--- /dev/null
+gitmodules - defining submodule properties
+The `.gitmodules` file, located in the top-level directory of a git
+working tree, is a text file with a syntax matching the requirements
+of gitlink:git-config[1].
+The file contains one subsection per submodule, and the subsection value
+is the name of the submodule. Each submodule section also contains the
+following required keys:
+ Defines the path, relative to the top-level directory of the git
+ working tree, where the submodule is expected to be checked out.
+ The path name must not end with a `/`. All submodule paths must
+ be unique within the .gitmodules file.
+ Defines an url from where the submodule repository can be cloned.
+Consider the following .gitmodules file:
+ [submodule "libfoo"]
+ path = include/foo
+ url = git://foo.com/git/lib.git
+ [submodule "libbar"]
+ path = include/bar
+ url = git://bar.com/git/lib.git
+This defines two submodules, `libfoo` and `libbar`. These are expected to
+be checked out in the paths 'include/foo' and 'include/bar', and for both
+submodules an url is specified which can be used for cloning the submodules.
+gitlink:git-submodule[1] gitlink:git-config[1]
+Documentation by Lars Hjemli <hjemli@gmail.com>
+Part of the gitlink:git[7] suite
+# Map submodule path to submodule name
+# $1 = path
+ name=$(GIT_CONFIG=.gitmodules git-config --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$' "$1" |
+ sed -nre 's/^submodule\.(.+)\.path .+$/\1/p')
+ test -z "$name" &&
+ die "No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '$path'"
+ echo "$name"
# Clone a submodule
die "A file already exist at path '$path'"
git-clone -n "$url" "$path" ||
- die "Clone of submodule '$path' failed"
+ die "Clone of '$url' into submodule path '$path' failed"
while read mode sha1 stage path
# Skip already registered paths
- url=$(git-config submodule."$path".url)
+ name=$(module_name "$path") || exit
+ url=$(git-config submodule."$name".url)
test -z "$url" || continue
- url=$(GIT_CONFIG=.gitmodules git-config module."$path".url)
+ url=$(GIT_CONFIG=.gitmodules git-config submodule."$name".url)
test -z "$url" &&
- die "No url found for submodule '$path' in .gitmodules"
+ die "No url found for submodule path '$path' in .gitmodules"
- git-config submodule."$path".url "$url" ||
- die "Failed to register url for submodule '$path'"
+ git-config submodule."$name".url "$url" ||
+ die "Failed to register url for submodule path '$path'"
- say "Submodule '$path' registered with url '$url'"
+ say "Submodule '$name' ($url) registered for path '$path'"
git ls-files --stage -- "$@" | grep -e '^160000 ' |
while read mode sha1 stage path
- url=$(git-config submodule."$path".url)
+ name=$(module_name "$path") || exit
+ url=$(git-config submodule."$name".url)
if test -z "$url"
# Only mention uninitialized submodules when its
# path have been specified
test "$#" != "0" &&
- say "Submodule '$path' not initialized"
+ say "Submodule path '$path' not initialized"
if ! test -d "$path"/.git
module_clone "$path" "$url" || exit
+ subsha1=
+ else
+ subsha1=$(unset GIT_DIR && cd "$path" &&
+ git-rev-parse --verify HEAD) ||
+ die "Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$path'"
- subsha1=$(unset GIT_DIR && cd "$path" &&
- git-rev-parse --verify HEAD) ||
- die "Unable to find current revision of submodule '$path'"
if test "$subsha1" != "$sha1"
(unset GIT_DIR && cd "$path" && git-fetch &&
git-checkout -q "$sha1") ||
- die "Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule '$path'"
+ die "Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule path '$path'"
- say "Submodule '$path': checked out '$sha1'"
+ say "Submodule path '$path': checked out '$sha1'"
-# List all registered submodules, prefixed with:
+# List all submodules, prefixed with:
# - submodule not initialized
# + different revision checked out
git ls-files --stage -- "$@" | grep -e '^160000 ' |
while read mode sha1 stage path
- if ! test -d "$path"/.git
+ name=$(module_name "$path") || exit
+ url=$(git-config submodule."$name".url)
+ if test -z "url" || ! test -d "$path"/.git
say "-$sha1 $path"
# -add directory lib to 'superproject', this creates a DIRLINK entry
# -add a couple of regular files to enable testing of submodule filtering
# -mv lib subrepo
-# -add an entry to .gitmodules for path 'lib'
+# -add an entry to .gitmodules for submodule 'example'
test_expect_success 'Prepare submodule testing' '
mkdir lib &&
git-add a lib z &&
git-commit -m "super commit 1" &&
mv lib .subrepo &&
- GIT_CONFIG=.gitmodules git-config module.lib.url git://example.com/lib.git
+ GIT_CONFIG=.gitmodules git-config submodule.example.url git://example.com/lib.git
+test_expect_success 'status should fail for unmapped paths' '
+ if git-submodule status
+ then
+ echo "[OOPS] submodule status succeeded"
+ false
+ elif ! GIT_CONFIG=.gitmodules git-config submodule.example.path lib
+ then
+ echo "[OOPS] git-config failed to update .gitmodules"
+ false
+ fi
test_expect_success 'status should only print one line' '
test_expect_success 'init should register submodule url in .git/config' '
git-submodule init &&
- url=$(git-config submodule.lib.url) &&
+ url=$(git-config submodule.example.url) &&
if test "$url" != "git://example.com/lib.git"
echo "[OOPS] init succeeded but submodule url is wrong"
- elif ! git-config submodule.lib.url ./.subrepo
+ elif ! git-config submodule.example.url ./.subrepo
echo "[OOPS] init succeeded but update of url failed"
echo "[OOPS] update should have failed"
- elif test -f lib && test "$(cat lib)" != "hello"
+ elif test "$(cat lib)" != "hello"
echo "[OOPS] update failed but lib file was molested"