+# test push
+cd ../..
+mkdir test-push
+cd test-push
+test_expect_success 'init main' '
+ test_create_repo main
+test_expect_success 'init sub' '
+ test_create_repo "sub project"
+cd ./"sub project"
+test_expect_success 'add subproject' '
+ create "sub project" &&
+ git commit -m "Sub project: 1" &&
+ git branch sub-branch-1
+cd ../main
+test_expect_success 'make first commit and add subproject' '
+ create "main-1" &&
+ git commit -m "main: 1" &&
+ git subtree add "../sub project" --prefix "sub dir" --message "Added subproject" sub-branch-1 &&
+ check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Added subproject"
+test_expect_success 'make second commit to a subproject file and push it into a sub project' '
+ create "sub dir/sub1" &&
+ git commit -m "Sub project: 2" &&
+ git subtree push "../sub project" --prefix "sub dir" sub-branch-1
+cd ../"sub project"
+test_expect_success 'Test second commit is pushed' '
+ git checkout sub-branch-1 &&
+ check_equal "$(last_commit_message)" "Sub project: 2"