git-svnimport: Improved detection of merges.
authorFlorian Forster <>
Wed, 31 May 2006 10:32:08 +0000 (12:32 +0200)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Wed, 31 May 2006 21:22:28 +0000 (14:22 -0700)
The regexes detecting merges (while still relying on the commit messages,
though) have been improved to catch saner (and hopefully more) messages. The
old regex was so generic that it often matched something else and missed the
actual merge-message.
Also, the regex given with the `-M' commandline-option is checked first:
Explicitely given regexes should be considered better than the builtin ones,
and should therefore be given a chance to match a message first.

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index 61f559f0a8ae69c04cfe9d8700591cedda41989c..38ac732ca9b677a5647a96db44f7133b47db0648 100755 (executable)
@@ -63,10 +63,17 @@ END
 our @mergerx = ();
 if ($opt_m) {
-       @mergerx = ( qr/\W(?:from|of|merge|merging|merged) (\w+)/i );
+       my $branch_esc = quotemeta ($branch_name);
+       my $trunk_esc  = quotemeta ($trunk_name);
+       @mergerx =
+       (
+               qr!\b(?:merg(?:ed?|ing))\b.*?\b((?:(?<=$branch_esc/)[\w\.\-]+)|(?:$trunk_esc))\b!i,
+               qr!\b(?:from|of)\W+((?:(?<=$branch_esc/)[\w\.\-]+)|(?:$trunk_esc))\b!i,
+               qr!\b(?:from|of)\W+(?:the )?([\w\.\-]+)[-\s]branch\b!i
+       );
 if ($opt_M) {
-       push (@mergerx, qr/$opt_M/);
+       unshift (@mergerx, qr/$opt_M/);
 # Absolutize filename now, since we will have chdir'ed by the time we