return "$ident[0] <$ident[1]>";
+=item parse_mailboxes
+Return an array of mailboxes extracted from a string.
+sub parse_mailboxes {
+ my $re_comment = qr/\((?:[^)]*)\)/;
+ my $re_quote = qr/"(?:[^\"\\]|\\.)*"/;
+ my $re_word = qr/(?:[^]["\s()<>:;@\\,.]|\\.)+/;
+ # divide the string in tokens of the above form
+ my $re_token = qr/(?:$re_quote|$re_word|$re_comment|\S)/;
+ my @tokens = map { $_ =~ /\s*($re_token)\s*/g } @_;
+ # add a delimiter to simplify treatment for the last mailbox
+ push @tokens, ",";
+ my (@addr_list, @phrase, @address, @comment, @buffer) = ();
+ foreach my $token (@tokens) {
+ if ($token =~ /^[,;]$/) {
+ # if buffer still contains undeterminated strings
+ # append it at the end of @address or @phrase
+ if (@address) {
+ push @address, @buffer;
+ } else {
+ push @phrase, @buffer;
+ }
+ my $str_phrase = join ' ', @phrase;
+ my $str_address = join '', @address;
+ my $str_comment = join ' ', @comment;
+ # quote are necessary if phrase contains
+ # special characters
+ if ($str_phrase =~ /[][()<>:;@\\,.\000-\037\177]/) {
+ $str_phrase =~ s/(^|[^\\])"/$1/g;
+ $str_phrase = qq["$str_phrase"];
+ }
+ # add "<>" around the address if necessary
+ if ($str_address ne "" && $str_phrase ne "") {
+ $str_address = qq[<$str_address>];
+ }
+ my $str_mailbox = "$str_phrase $str_address $str_comment";
+ $str_mailbox =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
+ push @addr_list, $str_mailbox if ($str_mailbox);
+ @phrase = @address = @comment = @buffer = ();
+ } elsif ($token =~ /^\(/) {
+ push @comment, $token;
+ } elsif ($token eq "<") {
+ push @phrase, (splice @address), (splice @buffer);
+ } elsif ($token eq ">") {
+ push @address, (splice @buffer);
+ } elsif ($token eq "@") {
+ push @address, (splice @buffer), "@";
+ } elsif ($token eq ".") {
+ push @address, (splice @buffer), ".";
+ } else {
+ push @buffer, $token;
+ }
+ }
+ return @addr_list;
=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILENAME )
--- /dev/null
+use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB}));
+use 5.008;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+use Mail::Address;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Git') }
+my @success_list = (q[Jane],
+ q[],
+ q[<>],
+ q[Jane <>],
+ q[Jane Doe <>],
+ q["Jane" <>],
+ q["Doe, Jane" <>],
+ q["Jane@:;\>.,()<Doe" <>],
+ q[Jane!#$%&'*+-/=?^_{|}~Doe' <>],
+ q["<>"],
+ q["Jane"],
+ q[Jane Doe <jdoe @ >],
+ q[Jane Doe < >],
+ q[Jane @ Doe @ Jane @ Doe],
+ q["Jane, 'Doe'" <>],
+ q['Doe, "Jane' <>],
+ q["Jane" "Do"e <>],
+ q["Jane' Doe" <>],
+ q["Jane Doe <>" <>],
+ q["Jane\" Doe" <>],
+ q[Doe, jane <>],
+ q["Jane Doe <>],
+ q['Jane 'Doe' <>]);
+my @known_failure_list = (q[Jane\ Doe <>],
+ q["Doe, Ja"ne <>],
+ q["Doe, Katarina" Jane <>],
+ q[Jane@:;\.,()<>Doe <>],
+ q[Jane],
+ q[<> Jane Doe],
+ q[Jane <> Doe],
+ q["Jane "Kat"a" ri"na" ",Doe" <>],
+ q[Jane Doe],
+ q[Jane "Doe <>"],
+ q[\"Jane Doe <>],
+ q[Jane\"\" Doe <>],
+ q['Jane "Katarina\" \' Doe' <>]);
+foreach my $str (@success_list) {
+ my @expected = map { $_->format } Mail::Address->parse("$str");
+ my @actual = Git::parse_mailboxes("$str");
+ is_deeply(\@expected, \@actual, qq[same output : $str]);
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "known breakage";
+ foreach my $str (@known_failure_list) {
+ my @expected = map { $_->format } Mail::Address->parse("$str");
+ my @actual = Git::parse_mailboxes("$str");
+ is_deeply(\@expected, \@actual, qq[same output : $str]);
+ }
+my $is_passing = eval { Test::More->is_passing };
+exit($is_passing ? 0 : 1) unless $@ =~ /Can't locate object method/;