--- /dev/null
+# Suppressions for ThreadSanitizer (tsan).
+# This file is used by setting the environment variable TSAN_OPTIONS to, e.g.,
+# "suppressions=$(pwd)/.tsan-suppressions". Observe that relative paths such as
+# ".tsan-suppressions" might not work.
+# A static variable is written to racily, but we always write the same value, so
+# in practice it (hopefully!) doesn't matter.
int want_color(int var)
+ /*
+ * NEEDSWORK: This function is sometimes used from multiple threads, and
+ * we end up using want_auto racily. That "should not matter" since
+ * we always write the same value, but it's still wrong. This function
+ * is listed in .tsan-suppressions for the time being.
+ */
static int want_auto = -1;
if (var < 0)
__attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)))
static void transfer_debug(const char *fmt, ...)
+ /*
+ * NEEDSWORK: This function is sometimes used from multiple threads, and
+ * we end up using debug_enabled racily. That "should not matter" since
+ * we always write the same value, but it's still wrong. This function
+ * is listed in .tsan-suppressions for the time being.
+ */
va_list args;
char msgbuf[PBUFFERSIZE];
static int debug_enabled = -1;