Add WEBDAV timeout to http-fetch.
authorJunio C Hamano <>
Sun, 8 Oct 2006 19:56:19 +0000 (12:56 -0700)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Mon, 9 Oct 2006 00:13:15 +0000 (17:13 -0700)
Sean <> writes:

> On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 21:52:02 -0700
> Junio C Hamano <> wrote:
>> Using DAV, if it works with the server, has the advantage of not
>> having to keep objects/info/packs up-to-date from repository
>> owner's point of view. But the repository owner ends up keeping
>> up-to-date as a side effect of keeping info/refs up-to-date
>> anyway (as I do not see a code to read that information over
>> DAV), so there is no point doing this over DAV in practice.
>> Perhaps we should remove call to remote_ls() from
>> fetch_indices() unconditionally, not just protected with
>> NO_EXPAT and be done with it?
> That makes a lot of sense. A server really has to always provide
> a objects/info/packs anyway, just to be fetchable today by clients
> that are compiled with NO_EXPAT.

And even for an isolated group where everybody knows that
everybody else runs DAV-enabled clients, they need info/refs
prepared for ls-remote and git-fetch script, which means you
will run update-server-info to keep objects/info/packs up to

Nick, do you see holes in my logic?

-- >8 --
http-fetch.c: drop remote_ls()

While doing remote_ls() over DAV potentially allows the server
side not to keep objects/info/pack up-to-date, misconfigured or
buggy servers can silently ignore or not to respond to DAV
requests and makes the client hang.

The server side (unfortunately) needs to run git-update-server-info
even if remote_ls() removes the need to keep objects/info/pack file
up-to-date, because the caller of git-http-fetch (git-fetch) and other
clients that interact with the repository (e.g. git-ls-remote) need to
read from info/refs file (there is no code to make that unnecessary by
using DAV yet).

Perhaps the right solution in the longer-term is to make info/refs
also unnecessary by using DAV, and we would want to resurrect the
code this patch removes when we do so, but let's drop remote_ls()
implementation for now. It is causing problems without really
helping anything yet.

git will keep it for us until we need it next time.

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index bc74f30f76fe0200f6c7ecc215ee1cd9211670f4..396552da022a1dca9c43738be4d87c664f31a06c 100644 (file)
@@ -4,35 +4,6 @@
 #include "fetch.h"
 #include "http.h"
-#ifndef NO_EXPAT
-#include <expat.h>
-/* Definitions for DAV requests */
-#define DAV_PROPFIND_RESP ".multistatus.response"
-#define DAV_PROPFIND_NAME ".multistatus.response.href"
-#define DAV_PROPFIND_COLLECTION ".multistatus.response.propstat.prop.resourcetype.collection"
-#define PROPFIND_ALL_REQUEST "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<D:propfind xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">\n<D:allprop/>\n</D:propfind>"
-/* Definitions for processing XML DAV responses */
-#ifndef XML_STATUS_OK
-enum XML_Status {
-#define XML_STATUS_OK    1
-/* Flags that control remote_ls processing */
-#define PROCESS_FILES (1u << 0)
-#define PROCESS_DIRS  (1u << 1)
-#define RECURSIVE     (1u << 2)
-/* Flags that remote_ls passes to callback functions */
-#define IS_DIR (1u << 0)
 #define PREV_BUF_SIZE 4096
@@ -90,30 +61,6 @@ struct alternates_request {
        int http_specific;
-#ifndef NO_EXPAT
-struct xml_ctx
-       char *name;
-       int len;
-       char *cdata;
-       void (*userFunc)(struct xml_ctx *ctx, int tag_closed);
-       void *userData;
-struct remote_ls_ctx
-       struct alt_base *repo;
-       char *path;
-       void (*userFunc)(struct remote_ls_ctx *ls);
-       void *userData;
-       int flags;
-       char *dentry_name;
-       int dentry_flags;
-       int rc;
-       struct remote_ls_ctx *parent;
 static struct object_request *object_queue_head;
 static size_t fwrite_sha1_file(void *ptr, size_t eltsize, size_t nmemb,
@@ -714,204 +661,6 @@ static void fetch_alternates(const char *base)
-#ifndef NO_EXPAT
-static void
-xml_start_tag(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts)
-       struct xml_ctx *ctx = (struct xml_ctx *)userData;
-       const char *c = strchr(name, ':');
-       int new_len;
-       if (c == NULL)
-               c = name;
-       else
-               c++;
-       new_len = strlen(ctx->name) + strlen(c) + 2;
-       if (new_len > ctx->len) {
-               ctx->name = xrealloc(ctx->name, new_len);
-               ctx->len = new_len;
-       }
-       strcat(ctx->name, ".");
-       strcat(ctx->name, c);
-       free(ctx->cdata);
-       ctx->cdata = NULL;
-       ctx->userFunc(ctx, 0);
-static void
-xml_end_tag(void *userData, const char *name)
-       struct xml_ctx *ctx = (struct xml_ctx *)userData;
-       const char *c = strchr(name, ':');
-       char *ep;
-       ctx->userFunc(ctx, 1);
-       if (c == NULL)
-               c = name;
-       else
-               c++;
-       ep = ctx->name + strlen(ctx->name) - strlen(c) - 1;
-       *ep = 0;
-static void
-xml_cdata(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len)
-       struct xml_ctx *ctx = (struct xml_ctx *)userData;
-       free(ctx->cdata);
-       ctx->cdata = xmalloc(len + 1);
-       strlcpy(ctx->cdata, s, len + 1);
-static int remote_ls(struct alt_base *repo, const char *path, int flags,
-                    void (*userFunc)(struct remote_ls_ctx *ls),
-                    void *userData);
-static void handle_remote_ls_ctx(struct xml_ctx *ctx, int tag_closed)
-       struct remote_ls_ctx *ls = (struct remote_ls_ctx *)ctx->userData;
-       if (tag_closed) {
-               if (!strcmp(ctx->name, DAV_PROPFIND_RESP) && ls->dentry_name) {
-                       if (ls->dentry_flags & IS_DIR) {
-                               if (ls->flags & PROCESS_DIRS) {
-                                       ls->userFunc(ls);
-                               }
-                               if (strcmp(ls->dentry_name, ls->path) &&
-                                   ls->flags & RECURSIVE) {
-                                       ls->rc = remote_ls(ls->repo,
-                                                          ls->dentry_name,
-                                                          ls->flags,
-                                                          ls->userFunc,
-                                                          ls->userData);
-                               }
-                       } else if (ls->flags & PROCESS_FILES) {
-                               ls->userFunc(ls);
-                       }
-               } else if (!strcmp(ctx->name, DAV_PROPFIND_NAME) && ctx->cdata) {
-                       ls->dentry_name = xmalloc(strlen(ctx->cdata) -
-                                                 ls->repo->path_len + 1);
-                       strcpy(ls->dentry_name, ctx->cdata + ls->repo->path_len);
-               } else if (!strcmp(ctx->name, DAV_PROPFIND_COLLECTION)) {
-                       ls->dentry_flags |= IS_DIR;
-               }
-       } else if (!strcmp(ctx->name, DAV_PROPFIND_RESP)) {
-               free(ls->dentry_name);
-               ls->dentry_name = NULL;
-               ls->dentry_flags = 0;
-       }
-static int remote_ls(struct alt_base *repo, const char *path, int flags,
-                    void (*userFunc)(struct remote_ls_ctx *ls),
-                    void *userData)
-       char *url = xmalloc(strlen(repo->base) + strlen(path) + 1);
-       struct active_request_slot *slot;
-       struct slot_results results;
-       struct buffer in_buffer;
-       struct buffer out_buffer;
-       char *in_data;
-       char *out_data;
-       XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
-       enum XML_Status result;
-       struct curl_slist *dav_headers = NULL;
-       struct xml_ctx ctx;
-       struct remote_ls_ctx ls;
-       ls.flags = flags;
-       ls.repo = repo;
-       ls.path = xstrdup(path);
-       ls.dentry_name = NULL;
-       ls.dentry_flags = 0;
-       ls.userData = userData;
-       ls.userFunc = userFunc;
-       ls.rc = 0;
-       sprintf(url, "%s%s", repo->base, path);
-       out_buffer.size = strlen(PROPFIND_ALL_REQUEST);
-       out_data = xmalloc(out_buffer.size + 1);
-       snprintf(out_data, out_buffer.size + 1, PROPFIND_ALL_REQUEST);
-       out_buffer.posn = 0;
-       out_buffer.buffer = out_data;
-       in_buffer.size = 4096;
-       in_data = xmalloc(in_buffer.size);
-       in_buffer.posn = 0;
-       in_buffer.buffer = in_data;
-       dav_headers = curl_slist_append(dav_headers, "Depth: 1");
-       dav_headers = curl_slist_append(dav_headers, "Content-Type: text/xml");
-       slot = get_active_slot();
-       slot->results = &results;
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_INFILE, &out_buffer);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, out_buffer.size);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, fread_buffer);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_FILE, &in_buffer);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, fwrite_buffer);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, DAV_PROPFIND);
-       curl_easy_setopt(slot->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, dav_headers);
-       if (start_active_slot(slot)) {
-               run_active_slot(slot);
-               if (results.curl_result == CURLE_OK) {
-              = xcalloc(10, 1);
-                       ctx.len = 0;
-                       ctx.cdata = NULL;
-                       ctx.userFunc = handle_remote_ls_ctx;
-                       ctx.userData = &ls;
-                       XML_SetUserData(parser, &ctx);
-                       XML_SetElementHandler(parser, xml_start_tag,
-                                             xml_end_tag);
-                       XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, xml_cdata);
-                       result = XML_Parse(parser, in_buffer.buffer,
-                                          in_buffer.posn, 1);
-                       free(;
-                       if (result != XML_STATUS_OK) {
-                               ls.rc = error("XML error: %s",
-                                             XML_ErrorString(
-                                                     XML_GetErrorCode(parser)));
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       ls.rc = -1;
-               }
-       } else {
-               ls.rc = error("Unable to start PROPFIND request");
-       }
-       free(ls.path);
-       free(url);
-       free(out_data);
-       free(in_buffer.buffer);
-       curl_slist_free_all(dav_headers);
-       return ls.rc;
-static void process_ls_pack(struct remote_ls_ctx *ls)
-       unsigned char sha1[20];
-       if (strlen(ls->dentry_name) == 63 &&
-           !strncmp(ls->dentry_name, "objects/pack/pack-", 18) &&
-           has_extension(ls->dentry_name, ".pack")) {
-               get_sha1_hex(ls->dentry_name + 18, sha1);
-               setup_index(ls->repo, sha1);
-       }
 static int fetch_indices(struct alt_base *repo)
        unsigned char sha1[20];
@@ -934,12 +683,6 @@ static int fetch_indices(struct alt_base *repo)
        if (get_verbosely)
                fprintf(stderr, "Getting pack list for %s\n", repo->base);
-#ifndef NO_EXPAT
-       if (remote_ls(repo, "objects/pack/", PROCESS_FILES,
-                     process_ls_pack, NULL) == 0)
-               return 0;
        url = xmalloc(strlen(repo->base) + 21);
        sprintf(url, "%s/objects/info/packs", repo->base);