git-svn: make dcommit usable for glob users
authorEric Wong <>
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 22:22:11 +0000 (14:22 -0800)
committerEric Wong <>
Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:57:12 +0000 (00:57 -0800)
* dcommit no longer requires the correct -i/GIT_SVN_ID option
passed to it. Since you're committing from HEAD (or another
commit that is a parent of HEAD), you'll be able to find
a commit with metadata information containing the SVN URL
that your HEAD was descended from anyways.

* I don't think dcommit ever worked for people using the
noMetadata option; so I don't think relying on metadata
is an issue.

* useSvmProps users shouldn't commit to SVN::Mirror created
repositories anyways, right?

* Users of globbing should automatically be able to commit
to paths that are not explicitly set in .git/config

Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <>
index d55691216cca8f0070bd97898da6e0e8b134103f..09c0aba8ea65f250277c9238c7f74994a77fa551 100755 (executable)
@@ -276,11 +276,27 @@ sub cmd_set_tree {
 sub cmd_dcommit {
        my $head = shift;
-       my $gs = Git::SVN->new;
        $head ||= 'HEAD';
-       my @refs = command(qw/rev-list --no-merges/, $gs->refname."..$head");
+       my ($url, $rev, $uuid);
+       my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --no-merges/, $head);
+       my @refs;
+       my $c;
+       while (<$fh>) {
+               $c = $_;
+               chomp $c;
+               ($url, $rev, $uuid) = cmt_metadata($c);
+               last if (defined $url && defined $rev && defined $uuid);
+               unshift @refs, $c;
+       }
+       close $fh; # most likely breaking the pipe
+       unless (defined $url && defined $rev && defined $uuid) {
+               die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ",
+                   "$head history:\n  $ctx\n";
+       }
+       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url) or
+                          die "Can't determine fetch information for $url\n";
        my $last_rev;
-       foreach my $d (reverse @refs) {
+       foreach my $d (@refs) {
                if (!verify_ref("$d~1")) {
                        fatal "Commit $d\n",
                              "has no parent commit, and therefore ",
@@ -300,13 +316,13 @@ sub cmd_dcommit {
                } else {
                        my %ed_opts = ( r => $last_rev,
                                        log => get_commit_entry($d)->{log},
-                                       ra => $gs->ra,
+                                       ra => Git::SVN::Ra->new($url),
                                        tree_a => "$d~1",
                                        tree_b => $d,
                                        editor_cb => sub {
                                               print "Committed r$_[0]\n";
                                               $last_rev = $_[0]; },
-                                       svn_path => $gs->{path} );
+                                       svn_path => '');
                        if (!SVN::Git::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) {
                                print "No changes\n$d~1 == $d\n";
@@ -904,6 +920,35 @@ sub init_remote_config {
        $self->{url} = $url;
+sub find_by_url { # repos_root and, path are optional
+       my ($class, $full_url, $repos_root, $path) = @_;
+       my $remotes = read_all_remotes();
+       if (defined $full_url && defined $repos_root && !defined $path) {
+               $path = $full_url;
+               $path =~ s#^\Q$repos_root\E(?:/|$)##;
+       }
+       foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
+               my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
+               next if defined $repos_root && $repos_root ne $u;
+               my $fetch = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch} || {};
+               foreach (qw/branches tags/) {
+                       resolve_local_globs($u, $fetch,
+                                           $remotes->{$repo_id}->{$_});
+               }
+               my $p = $path;
+               unless (defined $p) {
+                       $p = $full_url;
+                       $p =~ s#^\Q$u\E(?:/|$)## or next;
+               }
+               foreach my $f (keys %$fetch) {
+                       next if $f ne $p;
+                       return Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$f}, $repo_id, $f);
+               }
+       }
+       undef;
 sub init {
        my ($class, $url, $path, $repo_id, $ref_id, $no_write) = @_;
        my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
@@ -1387,23 +1432,7 @@ sub find_parent_branch {
        print STDERR  "Found possible branch point: ",
                      "$new_url => ", $self->full_url, ", $r\n";
        $branch_from =~ s#^/##;
-       my $remotes = read_all_remotes();
-       my $gs;
-       foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
-               my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
-               next if $url ne $u;
-               my $fetch = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch};
-               foreach (qw/branches tags/) {
-                       resolve_local_globs($url, $fetch,
-                                           $remotes->{$repo_id}->{$_});
-               }
-               foreach my $f (keys %$fetch) {
-                       next if $f ne $branch_from;
-                       $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$f}, $repo_id, $f);
-                       last;
-               }
-               last if $gs;
-       }
+       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($new_url, $repos_root, $branch_from);
        unless ($gs) {
                my $ref_id = $self->{ref_id};
                $ref_id =~ s/\@\d+$//;