gitweb: make leftmost column of blame less cluttered.
authorJunio C Hamano <>
Sun, 1 Oct 2006 09:16:11 +0000 (02:16 -0700)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Tue, 3 Oct 2006 08:10:03 +0000 (01:10 -0700)
Instead of labelling each and every line with clickable commit
object name, this makes the blame output to show them only on
the first line of each group of lines from the same revision.
Placing too many lines in one group would make the commit object
name to appear too widely separated and also makes it consume
more memory, the number of lines in one group is capped to 20
lines or so.

Also it makes mouse-over to show the minimum authorship and
authordate information for extra cuteness ;-).

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
gitweb/gitweb.perl [changed mode: 0755->0644]
old mode 100755 (executable)
new mode 100644 (file)
index 3e9d4a0..55d1b2c
@@ -2430,9 +2430,64 @@ sub git_tag {
+sub git_blame_flush_chunk {
+       my ($name, $revdata, $color, $rev, @line) = @_;
+       my $label = substr($rev, 0, 8);
+       my $line = scalar(@line);
+       my $cnt = 0;
+       my $pop = '';
+       if ($revdata->{$rev} ne '') {
+               $pop = ' title="' . esc_html($revdata->{$rev}) . '"';
+       }
+       for (@line) {
+               my ($lineno, $data) = @$_;
+               $cnt++;
+               print "<tr class=\"$color\">\n";
+               if ($cnt == 1) {
+                       print "<td class=\"sha1\"$pop";
+                       if ($line > 1) {
+                               print " rowspan=\"$line\"";
+                       }
+                       print ">";
+                       print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit",
+                                                    hash=>$rev,
+                                                    file_name=>$name)},
+                                     $label);
+                       print "</td>\n";
+               }
+               print "<td class=\"linenr\">".
+                   "<a id=\"l$lineno\" href=\"#l$lineno\" class=\"linenr\">" .
+                   esc_html($lineno) . "</a></td>\n";
+               print "<td class=\"pre\">" . esc_html($data) . "</td>\n";
+               print "</tr>\n";
+       }
+# We can have up to N*2 lines.  If it is more than N lines, split it
+# into two to avoid orphans.
+sub git_blame_flush_chunk_1 {
+       my ($chunk_cap, $name, $revdata, $color, $rev, @chunk) = @_;
+       if ($chunk_cap < @chunk) {
+               my @first = splice(@chunk, 0, @chunk/2);
+               git_blame_flush_chunk($name,
+                                     $revdata,
+                                     $color,
+                                     $rev,
+                                     @first);
+       }
+       git_blame_flush_chunk($name,
+                             $revdata,
+                             $color,
+                             $rev,
+                             @chunk);
 sub git_blame2 {
        my $fd;
        my $ftype;
+       my $chunk_cap = 20;
        my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
        if (!$have_blame) {
@@ -2475,27 +2530,45 @@ sub git_blame2 {
 <table class="blame">
+       my @chunk = ();
+       my %revdata = ();
        while (<$fd>) {
-               my $full_rev = $1;
-               my $rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
-               my $lineno = $2;
-               my $data = $3;
+               my ($full_rev, $author, $date, $lineno, $data) =
+                   /^([0-9a-f]{40}).*?\s\((.*?)\s+([-\d]+ [:\d]+ [-+\d]+)\s+(\d+)\)\s(.*)/;
+               if (!exists $revdata{$full_rev}) {
+                       $revdata{$full_rev} = "$author, $date";
+               }
                if (!defined $last_rev) {
                        $last_rev = $full_rev;
                } elsif ($last_rev ne $full_rev) {
+                       git_blame_flush_chunk_1($chunk_cap,
+                                               $file_name,
+                                               \%revdata,
+                                               $rev_color[$current_color],
+                                               $last_rev, @chunk);
+                       @chunk = ();
                        $last_rev = $full_rev;
                        $current_color = ++$current_color % $num_colors;
-               print "<tr class=\"$rev_color[$current_color]\">\n";
-               print "<td class=\"sha1\">" .
-                       $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$full_rev, file_name=>$file_name)},
-                               esc_html($rev)) . "</td>\n";
-               print "<td class=\"linenr\"><a id=\"l$lineno\" href=\"#l$lineno\" class=\"linenr\">" .
-                     esc_html($lineno) . "</a></td>\n";
-               print "<td class=\"pre\">" . esc_html($data) . "</td>\n";
-               print "</tr>\n";
+               elsif ($chunk_cap * 2 < @chunk) {
+                       # We have more than N*2 lines from the same
+                       # revision.  Flush N lines and leave N lines
+                       # in @chunk to avoid orphaned lines.
+                       my @first = splice(@chunk, 0, $chunk_cap);
+                       git_blame_flush_chunk($file_name,
+                                             \%revdata,
+                                             $rev_color[$current_color],
+                                             $last_rev, @first);
+               }
+               push @chunk, [$lineno, $data];
+       }
+       if (@chunk) {
+               git_blame_flush_chunk_1($chunk_cap,
+                                       $file_name,
+                                       \%revdata,
+                                       $rev_color[$current_color],
+                                       $last_rev, @chunk);
        print "</table>\n";
        print "</div>";