Fix broken bash completion of local refs.
authorShawn O. Pearce <>
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 17:12:26 +0000 (12:12 -0500)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 23:48:55 +0000 (15:48 -0800)
Commit 35e65ecc broke completion of local refs, e.g. "git pull . fo<tab>"
no longer would complete to "foo". Instead it printed out an internal
git error ("fatal: Not a git repository: '.'").

The break occurred when I tried to improve performance by switching from
git-peek-remote to git-for-each-ref. Apparently git-peek-remote will
drop into directory "$1/.git" (where $1 is its first parameter) if it
is given a repository with a working directory. This allowed the bash
completion code to work properly even though it was not handing over
the true repository directory.

So now we do a stat in bash to see if we need to add "/.git" to the
path string before running any command with --git-dir.

I also tried to optimize away two "git rev-parse --git-dir" invocations
in common cases like "git log fo<tab>" as typically the user is in the
top level directory of their project and therefore the .git subdirectory
is in the current working directory. This should make a difference on
systems where fork+exec might take a little while.

Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index be978cf3d3d5f4368a882596ed152f94f6affb32..447ec20467f667ec4ad4260e68bc35904b2b65ce 100755 (executable)
 __gitdir ()
-       echo "${__git_dir:-$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)}"
+       if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+               if [ -n "$__git_dir" ]; then
+                       echo "$__git_dir"
+               elif [ -d .git ]; then
+                       echo .git
+               else
+                       git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null
+               fi
+       elif [ -d "$1/.git" ]; then
+               echo "$1/.git"
+       else
+               echo "$1"
+       fi
 __git_ps1 ()
@@ -51,7 +63,7 @@ __git_ps1 ()
 __git_heads ()
-       local cmd i is_hash=y dir="${1:-$(__gitdir)}"
+       local cmd i is_hash=y dir="$(__gitdir "$1")"
        if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
                for i in $(git --git-dir="$dir" \
                        for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' \
@@ -60,7 +72,7 @@ __git_heads ()
-       for i in $(git-ls-remote "$dir" 2>/dev/null); do
+       for i in $(git-ls-remote "$1" 2>/dev/null); do
                case "$is_hash,$i" in
                y,*) is_hash=n ;;
                n,*^{}) is_hash=y ;;
@@ -72,7 +84,7 @@ __git_heads ()
 __git_refs ()
-       local cmd i is_hash=y dir="${1:-$(__gitdir)}"
+       local cmd i is_hash=y dir="$(__gitdir "$1")"
        if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
                if [ -e "$dir/HEAD" ]; then echo HEAD; fi
                for i in $(git --git-dir="$dir" \
@@ -101,20 +113,9 @@ __git_refs ()
 __git_refs2 ()
-       local cmd i is_hash=y dir="${1:-$(__gitdir)}"
-       if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
-               cmd=git-peek-remote
-       else
-               cmd=git-ls-remote
-       fi
-       for i in $($cmd "$dir" 2>/dev/null); do
-               case "$is_hash,$i" in
-               y,*) is_hash=n ;;
-               n,*^{}) is_hash=y ;;
-               n,refs/tags/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/tags/}:${i#refs/tags/}" ;;
-               n,refs/heads/*) is_hash=y; echo "${i#refs/heads/}:${i#refs/heads/}" ;;
-               n,*) is_hash=y; echo "$i:$i" ;;
-               esac
+       local i
+       for i in $(__git_refs "$1"); do
+               echo "$i:$i"