- docker
- - docker pull daald/ubuntu32:xenial
- script:
- - >
- docker run
- --interactive
- --volume "${PWD}:/usr/src/git"
- daald/ubuntu32:xenial
- /usr/src/git/ci/ $(id -u $USER)
- # Use the following command to debug the docker build locally:
- # $ docker run -itv "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" --entrypoint /bin/bash daald/ubuntu32:xenial
- # root@container:/# /usr/src/git/ci/
+ script: ci/
- env: Static Analysis
os: linux
- coccinelle
- script:
- # "before_script" that builds Git is inherited from base job
- - make coccicheck
+ # "before_script" that builds Git is inherited from base job
+ script: ci/
- env: Documentation
os: linux
- asciidoc
- xmlto
- before_script: gem install asciidoctor
+ before_script:
script: ci/
- - >
- case "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-linux}" in
- linux)
- export GIT_TEST_HTTPD=YesPlease
- mkdir --parents custom/p4
- pushd custom/p4
- wget --quiet$LINUX_P4_VERSION/bin.linux26x86_64/p4d
- wget --quiet$LINUX_P4_VERSION/bin.linux26x86_64/p4
- chmod u+x p4d
- chmod u+x p4
- export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
- popd
- mkdir --parents custom/git-lfs
- pushd custom/git-lfs
- wget --quiet$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz
- tar --extract --gunzip --file "git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
- cp git-lfs-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs .
- export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
- popd
- ;;
- osx)
- brew update --quiet
- # Uncomment this if you want to run perf tests:
- # brew install gnu-time
- brew install git-lfs gettext
- brew link --force gettext
- brew install caskroom/cask/perforce
- ;;
- esac;
- echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Server Version$(tput sgr0)";
- p4d -V | grep Rev.;
- echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Client Version$(tput sgr0)";
- p4 -V | grep Rev.;
- echo "$(tput setaf 6)Git-LFS Version$(tput sgr0)";
- git-lfs version;
-before_script: make --jobs=2
- - >
- mkdir -p $HOME/travis-cache;
- ln -s $HOME/travis-cache/.prove t/.prove;
- make --quiet test;
- - >
- : '<-- Click here to see detailed test output! ';
- for TEST_EXIT in t/test-results/*.exit;
- do
- if [ "$(cat "$TEST_EXIT")" != "0" ];
- then
- TEST_OUT="${TEST_EXIT%exit}out";
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
- echo "$(tput setaf 1)${TEST_OUT}...$(tput sgr0)";
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
- cat "${TEST_OUT}";
- fi;
- done;
+before_install: ci/
+before_script: ci/
+script: ci/
+after_failure: ci/
email: false
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Install dependencies required to build and test Git on Linux and macOS
+. ${0%/*}/
+case "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-linux}" in
+ export GIT_TEST_HTTPD=YesPlease
+ mkdir --parents custom/p4
+ pushd custom/p4
+ wget --quiet "$P4WHENCE/bin.linux26x86_64/p4d"
+ wget --quiet "$P4WHENCE/bin.linux26x86_64/p4"
+ chmod u+x p4d
+ chmod u+x p4
+ export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
+ popd
+ mkdir --parents custom/git-lfs
+ pushd custom/git-lfs
+ wget --quiet "$LFSWHENCE/git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
+ tar --extract --gunzip --file "git-lfs-linux-amd64-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION.tar.gz"
+ cp git-lfs-$LINUX_GIT_LFS_VERSION/git-lfs .
+ export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
+ popd
+ ;;
+ brew update --quiet
+ # Uncomment this if you want to run perf tests:
+ # brew install gnu-time
+ brew install git-lfs gettext
+ brew link --force gettext
+ brew install caskroom/cask/perforce
+ ;;
+echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Server Version$(tput sgr0)"
+p4d -V | grep Rev.
+echo "$(tput setaf 6)Perforce Client Version$(tput sgr0)"
+p4 -V | grep Rev.
+echo "$(tput setaf 6)Git-LFS Version$(tput sgr0)"
+git-lfs version
--- /dev/null
+# Library of functions shared by all CI scripts
+skip_branch_tip_with_tag () {
+ # Sometimes, a branch is pushed at the same time the tag that points
+ # at the same commit as the tip of the branch is pushed, and building
+ # both at the same time is a waste.
+ #
+ # Travis gives a tagname e.g. v2.14.0 in $TRAVIS_BRANCH when
+ # the build is triggered by a push to a tag. Let's see if
+ # $TRAVIS_BRANCH is exactly at a tag, and if so, if it is
+ # different from $TRAVIS_BRANCH. That way, we can tell if
+ # we are building the tip of a branch that is tagged and
+ # we can skip the build because we won't be skipping a build
+ # of a tag.
+ if TAG=$(git describe --exact-match "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" 2>/dev/null) &&
+ then
+ echo "Tip of $TRAVIS_BRANCH is exactly at $TAG"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+# Set 'exit on error' for all CI scripts to let the caller know that
+# something went wrong
+set -e
--- /dev/null
+# Print output of failing tests
+. ${0%/*}/
+for TEST_EXIT in t/test-results/*.exit
+ if [ "$(cat "$TEST_EXIT")" != "0" ]
+ then
+ TEST_OUT="${TEST_EXIT%exit}out"
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "$(tput setaf 1)${TEST_OUT}...$(tput sgr0)"
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ cat "${TEST_OUT}"
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# Build Git
+. ${0%/*}/
+make --jobs=2
--- /dev/null
+# Download and run Docker image to build and test 32-bit Git
+. ${0%/*}/
+docker pull daald/ubuntu32:xenial
+# Use the following command to debug the docker build locally:
+# $ docker run -itv "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" --entrypoint /bin/bash daald/ubuntu32:xenial
+# root@container:/# /usr/src/git/ci/
+docker run \
+ --interactive \
+ --env DEVELOPER \
+ --env GIT_PROVE_OPTS \
+ --env GIT_TEST_OPTS \
+ --env GIT_TEST_CLONE_2GB \
+ --volume "${PWD}:/usr/src/git" \
+ daald/ubuntu32:xenial \
+ /usr/src/git/ci/ $(id -u $USER)
--- /dev/null
+# Perform various static code analysis checks
+. ${0%/*}/
+make coccicheck
--- /dev/null
+# Test Git
+. ${0%/*}/
+mkdir -p $HOME/travis-cache
+ln -s $HOME/travis-cache/.prove t/.prove
+make --quiet test
# supported) and a commit hash.
+. ${0%/*}/
test $# -ne 2 && echo "Unexpected number of parameters" && exit 1
test -z "$GFW_CI_TOKEN" && echo "GFW_CI_TOKEN not defined" && exit
# Perform sanity checks on documentation and build it.
-set -e
+. ${0%/*}/
+gem install asciidoctor
make check-builtins
make check-docs