- For example, Microsoft Visual Studio resources files (`*.rc`) or
- PowerShell script files (`*.ps1`) are sometimes encoded in UTF-16.
- If you declare `*.ps1` as files as UTF-16 and you add `foo.ps1` with
- a `working-tree-encoding` enabled Git client, then `foo.ps1` will be
- stored as UTF-8 internally. A client without `working-tree-encoding`
- support will checkout `foo.ps1` as UTF-8 encoded file. This will
- typically cause trouble for the users of this file.
- If a Git client, that does not support the `working-tree-encoding`
- attribute, adds a new file `bar.ps1`, then `bar.ps1` will be
- stored "as-is" internally (in this example probably as UTF-16).
- A client with `working-tree-encoding` support will interpret the
- internal contents as UTF-8 and try to convert it to UTF-16 on checkout.
- That operation will fail and cause an error.
+For example, Microsoft Visual Studio resources files (`*.rc`) or
+PowerShell script files (`*.ps1`) are sometimes encoded in UTF-16.
+If you declare `*.ps1` as files as UTF-16 and you add `foo.ps1` with
+a `working-tree-encoding` enabled Git client, then `foo.ps1` will be
+stored as UTF-8 internally. A client without `working-tree-encoding`
+support will checkout `foo.ps1` as UTF-8 encoded file. This will
+typically cause trouble for the users of this file.
+If a Git client, that does not support the `working-tree-encoding`
+attribute, adds a new file `bar.ps1`, then `bar.ps1` will be
+stored "as-is" internally (in this example probably as UTF-16).
+A client with `working-tree-encoding` support will interpret the
+internal contents as UTF-8 and try to convert it to UTF-16 on checkout.
+That operation will fail and cause an error.