+# Commit a file with mixed line endings on top of different files
+# in the index. Check for warnings
+commit_MIX_chkwrn () {
+ attr=$1 ; shift
+ aeol=$1 ; shift
+ crlf=$1 ; shift
+ lfwarn=$1 ; shift
+ crlfwarn=$1 ; shift
+ lfmixcrlf=$1 ; shift
+ lfmixcr=$1 ; shift
+ crlfnul=$1 ; shift
+ pfx=MIX_attr_${attr}_aeol_${aeol}_${crlf}
+ #Commit file with CLRF_mix_LF on top of existing file
+ create_gitattributes "$attr" $aeol &&
+ for f in LF CRLF CRLF_mix_LF LF_mix_CR CRLF_nul
+ do
+ fname=${pfx}_$f.txt &&
+ cp CRLF_mix_LF $fname &&
+ printf Z >>"$fname" &&
+ git -c core.autocrlf=$crlf add $fname 2>"${pfx}_$f.err"
+ done
+ test_expect_success "commit file with mixed EOL crlf=$crlf attr=$attr LF" '
+ check_warning "$lfwarn" ${pfx}_LF.err
+ '
+ test_expect_success "commit file with mixed EOL attr=$attr aeol=$aeol crlf=$crlf CRLF" '
+ check_warning "$crlfwarn" ${pfx}_CRLF.err
+ '
+ test_expect_success "commit file with mixed EOL attr=$attr aeol=$aeol crlf=$crlf CRLF_mix_LF" '
+ check_warning "$lfmixcrlf" ${pfx}_CRLF_mix_LF.err
+ '
+ test_expect_success "commit file with mixed EOL attr=$attr aeol=$aeol crlf=$crlf LF_mix_cr" '
+ check_warning "$lfmixcr" ${pfx}_LF_mix_CR.err
+ '
+ test_expect_success "commit file with mixed EOL attr=$attr aeol=$aeol crlf=$crlf CRLF_nul" '
+ check_warning "$crlfnul" ${pfx}_CRLF_nul.err
+ '