--- /dev/null
+Git Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.8.1.1
+ * An element on GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES list that does not name the
+ real path to a directory (i.e. a symbolic link) could have caused
+ the GIT_DIR discovery logic to escape the ceiling.
+ * Command line completion for "tcsh" emitted an unwanted space
+ after completing a single directory name.
+ * Command line completion leaked an unnecessary error message while
+ looking for possible matches with paths in <tree-ish>.
+ * "git archive" did not record uncompressed size in the header when
+ streaming a zip archive, which confused some implementations of unzip.
+ * When users spelled "cc:" in lowercase in the fake "header" in the
+ trailer part, "git send-email" failed to pick up the addresses from
+ there. As e-mail headers field names are case insensitive, this
+ script should follow suit and treat "cc:" and "Cc:" the same way.
+Also contains various documentation fixes.
value is 0 - the command will be just shown but not executed.
This is the default.
+ Specify the path where the HTML documentation resides. File system paths
+ and URLs are supported. HTML pages will be prefixed with this path when
+ help is displayed in the 'web' format. This defaults to the documentation
+ path of your Git installation.
Override the HTTP proxy, normally configured using the 'http_proxy',
'https_proxy', and 'all_proxy' environment variables (see
(nb "<", ">" and "\n"s are stripped)
In case (some of) these environment variables are not set, the information
is taken from the configuration items user.name and user.email, or, if not
-present, system user name and the hostname used for outgoing mail (taken
+present, the environment variable EMAIL, or, if that is not set,
+system user name and the hostname used for outgoing mail (taken
from `/etc/mailname` and falling back to the fully qualified hostname when
that file does not exist).
* Multiple tags on the same revision are not imported.
If you suspect that any of these issues may apply to the repository you
-want to import consider using these alternative tools which proved to be
-more stable in practice:
+want to imort, consider using cvs2git:
-* cvs2git (part of cvs2svn), `http://cvs2svn.tigris.org`
-* parsecvs, `http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~keithp/parsecvs`
+* cvs2git (part of cvs2svn), `http://subversion.apache.org/`
As a special case for the date-type fields, you may specify a format for
the date by adding one of `:default`, `:relative`, `:short`, `:local`,
-`:iso8601` or `:rfc2822` to the end of the fieldname; e.g.
+`:iso8601`, `:rfc2822` or `:raw` to the end of the fieldname; e.g.
How to maintain Git
The maintainer's git time is spent on three activities.
- - Communication (60%)
+ - Communication (45%)
Mailing list discussions on general design, fielding user
questions, diagnosing bug reports; reviewing, commenting on,
suggesting alternatives to, and rejecting patches.
- - Integration (30%)
+ - Integration (50%)
Applying new patches from the contributors while spotting and
correcting minor mistakes, shuffling the integration and
testing branches, pushing the results out, cutting the
releases, and making announcements.
- - Own development (10%)
+ - Own development (5%)
Scratching my own itch and sending proposed patch series out.
+The Policy
The policy on Integration is informally mentioned in "A Note
from the maintainer" message, which is periodically posted to
this mailing list after each feature release is made.
-The policy.
- Feature releases are numbered as vX.Y.Z and are meant to
contain bugfixes and enhancements in any area, including
functionality, performance and usability, without regression.
+ - One release cycle for a feature release is expected to last for
+ eight to ten weeks.
- Maintenance releases are numbered as vX.Y.Z.W and are meant
to contain only bugfixes for the corresponding vX.Y.Z feature
release and earlier maintenance releases vX.Y.Z.V (V < W).
- 'pu' branch is used to publish other proposed changes that do
not yet pass the criteria set for 'next'.
- - The tips of 'master', 'maint' and 'next' branches will always
- fast-forward, to allow people to build their own
- customization on top of them.
+ - The tips of 'master' and 'maint' branches will not be rewound to
+ allow people to build their own customization on top of them.
+ Early in a new development cycle, 'next' is rewound to the tip of
+ 'master' once, but otherwise it will not be rewound until the end
+ of the cycle.
- - Usually 'master' contains all of 'maint', 'next' contains all
- of 'master' and 'pu' contains all of 'next'.
+ - Usually 'master' contains all of 'maint' and 'next' contains all
+ of 'master'. 'pu' contains all the topics merged to 'next', but
+ is rebuilt directly on 'master'.
- The tip of 'master' is meant to be more stable than any
tagged releases, and the users are encouraged to follow it.
are found before new topics are merged to 'master'.
+A Typical Git Day
A typical git day for the maintainer implements the above policy
by doing the following:
- - Scan mailing list and #git channel log. Respond with review
- comments, suggestions etc. Kibitz. Collect potentially
- usable patches from the mailing list. Patches about a single
- topic go to one mailbox (I read my mail in Gnus, and type
- \C-o to save/append messages in files in mbox format).
+ - Scan mailing list. Respond with review comments, suggestions
+ etc. Kibitz. Collect potentially usable patches from the
+ mailing list. Patches about a single topic go to one mailbox (I
+ read my mail in Gnus, and type \C-o to save/append messages in
+ files in mbox format).
+ - Write his own patches to address issues raised on the list but
+ nobody has stepped up solving. Send it out just like other
+ contributors do, and pick them up just like patches from other
+ contributors (see above).
- Review the patches in the saved mailboxes. Edit proposed log
message for typofixes and clarifications, and add Acks
- Obviously correct fixes that pertain to the tip of 'master'
are directly applied to 'master'.
+ - Other topics are not handled in this step.
This step is done with "git am".
$ git checkout master ;# or "git checkout maint"
- $ git am -3 -s mailbox
+ $ git am -sc3 mailbox
$ make test
- - Merge downwards (maint->master):
- $ git checkout master
- $ git merge maint
- $ make test
+ In practice, almost no patch directly goes to 'master' or
+ 'maint'.
- Review the last issue of "What's cooking" message, review the
- topics scheduled for merging upwards (topic->master and
- topic->maint), and merge.
+ topics ready for merging (topic->master and topic->maint). Use
+ "Meta/cook -w" script (where Meta/ contains a checkout of the
+ 'todo' branch) to aid this step.
+ And perform the merge. Use "Meta/Reintegrate -e" script (see
+ later) to aid this step.
+ $ Meta/cook -w last-issue-of-whats-cooking.mbox
$ git checkout master ;# or "git checkout maint"
- $ git merge ai/topic ;# or "git merge ai/maint-topic"
+ $ echo ai/topic | Meta/Reintegrate -e ;# "git merge ai/topic"
$ git log -p ORIG_HEAD.. ;# final review
$ git diff ORIG_HEAD.. ;# final review
$ make test ;# final review
- $ git branch -d ai/topic ;# or "git branch -d ai/maint-topic"
- - Merge downwards (maint->master) if needed:
- $ git checkout master
- $ git merge maint
- $ make test
- - Merge downwards (master->next) if needed:
- $ git checkout next
- $ git merge master
- $ make test
- Handle the remaining patches:
and not in 'master') is applied to a new topic branch that
is forked from the tip of 'master'. This includes both
enhancements and unobvious fixes to 'master'. A topic
- branch is named as ai/topic where "ai" is typically
- author's initial and "topic" is a descriptive name of the
- topic (in other words, "what's the series is about").
+ branch is named as ai/topic where "ai" is two-letter string
+ named after author's initial and "topic" is a descriptive name
+ of the topic (in other words, "what's the series is about").
- An unobvious fix meant for 'maint' is applied to a new
topic branch that is forked from the tip of 'maint'. The
The above except the "replacement" are all done with:
- $ git am -3 -s mailbox
+ $ git checkout ai/topic ;# or "git checkout -b ai/topic master"
+ $ git am -sc3 mailbox
while patch replacement is often done by:
then replace some parts with the new patch, and reapplying:
+ $ git checkout ai/topic
$ git reset --hard ai/topic~$n
- $ git am -3 -s 000*.txt
+ $ git am -sc3 -s 000*.txt
The full test suite is always run for 'maint' and 'master'
after patch application; for topic branches the tests are run
as time permits.
- - Update "What's cooking" message to review the updates to
- existing topics, newly added topics and graduated topics.
+ - Merge maint to master as needed:
- This step is helped with Meta/cook script (where Meta/ contains
- a checkout of the 'todo' branch).
- - Merge topics to 'next'. For each branch whose tip is not
- merged to 'next', one of three things can happen:
+ $ git checkout master
+ $ git merge maint
+ $ make test
- - The commits are all next-worthy; merge the topic to next:
+ - Merge master to next as needed:
$ git checkout next
- $ git merge ai/topic ;# or "git merge ai/maint-topic"
+ $ git merge master
$ make test
+ - Review the last issue of "What's cooking" again and see if topics
+ that are ready to be merged to 'next' are still in good shape
+ (e.g. has there any new issue identified on the list with the
+ series?)
+ - Prepare 'jch' branch, which is used to represent somewhere
+ between 'master' and 'pu' and often is slightly ahead of 'next'.
+ $ Meta/Reintegrate master..pu >Meta/redo-jch.sh
+ The result is a script that lists topics to be merged in order to
+ rebuild 'pu' as the input to Meta/Reintegrate script. Remove
+ later topics that should not be in 'jch' yet. Add a line that
+ consists of '### match next' before the name of the first topic
+ in the output that should be in 'jch' but not in 'next' yet.
+ - Now we are ready to start merging topics to 'next'. For each
+ branch whose tip is not merged to 'next', one of three things can
+ happen:
+ - The commits are all next-worthy; merge the topic to next;
- The new parts are of mixed quality, but earlier ones are
- next-worthy; merge the early parts to next:
+ next-worthy; merge the early parts to next;
+ - Nothing is next-worthy; do not do anything.
+ This step is aided with Meta/redo-jch.sh script created earlier.
+ If a topic that was already in 'next' gained a patch, the script
+ would list it as "ai/topic~1". To include the new patch to the
+ updated 'next', drop the "~1" part; to keep it excluded, do not
+ touch the line. If a topic that was not in 'next' should be
+ merged to 'next', add it at the end of the list. Then:
+ $ git checkout -B jch master
+ $ Meta/redo-jch.sh -c1
+ to rebuild the 'jch' branch from scratch. "-c1" tells the script
+ to stop merging at the first line that begins with '###'
+ (i.e. the "### match next" line you added earlier).
+ At this point, build-test the result. It may reveal semantic
+ conflicts (e.g. a topic renamed a variable, another added a new
+ reference to the variable under its old name), in which case
+ prepare an appropriate merge-fix first (see appendix), and
+ rebuild the 'jch' branch from scratch, starting at the tip of
+ 'master'.
+ Then do the same to 'next'
$ git checkout next
- $ git merge ai/topic~2 ;# the tip two are dubious
- $ make test
+ $ sh Meta/redo-jch.sh -c1 -e
- - Nothing is next-worthy; do not do anything.
+ The "-e" option allows the merge message that comes from the
+ history of the topic and the comments in the "What's cooking" to
+ be edited. The resulting tree should match 'jch' as the same set
+ of topics are merged on 'master'; otherwise there is a mismerge.
+ Investigate why and do not proceed until the mismerge is found
+ and rectified.
- - [** OBSOLETE **] Optionally rebase topics that do not have any commit
- in next yet, when they can take advantage of low-level framework
- change that is merged to 'master' already.
+ $ git diff jch next
- $ git rebase master ai/topic
+ When all is well, clean up the redo-jch.sh script with
- This step is helped with Meta/git-topic.perl script to
- identify which topic is rebaseable. There also is a
- pre-rebase hook to make sure that topics that are already in
- 'next' are not rebased beyond the merged commit.
+ $ sh Meta/redo-jch.sh -u
- - [** OBSOLETE **] Rebuild "pu" to merge the tips of topics not in 'next'.
+ This removes topics listed in the script that have already been
+ merged to 'master'. This may lose '### match next' marker;
+ add it again to the appropriate place when it happens.
- $ git checkout pu
- $ git reset --hard next
- $ git merge ai/topic ;# repeat for all remaining topics
- $ make test
+ - Rebuild 'pu'.
- This step is helped with Meta/PU script
+ $ Meta/Reintegrate master..pu >Meta/redo-pu.sh
- - Push four integration branches to a private repository at
- k.org and run "make test" on all of them.
+ Edit the result by adding new topics that are not still in 'pu'
+ in the script. Then
- - Push four integration branches to /pub/scm/git/git.git at
- k.org. This triggers its post-update hook which:
+ $ git checkout -B pu jch
+ $ sh Meta/redo-pu.sh
- (1) runs "git pull" in $HOME/git-doc/ repository to pull
- 'master' just pushed out;
+ When all is well, clean up the redo-pu.sh script with
- (2) runs "make doc" in $HOME/git-doc/, install the generated
- documentation in staging areas, which are separate
- repositories that have html and man branches checked
- out.
+ $ sh Meta/redo-pu.sh -u
- (3) runs "git commit" in the staging areas, and run "git
- push" back to /pub/scm/git/git.git/ to update the html
- and man branches.
+ Double check by running
- (4) installs generated documentation to /pub/software/scm/git/docs/
- to be viewed from http://www.kernel.org/
+ $ git branch --no-merged pu
- - Fetch html and man branches back from k.org, and push four
- integration branches and the two documentation branches to
- repo.or.cz and other mirrors.
+ to see there is no unexpected leftover topics.
+ At this point, build-test the result for semantic conflicts, and
+ if there are, prepare an appropriate merge-fix first (see
+ appendix), and rebuild the 'pu' branch from scratch, starting at
+ the tip of 'jch'.
+ - Update "What's cooking" message to review the updates to
+ existing topics, newly added topics and graduated topics.
+ This step is helped with Meta/cook script.
+ $ Meta/cook
+ This script inspects the history between master..pu, finds tips
+ of topic branches, compares what it found with the current
+ contents in Meta/whats-cooking.txt, and updates that file.
+ Topics not listed in the file but are found in master..pu are
+ added to the "New topics" section, topics listed in the file that
+ are no longer found in master..pu are moved to the "Graduated to
+ master" section, and topics whose commits changed their states
+ (e.g. used to be only in 'pu', now merged to 'next') are updated
+ with change markers "<<" and ">>".
+ Look for lines enclosed in "<<" and ">>"; they hold contents from
+ old file that are replaced by this integration round. After
+ verifying them, remove the old part. Review the description for
+ each topic and update its doneness and plan as needed. To review
+ the updated plan, run
+ $ Meta/cook -w
+ which will pick up comments given to the topics, such as "Will
+ merge to 'next'", etc. (see Meta/cook script to learn what kind
+ of phrases are supported).
+ - Compile, test and install all four (five) integration branches;
+ Meta/Dothem script may aid this step.
+ - Format documentation if the 'master' branch was updated;
+ Meta/dodoc.sh script may aid this step.
+ - Push the integration branches out to public places; Meta/pushall
+ script may aid this step.
Some observations to be made.
- * Each topic is tested individually, and also together with
- other topics cooking in 'next'. Until it matures, none part
- of it is merged to 'master'.
+ * Each topic is tested individually, and also together with other
+ topics cooking first in 'pu', then in 'jch' and then in 'next'.
+ Until it matures, no part of it is merged to 'master'.
* A topic already in 'next' can get fixes while still in
'next'. Such a topic will have many merges to 'next' (in
other words, "git log --first-parent next" will show many
- "Merge ai/topic to next" for the same topic.
+ "Merge branch 'ai/topic' to next" for the same topic.
* An unobvious fix for 'maint' is cooked in 'next' and then
merged to 'master' to make extra sure it is Ok and then
* Being in the 'next' branch is not a guarantee for a topic to
be included in the next feature release. Being in the
'master' branch typically is.
+Preparing a "merge-fix"
+A merge of two topics may not textually conflict but still have
+conflict at the semantic level. A classic example is for one topic
+to rename an variable and all its uses, while another topic adds a
+new use of the variable under its old name. When these two topics
+are merged together, the reference to the variable newly added by
+the latter topic will still use the old name in the result.
+The Meta/Reintegrate script that is used by redo-jch and redo-pu
+scripts implements a crude but usable way to work this issue around.
+When the script merges branch $X, it checks if "refs/merge-fix/$X"
+exists, and if so, the effect of it is squashed into the result of
+the mechanical merge. In other words,
+ $ echo $X | Meta/Reintegrate
+is roughly equivalent to this sequence:
+ $ git merge --rerere-autoupdate $X
+ $ git commit
+ $ git cherry-pick -n refs/merge-fix/$X
+ $ git commit --amend
+The goal of this "prepare a merge-fix" step is to come up with a
+commit that can be squashed into a result of mechanical merge to
+correct semantic conflicts.
+After finding that the result of merging branch "ai/topic" to an
+integration branch had such a semantic conflict, say pu~4, check the
+problematic merge out on a detached HEAD, edit the working tree to
+fix the semantic conflict, and make a separate commit to record the
+ $ git checkout pu~4
+ $ git show -s --pretty=%s ;# double check
+ Merge branch 'ai/topic' to pu
+ $ edit
+ $ git commit -m 'merge-fix/ai/topic' -a
+Then make a reference "refs/merge-fix/ai/topic" to point at this
+ $ git update-ref refs/merge-fix/ai/topic HEAD
+Then double check the result by asking Meta/Reintegrate to redo the
+ $ git checkout pu~5 ;# the parent of the problem merge
+ $ echo ai/topic | Meta/Reintegrate
+ $ git diff pu~4
+This time, because you prepared refs/merge-fix/ai/topic, the
+resulting merge should have been tweaked to include the fix for the
+semantic conflict.
+Note that this assumes that the order in which conflicting branches
+are merged does not change. If the reason why merging ai/topic
+branch needs this merge-fix is because another branch merged earlier
+to the integration branch changed the underlying assumption ai/topic
+branch made (e.g. ai/topic branch added a site to refer to a
+variable, while the other branch renamed that variable and adjusted
+existing use sites), and if you changed redo-jch (or redo-pu) script
+to merge ai/topic branch before the other branch, then the above
+merge-fix should not be applied while merging ai/topic, but should
+instead be applied while merging the other branch. You would need
+to move the fix to apply to the other branch, perhaps like this:
+ $ mf=refs/merge-fix
+ $ git update-ref $mf/$the_other_branch $mf/ai/topic
+ $ git update-ref -d $mf/ai/topic
call free() on the util members of any items that have to be
deleted. Preserve the order of the items that are retained.
- Return the longest string within a string_list that is a
- prefix (in the sense of prefixcmp()) of the specified string,
- or NULL if no such prefix exists. This function does not
- require the string_list to be sorted (it does a linear
- search).
Dump a string_list to stdout, useful mainly for debugging purposes. It
LIB_H += ll-merge.h
LIB_H += log-tree.h
LIB_H += mailmap.h
-LIB_H += merge-file.h
+LIB_H += merge-blobs.h
LIB_H += merge-recursive.h
LIB_H += mergesort.h
LIB_H += notes-cache.h
LIB_OBJS += mailmap.o
LIB_OBJS += match-trees.o
LIB_OBJS += merge.o
-LIB_OBJS += merge-file.o
+LIB_OBJS += merge-blobs.o
LIB_OBJS += merge-recursive.o
LIB_OBJS += mergesort.o
LIB_OBJS += name-hash.o
Documentation/SubmittingPatches for instructions on patch submission).
To subscribe to the list, send an email with just "subscribe git" in
the body to majordomo@vger.kernel.org. The mailing list archives are
-available at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=git and other archival
-The messages titled "A note from the maintainer", "What's in
-git.git (stable)" and "What's cooking in git.git (topics)" and
-the discussion following them on the mailing list give a good
-reference for project status, development direction and
-remaining tasks.
+available at http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/,
+http://marc.info/?l=git and other archival sites.
+The maintainer frequently sends the "What's cooking" reports that
+list the current status of various development topics to the mailing
+list. The discussion following them give a good reference for
+project status, development direction and remaining tasks.
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
#define MAXDEPTH 5
- * Use this to get the real path, i.e. resolve links. If you want an
- * absolute path but don't mind links, use absolute_path.
+ * Return the real path (i.e., absolute path, with symlinks resolved
+ * and extra slashes removed) equivalent to the specified path. (If
+ * you want an absolute path but don't mind links, use
+ * absolute_path().) The return value is a pointer to a static
+ * buffer.
+ *
+ * The input and all intermediate paths must be shorter than MAX_PATH.
+ * The directory part of path (i.e., everything up to the last
+ * dir_sep) must denote a valid, existing directory, but the last
+ * component need not exist. If die_on_error is set, then die with an
+ * informative error message if there is a problem. Otherwise, return
+ * NULL on errors (without generating any output).
* If path is our buffer, then return path, as it's already what the
* user wants.
-const char *real_path(const char *path)
+static const char *real_path_internal(const char *path, int die_on_error)
static char bufs[2][PATH_MAX + 1], *buf = bufs[0], *next_buf = bufs[1];
+ char *retval = NULL;
+ /*
+ * If we have to temporarily chdir(), store the original CWD
+ * here so that we can chdir() back to it at the end of the
+ * function:
+ */
char cwd[1024] = "";
int buf_index = 1;
int depth = MAXDEPTH;
if (path == buf || path == next_buf)
return path;
- if (!*path)
- die("The empty string is not a valid path");
+ if (!*path) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die("The empty string is not a valid path");
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
- if (strlcpy(buf, path, PATH_MAX) >= PATH_MAX)
- die ("Too long path: %.*s", 60, path);
+ if (strlcpy(buf, path, PATH_MAX) >= PATH_MAX) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die("Too long path: %.*s", 60, path);
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
while (depth--) {
if (!is_directory(buf)) {
if (*buf) {
- if (!*cwd && !getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)))
- die_errno ("Could not get current working directory");
+ if (!*cwd && !getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die_errno("Could not get current working directory");
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
- if (chdir(buf))
- die_errno ("Could not switch to '%s'", buf);
+ if (chdir(buf)) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die_errno("Could not switch to '%s'", buf);
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!getcwd(buf, PATH_MAX)) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die_errno("Could not get current working directory");
+ else
+ goto error_out;
- if (!getcwd(buf, PATH_MAX))
- die_errno ("Could not get current working directory");
if (last_elem) {
size_t len = strlen(buf);
- if (len + strlen(last_elem) + 2 > PATH_MAX)
- die ("Too long path name: '%s/%s'",
- buf, last_elem);
+ if (len + strlen(last_elem) + 2 > PATH_MAX) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die("Too long path name: '%s/%s'",
+ buf, last_elem);
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
if (len && !is_dir_sep(buf[len-1]))
buf[len++] = '/';
strcpy(buf + len, last_elem);
if (!lstat(buf, &st) && S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
ssize_t len = readlink(buf, next_buf, PATH_MAX);
- if (len < 0)
- die_errno ("Invalid symlink '%s'", buf);
- if (PATH_MAX <= len)
- die("symbolic link too long: %s", buf);
+ if (len < 0) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die_errno("Invalid symlink '%s'", buf);
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
+ if (PATH_MAX <= len) {
+ if (die_on_error)
+ die("symbolic link too long: %s", buf);
+ else
+ goto error_out;
+ }
next_buf[len] = '\0';
buf = next_buf;
buf_index = 1 - buf_index;
+ retval = buf;
+ free(last_elem);
if (*cwd && chdir(cwd))
die_errno ("Could not change back to '%s'", cwd);
- return buf;
+ return retval;
+const char *real_path(const char *path)
+ return real_path_internal(path, 1);
+const char *real_path_if_valid(const char *path)
+ return real_path_internal(path, 0);
static const char *get_pwd_cwd(void)
(mode & 0111) ? ((mode) << 16) : 0;
if (S_ISREG(mode) && args->compression_level != 0 && size > 0)
method = 8;
- compressed_size = size;
+ compressed_size = (method == 0) ? size : 0;
if (S_ISREG(mode) && type == OBJ_BLOB && !args->convert &&
size > big_file_threshold) {
copy_le16(header.compression_method, method);
copy_le16(header.mtime, zip_time);
copy_le16(header.mdate, zip_date);
- if (flags & ZIP_STREAM)
- set_zip_header_data_desc(&header, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- set_zip_header_data_desc(&header, size, compressed_size, crc);
+ set_zip_header_data_desc(&header, size, compressed_size, crc);
copy_le16(header.filename_length, pathlen);
copy_le16(header.extra_length, ZIP_EXTRA_MTIME_SIZE);
write_or_die(1, &header, ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIZE);
attr_stack = elem;
-static const char *find_basename(const char *path)
- const char *cp, *last_slash = NULL;
- for (cp = path; *cp; cp++) {
- if (*cp == '/' && cp[1])
- last_slash = cp;
- }
- return last_slash ? last_slash + 1 : path;
-static void prepare_attr_stack(const char *path)
+static void prepare_attr_stack(const char *path, int dirlen)
struct attr_stack *elem, *info;
- int dirlen, len;
+ int len;
const char *cp;
- dirlen = find_basename(path) - path;
* At the bottom of the attribute stack is the built-in
* set of attribute definitions, followed by the contents
if (*n == ATTR__UNKNOWN) {
- a->is_macro ? a->u.attr->name : a->u.pattern,
+ a->is_macro ? a->u.attr->name : a->u.pat.pattern,
attr, v);
*n = v;
static void collect_all_attrs(const char *path)
struct attr_stack *stk;
- int i, pathlen, rem;
- const char *basename;
+ int i, pathlen, rem, dirlen;
+ const char *basename, *cp, *last_slash = NULL;
+ for (cp = path; *cp; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == '/' && cp[1])
+ last_slash = cp;
+ }
+ pathlen = cp - path;
+ if (last_slash) {
+ basename = last_slash + 1;
+ dirlen = last_slash - path;
+ } else {
+ basename = path;
+ dirlen = 0;
+ }
- prepare_attr_stack(path);
+ prepare_attr_stack(path, dirlen);
for (i = 0; i < attr_nr; i++)
check_all_attr[i].value = ATTR__UNKNOWN;
- basename = find_basename(path);
- pathlen = strlen(path);
rem = attr_nr;
for (stk = attr_stack; 0 < rem && stk; stk = stk->prev)
rem = fill(path, pathlen, basename, stk, rem);
return found;
-static void merge_file(const char *path)
+static void merge_one_path(const char *path)
int pos = cache_name_pos(path, strlen(path));
die("git merge-index: unknown option %s", arg);
- merge_file(arg);
+ merge_one_path(arg);
if (err && !quiet)
die("merge program failed");
#include "xdiff-interface.h"
#include "blob.h"
#include "exec_cmd.h"
-#include "merge-file.h"
+#include "merge-blobs.h"
static const char merge_tree_usage[] = "git merge-tree <base-tree> <branch1> <branch2>";
-static int resolve_directories = 1;
struct merge_list {
struct merge_list *next;
struct merge_list *link; /* other stages for this object */
- unsigned int stage : 2,
- flags : 30;
+ unsigned int stage : 2;
unsigned int mode;
const char *path;
struct blob *blob;
merge_result_end = &entry->next;
-static void merge_trees(struct tree_desc t[3], const char *base);
+static void merge_trees_recursive(struct tree_desc t[3], const char *base, int df_conflict);
static const char *explanation(struct merge_list *entry)
their = NULL;
if (entry)
their = entry->blob;
- return merge_file(path, base, our, their, size);
+ return merge_blobs(path, base, our, their, size);
static void *origin(struct merge_list *entry, unsigned long *size)
return make_traverse_path(path, info, n);
-static void resolve(const struct traverse_info *info, struct name_entry *branch1, struct name_entry *result)
+static void resolve(const struct traverse_info *info, struct name_entry *ours, struct name_entry *result)
struct merge_list *orig, *final;
const char *path;
- /* If it's already branch1, don't bother showing it */
- if (!branch1)
+ /* If it's already ours, don't bother showing it */
+ if (!ours)
path = traverse_path(info, result);
- orig = create_entry(2, branch1->mode, branch1->sha1, path);
+ orig = create_entry(2, ours->mode, ours->sha1, path);
final = create_entry(0, result->mode, result->sha1, path);
final->link = orig;
-static int unresolved_directory(const struct traverse_info *info, struct name_entry n[3])
+static void unresolved_directory(const struct traverse_info *info, struct name_entry n[3],
+ int df_conflict)
char *newbase;
struct name_entry *p;
struct tree_desc t[3];
void *buf0, *buf1, *buf2;
- if (!resolve_directories)
- return 0;
- p = n;
- if (!p->mode) {
- p++;
- if (!p->mode)
- p++;
+ for (p = n; p < n + 3; p++) {
+ if (p->mode && S_ISDIR(p->mode))
+ break;
- if (!S_ISDIR(p->mode))
- return 0;
+ if (n + 3 <= p)
+ return; /* there is no tree here */
newbase = traverse_path(info, p);
- buf0 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+0, n[0].sha1);
- buf1 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+1, n[1].sha1);
- buf2 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+2, n[2].sha1);
- merge_trees(t, newbase);
+#define ENTRY_SHA1(e) (((e)->mode && S_ISDIR((e)->mode)) ? (e)->sha1 : NULL)
+ buf0 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+0, ENTRY_SHA1(n + 0));
+ buf1 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+1, ENTRY_SHA1(n + 1));
+ buf2 = fill_tree_descriptor(t+2, ENTRY_SHA1(n + 2));
+#undef ENTRY_SHA1
+ merge_trees_recursive(t, newbase, df_conflict);
- return 1;
static void unresolved(const struct traverse_info *info, struct name_entry n[3])
struct merge_list *entry = NULL;
+ int i;
+ unsigned dirmask = 0, mask = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ mask |= (1 << 1);
+ if (n[i].mode && S_ISDIR(n[i].mode))
+ dirmask |= (1 << i);
+ }
- if (unresolved_directory(info, n))
+ unresolved_directory(info, n, dirmask && (dirmask != mask));
+ if (dirmask == mask)
- /*
- * Do them in reverse order so that the resulting link
- * list has the stages in order - link_entry adds new
- * links at the front.
- */
- entry = link_entry(3, info, n + 2, entry);
- entry = link_entry(2, info, n + 1, entry);
- entry = link_entry(1, info, n + 0, entry);
+ if (n[2].mode && !S_ISDIR(n[2].mode))
+ entry = link_entry(3, info, n + 2, entry);
+ if (n[1].mode && !S_ISDIR(n[1].mode))
+ entry = link_entry(2, info, n + 1, entry);
+ if (n[0].mode && !S_ISDIR(n[0].mode))
+ entry = link_entry(1, info, n + 0, entry);
/* Same in both? */
if (same_entry(entry+1, entry+2)) {
if (entry[0].sha1) {
+ /* Modified identically */
resolve(info, NULL, entry+1);
return mask;
+ /* "Both added the same" is left unresolved */
if (same_entry(entry+0, entry+1)) {
if (entry[2].sha1 && !S_ISDIR(entry[2].mode)) {
+ /* We did not touch, they modified -- take theirs */
resolve(info, entry+1, entry+2);
return mask;
+ /*
+ * If we did not touch a directory but they made it
+ * into a file, we fall through and unresolved()
+ * recurses down. Likewise for the opposite case.
+ */
if (same_entry(entry+0, entry+2)) {
if (entry[1].sha1 && !S_ISDIR(entry[1].mode)) {
+ /* We modified, they did not touch -- take ours */
resolve(info, NULL, entry+1);
return mask;
return mask;
-static void merge_trees(struct tree_desc t[3], const char *base)
+static void merge_trees_recursive(struct tree_desc t[3], const char *base, int df_conflict)
struct traverse_info info;
setup_traverse_info(&info, base);
+ info.data = &df_conflict;
info.fn = threeway_callback;
traverse_trees(3, t, &info);
+static void merge_trees(struct tree_desc t[3], const char *base)
+ merge_trees_recursive(t, base, 0);
static void *get_tree_descriptor(struct tree_desc *desc, const char *rev)
unsigned char sha1[20];
int is_directory(const char *);
const char *real_path(const char *path);
+const char *real_path_if_valid(const char *path);
const char *absolute_path(const char *path);
const char *relative_path(const char *abs, const char *base);
int normalize_path_copy(char *dst, const char *src);
-int longest_ancestor_length(const char *path, const char *prefix_list);
+int longest_ancestor_length(const char *path, struct string_list *prefixes);
char *strip_path_suffix(const char *path, const char *suffix);
int daemon_avoid_alias(const char *path);
int offset_1st_component(const char *path);
*) pfx="$ref:$pfx" ;;
- __gitcomp_nl "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" ls-tree "$ls" \
+ __gitcomp_nl "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" ls-tree "$ls" 2>/dev/null \
| sed '/^100... blob /{
s,^.* ,,
s,$, ,
--*=*|*.) ;;
*) c="$c " ;;
- array+=("$c")
+ array[$#array+1]="$c"
compset -P '*[=:]'
compadd -Q -S '' -p "${2-}" -a -- array && _ret=0
# To use this completion script:
+# 0) You need tcsh 6.16.00 or newer.
# 1) Copy both this file and the bash completion script to ${HOME}.
# You _must_ use the name ${HOME}/.git-completion.bash for the
# bash script.
# set autolist=ambiguous
# It will tell tcsh to list the possible completion choices.
+set __git_tcsh_completion_version = `\echo ${tcsh} | \sed 's/\./ /g'`
+if ( ${__git_tcsh_completion_version[1]} < 6 || \
+ ( ${__git_tcsh_completion_version[1]} == 6 && \
+ ${__git_tcsh_completion_version[2]} < 16 ) ) then
+ echo "git-completion.tcsh: Your version of tcsh is too old, you need version 6.16.00 or newer. Git completion will not work."
+ exit
+unset __git_tcsh_completion_version
set __git_tcsh_completion_original_script = ${HOME}/.git-completion.bash
set __git_tcsh_completion_script = ${HOME}/.git-completion.tcsh.bash
-if [ \${#COMPREPLY[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "\${COMPREPLY[*]}" | sort | uniq
+if [ \${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 0 ]; then
# No completions suggested. In this case, we want tcsh to perform
# standard file completion. However, there does not seem to be way
# to tell tcsh to do that. To help the user, we try to simulate
# We don't support ~ expansion: too tricky.
if [ "\${TO_COMPLETE:0:1}" != "~" ]; then
# Use ls so as to add the '/' at the end of directories.
- RESULT=(\`ls -dp \${TO_COMPLETE}* 2> /dev/null\`)
- echo \${RESULT[*]}
- # If there is a single completion and it is a directory,
- # we output it a second time to trick tcsh into not adding a space
- # after it.
- if [ \${#RESULT[*]} -eq 1 ] && [ "\${RESULT[0]: -1}" == "/" ]; then
- echo \${RESULT[*]}
- fi
+ COMPREPLY=(\`ls -dp \${TO_COMPLETE}* 2> /dev/null\`)
+# tcsh does not automatically remove duplicates, so we do it ourselves
+echo "\${COMPREPLY[*]}" | sort | uniq
+# If there is a single completion and it is a directory, we output it
+# a second time to trick tcsh into not adding a space after it.
+if [ \${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 1 ] && [ "\${COMPREPLY[0]: -1}" == "/" ]; then
+ echo "\${COMPREPLY[*]}"
# Don't need this variable anymore, so don't pollute the users environment
1. Copy these files to vim's syntax directory $HOME/.vim/syntax
2. To auto-detect the editing of various git-related filetypes:
- $ cat >>$HOME/.vim/filetype.vim <<'EOF'
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG setf gitcommit
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/config,.gitconfig setf gitconfig
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead git-rebase-todo setf gitrebase
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead .msg.[0-9]*
- \ if getline(1) =~ '^From.*# This line is ignored.$' |
- \ setf gitsendemail |
- \ endif
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.git/**
- \ if getline(1) =~ '^\x\{40\}\>\|^ref: ' |
- \ setf git |
- \ endif
+ $ curl http://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/filetype.vim |
+ sed -ne '/^" Git$/, /^$/ p' >>$HOME/.vim/filetype.vim
static struct dir_entry *dir_add_name(struct dir_struct *dir, const char *pathname, int len)
- if (cache_name_exists(pathname, len, ignore_case))
+ if (!(dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) &&
+ cache_name_exists(pathname, len, ignore_case))
return NULL;
ALLOC_GROW(dir->entries, dir->nr+1, dir->alloc);
* traversal routine.
* Case 1: If we *already* have entries in the index under that
- * directory name, we always recurse into the directory to see
- * all the files.
+ * directory name, we recurse into the directory to see all the files,
+ * unless the directory is excluded and we want to show ignored
+ * directories
* Case 2: If we *already* have that directory name as a gitlink,
* we always continue to see it as a gitlink, regardless of whether
* just a directory, unless "hide_empty_directories" is
* also true and the directory is empty, in which case
* we just ignore it entirely.
+ * if we are looking for ignored directories, look if it
+ * contains only ignored files to decide if it must be shown as
+ * ignored or not.
* (b) if it looks like a git directory, and we don't have
* 'no_gitlinks' set we treat it as a gitlink, and show it
* as a directory.
static enum directory_treatment treat_directory(struct dir_struct *dir,
- const char *dirname, int len,
+ const char *dirname, int len, int exclude,
const struct path_simplify *simplify)
/* The "len-1" is to strip the final '/' */
switch (directory_exists_in_index(dirname, len-1)) {
case index_directory:
+ if ((dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_OTHER_DIRECTORIES) && exclude)
+ break;
return recurse_into_directory;
case index_gitdir:
/* This is the "show_other_directories" case */
- if (!(dir->flags & DIR_HIDE_EMPTY_DIRECTORIES))
+ /*
+ * We are looking for ignored files and our directory is not ignored,
+ * check if it contains only ignored files
+ */
+ if ((dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) && !exclude) {
+ int ignored;
+ dir->flags &= ~DIR_SHOW_IGNORED;
+ ignored = read_directory_recursive(dir, dirname, len, 1, simplify);
+ dir->flags |= DIR_SHOW_IGNORED;
+ return ignored ? ignore_directory : show_directory;
+ }
+ if (!(dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) &&
return show_directory;
if (!read_directory_recursive(dir, dirname, len, 1, simplify))
return ignore_directory;
return show_directory;
+ * Decide what to do when we find a file while traversing the
+ * filesystem. Mostly two cases:
+ *
+ * 1. We are looking for ignored files
+ * (a) File is ignored, include it
+ * (b) File is in ignored path, include it
+ * (c) File is not ignored, exclude it
+ *
+ * 2. Other scenarios, include the file if not excluded
+ *
+ * Return 1 for exclude, 0 for include.
+ */
+static int treat_file(struct dir_struct *dir, struct strbuf *path, int exclude, int *dtype)
+ struct path_exclude_check check;
+ int exclude_file = 0;
+ if (exclude)
+ exclude_file = !(dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED);
+ else if (dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED) {
+ /* Always exclude indexed files */
+ struct cache_entry *ce = index_name_exists(&the_index,
+ path->buf, path->len, ignore_case);
+ if (ce)
+ return 1;
+ path_exclude_check_init(&check, dir);
+ if (!path_excluded(&check, path->buf, path->len, dtype))
+ exclude_file = 1;
+ path_exclude_check_clear(&check);
+ }
+ return exclude_file;
* This is an inexact early pruning of any recursive directory
* reading - if the path cannot possibly be in the pathspec,
if (dtype == DT_UNKNOWN)
dtype = get_dtype(de, path->buf, path->len);
- /*
- * Do we want to see just the ignored files?
- * We still need to recurse into directories,
- * even if we don't ignore them, since the
- * directory may contain files that we do..
- */
- if (!exclude && (dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED)) {
- if (dtype != DT_DIR)
- return path_ignored;
- }
switch (dtype) {
return path_ignored;
case DT_DIR:
strbuf_addch(path, '/');
- switch (treat_directory(dir, path->buf, path->len, simplify)) {
+ switch (treat_directory(dir, path->buf, path->len, exclude, simplify)) {
case show_directory:
- if (exclude != !!(dir->flags
- return path_ignored;
case recurse_into_directory:
return path_recurse;
case DT_REG:
case DT_LNK:
- break;
+ switch (treat_file(dir, path, exclude, &dtype)) {
+ case 1:
+ return path_ignored;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
return path_handled;
test "$tree" = "$ptree"
+ git rev-parse --verify --quiet "$1"^2 >/dev/null 2>&1
# Run command with GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL, and
# GIT_AUTHOR_DATE exported from the current environment.
do_with_author () {
while read -r shortsha1 rest
- if test -z "$keep_empty" && is_empty_commit $shortsha1
+ if test -z "$keep_empty" && is_empty_commit $shortsha1 && ! is_merge_commit $shortsha1
comment_out="# "
if (defined $input_format && $input_format eq 'mbox') {
- if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/) {
+ if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/i) {
$subject = $1;
- elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/) {
+ elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/i) {
($author, $author_encoding) = unquote_rfc2047($1);
next if $suppress_cc{'author'};
next if $suppress_cc{'self'} and $author eq $sender;
$1, $_) unless $quiet;
push @cc, $1;
- elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/) {
+ elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/i) {
foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
printf("(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n",
$addr, $_) unless $quiet;
push @to, $addr;
- elsif (/^Cc:\s+(.*)$/) {
+ elsif (/^Cc:\s+(.*)$/i) {
foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
if (unquote_rfc2047($addr) eq $sender) {
next if ($suppress_cc{'self'});
elsif (/^Message-Id: (.*)/i) {
$message_id = $1;
- elsif (!/^Date:\s/ && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s+\S/) {
+ elsif (!/^Date:\s/i && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s+\S/) {
push @xh, $_;
--- /dev/null
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "run-command.h"
+#include "xdiff-interface.h"
+#include "ll-merge.h"
+#include "blob.h"
+#include "merge-blobs.h"
+static int fill_mmfile_blob(mmfile_t *f, struct blob *obj)
+ void *buf;
+ unsigned long size;
+ enum object_type type;
+ buf = read_sha1_file(obj->object.sha1, &type, &size);
+ if (!buf)
+ return -1;
+ if (type != OBJ_BLOB)
+ return -1;
+ f->ptr = buf;
+ f->size = size;
+ return 0;
+static void free_mmfile(mmfile_t *f)
+ free(f->ptr);
+static void *three_way_filemerge(const char *path, mmfile_t *base, mmfile_t *our, mmfile_t *their, unsigned long *size)
+ int merge_status;
+ mmbuffer_t res;
+ /*
+ * This function is only used by cmd_merge_tree, which
+ * does not respect the merge.conflictstyle option.
+ * There is no need to worry about a label for the
+ * common ancestor.
+ */
+ merge_status = ll_merge(&res, path, base, NULL,
+ our, ".our", their, ".their", NULL);
+ if (merge_status < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ *size = res.size;
+ return res.ptr;
+static int common_outf(void *priv_, mmbuffer_t *mb, int nbuf)
+ int i;
+ mmfile_t *dst = priv_;
+ for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) {
+ memcpy(dst->ptr + dst->size, mb[i].ptr, mb[i].size);
+ dst->size += mb[i].size;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int generate_common_file(mmfile_t *res, mmfile_t *f1, mmfile_t *f2)
+ unsigned long size = f1->size < f2->size ? f1->size : f2->size;
+ void *ptr = xmalloc(size);
+ xpparam_t xpp;
+ xdemitconf_t xecfg;
+ xdemitcb_t ecb;
+ memset(&xpp, 0, sizeof(xpp));
+ xpp.flags = 0;
+ memset(&xecfg, 0, sizeof(xecfg));
+ xecfg.ctxlen = 3;
+ xecfg.flags = XDL_EMIT_COMMON;
+ ecb.outf = common_outf;
+ res->ptr = ptr;
+ res->size = 0;
+ ecb.priv = res;
+ return xdi_diff(f1, f2, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+void *merge_blobs(const char *path, struct blob *base, struct blob *our, struct blob *their, unsigned long *size)
+ void *res = NULL;
+ mmfile_t f1, f2, common;
+ /*
+ * Removed in either branch?
+ *
+ * NOTE! This depends on the caller having done the
+ * proper warning about removing a file that got
+ * modified in the other branch!
+ */
+ if (!our || !their) {
+ enum object_type type;
+ if (base)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!our)
+ our = their;
+ return read_sha1_file(our->object.sha1, &type, size);
+ }
+ if (fill_mmfile_blob(&f1, our) < 0)
+ goto out_no_mmfile;
+ if (fill_mmfile_blob(&f2, their) < 0)
+ goto out_free_f1;
+ if (base) {
+ if (fill_mmfile_blob(&common, base) < 0)
+ goto out_free_f2_f1;
+ } else {
+ if (generate_common_file(&common, &f1, &f2) < 0)
+ goto out_free_f2_f1;
+ }
+ res = three_way_filemerge(path, &common, &f1, &f2, size);
+ free_mmfile(&common);
+ free_mmfile(&f2);
+ free_mmfile(&f1);
+ return res;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef MERGE_BLOBS_H
+#define MERGE_BLOBS_H
+#include "blob.h"
+extern void *merge_blobs(const char *, struct blob *, struct blob *, struct blob *, unsigned long *);
+#endif /* MERGE_BLOBS_H */
+++ /dev/null
-#include "cache.h"
-#include "run-command.h"
-#include "xdiff-interface.h"
-#include "ll-merge.h"
-#include "blob.h"
-#include "merge-file.h"
-static int fill_mmfile_blob(mmfile_t *f, struct blob *obj)
- void *buf;
- unsigned long size;
- enum object_type type;
- buf = read_sha1_file(obj->object.sha1, &type, &size);
- if (!buf)
- return -1;
- if (type != OBJ_BLOB)
- return -1;
- f->ptr = buf;
- f->size = size;
- return 0;
-static void free_mmfile(mmfile_t *f)
- free(f->ptr);
-static void *three_way_filemerge(const char *path, mmfile_t *base, mmfile_t *our, mmfile_t *their, unsigned long *size)
- int merge_status;
- mmbuffer_t res;
- /*
- * This function is only used by cmd_merge_tree, which
- * does not respect the merge.conflictstyle option.
- * There is no need to worry about a label for the
- * common ancestor.
- */
- merge_status = ll_merge(&res, path, base, NULL,
- our, ".our", their, ".their", NULL);
- if (merge_status < 0)
- return NULL;
- *size = res.size;
- return res.ptr;
-static int common_outf(void *priv_, mmbuffer_t *mb, int nbuf)
- int i;
- mmfile_t *dst = priv_;
- for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) {
- memcpy(dst->ptr + dst->size, mb[i].ptr, mb[i].size);
- dst->size += mb[i].size;
- }
- return 0;
-static int generate_common_file(mmfile_t *res, mmfile_t *f1, mmfile_t *f2)
- unsigned long size = f1->size < f2->size ? f1->size : f2->size;
- void *ptr = xmalloc(size);
- xpparam_t xpp;
- xdemitconf_t xecfg;
- xdemitcb_t ecb;
- memset(&xpp, 0, sizeof(xpp));
- xpp.flags = 0;
- memset(&xecfg, 0, sizeof(xecfg));
- xecfg.ctxlen = 3;
- xecfg.flags = XDL_EMIT_COMMON;
- ecb.outf = common_outf;
- res->ptr = ptr;
- res->size = 0;
- ecb.priv = res;
- return xdi_diff(f1, f2, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
-void *merge_file(const char *path, struct blob *base, struct blob *our, struct blob *their, unsigned long *size)
- void *res = NULL;
- mmfile_t f1, f2, common;
- /*
- * Removed in either branch?
- *
- * NOTE! This depends on the caller having done the
- * proper warning about removing a file that got
- * modified in the other branch!
- */
- if (!our || !their) {
- enum object_type type;
- if (base)
- return NULL;
- if (!our)
- our = their;
- return read_sha1_file(our->object.sha1, &type, size);
- }
- if (fill_mmfile_blob(&f1, our) < 0)
- goto out_no_mmfile;
- if (fill_mmfile_blob(&f2, their) < 0)
- goto out_free_f1;
- if (base) {
- if (fill_mmfile_blob(&common, base) < 0)
- goto out_free_f2_f1;
- } else {
- if (generate_common_file(&common, &f1, &f2) < 0)
- goto out_free_f2_f1;
- }
- res = three_way_filemerge(path, &common, &f1, &f2, size);
- free_mmfile(&common);
- free_mmfile(&f2);
- free_mmfile(&f1);
- return res;
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef MERGE_FILE_H
-#define MERGE_FILE_H
-extern void *merge_file(const char *path, struct blob *base, struct blob *our,
- struct blob *their, unsigned long *size);
return mfi;
-static struct merge_file_info merge_file(struct merge_options *o,
+static struct merge_file_info merge_file_one(struct merge_options *o,
const char *path,
const unsigned char *o_sha, int o_mode,
const unsigned char *a_sha, int a_mode,
struct merge_file_info mfi;
struct diff_filespec other;
struct diff_filespec *add;
- mfi = merge_file(o, one->path,
+ mfi = merge_file_one(o, one->path,
one->sha1, one->mode,
a->sha1, a->mode,
b->sha1, b->mode,
ren1_dst, branch2);
if (o->call_depth) {
struct merge_file_info mfi;
- mfi = merge_file(o, ren1_dst, null_sha1, 0,
+ mfi = merge_file_one(o, ren1_dst, null_sha1, 0,
ren1->pair->two->sha1, ren1->pair->two->mode,
dst_other.sha1, dst_other.mode,
branch1, branch2);
#include "cache.h"
#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
static char bad_path[] = "/bad-path/";
* path = Canonical absolute path
- * prefix_list = Colon-separated list of absolute paths
+ * prefixes = string_list containing normalized, absolute paths without
+ * trailing slashes (except for the root directory, which is denoted by "/").
- * Determines, for each path in prefix_list, whether the "prefix" really
+ * Determines, for each path in prefixes, whether the "prefix"
* is an ancestor directory of path. Returns the length of the longest
* ancestor directory, excluding any trailing slashes, or -1 if no prefix
- * is an ancestor. (Note that this means 0 is returned if prefix_list is
- * "/".) "/foo" is not considered an ancestor of "/foobar". Directories
+ * is an ancestor. (Note that this means 0 is returned if prefixes is
+ * ["/"].) "/foo" is not considered an ancestor of "/foobar". Directories
* are not considered to be their own ancestors. path must be in a
* canonical form: empty components, or "." or ".." components are not
- * allowed. prefix_list may be null, which is like "".
+ * allowed.
-int longest_ancestor_length(const char *path, const char *prefix_list)
+int longest_ancestor_length(const char *path, struct string_list *prefixes)
- char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
- const char *ceil, *colon;
- int len, max_len = -1;
+ int i, max_len = -1;
- if (prefix_list == NULL || !strcmp(path, "/"))
+ if (!strcmp(path, "/"))
return -1;
- for (colon = ceil = prefix_list; *colon; ceil = colon+1) {
- for (colon = ceil; *colon && *colon != PATH_SEP; colon++);
- len = colon - ceil;
- if (len == 0 || len > PATH_MAX || !is_absolute_path(ceil))
- continue;
- strlcpy(buf, ceil, len+1);
- if (normalize_path_copy(buf, buf) < 0)
- continue;
- len = strlen(buf);
- if (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == '/')
- buf[--len] = '\0';
+ for (i = 0; i < prefixes->nr; i++) {
+ const char *ceil = prefixes->items[i].string;
+ int len = strlen(ceil);
- if (!strncmp(path, buf, len) &&
- path[len] == '/' &&
- len > max_len) {
+ if (len == 1 && ceil[0] == '/')
+ len = 0; /* root matches anything, with length 0 */
+ else if (!strncmp(path, ceil, len) && path[len] == '/')
+ ; /* match of length len */
+ else
+ continue; /* no match */
+ if (len > max_len)
max_len = len;
- }
return max_len;
#include "cache.h"
#include "dir.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
static int inside_git_dir = -1;
static int inside_work_tree = -1;
return buf.st_dev;
+ * A "string_list_each_func_t" function that canonicalizes an entry
+ * from GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES using real_path_if_valid(), or
+ * discards it if unusable.
+ */
+static int canonicalize_ceiling_entry(struct string_list_item *item,
+ void *unused)
+ char *ceil = item->string;
+ const char *real_path;
+ if (!*ceil || !is_absolute_path(ceil))
+ return 0;
+ real_path = real_path_if_valid(ceil);
+ if (!real_path)
+ return 0;
+ free(item->string);
+ item->string = xstrdup(real_path);
+ return 1;
* We cannot decide in this function whether we are in the work tree or
* not, since the config can only be read _after_ this function was called.
static const char *setup_git_directory_gently_1(int *nongit_ok)
const char *env_ceiling_dirs = getenv(CEILING_DIRECTORIES_ENVIRONMENT);
+ struct string_list ceiling_dirs = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
static char cwd[PATH_MAX+1];
const char *gitdirenv, *ret;
char *gitfile;
- int len, offset, offset_parent, ceil_offset;
+ int len, offset, offset_parent, ceil_offset = -1;
dev_t current_device = 0;
int one_filesystem = 1;
if (gitdirenv)
return setup_explicit_git_dir(gitdirenv, cwd, len, nongit_ok);
- ceil_offset = longest_ancestor_length(cwd, env_ceiling_dirs);
+ if (env_ceiling_dirs) {
+ string_list_split(&ceiling_dirs, env_ceiling_dirs, PATH_SEP, -1);
+ filter_string_list(&ceiling_dirs, 0,
+ canonicalize_ceiling_entry, NULL);
+ ceil_offset = longest_ancestor_length(cwd, &ceiling_dirs);
+ string_list_clear(&ceiling_dirs, 0);
+ }
if (ceil_offset < 0 && has_dos_drive_prefix(cwd))
ceil_offset = 1;
filter_string_list(list, free_util, item_is_not_empty, NULL);
-char *string_list_longest_prefix(const struct string_list *prefixes,
- const char *string)
- int i, max_len = -1;
- char *retval = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < prefixes->nr; i++) {
- char *prefix = prefixes->items[i].string;
- if (!prefixcmp(string, prefix)) {
- int len = strlen(prefix);
- if (len > max_len) {
- retval = prefix;
- max_len = len;
- }
- }
- }
- return retval;
void string_list_clear(struct string_list *list, int free_util)
if (list->items) {
void string_list_remove_empty_items(struct string_list *list, int free_util);
- * Return the longest string in prefixes that is a prefix (in the
- * sense of prefixcmp()) of string, or NULL if no such prefix exists.
- * This function does not require the string_list to be sorted (it
- * does a linear search).
- */
-char *string_list_longest_prefix(const struct string_list *prefixes, const char *string);
/* Use these functions only on sorted lists: */
int string_list_has_string(const struct string_list *list, const char *string);
int string_list_find_insert_index(const struct string_list *list, const char *string,
test_description='respect crlf in git archive'
. ./test-lib.sh
+test_lazy_prereq UNZIP '
+ "$GIT_UNZIP" -v
+ test $? -ne 127
test_expect_success setup '
-"$UNZIP" -v >/dev/null 2>&1
-if [ $? -eq 127 ]; then
- say "Skipping ZIP test, because unzip was not found"
- test_set_prereq UNZIP
test_expect_success UNZIP 'zip archive' '
git archive --format=zip HEAD >test.zip &&
- ( mkdir unzipped && cd unzipped && unzip ../test.zip ) &&
+ ( mkdir unzipped && cd unzipped && "$GIT_UNZIP" ../test.zip ) &&
test_cmp sample unzipped/sample
if test_have_prereq CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS
test_expect_success "detection of case insensitive filesystem during repo init" '
test $(git config --bool core.ignorecase) = true
test_expect_success "detection of case insensitive filesystem during repo init" '
test_must_fail git config --bool core.ignorecase >/dev/null ||
test $(git config --bool core.ignorecase) = false
if test_have_prereq SYMLINKS
test_expect_success "detection of filesystem w/o symlink support during repo init" '
test_must_fail git config --bool core.symlinks ||
test "$(git config --bool core.symlinks)" = true
test_expect_success "detection of filesystem w/o symlink support during repo init" '
v=$(git config --bool core.symlinks) &&
test "$v" = false
test_expect_success "setup case tests" '
git config core.ignorecase true &&
touch camelcase &&
git add camelcase &&
git mv tmp CamelCase &&
git commit -m "rename" &&
git checkout -f master
$test_case 'rename (case change)' '
git mv camelcase CamelCase &&
git commit -m "rename"
-$test_case 'merge (case change)' '
+test_expect_success 'merge (case change)' '
rm -f CamelCase &&
rm -f camelcase &&
git reset --hard initial &&
git merge topic
-test_expect_failure 'add (with different case)' '
+test_expect_failure CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'add (with different case)' '
git reset --hard initial &&
rm camelcase &&
echo 1 >CamelCase &&
camel=$(git ls-files | grep -i camelcase) &&
test $(echo "$camel" | wc -l) = 1 &&
test "z$(git cat-file blob :$camel)" = z1
test_expect_success "setup unicode normalization tests" '
- test_create_repo unicode &&
- cd unicode &&
- touch "$aumlcdiar" &&
- git add "$aumlcdiar" &&
- git commit -m initial &&
- git tag initial &&
- git checkout -b topic &&
- git mv $aumlcdiar tmp &&
- git mv tmp "$auml" &&
- git commit -m rename &&
- git checkout -f master
+ test_create_repo unicode &&
+ cd unicode &&
+ touch "$aumlcdiar" &&
+ git add "$aumlcdiar" &&
+ git commit -m initial &&
+ git tag initial &&
+ git checkout -b topic &&
+ git mv $aumlcdiar tmp &&
+ git mv tmp "$auml" &&
+ git commit -m rename &&
+ git checkout -f master
$test_unicode 'rename (silent unicode normalization)' '
- git mv "$aumlcdiar" "$auml" &&
- git commit -m rename
+ git mv "$aumlcdiar" "$auml" &&
+ git commit -m rename
$test_unicode 'merge (silent unicode normalization)' '
- git reset --hard initial &&
- git merge topic
+ git reset --hard initial &&
+ git merge topic
norm_path /d1/.../d2 /d1/.../d2 POSIX
norm_path /d1/..././../d2 /d1/d2 POSIX
-ancestor / "" -1
ancestor / / -1
-ancestor /foo "" -1
-ancestor /foo : -1
-ancestor /foo ::. -1
-ancestor /foo ::..:: -1
ancestor /foo / 0
ancestor /foo /fo -1
ancestor /foo /foo -1
-ancestor /foo /foo/ -1
ancestor /foo /bar -1
-ancestor /foo /bar/ -1
ancestor /foo /foo/bar -1
-ancestor /foo /foo:/bar/ -1
-ancestor /foo /foo/:/bar/ -1
-ancestor /foo /foo::/bar/ -1
-ancestor /foo /:/foo:/bar/ 0
-ancestor /foo /foo:/:/bar/ 0
-ancestor /foo /:/bar/:/foo 0
-ancestor /foo/bar "" -1
+ancestor /foo /foo:/bar -1
+ancestor /foo /:/foo:/bar 0
+ancestor /foo /foo:/:/bar 0
+ancestor /foo /:/bar:/foo 0
ancestor /foo/bar / 0
ancestor /foo/bar /fo -1
-ancestor /foo/bar foo -1
ancestor /foo/bar /foo 4
-ancestor /foo/bar /foo/ 4
ancestor /foo/bar /foo/ba -1
ancestor /foo/bar /:/fo 0
ancestor /foo/bar /foo:/foo/ba 4
ancestor /foo/bar /bar -1
-ancestor /foo/bar /bar/ -1
-ancestor /foo/bar /fo: -1
-ancestor /foo/bar :/fo -1
-ancestor /foo/bar /foo:/bar/ 4
-ancestor /foo/bar /:/foo:/bar/ 4
-ancestor /foo/bar /foo:/:/bar/ 4
-ancestor /foo/bar /:/bar/:/fo 0
-ancestor /foo/bar /:/bar/ 0
-ancestor /foo/bar .:/foo/. 4
-ancestor /foo/bar .:/foo/.:.: 4
-ancestor /foo/bar /foo/./:.:/bar 4
-ancestor /foo/bar .:/bar -1
+ancestor /foo/bar /fo -1
+ancestor /foo/bar /foo:/bar 4
+ancestor /foo/bar /:/foo:/bar 4
+ancestor /foo/bar /foo:/:/bar 4
+ancestor /foo/bar /:/bar:/fo 0
+ancestor /foo/bar /:/bar 0
+ancestor /foo/bar /foo 4
+ancestor /foo/bar /foo:/bar 4
+ancestor /foo/bar /bar -1
test_expect_success 'strip_path_suffix' '
test c:/msysgit = $(test-path-utils strip_path_suffix \
-test_longest_prefix () {
- test "$(test-string-list longest_prefix "$1" "$2")" = "$3"
-test_no_longest_prefix () {
- test_must_fail test-string-list longest_prefix "$1" "$2"
test_split "foo:bar:baz" ":" "-1" <<EOF
[0]: "foo"
test a:b:c = "$(test-string-list remove_duplicates a:a:a:b:b:b:c:c:c)"
-test_expect_success "test longest_prefix" '
- test_no_longest_prefix - '' &&
- test_no_longest_prefix - x &&
- test_longest_prefix "" x "" &&
- test_longest_prefix x x x &&
- test_longest_prefix "" foo "" &&
- test_longest_prefix : foo "" &&
- test_longest_prefix f foo f &&
- test_longest_prefix foo foobar foo &&
- test_longest_prefix foo foo foo &&
- test_no_longest_prefix bar foo &&
- test_no_longest_prefix bar:bar foo &&
- test_no_longest_prefix foobar foo &&
- test_longest_prefix foo:bar foo foo &&
- test_longest_prefix foo:bar bar bar &&
- test_longest_prefix foo::bar foo foo &&
- test_longest_prefix foo:foobar foo foo &&
- test_longest_prefix foobar:foo foo foo &&
- test_longest_prefix foo: bar "" &&
- test_longest_prefix :foo bar ""
test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'turn file to tree' '
+ git reset --hard initial &&
+ rm initial-file &&
+ mkdir initial-file &&
+ test_commit "turn-file-to-tree" "initial-file/ONE" "CCC" &&
+ git merge-tree initial initial turn-file-to-tree >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ added in remote
+ their 100644 43aa4fdec31eb92e1fdc2f0ce6ea9ddb7c32bcf7 initial-file/ONE
+ @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ +CCC
+ removed in remote
+ base 100644 e79c5e8f964493290a409888d5413a737e8e5dd5 initial-file
+ our 100644 e79c5e8f964493290a409888d5413a737e8e5dd5 initial-file
+ @@ -1 +0,0 @@
+ -initial
+ test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'turn tree to file' '
+ git reset --hard initial &&
+ mkdir dir &&
+ test_commit "add-tree" "dir/path" "AAA" &&
+ test_commit "add-another-tree" "dir/another" "BBB" &&
+ rm -fr dir &&
+ test_commit "make-file" "dir" "CCC" &&
+ git merge-tree add-tree add-another-tree make-file >actual &&
+ cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+ added in local
+ our 100644 ba629238ca89489f2b350e196ca445e09d8bb834 dir/another
+ removed in remote
+ base 100644 43d5a8ed6ef6c00ff775008633f95787d088285d dir/path
+ our 100644 43d5a8ed6ef6c00ff775008633f95787d088285d dir/path
+ @@ -1 +0,0 @@
+ -AAA
+ added in remote
+ their 100644 43aa4fdec31eb92e1fdc2f0ce6ea9ddb7c32bcf7 dir
+ @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ +CCC
+ test_cmp expect actual
. ./test-lib.sh
GUNZIP=${GUNZIP:-gzip -d}
-check_zip() {
- zipfile=$1.zip
- listfile=$1.lst
- dir=$1
- dir_with_prefix=$dir/$2
- test_expect_success UNZIP " extract ZIP archive" "
- (mkdir $dir && cd $dir && $UNZIP ../$zipfile)
- "
- test_expect_success UNZIP " validate filenames" "
- (cd ${dir_with_prefix}a && find .) | sort >$listfile &&
- test_cmp a.lst $listfile
- "
- test_expect_success UNZIP " validate file contents" "
- diff -r a ${dir_with_prefix}a
- "
test_expect_success \
'populate workdir' \
'mkdir a b c &&
test_cmp a/substfile2 g/prefix/a/substfile2
-$UNZIP -v >/dev/null 2>&1
-if [ $? -eq 127 ]; then
- say "Skipping ZIP tests, because unzip was not found"
- test_set_prereq UNZIP
-test_expect_success \
- 'git archive --format=zip' \
- 'git archive --format=zip HEAD >d.zip'
-check_zip d
-test_expect_success \
- 'git archive --format=zip in a bare repo' \
- '(cd bare.git && git archive --format=zip HEAD) >d1.zip'
-test_expect_success \
- 'git archive --format=zip vs. the same in a bare repo' \
- 'test_cmp d.zip d1.zip'
-test_expect_success 'git archive --format=zip with --output' \
- 'git archive --format=zip --output=d2.zip HEAD &&
- test_cmp d.zip d2.zip'
-test_expect_success 'git archive with --output, inferring format' '
- git archive --output=d3.zip HEAD &&
- test_cmp d.zip d3.zip
test_expect_success 'git archive with --output, override inferred format' '
git archive --format=tar --output=d4.zip HEAD &&
test_cmp b.tar d4.zip
-test_expect_success \
- 'git archive --format=zip with prefix' \
- 'git archive --format=zip --prefix=prefix/ HEAD >e.zip'
-check_zip e prefix/
-test_expect_success 'git archive -0 --format=zip on large files' '
- test_config core.bigfilethreshold 1 &&
- git archive -0 --format=zip HEAD >large.zip
-check_zip large
-test_expect_success 'git archive --format=zip on large files' '
- test_config core.bigfilethreshold 1 &&
- git archive --format=zip HEAD >large-compressed.zip
-check_zip large-compressed
test_expect_success \
'git archive --list outside of a git repo' \
'GIT_DIR=some/non-existing/directory git archive --list'
--- /dev/null
+test_description='git archive --format=zip test'
+. ./test-lib.sh
+test_lazy_prereq UNZIP '
+ "$GIT_UNZIP" -v
+ test $? -ne 127
+test_lazy_prereq UNZIP_SYMLINKS '
+ (
+ mkdir unzip-symlinks &&
+ cd unzip-symlinks &&
+ "$GIT_UNZIP" "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t5003/infozip-symlinks.zip &&
+ test -h symlink
+ )
+check_zip() {
+ zipfile=$1.zip
+ listfile=$1.lst
+ dir=$1
+ dir_with_prefix=$dir/$2
+ test_expect_success UNZIP " extract ZIP archive" '
+ (mkdir $dir && cd $dir && "$GIT_UNZIP" ../$zipfile)
+ '
+ test_expect_success UNZIP " validate filenames" "
+ (cd ${dir_with_prefix}a && find .) | sort >$listfile &&
+ test_cmp a.lst $listfile
+ "
+ test_expect_success UNZIP " validate file contents" "
+ diff -r a ${dir_with_prefix}a
+ "
+test_expect_success \
+ 'populate workdir' \
+ 'mkdir a b c &&
+ echo simple textfile >a/a &&
+ mkdir a/bin &&
+ cp /bin/sh a/bin &&
+ printf "A\$Format:%s\$O" "$SUBSTFORMAT" >a/substfile1 &&
+ printf "A not substituted O" >a/substfile2 &&
+ (p=long_path_to_a_file && cd a &&
+ for depth in 1 2 3 4 5; do mkdir $p && cd $p; done &&
+ echo text >file_with_long_path)
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS,UNZIP_SYMLINKS 'add symlink' '
+ ln -s a a/symlink_to_a
+test_expect_success 'prepare file list' '
+ (cd a && find .) | sort >a.lst
+test_expect_success \
+ 'add ignored file' \
+ 'echo ignore me >a/ignored &&
+ echo ignored export-ignore >.git/info/attributes'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'add files to repository' \
+ 'find a -type f | xargs git update-index --add &&
+ find a -type l | xargs git update-index --add &&
+ treeid=`git write-tree` &&
+ echo $treeid >treeid &&
+ git update-ref HEAD $(TZ=GMT GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2005-05-27 22:00:00" \
+ git commit-tree $treeid </dev/null)'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'create bare clone' \
+ 'git clone --bare . bare.git &&
+ cp .git/info/attributes bare.git/info/attributes'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'remove ignored file' \
+ 'rm a/ignored'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'git archive --format=zip' \
+ 'git archive --format=zip HEAD >d.zip'
+check_zip d
+test_expect_success \
+ 'git archive --format=zip in a bare repo' \
+ '(cd bare.git && git archive --format=zip HEAD) >d1.zip'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'git archive --format=zip vs. the same in a bare repo' \
+ 'test_cmp d.zip d1.zip'
+test_expect_success 'git archive --format=zip with --output' \
+ 'git archive --format=zip --output=d2.zip HEAD &&
+ test_cmp d.zip d2.zip'
+test_expect_success 'git archive with --output, inferring format' '
+ git archive --output=d3.zip HEAD &&
+ test_cmp d.zip d3.zip
+test_expect_success \
+ 'git archive --format=zip with prefix' \
+ 'git archive --format=zip --prefix=prefix/ HEAD >e.zip'
+check_zip e prefix/
+test_expect_success 'git archive -0 --format=zip on large files' '
+ test_config core.bigfilethreshold 1 &&
+ git archive -0 --format=zip HEAD >large.zip
+check_zip large
+test_expect_success 'git archive --format=zip on large files' '
+ test_config core.bigfilethreshold 1 &&
+ git archive --format=zip HEAD >large-compressed.zip
+check_zip large-compressed
--- /dev/null
+test_description='git-status ignored files'
+. ./test-lib.sh
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+?? untracked/
+test_expect_success 'status untracked directory with --ignored' '
+ echo "ignored" >.gitignore &&
+ mkdir untracked &&
+ : >untracked/ignored &&
+ : >untracked/uncommitted &&
+ git status --porcelain --ignored >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+?? untracked/uncommitted
+!! untracked/ignored
+test_expect_success 'status untracked directory with --ignored -u' '
+ git status --porcelain --ignored -u >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+!! ignored/
+test_expect_success 'status ignored directory with --ignore' '
+ rm -rf untracked &&
+ mkdir ignored &&
+ : >ignored/uncommitted &&
+ git status --porcelain --ignored >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+!! ignored/uncommitted
+test_expect_success 'status ignored directory with --ignore -u' '
+ git status --porcelain --ignored -u >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+!! untracked-ignored/
+test_expect_success 'status untracked directory with ignored files with --ignore' '
+ rm -rf ignored &&
+ mkdir untracked-ignored &&
+ mkdir untracked-ignored/test &&
+ : >untracked-ignored/ignored &&
+ : >untracked-ignored/test/ignored &&
+ git status --porcelain --ignored >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+!! untracked-ignored/ignored
+!! untracked-ignored/test/ignored
+test_expect_success 'status untracked directory with ignored files with --ignore -u' '
+ git status --porcelain --ignored -u >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+test_expect_success 'status ignored tracked directory with --ignore' '
+ rm -rf untracked-ignored &&
+ mkdir tracked &&
+ : >tracked/committed &&
+ git add tracked/committed &&
+ git commit -m. &&
+ echo "tracked" >.gitignore &&
+ git status --porcelain --ignored >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+test_expect_success 'status ignored tracked directory with --ignore -u' '
+ git status --porcelain --ignored -u >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+!! tracked/
+test_expect_success 'status ignored tracked directory and uncommitted file with --ignore' '
+ : >tracked/uncommitted &&
+ git status --porcelain --ignored >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
+cat >expected <<\EOF
+?? .gitignore
+?? actual
+?? expected
+!! tracked/uncommitted
+test_expect_success 'status ignored tracked directory and uncommitted file with --ignore -u' '
+ git status --porcelain --ignored -u >actual &&
+ test_cmp expected actual
my @vars = grep(/^GIT_/ && !/^GIT_($ok)/o, @env);
unset CDPATH
+unset UNZIP
case $(echo $GIT_TRACE |tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") in
#include "cache.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
+ * A "string_list_each_func_t" function that normalizes an entry from
+ * GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES. If the path is unusable for some reason,
+ * die with an explanation.
+ */
+static int normalize_ceiling_entry(struct string_list_item *item, void *unused)
+ const char *ceil = item->string;
+ int len = strlen(ceil);
+ char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
+ if (len == 0)
+ die("Empty path is not supported");
+ if (len > PATH_MAX)
+ die("Path \"%s\" is too long", ceil);
+ if (!is_absolute_path(ceil))
+ die("Path \"%s\" is not absolute", ceil);
+ if (normalize_path_copy(buf, ceil) < 0)
+ die("Path \"%s\" could not be normalized", ceil);
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ if (len > 1 && buf[len-1] == '/')
+ die("Normalized path \"%s\" ended with slash", buf);
+ free(item->string);
+ item->string = xstrdup(buf);
+ return 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc == 4 && !strcmp(argv[1], "longest_ancestor_length")) {
- int len = longest_ancestor_length(argv[2], argv[3]);
+ int len;
+ struct string_list ceiling_dirs = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+ char *path = xstrdup(argv[2]);
+ /*
+ * We have to normalize the arguments because under
+ * Windows, bash mangles arguments that look like
+ * absolute POSIX paths or colon-separate lists of
+ * absolute POSIX paths into DOS paths (e.g.,
+ * "/foo:/foo/bar" might be converted to
+ * "D:\Src\msysgit\foo;D:\Src\msysgit\foo\bar"),
+ * whereas longest_ancestor_length() requires paths
+ * that use forward slashes.
+ */
+ if (normalize_path_copy(path, path))
+ die("Path \"%s\" could not be normalized", argv[2]);
+ string_list_split(&ceiling_dirs, argv[3], PATH_SEP, -1);
+ filter_string_list(&ceiling_dirs, 0,
+ normalize_ceiling_entry, NULL);
+ len = longest_ancestor_length(path, &ceiling_dirs);
+ string_list_clear(&ceiling_dirs, 0);
+ free(path);
printf("%d\n", len);
return 0;
return 0;
- if (argc == 4 && !strcmp(argv[1], "longest_prefix")) {
- /* arguments: <colon-separated-prefixes>|- <string> */
- struct string_list prefixes = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
- int retval;
- const char *prefix_string = argv[2];
- const char *string = argv[3];
- const char *match;
- parse_string_list(&prefixes, prefix_string);
- match = string_list_longest_prefix(&prefixes, string);
- if (match) {
- printf("%s\n", match);
- retval = 0;
- }
- else
- retval = 1;
- string_list_clear(&prefixes, 0);
- return retval;
- }
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown function name: %s\n", argv[0],
argv[1] ? argv[1] : "(there was none)");
return 1;
if (s->show_ignored_files) {
dir.nr = 0;
+ dir.flags = DIR_SHOW_IGNORED;
+ if (s->show_untracked_files != SHOW_ALL_UNTRACKED_FILES)
fill_directory(&dir, s->pathspec);
for (i = 0; i < dir.nr; i++) {
struct dir_entry *ent = dir.entries[i];