use File::Basename qw(basename);
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+our $t0;
+if (eval { require Time::HiRes; 1; }) {
+ $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()];
+our $number_of_git_cmds = 0;
CGI->compile() if $ENV{'MOD_PERL'};
our $logo = "++GITWEB_LOGO++";
# URI of GIT favicon, assumed to be image/png type
our $favicon = "++GITWEB_FAVICON++";
+# URI of gitweb.js (JavaScript code for gitweb)
+our $javascript = "++GITWEB_JS++";
# URI and label (title) of GIT logo link
#our $logo_url = "";
'override' => 0,
'default' => [1]},
+ # Enable showing size of blobs in a 'tree' view, in a separate
+ # column, similar to what 'ls -l' does. This cost a bit of IO.
+ # To disable system wide have in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+ # $feature{'show-sizes'}{'default'} = [0];
+ # To have project specific config enable override in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+ # $feature{'show-sizes'}{'override'} = 1;
+ # and in project config gitweb.showsizes = 0|1;
+ 'show-sizes' => {
+ 'sub' => sub { feature_bool('showsizes', @_) },
+ 'override' => 0,
+ 'default' => [1]},
# Make gitweb use an alternative format of the URLs which can be
# more readable and natural-looking: project name is embedded
# directly in the path and the query string contains other
'sub' => \&feature_avatar,
'override' => 0,
'default' => ['']},
+ # Enable displaying how much time and how many git commands
+ # it took to generate and display page. Disabled by default.
+ # Project specific override is not supported.
+ 'timed' => {
+ 'override' => 0,
+ 'default' => [0]},
+ # Enable turning some links into links to actions which require
+ # JavaScript to run (like 'blame_incremental'). Not enabled by
+ # default. Project specific override is currently not supported.
+ 'javascript-actions' => {
+ 'override' => 0,
+ 'default' => [0]},
sub gitweb_get_feature {
# version of the core git binary
our $git_version = qx("$GIT" --version) =~ m/git version (.*)$/ ? $1 : "unknown";
$projects_list ||= $projectroot;
snapshot_format => "sf",
extra_options => "opt",
search_use_regexp => "sr",
+ # this must be last entry (for manipulation from JavaScript)
+ javascript => "js"
our %cgi_param_mapping = @cgi_param_mapping;
# we will also need to know the possible actions, for validation
our %actions = (
"blame" => \&git_blame,
+ "blame_incremental" => \&git_blame_incremental,
+ "blame_data" => \&git_blame_data,
"blobdiff" => \&git_blobdiff,
"blobdiff_plain" => \&git_blobdiff_plain,
"blob" => \&git_blob,
return $str;
+ # quote unsafe characters in HTML attributes
+ sub esc_attr {
+ # for XHTML conformance escaping '"' to '"' is not enough
+ return esc_html(@_);
+ }
# replace invalid utf8 character with SUBSTITUTION sequence
sub esc_html {
my $str = shift;
)}, $name);
- $markers .= " <span class=\"$class\" title=\"$ref\">" .
+ $markers .= " <span class=\"".esc_attr($class)."\" title=\"".esc_attr($ref)."\">" .
$link . "</span>";
return $pre_white .
"<img width=\"$size\" " .
"class=\"avatar\" " .
- "src=\"$url\" " .
+ "src=\"".esc_url($url)."\" " .
"alt=\"\" " .
"/>" . $post_white;
} else {
+sub format_search_author {
+ my ($author, $searchtype, $displaytext) = @_;
+ my $have_search = gitweb_check_feature('search');
+ if ($have_search) {
+ my $performed = "";
+ if ($searchtype eq 'author') {
+ $performed = "authored";
+ } elsif ($searchtype eq 'committer') {
+ $performed = "committed";
+ }
+ return $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search", hash=>$hash,
+ searchtext=>$author,
+ searchtype=>$searchtype), class=>"list",
+ title=>"Search for commits $performed by $author"},
+ $displaytext);
+ } else {
+ return $displaytext;
+ }
# format the author name of the given commit with the given tag
# the author name is chopped and escaped according to the other
# optional parameters (see chop_str).
my $co = shift;
my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co->{'author_name'}, @_);
return "<$tag class=\"author\">" .
- git_get_avatar($co->{'author_email'}, -pad_after => 1) .
- $author . "</$tag>";
+ format_search_author($co->{'author_name'}, "author",
+ git_get_avatar($co->{'author_email'}, -pad_after => 1) .
+ $author) .
+ "</$tag>";
# format git diff header line, i.e. "diff --(git|combined|cc) ..."
# returns path to the core git executable and the --git-dir parameter as list
sub git_cmd {
+ $number_of_git_cmds++;
return $GIT, '--git-dir='.$git_dir;
# get HEAD ref of given project as hash
sub git_get_head_hash {
- my $project = shift;
+ return git_get_full_hash(shift, 'HEAD');
+sub git_get_full_hash {
+ return git_get_hash(@_);
+sub git_get_short_hash {
+ return git_get_hash(@_, '--short=7');
+sub git_get_hash {
+ my ($project, $hash, @options) = @_;
my $o_git_dir = $git_dir;
my $retval = undef;
$git_dir = "$projectroot/$project";
- if (open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "rev-parse", "--verify", "HEAD") {
- my $head = <$fd>;
+ if (open my $fd, '-|', git_cmd(), 'rev-parse',
+ '--verify', '-q', @options, $hash) {
+ $retval = <$fd>;
+ chomp $retval if defined $retval;
close $fd;
- if (defined $head && $head =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$/) {
- $retval = $1;
- }
if (defined $o_git_dir) {
$git_dir = $o_git_dir;
} else {
my @tags = sort { $cloud->{$a}->{count} <=> $cloud->{$b}->{count} } keys %$cloud;
return '<p align="center">' . join (', ', map {
- "<a href=\"$home_link?by_tag=$_\">$cloud->{$_}->{topname}</a>"
+ $cgi->a({-href=>"$home_link?by_tag=$_"}, $cloud->{$_}->{topname})
} splice(@tags, 0, $count)) . '</p>';
my %opts = @_;
my %res;
- #'100644 blob 0fa3f3a66fb6a137f6ec2c19351ed4d807070ffa panic.c'
- $line =~ m/^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/s;
+ if ($opts{'-l'}) {
+ #'100644 blob 0fa3f3a66fb6a137f6ec2c19351ed4d807070ffa 16717 panic.c'
+ $line =~ m/^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40}) +(-|[0-9]+)\t(.+)$/s;
- $res{'mode'} = $1;
- $res{'type'} = $2;
- $res{'hash'} = $3;
- if ($opts{'-z'}) {
- $res{'name'} = $4;
+ $res{'mode'} = $1;
+ $res{'type'} = $2;
+ $res{'hash'} = $3;
+ $res{'size'} = $4;
+ if ($opts{'-z'}) {
+ $res{'name'} = $5;
+ } else {
+ $res{'name'} = unquote($5);
+ }
} else {
- $res{'name'} = unquote($4);
+ #'100644 blob 0fa3f3a66fb6a137f6ec2c19351ed4d807070ffa panic.c'
+ $line =~ m/^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/s;
+ $res{'mode'} = $1;
+ $res{'type'} = $2;
+ $res{'hash'} = $3;
+ if ($opts{'-z'}) {
+ $res{'name'} = $4;
+ } else {
+ $res{'name'} = unquote($4);
+ }
return wantarray ? %res : \%res;
# print out each stylesheet that exist, providing backwards capability
# for those people who defined $stylesheet in a config file
if (defined $stylesheet) {
- print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$stylesheet.'"/>'."\n";
+ print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.esc_url($stylesheet).'"/>'."\n";
} else {
foreach my $stylesheet (@stylesheets) {
next unless $stylesheet;
- print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$stylesheet.'"/>'."\n";
+ print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.esc_url($stylesheet).'"/>'."\n";
if (defined $project) {
my $type = lc($format);
my %link_attr = (
'-rel' => 'alternate',
- '-title' => "$project - $href_params{'-title'} - $format feed",
+ '-title' => esc_attr("$project - $href_params{'-title'} - $format feed"),
'-type' => "application/$type+xml"
} else {
printf('<link rel="alternate" title="%s projects list" '.
'href="%s" type="text/plain; charset=utf-8" />'."\n",
- $site_name, href(project=>undef, action=>"project_index"));
+ esc_attr($site_name), href(project=>undef, action=>"project_index"));
printf('<link rel="alternate" title="%s projects feeds" '.
'href="%s" type="text/x-opml" />'."\n",
- $site_name, href(project=>undef, action=>"opml"));
+ esc_attr($site_name), href(project=>undef, action=>"opml"));
if (defined $favicon) {
- print qq(<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$favicon" type="image/png" />\n);
+ print qq(<link rel="shortcut icon" href=").esc_url($favicon).qq(" type="image/png" />\n);
print "</head>\n" .
print "<div class=\"page_header\">\n" .
$cgi->a({-href => esc_url($logo_url),
-title => $logo_label},
- qq(<img src="$logo" width="72" height="27" alt="git" class="logo"/>));
+ qq(<img src=").esc_url($logo).qq(" width="72" height="27" alt="git" class="logo"/>));
print $cgi->a({-href => esc_url($home_link)}, $home_link_str) . " / ";
if (defined $project) {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"summary")}, esc_html($project));
print "</div>\n"; # class="page_footer"
+ if (defined $t0 && gitweb_check_feature('timed')) {
+ print "<div id=\"generating_info\">\n";
+ print 'This page took '.
+ '<span id="generating_time" class="time_span">'.
+ Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0, [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]).
+ ' seconds </span>'.
+ ' and '.
+ '<span id="generating_cmd">'.
+ $number_of_git_cmds.
+ '</span> git commands '.
+ " to generate.\n";
+ print "</div>\n"; # class="page_footer"
+ }
if (-f $site_footer) {
- print qq!<script type="text/javascript" src="$javascript"></script>\n!;
++ print qq!<script type="text/javascript" src="!.esc_url($javascript).qq!"></script>\n!;
+ if ($action eq 'blame_incremental') {
+ print qq!<script type="text/javascript">\n!.
+ qq!startBlame("!. href(action=>"blame_data", -replay=>1) .qq!",\n!.
+ qq! "!. href() .qq!");\n!.
+ qq!</script>\n!;
+ } elsif (gitweb_check_feature('javascript-actions')) {
+ print qq!<script type="text/javascript">\n!.
+ qq!window.onload = fixLinks;\n!.
+ qq!</script>\n!;
+ }
print "</body>\n" .
sub format_paging_nav {
- my ($action, $hash, $head, $page, $has_next_link) = @_;
+ my ($action, $page, $has_next_link) = @_;
my $paging_nav;
- if ($hash ne $head || $page) {
- $paging_nav .= $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>$action)}, "HEAD");
- } else {
- $paging_nav .= "HEAD";
- }
if ($page > 0) {
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
+ $paging_nav .=
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>undef)}, "first") .
+ " ⋅ " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page-1),
-accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
} else {
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ prev";
+ $paging_nav .= "first ⋅ prev";
if ($has_next_link) {
my $co = shift;
my %opts = @_;
my $tag = $opts{-tag} || 'div';
+ my $author = $co->{'author_name'};
my %ad = parse_date($co->{'author_epoch'}, $co->{'author_tz'});
print "<$tag class=\"author_date\">" .
- esc_html($co->{'author_name'}) .
+ format_search_author($author, "author", esc_html($author)) .
" [$ad{'rfc2822'}";
print_local_time(%ad) if ($opts{-localtime});
print "]" . git_get_avatar($co->{'author_email'}, -pad_before => 1)
@people = ('author', 'committer') unless @people;
foreach my $who (@people) {
my %wd = parse_date($co->{"${who}_epoch"}, $co->{"${who}_tz"});
- print "<tr><td>$who</td><td>" . esc_html($co->{$who}) . "</td>" .
- "<td rowspan=\"2\">" .
+ print "<tr><td>$who</td><td>" .
+ format_search_author($co->{"${who}_name"}, $who,
+ esc_html($co->{"${who}_name"})) . " " .
+ format_search_author($co->{"${who}_email"}, $who,
+ esc_html("<" . $co->{"${who}_email"} . ">")) .
+ "</td><td rowspan=\"2\">" .
git_get_avatar($co->{"${who}_email"}, -size => 'double') .
"</td></tr>\n" .
"<tr>" .
# and link is the action links of the entry.
print "<td class=\"mode\">" . mode_str($t->{'mode'}) . "</td>\n";
+ if (exists $t->{'size'}) {
+ print "<td class=\"size\">$t->{'size'}</td>\n";
+ }
if ($t->{'type'} eq "blob") {
print "<td class=\"list\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
} elsif ($t->{'type'} eq "tree") {
print "<td class=\"list\">";
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
- file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key)},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}",
+ %base_key)},
print "</td>\n";
print "<td class=\"link\">";
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
- file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key)},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}",
+ %base_key)},
if (defined $hash_base) {
print " | " .
print "</table>\n";
+sub git_log_body {
+ # uses global variable $project
+ my ($commitlist, $from, $to, $refs, $extra) = @_;
+ $from = 0 unless defined $from;
+ $to = $#{$commitlist} if (!defined $to || $#{$commitlist} < $to);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $to; $i++) {
+ my %co = %{$commitlist->[$i]};
+ next if !%co;
+ my $commit = $co{'id'};
+ my $ref = format_ref_marker($refs, $commit);
+ my %ad = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'});
+ git_print_header_div('commit',
+ "<span class=\"age\">$co{'age_string'}</span>" .
+ esc_html($co{'title'}) . $ref,
+ $commit);
+ print "<div class=\"title_text\">\n" .
+ "<div class=\"log_link\">\n" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$commit)}, "commit") .
+ " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$commit)}, "commitdiff") .
+ " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$commit, hash_base=>$commit)}, "tree") .
+ "<br/>\n" .
+ "</div>\n";
+ git_print_authorship(\%co, -tag => 'span');
+ print "<br/>\n</div>\n";
+ print "<div class=\"log_body\">\n";
+ git_print_log($co{'comment'}, -final_empty_line=> 1);
+ print "</div>\n";
+ }
+ if ($extra) {
+ print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n";
+ print "$extra\n";
+ print "</div>\n";
+ }
sub git_shortlog_body {
# uses global variable $project
my ($commitlist, $from, $to, $refs, $extra) = @_;
sub git_history_body {
# Warning: assumes constant type (blob or tree) during history
- my ($commitlist, $from, $to, $refs, $hash_base, $ftype, $extra) = @_;
+ my ($commitlist, $from, $to, $refs, $extra,
+ $file_name, $file_hash, $ftype) = @_;
$from = 0 unless defined $from;
$to = $#{$commitlist} unless (defined $to && $to <= $#{$commitlist});
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$commit)}, "commitdiff");
if ($ftype eq 'blob') {
- my $blob_current = git_get_hash_by_path($hash_base, $file_name);
+ my $blob_current = $file_hash;
my $blob_parent = git_get_hash_by_path($commit, $file_name);
if (defined $blob_current && defined $blob_parent &&
$blob_current ne $blob_parent) {
-sub git_blame {
+sub git_blame_common {
+ my $format = shift || 'porcelain';
+ if ($format eq 'porcelain' && $cgi->param('js')) {
+ $format = 'incremental';
+ $action = 'blame_incremental'; # for page title etc
+ }
# permissions
or die_error(403, "Blame view not allowed");
- # run git-blame --porcelain
- open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", '-p',
- $hash_base, '--', $file_name
- or die_error(500, "Open git-blame failed");
+ my $fd;
+ if ($format eq 'incremental') {
+ # get file contents (as base)
+ open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), 'cat-file', 'blob', $hash
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-cat-file failed");
+ } elsif ($format eq 'data') {
+ # run git-blame --incremental
+ open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", "--incremental",
+ $hash_base, "--", $file_name
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-blame --incremental failed");
+ } else {
+ # run git-blame --porcelain
+ open $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", '-p',
+ $hash_base, '--', $file_name
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-blame --porcelain failed");
+ }
+ # incremental blame data returns early
+ if ($format eq 'data') {
+ print $cgi->header(
+ -type=>"text/plain", -charset => "utf-8",
+ -status=> "200 OK");
+ local $| = 1; # output autoflush
+ print while <$fd>;
+ close $fd
+ or print "ERROR $!\n";
+ print 'END';
+ if (defined $t0 && gitweb_check_feature('timed')) {
+ print ' '.
+ Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0, [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]).
+ ' '.$number_of_git_cmds;
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ return;
+ }
# page header
my $formats_nav =
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", -replay=>1)},
"blob") .
+ " | ";
+ if ($format eq 'incremental') {
+ $formats_nav .=
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blame", javascript=>0, -replay=>1)},
+ "blame") . " (non-incremental)";
+ } else {
+ $formats_nav .=
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blame_incremental", -replay=>1)},
+ "blame") . " (incremental)";
+ }
+ $formats_nav .=
" | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", -replay=>1)},
"history") .
" | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blame", file_name=>$file_name)},
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>$action, file_name=>$file_name)},
git_print_page_nav('','', $hash_base,$co{'tree'},$hash_base, $formats_nav);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
git_print_page_path($file_name, $ftype, $hash_base);
# page body
+ if ($format eq 'incremental') {
+ print "<noscript>\n<div class=\"error\"><center><b>\n".
+ "This page requires JavaScript to run.\n Use ".
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>'blame',javascript=>0,-replay=>1)},
+ 'this page').
+ " instead.\n".
+ "</b></center></div>\n</noscript>\n";
+ print qq!<div id="progress_bar" style="width: 100%; background-color: yellow"></div>\n!;
+ }
+ print qq!<div class="page_body">\n!;
+ print qq!<div id="progress_info">... / ...</div>\n!
+ if ($format eq 'incremental');
+ print qq!<table id="blame_table" class="blame" width="100%">\n!.
+ #qq!<col width="5.5em" /><col width="2.5em" /><col width="*" />\n!.
+ qq!<thead>\n!.
+ qq!<tr><th>Commit</th><th>Line</th><th>Data</th></tr>\n!.
+ qq!</thead>\n!.
+ qq!<tbody>\n!;
my @rev_color = qw(light dark);
my $num_colors = scalar(@rev_color);
my $current_color = 0;
- my %metainfo = ();
- print <<HTML;
-<div class="page_body">
-<table class="blame">
- while (my $line = <$fd>) {
- chomp $line;
- # the header: <SHA-1> <src lineno> <dst lineno> [<lines in group>]
- # no <lines in group> for subsequent lines in group of lines
- my ($full_rev, $orig_lineno, $lineno, $group_size) =
- ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+)(?: (\d+))?$/);
- if (!exists $metainfo{$full_rev}) {
- $metainfo{$full_rev} = { 'nprevious' => 0 };
- }
- my $meta = $metainfo{$full_rev};
- my $data;
- while ($data = <$fd>) {
- chomp $data;
- last if ($data =~ s/^\t//); # contents of line
- if ($data =~ /^(\S+)(?: (.*))?$/) {
- $meta->{$1} = $2 unless exists $meta->{$1};
+ if ($format eq 'incremental') {
+ my $color_class = $rev_color[$current_color];
+ #contents of a file
+ my $linenr = 0;
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ $linenr++;
+ print qq!<tr id="l$linenr" class="$color_class">!.
+ qq!<td class="sha1"><a href=""> </a></td>!.
+ qq!<td class="linenr">!.
+ qq!<a class="linenr" href="">$linenr</a></td>!;
+ print qq!<td class="pre">! . esc_html($line) . "</td>\n";
+ print qq!</tr>\n!;
+ }
+ } else { # porcelain, i.e. ordinary blame
+ my %metainfo = (); # saves information about commits
+ # blame data
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ # the header: <SHA-1> <src lineno> <dst lineno> [<lines in group>]
+ # no <lines in group> for subsequent lines in group of lines
+ my ($full_rev, $orig_lineno, $lineno, $group_size) =
+ ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+)(?: (\d+))?$/);
+ if (!exists $metainfo{$full_rev}) {
+ $metainfo{$full_rev} = { 'nprevious' => 0 };
- if ($data =~ /^previous /) {
- $meta->{'nprevious'}++;
+ my $meta = $metainfo{$full_rev};
+ my $data;
+ while ($data = <$fd>) {
+ chomp $data;
+ last if ($data =~ s/^\t//); # contents of line
+ if ($data =~ /^(\S+)(?: (.*))?$/) {
+ $meta->{$1} = $2 unless exists $meta->{$1};
+ }
+ if ($data =~ /^previous /) {
+ $meta->{'nprevious'}++;
+ }
- }
- my $short_rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
- my $author = $meta->{'author'};
- my %date =
- parse_date($meta->{'author-time'}, $meta->{'author-tz'});
- my $date = $date{'iso-tz'};
- if ($group_size) {
- $current_color = ($current_color + 1) % $num_colors;
- }
- my $tr_class = $rev_color[$current_color];
- $tr_class .= ' boundary' if (exists $meta->{'boundary'});
- $tr_class .= ' no-previous' if ($meta->{'nprevious'} == 0);
- $tr_class .= ' multiple-previous' if ($meta->{'nprevious'} > 1);
- print "<tr id=\"l$lineno\" class=\"$tr_class\">\n";
- if ($group_size) {
- print "<td class=\"sha1\"";
- print " title=\"". esc_html($author) . ", $date\"";
- print " rowspan=\"$group_size\"" if ($group_size > 1);
- print ">";
- print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit",
- hash=>$full_rev,
- file_name=>$file_name)},
- esc_html($short_rev));
- if ($group_size >= 2) {
- my @author_initials = ($author =~ /\b([[:upper:]])\B/g);
- if (@author_initials) {
- print "<br />" .
- esc_html(join('', @author_initials));
- # or join('.', ...)
+ my $short_rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
+ my $author = $meta->{'author'};
+ my %date =
+ parse_date($meta->{'author-time'}, $meta->{'author-tz'});
+ my $date = $date{'iso-tz'};
+ if ($group_size) {
+ $current_color = ($current_color + 1) % $num_colors;
+ }
+ my $tr_class = $rev_color[$current_color];
+ $tr_class .= ' boundary' if (exists $meta->{'boundary'});
+ $tr_class .= ' no-previous' if ($meta->{'nprevious'} == 0);
+ $tr_class .= ' multiple-previous' if ($meta->{'nprevious'} > 1);
+ print "<tr id=\"l$lineno\" class=\"$tr_class\">\n";
+ if ($group_size) {
+ print "<td class=\"sha1\"";
+ print " title=\"". esc_html($author) . ", $date\"";
+ print " rowspan=\"$group_size\"" if ($group_size > 1);
+ print ">";
+ print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit",
+ hash=>$full_rev,
+ file_name=>$file_name)},
+ esc_html($short_rev));
+ if ($group_size >= 2) {
+ my @author_initials = ($author =~ /\b([[:upper:]])\B/g);
+ if (@author_initials) {
+ print "<br />" .
+ esc_html(join('', @author_initials));
+ # or join('.', ...)
+ }
+ print "</td>\n";
- print "</td>\n";
- }
- # 'previous' <sha1 of parent commit> <filename at commit>
- if (exists $meta->{'previous'} &&
- $meta->{'previous'} =~ /^([a-fA-F0-9]{40}) (.*)$/) {
- $meta->{'parent'} = $1;
- $meta->{'file_parent'} = unquote($2);
- }
- my $linenr_commit =
- exists($meta->{'parent'}) ?
- $meta->{'parent'} : $full_rev;
- my $linenr_filename =
- exists($meta->{'file_parent'}) ?
- $meta->{'file_parent'} : unquote($meta->{'filename'});
- my $blamed = href(action => 'blame',
- file_name => $linenr_filename,
- hash_base => $linenr_commit);
- print "<td class=\"linenr\">";
- print $cgi->a({ -href => "$blamed#l$orig_lineno",
- -class => "linenr" },
- esc_html($lineno));
- print "</td>";
- print "<td class=\"pre\">" . esc_html($data) . "</td>\n";
- print "</tr>\n";
+ # 'previous' <sha1 of parent commit> <filename at commit>
+ if (exists $meta->{'previous'} &&
+ $meta->{'previous'} =~ /^([a-fA-F0-9]{40}) (.*)$/) {
+ $meta->{'parent'} = $1;
+ $meta->{'file_parent'} = unquote($2);
+ }
+ my $linenr_commit =
+ exists($meta->{'parent'}) ?
+ $meta->{'parent'} : $full_rev;
+ my $linenr_filename =
+ exists($meta->{'file_parent'}) ?
+ $meta->{'file_parent'} : unquote($meta->{'filename'});
+ my $blamed = href(action => 'blame',
+ file_name => $linenr_filename,
+ hash_base => $linenr_commit);
+ print "<td class=\"linenr\">";
+ print $cgi->a({ -href => "$blamed#l$orig_lineno",
+ -class => "linenr" },
+ esc_html($lineno));
+ print "</td>";
+ print "<td class=\"pre\">" . esc_html($data) . "</td>\n";
+ print "</tr>\n";
+ } # end while
- print "</table>\n";
- print "</div>";
+ # footer
+ print "</tbody>\n".
+ "</table>\n"; # class="blame"
+ print "</div>\n"; # class="blame_body"
close $fd
or print "Reading blob failed\n";
- # page footer
+sub git_blame {
+ git_blame_common();
+sub git_blame_incremental {
+ git_blame_common('incremental');
+sub git_blame_data {
+ git_blame_common('data');
sub git_tags {
my $head = git_get_head_hash($project);
} else {
print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n" .
"<br/><br/></div>\n" .
- "<div class=\"title\">$hash</div>\n";
+ "<div class=\"title\">".esc_html($hash)."</div>\n";
git_print_page_path($file_name, "blob", $hash_base);
print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
if ($mimetype =~ m!^image/!) {
- print qq!<img type="$mimetype"!;
+ print qq!<img type="!.esc_attr($mimetype).qq!"!;
if ($file_name) {
- print qq! alt="$file_name" title="$file_name"!;
+ print qq! alt="!.esc_attr($file_name).qq!" title="!.esc_attr($file_name).qq!"!;
print qq! src="! .
href(action=>"blob_plain", hash=>$hash,
chomp $line;
$line = untabify($line);
- printf "<div class=\"pre\"><a id=\"l%i\" href=\"" . href(-replay => 1)
+ printf "<div class=\"pre\"><a id=\"l%i\" href=\""
+ . esc_attr(href(-replay => 1))
. "#l%i\" class=\"linenr\">%4i</a> %s</div>\n",
$nr, $nr, $nr, esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
die_error(404, "No such tree") unless defined($hash);
+ my $show_sizes = gitweb_check_feature('show-sizes');
+ my $have_blame = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
my @entries = ();
local $/ = "\0";
- open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", '-z', $hash
+ open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", '-z',
+ ($show_sizes ? '-l' : ()), @extra_options, $hash
or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
@entries = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
close $fd
my $ref = format_ref_marker($refs, $hash_base);
my $basedir = '';
- my $have_blame = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
if (defined $hash_base && (my %co = parse_commit($hash_base))) {
my @views_nav = ();
if (defined $file_name) {
# FIXME: Should be available when we have no hash base as well.
push @views_nav, $snapshot_links;
- git_print_page_nav('tree','', $hash_base, undef, undef, join(' | ', @views_nav));
+ git_print_page_nav('tree','', $hash_base, undef, undef,
+ join(' | ', @views_nav));
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}) . $ref, $hash_base);
} else {
undef $hash_base;
print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n";
print "<br/><br/></div>\n";
- print "<div class=\"title\">$hash</div>\n";
+ print "<div class=\"title\">".esc_html($hash)."</div>\n";
if (defined $file_name) {
$basedir = $file_name;
undef $up unless $up;
# based on git_print_tree_entry
print '<td class="mode">' . mode_str('040000') . "</td>\n";
+ print '<td class="size"> </td>'."\n" if $show_sizes;
print '<td class="list">';
- print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree",
+ hash_base=>$hash_base,
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
foreach my $line (@entries) {
- my %t = parse_ls_tree_line($line, -z => 1);
+ my %t = parse_ls_tree_line($line, -z => 1, -l => $show_sizes);
if ($alternate) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
+sub snapshot_name {
+ my ($project, $hash) = @_;
+ # path/to/project.git -> project
+ # path/to/project/.git -> project
+ my $name = to_utf8($project);
+ $name =~ s,([^/])/*\.git$,$1,;
+ $name = basename($name);
+ # sanitize name
+ $name =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/?/g;
+ my $ver = $hash;
+ if ($hash =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/) {
+ # shorten SHA-1 hash
+ my $full_hash = git_get_full_hash($project, $hash);
+ if ($full_hash =~ /^$hash/ && length($hash) > 7) {
+ $ver = git_get_short_hash($project, $hash);
+ }
+ } elsif ($hash =~ m!^refs/tags/(.*)$!) {
+ # tags don't need shortened SHA-1 hash
+ $ver = $1;
+ } else {
+ # branches and other need shortened SHA-1 hash
+ if ($hash =~ m!^refs/(?:heads|remotes)/(.*)$!) {
+ $ver = $1;
+ }
+ $ver .= '-' . git_get_short_hash($project, $hash);
+ }
+ # in case of hierarchical branch names
+ $ver =~ s!/!.!g;
+ # name = project-version_string
+ $name = "$name-$ver";
+ return wantarray ? ($name, $name) : $name;
sub git_snapshot {
my $format = $input_params{'snapshot_format'};
if (!@snapshot_fmts) {
die_error(403, "Unsupported snapshot format");
- if (!defined $hash) {
- $hash = git_get_head_hash($project);
+ my $type = git_get_type("$hash^{}");
+ if (!$type) {
+ die_error(404, 'Object does not exist');
+ } elsif ($type eq 'blob') {
+ die_error(400, 'Object is not a tree-ish');
- my $name = $project;
- $name =~ s,([^/])/*\.git$,$1,;
- $name = basename($name);
- my $filename = to_utf8($name);
- $name =~ s/\047/\047\\\047\047/g;
- my $cmd;
- $filename .= "-$hash$known_snapshot_formats{$format}{'suffix'}";
- $cmd = quote_command(
+ my ($name, $prefix) = snapshot_name($project, $hash);
+ my $filename = "$name$known_snapshot_formats{$format}{'suffix'}";
+ my $cmd = quote_command(
git_cmd(), 'archive',
- "--prefix=$name/", $hash);
+ "--prefix=$prefix/", $hash);
if (exists $known_snapshot_formats{$format}{'compressor'}) {
$cmd .= ' | ' . quote_command(@{$known_snapshot_formats{$format}{'compressor'}});
+ $filename =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
print $cgi->header(
-type => $known_snapshot_formats{$format}{'type'},
- -content_disposition => 'inline; filename="' . "$filename" . '"',
+ -content_disposition => 'inline; filename="' . $filename . '"',
-status => '200 OK');
open my $fd, "-|", $cmd
close $fd;
-sub git_log {
+sub git_log_generic {
+ my ($fmt_name, $body_subr, $base, $parent, $file_name, $file_hash) = @_;
my $head = git_get_head_hash($project);
- if (!defined $hash) {
- $hash = $head;
+ if (!defined $base) {
+ $base = $head;
if (!defined $page) {
$page = 0;
my $refs = git_get_references();
- my @commitlist = parse_commits($hash, 101, (100 * $page));
+ my $commit_hash = $base;
+ if (defined $parent) {
+ $commit_hash = "$parent..$base";
+ }
+ my @commitlist =
+ parse_commits($commit_hash, 101, (100 * $page),
+ defined $file_name ? ($file_name, "--full-history") : ());
- my $paging_nav = format_paging_nav('log', $hash, $head, $page, $#commitlist >= 100);
+ my $ftype;
+ if (!defined $file_hash && defined $file_name) {
+ # some commits could have deleted file in question,
+ # and not have it in tree, but one of them has to have it
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @commitlist; $i++) {
+ $file_hash = git_get_hash_by_path($commitlist[$i]{'id'}, $file_name);
+ last if defined $file_hash;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $file_hash) {
+ $ftype = git_get_type($file_hash);
+ }
+ if (defined $file_name && !defined $ftype) {
+ die_error(500, "Unknown type of object");
+ }
+ my %co;
+ if (defined $file_name) {
+ %co = parse_commit($base)
+ or die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
+ }
- my ($patch_max) = gitweb_get_feature('patches');
- if ($patch_max) {
+ my $paging_nav = format_paging_nav($fmt_name, $page, $#commitlist >= 100);
+ my $next_link = '';
+ if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
+ $next_link =
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page+1),
+ -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
+ }
+ my $patch_max = gitweb_get_feature('patches');
+ if ($patch_max && !defined $file_name) {
if ($patch_max < 0 || @commitlist <= $patch_max) {
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"patches", -replay=>1)},
- git_print_page_nav('log','', $hash,undef,undef, $paging_nav);
- if (!@commitlist) {
- my %co = parse_commit($hash);
- git_print_header_div('summary', $project);
- print "<div class=\"page_body\"> Last change $co{'age_string'}.<br/><br/></div>\n";
+ git_print_page_nav($fmt_name,'', $hash,$hash,$hash, $paging_nav);
+ if (defined $file_name) {
+ git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $base);
+ } else {
+ git_print_header_div('summary', $project)
- my $to = ($#commitlist >= 99) ? (99) : ($#commitlist);
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $to; $i++) {
- my %co = %{$commitlist[$i]};
- next if !%co;
- my $commit = $co{'id'};
- my $ref = format_ref_marker($refs, $commit);
- my %ad = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'});
- git_print_header_div('commit',
- "<span class=\"age\">$co{'age_string'}</span>" .
- esc_html($co{'title'}) . $ref,
- $commit);
- print "<div class=\"title_text\">\n" .
- "<div class=\"log_link\">\n" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$commit)}, "commit") .
- " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$commit)}, "commitdiff") .
- " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$commit, hash_base=>$commit)}, "tree") .
- "<br/>\n" .
- "</div>\n";
- git_print_authorship(\%co, -tag => 'span');
- print "<br/>\n</div>\n";
+ git_print_page_path($file_name, $ftype, $hash_base)
+ if (defined $file_name);
+ $body_subr->(\@commitlist, 0, 99, $refs, $next_link,
+ $file_name, $file_hash, $ftype);
- print "<div class=\"log_body\">\n";
- git_print_log($co{'comment'}, -final_empty_line=> 1);
- print "</div>\n";
- }
- if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
- print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n";
- print $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page+1),
- -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
- print "</div>\n";
- }
+sub git_log {
+ git_log_generic('log', \&git_log_body,
+ $hash, $hash_parent);
sub git_commit {
$hash ||= $hash_base || "HEAD";
my %co = parse_commit($hash)
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
} else {
print "<div class=\"page_nav\"><br/>$formats_nav<br/></div>\n";
- print "<div class=\"title\">$hash vs $hash_parent</div>\n";
+ print "<div class=\"title\">".esc_html("$hash vs $hash_parent")."</div>\n";
if (defined $file_name) {
git_print_page_path($file_name, "blob", $hash_base);
sub git_history {
- if (!defined $hash_base) {
- $hash_base = git_get_head_hash($project);
- }
- if (!defined $page) {
- $page = 0;
- }
- my $ftype;
- my %co = parse_commit($hash_base)
- or die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
- my $refs = git_get_references();
- my $limit = sprintf("--max-count=%i", (100 * ($page+1)));
- my @commitlist = parse_commits($hash_base, 101, (100 * $page),
- $file_name, "--full-history")
- or die_error(404, "No such file or directory on given branch");
- if (!defined $hash && defined $file_name) {
- # some commits could have deleted file in question,
- # and not have it in tree, but one of them has to have it
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= @commitlist; $i++) {
- $hash = git_get_hash_by_path($commitlist[$i]{'id'}, $file_name);
- last if defined $hash;
- }
- }
- if (defined $hash) {
- $ftype = git_get_type($hash);
- }
- if (!defined $ftype) {
- die_error(500, "Unknown type of object");
- }
- my $paging_nav = '';
- if ($page > 0) {
- $paging_nav .=
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base,
- file_name=>$file_name)},
- "first");
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page-1),
- -accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
- } else {
- $paging_nav .= "first";
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ prev";
- }
- my $next_link = '';
- if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
- $next_link =
- $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page+1),
- -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ $next_link";
- } else {
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ next";
- }
- git_header_html();
- git_print_page_nav('history','', $hash_base,$co{'tree'},$hash_base, $paging_nav);
- git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
- git_print_page_path($file_name, $ftype, $hash_base);
- git_history_body(\@commitlist, 0, 99,
- $refs, $hash_base, $ftype, $next_link);
- git_footer_html();
+ git_log_generic('history', \&git_history_body,
+ $hash_base, $hash_parent_base,
+ $file_name, $hash);
sub git_search {
sub git_shortlog {
- my $head = git_get_head_hash($project);
- if (!defined $hash) {
- $hash = $head;
- }
- if (!defined $page) {
- $page = 0;
- }
- my $refs = git_get_references();
- my $commit_hash = $hash;
- if (defined $hash_parent) {
- $commit_hash = "$hash_parent..$hash";
- }
- my @commitlist = parse_commits($commit_hash, 101, (100 * $page));
- my $paging_nav = format_paging_nav('shortlog', $hash, $head, $page, $#commitlist >= 100);
- my $next_link = '';
- if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
- $next_link =
- $cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page+1),
- -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
- }
- my $patch_max = gitweb_check_feature('patches');
- if ($patch_max) {
- if ($patch_max < 0 || @commitlist <= $patch_max) {
- $paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"patches", -replay=>1)},
- "patches");
- }
- }
- git_header_html();
- git_print_page_nav('shortlog','', $hash,$hash,$hash, $paging_nav);
- git_print_header_div('summary', $project);
- git_shortlog_body(\@commitlist, 0, 99, $refs, $next_link);
- git_footer_html();
+ git_log_generic('shortlog', \&git_shortlog_body,
+ $hash, $hash_parent);
## ......................................................................