git-svn: memoize conversion of SVN merge ticket info to git commit ranges
authorSam Vilain <>
Sat, 19 Dec 2009 11:55:13 +0000 (00:55 +1300)
committerEric Wong <>
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 10:32:48 +0000 (02:32 -0800)
Each time the svn mergeinfo ticket changes, we look it up in the rev_map;
when there are a lot of merged branches, this will result in many repeated
lookups of the same information for subsequent commits. Arrange the slow
part of the function so that it may be memoized, and memoize it. The more
expensive revision walking operation can be memoized separately.

[ew: changed "next" to "return" for function exit]

Signed-off-by: Sam Vilain <>
Acked-by: Eric Wong <>
index a6f5061c3c356076af797f6d3373ef5f9ca870a3..1e106f064b7ab32f9210db7a076e88b29b40eb27 100755 (executable)
@@ -1634,6 +1634,7 @@ package Git::SVN;
 use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
 use File::Copy qw/copy/;
 use IPC::Open3;
+use Memoize;  # core since 5.8.0, Jul 2002
 my ($_gc_nr, $_gc_period);
@@ -2994,6 +2995,55 @@ sub find_extra_svk_parents {
+sub lookup_svn_merge {
+       my $uuid = shift;
+       my $url = shift;
+       my $merge = shift;
+       my ($source, $revs) = split ":", $merge;
+       my $path = $source;
+       $path =~ s{^/}{};
+       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path);
+       if ( !$gs ) {
+               warn "Couldn't find revmap for $url$source\n";
+               return;
+       }
+       my @ranges = split ",", $revs;
+       my ($tip, $tip_commit);
+       my @merged_commit_ranges;
+       # find the tip
+       for my $range ( @ranges ) {
+               my ($bottom, $top) = split "-", $range;
+               $top ||= $bottom;
+               my $bottom_commit =
+                       $gs->rev_map_get($bottom, $uuid) ||
+                       $gs->rev_map_get($bottom+1, $uuid);
+               my $top_commit;
+               for (; !$top_commit && $top >= $bottom; --$top) {
+                       $top_commit =
+                               $gs->rev_map_get($top, $uuid);
+               }
+               unless ($top_commit and $bottom_commit) {
+                       warn "W:unknown path/rev in svn:mergeinfo "
+                               ."dirprop: $source:$range\n";
+                       next;
+               }
+               push @merged_commit_ranges,
+                       "$bottom_commit..$top_commit";
+               if ( !defined $tip or $top > $tip ) {
+                       $tip = $top;
+                       $tip_commit = $top_commit;
+               }
+       }
+       return ($tip_commit, @merged_commit_ranges);
+       memoize 'lookup_svn_merge';
 # note: this function should only be called if the various dirprops
 # have actually changed
 sub find_extra_svn_parents {
@@ -3008,44 +3058,11 @@ sub find_extra_svn_parents {
        my @merge_tips;
        my @merged_commit_ranges;
        my $url = $self->rewrite_root || $self->{url};
+       my $uuid = $self->ra_uuid;
        for my $merge ( @merges ) {
-               my ($source, $revs) = split ":", $merge;
-               my $path = $source;
-               $path =~ s{^/}{};
-               my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path);
-               if ( !$gs ) {
-                       warn "Couldn't find revmap for $url$source\n";
-                       next;
-               }
-               my @ranges = split ",", $revs;
-               my ($tip, $tip_commit);
-               # find the tip
-               for my $range ( @ranges ) {
-                       my ($bottom, $top) = split "-", $range;
-                       $top ||= $bottom;
-                       my $bottom_commit =
-                               $gs->rev_map_get($bottom, $self->ra_uuid) ||
-                               $gs->rev_map_get($bottom+1, $self->ra_uuid);
-                       my $top_commit;
-                       for (; !$top_commit && $top >= $bottom; --$top) {
-                               $top_commit =
-                                       $gs->rev_map_get($top, $self->ra_uuid);
-                       }
-                       unless ($top_commit and $bottom_commit) {
-                               warn "W:unknown path/rev in svn:mergeinfo "
-                                       ."dirprop: $source:$range\n";
-                               next;
-                       }
-                       push @merged_commit_ranges,
-                               "$bottom_commit..$top_commit";
-                       if ( !defined $tip or $top > $tip ) {
-                               $tip = $top;
-                               $tip_commit = $top_commit;
-                       }
-               }
+               my ($tip_commit, @ranges) =
+                       lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url, $merge );
+               push @merged_commit_ranges, @ranges;
                unless (!$tip_commit or
                                grep { $_ eq $tip_commit } @$parents ) {
                        push @merge_tips, $tip_commit;