start_git_daemon() {
if test -n "$GIT_DAEMON_PID"
rm -f git_daemon_output
+# A stripped-down version of a netcat client, that connects to a "host:port"
+# given in $1, sends its stdin followed by EOF, then dumps the response (until
+# EOF) to stdout.
+fake_nc() {
+ if ! test_declared_prereq FAKENC
+ then
+ echo >&4 "fake_nc: need to declare FAKENC prerequisite"
+ return 127
+ fi
+ perl -Mstrict -MIO::Socket::INET -e '
+ my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(shift)
+ or die "unable to open socket: $!";
+ print $s <STDIN>;
+ $s->shutdown(1);
+ print <$s>;
+ ' "$@"
+test_lazy_prereq FAKENC '
+ perl -MIO::Socket::INET -e "exit 0"
+# convert stdin to pktline representation; note that empty input becomes an
+# empty packet, not a flush packet (for that you can just print 0000 yourself).
+packetize() {
+ cat >packetize.tmp &&
+ len=$(wc -c <packetize.tmp) &&
+ printf '%04x%s' "$(($len + 4))" &&
+ cat packetize.tmp &&
+ rm -f packetize.tmp
+# Parse the input as a series of pktlines, writing the result to stdout.
+# Sideband markers are removed automatically, and the output is routed to
+# stderr if appropriate.
+# NUL bytes are converted to "\\0" for ease of parsing with text tools.
+depacketize () {
+ perl -e '
+ while (read(STDIN, $len, 4) == 4) {
+ if ($len eq "0000") {
+ print "FLUSH\n";
+ } else {
+ read(STDIN, $buf, hex($len) - 4);
+ $buf =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
+ if ($buf =~ s/^[\x2\x3]//) {
+ print STDERR $buf;
+ } else {
+ $buf =~ s/^\x1//;
+ print $buf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ '