tree-ish to specify which branch should be searched). When given a
tree-ish, returns the corresponding SVN revision number.
Don't require an exact match if given an SVN revision, instead find
the commit corresponding to the state of the SVN repository (on the
current branch) at the specified revision.
Don't require an exact match if given an SVN revision; if there is
not an exact match return the closest match searching forward in the
} ],
'find-rev' => [ \&cmd_find_rev,
"Translate between SVN revision numbers and tree-ish",
- { 'before' => \$_before,
- 'after' => \$_after } ],
+ { 'B|before' => \$_before,
+ 'A|after' => \$_after } ],
'rebase' => [ \&cmd_rebase, "Fetch and rebase your working directory",
{ 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge,
'verbose|v' => \$_verbose,