--- /dev/null
+GIT v1.6.5 Release Notes
+In git 1.7.0, which is planned to be the release after 1.6.5, "git push"
+into a branch that is currently checked out will be refused by default.
+You can choose what should happen upon such a push by setting the
+configuration variable receive.denyCurrentBranch in the receiving
+Also, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch $killed in a remote
+repository $there, when $killed branch is the current branch pointed at by
+its HEAD, will be refused by default.
+You can choose what should happen upon such a push by setting the
+configuration variable receive.denyDeleteCurrent in the receiving
+To ease the transition plan, the receiving repository of such a
+push running this release will issue a big warning when the
+configuration variable is missing. Please refer to:
+ http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq#non-bare
+ http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/107758/focus=108007
+for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
+transition plan.
+Updates since v1.6.4
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+Fixes since v1.6.4
+# All of the fixes in v1.6.4.X maintenance series are included in this
+# release, unless otherwise noted.
+# Here are fixes that this release has, but have not been backported to
+# v1.6.4.X series.
allow that. So fake a tagger to be able to fast-import the
+ Skip output of blob objects and instead refer to blobs via
+ their original SHA-1 hash. This is useful when rewriting the
+ directory structure or history of a repository without
+ touching the contents of individual files. Note that the
+ resulting stream can only be used by a repository which
+ already contains the necessary objects.
A list of arguments, acceptable to 'git-rev-parse' and
'git-rev-list', that specifies the specific objects and references
[-l | --files-with-matches] [-L | --files-without-match]
[-z | --null]
[-c | --count] [--all-match]
+ [--max-depth <depth>]
[--color | --no-color]
[-A <post-context>] [-B <pre-context>] [-C <context>]
[-f <file>] [-e] <pattern>
Don't match the pattern in binary files.
+--max-depth <depth>::
+ For each pathspec given on command line, descend at most <depth>
+ levels of directories. A negative value means no limit.
Match the pattern only at word boundary (either begin at the
-'git init-db' [-q | --quiet] [--template=<template_directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]]
+'git init-db' [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template_directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]]
-'git init' [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template_directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]]
+'git init' [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template_directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]] [directory]
in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non fast-forwarding push
into it.
+If you name a (possibly non-existent) directory at the end of the command
+line, the command is run inside the directory (possibly after creating it).
- Show other files in the output
+ Show other (i.e. untracked) files in the output
-'git merge-base' [--all] <commit> <commit>...
+'git merge-base' [-a|--all] <commit> <commit>...
-'git-merge-base' finds best common ancestor(s) between two commits to use
+'git merge-base' finds best common ancestor(s) between two commits to use
in a three-way merge. One common ancestor is 'better' than another common
ancestor if the latter is an ancestor of the former. A common ancestor
that does not have any better common ancestor is a 'best common
two commits on the command line means computing the merge base between
the given two commits.
+As a consequence, the 'merge base' is not necessarily contained in each of the
+commit arguments if more than two commits are specified. This is different
+from linkgit:git-show-branch[1] when used with the `--merge-base` option.
Output all merge bases for the commits, instead of just one.
-'git prune-packed' [-n] [-q]
+'git prune-packed' [-n|--dry-run] [-q|--quiet]
Don't actually remove any objects, only show those that would have been
Squelch the progress indicator.
-'git read-tree' (<tree-ish> | [[-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>] [-u | -i]] [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] [--index-output=<file>] <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> [<tree-ish3>]])
+'git read-tree' [[-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>]
+ [-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]]
+ [--index-output=<file>]
+ <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> [<tree-ish3>]]
-Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order starting at the
-given commit(s), taking ancestry relationship into account. This is
-useful to produce human-readable log output.
+List commits that are reachable by following the `parent` links from the
+given commit(s), but exclude commits that are reachable from the one(s)
+given with a '{caret}' in front of them. The output is given in reverse
+chronological order by default.
-Commits which are stated with a preceding '{caret}' cause listing to
-stop at that point. Their parents are implied. Thus the following
+You can think of this as a set operation. Commits given on the command
+line form a set of commits that are reachable from any of them, and then
+commits reachable from any of the ones given with '{caret}' in front are
+subtracted from that set. The remaining commits are what comes out in the
+command's output. Various other options and paths parameters can be used
+to further limit the result.
+Thus, the following command:
$ git rev-list foo bar ^baz
-means "list all the commits which are included in 'foo' and 'bar', but
-not in 'baz'".
+means "list all the commits which are reachable from 'foo' or 'bar', but
+not from 'baz'".
A special notation "'<commit1>'..'<commit2>'" can be used as a
short-hand for "{caret}'<commit1>' '<commit2>'". For example, either of
Specifies a port different from the default port (SMTP
- servers typically listen to smtp port 25 and ssmtp port
- 465); symbolic port names (e.g. "submission" instead of 465)
+ servers typically listen to smtp port 25, but may also listen to
+ submission port 587, or the common SSL smtp port 465);
+ symbolic port names (e.g. "submission" instead of 587)
are also accepted. The port can also be set with the
'sendemail.smtpserverport' configuration variable.
-'git show-branch' [--all] [--remotes] [--topo-order | --date-order]
- [--current] [--color | --no-color]
+'git show-branch' [-a|--all] [-r|--remotes] [--topo-order | --date-order]
+ [--current] [--color | --no-color] [--sparse]
[--more=<n> | --list | --independent | --merge-base]
[--no-name | --sha1-name] [--topics]
[<rev> | <glob>]...
'git show-branch' (-g|--reflog)[=<n>[,<base>]] [--list] [<ref>]
Synonym to `--more=-1`
- Instead of showing the commit list, just act like the
- 'git-merge-base -a' command, except that it can accept
- more than two heads.
+ Instead of showing the commit list, determine possible
+ merge bases for the specified commits. All merge bases
+ will be contained in all specified commits. This is
+ different from how linkgit:git-merge-base[1] handles
+ the case of three or more commits.
Among the <reference>s given, display only the ones that
Remove all the stashed states. Note that those states will then
- be subject to pruning, and may be difficult or impossible to recover.
+ be subject to pruning, and may be impossible to recover (see
+ 'Examples' below for a possible strategy).
drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]::
$ git commit foo -m 'Remaining parts'
+Recovering stashes that were cleared/dropped erroneously::
+If you mistakenly drop or clear stashes, they cannot be recovered
+through the normal safety mechanisms. However, you can try the
+following incantation to get a list of stashes that are still in your
+repository, but not reachable any more:
+git fsck --unreachable |
+grep commit | cut -d\ -f3 |
+xargs git log --merges --no-walk --grep=WIP
'git submodule' [--quiet] status [--cached] [--] [<path>...]
'git submodule' [--quiet] init [--] [<path>...]
'git submodule' [--quiet] update [--init] [-N|--no-fetch] [--rebase]
- [--reference <repository>] [--] [<path>...]
-'git submodule' [--quiet] summary [--summary-limit <n>] [commit] [--] [<path>...]
+ [--reference <repository>] [--merge] [--] [<path>...]
+'git submodule' [--quiet] summary [--cached] [--summary-limit <n>] [commit] [--] [<path>...]
'git submodule' [--quiet] foreach <command>
'git submodule' [--quiet] sync [--] [<path>...]
-Adds a 'tag' reference in `.git/refs/tags/`
+Adds a 'tag' reference in `.git/refs/tags/`. The tag <name> must pass
+linkgit:git-check-ref-format[1] which basicly means that control characters,
+space, ~, ^, :, ?, *, [ and \ are prohibited.
Unless `-f` is given, the tag must not yet exist in
`.git/refs/tags/` directory.
-'git verify-pack' [-v] [--] <pack>.idx ...
+'git verify-pack' [-v|--verbose] [--] <pack>.idx ...
The idx files to verify.
After verifying the pack, show list of objects contained
in the pack.
--- /dev/null
+gittutorial - Um tutorial de introdução ao git (para versão 1.5.1 ou mais nova)
+git *
+Este tutorial explica como importar um novo projeto para o git,
+adicionar mudanças a ele, e compartilhar mudanças com outros
+Se, ao invés disso, você está interessado primariamente em usar git para
+obter um projeto, por exemplo, para testar a última versão, você pode
+preferir começar com os primeiros dois capÃtulos de
+link:user-manual.html[O Manual do Usuário Git].
+Primeiro, note que você pode obter documentação para um comando como
+`git log --graph` com:
+$ man git-log
+$ git help log
+Com a última forma, você pode usar o visualizador de manual de sua
+escolha; veja linkgit:git-help[1] para maior informação.
+É uma boa idéia informar ao git seu nome e endereço público de email
+antes de fazer qualquer operação. A maneira mais fácil de fazê-lo é:
+$ git config --global user.name "Seu Nome Vem Aqui"
+$ git config --global user.email voce@seudominio.exemplo.com
+Importando um novo projeto
+Assuma que você tem um tarball project.tar.gz com seu trabalho inicial.
+Você pode colocá-lo sob controle de revisão git da seguinte forma:
+$ tar xzf project.tar.gz
+$ cd project
+$ git init
+Git irá responder
+Initialized empty Git repository in .git/
+Você agora iniciou seu diretório de trabalho--você deve ter notado um
+novo diretório criado, com o nome de ".git".
+A seguir, diga ao git para gravar um instantâneo do conteúdo de todos os
+arquivos sob o diretório corrente (note o '.'), com 'git-add':
+$ git add .
+Este instantâneo está agora armazenado em uma área temporária que o git
+chama de "index" ou Ãndice. Você pode armazenar permanentemente o
+conteúdo do Ãndice no repositório com 'git-commit':
+$ git commit
+Isto vai te pedir por uma mensagem de commit. Você agora gravou sua
+primeira versão de seu projeto no git.
+Fazendo mudanças
+Modifique alguns arquivos, e, então, adicione seu conteúdo atualizado ao
+$ git add file1 file2 file3
+Você está agora pronto para fazer o commit. Você pode ver o que está
+para ser gravado usando 'git-diff' com a opção --cached:
+$ git diff --cached
+(Sem --cached, o comando 'git-diff' irá te mostrar quaisquer mudanças
+que você tenha feito mas ainda não adicionou ao Ãndice.) Você também
+pode obter um breve sumário da situação com 'git-status':
+$ git status
+# On branch master
+# Changes to be committed:
+# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
+# modified: file1
+# modified: file2
+# modified: file3
+Se você precisar fazer qualquer outro ajuste, faça-o agora, e, então,
+adicione qualquer conteúdo modificado ao Ãndice. Finalmente, grave suas
+mudanças com:
+$ git commit
+Isto irá novamente te pedir por uma mensagem descrevendo a mudança, e,
+então, gravar a nova versão do projeto.
+Alternativamente, ao invés de executar 'git-add' antes, você pode usar
+$ git commit -a
+o que irá automaticamente notar quaisquer arquivos modificados (mas não
+novos), adicioná-los ao Ãndices, e gravar, tudo em um único passo.
+Uma nota em mensagens de commit: Apesar de não ser exigido, é uma boa
+idéia começar a mensagem com uma simples e curta (menos de 50
+caracteres) linha sumarizando a mudança, seguida de uma linha em branco
+e, então, uma descrição mais detalhada. Ferramentas que transformam
+commits em email, por exemplo, usam a primeira linha no campo de
+cabeçalho Subject: e o resto no corpo.
+Git rastreia conteúdo, não arquivos
+Muitos sistemas de controle de revisão provêem um comando `add` que diz
+ao sistema para começar a rastrear mudanças em um novo arquivo. O
+comando `add` do git faz algo mais simples e mais poderoso: 'git-add' é
+usado tanto para arquivos novos e arquivos recentemente modificados, e
+em ambos os casos, ele tira o instantâneo dos arquivos dados e armazena
+o conteúdo no Ãndice, pronto para inclusão do próximo commit.
+Visualizando história do projeto
+Em qualquer ponto você pode visualizar a história das suas mudanças
+$ git log
+Se você também quer ver a diferença completa a cada passo, use
+$ git log -p
+Geralmente, uma visão geral da mudança é útil para ter a sensação de
+cada passo
+$ git log --stat --summary
+Gerenciando "branches"/ramos
+Um simples repositório git pode manter múltiplos ramos de
+desenvolvimento. Para criar um novo ramo chamado "experimental", use
+$ git branch experimental
+Se você executar agora
+$ git branch
+você vai obter uma lista de todos os ramos existentes:
+ experimental
+* master
+O ramo "experimental" é o que você acaba de criar, e o ramo "master" é o
+ramo padrão que foi criado pra você automaticamente. O asterisco marca
+o ramo em que você está atualmente; digite
+$ git checkout experimental
+para mudar para o ramo experimental. Agora edite um arquivo, grave a
+mudança, e mude de volta para o ramo master:
+(edita arquivo)
+$ git commit -a
+$ git checkout master
+Verifique que a mudança que você fez não está mais visÃvel, já que ela
+foi feita no ramo experimental e você está de volta ao ramo master.
+Você pode fazer uma mudança diferente no ramo master:
+(edit file)
+$ git commit -a
+neste ponto, os dois ramos divergiram, com diferentes mudanças feitas em
+cada um. Para unificar as mudanças feitas no experimental para o
+master, execute
+$ git merge experimental
+Se as mudanças não conflitarem, estará pronto. Se existirem conflitos,
+marcadores serão deixados nos arquivos problemáticos exibindo o
+$ git diff
+vai exibir isto. Após você editar os arquivos para resolver os
+$ git commit -a
+irá gravar o resultado da unificação. Finalmente,
+$ gitk
+vai mostrar uma bela representação gráfica da história resultante.
+Neste ponto você pode remover seu ramo experimental com
+$ git branch -d experimental
+Este comando garante que as mudanças no ramo experimental já estão no
+ramo atual.
+Se você desenvolve em um ramo ideia-louca, e se arrepende, você pode
+sempre remover o ramo com
+$ git branch -D ideia-louca
+Ramos são baratos e fáceis, então isto é uma boa maneira de experimentar
+alguma coisa.
+Usando git para colaboração
+Suponha que Alice começou um novo projeto com um repositório git em
+/home/alice/project, e que Bob, que tem um diretório home na mesma
+máquina, quer contribuir.
+Bob começa com:
+bob$ git clone /home/alice/project myrepo
+Isso cria um novo diretório "myrepo" contendo um clone do repositório de
+Alice. O clone está no mesmo pé que o projeto original, possuindo sua
+própria cópia da história do projeto original.
+Bob então faz algumas mudanças e as grava:
+(editar arquivos)
+bob$ git commit -a
+(repetir conforme necessário)
+Quanto está pronto, ele diz a Alice para puxar as mudanças do
+repositório em /home/bob/myrepo. Ela o faz com:
+alice$ cd /home/alice/project
+alice$ git pull /home/bob/myrepo master
+Isto unifica as mudanças do ramo "master" do Bob ao ramo atual de Alice.
+Se Alice fez suas próprias mudanças no intervalo, ela, então, pode
+precisar corrigir manualmente quaisquer conflitos. (Note que o argumento
+"master" no comando acima é, de fato, desnecessário, já que é o padrão.)
+O comando "pull" executa, então, duas operações: ele obtém mudanças de
+um ramo remoto, e, então, as unifica no ramo atual.
+Note que, em geral, Alice gostaria que suas mudanças locais fossem
+gravadas antes de iniciar este "pull". Se o trabalho de Bob conflita
+com o que Alice fez desde que suas histórias se ramificaram, Alice irá
+usar seu diretório de trabalho e o Ãndice para resolver conflitos, e
+mudanças locais existentes irão interferir com o processo de resolução
+de conflitos (git ainda irá realizar a obtenção mas irá se recusar a
+unificar --- Alice terá que se livrar de suas mudanças locais de alguma
+forma e puxar de novo quando isso acontecer).
+Alice pode espiar o que Bob fez sem unificar primeiro, usando o comando
+"fetch"; isto permite Alice inspecionar o que Bob fez, usando um sÃmbolo
+especial "FETCH_HEAD", com o fim de determinar se ele tem alguma coisa
+que vale puxar, assim:
+alice$ git fetch /home/bob/myrepo master
+alice$ git log -p HEAD..FETCH_HEAD
+Esta operação é segura mesmo se Alice tem mudanças locais não gravadas.
+A notação de intervalo "HEAD..FETCH_HEAD" significa mostrar tudo que é
+alcançável de FETCH_HEAD mas exclua tudo o que é alcançável de HEAD.
+Alice já sabe tudo que leva a seu estado atual (HEAD), e revisa o que Bob
+tem em seu estado (FETCH_HEAD) que ela ainda não viu com esse comando.
+Se Alice quer visualizar o que Bob fez desde que suas histórias se
+ramificaram, ela pode disparar o seguinte comando:
+Isto usa a mesma notação de intervalo que vimos antes com 'git log'.
+Alice pode querer ver o que ambos fizeram desde que ramificaram. Ela
+pode usar a forma com três pontos ao invés da forma com dois pontos:
+Isto significa "mostre tudo que é alcançável de qualquer um deles, mas
+exclua tudo que é alcançável a partir de ambos".
+Por favor, note que essas notações de intervalo podem ser usadas tanto
+com gitk quanto com "git log".
+Após inspecionar o que Bob fez, se não há nada urgente, Alice pode
+decidir continuar trabalhando sem puxar de Bob. Se a história de Bob
+tem alguma coisa que Alice precisa imediatamente, Alice pode optar por
+separar seu trabalho em progresso primeiro, fazer um "pull", e, então,
+finalmente, retomar seu trabalho em progresso em cima da história
+Quando você está trabalhando em um pequeno grupo unido, não é incomum
+interagir com o mesmo repositório várias e várias vezes. Definindo um
+repositório remoto antes de tudo, você pode fazê-lo mais facilmente:
+alice$ git remote add bob /home/bob/myrepo
+Com isso, Alice pode executar a primeira parte da operação "pull" usando
+o comando 'git-fetch' sem unificar suas mudanças com seu próprio ramo,
+alice$ git fetch bob
+Diferente da forma longa, quando Alice obteve de Bob usando um
+repositório remoto antes definido com 'git-remote', o que foi obtido é
+armazenado em um ramo remoto, neste caso `bob/master`. Então, após isso:
+alice$ git log -p master..bob/master
+mostra uma lista de todas as mudanças que Bob fez desde que ramificou do
+ramo master de Alice.
+Após examinar essas mudanças, Alice pode unificá-las em seu ramo master:
+alice$ git merge bob/master
+Esse `merge` pode também ser feito puxando de seu próprio ramo remoto,
+alice$ git pull . remotes/bob/master
+Note que 'git pull' sempre unifica ao ramo atual, independente do que
+mais foi passado na linha de comando.
+Depois, Bob pode atualizar seu repositório com as últimas mudanças de
+Alice, usando
+bob$ git pull
+Note que ele não precisa dar o caminho do repositório de Alice; quando
+Bob clonou seu repositório, o git armazenou a localização de seu
+repositório na configuração do mesmo, e essa localização é usada
+para puxar:
+bob$ git config --get remote.origin.url
+(A configuração completa criada por 'git-clone' é visÃvel usando `git
+config -l`, e a página de manual linkgit:git-config[1] explica o
+significado de cada opção.)
+Git também mantém uma cópia limpa do ramo master de Alice sob o nome
+bob$ git branch -r
+ origin/master
+Se Bob decidir depois em trabalhar em um host diferente, ele ainda pode
+executar clones e puxar usando o protocolo ssh:
+bob$ git clone alice.org:/home/alice/project myrepo
+Alternativamente, o git tem um protocolo nativo, ou pode usar rsync ou
+http; veja linkgit:git-pull[1] para detalhes.
+Git pode também ser usado em um modo parecido com CVS, com um
+repositório central para o qual vários usuários empurram modificações;
+veja linkgit:git-push[1] e linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7].
+Explorando história
+A história no git é representada como uma série de commits
+interrelacionados. Nós já vimos que o comando 'git-log' pode listar
+esses commits. Note que a primeira linha de cada entrada no log também
+dá o nome para o commit:
+$ git log
+commit c82a22c39cbc32576f64f5c6b3f24b99ea8149c7
+Author: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>
+Date: Tue May 16 17:18:22 2006 -0700
+ merge-base: Clarify the comments on post processing.
+Nós podemos dar este nome ao 'git-show' para ver os detalhes sobre este
+$ git show c82a22c39cbc32576f64f5c6b3f24b99ea8149c7
+Mas há outras formas de se referir aos commits. Você pode usar qualquer
+parte inicial do nome que seja longo o bastante para identificar
+unicamente o commit:
+$ git show c82a22c39c # os primeiros caracteres do nome são o bastante
+ # usualmente
+$ git show HEAD # a ponta do ramo atual
+$ git show experimental # a ponta do ramo "experimental"
+Todo commit normalmente tem um commit "pai" que aponta para o estado
+anterior do projeto:
+$ git show HEAD^ # para ver o pai de HEAD
+$ git show HEAD^^ # para ver o avô de HEAD
+$ git show HEAD~4 # para ver o trisavô de HEAD
+Note que commits de unificação podem ter mais de um pai:
+$ git show HEAD^1 # mostra o primeiro pai de HEAD (o mesmo que HEAD^)
+$ git show HEAD^2 # mostra o segundo pai de HEAD
+Você também pode dar aos commits nomes à sua escolha; após executar
+$ git tag v2.5 1b2e1d63ff
+você pode se referir a 1b2e1d63ff pelo nome "v2.5". Se você pretende
+compartilhar esse nome com outras pessoas (por exemplo, para identificar
+uma versão de lançamento), você deveria criar um objeto "tag", e talvez
+assiná-lo; veja linkgit:git-tag[1] para detalhes.
+Qualquer comando git que precise conhecer um commit pode receber
+quaisquer desses nomes. Por exemplo:
+$ git diff v2.5 HEAD # compara o HEAD atual com v2.5
+$ git branch stable v2.5 # inicia um novo ramo chamado "stable" baseado
+ # em v2.5
+$ git reset --hard HEAD^ # reseta seu ramo atual e seu diretório de
+ # trabalho a seu estado em HEAD^
+Seja cuidadoso com o último comando: além de perder quaisquer mudanças
+em seu diretório de trabalho, ele também remove todos os commits
+posteriores desse ramo. Se esse ramo é o único ramo contendo esses
+commits, eles serão perdidos. Também, não use 'git-reset' num ramo
+publicamente visÃvel de onde outros desenvolvedores puxam, já que vai
+forçar unificações desnecessárias para que outros desenvolvedores limpem
+a história. Se você precisa desfazer mudanças que você empurrou, use
+'git-revert' no lugar.
+O comando 'git-grep' pode buscar strings em qualquer versão de seu
+projeto, então
+$ git grep "hello" v2.5
+procura por todas as ocorrências de "hello" em v2.5.
+Se você deixar de fora o nome do commit, 'git-grep' irá procurar
+quaisquer dos arquivos que ele gerencia no diretório corrente. Então
+$ git grep "hello"
+é uma forma rápida de buscar somente os arquivos que são rastreados pelo
+Muitos comandos git também recebem um conjunto de commits, o que pode
+ser especificado de várias formas. Aqui estão alguns exemplos com 'git-log':
+$ git log v2.5..v2.6 # commits entre v2.5 e v2.6
+$ git log v2.5.. # commits desde v2.5
+$ git log --since="2 weeks ago" # commits das últimas 2 semanas
+$ git log v2.5.. Makefile # commits desde v2.5 que modificam
+ # Makefile
+Você também pode dar ao 'git-log' um "intervalo" de commits onde o
+primeiro não é necessariamente um ancestral do segundo; por exemplo, se
+as pontas dos ramos "stable" e "master" divergiram de um commit
+comum algum tempo atrás, então
+$ git log stable..master
+irá listar os commits feitos no ramo "master" mas não no ramo
+"stable", enquanto
+$ git log master..stable
+irá listar a lista de commits feitos no ramo "stable" mas não no ramo
+O comando 'git-log' tem uma fraqueza: ele precisa mostrar os commits em
+uma lista. Quando a história tem linhas de desenvolvimento que
+divergiram e então foram unificadas novamente, a ordem em que 'git-log'
+apresenta essas mudanças é irrelevante.
+A maioria dos projetos com múltiplos contribuidores (como o kernel
+Linux, ou o próprio git) tem unificações frequentes, e 'gitk' faz um
+trabalho melhor de visualizar sua história. Por exemplo,
+$ gitk --since="2 weeks ago" drivers/
+permite a você navegar em quaisquer commits desde as últimas duas semanas
+de commits que modificaram arquivos sob o diretório "drivers". (Nota:
+você pode ajustar as fontes do gitk segurando a tecla control enquanto
+pressiona "-" ou "+".)
+Finalmente, a maioria dos comandos que recebem nomes de arquivo permitirão
+também, opcionalmente, preceder qualquer nome de arquivo por um
+commit, para especificar uma versão particular do arquivo:
+$ git diff v2.5:Makefile HEAD:Makefile.in
+Você pode usar 'git-show' para ver tal arquivo:
+$ git show v2.5:Makefile
+Próximos passos
+Este tutorial deve ser o bastante para operar controle de revisão
+distribuÃdo básico para seus projetos. No entanto, para entender
+plenamente a profundidade e o poder do git você precisa entender duas
+idéias simples nas quais ele se baseia:
+ * A base de objetos é um sistema bem elegante usado para armazenar a
+ história de seu projeto--arquivos, diretórios, e commits.
+ * O arquivo de Ãndice é um cache do estado de uma árvore de diretório,
+ usado para criar commits, restaurar diretórios de trabalho, e
+ armazenar as várias árvores envolvidas em uma unificação.
+A parte dois deste tutorial explica a base de objetos, o arquivo de
+Ãndice, e algumas outras coisinhas que você vai precisar pra usar o
+máximo do git. Você pode encontrá-la em linkgit:gittutorial-2[7].
+Se você não quiser continuar com o tutorial agora nesse momento, algumas
+outras digressões que podem ser interessantes neste ponto são:
+ * linkgit:git-format-patch[1], linkgit:git-am[1]: Estes convertem
+ séries de commits em patches para email, e vice-versa, úteis para
+ projetos como o kernel Linux que dependem fortemente de patches
+ enviados por email.
+ * linkgit:git-bisect[1]: Quando há uma regressão em seu projeto, uma
+ forma de rastrear um bug é procurando pela história para encontrar o
+ commit culpado. Git bisect pode ajudar a executar uma busca binária
+ por esse commit. Ele é inteligente o bastante para executar uma
+ busca próxima da ótima mesmo no caso de uma história complexa
+ não-linear com muitos ramos unificados.
+ * link:everyday.html[GIT diariamente com 20 e tantos comandos]
+ * linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7]: Git para usuários de CVS.
+link:everyday.html[git diariamente],
+link:user-manual.html[O Manual do Usuário git]
+Parte da suite linkgit:git[1].
Convenience functions that encapsulate a sequence of
start_command() followed by finish_command(). The argument argv
specifies the program and its arguments. The argument opt is zero
- or more of the flags `RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN`, `RUN_GIT_CMD`, or
- `RUN_COMMAND_STDOUT_TO_STDERR` that correspond to the members
- .no_stdin, .git_cmd, .stdout_to_stderr of `struct child_process`.
+ or more of the flags `RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN`, `RUN_GIT_CMD`,
+ that correspond to the members .no_stdin, .git_cmd,
+ .stdout_to_stderr, .silent_exec_failure of `struct child_process`.
The argument dir corresponds the member .dir. The argument env
corresponds to the member .env.
+The functions above do the following:
+. If a system call failed, errno is set and -1 is returned. A diagnostic
+ is printed.
+. If the program was not found, then -1 is returned and errno is set to
+ ENOENT; a diagnostic is printed only if .silent_exec_failure is 0.
+. Otherwise, the program is run. If it terminates regularly, its exit
+ code is returned. No diagnistic is printed, even if the exit code is
+ non-zero.
+. If the program terminated due to a signal, then the return value is the
+ signal number - 128, ie. it is negative and so indicates an unusual
+ condition; a diagnostic is printed. This return value can be passed to
+ exit(2), which will report the same code to the parent process that a
+ POSIX shell's $? would report for a program that died from the signal.
Run a function asynchronously. Takes a pointer to a `struct
To specify a new initial working directory for the sub-process,
specify it in the .dir member.
+If the program cannot be found, the functions return -1 and set
+errno to ENOENT. Normally, an error message is printed, but if
+.silent_exec_failure is set to 1, no message is printed for this
+special error condition.
* `struct async`
tree walking API
-Talk about <tree-walk.h>, things like
+The tree walking API is used to traverse and inspect trees.
-* struct tree_desc
-* init_tree_desc
-* tree_entry_extract
-* update_tree_entry
-* get_tree_entry
+Data Structures
-(JC, Linus)
+`struct name_entry`::
+ An entry in a tree. Each entry has a sha1 identifier, pathname, and
+ mode.
+`struct tree_desc`::
+ A semi-opaque data structure used to maintain the current state of the
+ walk.
+* `buffer` is a pointer into the memory representation of the tree. It always
+points at the current entry being visited.
+* `size` counts the number of bytes left in the `buffer`.
+* `entry` points to the current entry being visited.
+`struct traverse_info`::
+ A structure used to maintain the state of a traversal.
+* `prev` points to the traverse_info which was used to descend into the
+current tree. If this is the top-level tree `prev` will point to
+a dummy traverse_info.
+* `name` is the entry for the current tree (if the tree is a subtree).
+* `pathlen` is the length of the full path for the current tree.
+* `conflicts` can be used by callbacks to maintain directory-file conflicts.
+* `fn` is a callback called for each entry in the tree. See Traversing for more
+* `data` can be anything the `fn` callback would want to use.
+ Initialize a `tree_desc` and decode its first entry. The buffer and
+ size parameters are assumed to be the same as the buffer and size
+ members of `struct tree`.
+ Initialize a `tree_desc` and decode its first entry given the sha1 of
+ a tree. Returns the `buffer` member if the sha1 is a valid tree
+ identifier and NULL otherwise.
+ Initialize a `traverse_info` given the pathname of the tree to start
+ traversing from. The `base` argument is assumed to be the `path`
+ member of the `name_entry` being recursed into unless the tree is a
+ top-level tree in which case the empty string ("") is used.
+ Visit the next entry in a tree. Returns 1 when there are more entries
+ left to visit and 0 when all entries have been visited. This is
+ commonly used in the test of a while loop.
+ Calculate the length of a tree entry's pathname. This utilizes the
+ memory structure of a tree entry to avoid the overhead of using a
+ generic strlen().
+ Walk to the next entry in a tree. This is commonly used in conjunction
+ with `tree_entry_extract` to inspect the current entry.
+ Decode the entry currently being visited (the one pointed to by
+ `tree_desc's` `entry` member) and return the sha1 of the entry. The
+ `pathp` and `modep` arguments are set to the entry's pathname and mode
+ respectively.
+ Find an entry in a tree given a pathname and the sha1 of a tree to
+ search. Returns 0 if the entry is found and -1 otherwise. The third
+ and fourth parameters are set to the entry's sha1 and mode
+ respectively.
+ Traverse `n` number of trees in parallel. The `fn` callback member of
+ `traverse_info` is called once for each tree entry.
+ The arguments passed to the traverse callback are as follows:
+* `n` counts the number of trees being traversed.
+* `mask` has its nth bit set if something exists in the nth entry.
+* `dirmask` has its nth bit set if the nth tree's entry is a directory.
+* `entry` is an array of size `n` where the nth entry is from the nth tree.
+* `info` maintains the state of the traversal.
+Returning a negative value will terminate the traversal. Otherwise the
+return value is treated as an update mask. If the nth bit is set the nth tree
+will be updated and if the bit is not set the nth tree entry will be the
+same in the next callback invocation.
+ Generate the full pathname of a tree entry based from the root of the
+ traversal. For example, if the traversal has recursed into another
+ tree named "bar" the pathname of an entry "baz" in the "bar"
+ tree would be "bar/baz".
+ Calculate the length of a pathname returned by `make_traverse_path`.
+ This utilizes the memory structure of a tree entry to avoid the
+ overhead of using a generic strlen().
+Written by Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com> and Linus Torvalds
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
return val;
+ * Does the ---/+++ line has the POSIX timestamp after the last HT?
+ * GNU diff puts epoch there to signal a creation/deletion event. Is
+ * this such a timestamp?
+ */
+static int has_epoch_timestamp(const char *nameline)
+ /*
+ * We are only interested in epoch timestamp; any non-zero
+ * fraction cannot be one, hence "(\.0+)?" in the regexp below.
+ * For the same reason, the date must be either 1969-12-31 or
+ * 1970-01-01, and the seconds part must be "00".
+ */
+ const char stamp_regexp[] =
+ "^(1969-12-31|1970-01-01)"
+ " "
+ "[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:00(\\.0+)?"
+ " "
+ "([-+][0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9])\n";
+ const char *timestamp = NULL, *cp;
+ static regex_t *stamp;
+ regmatch_t m[10];
+ int zoneoffset;
+ int hourminute;
+ int status;
+ for (cp = nameline; *cp != '\n'; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == '\t')
+ timestamp = cp + 1;
+ }
+ if (!timestamp)
+ return 0;
+ if (!stamp) {
+ stamp = xmalloc(sizeof(*stamp));
+ if (regcomp(stamp, stamp_regexp, REG_EXTENDED)) {
+ warning("Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s",
+ stamp_regexp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ status = regexec(stamp, timestamp, ARRAY_SIZE(m), m, 0);
+ if (status) {
+ if (status != REG_NOMATCH)
+ warning("regexec returned %d for input: %s",
+ status, timestamp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ zoneoffset = strtol(timestamp + m[3].rm_so + 1, NULL, 10);
+ zoneoffset = (zoneoffset / 100) * 60 + (zoneoffset % 100);
+ if (timestamp[m[3].rm_so] == '-')
+ zoneoffset = -zoneoffset;
+ /*
+ * YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss must be from either 1969-12-31
+ * (west of GMT) or 1970-01-01 (east of GMT)
+ */
+ if ((zoneoffset < 0 && memcmp(timestamp, "1969-12-31", 10)) ||
+ (0 <= zoneoffset && memcmp(timestamp, "1970-01-01", 10)))
+ return 0;
+ hourminute = (strtol(timestamp + 11, NULL, 10) * 60 +
+ strtol(timestamp + 14, NULL, 10) -
+ zoneoffset);
+ return ((zoneoffset < 0 && hourminute == 1440) ||
+ (0 <= zoneoffset && !hourminute));
* Get the name etc info from the ---/+++ lines of a traditional patch header
} else {
name = find_name(first, NULL, p_value, TERM_SPACE | TERM_TAB);
name = find_name(second, name, p_value, TERM_SPACE | TERM_TAB);
- patch->old_name = patch->new_name = name;
+ if (has_epoch_timestamp(first)) {
+ patch->is_new = 1;
+ patch->is_delete = 0;
+ patch->new_name = name;
+ } else if (has_epoch_timestamp(second)) {
+ patch->is_new = 0;
+ patch->is_delete = 1;
+ patch->old_name = name;
+ } else {
+ patch->old_name = patch->new_name = name;
+ }
if (!name)
die("unable to find filename in patch at line %d", linenr);
static int longformat;
static int abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV;
static int max_candidates = 10;
+static int found_names;
static const char *pattern;
static int always;
memcpy(e->path, path, len);
commit->util = e;
+ found_names = 1;
static int get_name(const char *path, const unsigned char *sha1, int flag, void *cb_data)
for_each_ref(get_name, NULL);
+ if (!found_names)
+ die("cannot describe '%s'", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
n = cmit->util;
if (n) {
revs->max_count = 3;
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-q"))
+ else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
+ usage(builtin_diff_usage);
return error("invalid option: %s", argv[1]);
argv++; argc--;
static enum { ABORT, VERBATIM, WARN, STRIP } signed_tag_mode = ABORT;
static enum { ERROR, DROP, REWRITE } tag_of_filtered_mode = ABORT;
static int fake_missing_tagger;
+static int no_data;
static int parse_opt_signed_tag_mode(const struct option *opt,
const char *arg, int unset)
char *buf;
struct object *object;
+ if (no_data)
+ return;
if (is_null_sha1(sha1))
* Links refer to objects in another repositories;
* output the SHA-1 verbatim.
- if (S_ISGITLINK(spec->mode))
+ if (no_data || S_ISGITLINK(spec->mode))
printf("M %06o %s %s\n", spec->mode,
sha1_to_hex(spec->sha1), spec->path);
else {
"Import marks from this file"),
OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "fake-missing-tagger", &fake_missing_tagger,
"Fake a tagger when tags lack one"),
+ { OPTION_NEGBIT, 0, "data", &no_data, NULL,
+ "Skip output of blob data",
return git_color_default_config(var, value, cb);
+ * Return non-zero if max_depth is negative or path has no more then max_depth
+ * slashes.
+ */
+static int accept_subdir(const char *path, int max_depth)
+ if (max_depth < 0)
+ return 1;
+ while ((path = strchr(path, '/')) != NULL) {
+ max_depth--;
+ if (max_depth < 0)
+ return 0;
+ path++;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * Return non-zero if name is a subdirectory of match and is not too deep.
+ */
+static int is_subdir(const char *name, int namelen,
+ const char *match, int matchlen, int max_depth)
+ if (matchlen > namelen || strncmp(name, match, matchlen))
+ return 0;
+ if (name[matchlen] == '\0') /* exact match */
+ return 1;
+ if (!matchlen || match[matchlen-1] == '/' || name[matchlen] == '/')
+ return accept_subdir(name + matchlen + 1, max_depth);
+ return 0;
* git grep pathspecs are somewhat different from diff-tree pathspecs;
* pathname wildcards are allowed.
-static int pathspec_matches(const char **paths, const char *name)
+static int pathspec_matches(const char **paths, const char *name, int max_depth)
int namelen, i;
if (!paths || !*paths)
- return 1;
+ return accept_subdir(name, max_depth);
namelen = strlen(name);
for (i = 0; paths[i]; i++) {
const char *match = paths[i];
int matchlen = strlen(match);
const char *cp, *meta;
- if (!matchlen ||
- ((matchlen <= namelen) &&
- !strncmp(name, match, matchlen) &&
- (match[matchlen-1] == '/' ||
- name[matchlen] == '\0' || name[matchlen] == '/')))
+ if (is_subdir(name, namelen, match, matchlen, max_depth))
return 1;
if (!fnmatch(match, name, 0))
return 1;
int kept;
if (!S_ISREG(ce->ce_mode))
- if (!pathspec_matches(paths, ce->name))
+ if (!pathspec_matches(paths, ce->name, opt->max_depth))
name = ce->name;
if (name[0] == '-') {
struct cache_entry *ce = active_cache[nr];
if (!S_ISREG(ce->ce_mode))
- if (!pathspec_matches(paths, ce->name))
+ if (!pathspec_matches(paths, ce->name, opt->max_depth))
* If CE_VALID is on, we assume worktree file and its cache entry
strbuf_addch(&pathbuf, '/');
down = pathbuf.buf + tn_len;
- if (!pathspec_matches(paths, down))
+ if (!pathspec_matches(paths, down, opt->max_depth))
else if (S_ISREG(entry.mode))
hit |= grep_sha1(opt, entry.sha1, pathbuf.buf, tn_len);
OPT_SET_INT('I', NULL, &opt.binary,
"don't match patterns in binary files",
+ { OPTION_INTEGER, 0, "max-depth", &opt.max_depth, "depth",
+ "descend at most <depth> levels", PARSE_OPT_NONEG,
+ NULL, 1 },
OPT_BIT('E', "extended-regexp", &opt.regflags,
"use extended POSIX regular expressions", REG_EXTENDED),
opt.pathname = 1;
opt.pattern_tail = &opt.pattern_list;
opt.regflags = REG_NEWLINE;
+ opt.max_depth = -1;
strcpy(opt.color_match, GIT_COLOR_RED GIT_COLOR_BOLD);
opt.color = -1;
#include "cache.h"
#include "builtin.h"
#include "exec_cmd.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
#define DEFAULT_GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR "/usr/share/git-core/templates"
return 1;
-static const char init_db_usage[] =
-"git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]]";
+static int shared_callback(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
+ *((int *) opt->value) = (arg) ? git_config_perm("arg", arg) : PERM_GROUP;
+ return 0;
+static const char *const init_db_usage[] = {
+ "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]] [directory]",
* If you want to, you can share the DB area with any number of branches.
const char *git_dir;
const char *template_dir = NULL;
unsigned int flags = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++, argv++) {
- const char *arg = argv[1];
- if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--template="))
- template_dir = arg+11;
- else if (!strcmp(arg, "--bare")) {
- static char git_dir[PATH_MAX+1];
- is_bare_repository_cfg = 1;
- setenv(GIT_DIR_ENVIRONMENT, getcwd(git_dir,
- sizeof(git_dir)), 0);
- } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--shared"))
- init_shared_repository = PERM_GROUP;
- else if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--shared="))
- init_shared_repository = git_config_perm("arg", arg+9);
- else if (!strcmp(arg, "-q") || !strcmp(arg, "--quiet"))
- flags |= INIT_DB_QUIET;
- else
- usage(init_db_usage);
+ const struct option init_db_options[] = {
+ OPT_STRING(0, "template", &template_dir, "template-directory",
+ "provide the directory from which templates will be used"),
+ OPT_SET_INT(0, "bare", &is_bare_repository_cfg,
+ "create a bare repository", 1),
+ { OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "shared", &init_shared_repository,
+ "permissions",
+ "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users",
+ PARSE_OPT_OPTARG | PARSE_OPT_NONEG, shared_callback, 0},
+ OPT_BIT('q', "quiet", &flags, "be quiet", INIT_DB_QUIET),
+ };
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, init_db_options, init_db_usage, 0);
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int mkdir_tried = 0;
+ retry:
+ if (chdir(argv[0]) < 0) {
+ if (!mkdir_tried) {
+ int saved;
+ /*
+ * At this point we haven't read any configuration,
+ * and we know shared_repository should always be 0;
+ * but just in case we play safe.
+ */
+ saved = shared_repository;
+ shared_repository = 0;
+ switch (safe_create_leading_directories_const(argv[0])) {
+ case -3:
+ errno = EEXIST;
+ /* fallthru */
+ case -1:
+ die_errno("cannot mkdir %s", argv[0]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ shared_repository = saved;
+ if (mkdir(argv[0], 0777) < 0)
+ die_errno("cannot mkdir %s", argv[0]);
+ mkdir_tried = 1;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ die_errno("cannot chdir to %s", argv[0]);
+ }
+ } else if (0 < argc) {
+ usage(init_db_usage[0]);
+ }
+ if (is_bare_repository_cfg == 1) {
+ static char git_dir[PATH_MAX+1];
+ getcwd(git_dir, sizeof(git_dir)), 0);
if (init_shared_repository != -1)
static const char *fmt_patch_subject_prefix = "PATCH";
static const char *fmt_pretty;
+static const char * const builtin_log_usage =
+ "git log [<options>] [<since>..<until>] [[--] <path>...]\n"
+ " or: git show [options] <object>...";
static void cmd_log_init(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix,
struct rev_info *rev)
rev->show_decorations = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--source")) {
rev->show_source = 1;
+ } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-h")) {
+ usage(builtin_log_usage);
} else
die("unrecognized argument: %s", arg);
pp_user_info("Tagger", rev->commit_format, &out, buf, rev->date_mode,
git_log_output_encoding ?
git_log_output_encoding: git_commit_encoding);
- printf("%s\n", out.buf);
+ printf("%s", out.buf);
case OBJ_TAG: {
struct tag *t = (struct tag *)o;
+ if (rev.shown_one)
+ putchar('\n');
printf("%stag %s%s\n",
diff_get_color_opt(&rev.diffopt, DIFF_COMMIT),
diff_get_color_opt(&rev.diffopt, DIFF_RESET));
ret = show_object(o->sha1, 1, &rev);
+ rev.shown_one = 1;
if (ret)
o = parse_object(t->tagged->sha1);
case OBJ_TREE:
+ if (rev.shown_one)
+ putchar('\n');
printf("%stree %s%s\n\n",
diff_get_color_opt(&rev.diffopt, DIFF_COMMIT),
diff_get_color_opt(&rev.diffopt, DIFF_RESET));
read_tree_recursive((struct tree *)o, "", 0, 0, NULL,
show_tree_object, NULL);
+ rev.shown_one = 1;
rev.pending.nr = rev.pending.alloc = 0;
static const char * const merge_base_usage[] = {
- "git merge-base [--all] <commit-id> <commit-id>...",
+ "git merge-base [-a|--all] <commit> <commit>...",
if (read_cache() < 0)
die("failed to read the cache");
- return -ret;
+ return ret;
#include "builtin.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "progress.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
-static const char prune_packed_usage[] =
-"git prune-packed [-n] [-q]";
+static const char * const prune_packed_usage[] = {
+ "git prune-packed [-n|--dry-run] [-q|--quiet]",
#define DRY_RUN 01
#define VERBOSE 02
int cmd_prune_packed(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
- int i;
int opts = VERBOSE;
+ const struct option prune_packed_options[] = {
+ OPT_BIT('n', "dry-run", &opts, "dry run", DRY_RUN),
+ OPT_NEGBIT('q', "quiet", &opts, "be quiet", VERBOSE),
+ };
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- const char *arg = argv[i];
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, prune_packed_options,
+ prune_packed_usage, 0);
- if (*arg == '-') {
- if (!strcmp(arg, "-n"))
- opts |= DRY_RUN;
- else if (!strcmp(arg, "-q"))
- opts &= ~VERBOSE;
- else
- usage(prune_packed_usage);
- continue;
- }
- /* Handle arguments here .. */
- usage(prune_packed_usage);
- }
return 0;
#include "unpack-trees.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "builtin.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
static int nr_trees;
static struct tree *trees[MAX_UNPACK_TREES];
return 0;
-static const char read_tree_usage[] = "git read-tree (<sha> | [[-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>] [-u | -i]] [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] [--index-output=<file>] <sha1> [<sha2> [<sha3>]])";
+static const char * const read_tree_usage[] = {
+ "git read-tree [[-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>] [-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--index-output=<file>] <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> [<tree-ish3>]]",
+static int index_output_cb(const struct option *opt, const char *arg,
+ int unset)
+ set_alternate_index_output(arg);
+ return 0;
+static int exclude_per_directory_cb(const struct option *opt, const char *arg,
+ int unset)
+ struct dir_struct *dir;
+ struct unpack_trees_options *opts;
+ opts = (struct unpack_trees_options *)opt->value;
+ if (opts->dir)
+ die("more than one --exclude-per-directory given.");
+ dir = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*opts->dir));
+ dir->flags |= DIR_SHOW_IGNORED;
+ dir->exclude_per_dir = arg;
+ opts->dir = dir;
+ /* We do not need to nor want to do read-directory
+ * here; we are merely interested in reusing the
+ * per directory ignore stack mechanism.
+ */
+ return 0;
static struct lock_file lock_file;
unsigned char sha1[20];
struct tree_desc t[MAX_UNPACK_TREES];
struct unpack_trees_options opts;
+ int prefix_set = 0;
+ const struct option read_tree_options[] = {
+ { OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "index-output", NULL, "FILE",
+ "write resulting index to <FILE>",
+ PARSE_OPT_NONEG, index_output_cb },
+ OPT__VERBOSE(&opts.verbose_update),
+ OPT_GROUP("Merging"),
+ OPT_SET_INT('m', NULL, &opts.merge,
+ "perform a merge in addition to a read", 1),
+ OPT_SET_INT(0, "trivial", &opts.trivial_merges_only,
+ "3-way merge if no file level merging required", 1),
+ OPT_SET_INT(0, "aggressive", &opts.aggressive,
+ "3-way merge in presence of adds and removes", 1),
+ OPT_SET_INT(0, "reset", &opts.reset,
+ "same as -m, but discard unmerged entries", 1),
+ { OPTION_STRING, 0, "prefix", &opts.prefix, "<subdirectory>/",
+ "read the tree into the index under <subdirectory>/",
+ OPT_SET_INT('u', NULL, &opts.update,
+ "update working tree with merge result", 1),
+ { OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "exclude-per-directory", &opts,
+ "gitignore",
+ "allow explicitly ignored files to be overwritten",
+ PARSE_OPT_NONEG, exclude_per_directory_cb },
+ OPT_SET_INT('i', NULL, &opts.index_only,
+ "don't check the working tree after merging", 1),
+ };
memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
opts.head_idx = -1;
newfd = hold_locked_index(&lock_file, 1);
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- const char *arg = argv[i];
- /* "-u" means "update", meaning that a merge will update
- * the working tree.
- */
- if (!strcmp(arg, "-u")) {
- opts.update = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(arg, "-v")) {
- opts.verbose_update = 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* "-i" means "index only", meaning that a merge will
- * not even look at the working tree.
- */
- if (!strcmp(arg, "-i")) {
- opts.index_only = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--index-output=")) {
- set_alternate_index_output(arg + 15);
- continue;
- }
- /* "--prefix=<subdirectory>/" means keep the current index
- * entries and put the entries from the tree under the
- * given subdirectory.
- */
- if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--prefix=")) {
- if (stage || opts.merge || opts.prefix)
- usage(read_tree_usage);
- opts.prefix = arg + 9;
- opts.merge = 1;
- stage = 1;
- if (read_cache_unmerged())
- die("you need to resolve your current index first");
- continue;
- }
- /* This differs from "-m" in that we'll silently ignore
- * unmerged entries and overwrite working tree files that
- * correspond to them.
- */
- if (!strcmp(arg, "--reset")) {
- if (stage || opts.merge || opts.prefix)
- usage(read_tree_usage);
- opts.reset = 1;
- opts.merge = 1;
- stage = 1;
- read_cache_unmerged();
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(arg, "--trivial")) {
- opts.trivial_merges_only = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(arg, "--aggressive")) {
- opts.aggressive = 1;
- continue;
- }
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, unused_prefix, read_tree_options,
+ read_tree_usage, 0);
- /* "-m" stands for "merge", meaning we start in stage 1 */
- if (!strcmp(arg, "-m")) {
- if (stage || opts.merge || opts.prefix)
- usage(read_tree_usage);
- if (read_cache_unmerged())
- die("you need to resolve your current index first");
- stage = 1;
- opts.merge = 1;
- continue;
- }
+ if (read_cache_unmerged() && (opts.prefix || opts.merge))
+ die("You need to resolve your current index first");
- if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--exclude-per-directory=")) {
- struct dir_struct *dir;
- if (opts.dir)
- die("more than one --exclude-per-directory are given.");
- dir = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*opts.dir));
- dir->flags |= DIR_SHOW_IGNORED;
- dir->exclude_per_dir = arg + 24;
- opts.dir = dir;
- /* We do not need to nor want to do read-directory
- * here; we are merely interested in reusing the
- * per directory ignore stack mechanism.
- */
- continue;
- }
+ prefix_set = opts.prefix ? 1 : 0;
+ if (1 < opts.merge + opts.reset + prefix_set)
+ die("Which one? -m, --reset, or --prefix?");
+ stage = opts.merge = (opts.reset || opts.merge || prefix_set);
- /* using -u and -i at the same time makes no sense */
- if (1 < opts.index_only + opts.update)
- usage(read_tree_usage);
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ const char *arg = argv[i];
if (get_sha1(arg, sha1))
die("Not a valid object name %s", arg);
die("failed to unpack tree object %s", arg);
+ if (1 < opts.index_only + opts.update)
+ die("-u and -i at the same time makes no sense");
if ((opts.update||opts.index_only) && !opts.merge)
- usage(read_tree_usage);
+ die("%s is meaningless without -m, --reset, or --prefix",
+ opts.update ? "-u" : "-i");
if ((opts.dir && !opts.update))
die("--exclude-per-directory is meaningless unless -u");
if (opts.merge && !opts.index_only)
static const char pre_receive_hook[] = "hooks/pre-receive";
static const char post_receive_hook[] = "hooks/post-receive";
-static int run_status(int code, const char *cmd_name)
- switch (code) {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- return error("fork of %s failed", cmd_name);
- return error("execute of %s failed", cmd_name);
- return error("pipe failed");
- return error("waitpid failed");
- return error("waitpid is confused");
- return error("%s died of signal", cmd_name);
- return error("%s died strangely", cmd_name);
- default:
- error("%s exited with error code %d", cmd_name, -code);
- return -code;
- }
static int run_receive_hook(const char *hook_name)
static char buf[sizeof(commands->old_sha1) * 2 + PATH_MAX + 4];
code = start_command(&proc);
if (code)
- return run_status(code, hook_name);
+ return code;
for (cmd = commands; cmd; cmd = cmd->next) {
if (!cmd->error_string) {
size_t n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s %s\n",
- return run_status(finish_command(&proc), hook_name);
+ return finish_command(&proc);
static int run_update_hook(struct command *cmd)
argv[3] = sha1_to_hex(cmd->new_sha1);
argv[4] = NULL;
- return run_status(run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN |
- update_hook);
+ return run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN |
static int is_ref_checked_out(const char *ref)
argv[argc] = NULL;
status = run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN
- run_status(status, update_post_hook);
static void execute_commands(const char *unpacker_error)
code = run_command_v_opt(unpacker, RUN_GIT_CMD);
if (!code)
return NULL;
- run_status(code, unpacker[0]);
return "unpack-objects abnormal exit";
} else {
const char *keeper[7];
ip.git_cmd = 1;
status = start_command(&ip);
if (status) {
- run_status(status, keeper[0]);
return "index-pack fork failed";
pack_lockfile = index_pack_lockfile(ip.out);
return NULL;
- run_status(status, keeper[0]);
return "index-pack abnormal exit";
static const char reflog_usage[] =
-"git reflog (expire | ...)";
+"git reflog [ show | expire | delete ]";
int cmd_reflog(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
#include "parse-options.h"
static const char* show_branch_usage[] = {
- "git show-branch [--sparse] [--current] [--all] [--remotes] [--topo-order] [--more=count | --list | --independent | --merge-base] [--topics] [--color] [<refs>...]",
- "--reflog[=n[,b]] [--list] [--color] <branch>",
+ "git show-branch [-a|--all] [-r|--remotes] [--topo-order | --date-order] [--current] [--color | --no-color] [--sparse] [--more=<n> | --list | --independent | --merge-base] [--no-name | --sha1-name] [--topics] [<rev> | <glob>]...",
+ "git show-branch (-g|--reflog)[=<n>[,<base>]] [--list] [<ref>]",
OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "sha1-name", &sha1_name,
"name commits with their object names"),
OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "merge-base", &merge_base,
- "act like git merge-base -a"),
+ "show possible merge bases"),
OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "independent", &independent,
"show refs unreachable from any other ref"),
OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "topo-order", &lifo,
#include "cache.h"
#include "pack.h"
#include "pack-revindex.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
#define MAX_CHAIN 50
static void show_pack_info(struct packed_git *p)
- uint32_t nr_objects, i, chain_histogram[MAX_CHAIN+1];
+ uint32_t nr_objects, i;
+ int cnt;
+ unsigned long chain_histogram[MAX_CHAIN+1], baseobjects;
nr_objects = p->num_objects;
memset(chain_histogram, 0, sizeof(chain_histogram));
+ baseobjects = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nr_objects; i++) {
const unsigned char *sha1;
printf("%s ", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
- if (!delta_chain_length)
+ if (!delta_chain_length) {
printf("%-6s %lu %lu %"PRIuMAX"\n",
type, size, store_size, (uintmax_t)offset);
+ baseobjects++;
+ }
else {
printf("%-6s %lu %lu %"PRIuMAX" %u %s\n",
type, size, store_size, (uintmax_t)offset,
- for (i = 0; i <= MAX_CHAIN; i++) {
- if (!chain_histogram[i])
+ if (baseobjects)
+ printf("non delta: %lu object%s\n",
+ baseobjects, baseobjects > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ for (cnt = 1; cnt <= MAX_CHAIN; cnt++) {
+ if (!chain_histogram[cnt])
- printf("chain length = %"PRIu32": %"PRIu32" object%s\n", i,
- chain_histogram[i], chain_histogram[i] > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ printf("chain length = %d: %lu object%s\n", cnt,
+ chain_histogram[cnt],
+ chain_histogram[cnt] > 1 ? "s" : "");
if (chain_histogram[0])
- printf("chain length > %d: %"PRIu32" object%s\n", MAX_CHAIN,
- chain_histogram[0], chain_histogram[0] > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ printf("chain length > %d: %lu object%s\n", MAX_CHAIN,
+ chain_histogram[0],
+ chain_histogram[0] > 1 ? "s" : "");
static int verify_one_pack(const char *path, int verbose)
return err;
-static const char verify_pack_usage[] = "git verify-pack [-v] <pack>...";
+static const char * const verify_pack_usage[] = {
+ "git verify-pack [-v|--verbose] <pack>...",
int cmd_verify_pack(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int err = 0;
int verbose = 0;
- int no_more_options = 0;
- int nothing_done = 1;
+ int i;
+ const struct option verify_pack_options[] = {
+ OPT__VERBOSE(&verbose),
+ };
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
- while (1 < argc) {
- if (!no_more_options && argv[1][0] == '-') {
- if (!strcmp("-v", argv[1]))
- verbose = 1;
- else if (!strcmp("--", argv[1]))
- no_more_options = 1;
- else
- usage(verify_pack_usage);
- }
- else {
- if (verify_one_pack(argv[1], verbose))
- err = 1;
- discard_revindex();
- nothing_done = 0;
- }
- argc--; argv++;
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, verify_pack_options,
+ verify_pack_usage, 0);
+ if (argc < 1)
+ usage_with_options(verify_pack_usage, verify_pack_options);
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (verify_one_pack(argv[i], verbose))
+ err = 1;
+ discard_revindex();
- if (nothing_done)
- usage(verify_pack_usage);
return err;
#include "tag.h"
#include "run-command.h"
#include <signal.h>
+#include "parse-options.h"
-static const char builtin_verify_tag_usage[] =
- "git verify-tag [-v|--verbose] <tag>...";
+static const char * const verify_tag_usage[] = {
+ "git verify-tag [-v|--verbose] <tag>...",
int cmd_verify_tag(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
int i = 1, verbose = 0, had_error = 0;
+ const struct option verify_tag_options[] = {
+ OPT__VERBOSE(&verbose),
+ };
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
- if (argc > 1 &&
- (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose"))) {
- verbose = 1;
- i++;
- }
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, verify_tag_options,
+ verify_tag_usage, PARSE_OPT_KEEP_ARGV0);
if (argc <= i)
- usage(builtin_verify_tag_usage);
+ usage_with_options(verify_tag_usage, verify_tag_options);
/* sometimes the program was terminated because this signal
* was received in the process of writing the gpg input: */
#include "cache.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "cache-tree.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
-static const char write_tree_usage[] =
-"git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<prefix>/]";
+static const char * const write_tree_usage[] = {
+ "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<prefix>/]",
int cmd_write_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *unused_prefix)
const char *prefix = NULL;
unsigned char sha1[20];
const char *me = "git-write-tree";
+ struct option write_tree_options[] = {
+ OPT_BIT(0, "missing-ok", &flags, "allow missing objects",
+ { OPTION_STRING, 0, "prefix", &prefix, "<prefix>/",
+ "write tree object for a subdirectory <prefix>" ,
+ { OPTION_BIT, 0, "ignore-cache-tree", &flags, NULL,
+ "only useful for debugging",
+ };
git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
- while (1 < argc) {
- const char *arg = argv[1];
- if (!strcmp(arg, "--missing-ok"))
- else if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--prefix="))
- prefix = arg + 9;
- else if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--ignore-cache-tree"))
- /*
- * This is only useful for debugging, so I
- * do not bother documenting it.
- */
- else
- usage(write_tree_usage);
- argc--; argv++;
- }
- if (argc > 2)
- die("too many options");
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, unused_prefix, write_tree_options,
+ write_tree_usage, 0);
ret = write_cache_as_tree(sha1, flags, prefix);
switch (ret) {
#define S_IROTH 0
#define S_IXOTH 0
-#define WIFEXITED(x) ((unsigned)(x) < 259) /* STILL_ACTIVE */
+#define WIFEXITED(x) 1
+#define WIFSIGNALED(x) 0
#define WEXITSTATUS(x) ((x) & 0xff)
-#define WIFSIGNALED(x) ((unsigned)(x) > 259)
#define SIGHUP 1
#define SIGQUIT 3
if (comment)
if (isspace(c) && !quote) {
- space = 1;
+ if (len)
+ space++;
if (!quote) {
- if (space) {
- if (len)
- value[len++] = ' ';
- space = 0;
- }
+ for (; space; space--)
+ value[len++] = ' ';
if (c == '\\') {
c = get_next_char();
switch (c) {
--extended-regexp --basic-regexp --fixed-strings
--files-with-matches --name-only
+ --max-depth
--and --or --not --all-match
(git-call-process-string-display-error "write-tree"))))
-(defun git-commit-tree (buffer tree head)
- "Call git-commit-tree with buffer as input and return the resulting commit SHA1."
+(defun git-commit-tree (buffer tree parent)
+ "Create a commit and possibly update HEAD.
+Create a commit with the message in BUFFER using the tree with hash TREE.
+Use PARENT as the parent of the new commit. If PARENT is the current \"HEAD\",
+update the \"HEAD\" reference to the new commit."
(let ((author-name (git-get-committer-name))
(author-email (git-get-committer-email))
(subject "commit (initial): ")
author-date log-start log-end args coding-system-for-write)
- (when head
+ (when parent
(setq subject "commit: ")
(push "-p" args)
- (push head args))
+ (push parent args))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(apply #'git-run-command-region
buffer log-start log-end env
"commit-tree" tree (nreverse args))))))
- (when commit (git-update-ref "HEAD" commit head subject))
+ (when commit (git-update-ref "HEAD" commit parent subject))
(defun git-empty-db-p ()
import os, os.path, sys
-import tempfile, popen2, pickle, getopt
+import tempfile, pickle, getopt
import re
# Maps hg version -> git version
status = finish_command(&child_process);
if (status)
- error("external filter %s failed %d", params->cmd, -status);
+ error("external filter %s failed %d", params->cmd, status);
return (write_err || status);
git diff-index --ignore-submodules --cached --quiet HEAD -- ||
die "refusing to pull with rebase: your working tree is not up-to-date"
+ oldremoteref= &&
. git-parse-remote &&
- reflist="$(get_remote_merge_branch "$@" 2>/dev/null)" &&
- oldremoteref="$(git rev-parse -q --verify \
- "$reflist")"
+ remoteref="$(get_remote_merge_branch "$@" 2>/dev/null)" &&
+ oldremoteref="$(git rev-parse -q --verify "$remoteref")" &&
+ for reflog in $(git rev-list -g $remoteref 2>/dev/null)
+ do
+ if test "$reflog" = "$(git merge-base $reflog $curr_branch)"
+ then
+ oldremoteref="$reflog"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
orig_head=$(git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD)
git fetch $verbosity --update-head-ok "$@" || exit 1
# The tree must be really really clean.
-if ! git update-index --ignore-submodules --refresh; then
- die "cannot rebase: you have unstaged changes"
+if ! git update-index --ignore-submodules --refresh > /dev/null; then
+ echo >&2 "cannot rebase: you have unstaged changes"
+ git diff --name-status -r --ignore-submodules -- >&2
+ exit 1
diff=$(git diff-index --cached --name-status -r --ignore-submodules HEAD --)
case "$diff" in
LONG_USAGE='Summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output,
and includes the given URL in the generated summary.'
+OPTIONS_SPEC='git request-pull [options] start url [end]
+p show patch text as well
. git-sh-setup
. git-parse-remote
export GIT_PAGER
+while case "$#" in 0) break ;; esac
+ case "$1" in
+ -p)
+ patch=-p ;;
+ --)
+ shift; break ;;
+ -*)
+ usage ;;
+ *)
+ break ;;
+ esac
+ shift
git shortlog ^$baserev $headrev
-git diff -M --stat --summary $merge_base $headrev
+git diff -M --stat --summary $patch $merge_base..$headrev
exit $status
try {
$repo->command('rev-parse', '--verify', '--quiet', $f);
if (defined($format_patch)) {
- print "foo\n";
return $format_patch;
print STDOUT "\n# $path\n";
my $s = $props->{'svn:ignore'} or return;
$s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
+ $s =~ s/^\n+//;
chomp $s;
$s =~ s#^#$path#gm;
print STDOUT "$s\n";
open(GITIGNORE, '>', $ignore)
or fatal("Failed to open `$ignore' for writing: $!");
$s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
+ $s =~ s/^\n+//;
chomp $s;
# Prefix all patterns so that the ignore doesn't apply
# to sub-directories.
$repo_id = $Git::SVN::default_repo_id;
unless (defined $ref_id && length $ref_id) {
- $_[2] = $ref_id = $Git::SVN::default_ref_id;
+ $_prefix = '' unless defined($_prefix);
+ $_[2] = $ref_id = $_prefix . $Git::SVN::default_ref_id;
$_[1] = $repo_id;
my $dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$ref_id";
* if we fail because the command is not found, it is
* OK to return. Otherwise, we just pass along the status code.
- status = run_command_v_opt(argv, 0);
- if (status != -ERR_RUN_COMMAND_EXEC) {
- if (IS_RUN_COMMAND_ERR(status))
- die("unable to run '%s'", argv[0]);
- exit(-status);
- }
- errno = ENOENT; /* as if we called execvp */
+ status = run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_SILENT_EXEC_FAILURE);
+ if (status >= 0 || errno != ENOENT)
+ exit(status);
argv[0] = tmp;
Full URL and absolute URL of gitweb script;
in earlier versions of gitweb you might have need to set those
variables, now there should be no need to do it.
+ * $base_url
+ Base URL for relative URLs in pages generated by gitweb,
+ (e.g. $logo, $favicon, @stylesheets if they are relative URLs),
+ needed and used only for URLs with nonempty PATH_INFO via
+ <base href="$base_url>. Usually gitweb sets its value correctly,
+ and there is no need to set this variable, e.g. to $my_uri or "/".
* $home_link
Target of the home link on top of all pages (the first part of view
"breadcrumbs"). By default set to absolute URI of a page ($my_uri).
if (defined $params{'hash_parent_base'}) {
$href .= esc_url($params{'hash_parent_base'});
# skip the file_parent if it's the same as the file_name
- delete $params{'file_parent'} if $params{'file_parent'} eq $params{'file_name'};
- if (defined $params{'file_parent'} && $params{'file_parent'} !~ /\.\./) {
- $href .= ":/".esc_url($params{'file_parent'});
- delete $params{'file_parent'};
+ if (defined $params{'file_parent'}) {
+ if (defined $params{'file_name'} && $params{'file_parent'} eq $params{'file_name'}) {
+ delete $params{'file_parent'};
+ } elsif ($params{'file_parent'} !~ /\.\./) {
+ $href .= ":/".esc_url($params{'file_parent'});
+ delete $params{'file_parent'};
+ }
$href .= "..";
delete $params{'hash_parent'};
int pathname;
int null_following_name;
int color;
+ int max_depth;
int funcname;
char color_match[COLOR_MAXLEN];
const char *color_external;
struct http_pack_request *new_http_pack_request(
struct packed_git *target, const char *base_url)
- char *url;
char *filename;
long prev_posn = 0;
char range[RANGE_HEADER_SIZE];
end_url_with_slash(&buf, base_url);
strbuf_addf(&buf, "objects/pack/pack-%s.pack",
- url = strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
- preq->url = xstrdup(url);
+ preq->url = strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
filename = sha1_pack_name(target->sha1);
snprintf(preq->filename, sizeof(preq->filename), "%s", filename);
preq->slot->local = preq->packfile;
curl_easy_setopt(preq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_FILE, preq->packfile);
curl_easy_setopt(preq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, fwrite);
- curl_easy_setopt(preq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
+ curl_easy_setopt(preq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, preq->url);
curl_easy_setopt(preq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
+ free(preq->url);
+ free(preq);
return NULL;
char *hex = sha1_to_hex(sha1);
char *filename;
char prevfile[PATH_MAX];
- char *url;
int prevlocal;
unsigned char prev_buf[PREV_BUF_SIZE];
ssize_t prev_read = 0;
- url = get_remote_object_url(base_url, hex, 0);
- freq->url = xstrdup(url);
+ freq->url = get_remote_object_url(base_url, hex, 0);
* If a previous temp file is present, process what was already
if (prev_posn>0) {
prev_posn = 0;
lseek(freq->localfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- ftruncate(freq->localfile, 0);
+ if (ftruncate(freq->localfile, 0) < 0) {
+ error("Couldn't truncate temporary file %s for %s: %s",
+ freq->tmpfile, freq->filename, strerror(errno));
+ goto abort;
+ }
curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_FILE, freq);
curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, fwrite_sha1_file);
curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, freq->errorstr);
- curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
+ curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, freq->url);
curl_easy_setopt(freq->slot->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, no_pragma_header);
return freq;
- free(url);
+ free(freq->url);
return NULL;
args[2] = cmd.buf;
status = run_command_v_opt(args, 0);
- if (status < -ERR_RUN_COMMAND_FORK)
- ; /* failure in run-command */
- else
- status = -status;
fd = open(temp[1], O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
goto bad;
pos = fprintf(stderr, " ");
- if (opts->short_name) {
+ if (opts->short_name && !(opts->flags & PARSE_OPT_NEGHELP)) {
if (opts->flags & PARSE_OPT_NODASH)
pos += fprintf(stderr, "%c", opts->short_name);
if (opts->long_name && opts->short_name)
pos += fprintf(stderr, ", ");
if (opts->long_name)
- pos += fprintf(stderr, "--%s", opts->long_name);
+ pos += fprintf(stderr, "--%s%s",
+ (opts->flags & PARSE_OPT_NEGHELP) ? "no-" : "",
+ opts->long_name);
if (opts->type == OPTION_NUMBER)
pos += fprintf(stderr, "-NUM");
struct option;
* PARSE_OPT_LITERAL_ARGHELP: says that argh shouldn't be enclosed in brackets
* (i.e. '<argh>') in the help message.
* Useful for options with multiple parameters.
+ * PARSE_OPT_NEGHELP: says that the long option should always be shown with
+ * the --no prefix in the usage message. Sometimes
+ * useful for users of OPTION_NEGBIT.
* `callback`::
* pointer to the callback to use for OPTION_CALLBACK.
int need_in, need_out, need_err;
int fdin[2], fdout[2], fderr[2];
+ int failed_errno = failed_errno;
* In case of errors we must keep the promise to close FDs
need_in = !cmd->no_stdin && cmd->in < 0;
if (need_in) {
if (pipe(fdin) < 0) {
+ failed_errno = errno;
if (cmd->out > 0)
+ goto fail_pipe;
cmd->in = fdin[1];
&& cmd->out < 0;
if (need_out) {
if (pipe(fdout) < 0) {
+ failed_errno = errno;
if (need_in)
else if (cmd->in)
+ goto fail_pipe;
cmd->out = fdout[0];
need_err = !cmd->no_stderr && cmd->err < 0;
if (need_err) {
if (pipe(fderr) < 0) {
+ failed_errno = errno;
if (need_in)
else if (cmd->in)
else if (cmd->out)
+ error("cannot create pipe for %s: %s",
+ cmd->argv[0], strerror(failed_errno));
+ errno = failed_errno;
+ return -1;
cmd->err = fderr[0];
+ if (cmd->pid < 0)
+ error("cannot fork() for %s: %s", cmd->argv[0],
+ strerror(failed_errno = errno));
int s0 = -1, s1 = -1, s2 = -1; /* backups of stdin, stdout, stderr */
const char **sargv = cmd->argv;
cmd->pid = mingw_spawnvpe(cmd->argv[0], cmd->argv, env);
+ failed_errno = errno;
+ if (cmd->pid < 0 && (!cmd->silent_exec_failure || errno != ENOENT))
+ error("cannot spawn %s: %s", cmd->argv[0], strerror(errno));
if (cmd->env)
if (cmd->pid < 0) {
- int err = errno;
if (need_in)
else if (cmd->in)
if (need_err)
- return err == ENOENT ?
+ errno = failed_errno;
+ return -1;
if (need_in)
return 0;
-static int wait_or_whine(pid_t pid)
+static int wait_or_whine(pid_t pid, const char *argv0, int silent_exec_failure)
- for (;;) {
- int status, code;
- pid_t waiting = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
- if (waiting < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- error("waitpid failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
- }
- if (waiting != pid)
- if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
- if (!WIFEXITED(status))
+ int status, code = -1;
+ pid_t waiting;
+ int failed_errno = 0;
+ while ((waiting = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ ; /* nothing */
+ if (waiting < 0) {
+ failed_errno = errno;
+ error("waitpid for %s failed: %s", argv0, strerror(errno));
+ } else if (waiting != pid) {
+ error("waitpid is confused (%s)", argv0);
+ } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+ code = WTERMSIG(status);
+ error("%s died of signal %d", argv0, code);
+ /*
+ * This return value is chosen so that code & 0xff
+ * mimics the exit code that a POSIX shell would report for
+ * a program that died from this signal.
+ */
+ code -= 128;
+ } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
code = WEXITSTATUS(status);
- switch (code) {
- case 127:
- case 0:
- return 0;
- default:
- return -code;
+ /*
+ * Convert special exit code when execvp failed.
+ */
+ if (code == 127) {
+ code = -1;
+ failed_errno = ENOENT;
+ if (!silent_exec_failure)
+ error("cannot run %s: %s", argv0,
+ strerror(ENOENT));
+ } else {
+ error("waitpid is confused (%s)", argv0);
+ errno = failed_errno;
+ return code;
int finish_command(struct child_process *cmd)
- return wait_or_whine(cmd->pid);
+ return wait_or_whine(cmd->pid, cmd->argv[0], cmd->silent_exec_failure);
int run_command(struct child_process *cmd)
cmd->no_stdin = opt & RUN_COMMAND_NO_STDIN ? 1 : 0;
cmd->git_cmd = opt & RUN_GIT_CMD ? 1 : 0;
cmd->stdout_to_stderr = opt & RUN_COMMAND_STDOUT_TO_STDERR ? 1 : 0;
+ cmd->silent_exec_failure = opt & RUN_SILENT_EXEC_FAILURE ? 1 : 0;
int run_command_v_opt(const char **argv, int opt)
int finish_async(struct async *async)
#ifndef __MINGW32__
- int ret = 0;
- if (wait_or_whine(async->pid))
- ret = error("waitpid (async) failed");
+ int ret = wait_or_whine(async->pid, "child process", 0);
DWORD ret = 0;
if (WaitForSingleObject(async->tid, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
hook.env = env;
- ret = start_command(&hook);
+ ret = run_command(&hook);
- if (ret) {
- warning("Could not spawn %s", argv[0]);
- return ret;
- }
- ret = finish_command(&hook);
- warning("%s exited due to uncaught signal", argv[0]);
return ret;
-enum {
struct child_process {
const char **argv;
pid_t pid;
unsigned no_stdout:1;
unsigned no_stderr:1;
unsigned git_cmd:1; /* if this is to be git sub-command */
+ unsigned silent_exec_failure:1;
unsigned stdout_to_stderr:1;
void (*preexec_cb)(void);
#define RUN_GIT_CMD 2 /*If this is to be git sub-command */
int run_command_v_opt(const char **argv, int opt);
# Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano
+-include ../config.mak
#GIT_TEST_OPTS=--verbose --debug
TAR ?= $(TAR)
--- /dev/null
+. ./test-lib.sh
+# for clean cvsps cache
+export HOME
+if ! type cvs >/dev/null 2>&1
+ say 'skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found'
+ test_done
+CVS="cvs -f"
+export CVS
+cvsps_version=`cvsps -h 2>&1 | sed -ne 's/cvsps version //p'`
+case "$cvsps_version" in
+2.1 | 2.2*)
+ ;;
+ say 'skipping cvsimport tests, cvsps not found'
+ test_done
+ ;;
+ say 'skipping cvsimport tests, unsupported cvsps version'
+ test_done
+ ;;
+test_cvs_co () {
+ # Usage: test_cvs_co BRANCH_NAME
+ rm -rf module-cvs-"$1"
+ if [ "$1" = "master" ]
+ then
+ $CVS co -P -d module-cvs-"$1" -A module
+ else
+ $CVS co -P -d module-cvs-"$1" -r "$1" module
+ fi
+test_git_co () {
+ # Usage: test_git_co BRANCH_NAME
+ (cd module-git && git checkout "$1")
+test_cmp_branch_file () {
+ # Usage: test_cmp_branch_file BRANCH_NAME PATH
+ # The branch must already be checked out of CVS and git.
+ test_cmp module-cvs-"$1"/"$2" module-git/"$2"
+test_cmp_branch_tree () {
+ # Usage: test_cmp_branch_tree BRANCH_NAME
+ # Check BRANCH_NAME out of CVS and git and make sure that all
+ # of the files and directories are identical.
+ test_cvs_co "$1" &&
+ test_git_co "$1" &&
+ (
+ cd module-cvs-"$1"
+ find . -type d -name CVS -prune -o -type f -print
+ ) | sort >module-cvs-"$1".list &&
+ (
+ cd module-git
+ find . -type d -name .git -prune -o -type f -print
+ ) | sort >module-git-"$1".list &&
+ test_cmp module-cvs-"$1".list module-git-"$1".list &&
+ cat module-cvs-"$1".list | while read f
+ do
+ test_cmp_branch_file "$1" "$f" || return 1
+ done
+test_expect_success 'init creates a new directory' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ git init newdir &&
+ test -d newdir/.git/refs
+ )
+test_expect_success 'init creates a new bare directory' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ git init --bare newdir &&
+ test -d newdir/refs
+ )
+test_expect_success 'init recreates a directory' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ mkdir newdir &&
+ git init newdir &&
+ test -d newdir/.git/refs
+ )
+test_expect_success 'init recreates a new bare directory' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ mkdir newdir &&
+ git init --bare newdir &&
+ test -d newdir/refs
+ )
+test_expect_success 'init creates a new deep directory' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ git init newdir/a/b/c &&
+ test -d newdir/a/b/c/.git/refs
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'init creates a new deep directory (umask vs. shared)' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ # Leading directories should honor umask while
+ # the repository itself should follow "shared"
+ umask 002 &&
+ git init --bare --shared=0660 newdir/a/b/c &&
+ test -d newdir/a/b/c/refs &&
+ ls -ld newdir/a newdir/a/b > lsab.out &&
+ ! grep -v "^drwxrw[sx]r-x" lsab.out &&
+ ls -ld newdir/a/b/c > lsc.out &&
+ ! grep -v "^drwxrw[sx]---" lsc.out
+ )
+test_expect_success 'init notices EEXIST (1)' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ >newdir &&
+ test_must_fail git init newdir &&
+ test -f newdir
+ )
+test_expect_success 'init notices EEXIST (2)' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ mkdir newdir &&
+ >newdir/a
+ test_must_fail git init newdir/a/b &&
+ test -f newdir/a
+ )
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'init notices EPERM' '
+ rm -fr newdir &&
+ (
+ mkdir newdir &&
+ chmod -w newdir &&
+ test_must_fail git init newdir/a/b
+ )
test_expect_success '--null --get-regexp' 'cmp result expect'
+test_expect_success 'inner whitespace kept verbatim' '
+ git config section.val "foo bar" &&
+ test "z$(git config section.val)" = "zfoo bar"
test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'symlinked configuration' '
ln -s notyet myconfig &&
. ./test-lib.sh
-. ../lib-rebase.sh
+. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-rebase.sh
. ./test-lib.sh
-. ../lib-rebase.sh
+. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-rebase.sh
. ./test-lib.sh
-. ../lib-rebase.sh
+. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-rebase.sh
# Set up branches like this:
# A1---B1---E1---F1---G1
test_expect_success 'format-patch from a subdirectory (3)' '
- here="$TEST_DIRECTORY/$test" &&
rm -f 0* &&
rm -rf sub &&
mkdir -p sub/dir &&
cd sub/dir &&
- git format-patch -1 -o "$here"
+ git format-patch -1 -o "$TRASH_DIRECTORY"
) &&
basename=$(expr "$filename" : ".*/\(.*\)") &&
test -f "$basename"
git update-index --assume-unchanged file &&
echo second >file &&
git diff --cached >actual &&
- test_cmp ../t4020/diff.NUL actual
+ test_cmp "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t4020/diff.NUL actual
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Junio C Hamano
+test_description='git-apply notices removal patches generated by GNU diff'
+. ./test-lib.sh
+test_expect_success setup '
+ cat <<-EOF >c &&
+ diff -ruN a/file b/file
+ --- a/file TS0
+ +++ b/file TS1
+ @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ +something
+ cat <<-EOF >d &&
+ diff -ruN a/file b/file
+ --- a/file TS0
+ +++ b/file TS1
+ @@ -1 +0,0 @@
+ -something
+ timeWest="1982-09-16 07:00:00.000000000 -0800" &&
+ timeGMT="1982-09-16 15:00:00.000000000 +0000" &&
+ timeEast="1982-09-17 00:00:00.000000000 +0900" &&
+ epocWest="1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800" &&
+ epocGMT="1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000" &&
+ epocEast="1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900" &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$epocWest/" -e "s/TS1/$timeWest/" <c >createWest.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$epocEast/" -e "s/TS1/$timeEast/" <c >createEast.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$epocGMT/" -e "s/TS1/$timeGMT/" <c >createGMT.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeWest/" -e "s/TS1/$timeWest/" <c >addWest.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeEast/" -e "s/TS1/$timeEast/" <c >addEast.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeGMT/" -e "s/TS1/$timeGMT/" <c >addGMT.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeWest/" -e "s/TS1/$timeWest/" <d >emptyWest.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeEast/" -e "s/TS1/$timeEast/" <d >emptyEast.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeGMT/" -e "s/TS1/$timeGMT/" <d >emptyGMT.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeWest/" -e "s/TS1/$epocWest/" <d >removeWest.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeEast/" -e "s/TS1/$epocEast/" <d >removeEast.patch &&
+ sed -e "s/TS0/$timeGMT/" -e "s/TS1/$epocGMT/" <d >removeGMT.patch &&
+ echo something >something &&
+ >empty
+for patch in *.patch
+ test_expect_success "test $patch" '
+ rm -f file .git/index &&
+ case "$patch" in
+ create*)
+ # must be able to create
+ git apply --index $patch &&
+ test_cmp file something &&
+ # must notice the file is already there
+ >file &&
+ git add file &&
+ test_must_fail git apply $patch
+ ;;
+ add*)
+ # must be able to create or patch
+ git apply $patch &&
+ test_cmp file something &&
+ >file &&
+ git apply $patch &&
+ test_cmp file something
+ ;;
+ empty*)
+ # must leave an empty file
+ cat something >file &&
+ git add file &&
+ git apply --index $patch &&
+ test -f file &&
+ test_cmp empty file
+ ;;
+ remove*)
+ # must remove the file
+ cat something >file &&
+ git add file &&
+ git apply --index $patch &&
+ ! test -f file
+ ;;
+ esac
+ '
+test_bundle_object_count () {
+ git verify-pack -v "$1" >verify.out &&
+ test "$2" = $(grep '^[0-9a-f]\{40\} ' verify.out | wc -l)
test_expect_success setup '
echo >file original &&
git add file &&
test_must_fail git fetch "$D/bundle1" master:master
test_expect_success 'bundle 1 has only 3 files ' '
cd "$D" &&
) <bundle1 >bundle.pack &&
git index-pack bundle.pack &&
- verify=$(git verify-pack -v bundle.pack) &&
- test 4 = $(echo "$verify" | wc -l)
+ test_bundle_object_count bundle.pack 3
test_expect_success 'unbundle 2' '
) <bundle3 >bundle.pack &&
git index-pack bundle.pack &&
- test 4 = $(git verify-pack -v bundle.pack | wc -l)
+ test_bundle_object_count bundle.pack 3
test_expect_success 'bundle should be able to create a full history' '
+test_expect_success 'rebased upstream + fetch + pull --rebase' '
+ git update-ref refs/remotes/me/copy copy-orig &&
+ git reset --hard to-rebase-orig &&
+ git checkout --track -b to-rebase3 me/copy &&
+ git reset --hard to-rebase-orig &&
+ git fetch &&
+ git pull --rebase &&
+ test "conflicting modification" = "$(cat file)" &&
+ test file = "$(cat file2)"
test_expect_success 'pull --rebase dies early with dirty working directory' '
git checkout to-rebase &&
test_must_fail git fsck
-test_expect_success 'upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects' '
+test_expect_success 'upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects packing' '
! echo "0032want $(git rev-parse HEAD)
0000" | git upload-pack . > /dev/null 2> output.err &&
+ grep "unable to read" output.err &&
grep "pack-objects died" output.err
test_expect_success 'upload-pack fails due to error in rev-list' '
+ ! echo "0032want $(git rev-parse HEAD)
+0034shallow $(git rev-parse HEAD^)00000009done
+0000" | git upload-pack . > /dev/null 2> output.err &&
+ # pack-objects survived
+ grep "Total.*, reused" output.err &&
+ # but there was an error, which must have been in rev-list
+ grep "bad tree object" output.err
+test_expect_success 'upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects enumeration' '
! echo "0032want $(git rev-parse HEAD)
0000" | git upload-pack . > /dev/null 2> output.err &&
- grep "waitpid (async) failed" output.err
+ grep "bad tree object" output.err &&
+ grep "pack-objects died" output.err
test_expect_success 'create empty repository' '
# Another set to demonstrate base between one commit and a merge
# in the documentation.
+# * C (MMC) * B (MMB) * A (MMA)
+# * o * o * o
+# * o * o * o
+# * o * o * o
+# * o | _______/
+# | |/
+# | * 1 (MM1)
+# | _______/
+# |/
+# * root (MMR)
test_expect_success 'merge-base for octopus-step (setup)' '
test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m root && git tag MMR &&
test "$MM1" = "$MB"
+test_expect_success 'merge-base A B C using show-branch' '
+ MB=$(git show-branch --merge-base MMA MMB MMC) &&
+ MMR=$(git rev-parse --verify MMR) &&
+ test "$MMR" = "$MB"
test_expect_success 'criss-cross merge-base for octopus-step (setup)' '
git reset --hard MMR &&
test_tick && git commit --allow-empty -m 1 && git tag CC1 &&
test_expect_code 1 'Merge with d/f conflicts' 'git merge "merge msg" B master'
+test_expect_failure 'F/D conflict' '
+ git reset --hard &&
+ git checkout master &&
+ rm .git/index &&
+ mkdir before &&
+ echo FILE >before/one &&
+ echo FILE >after &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m first &&
+ rm -f after &&
+ git mv before after &&
+ git commit -m move &&
+ git checkout -b para HEAD^ &&
+ echo COMPLETELY ANOTHER FILE >another &&
+ git add . &&
+ git commit -m para &&
+ git merge master
echo foo mmap bar_mmap
echo foo_mmap bar mmap baz
} >file &&
+ echo vvv >v &&
echo ww w >w &&
echo x x xx x >x &&
echo y yy >y &&
echo zzz > z &&
mkdir t &&
echo test >t/t &&
- git add file w x y z t/t hello.c &&
+ echo vvv >t/v &&
+ mkdir t/a &&
+ echo vvv >t/a/v &&
+ git add . &&
test_tick &&
git commit -m initial
! git grep -c test $H | grep /dev/null
+ test_expect_success "grep --max-depth -1 $L" '
+ {
+ echo ${HC}t/a/v:1:vvv
+ echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
+ echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
+ } >expected &&
+ git grep --max-depth -1 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+ '
+ test_expect_success "grep --max-depth 0 $L" '
+ {
+ echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
+ } >expected &&
+ git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+ '
+ test_expect_success "grep --max-depth 0 -- '*' $L" '
+ {
+ echo ${HC}t/a/v:1:vvv
+ echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
+ echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
+ } >expected &&
+ git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- "*" >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+ '
+ test_expect_success "grep --max-depth 1 $L" '
+ {
+ echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
+ echo ${HC}v:1:vvv
+ } >expected &&
+ git grep --max-depth 1 -n -e vvv $H >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+ '
+ test_expect_success "grep --max-depth 0 -- t $L" '
+ {
+ echo ${HC}t/v:1:vvv
+ } >expected &&
+ git grep --max-depth 0 -n -e vvv $H -- t >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+ '
cat >expected <<EOF
touch deeply/nested/directory/.keep &&
svn_cmd add deeply &&
svn_cmd up &&
- svn_cmd propset -R svn:ignore 'no-such-file*' .
+ svn_cmd propset -R svn:ignore '
+' .
svn_cmd commit -m 'propset svn:ignore'
cd .. &&
git svn show-ignore > show-ignore.got &&
cat >prop.expect <<\EOF
git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch "branches/b:refs/remotes/b" &&
for i in tags/0.1 tags/0.2 tags/0.3; do
git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch \
- $i:refs/remotes/$i || exit 1; done
+ $i:refs/remotes/$i || exit 1; done &&
+ git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch > fetch.out &&
+ grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/trunk$" fetch.out &&
+ grep "^branches/a:refs/remotes/a$" fetch.out &&
+ grep "^branches/b:refs/remotes/b$" fetch.out &&
+ grep "^tags/0\.1:refs/remotes/tags/0\.1$" fetch.out &&
+ grep "^tags/0\.2:refs/remotes/tags/0\.2$" fetch.out &&
+ grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out &&
+ grep "^:refs/${remotes_git_svn}" fetch.out
# refs should all be different, but the trees should all be the same:
echo "$svnrepo"$path > "$GIT_DIR"/svn/$ref/info/url ) || exit 1;
done &&
git svn migrate --minimize &&
- test -z "`git config -l |grep -v "^svn-remote\.git-svn\."`" &&
+ test -z "`git config -l | grep "^svn-remote\.git-svn\."`" &&
git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch > fetch.out &&
grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/trunk$" fetch.out &&
grep "^branches/a:refs/remotes/a$" fetch.out &&
grep "^branches/b:refs/remotes/b$" fetch.out &&
grep "^tags/0\.1:refs/remotes/tags/0\.1$" fetch.out &&
grep "^tags/0\.2:refs/remotes/tags/0\.2$" fetch.out &&
- grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out
+ grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out &&
grep "^:refs/${remotes_git_svn}" fetch.out
test_description='git cvsimport basic tests'
-. ./test-lib.sh
+. ./lib-cvs.sh
if ! test_have_prereq PERL; then
say 'skipping git cvsimport tests, perl not available'
export CVSROOT
-# for clean cvsps cache
-export HOME
-if ! type cvs >/dev/null 2>&1
- say 'skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found'
- test_done
-cvsps_version=`cvsps -h 2>&1 | sed -ne 's/cvsps version //p'`
-case "$cvsps_version" in
-2.1 | 2.2*)
- ;;
- say 'skipping cvsimport tests, cvsps not found'
- test_done
- ;;
- say 'skipping cvsimport tests, unsupported cvsps version'
- test_done
- ;;
-test_expect_success 'setup cvsroot' 'cvs init'
+test_expect_success 'setup cvsroot' '$CVS init'
test_expect_success 'setup a cvs module' '
mkdir "$CVSROOT/module" &&
- cvs co -d module-cvs module &&
+ $CVS co -d module-cvs module &&
cd module-cvs &&
cat <<EOF >o_fortuna &&
O Fortuna
dissolvit ut glaciem.
- cvs add o_fortuna &&
+ $CVS add o_fortuna &&
cat <<EOF >message &&
add "O Fortuna" lyrics
These public domain lyrics make an excellent sample text.
- cvs commit -F message &&
+ $CVS commit -F message &&
cd ..
My Latin is terrible.
- cvs commit -F message &&
+ $CVS commit -F message &&
cd ..
cd module-cvs &&
echo 1 >tick &&
- cvs add tick &&
- cvs commit -m 1
+ $CVS add tick &&
+ $CVS commit -m 1
cd ..
test_expect_success 'import from a CVS working tree' '
- cvs co -d import-from-wt module &&
+ $CVS co -d import-from-wt module &&
cd import-from-wt &&
git cvsimport -a -z0 &&
echo 1 >expect &&
+test_expect_success 'test entire HEAD' 'test_cmp_branch_tree master'
--- /dev/null
+# Description of the files in the repository:
+# imported-once.txt:
+# Imported once. 1.1 and should be identical.
+# imported-twice.txt:
+# Imported twice. HEAD should reflect the contents of the
+# second import (i.e., have the same contents as
+# imported-modified.txt:
+# Imported, then modified on HEAD. HEAD should reflect the
+# modification.
+# imported-modified-imported.txt:
+# Imported, then modified on HEAD, then imported again.
+# added-imported.txt,v:
+# Added with 'cvs add' to create 1.1, then imported with
+# completely different contents to create, therefore the
+# vendor branch was never the default branch.
+# imported-anonymously.txt:
+# Like imported-twice.txt, but with a vendor branch whose branch
+# tag has been removed.
+test_description='git cvsimport handling of vendor branches'
+. ./lib-cvs.sh
+export CVSROOT
+test_expect_success 'import a module with a vendor branch' '
+ git cvsimport -C module-git module
+test_expect_success 'check HEAD out of cvs repository' 'test_cvs_co master'
+test_expect_success 'check master out of git repository' 'test_git_co master'
+test_expect_success 'check a file that was imported once' '
+ test_cmp_branch_file master imported-once.txt
+test_expect_failure 'check a file that was imported twice' '
+ test_cmp_branch_file master imported-twice.txt
+test_expect_success 'check a file that was imported then modified on HEAD' '
+ test_cmp_branch_file master imported-modified.txt
+test_expect_success 'check a file that was imported, modified, then imported again' '
+ test_cmp_branch_file master imported-modified-imported.txt
+test_expect_success 'check a file that was added to HEAD then imported' '
+ test_cmp_branch_file master added-imported.txt
+test_expect_success 'a vendor branch whose tag has been removed' '
+ test_cmp_branch_file master imported-anonymously.txt
--- /dev/null
+* -whitespace
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+head 1.1;
+ vtag-4:
+ vbranchA:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Add a file to the working copy.
+@Adding this file, before importing it with different contents.
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-4).
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+This is vtag-4 (on vbranchA) of added-then-imported.txt.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.1;
+branch 1.1.1;
+ vtag-1:;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Initial revision
+@This is vtag-1 (on vbranchA) of imported-anonymously.txt.
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-1).
--- /dev/null
+head 1.2;
+ vtag-2:
+ vtag-1:
+ vbranchA:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+@First regular commit, to imported-modified-imported.txt, on HEAD.
+@This is a modification of imported-modified-imported.txt on HEAD.
+It should supersede the version from the vendor branch.
+@Initial revision
+@d1 2
+a2 1
+This is vtag-1 (on vbranchA) of imported-modified-imported.txt.
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-1).
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-2).
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+This is vtag-2 (on vbranchA) of imported-modified-imported.txt.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.2;
+ vtag-1:
+ vbranchA:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Commit on HEAD.
+@This is a modification of imported-modified.txt on HEAD.
+It should supersede the version from the vendor branch.
+@Initial revision
+@d1 2
+a2 1
+This is vtag-1 (on vbranchA) of imported-modified.txt.
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-1).
--- /dev/null
+head 1.1;
+branch 1.1.1;
+ vtag-1:
+ vbranchA:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Initial revision
+@This is vtag-1 (on vbranchA) of imported-once.txt.
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-1).
--- /dev/null
+head 1.1;
+branch 1.1.1;
+ vtag-2:
+ vtag-1:
+ vbranchA:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+date 2004.; author kfogel; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Initial revision
+@This is vtag-1 (on vbranchA) of imported-twice.txt.
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-1).
+@Import (vbranchA, vtag-2).
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+This is vtag-2 (on vbranchA) of imported-twice.txt.
--- /dev/null
+# A description of the repository used for this test can be found in
+# t9602/README.
+test_description='git cvsimport handling of branches and tags'
+. ./lib-cvs.sh
+export CVSROOT
+test_expect_success 'import module' '
+ git cvsimport -C module-git module
+test_expect_success 'test branch master' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree master
+test_expect_success 'test branch vendorbranch' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree vendorbranch
+test_expect_failure 'test branch B_FROM_INITIALS' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree B_FROM_INITIALS
+test_expect_failure 'test branch B_FROM_INITIALS_BUT_ONE' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree B_FROM_INITIALS_BUT_ONE
+test_expect_failure 'test branch B_MIXED' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree B_MIXED
+test_expect_success 'test branch B_SPLIT' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree B_SPLIT
+test_expect_failure 'test tag vendortag' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree vendortag
+test_expect_success 'test tag T_ALL_INITIAL_FILES' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree T_ALL_INITIAL_FILES
+test_expect_failure 'test tag T_ALL_INITIAL_FILES_BUT_ONE' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree T_ALL_INITIAL_FILES_BUT_ONE
+test_expect_failure 'test tag T_MIXED' '
+ test_cmp_branch_tree T_MIXED
--- /dev/null
+This repository is for testing the ability to group revisions
+correctly along tags and branches. Here is its history:
+ 1. The initial import (revision 1.1 of everybody) created a
+ directory structure with a file named `default' in each dir:
+ ./
+ default
+ sub1/default
+ subsubA/default
+ subsubB/default
+ sub2/default
+ subsubA/default
+ sub3/default
+ 2. Then tagged everyone with T_ALL_INITIAL_FILES.
+ 3. Then tagged everyone except sub1/subsubB/default with
+ 4. Then created branch B_FROM_INITIALS on everyone.
+ 5. Then created branch B_FROM_INITIALS_BUT_ONE on everyone except
+ /sub1/subsubB/default.
+ 6. Then committed modifications to two files: sub3/default, and
+ sub1/subsubA/default.
+ 7. Then committed a modification to all 7 files.
+ 8. Then backdated sub3/default to revision 1.2, and
+ sub2/subsubA/default to revision 1.1, and tagged with T_MIXED.
+ 9. Same as 8, but tagged with -b to create branch B_MIXED.
+ 10. Switched the working copy to B_MIXED, and added
+ sub2/branch_B_MIXED_only. (That's why the RCS file is in
+ sub2/Attic/ -- it never existed on trunk.)
+ 11. In one commit, modified default, sub1/default, and
+ sub2/subsubA/default, on branch B_MIXED.
+ 12. Did "cvs up -A" on sub2/default, then in one commit, made a
+ change to sub2/default and sub2/branch_B_MIXED_only. So this
+ commit should be spread between the branch and the trunk.
+ 13. Do "cvs up -A" to get everyone back to trunk, then make a new
+ branch B_SPLIT on everyone except sub1/subsubB/default,v.
+ 14. Switch to branch B_SPLIT (see sub1/subsubB/default disappear)
+ and commit a change that affects everyone except sub3/default.
+ 15. An hour or so later, "cvs up -A" to get sub1/subsubB/default
+ back, then commit a change on that file, on trunk. (It's
+ important that this change happened after the previous commits
+ on B_SPLIT.)
+ 16. Branch sub1/subsubB/default to B_SPLIT, then "cvs up -r B_SPLIT"
+ to switch the whole working copy to the branch.
+ 17. Commit a change on B_SPLIT, to sub1/subsubB/default and
+ sub3/default.
--- /dev/null
+* -whitespace
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+head 1.2;
+ T_MIXED:1.2
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@This is the file `default' in the top level of the project.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+@First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+This change excludes sub3/default, because it was not part of this
+commit, and sub1/subsubB/default, which is not even on the branch yet.
+@a5 2
+First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+@Modify three files, on branch B_MIXED.
+@a5 2
+This line was added on branch B_MIXED only (affecting 3 files).
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.2;
+ T_MIXED:1.2
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@This is sub1/default.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+@First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+This change excludes sub3/default, because it was not part of this
+commit, and sub1/subsubB/default, which is not even on the branch yet.
+@a5 2
+First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+@Modify three files, on branch B_MIXED.
+@a5 2
+This line was added on branch B_MIXED only (affecting 3 files).
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.3;
+ T_MIXED:1.3
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.2;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@This is sub1/subsubA/default.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added by the first commit (affecting two files).
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+@First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+This change excludes sub3/default, because it was not part of this
+commit, and sub1/subsubB/default, which is not even on the branch yet.
+@a7 2
+First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+@First commit to proj, affecting two files.
+@d6 2
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.3;
+ T_MIXED:1.2
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.2;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@A trunk change to sub1/subsubB/default. This was committed about an
+hour after an earlier change that affected most files on branch
+B_SPLIT. This file is not on that branch yet, but after this commit,
+we'll branch to B_SPLIT, albeit rooted in a revision that didn't exist
+at the time the rest of B_SPLIT was created.
+@This is sub1/subsubB/default.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+This bit was committed on trunk about an hour after an earlier change
+to everyone else on branch B_SPLIT. Afterwards, we'll finally branch
+this file to B_SPLIT, but rooted in a revision that didn't exist at
+the time the rest of B_SPLIT was created.
+@This change affects sub3/default and sub1/subsubB/default, on branch
+B_SPLIT. Note that the latter file did not even exist on this branch
+until after some other files had had revisions committed on B_SPLIT.
+@a10 4
+This change affects sub3/default and sub1/subsubB/default, on branch
+B_SPLIT. Note that the latter file did not even exist on this branch
+until after some other files had had revisions committed on B_SPLIT.
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@d6 5
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state dead;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@file branch_B_MIXED_only was initially added on branch B_MIXED.
+@Add a file on branch B_MIXED.
+@a0 1
+This file was added on branch B_MIXED. It never existed on trunk.
+@A single commit affecting one file on branch B_MIXED and one on trunk.
+@a1 3
+The same commit added these two lines here on branch B_MIXED, and two
+similar lines to ./default on trunk.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.3;
+ T_MIXED:1.2
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.2;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@A single commit affecting one file on branch B_MIXED and one on trunk.
+@This is sub2/default.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+The same commit added these two lines here on trunk, and two similar
+lines to ./branch_B_MIXED_only on branch B_MIXED.
+@First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+This change excludes sub3/default, because it was not part of this
+commit, and sub1/subsubB/default, which is not even on the branch yet.
+@a8 2
+First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@d6 3
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.2;
+ T_MIXED:1.1
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@This is sub2/subsub2/default.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+@First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+This change excludes sub3/default, because it was not part of this
+commit, and sub1/subsubB/default, which is not even on the branch yet.
+@a5 2
+First change on branch B_SPLIT.
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Modify three files, on branch B_MIXED.
+@a3 2
+This line was added on branch B_MIXED only (affecting 3 files).
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+head 1.3;
+ T_MIXED:1.2
+ vendortag:
+ vendorbranch:1.1.1;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.2;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2003.; author jrandom; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Second commit to proj, affecting all 7 files.
+@This is sub3/default.
+Every directory in the `proj' project has a file named `default'.
+This line was added by the first commit (affecting two files).
+This line was added in the second commit (affecting all 7 files).
+@This change affects sub3/default and sub1/subsubB/default, on branch
+B_SPLIT. Note that the latter file did not even exist on this branch
+until after some other files had had revisions committed on B_SPLIT.
+@a7 4
+This change affects sub3/default and sub1/subsubB/default, on branch
+B_SPLIT. Note that the latter file did not even exist on this branch
+until after some other files had had revisions committed on B_SPLIT.
+@First commit to proj, affecting two files.
+@d6 2
+@Initial revision
+@d4 2
+@Initial import.
--- /dev/null
+# Structure of the test cvs repository
+# Message File:Content Commit Time
+# Rev 1 a: 1.1 2009-02-21 19:11:43 +0100
+# Rev 2 a: 1.2 b: 1.1 2009-02-21 19:11:14 +0100
+# Rev 3 b: 1.2 2009-02-21 19:11:43 +0100
+# As you can see the commit of Rev 3 has the same time as
+# Rev 1 this leads to a broken import because of a cvsps
+# bug.
+test_description='git cvsimport testing for correct patchset estimation'
+. ./lib-cvs.sh
+export CVSROOT
+test_expect_failure 'import with criss cross times on revisions' '
+ git cvsimport -p"-x" -C module-git module &&
+ cd module-git &&
+ git log --pretty=format:%s > ../actual-master &&
+ git log A~2..A --pretty="format:%s %ad" -- > ../actual-A &&
+ echo "" >> ../actual-master &&
+ echo "" >> ../actual-A &&
+ cd .. &&
+ echo "Rev 4
+Rev 3
+Rev 2
+Rev 1" > expect-master &&
+ test_cmp actual-master expect-master &&
+ echo "Rev 5 Branch A Wed Mar 11 19:09:10 2009 +0000
+Rev 4 Branch A Wed Mar 11 19:03:52 2009 +0000" > expect-A &&
+ test_cmp actual-A expect-A
--- /dev/null
+* -whitespace
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+head 1.2;
+ A:;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Rev 2
+@Rev 4 Branch A
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+@Rev 5 Branch A
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+@Rev 1
+@d1 1
+a1 1
--- /dev/null
+head 1.3;
+ A:;
+locks; strict;
+comment @# @;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next 1.2;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next 1.1;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next ;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+date 2009.; author tester; state Exp;
+next ;
+@Rev 4
+@Rev 3
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+@Rev 4 Branch A
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+@Rev 5 Branch A
+@d1 1
+a1 1
+@Rev 2
+@d1 1
+a1 1
valgrind=t; verbose=t; shift ;;
shift ;; # was handled already
+ --root=*)
+ root=$(expr "z$1" : 'z[^=]*=\(.*\)')
+ shift ;;
echo "error: unknown test option '$1'" >&2; exit 1 ;;
# Test repository
test="trash directory.$(basename "$0" .sh)"
-test ! -z "$debug" || remove_trash="$TEST_DIRECTORY/$test"
+test -n "$root" && test="$root/$test"
+case "$test" in
+/*) TRASH_DIRECTORY="$test" ;;
+test ! -z "$debug" || remove_trash=$TRASH_DIRECTORY
rm -fr "$test" || {
echo >&5 "FATAL: Cannot prepare test area"
const char **argv;
int argc;
- int err;
return error("http transport does not support mirror mode");
while (refspec_nr--)
argv[argc++] = *refspec++;
argv[argc] = NULL;
- err = run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_GIT_CMD);
- switch (err) {
- error("unable to fork for %s", argv[0]);
- error("unable to exec %s", argv[0]);
- break;
- error("%s died with strange error", argv[0]);
- }
- return !!err;
+ return !!run_command_v_opt(argv, RUN_GIT_CMD);
static struct ref *get_refs_via_curl(struct transport *transport, int for_push)
struct unpack_trees_options {
- unsigned int reset:1,
- merge:1,
- update:1,
- index_only:1,
- nontrivial_merge:1,
- trivial_merges_only:1,
- verbose_update:1,
- aggressive:1,
- skip_unmerged:1,
- initial_checkout:1,
- diff_index_cached:1,
- gently:1;
+ unsigned int reset,
+ merge,
+ update,
+ index_only,
+ nontrivial_merge,
+ trivial_merges_only,
+ verbose_update,
+ aggressive,
+ skip_unmerged,
+ initial_checkout,
+ diff_index_cached,
+ gently;
const char *prefix;
int pos;
struct dir_struct *dir;
static int multi_ack, nr_our_refs;
static int use_thin_pack, use_ofs_delta, use_include_tag;
static int no_progress, daemon_mode;
+static int shallow_nr;
static struct object_array have_obj;
static struct object_array want_obj;
static unsigned int timeout;
struct rev_info revs;
pack_pipe = fdopen(fd, "w");
- if (create_full_pack)
- use_thin_pack = 0; /* no point doing it */
init_revisions(&revs, NULL);
revs.tag_objects = 1;
revs.tree_objects = 1;
const char *argv[10];
int arg = 0;
- rev_list.proc = do_rev_list;
- /* .data is just a boolean: any non-NULL value will do */
- rev_list.data = create_full_pack ? &rev_list : NULL;
- if (start_async(&rev_list))
- die("git upload-pack: unable to fork git-rev-list");
+ if (shallow_nr) {
+ rev_list.proc = do_rev_list;
+ rev_list.data = 0;
+ if (start_async(&rev_list))
+ die("git upload-pack: unable to fork git-rev-list");
+ argv[arg++] = "pack-objects";
+ } else {
+ argv[arg++] = "pack-objects";
+ argv[arg++] = "--revs";
+ if (create_full_pack)
+ argv[arg++] = "--all";
+ else if (use_thin_pack)
+ argv[arg++] = "--thin";
+ }
- argv[arg++] = "pack-objects";
argv[arg++] = "--stdout";
if (!no_progress)
argv[arg++] = "--progress";
argv[arg++] = NULL;
memset(&pack_objects, 0, sizeof(pack_objects));
- pack_objects.in = rev_list.out; /* start_command closes it */
+ pack_objects.in = shallow_nr ? rev_list.out : -1;
pack_objects.out = -1;
pack_objects.err = -1;
pack_objects.git_cmd = 1;
if (start_command(&pack_objects))
die("git upload-pack: unable to fork git-pack-objects");
+ /* pass on revisions we (don't) want */
+ if (!shallow_nr) {
+ FILE *pipe_fd = fdopen(pack_objects.in, "w");
+ if (!create_full_pack) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < want_obj.nr; i++)
+ fprintf(pipe_fd, "%s\n", sha1_to_hex(want_obj.objects[i].item->sha1));
+ fprintf(pipe_fd, "--not\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < have_obj.nr; i++)
+ fprintf(pipe_fd, "%s\n", sha1_to_hex(have_obj.objects[i].item->sha1));
+ }
+ fprintf(pipe_fd, "\n");
+ fflush(pipe_fd);
+ fclose(pipe_fd);
+ }
/* We read from pack_objects.err to capture stderr output for
* progress bar, and pack_objects.out to capture the pack data.
error("git upload-pack: git-pack-objects died with error.");
goto fail;
- if (finish_async(&rev_list))
+ if (shallow_nr && finish_async(&rev_list))
goto fail; /* error was already reported */
/* flush the data */
static char line[1000];
int len, depth = 0;
+ shallow_nr = 0;
if (debug_fd)
write_in_full(debug_fd, "#S\n", 3);
for (;;) {
packet_write(1, "shallow %s",
+ shallow_nr++;
result = result->next;
for (i = 0; i < shallows.nr; i++)
+ shallow_nr += shallows.nr;