diff-tree --pretty --stat --summary initial
diff-tree --pretty --root -p initial
diff-tree --pretty --root --stat initial
-#diff-tree --pretty --root --summary initial
+# improved by Timo's patch
+diff-tree --pretty --root --summary initial
+# improved by Timo's patch
+diff-tree --pretty --root --summary -r initial
diff-tree --pretty --root --stat --summary initial
diff-tree --pretty --patch-with-stat initial
diff-tree --pretty --root --patch-with-stat initial
diff-tree --pretty=oneline -p initial
diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root -p initial
diff-tree --pretty=oneline --patch-with-stat initial
+# improved by Timo's patch
diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root --patch-with-stat initial
diff-tree --pretty=oneline --patch-with-raw initial
diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root --patch-with-raw initial
# stat summary should show the diffstat and summary with the first parent
diff-tree -c --stat --summary side
diff-tree --cc --stat --summary side
-# this one gives an extra newline after stat, which should be removed
-# diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat master
-# this one gives an extra newline after stat, which should be removed
-# other than that it shows the correct example -- stat and summary are
-# against the first parent, and patch-looking combined diff follows.
+# improved by Timo's patch
+diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat master
+# improved by Timo's patch
diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat --summary master
# this is correct
diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat --summary side
log --patch-with-stat master
log --root --patch-with-stat master
log --root --patch-with-stat --summary master
+# improved by Timo's patch
log --root -c --patch-with-stat --summary master
+# improved by Timo's patch
log --root --cc --patch-with-stat --summary master
log -SF master
log -SF -p master
whatchanged --patch-with-stat master
whatchanged --root --patch-with-stat master
whatchanged --root --patch-with-stat --summary master
+# improved by Timo's patch
whatchanged --root -c --patch-with-stat --summary master
+# improved by Timo's patch
whatchanged --root --cc --patch-with-stat --summary master
whatchanged -SF master
whatchanged -SF -p master
format-patch --attach --stdout initial..master^
format-patch --attach --stdout initial..master
+ diff --abbrev initial..side
+ diff -r initial..side
+ diff --stat initial..side
+ diff -r --stat initial..side
+ diff initial..side
+ diff --patch-with-stat initial..side
+ diff --patch-with-raw initial..side
+ diff --patch-with-stat -r initial..side
+ diff --patch-with-raw -r initial..side