doing when they write "Signed-off-by" line.
But the patch submission requirements are a lot more relaxed
-here, because the core GIT is thousand times smaller ;-). So
-here is only the relevant bits.
+here on the technical/contents front, because the core GIT is
+thousand times smaller ;-). So here is only the relevant bits.
(1) Make separate commits for logically separate changes.
Describe the technical detail of the change(s).
-If your description starts to get long, that's a sign that you
+If your description starts to get too long, that's a sign that you
probably need to split up your commit to finer grained pieces.
+Oh, another thing. I am picky about whitespaces. Make sure your
+changes do not trigger errors with the sample pre-commit hook shipped
+in templates/hooks--pre-commit.
-(2) Generate your patch using git/cogito out of your commits.
-git diff tools generate unidiff which is the preferred format.
+(2) Generate your patch using git tools out of your commits.
+git based diff tools (git, Cogito, and StGIT included) generate
+unidiff which is the preferred format.
You do not have to be afraid to use -M option to "git diff" or
"git format-patch", if your patch involves file renames. The
receiving end can handle them just fine.
which do not belong in a patch submission. Make sure to review
your patch after generating it, to ensure accuracy. Before
sending out, please make sure it cleanly applies to the "master"
-branch head.
+branch head. If you are preparing a work based on "next" branch,
+that is fine, but please mark it as such.
(3) Sending your patches.
-People on the git mailing list needs to be able to read and
+People on the git mailing list need to be able to read and
comment on the changes you are submitting. It is important for
a developer to be able to "quote" your changes, using standard
e-mail tools, so that they may comment on specific portions of
-your code. For this reason, all patches should be submitting
-e-mail "inline". WARNING: Be wary of your MUAs word-wrap
-corrupting your patch. Do not cut-n-paste your patch.
+your code. For this reason, all patches should be submited
+"inline". WARNING: Be wary of your MUAs word-wrap
+corrupting your patch. Do not cut-n-paste your patch; you can
+lose tabs that way if you are not careful.
-It is common convention to prefix your subject line with
+It is a common convention to prefix your subject line with
[PATCH]. This lets people easily distinguish patches from other
e-mail discussions.
'git-tag' [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f | -d] [-m <msg>] <name> [<head>]
+'git-tag' -l [<pattern>]
-Adds a 'tag' reference in .git/refs/tags/
+Adds a 'tag' reference in `.git/refs/tags/`
Unless `-f` is given, the tag must not yet exist in
`.git/refs/tags/` directory.
`-d <tag>` deletes the tag.
+`-l <pattern>` lists tags that match the given pattern (or all
+if no pattern is given).
Delete an existing tag with the given name
+-l <pattern>::
+ List tags that match the given pattern (or all if no pattern is given).
-m <msg>::
Use the given tag message (instead of prompting)
# Define NO_SOCKADDR_STORAGE if your platform does not have struct
# sockaddr_storage.
+# Define NO_ICONV if your libc does not properly support iconv.
# Define COLLISION_CHECK below if you believe that SHA1's
# 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542976 hashes do not give you
# sufficient guarantee that no collisions between objects will ever happen.
+ifdef NO_ICONV
ifdef PPC_SHA1
SHA1_HEADER = "ppc/sha1.h"
LIB_OBJS += ppc/sha1.o ppc/sha1ppc.o
--- /dev/null
+Contributed Software
+Although these pieces are available as part of the official git
+source tree, they are in somewhat different status. The
+intention is to keep interesting tools around git here, maybe
+even experimental ones, to give users an easier access to them,
+and to give tools wider exposure, so that they can be improved
+I am not expecting to touch these myself that much. As far as
+my day-to-day operation is concerned, these subdirectories are
+owned by their respective primary authors. I am willing to help
+if users of these components and the contrib/ subtree "owners"
+have technical/design issues to resolve, but the initiative to
+fix and/or enhance things _must_ be on the side of the subtree
+owners. IOW, I won't be actively looking for bugs and rooms for
+enhancements in them as the git maintainer -- I may only do so
+just as one of the users when I want to scratch my own itch. If
+you have patches to things in contrib/ area, the patch should be
+first sent to the primary author, and then the primary author
+should ack and forward it to me (git pull request is nicer).
+This is the same way as how I have been treating gitk, and to a
+lesser degree various foreign SCM interfaces, so you know the
+I expect that things that start their life in the contrib/ area
+to graduate out of contrib/ once they mature, either by becoming
+projects on their own, or moving to the toplevel directory. On
+the other hand, I expect I'll be proposing removal of disused
+and inactive ones from time to time.
+If you have new things to add to this area, please first propose
+it on the git mailing list, and after a list discussion proves
+there are some general interests (it does not have to be a
+list-wide consensus for a tool targeted to a relatively narrow
+audience -- for example I do not work with projects whose
+upstream is svn, so I have no use for git-svn myself, but it is
+of general interest for people who need to interoperate with SVN
+repositories in a way git-svn works better than git-svnimport),
+submit a patch to create a subdirectory of contrib/ and put your
+stuff there.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use vars qw/ $AUTHOR $VERSION
+$AUTHOR = 'Eric Wong <>';
+$VERSION = '0.9.0';
+$GIT_DIR = $ENV{GIT_DIR} || "$ENV{PWD}/.git";
+$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} || 'git-svn';
+$SVN_URL = undef;
+$REV_DIR = "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/revs";
+$SVN_WC = "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/tree";
+# make sure the svn binary gives consistent output between locales and TZs:
+$ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
+$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
+# If SVN:: library support is added, please make the dependencies
+# optional and preserve the capability to use the command-line client.
+# See what I do with XML::Simple to make the dependency optional.
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use IO::File qw//;
+use File::Basename qw/dirname basename/;
+use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
+use Getopt::Long qw/:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev/;
+use File::Spec qw//;
+my $sha1 = qr/[a-f\d]{40}/;
+my $sha1_short = qr/[a-f\d]{6,40}/;
+my ($_revision,$_stdin,$_no_ignore_ext,$_no_stop_copy,$_help,$_rmdir,$_edit);
+GetOptions( 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision,
+ 'no-ignore-externals' => \$_no_ignore_ext,
+ 'stdin|' => \$_stdin,
+ 'edit|e' => \$_edit,
+ 'rmdir' => \$_rmdir,
+ 'help|H|h' => \$_help,
+ 'no-stop-copy' => \$_no_stop_copy );
+my %cmd = (
+ fetch => [ \&fetch, "Download new revisions from SVN" ],
+ init => [ \&init, "Initialize and fetch (import)"],
+ commit => [ \&commit, "Commit git revisions to SVN" ],
+ rebuild => [ \&rebuild, "Rebuild git-svn metadata (after git clone)" ],
+ help => [ \&usage, "Show help" ],
+my $cmd;
+for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
+ if (defined $cmd{$ARGV[$i]}) {
+ $cmd = $ARGV[$i];
+ splice @ARGV, $i, 1;
+ last;
+ }
+# we may be called as git-svn-(command), or git-svn(command).
+foreach (keys %cmd) {
+ if (/git\-svn\-?($_)(?:\.\w+)?$/) {
+ $cmd = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+usage(0) if $_help;
+usage(1) unless (defined $cmd);
+exit 0;
+####################### primary functions ######################
+sub usage {
+ my $exit = shift || 0;
+ my $fd = $exit ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT;
+ print $fd <<"";
+git-svn - bidirectional operations between a single Subversion tree and git
+Usage: $0 <command> [options] [arguments]\n
+Available commands:
+ foreach (sort keys %cmd) {
+ print $fd ' ',pack('A10',$_),$cmd{$_}->[1],"\n";
+ }
+ print $fd <<"";
+\nGIT_SVN_ID may be set in the environment to an arbitrary identifier if
+you're tracking multiple SVN branches/repositories in one git repository
+and want to keep them separate.
+ exit $exit;
+sub rebuild {
+ $SVN_URL = shift or undef;
+ my $repo_uuid;
+ my $newest_rev = 0;
+ my $pid = open(my $rev_list,'-|');
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ exec("git-rev-list","$GIT_SVN-HEAD") or croak $!;
+ }
+ my $first;
+ while (<$rev_list>) {
+ chomp;
+ my $c = $_;
+ croak "Non-SHA1: $c\n" unless $c =~ /^$sha1$/o;
+ my @commit = grep(/^git-svn-id: /,`git-cat-file commit $c`);
+ next if (!@commit); # skip merges
+ my $id = $commit[$#commit];
+ my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ($id =~ /^git-svn-id:\s(\S+?)\@(\d+)
+ \s([a-f\d\-]+)$/x);
+ if (!$rev || !$uuid || !$url) {
+ # some of the original repositories I made had
+ # indentifiers like this:
+ ($rev, $uuid) = ($id =~/^git-svn-id:\s(\d+)
+ \@([a-f\d\-]+)/x);
+ if (!$rev || !$uuid) {
+ croak "Unable to extract revision or UUID from ",
+ "$c, $id\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "r$rev = $c\n";
+ unless (defined $first) {
+ if (!$SVN_URL && !$url) {
+ croak "SVN repository location required: $url\n";
+ }
+ $SVN_URL ||= $url;
+ $repo_uuid = setup_git_svn();
+ $first = $rev;
+ }
+ if ($uuid ne $repo_uuid) {
+ croak "Repository UUIDs do not match!\ngot: $uuid\n",
+ "expected: $repo_uuid\n";
+ }
+ assert_revision_eq_or_unknown($rev, $c);
+ sys('git-update-ref',"$GIT_SVN/revs/$rev",$c);
+ $newest_rev = $rev if ($rev > $newest_rev);
+ }
+ close $rev_list or croak $?;
+ if (!chdir $SVN_WC) {
+ my @svn_co = ('svn','co',"-r$first");
+ push @svn_co, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
+ sys(@svn_co, $SVN_URL, $SVN_WC);
+ chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
+ }
+ $pid = fork;
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ my @svn_up = qw(svn up);
+ push @svn_up, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
+ sys(@svn_up,"-r$newest_rev");
+ git_addremove();
+ exec('git-write-tree');
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+sub init {
+ $SVN_URL = shift or croak "SVN repository location required\n";
+ unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
+ sys('git-init-db');
+ }
+ setup_git_svn();
+sub fetch {
+ my (@parents) = @_;
+ $SVN_URL ||= file_to_s("$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/url");
+ my @log_args = -d $SVN_WC ? ($SVN_WC) : ($SVN_URL);
+ unless ($_revision) {
+ $_revision = -d $SVN_WC ? 'BASE:HEAD' : '0:HEAD';
+ }
+ push @log_args, "-r$_revision";
+ push @log_args, '--stop-on-copy' unless $_no_stop_copy;
+ eval { require XML::Simple or croak $! };
+ my $svn_log = $@ ? svn_log_raw(@log_args) : svn_log_xml(@log_args);
+ @$svn_log = sort { $a->{revision} <=> $b->{revision} } @$svn_log;
+ my $base = shift @$svn_log or croak "No base revision!\n";
+ my $last_commit = undef;
+ unless (-d $SVN_WC) {
+ my @svn_co = ('svn','co',"-r$base->{revision}");
+ push @svn_co,'--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
+ sys(@svn_co, $SVN_URL, $SVN_WC);
+ chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
+ $last_commit = git_commit($base, @parents);
+ unless (-f "$GIT_DIR/refs/heads/master") {
+ sys(qw(git-update-ref refs/heads/master),$last_commit);
+ }
+ assert_svn_wc_clean($base->{revision}, $last_commit);
+ } else {
+ chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
+ $last_commit = file_to_s("$REV_DIR/$base->{revision}");
+ }
+ my @svn_up = qw(svn up);
+ push @svn_up, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
+ my $last_rev = $base->{revision};
+ foreach my $log_msg (@$svn_log) {
+ assert_svn_wc_clean($last_rev, $last_commit);
+ $last_rev = $log_msg->{revision};
+ sys(@svn_up,"-r$last_rev");
+ $last_commit = git_commit($log_msg, $last_commit, @parents);
+ }
+ assert_svn_wc_clean($last_rev, $last_commit);
+ return pop @$svn_log;
+sub commit {
+ my (@commits) = @_;
+ if ($_stdin || !@commits) {
+ print "Reading from stdin...\n";
+ @commits = ();
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ if (/^([a-f\d]{6,40})\b/) {
+ unshift @commits, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @revs;
+ foreach (@commits) {
+ push @revs, (safe_qx('git-rev-parse',$_));
+ }
+ chomp @revs;
+ fetch();
+ chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
+ my $svn_current_rev = svn_info('.')->{'Last Changed Rev'};
+ foreach my $c (@revs) {
+ print "Committing $c\n";
+ svn_checkout_tree($svn_current_rev, $c);
+ $svn_current_rev = svn_commit_tree($svn_current_rev, $c);
+ }
+ print "Done committing ",scalar @revs," revisions to SVN\n";
+########################### utility functions #########################
+sub setup_git_svn {
+ defined $SVN_URL or croak "SVN repository location required\n";
+ unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
+ croak "GIT_DIR=$GIT_DIR does not exist!\n";
+ }
+ mkpath(["$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN"]);
+ mkpath(["$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info"]);
+ mkpath([$REV_DIR]);
+ s_to_file($SVN_URL,"$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/url");
+ my $uuid = svn_info($SVN_URL)->{'Repository UUID'} or
+ croak "Repository UUID unreadable\n";
+ s_to_file($uuid,"$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/uuid");
+ open my $fd, '>>', "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/exclude" or croak $!;
+ print $fd '.svn',"\n";
+ close $fd or croak $!;
+ return $uuid;
+sub assert_svn_wc_clean {
+ my ($svn_rev, $commit) = @_;
+ croak "$svn_rev is not an integer!\n" unless ($svn_rev =~ /^\d+$/);
+ croak "$commit is not a sha1!\n" unless ($commit =~ /^$sha1$/o);
+ my $svn_info = svn_info('.');
+ if ($svn_rev != $svn_info->{'Last Changed Rev'}) {
+ croak "Expected r$svn_rev, got r",
+ $svn_info->{'Last Changed Rev'},"\n";
+ }
+ my @status = grep(!/^Performing status on external/,(`svn status`));
+ @status = grep(!/^\s*$/,@status);
+ if (scalar @status) {
+ print STDERR "Tree ($SVN_WC) is not clean:\n";
+ print STDERR $_ foreach @status;
+ croak;
+ }
+ my ($tree_a) = grep(/^tree $sha1$/o,`git-cat-file commit $commit`);
+ $tree_a =~ s/^tree //;
+ chomp $tree_a;
+ chomp(my $tree_b = `GIT_INDEX_FILE=$GIT_SVN_INDEX git-write-tree`);
+ if ($tree_a ne $tree_b) {
+ croak "$svn_rev != $commit, $tree_a != $tree_b\n";
+ }
+sub parse_diff_tree {
+ my $diff_fh = shift;
+ local $/ = "\0";
+ my $state = 'meta';
+ my @mods;
+ while (<$diff_fh>) {
+ chomp $_; # this gets rid of the trailing "\0"
+ print $_,"\n";
+ if ($state eq 'meta' && /^:(\d{6})\s(\d{6})\s
+ $sha1\s($sha1)\s([MTCRAD])\d*$/xo) {
+ push @mods, { mode_a => $1, mode_b => $2,
+ sha1_b => $3, chg => $4 };
+ if ($4 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ $state = 'file_a';
+ } else {
+ $state = 'file_b';
+ }
+ } elsif ($state eq 'file_a') {
+ my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak __LINE__,": Empty array\n";
+ if ($x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ $x->{file_a} = $_;
+ $state = 'file_b';
+ } elsif ($state eq 'file_b') {
+ my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak __LINE__,": Empty array\n";
+ if (exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ if (!exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
+ croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ $x->{file_b} = $_;
+ $state = 'meta';
+ } else {
+ croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close $diff_fh or croak $!;
+ return \@mods;
+sub svn_check_prop_executable {
+ my $m = shift;
+ if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) {
+ sys(qw(svn propset svn:executable 1), $m->{file_b});
+ } elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) {
+ sys(qw(svn propdel svn:executable), $m->{file_b});
+ }
+sub svn_ensure_parent_path {
+ my $dir_b = dirname(shift);
+ svn_ensure_parent_path($dir_b) if ($dir_b ne File::Spec->curdir);
+ mkpath([$dir_b]) unless (-d $dir_b);
+ sys(qw(svn add -N), $dir_b) unless (-d "$dir_b/.svn");
+sub svn_checkout_tree {
+ my ($svn_rev, $commit) = @_;
+ my $from = file_to_s("$REV_DIR/$svn_rev");
+ assert_svn_wc_clean($svn_rev,$from);
+ print "diff-tree '$from' '$commit'\n";
+ my $pid = open my $diff_fh, '-|';
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ exec(qw(git-diff-tree -z -r -C), $from, $commit) or croak $!;
+ }
+ my $mods = parse_diff_tree($diff_fh);
+ unless (@$mods) {
+ # git can do empty commits, SVN doesn't allow it...
+ return $svn_rev;
+ }
+ my %rm;
+ foreach my $m (@$mods) {
+ if ($m->{chg} eq 'C') {
+ svn_ensure_parent_path( $m->{file_b} );
+ sys(qw(svn cp), $m->{file_a}, $m->{file_b});
+ blob_to_file( $m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ svn_check_prop_executable($m);
+ } elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'D') {
+ $rm{dirname $m->{file_b}}->{basename $m->{file_b}} = 1;
+ sys(qw(svn rm --force), $m->{file_b});
+ } elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'R') {
+ svn_ensure_parent_path( $m->{file_b} );
+ sys(qw(svn mv --force), $m->{file_a}, $m->{file_b});
+ blob_to_file( $m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ svn_check_prop_executable($m);
+ $rm{dirname $m->{file_a}}->{basename $m->{file_a}} = 1;
+ } elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'M') {
+ if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/) {
+ unlink $m->{file_b} or croak $!;
+ blob_to_symlink($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ } else {
+ blob_to_file($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ }
+ svn_check_prop_executable($m);
+ } elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'T') {
+ sys(qw(svn rm --force),$m->{file_b});
+ if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /^100/) {
+ blob_to_symlink($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ } else {
+ blob_to_file($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ }
+ svn_check_prop_executable($m);
+ sys(qw(svn add --force), $m->{file_b});
+ } elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'A') {
+ svn_ensure_parent_path( $m->{file_b} );
+ blob_to_file( $m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
+ if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/) {
+ chmod 0755, $m->{file_b};
+ }
+ sys(qw(svn add --force), $m->{file_b});
+ } else {
+ croak "Invalid chg: $m->{chg}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($_rmdir) {
+ my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
+ foreach my $dir (keys %rm) {
+ my $files = $rm{$dir};
+ my @files;
+ foreach (safe_qx('svn','ls',$dir)) {
+ chomp;
+ push @files, $_ unless $files->{$_};
+ }
+ sys(qw(svn rm),$dir) unless @files;
+ }
+ if ($old_index) {
+ $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
+ }
+ }
+sub svn_commit_tree {
+ my ($svn_rev, $commit) = @_;
+ my $commit_msg = "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/.svn-commit.tmp.$$";
+ open my $msg, '>', $commit_msg or croak $!;
+ chomp(my $type = `git-cat-file -t $commit`);
+ if ($type eq 'commit') {
+ my $pid = open my $msg_fh, '-|';
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ exec(qw(git-cat-file commit), $commit) or croak $!;
+ }
+ my $in_msg = 0;
+ while (<$msg_fh>) {
+ if (!$in_msg) {
+ $in_msg = 1 if (/^\s*$/);
+ } else {
+ print $msg $_ or croak $!;
+ }
+ }
+ close $msg_fh or croak $!;
+ }
+ close $msg or croak $!;
+ if ($_edit || ($type eq 'tree')) {
+ my $editor = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi';
+ system($editor, $commit_msg);
+ }
+ my @ci_output = safe_qx(qw(svn commit -F),$commit_msg);
+ my ($committed) = grep(/^Committed revision \d+\./,@ci_output);
+ unlink $commit_msg;
+ defined $committed or croak
+ "Commit output failed to parse committed revision!\n",
+ join("\n",@ci_output),"\n";
+ my ($rev_committed) = ($committed =~ /^Committed revision (\d+)\./);
+ # resync immediately
+ my @svn_up = (qw(svn up), "-r$svn_rev");
+ push @svn_up, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
+ sys(@svn_up);
+ return fetch("$rev_committed=$commit")->{revision};
+sub svn_log_xml {
+ my (@log_args) = @_;
+ my $log_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
+ my $pid = fork;
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ open STDOUT, '>&', $log_fh or croak $!;
+ exec (qw(svn log --xml), @log_args) or croak $!
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ croak $? if $?;
+ seek $log_fh, 0, 0;
+ my @svn_log;
+ my $log = XML::Simple::XMLin( $log_fh,
+ ForceArray => ['path','revision','logentry'],
+ KeepRoot => 0,
+ KeyAttr => { logentry => '+revision',
+ paths => '+path' },
+ )->{logentry};
+ foreach my $r (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$log) {
+ my $log_msg = $log->{$r};
+ my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($log_msg->{date} =~
+ /(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)T
+ (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\.\d+Z$/x)
+ or croak "Failed to parse date: ",
+ $log->{$r}->{date};
+ $log_msg->{date} = "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S";
+ # XML::Simple can't handle <msg></msg> as a string:
+ if (ref $log_msg->{msg} eq 'HASH') {
+ $log_msg->{msg} = "\n";
+ } else {
+ $log_msg->{msg} .= "\n";
+ }
+ push @svn_log, $log->{$r};
+ }
+ return \@svn_log;
+sub svn_log_raw {
+ my (@log_args) = @_;
+ my $pid = open my $log_fh,'-|';
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ exec (qw(svn log), @log_args) or croak $!
+ }
+ my @svn_log;
+ my $state;
+ while (<$log_fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^\-{72}$/) {
+ $state = 'rev';
+ # if we have an empty log message, put something there:
+ if (@svn_log) {
+ $svn_log[$#svn_log]->{msg} ||= "\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($state eq 'rev' && s/^r(\d+)\s*\|\s*//) {
+ my $rev = $1;
+ my ($author, $date) = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $_, 2);
+ my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S,$tz) = ($date =~
+ /(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)\s
+ (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\s([\-\+]\d+)/x)
+ or croak "Failed to parse date: $date\n";
+ my %log_msg = ( revision => $rev,
+ date => "$tz $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S",
+ author => $author,
+ msg => '' );
+ push @svn_log, \%log_msg;
+ $state = 'msg_start';
+ next;
+ }
+ # skip the first blank line of the message:
+ if ($state eq 'msg_start' && /^$/) {
+ $state = 'msg';
+ } elsif ($state eq 'msg') {
+ $svn_log[$#svn_log]->{msg} .= $_."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close $log_fh or croak $?;
+ return \@svn_log;
+sub svn_info {
+ my $url = shift || $SVN_URL;
+ my $pid = open my $info_fh, '-|';
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ exec(qw(svn info),$url) or croak $!;
+ }
+ my $ret = {};
+ # only single-lines seem to exist in svn info output
+ while (<$info_fh>) {
+ chomp $_;
+ if (m#^([^:]+)\s*:\s*(\S*)$#) {
+ $ret->{$1} = $2;
+ push @{$ret->{-order}}, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close $info_fh or croak $!;
+ return $ret;
+sub sys { system(@_) == 0 or croak $? }
+sub git_addremove {
+ system( "git-diff-files --name-only -z ".
+ " | git-update-index --remove -z --stdin; ".
+ "git-ls-files -z --others ".
+ "'--exclude-from=$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/exclude'".
+ " | git-update-index --add -z --stdin; "
+ ) == 0 or croak $?
+sub s_to_file {
+ my ($str, $file, $mode) = @_;
+ open my $fd,'>',$file or croak $!;
+ print $fd $str,"\n" or croak $!;
+ close $fd or croak $!;
+ chmod ($mode &~ umask, $file) if (defined $mode);
+sub file_to_s {
+ my $file = shift;
+ open my $fd,'<',$file or croak "$!: file: $file\n";
+ local $/;
+ my $ret = <$fd>;
+ close $fd or croak $!;
+ $ret =~ s/\s*$//s;
+ return $ret;
+sub assert_revision_unknown {
+ my $revno = shift;
+ if (-f "$REV_DIR/$revno") {
+ croak "$REV_DIR/$revno already exists! ",
+ "Why are we refetching it?";
+ }
+sub assert_revision_eq_or_unknown {
+ my ($revno, $commit) = @_;
+ if (-f "$REV_DIR/$revno") {
+ my $current = file_to_s("$REV_DIR/$revno");
+ if ($commit ne $current) {
+ croak "$REV_DIR/$revno already exists!\n",
+ "current: $current\nexpected: $commit\n";
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+sub git_commit {
+ my ($log_msg, @parents) = @_;
+ assert_revision_unknown($log_msg->{revision});
+ my $out_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
+ my $info = svn_info('.');
+ my $uuid = $info->{'Repository UUID'};
+ defined $uuid or croak "Unable to get Repository UUID\n";
+ # commit parents can be conditionally bound to a particular
+ # svn revision via: "svn_revno=commit_sha1", filter them out here:
+ my @exec_parents;
+ foreach my $p (@parents) {
+ next unless defined $p;
+ if ($p =~ /^(\d+)=($sha1_short)$/o) {
+ if ($1 == $log_msg->{revision}) {
+ push @exec_parents, $2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @exec_parents, $p if $p =~ /$sha1_short/o;
+ }
+ }
+ my $pid = fork;
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ git_addremove();
+ chomp(my $tree = `git-write-tree`);
+ croak if $?;
+ my $msg_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
+ print $msg_fh $log_msg->{msg}, "\ngit-svn-id: ",
+ "$SVN_URL\@$log_msg->{revision}",
+ " $uuid\n" or croak $!;
+ $msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
+ seek $msg_fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ $log_msg->{author};
+ $log_msg->{author}."\@$uuid";
+ $log_msg->{date};
+ my @exec = ('git-commit-tree',$tree);
+ push @exec, '-p', $_ foreach @exec_parents;
+ open STDIN, '<&', $msg_fh or croak $!;
+ open STDOUT, '>&', $out_fh or croak $!;
+ exec @exec or croak $!;
+ }
+ waitpid($pid,0);
+ croak if $?;
+ $out_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
+ seek $out_fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
+ chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
+ if ($commit !~ /^$sha1$/o) {
+ croak "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n";
+ }
+ my @update_ref = ('git-update-ref',"refs/heads/$GIT_SVN-HEAD",$commit);
+ if (my $primary_parent = shift @exec_parents) {
+ push @update_ref, $primary_parent;
+ }
+ sys(@update_ref);
+ sys('git-update-ref',"$GIT_SVN/revs/$log_msg->{revision}",$commit);
+ print "r$log_msg->{revision} = $commit\n";
+ return $commit;
+sub blob_to_symlink {
+ my ($blob, $link) = @_;
+ defined $link or croak "\$link not defined!\n";
+ croak "Not a sha1: $blob\n" unless $blob =~ /^$sha1$/o;
+ my $dest = `git-cat-file blob $blob`; # no newline, so no chomp
+ symlink $dest, $link or croak $!;
+sub blob_to_file {
+ my ($blob, $file) = @_;
+ defined $file or croak "\$file not defined!\n";
+ croak "Not a sha1: $blob\n" unless $blob =~ /^$sha1$/o;
+ open my $blob_fh, '>', $file or croak "$!: $file\n";
+ my $pid = fork;
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ open STDOUT, '>&', $blob_fh or croak $!;
+ exec('git-cat-file','blob',$blob);
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ croak $? if $?;
+ close $blob_fh or croak $!;
+sub safe_qx {
+ my $pid = open my $child, '-|';
+ defined $pid or croak $!;
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ exec(@_) or croak $?;
+ }
+ my @ret = (<$child>);
+ close $child or croak $?;
+ die $? if $?; # just in case close didn't error out
+ return wantarray ? @ret : join('',@ret);
+sub svn_check_ignore_externals {
+ return if $_no_ignore_ext;
+ unless (grep /ignore-externals/,(safe_qx(qw(svn co -h)))) {
+ print STDERR "W: Installed svn version does not support ",
+ "--ignore-externals\n";
+ $_no_ignore_ext = 1;
+ }
+Data structures:
+@svn_log = array of log_msg hashes
+$log_msg hash
+ msg => 'whitespace-formatted log entry
+', # trailing newline is preserved
+ revision => '8', # integer
+ date => '2004-02-24T17:01:44.108345Z', # commit date
+ author => 'committer name'
+@mods = array of diff-index line hashes, each element represents one line
+ of diff-index output
+diff-index line ($m hash)
+ mode_a => first column of diff-index output, no leading ':',
+ mode_b => second column of diff-index output,
+ sha1_b => sha1sum of the final blob,
+ chg => change type [MCRAD],
+ file_a => original file name of a file (iff chg is 'C' or 'R')
+ file_b => new/current file name of a file (any chg)
--- /dev/null
+git-svn - bidirectional operation between a single Subversion branch and git
+'git-svn' <command> [options] [arguments]
+git-svn is a simple conduit for changesets between a single Subversion
+branch and git.
+git-svn is not to be confused with git-svnimport. The were designed
+with very different goals in mind.
+git-svn is designed for an individual developer who wants a
+bidirectional flow of changesets between a single branch in Subversion
+and an arbitrary number of branches in git. git-svnimport is designed
+for read-only operation on repositories that match a particular layout
+(albeit the recommended one by SVN developers).
+For importing svn, git-svnimport is potentially more powerful when
+operating on repositories organized under the recommended
+trunk/branch/tags structure, and should be faster, too.
+git-svn completely ignores the very limited view of branching that
+Subversion has. This allows git-svn to be much easier to use,
+especially on repositories that are not organized in a manner that
+git-svnimport is designed for.
+ Creates an empty git repository with additional metadata
+ directories for git-svn. The SVN_URL must be specified
+ at this point.
+ Fetch unfetched revisions from the SVN_URL we are tracking.
+ refs/heads/git-svn-HEAD will be updated to the latest revision.
+ Commit specified commit or tree objects to SVN. This relies on
+ your imported fetch data being up-to-date. This makes
+ absolutely no attempts to do patching when committing to SVN, it
+ simply overwrites files with those specified in the tree or
+ commit. All merging is assumed to have taken place
+ independently of git-svn functions.
+ Not a part of daily usage, but this is a useful command if
+ you've just cloned a repository (using git-clone) that was
+ tracked with git-svn. Unfortunately, git-clone does not clone
+ git-svn metadata and the svn working tree that git-svn uses for
+ its operations. This rebuilds the metadata so git-svn can
+ resume fetch operations. SVN_URL may be optionally specified if
+ the directory/repository you're tracking has moved or changed
+ protocols.
+-r <ARG>::
+--revision <ARG>::
+ Only used with the 'fetch' command.
+ Takes any valid -r<argument> svn would accept and passes it
+ directly to svn. -r<ARG1>:<ARG2> ranges and "{" DATE "}" syntax
+ is also supported. This is passed directly to svn, see svn
+ documentation for more details.
+ This can allow you to make partial mirrors when running fetch.
+ Only used with the 'commit' command.
+ Read a list of commits from stdin and commit them in reverse
+ order. Only the leading sha1 is read from each line, so
+ git-rev-list --pretty=oneline output can be used.
+ Only used with the 'commit' command.
+ Remove directories from the SVN tree if there are no files left
+ behind. SVN can version empty directories, and they are not
+ removed by default if there are no files left in them. git
+ cannot version empty directories. Enabling this flag will make
+ the commit to SVN act like git.
+ Only used with the 'commit' command.
+ Edit the commit message before committing to SVN. This is off by
+ default for objects that are commits, and forced on when committing
+ tree objects.
+ Only used with the 'fetch' and 'rebuild' command.
+ By default, git-svn passes --ignore-externals to svn to avoid
+ fetching svn:external trees into git. Pass this flag to enable
+ externals tracking directly via git.
+ Versions of svn that do not support --ignore-externals are
+ automatically detected and this flag will be automatically
+ enabled for them.
+ Otherwise, do not enable this flag unless you know what you're
+ doing.
+ Only used with the 'fetch' command.
+ By default, git-svn passes --stop-on-copy to avoid dealing with
+ the copied/renamed branch directory problem entirely. A
+ copied/renamed branch is the result of a <SVN_URL> being created
+ in the past from a different source. These are problematic to
+ deal with even when working purely with svn if you work inside
+ subdirectories.
+ Do not use this flag unless you know exactly what you're getting
+ yourself into. You have been warned.
+Tracking and contributing to an Subversion managed-project:
+# Initialize a tree (like git init-db)::
+ git-svn init
+# Fetch remote revisions::
+ git-svn fetch
+# Create your own branch to hack on::
+ git checkout -b my-branch git-svn-HEAD
+# Commit only the git commits you want to SVN::
+ git-svn commit <tree-ish> [<tree-ish_2> ...]
+# Commit all the git commits from my-branch that don't exist in SVN::
+ git rev-list --pretty=oneline | git-svn commit
+# Something is committed to SVN, pull the latest into your branch::
+ git-svn fetch && git pull . git-svn-HEAD
+Merge tracking in Subversion is lacking and doing branched development
+with Subversion is cumbersome as a result. git-svn completely forgoes
+any automated merge/branch tracking on the Subversion side and leaves it
+entirely up to the user on the git side. It's simply not worth it to do
+a useful translation when the the original signal is weak.
+This is for advanced users, most users should ignore this section.
+Because git-svn does not care about relationships between different
+branches or directories in a Subversion repository, git-svn has a simple
+hack to allow it to track an arbitrary number of related _or_ unrelated
+SVN repositories via one git repository. Simply set the GIT_SVN_ID
+environment variable to a name other other than "git-svn" (the default)
+and git-svn will ignore the contents of the $GIT_DIR/git-svn directory
+and instead do all of its work in $GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN_ID for that
+This is for advanced users, most users should ignore this section.
+Unfetched SVN revisions may be imported as children of existing commits
+by specifying additional arguments to 'fetch'. Additional parents may
+optionally be specified in the form of sha1 hex sums at the
+command-line. Unfetched SVN revisions may also be tied to particular
+git commits with the following syntax:
+ svn_revision_number=git_commit_sha1
+This allows you to tie unfetched SVN revision 375 to your current HEAD::
+ git-svn fetch 375=$(git-rev-parse HEAD)
+If somebody commits a conflicting changeset to SVN at a bad moment
+(right before you commit) causing a conflict and your commit to fail,
+your svn working tree ($GIT_DIR/git-svn/tree) may be dirtied. The
+easiest thing to do is probably just to rm -rf $GIT_DIR/git-svn/tree and
+run 'rebuild'.
+We ignore all SVN properties except svn:executable. Too difficult to
+map them since we rely heavily on git write-tree being _exactly_ the
+same on both the SVN and git working trees and I prefer not to clutter
+working trees with metadata files.
+svn:keywords can't be ignored in Subversion (at least I don't know of
+a way to ignore them).
+Written by Eric Wong <>.
+Written by Eric Wong <>.
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+""" gitview
+GUI browser for git repository
+This program is based on bzrk by Scott James Remnant <>
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P."
+__author__ = "Aneesh Kumar K.V <>"
+import sys
+import os
+import gtk
+import pygtk
+import pango
+import re
+import time
+import gobject
+import cairo
+import math
+import string
+ import gtksourceview
+ have_gtksourceview = True
+except ImportError:
+ have_gtksourceview = False
+ print "Running without gtksourceview module"
+re_ident = re.compile('(author|committer) (?P<ident>.*) (?P<epoch>\d+) (?P<tz>[+-]\d{4})')
+def list_to_string(args, skip):
+ count = len(args)
+ i = skip
+ str_arg=" "
+ while (i < count ):
+ str_arg = str_arg + args[i]
+ str_arg = str_arg + " "
+ i = i+1
+ return str_arg
+def show_date(epoch, tz):
+ secs = float(epoch)
+ tzsecs = float(tz[1:3]) * 3600
+ tzsecs += float(tz[3:5]) * 60
+ if (tz[0] == "+"):
+ secs += tzsecs
+ else:
+ secs -= tzsecs
+ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(secs))
+def get_sha1_from_tags(line):
+ fp = os.popen("git cat-file -t " + line)
+ entry = string.strip(fp.readline())
+ fp.close()
+ if (entry == "commit"):
+ return line
+ elif (entry == "tag"):
+ fp = os.popen("git cat-file tag "+ line)
+ entry = string.strip(fp.readline())
+ fp.close()
+ obj = re.split(" ", entry)
+ if (obj[0] == "object"):
+ return obj[1]
+ return None
+class CellRendererGraph(gtk.GenericCellRenderer):
+ """Cell renderer for directed graph.
+ This module contains the implementation of a custom GtkCellRenderer that
+ draws part of the directed graph based on the lines suggested by the code
+ in
+ Because we're shiny, we use Cairo to do this, and because we're naughty
+ we cheat and draw over the bits of the TreeViewColumn that are supposed to
+ just be for the background.
+ Properties:
+ node (column, colour, [ names ]) tuple to draw revision node,
+ in_lines (start, end, colour) tuple list to draw inward lines,
+ out_lines (start, end, colour) tuple list to draw outward lines.
+ """
+ __gproperties__ = {
+ "node": ( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "node",
+ "revision node instruction",
+ ),
+ "in-lines": ( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "in-lines",
+ "instructions to draw lines into the cell",
+ ),
+ "out-lines": ( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, "out-lines",
+ "instructions to draw lines out of the cell",
+ ),
+ }
+ def do_set_property(self, property, value):
+ """Set properties from GObject properties."""
+ if == "node":
+ self.node = value
+ elif == "in-lines":
+ self.in_lines = value
+ elif == "out-lines":
+ self.out_lines = value
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "no such property: '%s'" %
+ def box_size(self, widget):
+ """Calculate box size based on widget's font.
+ Cache this as it's probably expensive to get. It ensures that we
+ draw the graph at least as large as the text.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self._box_size
+ except AttributeError:
+ pango_ctx = widget.get_pango_context()
+ font_desc = widget.get_style().font_desc
+ metrics = pango_ctx.get_metrics(font_desc)
+ ascent = pango.PIXELS(metrics.get_ascent())
+ descent = pango.PIXELS(metrics.get_descent())
+ self._box_size = ascent + descent + 6
+ return self._box_size
+ def set_colour(self, ctx, colour, bg, fg):
+ """Set the context source colour.
+ Picks a distinct colour based on an internal wheel; the bg
+ parameter provides the value that should be assigned to the 'zero'
+ colours and the fg parameter provides the multiplier that should be
+ applied to the foreground colours.
+ """
+ colours = [
+ ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
+ ( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
+ ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
+ ( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
+ ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
+ ( 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
+ ]
+ colour %= len(colours)
+ red = (colours[colour][0] * fg) or bg
+ green = (colours[colour][1] * fg) or bg
+ blue = (colours[colour][2] * fg) or bg
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(red, green, blue)
+ def on_get_size(self, widget, cell_area):
+ """Return the size we need for this cell.
+ Each cell is drawn individually and is only as wide as it needs
+ to be, we let the TreeViewColumn take care of making them all
+ line up.
+ """
+ box_size = self.box_size(widget)
+ cols = self.node[0]
+ for start, end, colour in self.in_lines + self.out_lines:
+ cols = max(cols, start, end)
+ (column, colour, names) = self.node
+ names_len = 0
+ if (len(names) != 0):
+ for item in names:
+ names_len += len(item)/3
+ width = box_size * (cols + 1 + names_len )
+ height = box_size
+ # FIXME I have no idea how to use cell_area properly
+ return (0, 0, width, height)
+ def on_render(self, window, widget, bg_area, cell_area, exp_area, flags):
+ """Render an individual cell.
+ Draws the cell contents using cairo, taking care to clip what we
+ do to within the background area so we don't draw over other cells.
+ Note that we're a bit naughty there and should really be drawing
+ in the cell_area (or even the exposed area), but we explicitly don't
+ want any gutter.
+ We try and be a little clever, if the line we need to draw is going
+ to cross other columns we actually draw it as in the .---' style
+ instead of a pure diagonal ... this reduces confusion by an
+ incredible amount.
+ """
+ ctx = window.cairo_create()
+ ctx.rectangle(bg_area.x, bg_area.y, bg_area.width, bg_area.height)
+ ctx.clip()
+ box_size = self.box_size(widget)
+ ctx.set_line_width(box_size / 8)
+ ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE)
+ # Draw lines into the cell
+ for start, end, colour in self.in_lines:
+ ctx.move_to(cell_area.x + box_size * start + box_size / 2,
+ bg_area.y - bg_area.height / 2)
+ if start - end > 1:
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * start, bg_area.y)
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * end + box_size, bg_area.y)
+ elif start - end < -1:
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * start + box_size,
+ bg_area.y)
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * end, bg_area.y)
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * end + box_size / 2,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height / 2)
+ self.set_colour(ctx, colour, 0.0, 0.65)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw lines out of the cell
+ for start, end, colour in self.out_lines:
+ ctx.move_to(cell_area.x + box_size * start + box_size / 2,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height / 2)
+ if start - end > 1:
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * start,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height)
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * end + box_size,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height)
+ elif start - end < -1:
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * start + box_size,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height)
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * end,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height)
+ ctx.line_to(cell_area.x + box_size * end + box_size / 2,
+ bg_area.y + bg_area.height / 2 + bg_area.height)
+ self.set_colour(ctx, colour, 0.0, 0.65)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw the revision node in the right column
+ (column, colour, names) = self.node
+ ctx.arc(cell_area.x + box_size * column + box_size / 2,
+ cell_area.y + cell_area.height / 2,
+ box_size / 4, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ if (len(names) != 0):
+ name = " "
+ for item in names:
+ name = name + item + " "
+ ctx.text_path(name)
+ self.set_colour(ctx, colour, 0.0, 0.5)
+ ctx.stroke_preserve()
+ self.set_colour(ctx, colour, 0.5, 1.0)
+ ctx.fill()
+class Commit:
+ """ This represent a commit object obtained after parsing the git-rev-list
+ output """
+ children_sha1 = {}
+ def __init__(self, commit_lines):
+ self.message = ""
+ = ""
+ = ""
+ self.committer = ""
+ self.commit_date = ""
+ self.commit_sha1 = ""
+ self.parent_sha1 = [ ]
+ self.parse_commit(commit_lines)
+ def parse_commit(self, commit_lines):
+ # First line is the sha1 lines
+ line = string.strip(commit_lines[0])
+ sha1 = re.split(" ", line)
+ self.commit_sha1 = sha1[0]
+ self.parent_sha1 = sha1[1:]
+ #build the child list
+ for parent_id in self.parent_sha1:
+ try:
+ Commit.children_sha1[parent_id].append(self.commit_sha1)
+ except KeyError:
+ Commit.children_sha1[parent_id] = [self.commit_sha1]
+ # IF we don't have parent
+ if (len(self.parent_sha1) == 0):
+ self.parent_sha1 = [0]
+ for line in commit_lines[1:]:
+ m = re.match("^ ", line)
+ if (m != None):
+ # First line of the commit message used for short log
+ if self.message == "":
+ self.message = string.strip(line)
+ continue
+ m = re.match("tree", line)
+ if (m != None):
+ continue
+ m = re.match("parent", line)
+ if (m != None):
+ continue
+ m = re_ident.match(line)
+ if (m != None):
+ date = show_date('epoch'),'tz'))
+ if == "author":
+ ='ident')
+ = date
+ elif == "committer":
+ self.committer ='ident')
+ self.commit_date = date
+ continue
+ def get_message(self, with_diff=0):
+ if (with_diff == 1):
+ message = self.diff_tree()
+ else:
+ fp = os.popen("git cat-file commit " + self.commit_sha1)
+ message =
+ fp.close()
+ return message
+ def diff_tree(self):
+ fp = os.popen("git diff-tree --pretty --cc -v -p --always " + self.commit_sha1)
+ diff =
+ fp.close()
+ return diff
+class DiffWindow:
+ """Diff window.
+ This object represents and manages a single window containing the
+ differences between two revisions on a branch.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ self.window.set_border_width(0)
+ self.window.set_title("Git repository browser diff window")
+ # Use two thirds of the screen by default
+ screen = self.window.get_screen()
+ monitor = screen.get_monitor_geometry(0)
+ width = int(monitor.width * 0.66)
+ height = int(monitor.height * 0.66)
+ self.window.set_default_size(width, height)
+ self.construct()
+ def construct(self):
+ """Construct the window contents."""
+ vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.window.add(vbox)
+ menu_bar = gtk.MenuBar()
+ save_menu = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_SAVE)
+ save_menu.connect("activate", self.save_menu_response, "save")
+ menu_bar.append(save_menu)
+ vbox.pack_start(menu_bar, False, False, 2)
+ scrollwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ scrollwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ scrollwin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+ vbox.pack_start(scrollwin, expand=True, fill=True)
+ if have_gtksourceview:
+ self.buffer = gtksourceview.SourceBuffer()
+ slm = gtksourceview.SourceLanguagesManager()
+ gsl = slm.get_language_from_mime_type("text/x-patch")
+ self.buffer.set_highlight(True)
+ self.buffer.set_language(gsl)
+ sourceview = gtksourceview.SourceView(self.buffer)
+ else:
+ self.buffer = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ sourceview = gtk.TextView(self.buffer)
+ sourceview.set_editable(False)
+ sourceview.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("Monospace"))
+ scrollwin.add(sourceview)
+ def set_diff(self, commit_sha1, parent_sha1):
+ """Set the differences showed by this window.
+ Compares the two trees and populates the window with the
+ differences.
+ """
+ # Diff with the first commit or the last commit shows nothing
+ if (commit_sha1 == 0 or parent_sha1 == 0 ):
+ return
+ fp = os.popen("git diff-tree -p " + parent_sha1 + " " + commit_sha1)
+ self.buffer.set_text(
+ fp.close()
+ def save_menu_response(self, widget, string):
+ dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Save..", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
+ dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+ response =
+ if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ patch_buffer = self.buffer.get_text(self.buffer.get_start_iter(),
+ self.buffer.get_end_iter())
+ fp = open(dialog.get_filename(), "w")
+ fp.write(patch_buffer)
+ fp.close()
+ dialog.destroy()
+class GitView:
+ """ This is the main class
+ """
+ version = "0.6"
+ def __init__(self, with_diff=0):
+ self.with_diff = with_diff
+ self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ self.window.set_border_width(0)
+ self.window.set_title("Git repository browser")
+ self.get_bt_sha1()
+ # Use three-quarters of the screen by default
+ screen = self.window.get_screen()
+ monitor = screen.get_monitor_geometry(0)
+ width = int(monitor.width * 0.75)
+ height = int(monitor.height * 0.75)
+ self.window.set_default_size(width, height)
+ # FIXME AndyFitz!
+ icon = self.window.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_INDEX, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
+ self.window.set_icon(icon)
+ self.accel_group = gtk.AccelGroup()
+ self.window.add_accel_group(self.accel_group)
+ self.construct()
+ def get_bt_sha1(self):
+ """ Update the bt_sha1 dictionary with the
+ respective sha1 details """
+ self.bt_sha1 = { }
+ git_dir = os.getenv("GIT_DIR")
+ if (git_dir == None):
+ git_dir = ".git"
+ #FIXME the path seperator
+ ref_files = os.listdir(git_dir + "/refs/tags")
+ for file in ref_files:
+ fp = open(git_dir + "/refs/tags/"+file)
+ sha1 = get_sha1_from_tags(string.strip(fp.readline()))
+ try:
+ self.bt_sha1[sha1].append(file)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.bt_sha1[sha1] = [file]
+ fp.close()
+ #FIXME the path seperator
+ ref_files = os.listdir(git_dir + "/refs/heads")
+ for file in ref_files:
+ fp = open(git_dir + "/refs/heads/" + file)
+ sha1 = get_sha1_from_tags(string.strip(fp.readline()))
+ try:
+ self.bt_sha1[sha1].append(file)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.bt_sha1[sha1] = [file]
+ fp.close()
+ def construct(self):
+ """Construct the window contents."""
+ paned = gtk.VPaned()
+ paned.pack1(self.construct_top(), resize=False, shrink=True)
+ paned.pack2(self.construct_bottom(), resize=False, shrink=True)
+ self.window.add(paned)
+ def construct_top(self):
+ """Construct the top-half of the window."""
+ vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=6)
+ vbox.set_border_width(12)
+ menu_bar = gtk.MenuBar()
+ menu_bar.set_pack_direction(gtk.PACK_DIRECTION_RTL)
+ help_menu = gtk.MenuItem("Help")
+ menu = gtk.Menu()
+ about_menu = gtk.MenuItem("About")
+ menu.append(about_menu)
+ about_menu.connect("activate", self.about_menu_response, "about")
+ help_menu.set_submenu(menu)
+ menu_bar.append(help_menu)
+ vbox.pack_start(menu_bar, False, False, 2)
+ scrollwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ scrollwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ scrollwin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+ vbox.pack_start(scrollwin, expand=True, fill=True)
+ self.treeview = gtk.TreeView()
+ self.treeview.set_rules_hint(True)
+ self.treeview.set_search_column(4)
+ self.treeview.connect("cursor-changed", self._treeview_cursor_cb)
+ scrollwin.add(self.treeview)
+ cell = CellRendererGraph()
+ column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+ column.set_resizable(False)
+ column.pack_start(cell, expand=False)
+ column.add_attribute(cell, "node", 1)
+ column.add_attribute(cell, "in-lines", 2)
+ column.add_attribute(cell, "out-lines", 3)
+ self.treeview.append_column(column)
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ cell.set_property("width-chars", 65)
+ cell.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+ column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Message")
+ column.set_resizable(True)
+ column.pack_start(cell, expand=True)
+ column.add_attribute(cell, "text", 4)
+ self.treeview.append_column(column)
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ cell.set_property("width-chars", 40)
+ cell.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+ column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Author")
+ column.set_resizable(True)
+ column.pack_start(cell, expand=True)
+ column.add_attribute(cell, "text", 5)
+ self.treeview.append_column(column)
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ cell.set_property("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+ column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Date")
+ column.set_resizable(True)
+ column.pack_start(cell, expand=True)
+ column.add_attribute(cell, "text", 6)
+ self.treeview.append_column(column)
+ return vbox
+ def about_menu_response(self, widget, string):
+ dialog = gtk.AboutDialog()
+ dialog.set_name("Gitview")
+ dialog.set_version(GitView.version)
+ dialog.set_authors(["Aneesh Kumar K.V <>"])
+ dialog.set_website("")
+ dialog.set_copyright("Use and distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License")
+ dialog.set_wrap_license(True)
+ dialog.destroy()
+ def construct_bottom(self):
+ """Construct the bottom half of the window."""
+ vbox = gtk.VBox(False, spacing=6)
+ vbox.set_border_width(12)
+ (width, height) = self.window.get_size()
+ vbox.set_size_request(width, int(height / 2.5))
+ self.table = gtk.Table(rows=4, columns=4)
+ self.table.set_row_spacings(6)
+ self.table.set_col_spacings(6)
+ vbox.pack_start(self.table, expand=False, fill=True)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ label = gtk.Label()
+ label.set_markup("<b>Revision:</b>")
+ align.add(label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 0, 1, 0, 1, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ self.revid_label = gtk.Label()
+ self.revid_label.set_selectable(True)
+ align.add(self.revid_label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 1, 2, 0, 1, gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ label = gtk.Label()
+ label.set_markup("<b>Committer:</b>")
+ align.add(label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 0, 1, 1, 2, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ self.committer_label = gtk.Label()
+ self.committer_label.set_selectable(True)
+ align.add(self.committer_label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 1, 2, 1, 2, gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ label = gtk.Label()
+ label.set_markup("<b>Timestamp:</b>")
+ align.add(label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 0, 1, 2, 3, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ self.timestamp_label = gtk.Label()
+ self.timestamp_label.set_selectable(True)
+ align.add(self.timestamp_label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 1, 2, 2, 3, gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ label = gtk.Label()
+ label.set_markup("<b>Parents:</b>")
+ align.add(label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 0, 1, 3, 4, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ self.parents_widgets = []
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ label = gtk.Label()
+ label.set_markup("<b>Children:</b>")
+ align.add(label)
+ self.table.attach(align, 2, 3, 3, 4, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ self.children_widgets = []
+ scrollwin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ scrollwin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ scrollwin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+ vbox.pack_start(scrollwin, expand=True, fill=True)
+ if have_gtksourceview:
+ self.message_buffer = gtksourceview.SourceBuffer()
+ slm = gtksourceview.SourceLanguagesManager()
+ gsl = slm.get_language_from_mime_type("text/x-patch")
+ self.message_buffer.set_highlight(True)
+ self.message_buffer.set_language(gsl)
+ sourceview = gtksourceview.SourceView(self.message_buffer)
+ else:
+ self.message_buffer = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ sourceview = gtk.TextView(self.message_buffer)
+ sourceview.set_editable(False)
+ sourceview.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("Monospace"))
+ scrollwin.add(sourceview)
+ return vbox
+ def _treeview_cursor_cb(self, *args):
+ """Callback for when the treeview cursor changes."""
+ (path, col) = self.treeview.get_cursor()
+ commit = self.model[path][0]
+ if commit.committer is not None:
+ committer = commit.committer
+ timestamp = commit.commit_date
+ message = commit.get_message(self.with_diff)
+ revid_label = commit.commit_sha1
+ else:
+ committer = ""
+ timestamp = ""
+ message = ""
+ revid_label = ""
+ self.revid_label.set_text(revid_label)
+ self.committer_label.set_text(committer)
+ self.timestamp_label.set_text(timestamp)
+ self.message_buffer.set_text(message)
+ for widget in self.parents_widgets:
+ self.table.remove(widget)
+ self.parents_widgets = []
+ self.table.resize(4 + len(commit.parent_sha1) - 1, 4)
+ for idx, parent_id in enumerate(commit.parent_sha1):
+ self.table.set_row_spacing(idx + 3, 0)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0)
+ self.parents_widgets.append(align)
+ self.table.attach(align, 1, 2, idx + 3, idx + 4,
+ gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
+ align.add(hbox)
+ label = gtk.Label(parent_id)
+ label.set_selectable(True)
+ hbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=True)
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ button = gtk.Button()
+ button.add(image)
+ button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ button.connect("clicked", self._go_clicked_cb, parent_id)
+ hbox.pack_start(button, expand=False, fill=True)
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_FIND, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ button = gtk.Button()
+ button.add(image)
+ button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ button.set_sensitive(True)
+ button.connect("clicked", self._show_clicked_cb,
+ commit.commit_sha1, parent_id)
+ hbox.pack_start(button, expand=False, fill=True)
+ # Populate with child details
+ for widget in self.children_widgets:
+ self.table.remove(widget)
+ self.children_widgets = []
+ try:
+ child_sha1 = Commit.children_sha1[commit.commit_sha1]
+ except KeyError:
+ # We don't have child
+ child_sha1 = [ 0 ]
+ if ( len(child_sha1) > len(commit.parent_sha1)):
+ self.table.resize(4 + len(child_sha1) - 1, 4)
+ for idx, child_id in enumerate(child_sha1):
+ self.table.set_row_spacing(idx + 3, 0)
+ align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0)
+ self.children_widgets.append(align)
+ self.table.attach(align, 3, 4, idx + 3, idx + 4,
+ gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
+ align.add(hbox)
+ label = gtk.Label(child_id)
+ label.set_selectable(True)
+ hbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=True)
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ button = gtk.Button()
+ button.add(image)
+ button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ button.connect("clicked", self._go_clicked_cb, child_id)
+ hbox.pack_start(button, expand=False, fill=True)
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_FIND, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ button = gtk.Button()
+ button.add(image)
+ button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ button.set_sensitive(True)
+ button.connect("clicked", self._show_clicked_cb,
+ child_id, commit.commit_sha1)
+ hbox.pack_start(button, expand=False, fill=True)
+ def _destroy_cb(self, widget):
+ """Callback for when a window we manage is destroyed."""
+ self.quit()
+ def quit(self):
+ """Stop the GTK+ main loop."""
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def run(self, args):
+ self.set_branch(args)
+ self.window.connect("destroy", self._destroy_cb)
+ gtk.main()
+ def set_branch(self, args):
+ """Fill in different windows with info from the reposiroty"""
+ fp = os.popen("git rev-parse --sq --default HEAD " + list_to_string(args, 1))
+ git_rev_list_cmd =
+ fp.close()
+ fp = os.popen("git rev-list --header --topo-order --parents " + git_rev_list_cmd)
+ self.update_window(fp)
+ def update_window(self, fp):
+ commit_lines = []
+ self.model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,
+ gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, str, str, str)
+ # used for cursor positioning
+ self.index = {}
+ self.colours = {}
+ self.nodepos = {}
+ self.incomplete_line = {}
+ index = 0
+ last_colour = 0
+ last_nodepos = -1
+ out_line = []
+ input_line = fp.readline()
+ while (input_line != ""):
+ # The commit header ends with '\0'
+ # This NULL is immediately followed by the sha1 of the
+ # next commit
+ if (input_line[0] != '\0'):
+ commit_lines.append(input_line)
+ input_line = fp.readline()
+ continue;
+ commit = Commit(commit_lines)
+ if (commit != None ):
+ (out_line, last_colour, last_nodepos) = self.draw_graph(commit,
+ index, out_line,
+ last_colour,
+ last_nodepos)
+ self.index[commit.commit_sha1] = index
+ index += 1
+ # Skip the '\0
+ commit_lines = []
+ commit_lines.append(input_line[1:])
+ input_line = fp.readline()
+ fp.close()
+ self.treeview.set_model(self.model)
+ def draw_graph(self, commit, index, out_line, last_colour, last_nodepos):
+ in_line=[]
+ # | -> outline
+ # X
+ # |\ <- inline
+ # Reset nodepostion
+ if (last_nodepos > 5):
+ last_nodepos = 0
+ # Add the incomplete lines of the last cell in this
+ for sha1 in self.incomplete_line.keys():
+ if ( sha1 != commit.commit_sha1):
+ for pos in self.incomplete_line[sha1]:
+ in_line.append((pos, pos, self.colours[sha1]))
+ else:
+ del self.incomplete_line[sha1]
+ try:
+ colour = self.colours[commit.commit_sha1]
+ except KeyError:
+ last_colour +=1
+ self.colours[commit.commit_sha1] = last_colour
+ colour = last_colour
+ try:
+ node_pos = self.nodepos[commit.commit_sha1]
+ except KeyError:
+ last_nodepos +=1
+ self.nodepos[commit.commit_sha1] = last_nodepos
+ node_pos = last_nodepos
+ #The first parent always continue on the same line
+ try:
+ # check we alreay have the value
+ tmp_node_pos = self.nodepos[commit.parent_sha1[0]]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.colours[commit.parent_sha1[0]] = colour
+ self.nodepos[commit.parent_sha1[0]] = node_pos
+ in_line.append((node_pos, self.nodepos[commit.parent_sha1[0]],
+ self.colours[commit.parent_sha1[0]]))
+ self.add_incomplete_line(commit.parent_sha1[0], index+1)
+ if (len(commit.parent_sha1) > 1):
+ for parent_id in commit.parent_sha1[1:]:
+ try:
+ tmp_node_pos = self.nodepos[parent_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ last_colour += 1;
+ self.colours[parent_id] = last_colour
+ last_nodepos +=1
+ self.nodepos[parent_id] = last_nodepos
+ in_line.append((node_pos, self.nodepos[parent_id],
+ self.colours[parent_id]))
+ self.add_incomplete_line(parent_id, index+1)
+ try:
+ branch_tag = self.bt_sha1[commit.commit_sha1]
+ except KeyError:
+ branch_tag = [ ]
+ node = (node_pos, colour, branch_tag)
+ self.model.append([commit, node, out_line, in_line,
+ commit.message,,])
+ return (in_line, last_colour, last_nodepos)
+ def add_incomplete_line(self, sha1, index):
+ try:
+ self.incomplete_line[sha1].append(self.nodepos[sha1])
+ except KeyError:
+ self.incomplete_line[sha1] = [self.nodepos[sha1]]
+ def _go_clicked_cb(self, widget, revid):
+ """Callback for when the go button for a parent is clicked."""
+ try:
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(self.index[revid])
+ except KeyError:
+ print "Revision %s not present in the list" % revid
+ # revid == 0 is the parent of the first commit
+ if (revid != 0 ):
+ print "Try running gitview without any options"
+ self.treeview.grab_focus()
+ def _show_clicked_cb(self, widget, commit_sha1, parent_sha1):
+ """Callback for when the show button for a parent is clicked."""
+ window = DiffWindow()
+ window.set_diff(commit_sha1, parent_sha1)
+ self.treeview.grab_focus()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ without_diff = 0
+ if (len(sys.argv) > 1 ):
+ if (sys.argv[1] == "--without-diff"):
+ without_diff = 1
+ view = GitView( without_diff != 1)
--- /dev/null
+gitview - A GTK based repository browser for git
+'gitview' [options] [args]
+* Python 2.4
+* PyGTK 2.8 or later
+* PyCairo 1.0 or later
+ --without-diff
+ If the user doesn't want to list the commit diffs in the main window. This may speed up the repository browsing.
+ <args>
+ All the valid option for git-rev-list(1)
+ gitview v2.6.12.. include/scsi drivers/scsi
+ Show as the changes since version v2.6.12 that changed any file in the include/scsi
+ or drivers/scsi subdirectories
+ gitview --since=2.weeks.ago
+ Show the changes during the last two weeks
# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano.
-USAGE='<upstream> [<head>]'
+USAGE='[--onto <newbase>] <upstream> [<branch>]'
+LONG_USAGE='If <branch> is specified, switch to that branch first. Then,
+extract commits in the current branch that are not in <upstream>,
+and reconstruct the current on top of <upstream>, discarding the original
+development history. If --onto <newbase> is specified, the history is
+reconstructed on top of <newbase>, instead of <upstream>. For example,
+while on "topic" branch:
+ A---B---C topic
+ /
+ D---E---F---G master
+ $ '"$0"' --onto master~1 master topic
+would rewrite the history to look like this:
+ A'\''--B'\''--C'\'' topic
+ /
+ D---E---F---G master
. git-sh-setup
-case $# in 1|2) ;; *) usage ;; esac
+unset newbase
+while case "$#" in 0) break ;; esac
+ case "$1" in
+ --onto)
+ test 2 -le "$#" || usage
+ newbase="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
# Make sure we do not have .dotest
if mkdir .dotest
-# The other head is given. Make sure it is valid.
-other=$(git-rev-parse --verify "$1^0") || usage
-# Make sure the branch to rebase is valid.
-head=$(git-rev-parse --verify "${2-HEAD}^0") || exit
+# The upstream head must be given. Make sure it is valid.
+upstream=`git rev-parse --verify "${upstream_name}^0"` ||
+ die "invalid upsteram $upstream_name"
# If a hook exists, give it a chance to interrupt
if test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase"
# If the branch to rebase is given, first switch to it.
case "$#" in
+ branch_name="$2"
git-checkout "$2" || usage
+ ;;
+ branch_name=`git symbolic-ref HEAD` || die "No current branch"
+ branch_name=`expr "$branch_name" : 'refs/heads/\(.*\)'`
+ ;;
+branch=$(git-rev-parse --verify "${branch_name}^0") || exit
-mb=$(git-merge-base "$other" "$head")
+# Make sure the branch to rebase onto is valid.
+onto=$(git-rev-parse --verify "${onto_name}^0") || exit
-# Check if we are already based on $other.
-if test "$mb" = "$other"
+# Now we are rebasing commits $upstream..$branch on top of $onto
+# Check if we are already based on $onto, but this should be
+# done only when upstream and onto are the same.
+if test "$upstream" = "onto"
- echo >&2 "Current branch `git-symbolic-ref HEAD` is up to date."
- exit 0
+ mb=$(git-merge-base "$onto" "$branch")
+ if test "$mb" = "$onto"
+ then
+ echo >&2 "Current branch $branch_name is up to date."
+ exit 0
+ fi
-# Rewind the head to "$other"
-git-reset --hard "$other"
+# Rewind the head to "$onto"; this saves our current head in ORIG_HEAD.
+git-reset --hard "$onto"
-# If the $other is a proper descendant of the tip of the branch, then
+# If the $onto is a proper descendant of the tip of the branch, then
# we just fast forwarded.
-if test "$mb" = "$head"
+if test "$mb" = "$onto"
- echo >&2 "Fast-forwarded $head to $other."
+ echo >&2 "Fast-forwarded $branch to $newbase."
exit 0
-git-format-patch -k --stdout --full-index "$other" ORIG_HEAD |
+git-format-patch -k --stdout --full-index "$upstream" ORIG_HEAD |
git am --binary -3 -k
# Copyright (c) 2005 Linus Torvalds
-USAGE='[-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f | -d] [-m <msg>] <tagname> [<head>]'
+USAGE='-l [<pattern>] | [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f | -d] [-m <msg>] <tagname> [<head>]'
. git-sh-setup
while case "$#" in 0) break ;; esac
case "$1" in
+ -l)
+ cd "$GIT_DIR/refs" &&
+ case "$#" in
+ 1)
+ find tags -type f -print ;;
+ *)
+ shift
+ find tags -type f -print | grep "$@" ;;
+ esac
+ exit $?
+ ;;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
+#ifndef NO_ICONV
#include <iconv.h>
#include "git-compat-util.h"
#include "cache.h"
static void convert_to_utf8(char *line, char *charset)
+#ifndef NO_ICONV
char *in, *out;
size_t insize, outsize, nrc;
char outbuf[4096]; /* cheat */
*out = 0;
strcpy(line, outbuf);
static void decode_header_bq(char *it)