our $my_url = $cgi->url();
our $my_uri = $cgi->url(-absolute => 1);
+# if we're called with PATH_INFO, we have to strip that
+# from the URL to find our real URL
+if (my $path_info = $ENV{"PATH_INFO"}) {
+ $my_url =~ s,\Q$path_info\E$,,;
+ $my_uri =~ s,\Q$path_info\E$,,;
# core git executable to use
# this can just be "git" if your webserver has a sensible PATH
our $GIT = "++GIT_BINDIR++/git";
# $feature{'grep'}{'override'} = 1;
# and in project config gitweb.grep = 0|1;
'grep' => {
+ 'sub' => \&feature_grep,
'override' => 0,
'default' => [1]},
our $action = $cgi->param('a');
if (defined $action) {
if ($action =~ m/[^0-9a-zA-Z\.\-_]/) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid action parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid action parameter");
($export_ok && !(-e "$projectroot/$project/$export_ok")) ||
($strict_export && !project_in_list($project))) {
undef $project;
- die_error(undef, "No such project");
+ die_error(404, "No such project");
our $file_name = $cgi->param('f');
if (defined $file_name) {
if (!validate_pathname($file_name)) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid file parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid file parameter");
our $file_parent = $cgi->param('fp');
if (defined $file_parent) {
if (!validate_pathname($file_parent)) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid file parent parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid file parent parameter");
our $hash = $cgi->param('h');
if (defined $hash) {
if (!validate_refname($hash)) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid hash parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid hash parameter");
our $hash_parent = $cgi->param('hp');
if (defined $hash_parent) {
if (!validate_refname($hash_parent)) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid hash parent parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid hash parent parameter");
our $hash_base = $cgi->param('hb');
if (defined $hash_base) {
if (!validate_refname($hash_base)) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid hash base parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid hash base parameter");
if (defined @extra_options) {
foreach my $opt (@extra_options) {
if (not exists $allowed_options{$opt}) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid option parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid option parameter");
if (not grep(/^$action$/, @{$allowed_options{$opt}})) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid option parameter for this action");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid option parameter for this action");
our $hash_parent_base = $cgi->param('hpb');
if (defined $hash_parent_base) {
if (!validate_refname($hash_parent_base)) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid hash parent base parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid hash parent base parameter");
our $page = $cgi->param('pg');
if (defined $page) {
if ($page =~ m/[^0-9]/) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid page parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid page parameter");
our $searchtype = $cgi->param('st');
if (defined $searchtype) {
if ($searchtype =~ m/[^a-z]/) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid searchtype parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid searchtype parameter");
our $search_regexp;
if (defined $searchtext) {
if (length($searchtext) < 2) {
- die_error(undef, "At least two characters are required for search parameter");
+ die_error(403, "At least two characters are required for search parameter");
$search_regexp = $search_use_regexp ? $searchtext : quotemeta $searchtext;
# dispatch
my %actions = (
- "blame" => \&git_blame2,
+ "blame" => \&git_blame,
"blobdiff" => \&git_blobdiff,
"blobdiff_plain" => \&git_blobdiff_plain,
"blob" => \&git_blob,
if (!defined($actions{$action})) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown action");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown action");
if ($action !~ m/^(opml|project_list|project_index)$/ &&
!$project) {
- die_error(undef, "Project needed");
+ die_error(400, "Project needed");
$path =~ s,/+$,,;
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", $base, "--", $path
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
my $line = <$fd>;
close $fd or return undef;
- if ($co{'title'} eq "") {
+ if (! defined $co{'title'} || $co{'title'} eq "") {
$co{'title'} = $co{'title_short'} = '(no commit message)';
# remove added spaces
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-rev-list failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-rev-list failed");
%co = parse_commit_text(<$fd>, 1);
close $fd;
($filename ? ($filename) : ())
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-rev-list failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-rev-list failed");
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
my %co = parse_commit_text($line);
push @cos, \%co;
+# die_error(<http_status_code>, <error_message>)
+# Example: die_error(404, 'Hash not found')
+# By convention, use the following status codes (as defined in RFC 2616):
+# 400: Invalid or missing CGI parameters, or
+# requested object exists but has wrong type.
+# 403: Requested feature (like "pickaxe" or "snapshot") not enabled on
+# this server or project.
+# 404: Requested object/revision/project doesn't exist.
+# 500: The server isn't configured properly, or
+# an internal error occurred (e.g. failed assertions caused by bugs), or
+# an unknown error occurred (e.g. the git binary died unexpectedly).
sub die_error {
- my $status = shift || "403 Forbidden";
- my $error = shift || "Malformed query, file missing or permission denied";
- git_header_html($status);
+ my $status = shift || 500;
+ my $error = shift || "Internal server error";
+ my %http_responses = (400 => '400 Bad Request',
+ 403 => '403 Forbidden',
+ 404 => '404 Not Found',
+ 500 => '500 Internal Server Error');
+ git_header_html($http_responses{$status});
print <<EOF;
<div class="page_body">
<br /><br />
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-sub git_project_list_body {
- my ($projlist, $order, $from, $to, $extra, $no_header) = @_;
- my ($check_forks) = gitweb_check_feature('forks');
+# fills project list info (age, description, owner, forks) for each
+# project in the list, removing invalid projects from returned list
+# NOTE: modifies $projlist, but does not remove entries from it
+sub fill_project_list_info {
+ my ($projlist, $check_forks) = @_;
my @projects;
foreach my $pr (@$projlist) {
- my (@aa) = git_get_last_activity($pr->{'path'});
- unless (@aa) {
- next;
+ my (@activity) = git_get_last_activity($pr->{'path'});
+ unless (@activity) {
+ next PROJECT;
- ($pr->{'age'}, $pr->{'age_string'}) = @aa;
+ ($pr->{'age'}, $pr->{'age_string'}) = @activity;
if (!defined $pr->{'descr'}) {
my $descr = git_get_project_description($pr->{'path'}) || "";
- $pr->{'descr_long'} = to_utf8($descr);
+ $descr = to_utf8($descr);
+ $pr->{'descr_long'} = $descr;
$pr->{'descr'} = chop_str($descr, $projects_list_description_width, 5);
if (!defined $pr->{'owner'}) {
($pname !~ /\/$/) &&
(-d "$projectroot/$pname")) {
$pr->{'forks'} = "-d $projectroot/$pname";
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$pr->{'forks'} = 0;
push @projects, $pr;
+ return @projects;
+# print 'sort by' <th> element, either sorting by $key if $name eq $order
+# (changing $list), or generating 'sort by $name' replay link otherwise
+sub print_sort_th {
+ my ($str_sort, $name, $order, $key, $header, $list) = @_;
+ $key ||= $name;
+ $header ||= ucfirst($name);
+ if ($order eq $name) {
+ if ($str_sort) {
+ @$list = sort {$a->{$key} cmp $b->{$key}} @$list;
+ } else {
+ @$list = sort {$a->{$key} <=> $b->{$key}} @$list;
+ }
+ print "<th>$header</th>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "<th>" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, order=>$name),
+ -class => "header"}, $header) .
+ "</th>\n";
+ }
+sub print_sort_th_str {
+ print_sort_th(1, @_);
+sub print_sort_th_num {
+ print_sort_th(0, @_);
+sub git_project_list_body {
+ my ($projlist, $order, $from, $to, $extra, $no_header) = @_;
+ my ($check_forks) = gitweb_check_feature('forks');
+ my @projects = fill_project_list_info($projlist, $check_forks);
$order ||= $default_projects_order;
$from = 0 unless defined $from;
$to = $#projects if (!defined $to || $#projects < $to);
if ($check_forks) {
print "<th></th>\n";
- if ($order eq "project") {
- @projects = sort {$a->{'path'} cmp $b->{'path'}} @projects;
- print "<th>Project</th>\n";
- } else {
- print "<th>" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'project'),
- -class => "header"}, "Project") .
- "</th>\n";
- }
- if ($order eq "descr") {
- @projects = sort {$a->{'descr'} cmp $b->{'descr'}} @projects;
- print "<th>Description</th>\n";
- } else {
- print "<th>" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'descr'),
- -class => "header"}, "Description") .
- "</th>\n";
- }
- if ($order eq "owner") {
- @projects = sort {$a->{'owner'} cmp $b->{'owner'}} @projects;
- print "<th>Owner</th>\n";
- } else {
- print "<th>" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'owner'),
- -class => "header"}, "Owner") .
- "</th>\n";
- }
- if ($order eq "age") {
- @projects = sort {$a->{'age'} <=> $b->{'age'}} @projects;
- print "<th>Last Change</th>\n";
- } else {
- print "<th>" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'age'),
- -class => "header"}, "Last Change") .
- "</th>\n";
- }
- print "<th></th>\n" .
+ print_sort_th_str('project', $order, 'path',
+ 'Project', \@projects);
+ print_sort_th_str('descr', $order, 'descr_long',
+ 'Description', \@projects);
+ print_sort_th_str('owner', $order, 'owner',
+ 'Owner', \@projects);
+ print_sort_th_num('age', $order, 'age',
+ 'Last Change', \@projects);
+ print "<th></th>\n" . # for links
my $alternate = 1;
sub git_project_list {
my $order = $cgi->param('o');
if (defined $order && $order !~ m/none|project|descr|owner|age/) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown order parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown order parameter");
my @list = git_get_projects_list();
if (!@list) {
- die_error(undef, "No projects found");
+ die_error(404, "No projects found");
sub git_forks {
my $order = $cgi->param('o');
if (defined $order && $order !~ m/none|project|descr|owner|age/) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown order parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown order parameter");
my @list = git_get_projects_list($project);
if (!@list) {
- die_error(undef, "No forks found");
+ die_error(404, "No forks found");
my %tag = parse_tag($hash);
if (! %tag) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown tag object");
+ die_error(404, "Unknown tag object");
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($tag{'name'}), $hash);
-sub git_blame2 {
+sub git_blame {
my $fd;
my $ftype;
- my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
- if (!$have_blame) {
- die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
- }
- die_error('404 Not Found', "File name not defined") if (!$file_name);
+ gitweb_check_feature('blame')
+ or die_error(403, "Blame view not allowed");
+ die_error(400, "No file name given") unless $file_name;
$hash_base ||= git_get_head_hash($project);
- die_error(undef, "Couldn't find base commit") unless ($hash_base);
+ die_error(404, "Couldn't find base commit") unless ($hash_base);
my %co = parse_commit($hash_base)
- or die_error(undef, "Reading commit failed");
+ or die_error(404, "Commit not found");
if (!defined $hash) {
$hash = git_get_hash_by_path($hash_base, $file_name, "blob")
- or die_error(undef, "Error looking up file");
+ or die_error(404, "Error looking up file");
$ftype = git_get_type($hash);
if ($ftype !~ "blob") {
- die_error('400 Bad Request', "Object is not a blob");
+ die_error(400, "Object is not a blob");
open ($fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", '-p', '--',
$file_name, $hash_base)
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-blame failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-blame failed");
my $formats_nav =
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", -replay=>1)},
print "</td>\n";
open (my $dd, "-|", git_cmd(), "rev-parse", "$full_rev^")
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-rev-parse failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-rev-parse failed");
my $parent_commit = <$dd>;
close $dd;
-sub git_blame {
- my $fd;
- my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
- if (!$have_blame) {
- die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
- }
- die_error('404 Not Found', "File name not defined") if (!$file_name);
- $hash_base ||= git_get_head_hash($project);
- die_error(undef, "Couldn't find base commit") unless ($hash_base);
- my %co = parse_commit($hash_base)
- or die_error(undef, "Reading commit failed");
- if (!defined $hash) {
- $hash = git_get_hash_by_path($hash_base, $file_name, "blob")
- or die_error(undef, "Error lookup file");
- }
- open ($fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "annotate", '-l', '-t', '-r', $file_name, $hash_base)
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-annotate failed");
- git_header_html();
- my $formats_nav =
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base, file_name=>$file_name)},
- "blob") .
- " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base, file_name=>$file_name)},
- "history") .
- " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blame", file_name=>$file_name)},
- "HEAD");
- git_print_page_nav('','', $hash_base,$co{'tree'},$hash_base, $formats_nav);
- git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
- git_print_page_path($file_name, 'blob', $hash_base);
- print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
- print <<HTML;
-<table class="blame">
- <tr>
- <th>Commit</th>
- <th>Age</th>
- <th>Author</th>
- <th>Line</th>
- <th>Data</th>
- </tr>
- my @line_class = (qw(light dark));
- my $line_class_len = scalar (@line_class);
- my $line_class_num = $#line_class;
- while (my $line = <$fd>) {
- my $long_rev;
- my $short_rev;
- my $author;
- my $time;
- my $lineno;
- my $data;
- my $age;
- my $age_str;
- my $age_class;
- chomp $line;
- $line_class_num = ($line_class_num + 1) % $line_class_len;
- if ($line =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t\(\s*([^\t]+)\t(\d+) [+-]\d\d\d\d\t(\d+)\)(.*)$/) {
- $long_rev = $1;
- $author = $2;
- $time = $3;
- $lineno = $4;
- $data = $5;
- } else {
- print qq( <tr><td colspan="5" class="error">Unable to parse: $line</td></tr>\n);
- next;
- }
- $short_rev = substr ($long_rev, 0, 8);
- $age = time () - $time;
- $age_str = age_string ($age);
- $age_str =~ s/ / /g;
- $age_class = age_class($age);
- $author = esc_html ($author);
- $author =~ s/ / /g;
- $data = untabify($data);
- $data = esc_html ($data);
- print <<HTML;
- <tr class="$line_class[$line_class_num]">
- <td class="sha1"><a href="${\href (action=>"commit", hash=>$long_rev)}" class="text">$short_rev..</a></td>
- <td class="$age_class">$age_str</td>
- <td>$author</td>
- <td class="linenr"><a id="$lineno" href="#$lineno" class="linenr">$lineno</a></td>
- <td class="pre">$data</td>
- </tr>
- } # while (my $line = <$fd>)
- print "</table>\n\n";
- close $fd
- or print "Reading blob failed.\n";
- print "</div>";
- git_footer_html();
sub git_tags {
my $head = git_get_head_hash($project);
if (defined $file_name) {
my $base = $hash_base || git_get_head_hash($project);
$hash = git_get_hash_by_path($base, $file_name, "blob")
- or die_error(undef, "Error lookup file");
+ or die_error(404, "Cannot find file");
} else {
- die_error(undef, "No file name defined");
+ die_error(400, "No file name defined");
} elsif ($hash =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) {
# blobs defined by non-textual hash id's can be cached
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-cat-file blob '$hash' failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-cat-file blob '$hash' failed");
# content-type (can include charset)
$type = blob_contenttype($fd, $file_name, $type);
if (defined $file_name) {
my $base = $hash_base || git_get_head_hash($project);
$hash = git_get_hash_by_path($base, $file_name, "blob")
- or die_error(undef, "Error lookup file");
+ or die_error(404, "Cannot find file");
} else {
- die_error(undef, "No file name defined");
+ die_error(400, "No file name defined");
} elsif ($hash =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) {
# blobs defined by non-textual hash id's can be cached
my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash
- or die_error(undef, "Couldn't cat $file_name, $hash");
+ or die_error(500, "Couldn't cat $file_name, $hash");
my $mimetype = blob_mimetype($fd, $file_name);
if ($mimetype !~ m!^(?:text/|image/(?:gif|png|jpeg)$)! && -B $fd) {
close $fd;
$hash = $hash_base;
+ die_error(404, "No such tree") unless defined($hash);
$/ = "\0";
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", '-z', $hash
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
my @entries = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
- close $fd or die_error(undef, "Reading tree failed");
+ close $fd or die_error(404, "Reading tree failed");
$/ = "\n";
my $refs = git_get_references();
if ($basedir ne '' && substr($basedir, -1) ne '/') {
$basedir .= '/';
+ git_print_page_path($file_name, 'tree', $hash_base);
- git_print_page_path($file_name, 'tree', $hash_base);
print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
print "<table class=\"tree\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
my $format = $cgi->param('sf');
if (!@supported_fmts) {
- die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
+ die_error(403, "Snapshots not allowed");
# default to first supported snapshot format
$format ||= $supported_fmts[0];
if ($format !~ m/^[a-z0-9]+$/) {
- die_error(undef, "Invalid snapshot format parameter");
+ die_error(400, "Invalid snapshot format parameter");
} elsif (!exists($known_snapshot_formats{$format})) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown snapshot format");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown snapshot format");
} elsif (!grep($_ eq $format, @supported_fmts)) {
- die_error(undef, "Unsupported snapshot format");
+ die_error(403, "Unsupported snapshot format");
if (!defined $hash) {
-status => '200 OK');
open my $fd, "-|", $cmd
- or die_error(undef, "Execute git-archive failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Execute git-archive failed");
binmode STDOUT, ':raw';
print <$fd>;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # as set at the beginning of gitweb.cgi
sub git_commit {
$hash ||= $hash_base || "HEAD";
- my %co = parse_commit($hash);
- if (!%co) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown commit object");
- }
+ my %co = parse_commit($hash)
+ or die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
my %ad = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'}, $co{'author_tz'});
my %cd = parse_date($co{'committer_epoch'}, $co{'committer_tz'});
(@$parents <= 1 ? $parent : '-c'),
$hash, "--"
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
@difftree = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
- close $fd or die_error(undef, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
+ close $fd or die_error(404, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
# non-textual hash id's can be cached
my $expires;
open my $fd, "-|", quote_command(
git_cmd(), 'cat-file', '-t', $object_id) . ' 2> /dev/null'
- or die_error('404 Not Found', "Object does not exist");
+ or die_error(404, "Object does not exist");
$type = <$fd>;
chomp $type;
close $fd
- or die_error('404 Not Found', "Object does not exist");
+ or die_error(404, "Object does not exist");
# - hash_base and file_name
} elsif ($hash_base && defined $file_name) {
$file_name =~ s,/+$,,;
system(git_cmd(), "cat-file", '-e', $hash_base) == 0
- or die_error('404 Not Found', "Base object does not exist");
+ or die_error(404, "Base object does not exist");
# here errors should not hapen
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", $hash_base, "--", $file_name
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
my $line = <$fd>;
close $fd;
#'100644 blob 0fa3f3a66fb6a137f6ec2c19351ed4d807070ffa panic.c'
unless ($line && $line =~ m/^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t/) {
- die_error('404 Not Found', "File or directory for given base does not exist");
+ die_error(404, "File or directory for given base does not exist");
$type = $2;
$hash = $3;
} else {
- die_error('404 Not Found', "Not enough information to find object");
+ die_error(400, "Not enough information to find object");
print $cgi->redirect(-uri => href(action=>$type, -full=>1,
open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,
$hash_parent_base, $hash_base,
"--", (defined $file_parent ? $file_parent : ()), $file_name
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
@difftree = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
close $fd
- or die_error(undef, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(404, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
- or die_error('404 Not Found', "Blob diff not found");
+ or die_error(404, "Blob diff not found");
} elsif (defined $hash &&
$hash =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/) {
# read filtered raw output
open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,
$hash_parent_base, $hash_base, "--"
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
@difftree =
# ':100644 100644 03b21826... 3b93d5e7... M ls-files.c'
# $hash == to_id
grep { /^:[0-7]{6} [0-7]{6} [0-9a-fA-F]{40} $hash/ }
map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
close $fd
- or die_error(undef, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(404, "Reading git-diff-tree failed");
- or die_error('404 Not Found', "Blob diff not found");
+ or die_error(404, "Blob diff not found");
} else {
- die_error('404 Not Found', "Missing one of the blob diff parameters");
+ die_error(400, "Missing one of the blob diff parameters");
if (@difftree > 1) {
- die_error('404 Not Found', "Ambiguous blob diff specification");
+ die_error(400, "Ambiguous blob diff specification");
%diffinfo = parse_difftree_raw_line($difftree[0]);
'-p', ($format eq 'html' ? "--full-index" : ()),
$hash_parent_base, $hash_base,
"--", (defined $file_parent ? $file_parent : ()), $file_name
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
- # old/legacy style URI
- if (!%diffinfo && # if new style URI failed
- defined $hash && defined $hash_parent) {
- # fake git-diff-tree raw output
- $diffinfo{'from_mode'} = $diffinfo{'to_mode'} = "blob";
- $diffinfo{'from_id'} = $hash_parent;
- $diffinfo{'to_id'} = $hash;
- if (defined $file_name) {
- if (defined $file_parent) {
- $diffinfo{'status'} = '2';
- $diffinfo{'from_file'} = $file_parent;
- $diffinfo{'to_file'} = $file_name;
- } else { # assume not renamed
- $diffinfo{'status'} = '1';
- $diffinfo{'from_file'} = $file_name;
- $diffinfo{'to_file'} = $file_name;
- }
- } else { # no filename given
- $diffinfo{'status'} = '2';
- $diffinfo{'from_file'} = $hash_parent;
- $diffinfo{'to_file'} = $hash;
- }
- # non-textual hash id's can be cached
- if ($hash =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/ &&
- $hash_parent =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) {
- $expires = '+1d';
- }
- # open patch output
- open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff", @diff_opts,
- '-p', ($format eq 'html' ? "--full-index" : ()),
- $hash_parent, $hash, "--"
- or die_error(500, "Open git-diff failed");
- } else {
- die_error(400, "Missing one of the blob diff parameters")
- unless %diffinfo;
+ # old/legacy style URI -- not generated anymore since 1.4.3.
+ if (!%diffinfo) {
+ die_error('404 Not Found', "Missing one of the blob diff parameters")
# header
print "X-Git-Url: " . $cgi->self_url() . "\n\n";
} else {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown blobdiff format");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown blobdiff format");
# patch
sub git_commitdiff {
my $format = shift || 'html';
$hash ||= $hash_base || "HEAD";
- my %co = parse_commit($hash);
- if (!%co) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown commit object");
- }
+ my %co = parse_commit($hash)
+ or die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
# choose format for commitdiff for merge
if (! defined $hash_parent && @{$co{'parents'}} > 1) {
open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,
"--no-commit-id", "--patch-with-raw", "--full-index",
$hash_parent_param, $hash, "--"
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
} elsif ($format eq 'plain') {
open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,
'-p', $hash_parent_param, $hash, "--"
- or die_error(undef, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-diff-tree failed");
} else {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown commitdiff format");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown commitdiff format");
# non-textual hash id's can be cached
$page = 0;
my $ftype;
- my %co = parse_commit($hash_base);
- if (!%co) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown commit object");
- }
+ my %co = parse_commit($hash_base)
+ or die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
my $refs = git_get_references();
my $limit = sprintf("--max-count=%i", (100 * ($page+1)));
my @commitlist = parse_commits($hash_base, 101, (100 * $page),
- $file_name, "--full-history");
- if (!@commitlist) {
- die_error('404 Not Found', "No such file or directory on given branch");
- }
+ $file_name, "--full-history")
+ or die_error(404, "No such file or directory on given branch");
if (!defined $hash && defined $file_name) {
# some commits could have deleted file in question,
$ftype = git_get_type($hash);
if (!defined $ftype) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown type of object");
+ die_error(500, "Unknown type of object");
my $paging_nav = '';
sub git_search {
- my ($have_search) = gitweb_check_feature('search');
- if (!$have_search) {
- die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
- }
+ gitweb_check_feature('search') or die_error(403, "Search is disabled");
if (!defined $searchtext) {
- die_error(undef, "Text field empty");
+ die_error(400, "Text field is empty");
if (!defined $hash) {
$hash = git_get_head_hash($project);
my %co = parse_commit($hash);
if (!%co) {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown commit object");
+ die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
if (!defined $page) {
$page = 0;
if ($searchtype eq 'pickaxe') {
# pickaxe may take all resources of your box and run for several minutes
# with every query - so decide by yourself how public you make this feature
- my ($have_pickaxe) = gitweb_check_feature('pickaxe');
- if (!$have_pickaxe) {
- die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
- }
+ gitweb_check_feature('pickaxe')
+ or die_error(403, "Pickaxe is disabled");
if ($searchtype eq 'grep') {
- my ($have_grep) = gitweb_check_feature('grep');
- if (!$have_grep) {
- die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
- }
+ gitweb_check_feature('grep')
+ or die_error(403, "Grep is disabled");
# Atom: http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/
# RSS: http://www.notestips.com/80256B3A007F2692/1/NAMO5P9UPQ
if ($format ne 'rss' && $format ne 'atom') {
- die_error(undef, "Unknown web feed format");
+ die_error(400, "Unknown web feed format");
# log/feed of current (HEAD) branch, log of given branch, history of file/directory