [mc "Cannot parse Git version string:"] "\n\n$_git_version"]
+ exit 1
+set _real_git_version $_git_version
+regsub -- {-dirty$} $_git_version {} _git_version
+regsub {\.[0-9]+\.g[0-9a-f]+$} $_git_version {} _git_version
+regsub {\.rc[0-9]+$} $_git_version {} _git_version
+regsub {\.GIT$} $_git_version {} _git_version
+regsub {\.[a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9]+$} $_git_version {} _git_version
+if {![regexp {^[1-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+$} $_git_version]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ if {[tk_messageBox \
+ -icon warning \
+ -type yesno \
+ -default no \
+ -title "[appname]: warning" \
+ -message [mc "Git version cannot be determined.
+%s claims it is version '%s'.
+%s requires at least Git 1.5.0 or later.
+Assume '%s' is version 1.5.0?
+" $_git $_real_git_version [appname] $_real_git_version]] eq {yes}} {
+ set _git_version 1.5.0
+ } else {
+ exit 1
+ }
+unset _real_git_version
+proc git-version {args} {
+ global _git_version
+ switch [llength $args] {
+ 0 {
+ return $_git_version
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set op [lindex $args 0]
+ set vr [lindex $args 1]
+ set cm [package vcompare $_git_version $vr]
+ return [expr $cm $op 0]
+ }
+ 4 {
+ set type [lindex $args 0]
+ set name [lindex $args 1]
+ set parm [lindex $args 2]
+ set body [lindex $args 3]
+ if {($type ne {proc} && $type ne {method})} {
+ error "Invalid arguments to git-version"
+ }
+ if {[llength $body] < 2 || [lindex $body end-1] ne {default}} {
+ error "Last arm of $type $name must be default"
+ }
+ foreach {op vr cb} [lrange $body 0 end-2] {
+ if {[git-version $op $vr]} {
+ return [uplevel [list $type $name $parm $cb]]
+ }
+ }
+ return [uplevel [list $type $name $parm [lindex $body end]]]
+ }
+ default {
+ error "git-version >= x"
+ }
+ }
+if {[git-version < 1.5]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
+ -message "[appname] requires Git 1.5.0 or later.
+You are using [git-version]:
+[git --version]"
+ exit 1
+## configure our library
+set idx [file join $oguilib tclIndex]
+if {[catch {set fd [open $idx r]} err]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "git-gui: fatal error"] \
+ -message $err
+ exit 1
+if {[gets $fd] eq {# Autogenerated by git-gui Makefile}} {
+ set idx [list]
+ while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
+ if {$n ne {} && ![string match #* $n]} {
+ lappend idx $n
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ set idx {}
+close $fd
+if {$idx ne {}} {
+ set loaded [list]
+ foreach p $idx {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $loaded $p] >= 0} continue
+ source [file join $oguilib $p]
+ lappend loaded $p
+ }
+ unset loaded p
+} else {
+ set auto_path [concat [list $oguilib] $auto_path]
+unset -nocomplain idx fd
+## config file parsing
+git-version proc _parse_config {arr_name args} {
+ >= 1.5.3 {
+ upvar $arr_name arr
+ array unset arr
+ set buf {}
+ catch {
+ set fd_rc [eval \
+ [list git_read config] \
+ $args \
+ [list --null --list]]
+ fconfigure $fd_rc -translation binary
+ set buf [read $fd_rc]
+ close $fd_rc
+ }
+ foreach line [split $buf "\0"] {
+ if {[regexp {^([^\n]+)\n(.*)$} $line line name value]} {
+ if {[is_many_config $name]} {
+ lappend arr($name) $value
+ } else {
+ set arr($name) $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ upvar $arr_name arr
+ array unset arr
+ catch {
+ set fd_rc [eval [list git_read config --list] $args]
+ while {[gets $fd_rc line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^([^=]+)=(.*)$} $line line name value]} {
+ if {[is_many_config $name]} {
+ lappend arr($name) $value
+ } else {
+ set arr($name) $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd_rc
+ }
+ }
+proc load_config {include_global} {
+ global repo_config global_config default_config
+ if {$include_global} {
+ _parse_config global_config --global
+ }
+ _parse_config repo_config
+ foreach name [array names default_config] {
+ if {[catch {set v $global_config($name)}]} {
+ set global_config($name) $default_config($name)
+ }
+ if {[catch {set v $repo_config($name)}]} {
+ set repo_config($name) $default_config($name)
+ }
+ }
+## feature option selection
+if {[regexp {^git-(.+)$} [file tail $argv0] _junk subcommand]} {
+ unset _junk
+} else {
+ set subcommand gui
+if {$subcommand eq {gui.sh}} {
+ set subcommand gui
+if {$subcommand eq {gui} && [llength $argv] > 0} {
+ set subcommand [lindex $argv 0]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+enable_option multicommit
+enable_option branch
+enable_option transport
+disable_option bare
+switch -- $subcommand {
+browser -
+blame {
+ enable_option bare
+ disable_option multicommit
+ disable_option branch
+ disable_option transport
+citool {
+ enable_option singlecommit
+ disable_option multicommit
+ disable_option branch
+ disable_option transport
+## repository setup
+if {[catch {
+ set _gitdir $env(GIT_DIR)
+ set _prefix {}
+ }]
+ && [catch {
+ set _gitdir [git rev-parse --git-dir]
+ set _prefix [git rev-parse --show-prefix]
+ } err]} {
+ load_config 1
+ apply_config
+ choose_repository::pick
+if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir] && [is_Cygwin]} {
+ catch {set _gitdir [exec cygpath --windows $_gitdir]}
+if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Git directory not found:"] "\n\n$_gitdir"]
+ exit 1
+if {$_prefix ne {}} {
+ regsub -all {[^/]+/} $_prefix ../ cdup
+ if {[catch {cd $cdup} err]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot move to top of working directory:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ exit 1
+ }
+ unset cdup
+} elseif {![is_enabled bare]} {
+ if {[lindex [file split $_gitdir] end] ne {.git}} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot use funny .git directory:"] "\n\n$_gitdir"]
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if {[catch {cd [file dirname $_gitdir]} err]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "No working directory"] " [file dirname $_gitdir]:\n\n$err"]
+ exit 1
+ }
+set _reponame [file split [file normalize $_gitdir]]
+if {[lindex $_reponame end] eq {.git}} {
+ set _reponame [lindex $_reponame end-1]
+} else {
+ set _reponame [lindex $_reponame end]
+## global init
+set current_diff_path {}
+set current_diff_side {}
+set diff_actions [list]
+set HEAD {}
+set PARENT {}
+set MERGE_HEAD [list]
+set commit_type {}
+set empty_tree {}
+set current_branch {}
+set is_detached 0
+set current_diff_path {}
+set is_3way_diff 0
+set selected_commit_type new
+## task management
+set rescan_active 0
+set diff_active 0
+set last_clicked {}
+set disable_on_lock [list]
+set index_lock_type none
+proc lock_index {type} {
+ global index_lock_type disable_on_lock
+ if {$index_lock_type eq {none}} {
+ set index_lock_type $type
+ foreach w $disable_on_lock {
+ uplevel #0 $w disabled
+ }
+ return 1
+ } elseif {$index_lock_type eq "begin-$type"} {
+ set index_lock_type $type
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+proc unlock_index {} {
+ global index_lock_type disable_on_lock
+ set index_lock_type none
+ foreach w $disable_on_lock {
+ uplevel #0 $w normal
+ }
+## status
+proc repository_state {ctvar hdvar mhvar} {
+ global current_branch
+ upvar $ctvar ct $hdvar hd $mhvar mh
+ set mh [list]
+ load_current_branch
+ if {[catch {set hd [git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
+ set hd {}
+ set ct initial
+ return
+ }
+ set merge_head [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]
+ if {[file exists $merge_head]} {
+ set ct merge
+ set fd_mh [open $merge_head r]
+ while {[gets $fd_mh line] >= 0} {
+ lappend mh $line
+ }
+ close $fd_mh
+ return
+ }
+ set ct normal
+proc PARENT {} {
+ global PARENT empty_tree
+ set p [lindex $PARENT 0]
+ if {$p ne {}} {
+ return $p
+ }
+ if {$empty_tree eq {}} {
+ set empty_tree [git mktree << {}]
+ }
+ return $empty_tree
+proc rescan {after {honor_trustmtime 1}} {
+ global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
+ global ui_index ui_workdir ui_comm
+ global rescan_active file_states
+ global repo_config
+ if {$rescan_active > 0 || ![lock_index read]} return
+ repository_state newType newHEAD newMERGE_HEAD
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
+ && $newType eq {normal}
+ && $newHEAD eq $HEAD} {
+ } else {
+ set HEAD $newHEAD
+ set PARENT $newHEAD
+ set commit_type $newType
+ }
+ array unset file_states
+ if {!$::GITGUI_BCK_exists &&
+ (![$ui_comm edit modified]
+ || [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]] eq {})} {
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ } elseif {[load_message GITGUI_MSG]} {
+ } elseif {[load_message MERGE_MSG]} {
+ } elseif {[load_message SQUASH_MSG]} {
+ }
+ $ui_comm edit reset
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ }
+ if {$honor_trustmtime && $repo_config(gui.trustmtime) eq {true}} {
+ rescan_stage2 {} $after
+ } else {
+ set rescan_active 1
+ ui_status [mc "Refreshing file status..."]
+ set fd_rf [git_read update-index \
+ -q \
+ --unmerged \
+ --ignore-missing \
+ --refresh \
+ ]
+ fconfigure $fd_rf -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd_rf readable \
+ [list rescan_stage2 $fd_rf $after]
+ }
+if {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ set is_git_info_link {}
+ set is_git_info_exclude {}
+ proc have_info_exclude {} {
+ global is_git_info_link is_git_info_exclude
+ if {$is_git_info_link eq {}} {
+ set is_git_info_link [file isfile [gitdir info.lnk]]
+ }
+ if {$is_git_info_link} {
+ if {$is_git_info_exclude eq {}} {
+ if {[catch {exec test -f [gitdir info exclude]}]} {
+ set is_git_info_exclude 0
+ } else {
+ set is_git_info_exclude 1
+ }
+ }
+ return $is_git_info_exclude
+ } else {
+ return [file readable [gitdir info exclude]]
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ proc have_info_exclude {} {
+ return [file readable [gitdir info exclude]]
+ }
+proc rescan_stage2 {fd after} {
+ global rescan_active buf_rdi buf_rdf buf_rlo
+ if {$fd ne {}} {
+ read $fd
+ if {![eof $fd]} return
+ close $fd
+ }
+ set ls_others [list --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore]
+ if {[have_info_exclude]} {
+ lappend ls_others "--exclude-from=[gitdir info exclude]"
+ }
+ set user_exclude [get_config core.excludesfile]
+ if {$user_exclude ne {} && [file readable $user_exclude]} {
+ lappend ls_others "--exclude-from=$user_exclude"
+ }
+ set buf_rdi {}
+ set buf_rdf {}
+ set buf_rlo {}
+ set rescan_active 3
+ ui_status [mc "Scanning for modified files ..."]
+ set fd_di [git_read diff-index --cached -z [PARENT]]
+ set fd_df [git_read diff-files -z]
+ set fd_lo [eval git_read ls-files --others -z $ls_others]
+ fconfigure $fd_di -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fconfigure $fd_df -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fconfigure $fd_lo -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+ fileevent $fd_di readable [list read_diff_index $fd_di $after]
+ fileevent $fd_df readable [list read_diff_files $fd_df $after]
+ fileevent $fd_lo readable [list read_ls_others $fd_lo $after]
+proc load_message {file} {
+ global ui_comm
+ set f [gitdir $file]
+ if {[file isfile $f]} {
+ if {[catch {set fd [open $f r]}]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
+ set content [string trim [read $fd]]
+ close $fd
+ regsub -all -line {[ \r\t]+$} $content {} content
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm insert end $content
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+proc read_diff_index {fd after} {
+ global buf_rdi
+ append buf_rdi [read $fd]
+ set c 0
+ set n [string length $buf_rdi]
+ while {$c < $n} {
+ set z1 [string first "\0" $buf_rdi $c]
+ if {$z1 == -1} break
+ incr z1
+ set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdi $z1]
+ if {$z2 == -1} break
+ incr c
+ set i [split [string range $buf_rdi $c [expr {$z1 - 2}]] { }]
+ set p [string range $buf_rdi $z1 [expr {$z2 - 1}]]
+ merge_state \
+ [encoding convertfrom $p] \
+ [lindex $i 4]? \
+ [list [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 2]] \
+ [list]
+ set c $z2
+ incr c
+ }
+ if {$c < $n} {
+ set buf_rdi [string range $buf_rdi $c end]
+ } else {
+ set buf_rdi {}
+ }
+ rescan_done $fd buf_rdi $after
+proc read_diff_files {fd after} {
+ global buf_rdf
+ append buf_rdf [read $fd]
+ set c 0
+ set n [string length $buf_rdf]
+ while {$c < $n} {
+ set z1 [string first "\0" $buf_rdf $c]
+ if {$z1 == -1} break
+ incr z1
+ set z2 [string first "\0" $buf_rdf $z1]
+ if {$z2 == -1} break
+ incr c
+ set i [split [string range $buf_rdf $c [expr {$z1 - 2}]] { }]
+ set p [string range $buf_rdf $z1 [expr {$z2 - 1}]]
+ merge_state \
+ [encoding convertfrom $p] \
+ ?[lindex $i 4] \
+ [list] \
+ [list [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 2]]
+ set c $z2
+ incr c
+ }
+ if {$c < $n} {
+ set buf_rdf [string range $buf_rdf $c end]
+ } else {
+ set buf_rdf {}
+ }
+ rescan_done $fd buf_rdf $after
+proc read_ls_others {fd after} {
+ global buf_rlo
+ append buf_rlo [read $fd]
+ set pck [split $buf_rlo "\0"]
+ set buf_rlo [lindex $pck end]
+ foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
+ set p [encoding convertfrom $p]
+ if {[string index $p end] eq {/}} {
+ set p [string range $p 0 end-1]
+ }
+ merge_state $p ?O
+ }
+ rescan_done $fd buf_rlo $after
+proc rescan_done {fd buf after} {
+ global rescan_active current_diff_path
+ global file_states repo_config
+ upvar $buf to_clear
+ if {![eof $fd]} return
+ set to_clear {}
+ close $fd
+ if {[incr rescan_active -1] > 0} return
+ prune_selection
+ unlock_index
+ display_all_files
+ if {$current_diff_path ne {}} reshow_diff
+ uplevel #0 $after
+proc prune_selection {} {
+ global file_states selected_paths
+ foreach path [array names selected_paths] {
+ if {[catch {set still_here $file_states($path)}]} {
+ unset selected_paths($path)
+ }
+ }
+## ui helpers
+proc mapicon {w state path} {
+ global all_icons
+ if {[catch {set r $all_icons($state$w)}]} {
+ puts "error: no icon for $w state={$state} $path"
+ return file_plain
+ }
+ return $r
+proc mapdesc {state path} {
+ global all_descs
+ if {[catch {set r $all_descs($state)}]} {
+ puts "error: no desc for state={$state} $path"
+ return $state
+ }
+ return $r
+proc ui_status {msg} {
+ global main_status
+ if {[info exists main_status]} {
+ $main_status show $msg
+ }
+proc ui_ready {{test {}}} {
+ global main_status
+ if {[info exists main_status]} {
+ $main_status show [mc "Ready."] $test
+ }
+proc escape_path {path} {
+ regsub -all {\\} $path "\\\\" path
+ regsub -all "\n" $path "\\n" path
+ return $path
+proc short_path {path} {
+ return [escape_path [lindex [file split $path] end]]
+set next_icon_id 0
+set null_sha1 [string repeat 0 40]
+proc merge_state {path new_state {head_info {}} {index_info {}}} {
+ global file_states next_icon_id null_sha1
+ set s0 [string index $new_state 0]
+ set s1 [string index $new_state 1]
+ if {[catch {set info $file_states($path)}]} {
+ set state __
+ set icon n[incr next_icon_id]
+ } else {
+ set state [lindex $info 0]
+ set icon [lindex $info 1]
+ if {$head_info eq {}} {set head_info [lindex $info 2]}
+ if {$index_info eq {}} {set index_info [lindex $info 3]}
+ }
+ if {$s0 eq {?}} {set s0 [string index $state 0]} \
+ elseif {$s0 eq {_}} {set s0 _}
+ if {$s1 eq {?}} {set s1 [string index $state 1]} \
+ elseif {$s1 eq {_}} {set s1 _}
+ if {$s0 eq {A} && $s1 eq {_} && $head_info eq {}} {
+ set head_info [list 0 $null_sha1]
+ } elseif {$s0 ne {_} && [string index $state 0] eq {_}
+ && $head_info eq {}} {
+ set head_info $index_info
+ }
+ set file_states($path) [list $s0$s1 $icon \
+ $head_info $index_info \
+ ]
+ return $state
+proc display_file_helper {w path icon_name old_m new_m} {
+ global file_lists
+ if {$new_m eq {_}} {
+ set lno [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($w) $path]
+ if {$lno >= 0} {
+ set file_lists($w) [lreplace $file_lists($w) $lno $lno]
+ incr lno
+ $w conf -state normal
+ $w delete $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
+ $w conf -state disabled
+ }
+ } elseif {$old_m eq {_} && $new_m ne {_}} {
+ lappend file_lists($w) $path
+ set file_lists($w) [lsort -unique $file_lists($w)]
+ set lno [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($w) $path]
+ incr lno
+ $w conf -state normal
+ $w image create $lno.0 \
+ -align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
+ -name $icon_name \
+ -image [mapicon $w $new_m $path]
+ $w insert $lno.1 "[escape_path $path]\n"
+ $w conf -state disabled
+ } elseif {$old_m ne $new_m} {
+ $w conf -state normal
+ $w image conf $icon_name -image [mapicon $w $new_m $path]
+ $w conf -state disabled
+ }
+proc display_file {path state} {
+ global file_states selected_paths
+ global ui_index ui_workdir
+ set old_m [merge_state $path $state]
+ set s $file_states($path)
+ set new_m [lindex $s 0]
+ set icon_name [lindex $s 1]
+ set o [string index $old_m 0]
+ set n [string index $new_m 0]
+ if {$o eq {U}} {
+ set o _
+ }
+ if {$n eq {U}} {
+ set n _
+ }
+ display_file_helper $ui_index $path $icon_name $o $n
+ if {[string index $old_m 0] eq {U}} {
+ set o U
+ } else {
+ set o [string index $old_m 1]
+ }
+ if {[string index $new_m 0] eq {U}} {
+ set n U
+ } else {
+ set n [string index $new_m 1]
+ }
+ display_file_helper $ui_workdir $path $icon_name $o $n
+ if {$new_m eq {__}} {
+ unset file_states($path)
+ catch {unset selected_paths($path)}
+ }
+proc display_all_files_helper {w path icon_name m} {
+ global file_lists
+ lappend file_lists($w) $path
+ set lno [expr {[lindex [split [$w index end] .] 0] - 1}]
+ $w image create end \
+ -align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
+ -name $icon_name \
+ -image [mapicon $w $m $path]
+ $w insert end "[escape_path $path]\n"
+proc display_all_files {} {
+ global ui_index ui_workdir
+ global file_states file_lists
+ global last_clicked
+ $ui_index conf -state normal
+ $ui_workdir conf -state normal
+ $ui_index delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_workdir delete 0.0 end
+ set last_clicked {}
+ set file_lists($ui_index) [list]
+ set file_lists($ui_workdir) [list]
+ foreach path [lsort [array names file_states]] {
+ set s $file_states($path)
+ set m [lindex $s 0]
+ set icon_name [lindex $s 1]
+ set s [string index $m 0]
+ if {$s ne {U} && $s ne {_}} {
+ display_all_files_helper $ui_index $path \
+ $icon_name $s
+ }
+ if {[string index $m 0] eq {U}} {
+ set s U
+ } else {
+ set s [string index $m 1]
+ }
+ if {$s ne {_}} {
+ display_all_files_helper $ui_workdir $path \
+ $icon_name $s
+ }
+ }
+ $ui_index conf -state disabled
+ $ui_workdir conf -state disabled
+## icons
+set filemask {
+#define mask_width 14
+#define mask_height 15
+static unsigned char mask_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f,
+ 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f,
+ 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+image create bitmap file_plain -background white -foreground black -data {
+#define plain_width 14
+#define plain_height 15
+static unsigned char plain_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_mod -background white -foreground blue -data {
+#define mod_width 14
+#define mod_height 15
+static unsigned char mod_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x7a, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x7a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_fulltick -background white -foreground "#007000" -data {
+#define file_fulltick_width 14
+#define file_fulltick_height 15
+static unsigned char file_fulltick_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x02, 0x16, 0x02, 0x16,
+ 0x02, 0x13, 0x00, 0x13, 0x86, 0x11, 0x8c, 0x11, 0xd8, 0x10, 0xf2, 0x10,
+ 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_parttick -background white -foreground "#005050" -data {
+#define parttick_width 14
+#define parttick_height 15
+static unsigned char parttick_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x7a, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x7a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0x7a, 0x14, 0x02, 0x16, 0x02, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x11, 0xda, 0x10, 0x72, 0x10,
+ 0x22, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_question -background white -foreground black -data {
+#define file_question_width 14
+#define file_question_height 15
+static unsigned char file_question_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0xe2, 0x04, 0xf2, 0x09, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x0a, 0x13,
+ 0x82, 0x11, 0xc2, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10,
+ 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_removed -background white -foreground red -data {
+#define file_removed_width 14
+#define file_removed_height 15
+static unsigned char file_removed_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x05, 0x02, 0x09, 0x02, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0x1a, 0x16, 0x32, 0x13, 0xe2, 0x11, 0xc2, 0x10, 0xe2, 0x11, 0x32, 0x13,
+ 0x1a, 0x16, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+image create bitmap file_merge -background white -foreground blue -data {
+#define file_merge_width 14
+#define file_merge_height 15
+static unsigned char file_merge_bits[] = {
+ 0xfe, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x62, 0x05, 0x62, 0x09, 0x62, 0x1f, 0x62, 0x10,
+ 0xfa, 0x11, 0xf2, 0x10, 0x62, 0x10, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10,
+ 0xfa, 0x17, 0x02, 0x10, 0xfe, 0x1f};
+} -maskdata $filemask
+set ui_index .vpane.files.index.list
+set ui_workdir .vpane.files.workdir.list
+set all_icons(_$ui_index) file_plain
+set all_icons(A$ui_index) file_fulltick
+set all_icons(M$ui_index) file_fulltick
+set all_icons(D$ui_index) file_removed
+set all_icons(U$ui_index) file_merge
+set all_icons(_$ui_workdir) file_plain
+set all_icons(M$ui_workdir) file_mod
+set all_icons(D$ui_workdir) file_question
+set all_icons(U$ui_workdir) file_merge
+set all_icons(O$ui_workdir) file_plain
+set max_status_desc 0
+foreach i {
+ {__ {mc "Unmodified"}}
+ {_M {mc "Modified, not staged"}}
+ {M_ {mc "Staged for commit"}}
+ {MM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
+ {MD {mc "Staged for commit, missing"}}
+ {_O {mc "Untracked, not staged"}}
+ {A_ {mc "Staged for commit"}}
+ {AM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
+ {AD {mc "Staged for commit, missing"}}
+ {_D {mc "Missing"}}
+ {D_ {mc "Staged for removal"}}
+ {DO {mc "Staged for removal, still present"}}
+ {U_ {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
+ {UU {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
+ {UM {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
+ {UD {mc "Requires merge resolution"}}
+ } {
+ set text [eval [lindex $i 1]]
+ if {$max_status_desc < [string length $text]} {
+ set max_status_desc [string length $text]
+ }
+ set all_descs([lindex $i 0]) $text
+unset i
+## util
+proc scrollbar2many {list mode args} {
+ foreach w $list {eval $w $mode $args}
+proc many2scrollbar {list mode sb top bottom} {
+ $sb set $top $bottom
+ foreach w $list {$w $mode moveto $top}
+proc incr_font_size {font {amt 1}} {
+ set sz [font configure $font -size]
+ incr sz $amt
+ font configure $font -size $sz
+ font configure ${font}bold -size $sz
+ font configure ${font}italic -size $sz
+## ui commands
+set starting_gitk_msg [mc "Starting gitk... please wait..."]
+proc do_gitk {revs} {
+ # -- Always start gitk through whatever we were loaded with. This
+ # lets us bypass using shell process on Windows systems.
+ #
+ set exe [file join [file dirname $::_git] gitk]
+ set cmd [list [info nameofexecutable] $exe]
+ if {! [file exists $exe]} {
+ error_popup [mc "Unable to start gitk:\n\n%s does not exist" $exe]
+ } else {
+ global env
+ if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} {
+ set old_GIT_DIR $env(GIT_DIR)
+ } else {
+ set old_GIT_DIR {}
+ }
+ set pwd [pwd]
+ cd [file dirname [gitdir]]
+ set env(GIT_DIR) [file tail [gitdir]]
+ eval exec $cmd $revs &
+ if {$old_GIT_DIR eq {}} {
+ unset env(GIT_DIR)
+ } else {
+ set env(GIT_DIR) $old_GIT_DIR
+ }
+ cd $pwd
+ ui_status $::starting_gitk_msg
+ after 10000 {
+ ui_ready $starting_gitk_msg
+ }
+ }
+set is_quitting 0
+proc do_quit {} {
+ global ui_comm is_quitting repo_config commit_type
+ global GITGUI_BCK_exists GITGUI_BCK_i
++ global ui_comm_spell
+ if {$is_quitting} return
+ set is_quitting 1
+ if {[winfo exists $ui_comm]} {
+ # -- Stash our current commit buffer.
+ #
+ set save [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]
+ if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists && ![$ui_comm edit modified]} {
+ file rename -force [gitdir GITGUI_BCK] $save
+ set GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
+ } else {
+ set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]]
+ regsub -all -line {[ \r\t]+$} $msg {} msg
+ if {(![string match amend* $commit_type]
+ || [$ui_comm edit modified])
+ && $msg ne {}} {
+ catch {
+ set fd [open $save w]
+ puts -nonewline $fd $msg
+ close $fd
+ }
+ } else {
+ catch {file delete $save}
+ }
+ }
++ # -- Cancel our spellchecker if its running.
++ #
++ if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
++ $ui_comm_spell stop
++ }
+ # -- Remove our editor backup, its not needed.
+ #
+ after cancel $GITGUI_BCK_i
+ if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
+ }
+ # -- Stash our current window geometry into this repository.
+ #
+ set cfg_geometry [list]
+ lappend cfg_geometry [wm geometry .]
+ lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 0]
+ lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 1]
+ if {[catch {set rc_geometry $repo_config(gui.geometry)}]} {
+ set rc_geometry {}
+ }
+ if {$cfg_geometry ne $rc_geometry} {
+ catch {git config gui.geometry $cfg_geometry}
+ }
+ }
+ destroy .
+proc do_rescan {} {
+ rescan ui_ready
+proc do_commit {} {
+ commit_tree
+proc toggle_or_diff {w x y} {
+ global file_states file_lists current_diff_path ui_index ui_workdir
+ global last_clicked selected_paths
+ set pos [split [$w index @$x,$y] .]
+ set lno [lindex $pos 0]
+ set col [lindex $pos 1]
+ set path [lindex $file_lists($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]]
+ if {$path eq {}} {
+ set last_clicked {}
+ return
+ }
+ set last_clicked [list $w $lno]
+ array unset selected_paths
+ $ui_index tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
+ $ui_workdir tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
+ if {$col == 0} {
+ if {$current_diff_path eq $path} {
+ set after {reshow_diff;}
+ } else {
+ set after {}
+ }
+ if {$w eq $ui_index} {
+ update_indexinfo \
+ "Unstaging [short_path $path] from commit" \
+ [list $path] \
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
+ } elseif {$w eq $ui_workdir} {
+ update_index \
+ "Adding [short_path $path]" \
+ [list $path] \
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ show_diff $path $w $lno
+ }
+proc add_one_to_selection {w x y} {
+ global file_lists last_clicked selected_paths
+ set lno [lindex [split [$w index @$x,$y] .] 0]
+ set path [lindex $file_lists($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]]
+ if {$path eq {}} {
+ set last_clicked {}
+ return
+ }
+ if {$last_clicked ne {}
+ && [lindex $last_clicked 0] ne $w} {
+ array unset selected_paths
+ [lindex $last_clicked 0] tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
+ }
+ set last_clicked [list $w $lno]
+ if {[catch {set in_sel $selected_paths($path)}]} {
+ set in_sel 0
+ }
+ if {$in_sel} {
+ unset selected_paths($path)
+ $w tag remove in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
+ } else {
+ set selected_paths($path) 1
+ $w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
+ }
+proc add_range_to_selection {w x y} {
+ global file_lists last_clicked selected_paths
+ if {[lindex $last_clicked 0] ne $w} {
+ toggle_or_diff $w $x $y
+ return
+ }
+ set lno [lindex [split [$w index @$x,$y] .] 0]
+ set lc [lindex $last_clicked 1]
+ if {$lc < $lno} {
+ set begin $lc
+ set end $lno
+ } else {
+ set begin $lno
+ set end $lc
+ }
+ foreach path [lrange $file_lists($w) \
+ [expr {$begin - 1}] \
+ [expr {$end - 1}]] {
+ set selected_paths($path) 1
+ }
+ $w tag add in_sel $begin.0 [expr {$end + 1}].0
+## ui construction
+load_config 0
+set ui_comm {}
+# -- Menu Bar
+menu .mbar -tearoff 0
+.mbar add cascade -label [mc Repository] -menu .mbar.repository
+.mbar add cascade -label [mc Edit] -menu .mbar.edit
+if {[is_enabled branch]} {
+ .mbar add cascade -label [mc Branch] -menu .mbar.branch
+if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
+ .mbar add cascade -label [mc Commit@@noun] -menu .mbar.commit
+if {[is_enabled transport]} {
+ .mbar add cascade -label [mc Merge] -menu .mbar.merge
+ .mbar add cascade -label [mc Remote] -menu .mbar.remote
+. configure -menu .mbar
+# -- Repository Menu
+menu .mbar.repository
+.mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Browse Current Branch's Files"] \
+ -command {browser::new $current_branch}
+set ui_browse_current [.mbar.repository index last]
+.mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Browse Branch Files..."] \
+ -command browser_open::dialog
+.mbar.repository add separator
+.mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Visualize Current Branch's History"] \
+ -command {do_gitk $current_branch}
+set ui_visualize_current [.mbar.repository index last]
+.mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Visualize All Branch History"] \
+ -command {do_gitk --all}
+.mbar.repository add separator
+proc current_branch_write {args} {
+ global current_branch
+ .mbar.repository entryconf $::ui_browse_current \
+ -label [mc "Browse %s's Files" $current_branch]
+ .mbar.repository entryconf $::ui_visualize_current \
+ -label [mc "Visualize %s's History" $current_branch]
+trace add variable current_branch write current_branch_write
+if {[is_enabled multicommit]} {
+ .mbar.repository add command -label [mc "Database Statistics"] \
+ -command do_stats
+ .mbar.repository add command -label [mc "Compress Database"] \
+ -command do_gc
+ .mbar.repository add command -label [mc "Verify Database"] \
+ -command do_fsck_objects
+ .mbar.repository add separator
+ if {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ .mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Create Desktop Icon"] \
+ -command do_cygwin_shortcut
+ } elseif {[is_Windows]} {
+ .mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Create Desktop Icon"] \
+ -command do_windows_shortcut
+ } elseif {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ .mbar.repository add command \
+ -label [mc "Create Desktop Icon"] \
+ -command do_macosx_app
+ }
+.mbar.repository add command -label [mc Quit] \
+ -command do_quit \
+ -accelerator $M1T-Q
+# -- Edit Menu
+menu .mbar.edit
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Undo] \
+ -command {catch {[focus] edit undo}} \
+ -accelerator $M1T-Z
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Redo] \
+ -command {catch {[focus] edit redo}} \
+ -accelerator $M1T-Y
+.mbar.edit add separator
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Cut] \
+ -command {catch {tk_textCut [focus]}} \
+ -accelerator $M1T-X
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Copy] \
+ -command {catch {tk_textCopy [focus]}} \
+ -accelerator $M1T-C
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Paste] \
+ -command {catch {tk_textPaste [focus]; [focus] see insert}} \
+ -accelerator $M1T-V
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc Delete] \
+ -command {catch {[focus] delete sel.first sel.last}} \
+ -accelerator Del
+.mbar.edit add separator
+.mbar.edit add command -label [mc "Select All"] \
+ -command {catch {[focus] tag add sel 0.0 end}} \
+ -accelerator $M1T-A
+# -- Branch Menu
+if {[is_enabled branch]} {
+ menu .mbar.branch
+ .mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Create..."] \
+ -command branch_create::dialog \
+ -accelerator $M1T-N
+ lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
+ [.mbar.branch index last] -state]
+ .mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Checkout..."] \
+ -command branch_checkout::dialog \
+ -accelerator $M1T-O
+ lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
+ [.mbar.branch index last] -state]
+ .mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Rename..."] \
+ -command branch_rename::dialog
+ lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
+ [.mbar.branch index last] -state]
+ .mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Delete..."] \
+ -command branch_delete::dialog
+ lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
+ [.mbar.branch index last] -state]
+ .mbar.branch add command -label [mc "Reset..."] \
+ -command merge::reset_hard
+ lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
+ [.mbar.branch index last] -state]
+# -- Commit Menu
+if {[is_enabled multicommit] || [is_enabled singlecommit]} {
+ menu .mbar.commit
+ .mbar.commit add radiobutton \
+ -label [mc "New Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value new
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add radiobutton \
+ -label [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value amend
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add separator
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc Rescan] \
+ -command do_rescan \
+ -accelerator F5
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Stage To Commit"] \
+ -command do_add_selection \
+ -accelerator $M1T-T
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Stage Changed Files To Commit"] \
+ -command do_add_all \
+ -accelerator $M1T-I
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Unstage From Commit"] \
+ -command do_unstage_selection
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Revert Changes"] \
+ -command do_revert_selection
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+ .mbar.commit add separator
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc "Sign Off"] \
+ -command do_signoff \
+ -accelerator $M1T-S
+ .mbar.commit add command -label [mc Commit@@verb] \
+ -command do_commit \
+ -accelerator $M1T-Return
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+# -- Merge Menu
+if {[is_enabled branch]} {
+ menu .mbar.merge
+ .mbar.merge add command -label [mc "Local Merge..."] \
+ -command merge::dialog \
+ -accelerator $M1T-M
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
+ .mbar.merge add command -label [mc "Abort Merge..."] \
+ -command merge::reset_hard
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
+# -- Transport Menu
+if {[is_enabled transport]} {
+ menu .mbar.remote
+ .mbar.remote add command \
+ -label [mc "Push..."] \
+ -command do_push_anywhere \
+ -accelerator $M1T-P
+ .mbar.remote add command \
+ -label [mc "Delete..."] \
+ -command remote_branch_delete::dialog
+if {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ # -- Apple Menu (Mac OS X only)
+ #
+ .mbar add cascade -label [mc Apple] -menu .mbar.apple
+ menu .mbar.apple
+ .mbar.apple add command -label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
+ -command do_about
+ .mbar.apple add separator
+ .mbar.apple add command \
+ -label [mc "Preferences..."] \
+ -command do_options \
+ -accelerator $M1T-,
+ bind . <$M1B-,> do_options
+} else {
+ # -- Edit Menu
+ #
+ .mbar.edit add separator
+ .mbar.edit add command -label [mc "Options..."] \
+ -command do_options
+# -- Help Menu
+.mbar add cascade -label [mc Help] -menu .mbar.help
+menu .mbar.help
+if {![is_MacOSX]} {
+ .mbar.help add command -label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
+ -command do_about
+set browser {}
+catch {set browser $repo_config(instaweb.browser)}
+set doc_path [file dirname [gitexec]]
+set doc_path [file join $doc_path Documentation index.html]
+if {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ set doc_path [exec cygpath --mixed $doc_path]
+if {$browser eq {}} {
+ if {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ set browser open
+ } elseif {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ set program_files [file dirname [exec cygpath --windir]]
+ set program_files [file join $program_files {Program Files}]
+ set firefox [file join $program_files {Mozilla Firefox} firefox.exe]
+ set ie [file join $program_files {Internet Explorer} IEXPLORE.EXE]
+ if {[file exists $firefox]} {
+ set browser $firefox
+ } elseif {[file exists $ie]} {
+ set browser $ie
+ }
+ unset program_files firefox ie
+ }
+if {[file isfile $doc_path]} {
+ set doc_url "file:$doc_path"
+} else {
+ set doc_url {http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/}
+if {$browser ne {}} {
+ .mbar.help add command -label [mc "Online Documentation"] \
+ -command [list exec $browser $doc_url &]
+unset browser doc_path doc_url
+# -- Standard bindings
+wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW do_quit
+bind all <$M1B-Key-q> do_quit
+bind all <$M1B-Key-Q> do_quit
+bind all <$M1B-Key-w> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
+bind all <$M1B-Key-W> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
+set subcommand_args {}
+proc usage {} {
+ puts stderr "usage: $::argv0 $::subcommand $::subcommand_args"
+ exit 1
+# -- Not a normal commit type invocation? Do that instead!
+switch -- $subcommand {
+browser -
+blame {
+ set subcommand_args {rev? path}
+ if {$argv eq {}} usage
+ set head {}
+ set path {}
+ set is_path 0
+ foreach a $argv {
+ if {$is_path || [file exists $_prefix$a]} {
+ if {$path ne {}} usage
+ set path $_prefix$a
+ break
+ } elseif {$a eq {--}} {
+ if {$path ne {}} {
+ if {$head ne {}} usage
+ set head $path
+ set path {}
+ }
+ set is_path 1
+ } elseif {$head eq {}} {
+ if {$head ne {}} usage
+ set head $a
+ set is_path 1
+ } else {
+ usage
+ }
+ }
+ unset is_path
+ if {$head ne {} && $path eq {}} {
+ set path $_prefix$head
+ set head {}
+ }
+ if {$head eq {}} {
+ load_current_branch
+ } else {
+ if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{1,39}$} $head]} {
+ if {[catch {
+ set head [git rev-parse --verify $head]
+ } err]} {
+ puts stderr $err
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ set current_branch $head
+ }
+ switch -- $subcommand {
+ browser {
+ if {$head eq {}} {
+ if {$path ne {} && [file isdirectory $path]} {
+ set head $current_branch
+ } else {
+ set head $path
+ set path {}
+ }
+ }
+ browser::new $head $path
+ }
+ blame {
+ if {$head eq {} && ![file exists $path]} {
+ puts stderr [mc "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory" $path]
+ exit 1
+ }
+ blame::new $head $path
+ }
+ }
+ return
+citool -
+gui {
+ if {[llength $argv] != 0} {
+ puts -nonewline stderr "usage: $argv0"
+ if {$subcommand ne {gui}
+ && [file tail $argv0] ne "git-$subcommand"} {
+ puts -nonewline stderr " $subcommand"
+ }
+ puts stderr {}
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # fall through to setup UI for commits
+default {
+ puts stderr "usage: $argv0 \[{blame|browser|citool}\]"
+ exit 1
+# -- Branch Control
+frame .branch \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken
+label .branch.l1 \
+ -text [mc "Current Branch:"] \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+label .branch.cb \
+ -textvariable current_branch \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+pack .branch.l1 -side left
+pack .branch.cb -side left -fill x
+pack .branch -side top -fill x
+# -- Main Window Layout
+panedwindow .vpane -orient horizontal
+panedwindow .vpane.files -orient vertical
+.vpane add .vpane.files -sticky nsew -height 100 -width 200
+pack .vpane -anchor n -side top -fill both -expand 1
+# -- Index File List
+frame .vpane.files.index -height 100 -width 200
+label .vpane.files.index.title -text [mc "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"] \
+ -background lightgreen
+text $ui_index -background white -borderwidth 0 \
+ -width 20 -height 10 \
+ -wrap none \
+ -cursor $cursor_ptr \
+ -xscrollcommand {.vpane.files.index.sx set} \
+ -yscrollcommand {.vpane.files.index.sy set} \
+ -state disabled
+scrollbar .vpane.files.index.sx -orient h -command [list $ui_index xview]
+scrollbar .vpane.files.index.sy -orient v -command [list $ui_index yview]
+pack .vpane.files.index.title -side top -fill x
+pack .vpane.files.index.sx -side bottom -fill x
+pack .vpane.files.index.sy -side right -fill y
+pack $ui_index -side left -fill both -expand 1
+# -- Working Directory File List
+frame .vpane.files.workdir -height 100 -width 200
+label .vpane.files.workdir.title -text [mc "Unstaged Changes"] \
+ -background lightsalmon
+text $ui_workdir -background white -borderwidth 0 \
+ -width 20 -height 10 \
+ -wrap none \
+ -cursor $cursor_ptr \
+ -xscrollcommand {.vpane.files.workdir.sx set} \
+ -yscrollcommand {.vpane.files.workdir.sy set} \
+ -state disabled
+scrollbar .vpane.files.workdir.sx -orient h -command [list $ui_workdir xview]
+scrollbar .vpane.files.workdir.sy -orient v -command [list $ui_workdir yview]
+pack .vpane.files.workdir.title -side top -fill x
+pack .vpane.files.workdir.sx -side bottom -fill x
+pack .vpane.files.workdir.sy -side right -fill y
+pack $ui_workdir -side left -fill both -expand 1
+.vpane.files add .vpane.files.workdir -sticky nsew
+.vpane.files add .vpane.files.index -sticky nsew
+foreach i [list $ui_index $ui_workdir] {
+ rmsel_tag $i
+ $i tag conf in_diff -background [$i tag cget in_sel -background]
+unset i
+# -- Diff and Commit Area
+frame .vpane.lower -height 300 -width 400
+frame .vpane.lower.commarea
+frame .vpane.lower.diff -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
+pack .vpane.lower.diff -fill both -expand 1
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea -side bottom -fill x
+.vpane add .vpane.lower -sticky nsew
+# -- Commit Area Buttons
+frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons
+label .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -text {} \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -side top -fill x
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons -side left -fill y
+button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -text [mc Rescan] \
+ -command do_rescan
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -side top -fill x
+lappend disable_on_lock \
+ {.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan conf -state}
+button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -text [mc "Stage Changed"] \
+ -command do_add_all
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -side top -fill x
+lappend disable_on_lock \
+ {.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall conf -state}
+button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -text [mc "Sign Off"] \
+ -command do_signoff
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -side top -fill x
+button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -text [mc Commit@@verb] \
+ -command do_commit
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -side top -fill x
+lappend disable_on_lock \
+ {.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit conf -state}
+button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -text [mc Push] \
+ -command do_push_anywhere
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -side top -fill x
+# -- Commit Message Buffer
+frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer
+frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header
+set ui_comm .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.t
+set ui_coml .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.l
+radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new \
+ -text [mc "New Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value new
+lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new conf -state]
+radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
+ -text [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
+ -command do_select_commit_type \
+ -variable selected_commit_type \
+ -value amend
+lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend conf -state]
+label $ui_coml \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+proc trace_commit_type {varname args} {
+ global ui_coml commit_type
+ switch -glob -- $commit_type {
+ initial {set txt [mc "Initial Commit Message:"]}
+ amend {set txt [mc "Amended Commit Message:"]}
+ amend-initial {set txt [mc "Amended Initial Commit Message:"]}
+ amend-merge {set txt [mc "Amended Merge Commit Message:"]}
+ merge {set txt [mc "Merge Commit Message:"]}
+ * {set txt [mc "Commit Message:"]}
+ }
+ $ui_coml conf -text $txt
+trace add variable commit_type write trace_commit_type
+pack $ui_coml -side left -fill x
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend -side right
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.new -side right
+text $ui_comm -background white -borderwidth 1 \
+ -undo true \
+ -maxundo 20 \
+ -autoseparators true \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 75 -height 9 -wrap none \
+ -font font_diff \
+ -yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby set}
+scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby \
+ -command [list $ui_comm yview]
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header -side top -fill x
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby -side right -fill y
+pack $ui_comm -side left -fill y
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer -side left -fill y
+# -- Commit Message Buffer Context Menu
+set ctxm .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.ctxm
+menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Cut] \
+ -command {tk_textCut $ui_comm}
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Copy] \
+ -command {tk_textCopy $ui_comm}
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Paste] \
+ -command {tk_textPaste $ui_comm}
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Delete] \
+ -command {$ui_comm delete sel.first sel.last}
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Select All"] \
+ -command {focus $ui_comm;$ui_comm tag add sel 0.0 end}
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Copy All"] \
+ -command {
+ $ui_comm tag add sel 0.0 end
+ tk_textCopy $ui_comm
+ $ui_comm tag remove sel 0.0 end
+ }
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Sign Off"] \
+ -command do_signoff
++set ui_comm_ctxm $ctxm
+# -- Diff Header
+proc trace_current_diff_path {varname args} {
+ global current_diff_path diff_actions file_states
+ if {$current_diff_path eq {}} {
+ set s {}
+ set f {}
+ set p {}
+ set o disabled
+ } else {
+ set p $current_diff_path
+ set s [mapdesc [lindex $file_states($p) 0] $p]
+ set f [mc "File:"]
+ set p [escape_path $p]
+ set o normal
+ }
+ .vpane.lower.diff.header.status configure -text $s
+ .vpane.lower.diff.header.file configure -text $f
+ .vpane.lower.diff.header.path configure -text $p
+ foreach w $diff_actions {
+ uplevel #0 $w $o
+ }
+trace add variable current_diff_path write trace_current_diff_path
+frame .vpane.lower.diff.header -background gold
+label .vpane.lower.diff.header.status \
+ -background gold \
+ -width $max_status_desc \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+label .vpane.lower.diff.header.file \
+ -background gold \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+label .vpane.lower.diff.header.path \
+ -background gold \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.header.status -side left
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.header.file -side left
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.header.path -fill x
+set ctxm .vpane.lower.diff.header.ctxm
+menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Copy] \
+ -command {
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append \
+ -format STRING \
+ -type STRING \
+ -- $current_diff_path
+ }
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+bind_button3 .vpane.lower.diff.header.path "tk_popup $ctxm %X %Y"
+# -- Diff Body
+frame .vpane.lower.diff.body
+set ui_diff .vpane.lower.diff.body.t
+text $ui_diff -background white -borderwidth 0 \
+ -width 80 -height 15 -wrap none \
+ -font font_diff \
+ -xscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx set} \
+ -yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.diff.body.sby set} \
+ -state disabled
+scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -orient horizontal \
+ -command [list $ui_diff xview]
+scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -orient vertical \
+ -command [list $ui_diff yview]
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -side bottom -fill x
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -side right -fill y
+pack $ui_diff -side left -fill both -expand 1
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.header -side top -fill x
+pack .vpane.lower.diff.body -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
+$ui_diff tag conf d_cr -elide true
+$ui_diff tag conf d_@ -foreground blue -font font_diffbold
+$ui_diff tag conf d_+ -foreground {#00a000}
+$ui_diff tag conf d_- -foreground red
+$ui_diff tag conf d_++ -foreground {#00a000}
+$ui_diff tag conf d_-- -foreground red
+$ui_diff tag conf d_+s \
+ -foreground {#00a000} \
+ -background {#e2effa}
+$ui_diff tag conf d_-s \
+ -foreground red \
+ -background {#e2effa}
+$ui_diff tag conf d_s+ \
+ -foreground {#00a000} \
+ -background ivory1
+$ui_diff tag conf d_s- \
+ -foreground red \
+ -background ivory1
+$ui_diff tag conf d<<<<<<< \
+ -foreground orange \
+ -font font_diffbold
+$ui_diff tag conf d======= \
+ -foreground orange \
+ -font font_diffbold
+$ui_diff tag conf d>>>>>>> \
+ -foreground orange \
+ -font font_diffbold
+$ui_diff tag raise sel
+# -- Diff Body Context Menu
+set ctxm .vpane.lower.diff.body.ctxm
+menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Apply/Reverse Hunk"] \
+ -command {apply_hunk $cursorX $cursorY}
+set ui_diff_applyhunk [$ctxm index last]
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_applyhunk -state]
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
+ -command {if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) >= 1} {
+ incr repo_config(gui.diffcontext) -1
+ reshow_diff
+ }}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Show More Context"] \
+ -command {if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) < 99} {
+ incr repo_config(gui.diffcontext)
+ reshow_diff
+ }}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Refresh] \
+ -command reshow_diff
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc Copy] \
+ -command {tk_textCopy $ui_diff}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Select All"] \
+ -command {focus $ui_diff;$ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Copy All"] \
+ -command {
+ $ui_diff tag add sel 0.0 end
+ tk_textCopy $ui_diff
+ $ui_diff tag remove sel 0.0 end
+ }
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Decrease Font Size"] \
+ -command {incr_font_size font_diff -1}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Increase Font Size"] \
+ -command {incr_font_size font_diff 1}
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command -label [mc "Options..."] \
+ -command do_options
+proc popup_diff_menu {ctxm x y X Y} {
+ global current_diff_path file_states
+ set ::cursorX $x
+ set ::cursorY $y
+ if {$::ui_index eq $::current_diff_side} {
+ set l [mc "Unstage Hunk From Commit"]
+ } else {
+ set l [mc "Stage Hunk For Commit"]
+ }
+ if {$::is_3way_diff
+ || $current_diff_path eq {}
+ || ![info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]
+ || {_O} eq [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]} {
+ set s disabled
+ } else {
+ set s normal
+ }
+ $ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyhunk -state $s -label $l
+ tk_popup $ctxm $X $Y
+bind_button3 $ui_diff [list popup_diff_menu $ctxm %x %y %X %Y]
+# -- Status Bar
+set main_status [::status_bar::new .status]
+pack .status -anchor w -side bottom -fill x
+$main_status show [mc "Initializing..."]
+# -- Load geometry
+catch {
+set gm $repo_config(gui.geometry)
+wm geometry . [lindex $gm 0]
+.vpane sash place 0 \
+ [lindex $gm 1] \
+ [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 1]
+.vpane.files sash place 0 \
+ [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 0] \
+ [lindex $gm 2]
+unset gm
+# -- Key Bindings
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-Return> {do_commit;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-t> {do_add_selection;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-T> {do_add_selection;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-i> {do_add_all;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-I> {do_add_all;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-x> {tk_textCut %W;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-X> {tk_textCut %W;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-c> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-C> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-v> {tk_textPaste %W; %W see insert; break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-V> {tk_textPaste %W; %W see insert; break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-a> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-A> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-x> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-X> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-c> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-C> {tk_textCopy %W;break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-v> {break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-V> {break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-a> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
+bind $ui_diff <$M1B-Key-A> {%W tag add sel 0.0 end;break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-Up> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-Down> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-Left> {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-Right> {catch {%W xview scroll 1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-k> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-j> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-h> {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Key-l> {catch {%W xview scroll 1 units};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Control-Key-b> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 pages};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 pages};break}
+bind $ui_diff <Button-1> {focus %W}
+if {[is_enabled branch]} {
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-n> branch_create::dialog
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-N> branch_create::dialog
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-o> branch_checkout::dialog
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-O> branch_checkout::dialog
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-m> merge::dialog
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-M> merge::dialog
+if {[is_enabled transport]} {
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-p> do_push_anywhere
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-P> do_push_anywhere
+bind . <Key-F5> do_rescan
+bind . <$M1B-Key-r> do_rescan
+bind . <$M1B-Key-R> do_rescan
+bind . <$M1B-Key-s> do_signoff
+bind . <$M1B-Key-S> do_signoff
+bind . <$M1B-Key-t> do_add_selection
+bind . <$M1B-Key-T> do_add_selection
+bind . <$M1B-Key-i> do_add_all
+bind . <$M1B-Key-I> do_add_all
+bind . <$M1B-Key-Return> do_commit
+foreach i [list $ui_index $ui_workdir] {
+ bind $i <Button-1> "toggle_or_diff $i %x %y; break"
+ bind $i <$M1B-Button-1> "add_one_to_selection $i %x %y; break"
+ bind $i <Shift-Button-1> "add_range_to_selection $i %x %y; break"
+unset i
+set file_lists($ui_index) [list]
+set file_lists($ui_workdir) [list]
+wm title . "[appname] ([reponame]) [file normalize [file dirname [gitdir]]]"
+focus -force $ui_comm
+# -- Warn the user about environmental problems. Cygwin's Tcl
+# does *not* pass its env array onto any processes it spawns.
+# This means that git processes get none of our environment.
+if {[is_Cygwin]} {
+ set ignored_env 0
+ set suggest_user {}
+ set msg [mc "Possible environment issues exist.
+The following environment variables are probably
+going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run
+by %s:
+" [appname]]
+ foreach name [array names env] {
+ switch -regexp -- $name {
+ {^GIT_PAGER$} -
+ {^GIT_TRACE$} -
+ {^GIT_CONFIG$} -
+ append msg " - $name\n"
+ incr ignored_env
+ }
+ append msg " - $name\n"
+ incr ignored_env
+ set suggest_user $name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$ignored_env > 0} {
+ append msg [mc "
+This is due to a known issue with the
+Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."]
+ if {$suggest_user ne {}} {
+ append msg [mc "
+A good replacement for %s
+is placing values for the user.name and
+user.email settings into your personal
+~/.gitconfig file.
+" $suggest_user]
+ }
+ warn_popup $msg
+ }
+ unset ignored_env msg suggest_user name
+# -- Only initialize complex UI if we are going to stay running.
+if {[is_enabled transport]} {
+ load_all_remotes
+ set n [.mbar.remote index end]
+ populate_push_menu
+ populate_fetch_menu
+ set n [expr {[.mbar.remote index end] - $n}]
+ if {$n > 0} {
+ .mbar.remote insert $n separator
+ }
+ unset n
+if {[winfo exists $ui_comm]} {
+ set GITGUI_BCK_exists [load_message GITGUI_BCK]
+ # -- If both our backup and message files exist use the
+ # newer of the two files to initialize the buffer.
+ #
+ if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
+ set m [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]
+ if {[file isfile $m]} {
+ if {[file mtime [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]] > [file mtime $m]} {
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
+ } else {
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm edit reset
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
+ set GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
+ }
+ }
+ unset m
+ }
+ proc backup_commit_buffer {} {
+ global ui_comm GITGUI_BCK_exists
+ set m [$ui_comm edit modified]
+ if {$m || $GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
+ set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]]
+ regsub -all -line {[ \r\t]+$} $msg {} msg
+ if {$msg eq {}} {
+ if {$GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
+ set GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
+ }
+ } elseif {$m} {
+ catch {
+ set fd [open [gitdir GITGUI_BCK] w]
+ puts -nonewline $fd $msg
+ close $fd
+ set GITGUI_BCK_exists 1
+ }
+ }
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ }
+ set ::GITGUI_BCK_i [after 2000 backup_commit_buffer]
+ }
+ backup_commit_buffer
++ # -- If the user has aspell available we can drive it
++ # in pipe mode to spellcheck the commit message.
++ #
++ set spell_cmd [list |]
++ set spell_dict [get_config gui.spellingdictionary]
++ lappend spell_cmd aspell
++ if {$spell_dict ne {}} {
++ lappend spell_cmd --master=$spell_dict
++ }
++ lappend spell_cmd --mode=none
++ lappend spell_cmd --encoding=utf-8
++ lappend spell_cmd pipe
++ if {$spell_dict eq {none}
++ || [catch {set spell_fd [open $spell_cmd r+]} spell_err]} {
++ bind_button3 $ui_comm [list tk_popup $ui_comm_ctxm %X %Y]
++ } else {
++ set ui_comm_spell [spellcheck::init \
++ $spell_fd \
++ $ui_comm \
++ $ui_comm_ctxm \
++ ]
++ }
++ unset -nocomplain spell_cmd spell_fd spell_err spell_dict
+lock_index begin-read
+if {![winfo ismapped .]} {
+ wm deiconify .
+after 1 do_rescan
+if {[is_enabled multicommit]} {
+ after 1000 hint_gc
--- /dev/null
+# git-gui about git-gui dialog
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+proc do_about {} {
+ global appvers copyright oguilib
+ global tcl_patchLevel tk_patchLevel
++ global ui_comm_spell
+ set w .about_dialog
+ toplevel $w
+ wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ pack [git_logo $w.git_logo] -side left -fill y -padx 10 -pady 10
+ label $w.header -text [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
+ -font font_uibold
+ pack $w.header -side top -fill x
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.close -text {Close} \
+ -default active \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.close -side right
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ label $w.desc \
+ -text "[mc "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."]\n$copyright" \
+ -padx 5 -pady 5 \
+ -justify left \
+ -anchor w \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief solid
+ pack $w.desc -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
+ set v {}
+ append v "git-gui version $appvers\n"
+ append v "[git version]\n"
+ append v "\n"
+ if {$tcl_patchLevel eq $tk_patchLevel} {
+ append v "Tcl/Tk version $tcl_patchLevel"
+ } else {
+ append v "Tcl version $tcl_patchLevel"
+ append v ", Tk version $tk_patchLevel"
+ }
++ if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
++ append v "\n"
++ append v [$ui_comm_spell version]
++ }
+ set d {}
+ append d "git wrapper: $::_git\n"
+ append d "git exec dir: [gitexec]\n"
+ append d "git-gui lib: $oguilib"
+ label $w.vers \
+ -text $v \
+ -padx 5 -pady 5 \
+ -justify left \
+ -anchor w \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief solid
+ pack $w.vers -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
+ label $w.dirs \
+ -text $d \
+ -padx 5 -pady 5 \
+ -justify left \
+ -anchor w \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief solid
+ pack $w.dirs -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
+ menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
+ $w.ctxm add command \
+ -label {Copy} \
+ -command "
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append -format STRING -type STRING -- \[$w.vers cget -text\]
+ "
+ bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.close"
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
+ bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
+ bind_button3 $w.vers "tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y; grab $w; focus $w"
+ wm title $w "About [appname]"
+ tkwait window $w
--- /dev/null
- ui_status {Refreshing file status...}
+# git-gui commit checkout support
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
+class checkout_op {
+field w {}; # our window (if we have one)
+field w_cons {}; # embedded console window object
+field new_expr ; # expression the user saw/thinks this is
+field new_hash ; # commit SHA-1 we are switching to
+field new_ref ; # ref we are updating/creating
+field parent_w .; # window that started us
+field merge_type none; # type of merge to apply to existing branch
+field merge_base {}; # merge base if we have another ref involved
+field fetch_spec {}; # refetch tracking branch if used?
+field checkout 1; # actually checkout the branch?
+field create 0; # create the branch if it doesn't exist?
+field reset_ok 0; # did the user agree to reset?
+field fetch_ok 0; # did the fetch succeed?
+field readtree_d {}; # buffered output from read-tree
+field update_old {}; # was the update-ref call deferred?
+field reflog_msg {}; # log message for the update-ref call
+constructor new {expr hash {ref {}}} {
+ set new_expr $expr
+ set new_hash $hash
+ set new_ref $ref
+ return $this
+method parent {path} {
+ set parent_w [winfo toplevel $path]
+method enable_merge {type} {
+ set merge_type $type
+method enable_fetch {spec} {
+ set fetch_spec $spec
+method enable_checkout {co} {
+ set checkout $co
+method enable_create {co} {
+ set create $co
+method run {} {
+ if {$fetch_spec ne {}} {
+ global M1B
+ # We were asked to refresh a single tracking branch
+ # before we get to work. We should do that before we
+ # consider any ref updating.
+ #
+ set fetch_ok 0
+ set l_trck [lindex $fetch_spec 0]
+ set remote [lindex $fetch_spec 1]
+ set r_head [lindex $fetch_spec 2]
+ regsub ^refs/heads/ $r_head {} r_name
+ set cmd [list git fetch $remote]
+ if {$l_trck ne {}} {
+ lappend cmd +$r_head:$l_trck
+ } else {
+ lappend cmd $r_head
+ }
+ _toplevel $this {Refreshing Tracking Branch}
+ set w_cons [::console::embed \
+ $w.console \
+ [mc "Fetching %s from %s" $r_name $remote]]
+ pack $w.console -fill both -expand 1
+ $w_cons exec $cmd [cb _finish_fetch]
+ bind $w <$M1B-Key-w> break
+ bind $w <$M1B-Key-W> break
+ bind $w <Visibility> "
+ [list grab $w]
+ [list focus $w]
+ "
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _noop]
+ tkwait window $w
+ if {!$fetch_ok} {
+ delete_this
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ if {$new_ref ne {}} {
+ # If we have a ref we need to update it before we can
+ # proceed with a checkout (if one was enabled).
+ #
+ if {![_update_ref $this]} {
+ delete_this
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ if {$checkout} {
+ _checkout $this
+ return 1
+ }
+ delete_this
+ return 1
+method _noop {} {}
+method _finish_fetch {ok} {
+ if {$ok} {
+ set l_trck [lindex $fetch_spec 0]
+ if {$l_trck eq {}} {
+ set l_trck FETCH_HEAD
+ }
+ if {[catch {set new_hash [git rev-parse --verify "$l_trck^0"]} err]} {
+ set ok 0
+ $w_cons insert [mc "fatal: Cannot resolve %s" $l_trck]
+ $w_cons insert $err
+ }
+ }
+ $w_cons done $ok
+ set w_cons {}
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
+ if {$ok} {
+ destroy $w
+ set w {}
+ } else {
+ button $w.close -text [mc Close] -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.close -side bottom -anchor e -padx 10 -pady 10
+ }
+ set fetch_ok $ok
+method _update_ref {} {
+ global null_sha1 current_branch
+ set ref $new_ref
+ set new $new_hash
+ set is_current 0
+ set rh refs/heads/
+ set rn [string length $rh]
+ if {[string equal -length $rn $rh $ref]} {
+ set newbranch [string range $ref $rn end]
+ if {$current_branch eq $newbranch} {
+ set is_current 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ set newbranch $ref
+ }
+ if {[catch {set cur [git rev-parse --verify "$ref^0"]}]} {
+ # Assume it does not exist, and that is what the error was.
+ #
+ if {!$create} {
+ _error $this [mc "Branch '%s' does not exist." $newbranch]
+ return 0
+ }
+ set reflog_msg "branch: Created from $new_expr"
+ set cur $null_sha1
+ } elseif {$create && $merge_type eq {none}} {
+ # We were told to create it, but not do a merge.
+ # Bad. Name shouldn't have existed.
+ #
+ _error $this [mc "Branch '%s' already exists." $newbranch]
+ return 0
+ } elseif {!$create && $merge_type eq {none}} {
+ # We aren't creating, it exists and we don't merge.
+ # We are probably just a simple branch switch.
+ # Use whatever value we just read.
+ #
+ set new $cur
+ set new_hash $cur
+ } elseif {$new eq $cur} {
+ # No merge would be required, don't compute anything.
+ #
+ } else {
+ catch {set merge_base [git merge-base $new $cur]}
+ if {$merge_base eq $cur} {
+ # The current branch is older.
+ #
+ set reflog_msg "merge $new_expr: Fast-forward"
+ } else {
+ switch -- $merge_type {
+ ff {
+ if {$merge_base eq $new} {
+ # The current branch is actually newer.
+ #
+ set new $cur
+ set new_hash $cur
+ } else {
+ _error $this [mc "Branch '%s' already exists.\n\nIt cannot fast-forward to %s.\nA merge is required." $newbranch $new_expr]
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ reset {
+ # The current branch will lose things.
+ #
+ if {[_confirm_reset $this $cur]} {
+ set reflog_msg "reset $new_expr"
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ _error $this [mc "Merge strategy '%s' not supported." $merge_type]
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$new ne $cur} {
+ if {$is_current} {
+ # No so fast. We should defer this in case
+ # we cannot update the working directory.
+ #
+ set update_old $cur
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ git update-ref -m $reflog_msg $ref $new $cur
+ } err]} {
+ _error $this [strcat [mc "Failed to update '%s'." $newbranch] "\n\n$err"]
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+method _checkout {} {
+ if {[lock_index checkout_op]} {
+ after idle [cb _start_checkout]
+ } else {
+ _error $this [mc "Staging area (index) is already locked."]
+ delete_this
+ }
+method _start_checkout {} {
+ global HEAD commit_type
+ # -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
+ #
+ repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
+ && $curType eq {normal}
+ && $curHEAD eq $HEAD} {
+ } elseif {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
+ info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
+Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before the current branch can be changed.
+The rescan will be automatically started now.
+ unlock_index
+ rescan ui_ready
+ delete_this
+ return
+ }
+ if {$curHEAD eq $new_hash} {
+ _after_readtree $this
+ } elseif {[is_config_true gui.trustmtime]} {
+ _readtree $this
+ } else {
- {files checked out}
++ ui_status [mc "Refreshing file status..."]
+ set fd [git_read update-index \
+ -q \
+ --unmerged \
+ --ignore-missing \
+ --refresh \
+ ]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd readable [cb _refresh_wait $fd]
+ }
+method _refresh_wait {fd} {
+ read $fd
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ close $fd
+ _readtree $this
+ }
+method _name {} {
+ if {$new_ref eq {}} {
+ return [string range $new_hash 0 7]
+ }
+ set rh refs/heads/
+ set rn [string length $rh]
+ if {[string equal -length $rn $rh $new_ref]} {
+ return [string range $new_ref $rn end]
+ } else {
+ return $new_ref
+ }
+method _readtree {} {
+ global HEAD
+ set readtree_d {}
+ $::main_status start \
+ [mc "Updating working directory to '%s'..." [_name $this]] \
- ui_status "Checked out '$name'."
++ [mc "files checked out"]
+ set fd [git_read --stderr read-tree \
+ -m \
+ -u \
+ -v \
+ --exclude-per-directory=.gitignore \
+ $HEAD \
+ $new_hash \
+ ]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd readable [cb _readtree_wait $fd]
+method _readtree_wait {fd} {
+ global current_branch
+ set buf [read $fd]
+ $::main_status update_meter $buf
+ append readtree_d $buf
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ if {![eof $fd]} {
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
+ set err $readtree_d
+ regsub {^fatal: } $err {} err
+ $::main_status stop [mc "Aborted checkout of '%s' (file level merging is required)." [_name $this]]
+ warn_popup [strcat [mc "File level merge required."] "
+" [mc "Staying on branch '%s'." $current_branch]]
+ unlock_index
+ delete_this
+ return
+ }
+ $::main_status stop
+ _after_readtree $this
+method _after_readtree {} {
+ global selected_commit_type commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
+ global current_branch is_detached
+ global ui_comm
+ set name [_name $this]
+ set log "checkout: moving"
+ if {!$is_detached} {
+ append log " from $current_branch"
+ }
+ # -- Move/create HEAD as a symbolic ref. Core git does not
+ # even check for failure here, it Just Works(tm). If it
+ # doesn't we are in some really ugly state that is difficult
+ # to recover from within git-gui.
+ #
+ set rh refs/heads/
+ set rn [string length $rh]
+ if {[string equal -length $rn $rh $new_ref]} {
+ set new_branch [string range $new_ref $rn end]
+ if {$is_detached || $current_branch ne $new_branch} {
+ append log " to $new_branch"
+ if {[catch {
+ git symbolic-ref -m $log HEAD $new_ref
+ } err]} {
+ _fatal $this $err
+ }
+ set current_branch $new_branch
+ set is_detached 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {!$is_detached || $new_hash ne $HEAD} {
+ append log " to $new_expr"
+ if {[catch {
+ _detach_HEAD $log $new_hash
+ } err]} {
+ _fatal $this $err
+ }
+ }
+ set current_branch HEAD
+ set is_detached 1
+ }
+ # -- We had to defer updating the branch itself until we
+ # knew the working directory would update. So now we
+ # need to finish that work. If it fails we're in big
+ # trouble.
+ #
+ if {$update_old ne {}} {
+ if {[catch {
+ git update-ref \
+ -m $reflog_msg \
+ $new_ref \
+ $new_hash \
+ $update_old
+ } err]} {
+ _fatal $this $err
+ }
+ }
+ if {$is_detached} {
+ info_popup [mc "You are no longer on a local branch.
+If you wanted to be on a branch, create one now starting from 'This Detached Checkout'."]
+ }
+ # -- Update our repository state. If we were previously in
+ # amend mode we need to toss the current buffer and do a
+ # full rescan to update our file lists. If we weren't in
+ # amend mode our file lists are accurate and we can avoid
+ # the rescan.
+ #
+ unlock_index
+ set selected_commit_type new
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm edit reset
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ rescan [list ui_status [mc "Checked out '%s'." $name]]
+ } else {
+ repository_state commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD
++ ui_status [mc "Checked out '%s'." $name]
+ }
+ delete_this
+git-version proc _detach_HEAD {log new} {
+ >= 1.5.3 {
+ git update-ref --no-deref -m $log HEAD $new
+ }
+ default {
+ set p [gitdir HEAD]
+ file delete $p
+ set fd [open $p w]
+ fconfigure $fd -translation lf -encoding utf-8
+ puts $fd $new
+ close $fd
+ }
+method _confirm_reset {cur} {
+ set reset_ok 0
+ set name [_name $this]
+ set gitk [list do_gitk [list $cur ^$new_hash]]
+ _toplevel $this {Confirm Branch Reset}
+ pack [label $w.msg1 \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left \
+ -text [mc "Resetting '%s' to '%s' will lose the following commits:" $name $new_expr]\
+ ] -anchor w
+ set list $w.list.l
+ frame $w.list
+ text $list \
+ -font font_diff \
+ -width 80 \
+ -height 10 \
+ -wrap none \
+ -xscrollcommand [list $w.list.sbx set] \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
+ scrollbar $w.list.sbx -orient h -command [list $list xview]
+ scrollbar $w.list.sby -orient v -command [list $list yview]
+ pack $w.list.sbx -fill x -side bottom
+ pack $w.list.sby -fill y -side right
+ pack $list -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
+ pack [label $w.msg2 \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left \
+ -text [mc "Recovering lost commits may not be easy."] \
+ ]
+ pack [label $w.msg3 \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left \
+ -text [mc "Reset '%s'?" $name] \
+ ]
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.visualize \
+ -text [mc Visualize] \
+ -command $gitk
+ pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
+ button $w.buttons.reset \
+ -text [mc Reset] \
+ -command "
+ set @reset_ok 1
+ destroy $w
+ "
+ pack $w.buttons.reset -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ -default active \
+ -text [mc Cancel] \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ set fd [git_read rev-list --pretty=oneline $cur ^$new_hash]
+ while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
+ set abbr [string range $line 0 7]
+ set subj [string range $line 41 end]
+ $list insert end "$abbr $subj\n"
+ }
+ close $fd
+ $list configure -state disabled
+ bind $w <Key-v> $gitk
+ bind $w <Visibility> "
+ grab $w
+ focus $w.buttons.cancel
+ "
+ bind $w <Key-Return> [list destroy $w]
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
+ tkwait window $w
+ return $reset_ok
+method _error {msg} {
+ if {[winfo ismapped $parent_w]} {
+ set p $parent_w
+ } else {
+ set p .
+ }
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $p] \
+ -parent $p \
+ -message $msg
+method _toplevel {title} {
+ regsub -all {::} $this {__} w
+ set w .$w
+ if {[winfo ismapped $parent_w]} {
+ set p $parent_w
+ } else {
+ set p .
+ }
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w $title
+ wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx $p]+[winfo rooty $p]"
+method _fatal {err} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to set current branch.
+This working directory is only partially switched. We successfully updated your files, but failed to update an internal Git file.
+This should not have occurred. %s will now close and give up." [appname]] "
+ exit 1
--- /dev/null
- ui_status {Calling pre-commit hook...}
+# git-gui misc. commit reading/writing support
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+proc load_last_commit {} {
+ global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type ui_comm
+ global repo_config
+ if {[llength $PARENT] == 0} {
+ error_popup [mc "There is nothing to amend.
+You are about to create the initial commit. There is no commit before this to amend.
+ return
+ }
+ repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
+ if {$curType eq {merge}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Cannot amend while merging.
+You are currently in the middle of a merge that has not been fully completed. You cannot amend the prior commit unless you first abort the current merge activity.
+ return
+ }
+ set msg {}
+ set parents [list]
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [git_read cat-file commit $curHEAD]
+ fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
+ if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
+ set enc utf-8
+ }
+ while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
+ if {[string match {parent *} $line]} {
+ lappend parents [string range $line 7 end]
+ } elseif {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
+ set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
+ }
+ }
+ set msg [read $fd]
+ close $fd
+ set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$enc ne {}} {
+ set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
+ }
+ set msg [string trim $msg]
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading commit data for amend:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ return
+ }
+ set HEAD $curHEAD
+ set PARENT $parents
+ set MERGE_HEAD [list]
+ switch -- [llength $parents] {
+ 0 {set commit_type amend-initial}
+ 1 {set commit_type amend}
+ default {set commit_type amend-merge}
+ }
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm insert end $msg
+ $ui_comm edit reset
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ rescan ui_ready
+proc committer_ident {} {
+ if {$GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT eq {}} {
+ if {[catch {set me [git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT]} err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Unable to obtain your identity:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ return {}
+ }
+ if {![regexp {^(.*) [0-9]+ [-+0-9]+$} \
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Invalid GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT:"] "\n\n$me"]
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+proc do_signoff {} {
+ global ui_comm
+ set me [committer_ident]
+ if {$me eq {}} return
+ set sob "Signed-off-by: $me"
+ set last [$ui_comm get {end -1c linestart} {end -1c}]
+ if {$last ne $sob} {
+ $ui_comm edit separator
+ if {$last ne {}
+ && ![regexp {^[A-Z][A-Za-z]*-[A-Za-z-]+: *} $last]} {
+ $ui_comm insert end "\n"
+ }
+ $ui_comm insert end "\n$sob"
+ $ui_comm edit separator
+ $ui_comm see end
+ }
+proc create_new_commit {} {
+ global commit_type ui_comm
+ set commit_type normal
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm edit reset
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ rescan ui_ready
+proc commit_tree {} {
+ global HEAD commit_type file_states ui_comm repo_config
+ global pch_error
+ if {[committer_ident] eq {}} return
+ if {![lock_index update]} return
+ # -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
+ #
+ repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
+ && $curType eq {normal}
+ && $curHEAD eq $HEAD} {
+ } elseif {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
+ info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
+Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before another commit can be created.
+The rescan will be automatically started now.
+ unlock_index
+ rescan ui_ready
+ return
+ }
+ # -- At least one file should differ in the index.
+ #
+ set files_ready 0
+ foreach path [array names file_states] {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ _? {continue}
+ A? -
+ D? -
+ M? {set files_ready 1}
+ U? {
+ error_popup [mc "Unmerged files cannot be committed.
+File %s has merge conflicts. You must resolve them and stage the file before committing.
+" [short_path $path]]
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ default {
+ error_popup [mc "Unknown file state %s detected.
+File %s cannot be committed by this program.
+" [lindex $s 0] [short_path $path]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$files_ready && ![string match *merge $curType]} {
+ info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
+You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- A message is required.
+ #
+ set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 1.0 end]]
+ regsub -all -line {[ \t\r]+$} $msg {} msg
+ if {$msg eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Please supply a commit message.
+A good commit message has the following format:
+- First line: Describe in one sentence what you did.
+- Second line: Blank
+- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Build the message file.
+ #
+ set msg_p [gitdir GITGUI_EDITMSG]
+ set msg_wt [open $msg_p w]
+ fconfigure $msg_wt -translation lf
+ if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
+ set enc utf-8
+ }
+ set use_enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
+ if {$use_enc ne {}} {
+ fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding $use_enc
+ } else {
+ puts stderr [mc "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'." $enc]
+ fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding utf-8
+ }
+ puts $msg_wt $msg
+ close $msg_wt
+ # -- Run the pre-commit hook.
+ #
+ set fd_ph [githook_read pre-commit]
+ if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
+ commit_commitmsg $curHEAD $msg_p
+ return
+ }
- ui_status {Commit declined by pre-commit hook.}
++ ui_status [mc "Calling pre-commit hook..."]
+ set pch_error {}
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
+ fileevent $fd_ph readable \
+ [list commit_prehook_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg_p]
+proc commit_prehook_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg_p} {
+ global pch_error
+ append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
+ if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
+ if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
- ui_status {Calling commit-msg hook...}
++ ui_status [mc "Commit declined by pre-commit hook."]
+ hook_failed_popup pre-commit $pch_error
+ unlock_index
+ } else {
+ commit_commitmsg $curHEAD $msg_p
+ }
+ set pch_error {}
+ return
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
+proc commit_commitmsg {curHEAD msg_p} {
+ global pch_error
+ # -- Run the commit-msg hook.
+ #
+ set fd_ph [githook_read commit-msg $msg_p]
+ if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
+ commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg_p
+ return
+ }
- ui_status {Commit declined by commit-msg hook.}
++ ui_status [mc "Calling commit-msg hook..."]
+ set pch_error {}
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
+ fileevent $fd_ph readable \
+ [list commit_commitmsg_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg_p]
+proc commit_commitmsg_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg_p} {
+ global pch_error
+ append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
+ if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
+ if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
- ui_status {Committing changes...}
++ ui_status [mc "Commit declined by commit-msg hook."]
+ hook_failed_popup commit-msg $pch_error
+ unlock_index
+ } else {
+ commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg_p
+ }
+ set pch_error {}
+ return
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
+proc commit_writetree {curHEAD msg_p} {
- ui_status {Commit failed.}
++ ui_status [mc "Committing changes..."]
+ set fd_wt [git_read write-tree]
+ fileevent $fd_wt readable \
+ [list commit_committree $fd_wt $curHEAD $msg_p]
+proc commit_committree {fd_wt curHEAD msg_p} {
+ global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
+ global current_branch
+ global ui_comm selected_commit_type
+ global file_states selected_paths rescan_active
+ global repo_config
+ gets $fd_wt tree_id
+ if {[catch {close $fd_wt} err]} {
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "write-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
- ui_status {Commit failed.}
++ ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Verify this wasn't an empty change.
+ #
+ if {$commit_type eq {normal}} {
+ set fd_ot [git_read cat-file commit $PARENT]
+ fconfigure $fd_ot -encoding binary -translation lf
+ set old_tree [gets $fd_ot]
+ close $fd_ot
+ if {[string equal -length 5 {tree } $old_tree]
+ && [string length $old_tree] == 45} {
+ set old_tree [string range $old_tree 5 end]
+ } else {
+ error [mc "Commit %s appears to be corrupt" $PARENT]
+ }
+ if {$tree_id eq $old_tree} {
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
+ info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
+No files were modified by this commit and it was not a merge commit.
+A rescan will be automatically started now.
+ unlock_index
+ rescan {ui_status [mc "No changes to commit."]}
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # -- Create the commit.
+ #
+ set cmd [list commit-tree $tree_id]
+ foreach p [concat $PARENT $MERGE_HEAD] {
+ lappend cmd -p $p
+ }
+ lappend cmd <$msg_p
+ if {[catch {set cmt_id [eval git $cmd]} err]} {
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "commit-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
- ui_status {Commit failed.}
++ ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Update the HEAD ref.
+ #
+ set reflogm commit
+ if {$commit_type ne {normal}} {
+ append reflogm " ($commit_type)"
+ }
+ set msg_fd [open $msg_p r]
+ gets $msg_fd subject
+ close $msg_fd
+ append reflogm {: } $subject
+ if {[catch {
+ git update-ref -m $reflogm HEAD $cmt_id $curHEAD
+ } err]} {
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "update-ref failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
++ ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Cleanup after ourselves.
+ #
+ catch {file delete $msg_p}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
+ # -- Let rerere do its thing.
+ #
+ if {[get_config rerere.enabled] eq {}} {
+ set rerere [file isdirectory [gitdir rr-cache]]
+ } else {
+ set rerere [is_config_true rerere.enabled]
+ }
+ if {$rerere} {
+ catch {git rerere}
+ }
+ # -- Run the post-commit hook.
+ #
+ set fd_ph [githook_read post-commit]
+ if {$fd_ph ne {}} {
+ upvar #0 pch_error$cmt_id pc_err
+ set pc_err {}
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
+ fileevent $fd_ph readable \
+ [list commit_postcommit_wait $fd_ph $cmt_id]
+ }
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm edit reset
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ if {$::GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
+ set ::GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
+ }
+ if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} do_quit
+ # -- Update in memory status
+ #
+ set selected_commit_type new
+ set commit_type normal
+ set HEAD $cmt_id
+ set PARENT $cmt_id
+ set MERGE_HEAD [list]
+ foreach path [array names file_states] {
+ set s $file_states($path)
+ set m [lindex $s 0]
+ switch -glob -- $m {
+ _O -
+ _M -
+ _D {continue}
+ __ -
+ A_ -
+ M_ -
+ D_ {
+ unset file_states($path)
+ catch {unset selected_paths($path)}
+ }
+ DO {
+ set file_states($path) [list _O [lindex $s 1] {} {}]
+ }
+ AM -
+ AD -
+ MM -
+ MD {
+ set file_states($path) [list \
+ _[string index $m 1] \
+ [lindex $s 1] \
+ [lindex $s 3] \
+ {}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ display_all_files
+ unlock_index
+ reshow_diff
+ ui_status [mc "Created commit %s: %s" [string range $cmt_id 0 7] $subject]
+proc commit_postcommit_wait {fd_ph cmt_id} {
+ upvar #0 pch_error$cmt_id pch_error
+ append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
+ if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
+ if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
+ hook_failed_popup post-commit $pch_error 0
+ }
+ unset pch_error
+ return
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
--- /dev/null
- [concat $after {ui_status {Ready to commit.}}]
+# git-gui index (add/remove) support
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+proc _delete_indexlock {} {
+ if {[catch {file delete -- [gitdir index.lock]} err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Unable to unlock the index."] "\n\n$err"]
+ }
+proc _close_updateindex {fd after} {
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
+ set w .indexfried
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w [strcat "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Index Error"]]
+ wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ pack [label $w.msg \
+ -justify left \
+ -anchor w \
+ -text [strcat \
+ [mc "Updating the Git index failed. A rescan will be automatically started to resynchronize git-gui."] \
+ "\n\n$err"] \
+ ] -anchor w
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.continue \
+ -text [mc "Continue"] \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.continue -side right -padx 5
+ button $w.buttons.unlock \
+ -text [mc "Unlock Index"] \
+ -command "destroy $w; _delete_indexlock"
+ pack $w.buttons.unlock -side right
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW update
+ bind $w.buttons.continue <Visibility> "
+ grab $w
+ focus $w.buttons.continue
+ "
+ tkwait window $w
+ $::main_status stop
+ unlock_index
+ rescan $after 0
+ return
+ }
+ $::main_status stop
+ unlock_index
+ uplevel #0 $after
+proc update_indexinfo {msg pathList after} {
+ global update_index_cp
+ if {![lock_index update]} return
+ set update_index_cp 0
+ set pathList [lsort $pathList]
+ set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
+ set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
+ if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
+ $::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]
+ set fd [git_write update-index -z --index-info]
+ fconfigure $fd \
+ -blocking 0 \
+ -buffering full \
+ -buffersize 512 \
+ -encoding binary \
+ -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd writable [list \
+ write_update_indexinfo \
+ $fd \
+ $pathList \
+ $totalCnt \
+ $batch \
+ $after \
+ ]
+proc write_update_indexinfo {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
+ global update_index_cp
+ global file_states current_diff_path
+ if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
+ _close_updateindex $fd $after
+ return
+ }
+ for {set i $batch} \
+ {$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
+ {incr i -1} {
+ set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
+ incr update_index_cp
+ set s $file_states($path)
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
+ A? {set new _O}
+ M? {set new _M}
+ D_ {set new _D}
+ D? {set new _?}
+ ?? {continue}
+ }
+ set info [lindex $s 2]
+ if {$info eq {}} continue
+ puts -nonewline $fd "$info\t[encoding convertto $path]\0"
+ display_file $path $new
+ }
+ $::main_status update $update_index_cp $totalCnt
+proc update_index {msg pathList after} {
+ global update_index_cp
+ if {![lock_index update]} return
+ set update_index_cp 0
+ set pathList [lsort $pathList]
+ set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
+ set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
+ if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
+ $::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]
+ set fd [git_write update-index --add --remove -z --stdin]
+ fconfigure $fd \
+ -blocking 0 \
+ -buffering full \
+ -buffersize 512 \
+ -encoding binary \
+ -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd writable [list \
+ write_update_index \
+ $fd \
+ $pathList \
+ $totalCnt \
+ $batch \
+ $after \
+ ]
+proc write_update_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
+ global update_index_cp
+ global file_states current_diff_path
+ if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
+ _close_updateindex $fd $after
+ return
+ }
+ for {set i $batch} \
+ {$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
+ {incr i -1} {
+ set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
+ incr update_index_cp
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ AD {set new __}
+ ?D {set new D_}
+ _O -
+ AM {set new A_}
+ U? {
+ if {[file exists $path]} {
+ set new M_
+ } else {
+ set new D_
+ }
+ }
+ ?M {set new M_}
+ ?? {continue}
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto $path]\0"
+ display_file $path $new
+ }
+ $::main_status update $update_index_cp $totalCnt
+proc checkout_index {msg pathList after} {
+ global update_index_cp
+ if {![lock_index update]} return
+ set update_index_cp 0
+ set pathList [lsort $pathList]
+ set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
+ set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
+ if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
+ $::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]
+ set fd [git_write checkout-index \
+ --index \
+ --quiet \
+ --force \
+ -z \
+ --stdin \
+ ]
+ fconfigure $fd \
+ -blocking 0 \
+ -buffering full \
+ -buffersize 512 \
+ -encoding binary \
+ -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd writable [list \
+ write_checkout_index \
+ $fd \
+ $pathList \
+ $totalCnt \
+ $batch \
+ $after \
+ ]
+proc write_checkout_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
+ global update_index_cp
+ global file_states current_diff_path
+ if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
+ _close_updateindex $fd $after
+ return
+ }
+ for {set i $batch} \
+ {$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
+ {incr i -1} {
+ set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
+ incr update_index_cp
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ U? {continue}
+ ?M -
+ ?D {
+ puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto $path]\0"
+ display_file $path ?_
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $::main_status update $update_index_cp $totalCnt
+proc unstage_helper {txt paths} {
+ global file_states current_diff_path
+ if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
+ set pathList [list]
+ set after {}
+ foreach path $paths {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ A? -
+ M? -
+ D? {
+ lappend pathList $path
+ if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
+ set after {reshow_diff;}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$pathList eq {}} {
+ unlock_index
+ } else {
+ update_indexinfo \
+ $txt \
+ $pathList \
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
+ }
+proc do_unstage_selection {} {
+ global current_diff_path selected_paths
+ if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
+ unstage_helper \
+ {Unstaging selected files from commit} \
+ [array names selected_paths]
+ } elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
+ unstage_helper \
+ [mc "Unstaging %s from commit" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
+ [list $current_diff_path]
+ }
+proc add_helper {txt paths} {
+ global file_states current_diff_path
+ if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
+ set pathList [list]
+ set after {}
+ foreach path $paths {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ _O -
+ ?M -
+ ?D -
+ U? {
+ lappend pathList $path
+ if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
+ set after {reshow_diff;}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$pathList eq {}} {
+ unlock_index
+ } else {
+ update_index \
+ $txt \
+ $pathList \
++ [concat $after {ui_status [mc "Ready to commit."]}]
+ }
+proc do_add_selection {} {
+ global current_diff_path selected_paths
+ if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
+ add_helper \
+ {Adding selected files} \
+ [array names selected_paths]
+ } elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
+ add_helper \
+ [mc "Adding %s" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
+ [list $current_diff_path]
+ }
+proc do_add_all {} {
+ global file_states
+ set paths [list]
+ foreach path [array names file_states] {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ U? {continue}
+ ?M -
+ ?D {lappend paths $path}
+ }
+ }
+ add_helper {Adding all changed files} $paths
+proc revert_helper {txt paths} {
+ global file_states current_diff_path
+ if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
+ set pathList [list]
+ set after {}
+ foreach path $paths {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ U? {continue}
+ ?M -
+ ?D {
+ lappend pathList $path
+ if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
+ set after {reshow_diff;}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Split question between singular and plural cases, because
+ # such distinction is needed in some languages. Previously, the
+ # code used "Revert changes in" for both, but that can't work
+ # in languages where 'in' must be combined with word from
+ # rest of string (in diffrent way for both cases of course).
+ #
+ # FIXME: Unfortunately, even that isn't enough in some languages
+ # as they have quite complex plural-form rules. Unfortunately,
+ # msgcat doesn't seem to support that kind of string translation.
+ #
+ set n [llength $pathList]
+ if {$n == 0} {
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ } elseif {$n == 1} {
+ set query [mc "Revert changes in file %s?" [short_path [lindex $pathList]]]
+ } else {
+ set query [mc "Revert changes in these %i files?" $n]
+ }
+ set reply [tk_dialog \
+ .confirm_revert \
+ "[appname] ([reponame])" \
+ "$query
+[mc "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."]" \
+ question \
+ 1 \
+ [mc "Do Nothing"] \
+ [mc "Revert Changes"] \
+ ]
+ if {$reply == 1} {
+ checkout_index \
+ $txt \
+ $pathList \
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
+ } else {
+ unlock_index
+ }
+proc do_revert_selection {} {
+ global current_diff_path selected_paths
+ if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
+ revert_helper \
+ {Reverting selected files} \
+ [array names selected_paths]
+ } elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
+ revert_helper \
+ "Reverting [short_path $current_diff_path]" \
+ [list $current_diff_path]
+ }
+proc do_select_commit_type {} {
+ global commit_type selected_commit_type
+ if {$selected_commit_type eq {new}
+ && [string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ create_new_commit
+ } elseif {$selected_commit_type eq {amend}
+ && ![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ load_last_commit
+ # The amend request was rejected...
+ #
+ if {![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ set selected_commit_type new
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
- set msg [mc "Merging %s and %s" $current_branch $stitle]
- ui_status "$msg..."
+# git-gui branch merge support
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+class merge {
+field w ; # top level window
+field w_rev ; # mega-widget to pick the revision to merge
+method _can_merge {} {
+ global HEAD commit_type file_states
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ info_popup [mc "Cannot merge while amending.
+You must finish amending this commit before starting any type of merge.
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {[committer_ident] eq {}} {return 0}
+ if {![lock_index merge]} {return 0}
+ # -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
+ #
+ repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
+ if {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
+ info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
+Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before a merge can be performed.
+The rescan will be automatically started now.
+ unlock_index
+ rescan ui_ready
+ return 0
+ }
+ foreach path [array names file_states] {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ _O {
+ continue; # and pray it works!
+ }
+ U? {
+ error_popup [mc "You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.
+File %s has merge conflicts.
+You must resolve them, stage the file, and commit to complete the current merge. Only then can you begin another merge.
+" [short_path $path]]
+ unlock_index
+ return 0
+ }
+ ?? {
+ error_popup [mc "You are in the middle of a change.
+File %s is modified.
+You should complete the current commit before starting a merge. Doing so will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise.
+" [short_path $path]]
+ unlock_index
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+method _rev {} {
+ if {[catch {$w_rev commit_or_die}]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ return [$w_rev get]
+method _visualize {} {
+ set rev [_rev $this]
+ if {$rev ne {}} {
+ do_gitk [list $rev --not HEAD]
+ }
+method _start {} {
+ global HEAD current_branch remote_url
+ set name [_rev $this]
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
+ set cmit [$w_rev get_commit]
+ set fh [open [gitdir FETCH_HEAD] w]
+ fconfigure $fh -translation lf
+ if {$spec eq {}} {
+ set remote .
+ set branch $name
+ set stitle $branch
+ } else {
+ set remote $remote_url([lindex $spec 1])
+ if {[regexp {^[^:@]*@[^:]*:/} $remote]} {
+ regsub {^[^:@]*@} $remote {} remote
+ }
+ set branch [lindex $spec 2]
+ set stitle [mc "%s of %s" $branch $remote]
+ }
+ regsub ^refs/heads/ $branch {} branch
+ puts $fh "$cmit\t\tbranch '$branch' of $remote"
+ close $fh
+ set cmd [list git]
+ lappend cmd merge
+ lappend cmd --strategy=recursive
+ lappend cmd [git fmt-merge-msg <[gitdir FETCH_HEAD]]
+ lappend cmd HEAD
+ lappend cmd $name
- $::main_status start [mc "Aborting"] {files reset}
++ ui_status [mc "Merging %s and %s..." $current_branch $stitle]
+ set cons [console::new [mc "Merge"] "merge $stitle"]
+ console::exec $cons $cmd [cb _finish $cons]
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
+ destroy $w
+method _finish {cons ok} {
+ console::done $cons $ok
+ if {$ok} {
+ set msg [mc "Merge completed successfully."]
+ } else {
+ set msg [mc "Merge failed. Conflict resolution is required."]
+ }
+ unlock_index
+ rescan [list ui_status $msg]
+ delete_this
+constructor dialog {} {
+ global current_branch
+ global M1B
+ if {![_can_merge $this]} {
+ delete_this
+ return
+ }
+ make_toplevel top w
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Merge"]]
+ if {$top ne {.}} {
+ wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ }
+ set _start [cb _start]
+ label $w.header \
+ -text [mc "Merge Into %s" $current_branch] \
+ -font font_uibold
+ pack $w.header -side top -fill x
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.visualize \
+ -text [mc Visualize] \
+ -command [cb _visualize]
+ pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
+ button $w.buttons.merge \
+ -text [mc Merge] \
+ -command $_start
+ pack $w.buttons.merge -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -command [cb _cancel]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ set w_rev [::choose_rev::new_unmerged $w.rev [mc "Revision To Merge"]]
+ pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
+ bind $w <$M1B-Key-Return> $_start
+ bind $w <Key-Return> $_start
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> [cb _cancel]
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _cancel]
+ bind $w.buttons.merge <Visibility> [cb _visible]
+ tkwait window $w
+method _visible {} {
+ grab $w
+ if {[is_config_true gui.matchtrackingbranch]} {
+ $w_rev pick_tracking_branch
+ }
+ $w_rev focus_filter
+method _cancel {} {
+ wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
+ unlock_index
+ destroy $w
+ delete_this
+namespace eval merge {
+proc reset_hard {} {
+ global HEAD commit_type file_states
+ if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
+ info_popup [mc "Cannot abort while amending.
+You must finish amending this commit.
+ return
+ }
+ if {![lock_index abort]} return
+ if {[string match *merge* $commit_type]} {
+ set op_question [mc "Abort merge?
+Aborting the current merge will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.
+Continue with aborting the current merge?"]
+ } else {
+ set op_question [mc "Reset changes?
+Resetting the changes will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.
+Continue with resetting the current changes?"]
+ }
+ if {[ask_popup $op_question] eq {yes}} {
+ set fd [git_read --stderr read-tree --reset -u -v HEAD]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd readable [namespace code [list _reset_wait $fd]]
++ $::main_status start [mc "Aborting"] [mc "files reset"]
+ } else {
+ unlock_index
+ }
+proc _reset_wait {fd} {
+ global ui_comm
+ $::main_status update_meter [read $fd]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ set fail [catch {close $fd} err]
+ $::main_status stop
+ unlock_index
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir rr-cache MERGE_RR]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
+ if {$fail} {
+ warn_popup "[mc "Abort failed."]\n\n$err"
+ }
+ rescan {ui_status [mc "Abort completed. Ready."]}
+ } else {
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# git-gui options editor
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
+proc save_config {} {
+ global default_config font_descs
+ global repo_config global_config
+ global repo_config_new global_config_new
++ global ui_comm_spell
+ foreach option $font_descs {
+ set name [lindex $option 0]
+ set font [lindex $option 1]
+ font configure $font \
+ -family $global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
+ -size $global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
+ font configure ${font}bold \
+ -family $global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
+ -size $global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
+ font configure ${font}italic \
+ -family $global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
+ -size $global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
+ set global_config_new(gui.$name) [font configure $font]
+ unset global_config_new(gui.$font^^family)
+ unset global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
+ }
+ foreach name [array names default_config] {
+ set value $global_config_new($name)
+ if {$value ne $global_config($name)} {
+ if {$value eq $default_config($name)} {
+ catch {git config --global --unset $name}
+ } else {
+ regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
+ git config --global $name $value
+ }
+ set global_config($name) $value
+ if {$value eq $repo_config($name)} {
+ catch {git config --unset $name}
+ set repo_config($name) $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach name [array names default_config] {
+ set value $repo_config_new($name)
+ if {$value ne $repo_config($name)} {
+ if {$value eq $global_config($name)} {
+ catch {git config --unset $name}
+ } else {
+ regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
+ git config $name $value
+ }
+ set repo_config($name) $value
+ }
+ }
++ if {[info exists repo_config(gui.spellingdictionary)]} {
++ set value $repo_config(gui.spellingdictionary)
++ if {$value eq {none}} {
++ if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
++ $ui_comm_spell stop
++ }
++ } elseif {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
++ $ui_comm_spell lang $value
++ }
++ }
+proc do_options {} {
+ global repo_config global_config font_descs
+ global repo_config_new global_config_new
++ global ui_comm_spell
+ array unset repo_config_new
+ array unset global_config_new
+ foreach name [array names repo_config] {
+ set repo_config_new($name) $repo_config($name)
+ }
+ load_config 1
+ foreach name [array names repo_config] {
+ switch -- $name {
+ gui.diffcontext {continue}
+ }
+ set repo_config_new($name) $repo_config($name)
+ }
+ foreach name [array names global_config] {
+ set global_config_new($name) $global_config($name)
+ }
+ set w .options_editor
+ toplevel $w
+ wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ frame $w.buttons
+ button $w.buttons.restore -text [mc "Restore Defaults"] \
+ -default normal \
+ -command do_restore_defaults
+ pack $w.buttons.restore -side left
+ button $w.buttons.save -text [mc Save] \
+ -default active \
+ -command [list do_save_config $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.save -side right
+ button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -default normal \
+ -command [list destroy $w]
+ pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
+ pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
+ labelframe $w.repo -text [mc "%s Repository" [reponame]]
+ labelframe $w.global -text [mc "Global (All Repositories)"]
+ pack $w.repo -side left -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
+ pack $w.global -side right -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
+ set optid 0
+ foreach option {
+ {t user.name {mc "User Name"}}
+ {t user.email {mc "Email Address"}}
+ {b merge.summary {mc "Summarize Merge Commits"}}
+ {i-1..5 merge.verbosity {mc "Merge Verbosity"}}
+ {b merge.diffstat {mc "Show Diffstat After Merge"}}
+ {b gui.trustmtime {mc "Trust File Modification Timestamps"}}
+ {b gui.pruneduringfetch {mc "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch"}}
+ {b gui.matchtrackingbranch {mc "Match Tracking Branches"}}
+ {i-0..99 gui.diffcontext {mc "Number of Diff Context Lines"}}
+ {t gui.newbranchtemplate {mc "New Branch Name Template"}}
+ } {
+ set type [lindex $option 0]
+ set name [lindex $option 1]
+ set text [eval [lindex $option 2]]
+ incr optid
+ foreach f {repo global} {
+ switch -glob -- $type {
+ b {
+ checkbutton $w.$f.$optid -text $text \
+ -variable ${f}_config_new($name) \
+ -onvalue true \
+ -offvalue false
+ pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w
+ }
+ i-* {
+ regexp -- {-(\d+)\.\.(\d+)$} $type _junk min max
+ frame $w.$f.$optid
+ label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
+ pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
+ spinbox $w.$f.$optid.v \
+ -textvariable ${f}_config_new($name) \
+ -from $min \
+ -to $max \
+ -increment 1 \
+ -width [expr {1 + [string length $max]}]
+ bind $w.$f.$optid.v <FocusIn> {%W selection range 0 end}
+ pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side right -anchor e -padx 5
+ pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
+ }
+ t {
+ frame $w.$f.$optid
+ label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
+ entry $w.$f.$optid.v \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 20 \
+ -textvariable ${f}_config_new($name)
+ pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w
+ pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side left -anchor w \
+ -fill x -expand 1 \
+ -padx 5
+ pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
++ set all_dicts [linsert \
++ [spellcheck::available_langs] \
++ 0 \
++ none]
++ incr optid
++ foreach f {repo global} {
++ if {![info exists ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary)]} {
++ if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
++ set value [$ui_comm_spell lang]
++ } else {
++ set value none
++ }
++ set ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) $value
++ }
++ frame $w.$f.$optid
++ label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "Spelling Dictionary:"]
++ eval tk_optionMenu $w.$f.$optid.v \
++ ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) \
++ $all_dicts
++ pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
++ pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side left -anchor w \
++ -fill x -expand 1 \
++ -padx 5
++ pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
++ }
++ unset all_dicts
+ set all_fonts [lsort [font families]]
+ foreach option $font_descs {
+ set name [lindex $option 0]
+ set font [lindex $option 1]
+ set text [eval [lindex $option 2]]
+ set global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
+ [font configure $font -family]
+ set global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
+ [font configure $font -size]
+ frame $w.global.$name
+ label $w.global.$name.l -text "$text:"
+ button $w.global.$name.b \
+ -text [mc "Change Font"] \
+ -command [list \
+ choose_font::pick \
+ $w \
+ [mc "Choose %s" $text] \
+ global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
+ global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
+ ]
+ label $w.global.$name.f -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^family)
+ label $w.global.$name.s -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
+ label $w.global.$name.pt -text [mc "pt."]
+ pack $w.global.$name.l -side left -anchor w
+ pack $w.global.$name.b -side right -anchor e
+ pack $w.global.$name.pt -side right -anchor w
+ pack $w.global.$name.s -side right -anchor w
+ pack $w.global.$name.f -side right -anchor w
+ pack $w.global.$name -side top -anchor w -fill x
+ }
+ bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.save"
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
+ bind $w <Key-Return> [list do_save_config $w]
+ if {[is_MacOSX]} {
+ set t [mc "Preferences"]
+ } else {
+ set t [mc "Options"]
+ }
+ wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): $t"
+ tkwait window $w
+proc do_restore_defaults {} {
+ global font_descs default_config repo_config
+ global repo_config_new global_config_new
+ foreach name [array names default_config] {
+ set repo_config_new($name) $default_config($name)
+ set global_config_new($name) $default_config($name)
+ }
+ foreach option $font_descs {
+ set name [lindex $option 0]
+ set repo_config(gui.$name) $default_config(gui.$name)
+ }
+ apply_config
+ foreach option $font_descs {
+ set name [lindex $option 0]
+ set font [lindex $option 1]
+ set global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
+ [font configure $font -family]
+ set global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
+ [font configure $font -size]
+ }
+proc do_save_config {w} {
+ if {[catch {save_config} err]} {
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to completely save options:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ }
+ reshow_diff
+ destroy $w
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
++# git-gui spellchecking support through aspell
++# Copyright (C) 2008 Shawn Pearce
++class spellcheck {
++field s_fd {} ; # pipe to aspell
++field s_version ; # aspell version string
++field s_lang ; # current language code
++field w_text ; # text widget we are spelling
++field w_menu ; # context menu for the widget
++field s_menuidx 0 ; # last index of insertion into $w_menu
++field s_i ; # timer registration for _run callbacks
++field s_clear 0 ; # did we erase mispelled tags yet?
++field s_seen [list] ; # lines last seen from $w_text in _run
++field s_checked [list] ; # lines already checked
++field s_pending [list] ; # [$line $data] sent to aspell
++field s_suggest ; # array, list of suggestions, keyed by misspelling
++constructor init {pipe_fd ui_text ui_menu} {
++ set w_text $ui_text
++ set w_menu $ui_menu
++ _connect $this $pipe_fd
++ return $this
++method _connect {pipe_fd} {
++ fconfigure $pipe_fd \
++ -encoding utf-8 \
++ -eofchar {} \
++ -translation lf
++ if {[gets $pipe_fd s_version] <= 0} {
++ close $pipe_fd
++ error [mc "Not connected to aspell"]
++ }
++ if {{@(#) } ne [string range $s_version 0 4]} {
++ close $pipe_fd
++ error [strcat [mc "Unrecognized aspell version"] ": $s_version"]
++ }
++ set s_version [string range $s_version 5 end]
++ puts $pipe_fd ! ; # enable terse mode
++ puts $pipe_fd {$$cr master} ; # fetch the language
++ flush $pipe_fd
++ gets $pipe_fd s_lang
++ regexp {[/\\]([^/\\]+)\.[^\.]+$} $s_lang _ s_lang
++ if {$::default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) eq {}
++ && [get_config gui.spellingdictionary] eq {}} {
++ set ::default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) $s_lang
++ }
++ if {$s_fd ne {}} {
++ catch {close $s_fd}
++ }
++ set s_fd $pipe_fd
++ fconfigure $s_fd -blocking 0
++ fileevent $s_fd readable [cb _read]
++ $w_text tag conf misspelled \
++ -foreground red \
++ -underline 1
++ bind_button3 $w_text [cb _popup_suggest %X %Y @%x,%y]
++ array unset s_suggest
++ set s_seen [list]
++ set s_checked [list]
++ set s_pending [list]
++ _run $this
++method lang {{n {}}} {
++ if {$n ne {} && $s_lang ne $n} {
++ set spell_cmd [list |]
++ lappend spell_cmd aspell
++ lappend spell_cmd --master=$n
++ lappend spell_cmd --mode=none
++ lappend spell_cmd --encoding=UTF-8
++ lappend spell_cmd pipe
++ _connect $this [open $spell_cmd r+]
++ }
++ return $s_lang
++method version {} {
++ return "$s_version, $s_lang"
++method stop {} {
++ while {$s_menuidx > 0} {
++ $w_menu delete 0
++ incr s_menuidx -1
++ }
++ $w_text tag delete misspelled
++ catch {close $s_fd}
++ catch {after cancel $s_i}
++ set s_fd {}
++ set s_i {}
++ set s_lang {}
++method _popup_suggest {X Y pos} {
++ while {$s_menuidx > 0} {
++ $w_menu delete 0
++ incr s_menuidx -1
++ }
++ set b_loc [$w_text index "$pos wordstart"]
++ set e_loc [_wordend $this $b_loc]
++ set orig [$w_text get $b_loc $e_loc]
++ set tags [$w_text tag names $b_loc]
++ if {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
++ if {[info exists s_suggest($orig)]} {
++ set cnt 0
++ foreach s $s_suggest($orig) {
++ if {$cnt < 5} {
++ $w_menu insert $s_menuidx command \
++ -label $s \
++ -command [cb _replace $b_loc $e_loc $s]
++ incr s_menuidx
++ incr cnt
++ } else {
++ break
++ }
++ }
++ } else {
++ $w_menu insert $s_menuidx command \
++ -label [mc "No Suggestions"] \
++ -state disabled
++ incr s_menuidx
++ }
++ $w_menu insert $s_menuidx separator
++ incr s_menuidx
++ }
++ $w_text mark set saved-insert insert
++ tk_popup $w_menu $X $Y
++method _replace {b_loc e_loc word} {
++ $w_text configure -autoseparators 0
++ $w_text edit separator
++ $w_text delete $b_loc $e_loc
++ $w_text insert $b_loc $word
++ $w_text edit separator
++ $w_text configure -autoseparators 1
++ $w_text mark set insert saved-insert
++method _restart_timer {} {
++ set s_i [after 300 [cb _run]]
++proc _match_length {max_line arr_name} {
++ upvar $arr_name a
++ if {[llength $a] > $max_line} {
++ set a [lrange $a 0 $max_line]
++ }
++ while {[llength $a] <= $max_line} {
++ lappend a {}
++ }
++method _wordend {pos} {
++ set pos [$w_text index "$pos wordend"]
++ set tags [$w_text tag names $pos]
++ while {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
++ set pos [$w_text index "$pos +1c"]
++ set tags [$w_text tag names $pos]
++ }
++ return $pos
++method _run {} {
++ set cur_pos [$w_text index {insert -1c}]
++ set cur_line [lindex [split $cur_pos .] 0]
++ set max_line [lindex [split [$w_text index end] .] 0]
++ _match_length $max_line s_seen
++ _match_length $max_line s_checked
++ # Nothing in the message buffer? Nothing to spellcheck.
++ #
++ if {$cur_line == 1
++ && $max_line == 2
++ && [$w_text get 1.0 end] eq "\n"} {
++ array unset s_suggest
++ _restart_timer $this
++ return
++ }
++ set active 0
++ for {set n 1} {$n <= $max_line} {incr n} {
++ set s [$w_text get "$n.0" "$n.end"]
++ # Don't spellcheck the current line unless we are at
++ # a word boundary. The user might be typing on it.
++ #
++ if {$n == $cur_line
++ && ![regexp {^\W$} [$w_text get $cur_pos insert]]} {
++ # If the current word is mispelled remove the tag
++ # but force a spellcheck later.
++ #
++ set tags [$w_text tag names $cur_pos]
++ if {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
++ $w_text tag remove misspelled \
++ "$cur_pos wordstart" \
++ [_wordend $this $cur_pos]
++ lset s_seen $n $s
++ lset s_checked $n {}
++ }
++ continue
++ }
++ if {[lindex $s_seen $n] eq $s
++ && [lindex $s_checked $n] ne $s} {
++ # Don't send empty lines to Aspell it doesn't check them.
++ #
++ if {$s eq {}} {
++ lset s_checked $n $s
++ continue
++ }
++ # Don't send typical s-b-o lines as the emails are
++ # almost always misspelled according to Aspell.
++ #
++ if {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z-]+-by:.*<.*@.*>$} $s]} {
++ $w_text tag remove misspelled "$n.0" "$n.end"
++ lset s_checked $n $s
++ continue
++ }
++ puts $s_fd ^$s
++ lappend s_pending [list $n $s]
++ set active 1
++ } else {
++ # Delay until another idle loop to make sure we don't
++ # spellcheck lines the user is actively changing.
++ #
++ lset s_seen $n $s
++ }
++ }
++ if {$active} {
++ set s_clear 1
++ flush $s_fd
++ } else {
++ _restart_timer $this
++ }
++method _read {} {
++ while {[gets $s_fd line] >= 0} {
++ set lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 0]
++ if {$s_clear} {
++ $w_text tag remove misspelled "$lineno.0" "$lineno.end"
++ set s_clear 0
++ }
++ if {$line eq {}} {
++ lset s_checked $lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 1]
++ set s_pending [lrange $s_pending 1 end]
++ set s_clear 1
++ continue
++ }
++ set sugg [list]
++ switch -- [string range $line 0 1] {
++ {& } {
++ set line [split [string range $line 2 end] :]
++ set info [split [lindex $line 0] { }]
++ set orig [lindex $info 0]
++ set offs [lindex $info 2]
++ foreach s [split [lindex $line 1] ,] {
++ lappend sugg [string range $s 1 end]
++ }
++ }
++ {# } {
++ set info [split [string range $line 2 end] { }]
++ set orig [lindex $info 0]
++ set offs [lindex $info 1]
++ }
++ default {
++ puts stderr "<spell> $line"
++ continue
++ }
++ }
++ incr offs -1
++ set b_loc "$lineno.$offs"
++ set e_loc [$w_text index "$lineno.$offs wordend"]
++ set curr [$w_text get $b_loc $e_loc]
++ # At least for English curr = "bob", orig = "bob's"
++ # so Tk didn't include the 's but Aspell did. We
++ # try to round out the word.
++ #
++ while {$curr ne $orig
++ && [string equal -length [llength $curr] $curr $orig]} {
++ set n_loc [$w_text index "$e_loc +1c"]
++ set n_curr [$w_text get $b_loc $n_loc]
++ if {$n_curr eq $curr} {
++ break
++ }
++ set curr $n_curr
++ set e_loc $n_loc
++ }
++ if {$curr eq $orig} {
++ $w_text tag add misspelled $b_loc $e_loc
++ if {[llength $sugg] > 0} {
++ set s_suggest($orig) $sugg
++ } else {
++ unset -nocomplain s_suggest($orig)
++ }
++ } else {
++ unset -nocomplain s_suggest($orig)
++ }
++ }
++ fconfigure $s_fd -block 1
++ if {[eof $s_fd]} {
++ if {![catch {close $s_fd} err]} {
++ set err [mc "unexpected eof from aspell"]
++ }
++ catch {after cancel $s_i}
++ $w_text tag remove misspelled 1.0 end
++ error_popup [strcat "Spell Checker Failed" "\n\n" $err]
++ return
++ }
++ fconfigure $s_fd -block 0
++ if {[llength $s_pending] == 0} {
++ _restart_timer $this
++ }
++proc available_langs {} {
++ set langs [list]
++ catch {
++ set fd [open [list | aspell dump dicts] r]
++ while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
++ if {$line eq {}} continue
++ lappend langs $line
++ }
++ close $fd
++ }
++ return $langs
--- /dev/null
- <string>Wish</string>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
+ <string>English</string>
+ <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
++ <string>@@GITGUI_TKEXECUTABLE@@</string>
+ <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
+ <string>Git Gui @@GITGUI_VERSION@@ © 2006-2007 Shawn Pearce, et. al.</string>
+ <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+ <string>git-gui.icns</string>
+ <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
+ <string>cz.or.repo.git-gui</string>
+ <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
+ <string>6.0</string>
+ <key>CFBundleName</key>
+ <string>Git Gui</string>
+ <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+ <string>APPL</string>
+ <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+ <string>@@GITGUI_VERSION@@</string>
+ <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ <string>GITg</string>
+ <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+ <string>@@GITGUI_VERSION@@</string>
--- /dev/null
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-24 10:36+0100\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-15 20:33+0100\n"
+# Translation of git-gui to German.
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce, et al.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the git package.
+# Christian Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de>, 2007
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: git-gui\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
- msgstr "Fehler: Verzeichnis »%s« kann nicht gelesen werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-02 10:14+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-02 10:18+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Christian Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de>\n"
+"Language-Team: German\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: git-gui.sh:41 git-gui.sh:604 git-gui.sh:618 git-gui.sh:631 git-gui.sh:714
+#: git-gui.sh:733
+msgid "git-gui: fatal error"
+msgstr "git-gui: Programmfehler"
+#: git-gui.sh:565
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid font specified in %s:"
+msgstr "Ungültige Zeichensatz-Angabe in %s:"
+#: git-gui.sh:590
+msgid "Main Font"
+msgstr "Programmschriftart"
+#: git-gui.sh:591
+msgid "Diff/Console Font"
+msgstr "Vergleich-Schriftart"
+#: git-gui.sh:605
+msgid "Cannot find git in PATH."
+msgstr "Git kann im PATH nicht gefunden werden."
+#: git-gui.sh:632
+msgid "Cannot parse Git version string:"
+msgstr "Git Versionsangabe kann nicht erkannt werden:"
+#: git-gui.sh:650
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Git version cannot be determined.\n"
+"%s claims it is version '%s'.\n"
+"%s requires at least Git 1.5.0 or later.\n"
+"Assume '%s' is version 1.5.0?\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Version von Git kann nicht bestimmt werden.\n"
+"»%s« behauptet, es sei Version »%s«.\n"
+"%s benötigt mindestens Git 1.5.0 oder höher.\n"
+"Soll angenommen werden, »%s« sei Version 1.5.0?\n"
+#: git-gui.sh:888
+msgid "Git directory not found:"
+msgstr "Git-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden:"
+#: git-gui.sh:895
+msgid "Cannot move to top of working directory:"
+msgstr ""
+"Es konnte nicht in das oberste Verzeichnis der Arbeitskopie gewechselt "
+#: git-gui.sh:902
+msgid "Cannot use funny .git directory:"
+msgstr "Unerwartete Struktur des .git Verzeichnis:"
+#: git-gui.sh:907
+msgid "No working directory"
+msgstr "Kein Arbeitsverzeichnis"
+#: git-gui.sh:1054
+msgid "Refreshing file status..."
+msgstr "Dateistatus aktualisieren..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1119
+msgid "Scanning for modified files ..."
+msgstr "Nach geänderten Dateien suchen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1294 lib/browser.tcl:245
+msgid "Ready."
+msgstr "Bereit."
+#: git-gui.sh:1560
+msgid "Unmodified"
+msgstr "Unverändert"
+#: git-gui.sh:1562
+msgid "Modified, not staged"
+msgstr "Verändert, nicht bereitgestellt"
+#: git-gui.sh:1563 git-gui.sh:1568
+msgid "Staged for commit"
+msgstr "Bereitgestellt zum Eintragen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1564 git-gui.sh:1569
+msgid "Portions staged for commit"
+msgstr "Teilweise bereitgestellt zum Eintragen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1565 git-gui.sh:1570
+msgid "Staged for commit, missing"
+msgstr "Bereitgestellt zum Eintragen, fehlend"
+#: git-gui.sh:1567
+msgid "Untracked, not staged"
+msgstr "Nicht unter Versionskontrolle, nicht bereitgestellt"
+#: git-gui.sh:1572
+msgid "Missing"
+msgstr "Fehlend"
+#: git-gui.sh:1573
+msgid "Staged for removal"
+msgstr "Bereitgestellt zum Löschen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1574
+msgid "Staged for removal, still present"
+msgstr "Bereitgestellt zum Löschen, trotzdem vorhanden"
+#: git-gui.sh:1576 git-gui.sh:1577 git-gui.sh:1578 git-gui.sh:1579
+msgid "Requires merge resolution"
+msgstr "Konfliktauflösung nötig"
+#: git-gui.sh:1614
+msgid "Starting gitk... please wait..."
+msgstr "Gitk wird gestartet... bitte warten."
+#: git-gui.sh:1623
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to start gitk:\n"
+"%s does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+"Gitk kann nicht gestartet werden:\n"
+"%s existiert nicht"
+#: git-gui.sh:1823 lib/choose_repository.tcl:35
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv"
+#: git-gui.sh:1824
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Bearbeiten"
+#: git-gui.sh:1826 lib/choose_rev.tcl:560
+msgid "Branch"
+msgstr "Zweig"
+#: git-gui.sh:1829 lib/choose_rev.tcl:547
+msgid "Commit@@noun"
+msgstr "Version"
+#: git-gui.sh:1832 lib/merge.tcl:121 lib/merge.tcl:150 lib/merge.tcl:168
+msgid "Merge"
+msgstr "Zusammenführen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1833 lib/choose_rev.tcl:556
+msgid "Remote"
+msgstr "Andere Archive"
+#: git-gui.sh:1842
+msgid "Browse Current Branch's Files"
+msgstr "Aktuellen Zweig durchblättern"
+#: git-gui.sh:1846
+msgid "Browse Branch Files..."
+msgstr "Einen Zweig durchblättern..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1851
+msgid "Visualize Current Branch's History"
+msgstr "Aktuellen Zweig darstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1855
+msgid "Visualize All Branch History"
+msgstr "Alle Zweige darstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1862
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Browse %s's Files"
+msgstr "Zweig »%s« durchblättern"
+#: git-gui.sh:1864
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Visualize %s's History"
+msgstr "Historie von »%s« darstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1869 lib/database.tcl:27 lib/database.tcl:67
+msgid "Database Statistics"
+msgstr "Datenbankstatistik"
+#: git-gui.sh:1872 lib/database.tcl:34
+msgid "Compress Database"
+msgstr "Datenbank komprimieren"
+#: git-gui.sh:1875
+msgid "Verify Database"
+msgstr "Datenbank überprüfen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1882 git-gui.sh:1886 git-gui.sh:1890 lib/shortcut.tcl:7
+#: lib/shortcut.tcl:39 lib/shortcut.tcl:71
+msgid "Create Desktop Icon"
+msgstr "Desktop-Icon erstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1895 lib/choose_repository.tcl:176 lib/choose_repository.tcl:184
+msgid "Quit"
+msgstr "Beenden"
+#: git-gui.sh:1902
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Rückgängig"
+#: git-gui.sh:1905
+msgid "Redo"
+msgstr "Wiederholen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1909 git-gui.sh:2403
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "Ausschneiden"
+#: git-gui.sh:1912 git-gui.sh:2406 git-gui.sh:2477 git-gui.sh:2549
+#: lib/console.tcl:67
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Kopieren"
+#: git-gui.sh:1915 git-gui.sh:2409
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "Einfügen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1918 git-gui.sh:2412 lib/branch_delete.tcl:26
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:38
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Löschen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1922 git-gui.sh:2416 git-gui.sh:2553 lib/console.tcl:69
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "Alle auswählen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1931
+msgid "Create..."
+msgstr "Erstellen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1937
+msgid "Checkout..."
+msgstr "Umstellen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1943
+msgid "Rename..."
+msgstr "Umbenennen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1948 git-gui.sh:2048
+msgid "Delete..."
+msgstr "Löschen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1953
+msgid "Reset..."
+msgstr "Zurücksetzen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:1965 git-gui.sh:2350
+msgid "New Commit"
+msgstr "Neue Version"
+#: git-gui.sh:1973 git-gui.sh:2357
+msgid "Amend Last Commit"
+msgstr "Letzte nachbessern"
+#: git-gui.sh:1982 git-gui.sh:2317 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:99
+msgid "Rescan"
+msgstr "Neu laden"
+#: git-gui.sh:1988
+msgid "Stage To Commit"
+msgstr "Zum Eintragen bereitstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:1994
+msgid "Stage Changed Files To Commit"
+msgstr "Geänderte Dateien bereitstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2000
+msgid "Unstage From Commit"
+msgstr "Aus der Bereitstellung herausnehmen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2005 lib/index.tcl:393
+msgid "Revert Changes"
+msgstr "Änderungen verwerfen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2012 git-gui.sh:2329 git-gui.sh:2427
+msgid "Sign Off"
+msgstr "Abzeichnen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2016 git-gui.sh:2333
+msgid "Commit@@verb"
+msgstr "Eintragen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2027
+msgid "Local Merge..."
+msgstr "Lokales Zusammenführen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2032
+msgid "Abort Merge..."
+msgstr "Zusammenführen abbrechen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2044
+msgid "Push..."
+msgstr "Versenden..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2055 lib/choose_repository.tcl:40
+msgid "Apple"
+msgstr "Apple"
+#: git-gui.sh:2058 git-gui.sh:2080 lib/about.tcl:13
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:43 lib/choose_repository.tcl:49
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "About %s"
+msgstr "Über %s"
+#: git-gui.sh:2062
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr "Einstellungen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2070 git-gui.sh:2595
+msgid "Options..."
+msgstr "Optionen..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2076 lib/choose_repository.tcl:46
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Hilfe"
+#: git-gui.sh:2117
+msgid "Online Documentation"
+msgstr "Online-Dokumentation"
+#: git-gui.sh:2201
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory"
- msgstr "Nachgebesserte Versionsbeschreibung:"
++msgstr ""
++"Fehler: Verzeichnis »%s« kann nicht gelesen werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis "
++"nicht gefunden"
+#: git-gui.sh:2234
+msgid "Current Branch:"
+msgstr "Aktueller Zweig:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2255
+msgid "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"
+msgstr "Bereitstellung (zum Eintragen)"
+#: git-gui.sh:2274
+msgid "Unstaged Changes"
+msgstr "Nicht bereitgestellte Änderungen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2323
+msgid "Stage Changed"
+msgstr "Alles bereitstellen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2339 lib/transport.tcl:93 lib/transport.tcl:182
+msgid "Push"
+msgstr "Versenden"
+#: git-gui.sh:2369
+msgid "Initial Commit Message:"
+msgstr "Erste Versionsbeschreibung:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2370
+msgid "Amended Commit Message:"
- msgstr "Nachgebesserte erste Versionsbeschreibung:"
++msgstr "Nachgebesserte Beschreibung:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2371
+msgid "Amended Initial Commit Message:"
- msgstr "Nachgebesserte Zusammenführungs-Versionsbeschreibung:"
++msgstr "Nachgebesserte erste Beschreibung:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2372
+msgid "Amended Merge Commit Message:"
- msgstr "Zusammenführungs-Versionsbeschreibung:"
++msgstr "Nachgebesserte Zusammenführungs-Beschreibung:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2373
+msgid "Merge Commit Message:"
- #: git-gui.sh:2545
- msgid "Refresh"
- msgstr "Aktualisieren"
- #: git-gui.sh:2566
++msgstr "Zusammenführungs-Beschreibung:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2374
+msgid "Commit Message:"
+msgstr "Versionsbeschreibung:"
+#: git-gui.sh:2419 git-gui.sh:2557 lib/console.tcl:71
+msgid "Copy All"
+msgstr "Alle kopieren"
+#: git-gui.sh:2443 lib/blame.tcl:104
+msgid "File:"
+msgstr "Datei:"
- #: git-gui.sh:2572
- msgid "Decrease Font Size"
- msgstr "Schriftgröße verkleinern"
- #: git-gui.sh:2576
- msgid "Increase Font Size"
- msgstr "Schriftgröße vergrößern"
- #: git-gui.sh:2581
++#: git-gui.sh:2573
+msgid "Apply/Reverse Hunk"
+msgstr "Kontext anwenden/umkehren"
- #: git-gui.sh:2588
++#: git-gui.sh:2579
+msgid "Show Less Context"
+msgstr "Weniger Zeilen anzeigen"
- #: git-gui.sh:2602
++#: git-gui.sh:2586
+msgid "Show More Context"
+msgstr "Mehr Zeilen anzeigen"
- msgstr "Zweig umstellen"
++#: git-gui.sh:2594
++msgid "Refresh"
++msgstr "Aktualisieren"
++#: git-gui.sh:2615
++msgid "Decrease Font Size"
++msgstr "Schriftgröße verkleinern"
++#: git-gui.sh:2619
++msgid "Increase Font Size"
++msgstr "Schriftgröße vergrößern"
++#: git-gui.sh:2630
+msgid "Unstage Hunk From Commit"
+msgstr "Kontext aus Bereitstellung herausnehmen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2604
+msgid "Stage Hunk For Commit"
+msgstr "Kontext zur Bereitstellung hinzufügen"
+#: git-gui.sh:2623
+msgid "Initializing..."
+msgstr "Initialisieren..."
+#: git-gui.sh:2718
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Possible environment issues exist.\n"
+"The following environment variables are probably\n"
+"going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run\n"
+"by %s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Möglicherweise gibt es Probleme mit manchen Umgebungsvariablen.\n"
+"Die folgenden Umgebungsvariablen können vermutlich nicht \n"
+"von %s an Git weitergegeben werden:\n"
+#: git-gui.sh:2748
+msgid ""
+"This is due to a known issue with the\n"
+"Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist ein bekanntes Problem der Tcl-Version, die\n"
+"in Cygwin mitgeliefert wird."
+#: git-gui.sh:2753
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"A good replacement for %s\n"
+"is placing values for the user.name and\n"
+"user.email settings into your personal\n"
+"~/.gitconfig file.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Um den Namen »%s« zu ändern, sollten Sie die \n"
+"gewünschten Werte für die Einstellung user.name und \n"
+"user.email in Ihre Datei ~/.gitconfig einfügen.\n"
+#: lib/about.tcl:25
+msgid "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."
+msgstr "git-gui - eine grafische Oberfläche für Git."
+#: lib/blame.tcl:77
+msgid "File Viewer"
+msgstr "Datei-Browser"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:81
+msgid "Commit:"
+msgstr "Version:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:249
+msgid "Copy Commit"
+msgstr "Version kopieren"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:369
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reading %s..."
+msgstr "%s lesen..."
+#: lib/blame.tcl:473
+msgid "Loading copy/move tracking annotations..."
+msgstr "Annotierungen für Kopieren/Verschieben werden geladen..."
+#: lib/blame.tcl:493
+msgid "lines annotated"
+msgstr "Zeilen annotiert"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:674
+msgid "Loading original location annotations..."
+msgstr "Annotierungen für ursprünglichen Ort werden geladen..."
+#: lib/blame.tcl:677
+msgid "Annotation complete."
+msgstr "Annotierung vollständig."
+#: lib/blame.tcl:731
+msgid "Loading annotation..."
+msgstr "Annotierung laden..."
+#: lib/blame.tcl:787
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:791
+msgid "Committer:"
+msgstr "Eintragender:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:796
+msgid "Original File:"
+msgstr "Ursprüngliche Datei:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:910
+msgid "Originally By:"
+msgstr "Ursprünglich von:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:916
+msgid "In File:"
+msgstr "In Datei:"
+#: lib/blame.tcl:921
+msgid "Copied Or Moved Here By:"
+msgstr "Kopiert oder verschoben durch:"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:14 lib/branch_checkout.tcl:19
+msgid "Checkout Branch"
- "Zweig umstellen von »%s« abgebrochen (Zusammenführen der Dateien ist "
++msgstr "Auf Zweig umstellen"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:23
+msgid "Checkout"
+msgstr "Umstellen"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:27 lib/branch_create.tcl:35
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:32 lib/branch_rename.tcl:30 lib/browser.tcl:281
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:522 lib/choose_font.tcl:43 lib/merge.tcl:172
+#: lib/option.tcl:90 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:42 lib/transport.tcl:97
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:32 lib/browser.tcl:286
+msgid "Revision"
+msgstr "Version"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:36 lib/branch_create.tcl:69 lib/option.tcl:202
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Optionen"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:39 lib/branch_create.tcl:92
+msgid "Fetch Tracking Branch"
+msgstr "Übernahmezweig anfordern"
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:44
+msgid "Detach From Local Branch"
+msgstr "Verbindung zu lokalem Zweig lösen"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:22
+msgid "Create Branch"
+msgstr "Zweig erstellen"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:27
+msgid "Create New Branch"
+msgstr "Neuen Zweig erstellen"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:31 lib/choose_repository.tcl:375
+msgid "Create"
+msgstr "Erstellen"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:40
+msgid "Branch Name"
+msgstr "Zweigname"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:43
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:58
+msgid "Match Tracking Branch Name"
+msgstr "Passend zu Übernahmezweig-Name"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:66
+msgid "Starting Revision"
+msgstr "Anfangsversion"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:72
+msgid "Update Existing Branch:"
+msgstr "Existierenden Zweig aktualisieren:"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:75
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nein"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:80
+msgid "Fast Forward Only"
+msgstr "Nur Schnellzusammenführung"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:85 lib/checkout_op.tcl:514
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:97
+msgid "Checkout After Creation"
+msgstr "Arbeitskopie umstellen nach Erstellen"
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:131
+msgid "Please select a tracking branch."
+msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einen Übernahmezweig."
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:140
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tracking branch %s is not a branch in the remote repository."
+msgstr "Übernahmezweig »%s« ist kein Zweig im anderen Projektarchiv."
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:153 lib/branch_rename.tcl:86
+msgid "Please supply a branch name."
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Zweignamen an."
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:164 lib/branch_rename.tcl:106
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an acceptable branch name."
+msgstr "»%s« ist kein zulässiger Zweigname."
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:15
+msgid "Delete Branch"
+msgstr "Zweig löschen"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:20
+msgid "Delete Local Branch"
+msgstr "Lokalen Zweig löschen"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:37
+msgid "Local Branches"
+msgstr "Lokale Zweige"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:52
+msgid "Delete Only If Merged Into"
+msgstr "Nur löschen, wenn darin zusammengeführt"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:54
+msgid "Always (Do not perform merge test.)"
+msgstr "Immer (ohne Zusammenführungstest)"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:103
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "The following branches are not completely merged into %s:"
+msgstr "Folgende Zweige sind noch nicht mit »%s« zusammengeführt:"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:115
+msgid ""
+"Recovering deleted branches is difficult. \n"
+" Delete the selected branches?"
+msgstr ""
+"Gelöschte Zweige können nur mit größerem Aufwand wiederhergestellt werden.\n"
+"Gewählte Zweige jetzt löschen?"
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:141
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to delete branches:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fehler beim Löschen der Zweige:\n"
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:14 lib/branch_rename.tcl:22
+msgid "Rename Branch"
+msgstr "Zweig umbenennen"
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:26
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Umbenennen"
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:36
+msgid "Branch:"
+msgstr "Zweig:"
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:39
+msgid "New Name:"
+msgstr "Neuer Name:"
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:75
+msgid "Please select a branch to rename."
+msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einen Zweig zum umbenennen."
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:96 lib/checkout_op.tcl:179
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "Zweig »%s« existiert bereits."
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:117
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to rename '%s'."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Umbenennen von »%s«."
+#: lib/browser.tcl:17
+msgid "Starting..."
+msgstr "Starten..."
+#: lib/browser.tcl:26
+msgid "File Browser"
+msgstr "Datei-Browser"
+#: lib/browser.tcl:125 lib/browser.tcl:142
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Loading %s..."
+msgstr "%s laden..."
+#: lib/browser.tcl:186
+msgid "[Up To Parent]"
+msgstr "[Nach oben]"
+#: lib/browser.tcl:266 lib/browser.tcl:272
+msgid "Browse Branch Files"
+msgstr "Dateien des Zweigs durchblättern"
+#: lib/browser.tcl:277 lib/choose_repository.tcl:391
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:482 lib/choose_repository.tcl:492
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:989
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Blättern"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:79
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Fetching %s from %s"
+msgstr "Änderungen »%s« von »%s« anfordern"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:127
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fatal: Cannot resolve %s"
+msgstr "Fehler: »%s« kann nicht als Zweig oder Version erkannt werden"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:140 lib/console.tcl:79 lib/database.tcl:31
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Schließen"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:169
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' does not exist."
+msgstr "Zweig »%s« existiert nicht."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:206
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Branch '%s' already exists.\n"
+"It cannot fast-forward to %s.\n"
+"A merge is required."
+msgstr ""
+"Zweig »%s« existiert bereits.\n"
+"Zweig kann nicht mit »%s« schnellzusammengeführt werden. Reguläres "
+"Zusammenführen ist notwendig."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:220
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Merge strategy '%s' not supported."
+msgstr "Zusammenführungsmethode »%s« nicht unterstützt."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:239
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to update '%s'."
+msgstr "Aktualisieren von »%s« fehlgeschlagen."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:251
+msgid "Staging area (index) is already locked."
+msgstr "Bereitstellung (»index«) ist zur Bearbeitung gesperrt (»locked«)."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:266
+msgid ""
+"Last scanned state does not match repository state.\n"
+"Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A "
+"rescan must be performed before the current branch can be changed.\n"
+"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Der letzte geladene Status stimmt nicht mehr mit dem Projektarchiv überein.\n"
+"Ein anderes Git-Programm hat das Projektarchiv seit dem letzten Laden "
+"geändert. Vor dem Wechseln des lokalen Zweigs muss neu geladen werden.\n"
+"Es wird gleich neu geladen.\n"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:322
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Updating working directory to '%s'..."
+msgstr "Arbeitskopie umstellen auf »%s«..."
++#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:323
++msgid "files checked out"
++msgstr "Dateien aktualisiert"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:353
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Aborted checkout of '%s' (file level merging is required)."
+msgstr ""
- msgstr "Zweige und Objekte konnten nicht angefordert werden. Kontrollieren Sie die Ausgaben auf der Konsole für weitere Angaben."
++"Auf Zweig »%s« umstellen abgebrochen (Zusammenführen der Dateien ist "
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:354
+msgid "File level merge required."
+msgstr "Zusammenführen der Dateien ist notwendig."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:358
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Staying on branch '%s'."
+msgstr "Es wird auf Zweig »%s« verblieben."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:429
+msgid ""
+"You are no longer on a local branch.\n"
+"If you wanted to be on a branch, create one now starting from 'This Detached "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Arbeitskopie ist nicht auf einem lokalen Zweig.\n"
+"Wenn Sie auf einem Zweig arbeiten möchten, erstellen Sie bitte jetzt einen "
+"Zweig mit der Auswahl »Abgetrennte Arbeitskopie-Version«."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:446
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Checked out '%s'."
+msgstr "Umgestellt auf »%s«."
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:478
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Resetting '%s' to '%s' will lose the following commits:"
+msgstr "Zurücksetzen von »%s« nach »%s« wird folgende Versionen verwerfen:"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:500
+msgid "Recovering lost commits may not be easy."
+msgstr ""
+"Verworfene Versionen können nur mit größerem Aufwand wiederhergestellt "
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:505
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reset '%s'?"
+msgstr "»%s« zurücksetzen?"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:510 lib/merge.tcl:164
+msgid "Visualize"
+msgstr "Darstellen"
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:578
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to set current branch.\n"
+"This working directory is only partially switched. We successfully updated "
+"your files, but failed to update an internal Git file.\n"
+"This should not have occurred. %s will now close and give up."
+msgstr ""
+"Lokaler Zweig kann nicht gesetzt werden.\n"
+"Diese Arbeitskopie ist nur teilweise umgestellt. Die Dateien sind korrekt "
+"aktualisiert, aber einige interne Git-Dateien konnten nicht geändert "
+"Dies ist ein interner Programmfehler von %s. Programm wird jetzt abgebrochen."
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:39
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Auswählen"
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:53
+msgid "Font Family"
+msgstr "Schriftfamilie"
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:73
+msgid "Font Size"
+msgstr "Schriftgröße"
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:90
+msgid "Font Example"
+msgstr "Schriftbeispiel"
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:101
+msgid ""
+"This is example text.\n"
+"If you like this text, it can be your font."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist ein Beispieltext.\n"
+"Wenn Ihnen dieser Text gefällt, sollten Sie diese Schriftart wählen."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:27
+msgid "Git Gui"
+msgstr "Git Gui"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:80 lib/choose_repository.tcl:380
+msgid "Create New Repository"
+msgstr "Neues Projektarchiv"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:86
+msgid "New..."
+msgstr "Neu..."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:93 lib/choose_repository.tcl:468
+msgid "Clone Existing Repository"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv klonen"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:99
+msgid "Clone..."
+msgstr "Klonen..."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:106 lib/choose_repository.tcl:978
+msgid "Open Existing Repository"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv öffnen"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:112
+msgid "Open..."
+msgstr "Öffnen..."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:125
+msgid "Recent Repositories"
+msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Projektarchive"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:131
+msgid "Open Recent Repository:"
+msgstr "Zuletzt benutztes Projektarchiv öffnen:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:294
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Location %s already exists."
+msgstr "Projektarchiv »%s« existiert bereits."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:300 lib/choose_repository.tcl:307
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:314
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to create repository %s:"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv »%s« konnte nicht erstellt werden:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:385 lib/choose_repository.tcl:486
+msgid "Directory:"
+msgstr "Verzeichnis:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:415 lib/choose_repository.tcl:544
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1013
+msgid "Git Repository"
+msgstr "Git Projektarchiv"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:430 lib/choose_repository.tcl:437
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Directory %s already exists."
+msgstr "Verzeichnis »%s« existiert bereits."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:442
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "File %s already exists."
+msgstr "Datei »%s« existiert bereits."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:463
+msgid "Clone"
+msgstr "Klonen"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:476
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:496
+msgid "Clone Type:"
+msgstr "Art des Klonens:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:502
+msgid "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"
+msgstr "Standard (schnell, teilweise redundant, Hardlinks)"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:508
+msgid "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"
+msgstr "Alles kopieren (langsamer, volle Redundanz)"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:514
+msgid "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"
+msgstr "Verknüpft (schnell, nicht empfohlen, kein Backup)"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:550 lib/choose_repository.tcl:597
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:738 lib/choose_repository.tcl:808
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1019 lib/choose_repository.tcl:1027
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Not a Git repository: %s"
+msgstr "Kein Git-Projektarchiv in »%s« gefunden."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:586
+msgid "Standard only available for local repository."
+msgstr "Standard ist nur für lokale Projektarchive verfügbar."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:590
+msgid "Shared only available for local repository."
+msgstr "Verknüpft ist nur für lokale Projektarchive verfügbar."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:617
+msgid "Failed to configure origin"
+msgstr "Der Ursprungsort konnte nicht eingerichtet werden"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:629
+msgid "Counting objects"
+msgstr "Objekte werden gezählt"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:630
+msgid "buckets"
+msgstr "Buckets"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:654
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to copy objects/info/alternates: %s"
+msgstr "Kopien von Objekten/Info/Alternates konnten nicht erstellt werden: %s"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:690
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Nothing to clone from %s."
+msgstr "Von »%s« konnte nichts geklont werden."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:692 lib/choose_repository.tcl:906
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:918
+msgid "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."
+msgstr "Der »master«-Zweig wurde noch nicht initialisiert."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:705
+msgid "Hardlinks are unavailable. Falling back to copying."
+msgstr "Hardlinks nicht verfügbar. Stattdessen wird kopiert."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:717
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Cloning from %s"
+msgstr "Kopieren von »%s«"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:748
+msgid "Copying objects"
+msgstr "Objektdatenbank kopieren"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:749
+msgid "KiB"
+msgstr "KB"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:773
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to copy object: %s"
+msgstr "Objekt kann nicht kopiert werden: %s"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:783
+msgid "Linking objects"
+msgstr "Objekte verlinken"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:784
+msgid "objects"
+msgstr "Objekte"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:792
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to hardlink object: %s"
+msgstr "Für Objekt konnte kein Hardlink erstellt werden: %s"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:847
+msgid "Cannot fetch branches and objects. See console output for details."
- msgstr "Markierungen konnten nicht angefordert werden. Kontrollieren Sie die Ausgaben auf der Konsole für weitere Angaben."
++msgstr ""
++"Zweige und Objekte konnten nicht angefordert werden. Kontrollieren Sie die "
++"Ausgaben auf der Konsole für weitere Angaben."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:858
+msgid "Cannot fetch tags. See console output for details."
- msgstr "Die Zweigspitze (HEAD) konnte nicht gefunden werden. Kontrollieren Sie die Ausgaben auf der Konsole für weitere Angaben."
++msgstr ""
++"Markierungen konnten nicht angefordert werden. Kontrollieren Sie die "
++"Ausgaben auf der Konsole für weitere Angaben."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:882
+msgid "Cannot determine HEAD. See console output for details."
- #: lib/commit.tcl:257
++msgstr ""
++"Die Zweigspitze (HEAD) konnte nicht gefunden werden. Kontrollieren Sie die "
++"Ausgaben auf der Konsole für weitere Angaben."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:891
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to cleanup %s"
+msgstr "Verzeichnis »%s« kann nicht aufgeräumt werden."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:897
+msgid "Clone failed."
+msgstr "Klonen fehlgeschlagen."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:904
+msgid "No default branch obtained."
+msgstr "Kein voreingestellter Zweig gefunden."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:915
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Cannot resolve %s as a commit."
+msgstr "»%s« wurde nicht als Version gefunden."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:927
+msgid "Creating working directory"
+msgstr "Arbeitskopie erstellen"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:928 lib/index.tcl:65 lib/index.tcl:127
+#: lib/index.tcl:193
+msgid "files"
+msgstr "Dateien"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:957
+msgid "Initial file checkout failed."
+msgstr "Erstellen der Arbeitskopie fehlgeschlagen."
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:973
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Öffnen"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:983
+msgid "Repository:"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv:"
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1033
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to open repository %s:"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv »%s« konnte nicht geöffnet werden."
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:53
+msgid "This Detached Checkout"
+msgstr "Abgetrennte Arbeitskopie-Version"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:60
+msgid "Revision Expression:"
+msgstr "Version Regexp-Ausdruck:"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:74
+msgid "Local Branch"
+msgstr "Lokaler Zweig"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:79
+msgid "Tracking Branch"
+msgstr "Übernahmezweig"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:84 lib/choose_rev.tcl:537
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Markierung"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:317
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid revision: %s"
+msgstr "Ungültige Version: %s"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:338
+msgid "No revision selected."
+msgstr "Keine Version ausgewählt."
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:346
+msgid "Revision expression is empty."
+msgstr "Versions-Ausdruck ist leer."
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:530
+msgid "Updated"
+msgstr "Aktualisiert"
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:558
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:9
+msgid ""
+"There is nothing to amend.\n"
+"You are about to create the initial commit. There is no commit before this "
+"to amend.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Keine Version zur Nachbesserung vorhanden.\n"
+"Sie sind dabei, die erste Version zu übertragen. Es gibt keine existierende "
+"Version, die Sie nachbessern könnten.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:18
+msgid ""
+"Cannot amend while merging.\n"
+"You are currently in the middle of a merge that has not been fully "
+"completed. You cannot amend the prior commit unless you first abort the "
+"current merge activity.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Nachbesserung währen Zusammenführung nicht möglich.\n"
+"Sie haben das Zusammenführen von Versionen angefangen, aber noch nicht "
+"beendet. Sie können keine vorige Übertragung nachbessern, solange eine "
+"unfertige Zusammenführung existiert. Dazu müssen Sie die Zusammenführung "
+"beenden oder abbrechen.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:49
+msgid "Error loading commit data for amend:"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Laden der Versionsdaten für Nachbessern:"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:76
+msgid "Unable to obtain your identity:"
+msgstr "Benutzername konnte nicht bestimmt werden:"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:81
+msgid "Invalid GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT:"
+msgstr "Ungültiger Wert von GIT_COMMITTER_INDENT:"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:133
+msgid ""
+"Last scanned state does not match repository state.\n"
+"Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A "
+"rescan must be performed before another commit can be created.\n"
+"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Der letzte geladene Status stimmt nicht mehr mit dem Projektarchiv überein.\n"
+"Ein anderes Git-Programm hat das Projektarchiv seit dem letzten Laden "
+"geändert. Vor dem Eintragen einer neuen Version muss neu geladen werden.\n"
+"Es wird gleich neu geladen.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:154
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Unmerged files cannot be committed.\n"
+"File %s has merge conflicts. You must resolve them and stage the file "
+"before committing.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Nicht zusammengeführte Dateien können nicht eingetragen werden.\n"
+"Die Datei »%s« hat noch nicht aufgelöste Zusammenführungs-Konflikte. Sie "
+"müssen diese Konflikte auflösen, bevor Sie eintragen können.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:162
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Unknown file state %s detected.\n"
+"File %s cannot be committed by this program.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Unbekannter Dateizustand »%s«.\n"
+"Datei »%s« kann nicht eingetragen werden.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:170
+msgid ""
+"No changes to commit.\n"
+"You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Keine Änderungen vorhanden, die eingetragen werden könnten.\n"
+"Sie müssen mindestens eine Datei bereitstellen, bevor Sie eintragen können.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:183
+msgid ""
+"Please supply a commit message.\n"
+"A good commit message has the following format:\n"
+"- First line: Describe in one sentence what you did.\n"
+"- Second line: Blank\n"
+"- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte geben Sie eine Versionsbeschreibung ein.\n"
+"Eine gute Versionsbeschreibung enthält folgende Abschnitte:\n"
+"- Erste Zeile: Eine Zusammenfassung, was man gemacht hat.\n"
+"- Zweite Zeile: Leerzeile\n"
+"- Rest: Eine ausführliche Beschreibung, warum diese Änderung hilfreich ist.\n"
- #: lib/commit.tcl:275
++#: lib/commit.tcl:207
++#, tcl-format
++msgid "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'."
++msgstr "Warning: Tcl/Tk unterstützt die Zeichencodierung »%s« nicht."
++#: lib/commit.tcl:221
++msgid "Calling pre-commit hook..."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:236
++msgid "Commit declined by pre-commit hook."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:259
++msgid "Calling commit-msg hook..."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:274
++msgid "Commit declined by commit-msg hook."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:287
++msgid "Committing changes..."
++msgstr "Änderungen eintragen..."
++#: lib/commit.tcl:303
+msgid "write-tree failed:"
+msgstr "write-tree fehlgeschlagen:"
- #: lib/commit.tcl:303
- #, tcl-format
- msgid "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'."
- msgstr "Warning: Tcl/Tk unterstützt die Zeichencodierung »%s« nicht."
- #: lib/commit.tcl:317
++#: lib/commit.tcl:304 lib/commit.tcl:348 lib/commit.tcl:368
++msgid "Commit failed."
++msgstr "Eintragen fehlgeschlagen."
++#: lib/commit.tcl:321
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Commit %s appears to be corrupt"
+msgstr "Version »%s« scheint beschädigt zu sein"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:279
+msgid ""
+"No changes to commit.\n"
+"No files were modified by this commit and it was not a merge commit.\n"
+"A rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Keine Änderungen einzutragen.\n"
+"Es gibt keine geänderte Datei bei dieser Version und es wurde auch nichts "
+"Das Arbeitsverzeichnis wird daher jetzt neu geladen.\n"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:286
+msgid "No changes to commit."
+msgstr "Keine Änderungen, die eingetragen werden können."
- msgstr "Fehler beim Herausnehmen des gewählten Kontexts aus der Bereitstellung."
++#: lib/commit.tcl:347
+msgid "commit-tree failed:"
+msgstr "commit-tree fehlgeschlagen:"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:339
+msgid "update-ref failed:"
+msgstr "update-ref fehlgeschlagen:"
+#: lib/commit.tcl:430
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Created commit %s: %s"
+msgstr "Version %s übertragen: %s"
+#: lib/console.tcl:57
+msgid "Working... please wait..."
+msgstr "Verarbeitung. Bitte warten..."
+#: lib/console.tcl:183
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr "Erfolgreich"
+#: lib/console.tcl:196
+msgid "Error: Command Failed"
+msgstr "Fehler: Kommando fehlgeschlagen"
+#: lib/database.tcl:43
+msgid "Number of loose objects"
+msgstr "Anzahl unverknüpfter Objekte"
+#: lib/database.tcl:44
+msgid "Disk space used by loose objects"
+msgstr "Festplattenplatz von unverknüpften Objekten"
+#: lib/database.tcl:45
+msgid "Number of packed objects"
+msgstr "Anzahl komprimierter Objekte"
+#: lib/database.tcl:46
+msgid "Number of packs"
+msgstr "Anzahl Komprimierungseinheiten"
+#: lib/database.tcl:47
+msgid "Disk space used by packed objects"
+msgstr "Festplattenplatz von komprimierten Objekten"
+#: lib/database.tcl:48
+msgid "Packed objects waiting for pruning"
+msgstr "Komprimierte Objekte, die zum Entfernen vorgesehen sind"
+#: lib/database.tcl:49
+msgid "Garbage files"
+msgstr "Dateien im Mülleimer"
+#: lib/database.tcl:72
+msgid "Compressing the object database"
+msgstr "Objektdatenbank komprimieren"
+#: lib/database.tcl:83
+msgid "Verifying the object database with fsck-objects"
+msgstr "Die Objektdatenbank durch »fsck-objects« überprüfen lassen"
+#: lib/database.tcl:108
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"This repository currently has approximately %i loose objects.\n"
+"To maintain optimal performance it is strongly recommended that you compress "
+"the database when more than %i loose objects exist.\n"
+"Compress the database now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Projektarchiv enthält ungefähr %i nicht verknüpfte Objekte.\n"
+"Für eine optimale Performance wird empfohlen, die Datenbank des "
+"Projektarchivs zu komprimieren, sobald mehr als %i nicht verknüpfte Objekte "
+"Soll die Datenbank jetzt komprimiert werden?"
+#: lib/date.tcl:25
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid date from Git: %s"
+msgstr "Ungültiges Datum von Git: %s"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:42
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"No differences detected.\n"
+"%s has no changes.\n"
+"The modification date of this file was updated by another application, but "
+"the content within the file was not changed.\n"
+"A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have "
+"the same state."
+msgstr ""
+"Keine Änderungen feststellbar.\n"
+"»%s« enthält keine Änderungen. Zwar wurde das Änderungsdatum dieser Datei "
+"von einem anderen Programm modifiziert, aber der Inhalt der Datei ist "
+"Das Arbeitsverzeichnis wird jetzt neu geladen, um diese Änderung bei allen "
+"Dateien zu prüfen."
+#: lib/diff.tcl:81
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Loading diff of %s..."
+msgstr "Vergleich von »%s« laden..."
+#: lib/diff.tcl:114 lib/diff.tcl:184
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to display %s"
+msgstr "Datei »%s« kann nicht angezeigt werden"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:115
+msgid "Error loading file:"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Laden der Datei:"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:122
+msgid "Git Repository (subproject)"
+msgstr "Git-Projektarchiv (Unterprojekt)"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:134
+msgid "* Binary file (not showing content)."
+msgstr "* Binärdatei (Inhalt wird nicht angezeigt)"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:185
+msgid "Error loading diff:"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Vergleichs:"
+#: lib/diff.tcl:302
+msgid "Failed to unstage selected hunk."
- msgstr "Das Aktualisieren der Git-Bereitstellung ist fehlgeschlagen. Eine allgemeine Git-Aktualisierung wird jetzt gestartet, um git-gui wieder mit git zu synchronisieren."
++msgstr ""
++"Fehler beim Herausnehmen des gewählten Kontexts aus der Bereitstellung."
+#: lib/diff.tcl:309
+msgid "Failed to stage selected hunk."
+msgstr "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des gewählten Kontexts."
+#: lib/error.tcl:12 lib/error.tcl:102
+msgid "error"
+msgstr "Fehler"
+#: lib/error.tcl:28
+msgid "warning"
+msgstr "Warnung"
+#: lib/error.tcl:81
+msgid "You must correct the above errors before committing."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie müssen die obigen Fehler zuerst beheben, bevor Sie eintragen können."
+#: lib/index.tcl:6
+msgid "Unable to unlock the index."
+msgstr "Bereitstellung kann nicht wieder freigegeben werden."
+#: lib/index.tcl:15
+msgid "Index Error"
+msgstr "Fehler in Bereitstellung"
+#: lib/index.tcl:21
+msgid ""
+"Updating the Git index failed. A rescan will be automatically started to "
+"resynchronize git-gui."
- msgstr "Alle nicht bereitgestellten Änderungen werden beim Verwerfen verloren gehen."
++msgstr ""
++"Das Aktualisieren der Git-Bereitstellung ist fehlgeschlagen. Eine allgemeine "
++"Git-Aktualisierung wird jetzt gestartet, um git-gui wieder mit git zu "
+#: lib/index.tcl:27
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Fortsetzen"
+#: lib/index.tcl:31
+msgid "Unlock Index"
+msgstr "Bereitstellung freigeben"
+#: lib/index.tcl:282
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unstaging %s from commit"
+msgstr "Datei »%s« aus der Bereitstellung herausnehmen"
++#: lib/index.tcl:313
++msgid "Ready to commit."
++msgstr "Bereit zum Eintragen."
+#: lib/index.tcl:326
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Adding %s"
+msgstr "»%s« hinzufügen..."
+#: lib/index.tcl:381
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Revert changes in file %s?"
+msgstr "Änderungen in Datei »%s« verwerfen?"
+#: lib/index.tcl:383
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Revert changes in these %i files?"
+msgstr "Änderungen in den gewählten %i Dateien verwerfen?"
+#: lib/index.tcl:389
+msgid "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."
- #: lib/merge.tcl:266
++msgstr ""
++"Alle nicht bereitgestellten Änderungen werden beim Verwerfen verloren gehen."
+#: lib/index.tcl:392
+msgid "Do Nothing"
+msgstr "Nichts tun"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:13
+msgid ""
+"Cannot merge while amending.\n"
+"You must finish amending this commit before starting any type of merge.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Zusammenführen kann nicht gleichzeitig mit Nachbessern durchgeführt werden.\n"
+"Sie müssen zuerst die Nachbesserungs-Version abschließen, bevor Sie "
+"zusammenführen können.\n"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:27
+msgid ""
+"Last scanned state does not match repository state.\n"
+"Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A "
+"rescan must be performed before a merge can be performed.\n"
+"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Der letzte geladene Status stimmt nicht mehr mit dem Projektarchiv überein.\n"
+"Ein anderes Git-Programm hat das Projektarchiv seit dem letzten Laden "
+"geändert. Vor einem Zusammenführen muss neu geladen werden.\n"
+"Es wird gleich neu geladen.\n"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:44
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.\n"
+"File %s has merge conflicts.\n"
+"You must resolve them, stage the file, and commit to complete the current "
+"merge. Only then can you begin another merge.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Zusammenführung mit Konflikten.\n"
+"Die Datei »%s« enthält Konflikte beim Zusammenführen. Sie müssen diese "
+"Konflikte per Hand auflösen. Anschließend müssen Sie die Datei wieder "
+"bereitstellen und eintragen, um die Zusammenführung abzuschließen. Erst "
+"danach kann eine neue Zusammenführung begonnen werden.\n"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:54
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"You are in the middle of a change.\n"
+"File %s is modified.\n"
+"You should complete the current commit before starting a merge. Doing so "
+"will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Es liegen Änderungen vor.\n"
+"Die Datei »%s« wurde geändert. Sie sollten zuerst die bereitgestellte "
+"Version abschließen, bevor Sie eine Zusammenführung beginnen. Mit dieser "
+"Reihenfolge können Sie mögliche Konflikte beim Zusammenführen wesentlich "
+"einfacher beheben oder abbrechen.\n"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:106
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "%s of %s"
+msgstr "%s von %s"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:119
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Merging %s and %s"
+msgstr "Zusammenführen von %s und %s"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:131
+msgid "Merge completed successfully."
+msgstr "Zusammenführen erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
+#: lib/merge.tcl:133
+msgid "Merge failed. Conflict resolution is required."
+msgstr "Zusammenführen fehlgeschlagen. Konfliktauflösung ist notwendig."
+#: lib/merge.tcl:158
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Merge Into %s"
+msgstr "Zusammenführen in %s"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:177
+msgid "Revision To Merge"
+msgstr "Zusammenzuführende Version"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:212
+msgid ""
+"Cannot abort while amending.\n"
+"You must finish amending this commit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Abbruch der Nachbesserung ist nicht möglich.\n"
+"Sie müssen die Nachbesserung der Version abschließen.\n"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:222
+msgid ""
+"Abort merge?\n"
+"Aborting the current merge will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.\n"
+"Continue with aborting the current merge?"
+msgstr ""
+"Zusammenführen abbrechen?\n"
+"Wenn Sie abbrechen, gehen alle noch nicht eingetragenen Änderungen "
+"Zusammenführen jetzt abbrechen?"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:228
+msgid ""
+"Reset changes?\n"
+"Resetting the changes will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.\n"
+"Continue with resetting the current changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"Änderungen zurücksetzen?\n"
+"Wenn Sie zurücksetzen, gehen alle noch nicht eingetragenen Änderungen "
+"Änderungen jetzt zurücksetzen?"
+#: lib/merge.tcl:239
+msgid "Aborting"
+msgstr "Abbruch"
++#: lib/merge.tcl:238
++msgid "files reset"
++msgstr "Dateien zurückgesetzt"
++#: lib/merge.tcl:265
+msgid "Abort failed."
+msgstr "Abbruch fehlgeschlagen."
+#: lib/merge.tcl:268
+msgid "Abort completed. Ready."
+msgstr "Abbruch durchgeführt. Bereit."
+#: lib/option.tcl:82
+msgid "Restore Defaults"
+msgstr "Voreinstellungen wiederherstellen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:86
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Speichern"
+#: lib/option.tcl:96
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "%s Repository"
+msgstr "Projektarchiv %s"
+#: lib/option.tcl:97
+msgid "Global (All Repositories)"
+msgstr "Global (Alle Projektarchive)"
+#: lib/option.tcl:103
+msgid "User Name"
+msgstr "Benutzername"
+#: lib/option.tcl:104
+msgid "Email Address"
+msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse"
+#: lib/option.tcl:106
+msgid "Summarize Merge Commits"
+msgstr "Zusammenführungs-Versionen zusammenfassen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:107
+msgid "Merge Verbosity"
+msgstr "Ausführlichkeit der Zusammenführen-Meldungen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:108
+msgid "Show Diffstat After Merge"
+msgstr "Vergleichsstatistik nach Zusammenführen anzeigen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:110
+msgid "Trust File Modification Timestamps"
+msgstr "Auf Dateiänderungsdatum verlassen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:111
+msgid "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch"
+msgstr "Übernahmezweige entfernen während Anforderung"
+#: lib/option.tcl:112
+msgid "Match Tracking Branches"
+msgstr "Passend zu Übernahmezweig"
+#: lib/option.tcl:113
+msgid "Number of Diff Context Lines"
+msgstr "Anzahl der Kontextzeilen beim Vergleich"
+#: lib/option.tcl:114
+msgid "New Branch Name Template"
+msgstr "Namensvorschlag für neue Zweige"
+#: lib/option.tcl:176
+msgid "Change Font"
+msgstr "Schriftart ändern"
+#: lib/option.tcl:180
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Choose %s"
+msgstr "%s wählen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:186
+msgid "pt."
+msgstr "pt."
+#: lib/option.tcl:200
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Einstellungen"
+#: lib/option.tcl:235
+msgid "Failed to completely save options:"
+msgstr "Optionen konnten nicht gespeichert werden:"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:29 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:34
+msgid "Delete Remote Branch"
+msgstr "Zweig aus anderem Projektarchiv löschen"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:47
+msgid "From Repository"
+msgstr "Von Projektarchiv"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:50 lib/transport.tcl:123
+msgid "Remote:"
+msgstr "Anderes Archiv:"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:66 lib/transport.tcl:138
+msgid "Arbitrary URL:"
+msgstr "Kommunikation mit URL:"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:84
+msgid "Branches"
+msgstr "Zweige"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:109
+msgid "Delete Only If"
+msgstr "Löschen, falls"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:111
+msgid "Merged Into:"
+msgstr "Zusammenführen mit:"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:119
+msgid "Always (Do not perform merge checks)"
+msgstr "Immer (Keine Zusammenführungsprüfung)"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:152
+msgid "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'."
+msgstr "Für »Zusammenführen mit« muss ein Zweig angegeben werden."
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:184
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"The following branches are not completely merged into %s:\n"
+" - %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Folgende Zweige sind noch nicht mit »%s« zusammengeführt:\n"
+" - %s"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:189
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the "
+"necessary commits. Try fetching from %s first."
+msgstr ""
+"Ein oder mehrere Zusammenführungen sind fehlgeschlagen, da Sie nicht die "
+"notwendigen Versionen vorher angefordert haben. Sie sollten versuchen, "
+"zuerst von »%s« anzufordern."
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:207
+msgid "Please select one or more branches to delete."
+msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie mindestens einen Zweig, der gelöscht werden soll."
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:216
+msgid ""
+"Recovering deleted branches is difficult.\n"
+"Delete the selected branches?"
+msgstr ""
+"Das Wiederherstellen von gelöschten Zweigen ist nur mit größerem Aufwand "
+"Sollen die ausgewählten Zweige gelöscht werden?"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:226
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Deleting branches from %s"
+msgstr "Zweige auf »%s« werden gelöscht"
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:286
+msgid "No repository selected."
+msgstr "Kein Projektarchiv ausgewählt."
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:291
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Scanning %s..."
+msgstr "»%s« laden..."
+#: lib/remote.tcl:165
+msgid "Prune from"
+msgstr "Entfernen von"
+#: lib/remote.tcl:170
+msgid "Fetch from"
+msgstr "Anfordern von"
+#: lib/remote.tcl:213
+msgid "Push to"
+msgstr "Versenden nach"
+#: lib/shortcut.tcl:20 lib/shortcut.tcl:61
+msgid "Cannot write shortcut:"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der Verknüpfung:"
+#: lib/shortcut.tcl:136
+msgid "Cannot write icon:"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen des Icons:"
+#: lib/status_bar.tcl:83
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)"
+msgstr "%s ... %*i von %*i %s (%3i%%)"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:6
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fetch %s"
+msgstr "»%s« anfordern"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:7
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Fetching new changes from %s"
+msgstr "Neue Änderungen von »%s« holen"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:18
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "remote prune %s"
+msgstr "Entfernen von »%s« aus anderem Archiv"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:19
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s"
+msgstr "Übernahmezweige entfernen, die in »%s« gelöscht wurden"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:25 lib/transport.tcl:71
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "push %s"
+msgstr "»%s« versenden..."
+#: lib/transport.tcl:26
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Pushing changes to %s"
+msgstr "Änderungen nach »%s« versenden"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:72
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Pushing %s %s to %s"
+msgstr "%s %s nach %s versenden"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:89
+msgid "Push Branches"
+msgstr "Zweige versenden"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:103
+msgid "Source Branches"
+msgstr "Herkunftszweige"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:120
+msgid "Destination Repository"
+msgstr "Ziel-Projektarchiv"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:158
+msgid "Transfer Options"
+msgstr "Netzwerk-Einstellungen"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:160
+msgid "Force overwrite existing branch (may discard changes)"
+msgstr ""
+"Überschreiben von existierenden Zweigen erzwingen (könnte Änderungen löschen)"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:164
+msgid "Use thin pack (for slow network connections)"
+msgstr "Kompaktes Datenformat benutzen (für langsame Netzverbindungen)"
+#: lib/transport.tcl:168
+msgid "Include tags"
+msgstr "Mit Markierungen übertragen"
--- /dev/null
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-24 10:36+0100\n"
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
- #: git-gui.sh:2545
- msgid "Refresh"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-02 10:14+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: git-gui.sh:41 git-gui.sh:604 git-gui.sh:618 git-gui.sh:631 git-gui.sh:714
+#: git-gui.sh:733
+msgid "git-gui: fatal error"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:565
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid font specified in %s:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:590
+msgid "Main Font"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:591
+msgid "Diff/Console Font"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:605
+msgid "Cannot find git in PATH."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:632
+msgid "Cannot parse Git version string:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:650
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Git version cannot be determined.\n"
+"%s claims it is version '%s'.\n"
+"%s requires at least Git 1.5.0 or later.\n"
+"Assume '%s' is version 1.5.0?\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:888
+msgid "Git directory not found:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:895
+msgid "Cannot move to top of working directory:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:902
+msgid "Cannot use funny .git directory:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:907
+msgid "No working directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1054
+msgid "Refreshing file status..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1119
+msgid "Scanning for modified files ..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1294 lib/browser.tcl:245
+msgid "Ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1560
+msgid "Unmodified"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1562
+msgid "Modified, not staged"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1563 git-gui.sh:1568
+msgid "Staged for commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1564 git-gui.sh:1569
+msgid "Portions staged for commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1565 git-gui.sh:1570
+msgid "Staged for commit, missing"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1567
+msgid "Untracked, not staged"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1572
+msgid "Missing"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1573
+msgid "Staged for removal"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1574
+msgid "Staged for removal, still present"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1576 git-gui.sh:1577 git-gui.sh:1578 git-gui.sh:1579
+msgid "Requires merge resolution"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1614
+msgid "Starting gitk... please wait..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1623
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to start gitk:\n"
+"%s does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1823 lib/choose_repository.tcl:35
+msgid "Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1824
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1826 lib/choose_rev.tcl:560
+msgid "Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1829 lib/choose_rev.tcl:547
+msgid "Commit@@noun"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1832 lib/merge.tcl:121 lib/merge.tcl:150 lib/merge.tcl:168
+msgid "Merge"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1833 lib/choose_rev.tcl:556
+msgid "Remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1842
+msgid "Browse Current Branch's Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1846
+msgid "Browse Branch Files..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1851
+msgid "Visualize Current Branch's History"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1855
+msgid "Visualize All Branch History"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1862
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Browse %s's Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1864
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Visualize %s's History"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1869 lib/database.tcl:27 lib/database.tcl:67
+msgid "Database Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1872 lib/database.tcl:34
+msgid "Compress Database"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1875
+msgid "Verify Database"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1882 git-gui.sh:1886 git-gui.sh:1890 lib/shortcut.tcl:7
+#: lib/shortcut.tcl:39 lib/shortcut.tcl:71
+msgid "Create Desktop Icon"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1895 lib/choose_repository.tcl:176 lib/choose_repository.tcl:184
+msgid "Quit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1902
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1905
+msgid "Redo"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1909 git-gui.sh:2403
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1912 git-gui.sh:2406 git-gui.sh:2477 git-gui.sh:2549
+#: lib/console.tcl:67
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1915 git-gui.sh:2409
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1918 git-gui.sh:2412 lib/branch_delete.tcl:26
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:38
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1922 git-gui.sh:2416 git-gui.sh:2553 lib/console.tcl:69
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1931
+msgid "Create..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1937
+msgid "Checkout..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1943
+msgid "Rename..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1948 git-gui.sh:2048
+msgid "Delete..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1953
+msgid "Reset..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1965 git-gui.sh:2350
+msgid "New Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1973 git-gui.sh:2357
+msgid "Amend Last Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1982 git-gui.sh:2317 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:99
+msgid "Rescan"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1988
+msgid "Stage To Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:1994
+msgid "Stage Changed Files To Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2000
+msgid "Unstage From Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2005 lib/index.tcl:393
+msgid "Revert Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2012 git-gui.sh:2329 git-gui.sh:2427
+msgid "Sign Off"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2016 git-gui.sh:2333
+msgid "Commit@@verb"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2027
+msgid "Local Merge..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2032
+msgid "Abort Merge..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2044
+msgid "Push..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2055 lib/choose_repository.tcl:40
+msgid "Apple"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2058 git-gui.sh:2080 lib/about.tcl:13
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:43 lib/choose_repository.tcl:49
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "About %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2062
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2070 git-gui.sh:2595
+msgid "Options..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2076 lib/choose_repository.tcl:46
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2117
+msgid "Online Documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2201
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fatal: cannot stat path %s: No such file or directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2234
+msgid "Current Branch:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2255
+msgid "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2274
+msgid "Unstaged Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2323
+msgid "Stage Changed"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2339 lib/transport.tcl:93 lib/transport.tcl:182
+msgid "Push"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2369
+msgid "Initial Commit Message:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2370
+msgid "Amended Commit Message:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2371
+msgid "Amended Initial Commit Message:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2372
+msgid "Amended Merge Commit Message:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2373
+msgid "Merge Commit Message:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2374
+msgid "Commit Message:"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2419 git-gui.sh:2557 lib/console.tcl:71
+msgid "Copy All"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2443 lib/blame.tcl:104
+msgid "File:"
+msgstr ""
- #: git-gui.sh:2566
- msgid "Apply/Reverse Hunk"
++#: git-gui.sh:2573
++msgid "Apply/Reverse Hunk"
+msgstr ""
- #: git-gui.sh:2572
- msgid "Decrease Font Size"
++#: git-gui.sh:2579
++msgid "Show Less Context"
+msgstr ""
- #: git-gui.sh:2576
- msgid "Increase Font Size"
++#: git-gui.sh:2586
++msgid "Show More Context"
+msgstr ""
- #: git-gui.sh:2581
- msgid "Show Less Context"
++#: git-gui.sh:2594
++msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr ""
- #: git-gui.sh:2588
- msgid "Show More Context"
++#: git-gui.sh:2615
++msgid "Decrease Font Size"
+msgstr ""
- #: git-gui.sh:2602
++#: git-gui.sh:2619
++msgid "Increase Font Size"
+msgstr ""
- #: lib/commit.tcl:257
++#: git-gui.sh:2630
+msgid "Unstage Hunk From Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2604
+msgid "Stage Hunk For Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2623
+msgid "Initializing..."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2718
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Possible environment issues exist.\n"
+"The following environment variables are probably\n"
+"going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run\n"
+"by %s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2748
+msgid ""
+"This is due to a known issue with the\n"
+"Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."
+msgstr ""
+#: git-gui.sh:2753
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"A good replacement for %s\n"
+"is placing values for the user.name and\n"
+"user.email settings into your personal\n"
+"~/.gitconfig file.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/about.tcl:25
+msgid "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:77
+msgid "File Viewer"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:81
+msgid "Commit:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:249
+msgid "Copy Commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:369
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reading %s..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:473
+msgid "Loading copy/move tracking annotations..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:493
+msgid "lines annotated"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:674
+msgid "Loading original location annotations..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:677
+msgid "Annotation complete."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:731
+msgid "Loading annotation..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:787
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:791
+msgid "Committer:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:796
+msgid "Original File:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:910
+msgid "Originally By:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:916
+msgid "In File:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/blame.tcl:921
+msgid "Copied Or Moved Here By:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:14 lib/branch_checkout.tcl:19
+msgid "Checkout Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:23
+msgid "Checkout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:27 lib/branch_create.tcl:35
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:32 lib/branch_rename.tcl:30 lib/browser.tcl:281
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:522 lib/choose_font.tcl:43 lib/merge.tcl:172
+#: lib/option.tcl:90 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:42 lib/transport.tcl:97
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:32 lib/browser.tcl:286
+msgid "Revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:36 lib/branch_create.tcl:69 lib/option.tcl:202
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:39 lib/branch_create.tcl:92
+msgid "Fetch Tracking Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_checkout.tcl:44
+msgid "Detach From Local Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:22
+msgid "Create Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:27
+msgid "Create New Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:31 lib/choose_repository.tcl:375
+msgid "Create"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:40
+msgid "Branch Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:43
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:58
+msgid "Match Tracking Branch Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:66
+msgid "Starting Revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:72
+msgid "Update Existing Branch:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:75
+msgid "No"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:80
+msgid "Fast Forward Only"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:85 lib/checkout_op.tcl:514
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:97
+msgid "Checkout After Creation"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:131
+msgid "Please select a tracking branch."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:140
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tracking branch %s is not a branch in the remote repository."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:153 lib/branch_rename.tcl:86
+msgid "Please supply a branch name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_create.tcl:164 lib/branch_rename.tcl:106
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "'%s' is not an acceptable branch name."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:15
+msgid "Delete Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:20
+msgid "Delete Local Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:37
+msgid "Local Branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:52
+msgid "Delete Only If Merged Into"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:54
+msgid "Always (Do not perform merge test.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:103
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "The following branches are not completely merged into %s:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:115
+msgid ""
+"Recovering deleted branches is difficult. \n"
+" Delete the selected branches?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_delete.tcl:141
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to delete branches:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:14 lib/branch_rename.tcl:22
+msgid "Rename Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:26
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:36
+msgid "Branch:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:39
+msgid "New Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:75
+msgid "Please select a branch to rename."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:96 lib/checkout_op.tcl:179
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' already exists."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/branch_rename.tcl:117
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to rename '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/browser.tcl:17
+msgid "Starting..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/browser.tcl:26
+msgid "File Browser"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/browser.tcl:125 lib/browser.tcl:142
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Loading %s..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/browser.tcl:186
+msgid "[Up To Parent]"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/browser.tcl:266 lib/browser.tcl:272
+msgid "Browse Branch Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/browser.tcl:277 lib/choose_repository.tcl:391
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:482 lib/choose_repository.tcl:492
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:989
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:79
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Fetching %s from %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:127
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fatal: Cannot resolve %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:140 lib/console.tcl:79 lib/database.tcl:31
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:169
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:206
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Branch '%s' already exists.\n"
+"It cannot fast-forward to %s.\n"
+"A merge is required."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:220
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Merge strategy '%s' not supported."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:239
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to update '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:251
+msgid "Staging area (index) is already locked."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:266
+msgid ""
+"Last scanned state does not match repository state.\n"
+"Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A "
+"rescan must be performed before the current branch can be changed.\n"
+"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:322
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Updating working directory to '%s'..."
+msgstr ""
++#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:323
++msgid "files checked out"
++msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:353
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Aborted checkout of '%s' (file level merging is required)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:354
+msgid "File level merge required."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:358
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Staying on branch '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:429
+msgid ""
+"You are no longer on a local branch.\n"
+"If you wanted to be on a branch, create one now starting from 'This Detached "
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:446
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Checked out '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:478
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Resetting '%s' to '%s' will lose the following commits:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:500
+msgid "Recovering lost commits may not be easy."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:505
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reset '%s'?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:510 lib/merge.tcl:164
+msgid "Visualize"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/checkout_op.tcl:578
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to set current branch.\n"
+"This working directory is only partially switched. We successfully updated "
+"your files, but failed to update an internal Git file.\n"
+"This should not have occurred. %s will now close and give up."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:39
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:53
+msgid "Font Family"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:73
+msgid "Font Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:90
+msgid "Font Example"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_font.tcl:101
+msgid ""
+"This is example text.\n"
+"If you like this text, it can be your font."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:27
+msgid "Git Gui"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:80 lib/choose_repository.tcl:380
+msgid "Create New Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:86
+msgid "New..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:93 lib/choose_repository.tcl:468
+msgid "Clone Existing Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:99
+msgid "Clone..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:106 lib/choose_repository.tcl:978
+msgid "Open Existing Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:112
+msgid "Open..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:125
+msgid "Recent Repositories"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:131
+msgid "Open Recent Repository:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:294
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Location %s already exists."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:300 lib/choose_repository.tcl:307
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:314
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to create repository %s:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:385 lib/choose_repository.tcl:486
+msgid "Directory:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:415 lib/choose_repository.tcl:544
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1013
+msgid "Git Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:430 lib/choose_repository.tcl:437
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Directory %s already exists."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:442
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "File %s already exists."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:463
+msgid "Clone"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:476
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:496
+msgid "Clone Type:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:502
+msgid "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:508
+msgid "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:514
+msgid "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:550 lib/choose_repository.tcl:597
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:738 lib/choose_repository.tcl:808
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1019 lib/choose_repository.tcl:1027
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Not a Git repository: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:586
+msgid "Standard only available for local repository."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:590
+msgid "Shared only available for local repository."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:617
+msgid "Failed to configure origin"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:629
+msgid "Counting objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:630
+msgid "buckets"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:654
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to copy objects/info/alternates: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:690
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Nothing to clone from %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:692 lib/choose_repository.tcl:906
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:918
+msgid "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:705
+msgid "Hardlinks are unavailable. Falling back to copying."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:717
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Cloning from %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:748
+msgid "Copying objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:749
+msgid "KiB"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:773
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to copy object: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:783
+msgid "Linking objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:784
+msgid "objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:792
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to hardlink object: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:847
+msgid "Cannot fetch branches and objects. See console output for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:858
+msgid "Cannot fetch tags. See console output for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:882
+msgid "Cannot determine HEAD. See console output for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:891
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to cleanup %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:897
+msgid "Clone failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:904
+msgid "No default branch obtained."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:915
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Cannot resolve %s as a commit."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:927
+msgid "Creating working directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:928 lib/index.tcl:65 lib/index.tcl:127
+#: lib/index.tcl:193
+msgid "files"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:957
+msgid "Initial file checkout failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:973
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:983
+msgid "Repository:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_repository.tcl:1033
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Failed to open repository %s:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:53
+msgid "This Detached Checkout"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:60
+msgid "Revision Expression:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:74
+msgid "Local Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:79
+msgid "Tracking Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:84 lib/choose_rev.tcl:537
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:317
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid revision: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:338
+msgid "No revision selected."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:346
+msgid "Revision expression is empty."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:530
+msgid "Updated"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/choose_rev.tcl:558
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:9
+msgid ""
+"There is nothing to amend.\n"
+"You are about to create the initial commit. There is no commit before this "
+"to amend.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:18
+msgid ""
+"Cannot amend while merging.\n"
+"You are currently in the middle of a merge that has not been fully "
+"completed. You cannot amend the prior commit unless you first abort the "
+"current merge activity.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:49
+msgid "Error loading commit data for amend:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:76
+msgid "Unable to obtain your identity:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:81
+msgid "Invalid GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:133
+msgid ""
+"Last scanned state does not match repository state.\n"
+"Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A "
+"rescan must be performed before another commit can be created.\n"
+"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:154
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Unmerged files cannot be committed.\n"
+"File %s has merge conflicts. You must resolve them and stage the file "
+"before committing.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:162
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Unknown file state %s detected.\n"
+"File %s cannot be committed by this program.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:170
+msgid ""
+"No changes to commit.\n"
+"You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:183
+msgid ""
+"Please supply a commit message.\n"
+"A good commit message has the following format:\n"
+"- First line: Describe in one sentence what you did.\n"
+"- Second line: Blank\n"
+"- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.\n"
+msgstr ""
- #: lib/commit.tcl:275
++#: lib/commit.tcl:207
++#, tcl-format
++msgid "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:221
++msgid "Calling pre-commit hook..."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:236
++msgid "Commit declined by pre-commit hook."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:259
++msgid "Calling commit-msg hook..."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:274
++msgid "Commit declined by commit-msg hook."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:287
++msgid "Committing changes..."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:303
+msgid "write-tree failed:"
+msgstr ""
- #: lib/commit.tcl:303
- #, tcl-format
- msgid "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'."
- msgstr ""
- #: lib/commit.tcl:317
++#: lib/commit.tcl:304 lib/commit.tcl:348 lib/commit.tcl:368
++msgid "Commit failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/commit.tcl:321
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Commit %s appears to be corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:279
+msgid ""
+"No changes to commit.\n"
+"No files were modified by this commit and it was not a merge commit.\n"
+"A rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:286
+msgid "No changes to commit."
+msgstr ""
- #: lib/merge.tcl:266
++#: lib/commit.tcl:347
+msgid "commit-tree failed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:339
+msgid "update-ref failed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/commit.tcl:430
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Created commit %s: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/console.tcl:57
+msgid "Working... please wait..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/console.tcl:183
+msgid "Success"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/console.tcl:196
+msgid "Error: Command Failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:43
+msgid "Number of loose objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:44
+msgid "Disk space used by loose objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:45
+msgid "Number of packed objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:46
+msgid "Number of packs"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:47
+msgid "Disk space used by packed objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:48
+msgid "Packed objects waiting for pruning"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:49
+msgid "Garbage files"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:72
+msgid "Compressing the object database"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:83
+msgid "Verifying the object database with fsck-objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/database.tcl:108
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"This repository currently has approximately %i loose objects.\n"
+"To maintain optimal performance it is strongly recommended that you compress "
+"the database when more than %i loose objects exist.\n"
+"Compress the database now?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/date.tcl:25
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Invalid date from Git: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:42
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"No differences detected.\n"
+"%s has no changes.\n"
+"The modification date of this file was updated by another application, but "
+"the content within the file was not changed.\n"
+"A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have "
+"the same state."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:81
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Loading diff of %s..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:114 lib/diff.tcl:184
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unable to display %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:115
+msgid "Error loading file:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:122
+msgid "Git Repository (subproject)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:134
+msgid "* Binary file (not showing content)."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:185
+msgid "Error loading diff:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:302
+msgid "Failed to unstage selected hunk."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/diff.tcl:309
+msgid "Failed to stage selected hunk."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/error.tcl:12 lib/error.tcl:102
+msgid "error"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/error.tcl:28
+msgid "warning"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/error.tcl:81
+msgid "You must correct the above errors before committing."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:6
+msgid "Unable to unlock the index."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:15
+msgid "Index Error"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:21
+msgid ""
+"Updating the Git index failed. A rescan will be automatically started to "
+"resynchronize git-gui."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:27
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:31
+msgid "Unlock Index"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:282
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Unstaging %s from commit"
+msgstr ""
++#: lib/index.tcl:313
++msgid "Ready to commit."
++msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:326
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Adding %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:381
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Revert changes in file %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:383
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Revert changes in these %i files?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:389
+msgid "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/index.tcl:392
+msgid "Do Nothing"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:13
+msgid ""
+"Cannot merge while amending.\n"
+"You must finish amending this commit before starting any type of merge.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:27
+msgid ""
+"Last scanned state does not match repository state.\n"
+"Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A "
+"rescan must be performed before a merge can be performed.\n"
+"The rescan will be automatically started now.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:44
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.\n"
+"File %s has merge conflicts.\n"
+"You must resolve them, stage the file, and commit to complete the current "
+"merge. Only then can you begin another merge.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:54
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"You are in the middle of a change.\n"
+"File %s is modified.\n"
+"You should complete the current commit before starting a merge. Doing so "
+"will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:106
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "%s of %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:119
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Merging %s and %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:131
+msgid "Merge completed successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:133
+msgid "Merge failed. Conflict resolution is required."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:158
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Merge Into %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:177
+msgid "Revision To Merge"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:212
+msgid ""
+"Cannot abort while amending.\n"
+"You must finish amending this commit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:222
+msgid ""
+"Abort merge?\n"
+"Aborting the current merge will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.\n"
+"Continue with aborting the current merge?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:228
+msgid ""
+"Reset changes?\n"
+"Resetting the changes will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.\n"
+"Continue with resetting the current changes?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:239
+msgid "Aborting"
+msgstr ""
++#: lib/merge.tcl:238
++msgid "files reset"
++msgstr ""
++#: lib/merge.tcl:265
+msgid "Abort failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/merge.tcl:268
+msgid "Abort completed. Ready."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:82
+msgid "Restore Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:86
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:96
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "%s Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:97
+msgid "Global (All Repositories)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:103
+msgid "User Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:104
+msgid "Email Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:106
+msgid "Summarize Merge Commits"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:107
+msgid "Merge Verbosity"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:108
+msgid "Show Diffstat After Merge"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:110
+msgid "Trust File Modification Timestamps"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:111
+msgid "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:112
+msgid "Match Tracking Branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:113
+msgid "Number of Diff Context Lines"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:114
+msgid "New Branch Name Template"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:176
+msgid "Change Font"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:180
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Choose %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:186
+msgid "pt."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:200
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/option.tcl:235
+msgid "Failed to completely save options:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:29 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:34
+msgid "Delete Remote Branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:47
+msgid "From Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:50 lib/transport.tcl:123
+msgid "Remote:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:66 lib/transport.tcl:138
+msgid "Arbitrary URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:84
+msgid "Branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:109
+msgid "Delete Only If"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:111
+msgid "Merged Into:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:119
+msgid "Always (Do not perform merge checks)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:152
+msgid "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:184
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"The following branches are not completely merged into %s:\n"
+" - %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:189
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the "
+"necessary commits. Try fetching from %s first."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:207
+msgid "Please select one or more branches to delete."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:216
+msgid ""
+"Recovering deleted branches is difficult.\n"
+"Delete the selected branches?"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:226
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Deleting branches from %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:286
+msgid "No repository selected."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl:291
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Scanning %s..."
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote.tcl:165
+msgid "Prune from"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote.tcl:170
+msgid "Fetch from"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/remote.tcl:213
+msgid "Push to"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/shortcut.tcl:20 lib/shortcut.tcl:61
+msgid "Cannot write shortcut:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/shortcut.tcl:136
+msgid "Cannot write icon:"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/status_bar.tcl:83
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:6
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "fetch %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:7
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Fetching new changes from %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:18
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "remote prune %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:19
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:25 lib/transport.tcl:71
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "push %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:26
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Pushing changes to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:72
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Pushing %s %s to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:89
+msgid "Push Branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:103
+msgid "Source Branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:120
+msgid "Destination Repository"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:158
+msgid "Transfer Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:160
+msgid "Force overwrite existing branch (may discard changes)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:164
+msgid "Use thin pack (for slow network connections)"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/transport.tcl:168
+msgid "Include tags"
+msgstr ""