This patch enables the use of themed Tk widgets with Tk 8.5 and above.
These make a significant difference on Windows in making the
application appear native. On Windows and MacOSX ttk defaults to the
native look as much as possible. On X11 the user may select a theme
using the TkTheme XRDB resource class by adding an line to the
.Xresources file. The set of installed theme names is available using
the Tk command 'ttk::themes'. The default on X11 is similar to the current
un-themed style - a kind of thin bordered motif look.
A new git config variable 'gui.usettk' may be set to disable this if
the user prefers the classic Tk look. Using Tk 8.4 will also avoid the
use of themed widgets as these are only available since 8.5.
Some support is included for Tk 8.6 features (themed spinbox and native
font chooser for MacOSX and Windows).
Signed-off-by: Pat Thoyts <>
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
## config defaults
set cursor_ptr arrow
-font create font_diff -family Courier -size 10
font create font_ui
-catch {
- label .dummy
- eval font configure font_ui [font actual [.dummy cget -font]]
- destroy .dummy
+if {[lsearch -exact [font names] TkDefaultFont] != -1} {
+ eval [linsert [font actual TkDefaultFont] 0 font configure font_ui]
+ eval [linsert [font actual TkFixedFont] 0 font create font_diff]
+} else {
+ font create font_diff -family Courier -size 10
+ catch {
+ label .dummy
+ eval font configure font_ui [font actual [.dummy cget -font]]
+ destroy .dummy
+ }
font create font_uiitalic
if {![is_MacOSX]} {
option add *Menu.font font_ui
+ option add *Entry.borderWidth 1 startupFile
+ option add *Entry.relief sunken startupFile
+ option add *RadioButton.anchor w startupFile
unset class
font configure ${font}bold -weight bold
font configure ${font}italic -slant italic
+ global use_ttk NS
+ set use_ttk 0
+ set NS {}
+ if {$repo_config(gui.usettk)} {
+ set use_ttk [package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.5]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set NS ttk
+ bind [winfo class .] <<ThemeChanged>> [list InitTheme]
+ pave_toplevel .
+ }
+ }
set default_config(branch.autosetupmerge) true
set default_config(gui.fontdiff) [font configure font_diff]
# TODO: this option should be added to the git-config documentation
set default_config(gui.maxfilesdisplayed) 5000
+set default_config(gui.usettk) 1
set font_descs {
{fontui font_ui {mc "Main Font"}}
{fontdiff font_diff {mc "Diff/Console Font"}}
global ui_comm is_quitting repo_config commit_type
global GITGUI_BCK_exists GITGUI_BCK_i
global ui_comm_spell
- global ret_code
+ global ret_code use_ttk
if {$is_quitting} return
set is_quitting 1
set cfg_geometry [list]
lappend cfg_geometry [wm geometry .]
- lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 0]
- lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 1]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ lappend cfg_geometry [.vpane sashpos 0]
+ lappend cfg_geometry [.vpane.files sashpos 0]
+ } else {
+ lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 0]
+ lappend cfg_geometry [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 1]
+ }
if {[catch {set rc_geometry $repo_config(gui.geometry)}]} {
set rc_geometry {}
# -- Branch Control
-frame .branch \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken
-label .branch.l1 \
+${NS}::frame .branch
+if {!$use_ttk} {.branch configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
+${NS}::label .branch.l1 \
-text [mc "Current Branch:"] \
-anchor w \
-justify left
-label .branch.cb \
+${NS}::label .branch.cb \
-textvariable current_branch \
-anchor w \
-justify left
# -- Main Window Layout
-panedwindow .vpane -orient horizontal
-panedwindow .vpane.files -orient vertical
-.vpane add .vpane.files -sticky nsew -height 100 -width 200
+${NS}::panedwindow .vpane -orient horizontal
+${NS}::panedwindow .vpane.files -orient vertical
+if {$use_ttk} {
+ .vpane add .vpane.files
+} else {
+ .vpane add .vpane.files -sticky nsew -height 100 -width 200
pack .vpane -anchor n -side top -fill both -expand 1
# -- Index File List
-frame .vpane.files.index -height 100 -width 200
-label .vpane.files.index.title -text [mc "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"] \
+${NS}::frame .vpane.files.index -height 100 -width 200
+tlabel .vpane.files.index.title \
+ -text [mc "Staged Changes (Will Commit)"] \
-background lightgreen -foreground black
text $ui_index -background white -foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-xscrollcommand { set} \
-yscrollcommand { set} \
-state disabled
-scrollbar -orient h -command [list $ui_index xview]
-scrollbar -orient v -command [list $ui_index yview]
+${NS}::scrollbar -orient h -command [list $ui_index xview]
+${NS}::scrollbar -orient v -command [list $ui_index yview]
pack .vpane.files.index.title -side top -fill x
pack -side bottom -fill x
pack -side right -fill y
# -- Working Directory File List
-frame .vpane.files.workdir -height 100 -width 200
-label .vpane.files.workdir.title -text [mc "Unstaged Changes"] \
+${NS}::frame .vpane.files.workdir -height 100 -width 200
+tlabel .vpane.files.workdir.title -text [mc "Unstaged Changes"] \
-background lightsalmon -foreground black
text $ui_workdir -background white -foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-xscrollcommand { set} \
-yscrollcommand { set} \
-state disabled
-scrollbar -orient h -command [list $ui_workdir xview]
-scrollbar -orient v -command [list $ui_workdir yview]
+${NS}::scrollbar -orient h -command [list $ui_workdir xview]
+${NS}::scrollbar -orient v -command [list $ui_workdir yview]
pack .vpane.files.workdir.title -side top -fill x
pack -side bottom -fill x
pack -side right -fill y
pack $ui_workdir -side left -fill both -expand 1
-.vpane.files add .vpane.files.workdir -sticky nsew
-.vpane.files add .vpane.files.index -sticky nsew
+.vpane.files add .vpane.files.workdir
+.vpane.files add .vpane.files.index
+if {!$use_ttk} {
+ .vpane.files paneconfigure .vpane.files.workdir -sticky news
+ .vpane.files paneconfigure .vpane.files.index -sticky news
foreach i [list $ui_index $ui_workdir] {
rmsel_tag $i
# -- Diff and Commit Area
-frame .vpane.lower -height 300 -width 400
-frame .vpane.lower.commarea
-frame .vpane.lower.diff -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower -height 300 -width 400
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.diff -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
pack .vpane.lower.diff -fill both -expand 1
pack .vpane.lower.commarea -side bottom -fill x
-.vpane add .vpane.lower -sticky nsew
+.vpane add .vpane.lower
+if {!$use_ttk} {.vpane paneconfigure .vpane.lower -sticky nsew}
# -- Commit Area Buttons
-frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons
-label .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -text {} \
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons
+${NS}::label .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -text {} \
-anchor w \
-justify left
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.l -side top -fill x
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons -side left -fill y
-button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -text [mc Rescan] \
+${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -text [mc Rescan] \
-command ui_do_rescan
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock \
{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.rescan conf -state}
-button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -text [mc "Stage Changed"] \
+${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -text [mc "Stage Changed"] \
-command do_add_all
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock \
{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.incall conf -state}
if {![is_enabled nocommitmsg]} {
- button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -text [mc "Sign Off"] \
+ ${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -text [mc "Sign Off"] \
-command do_signoff
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.signoff -side top -fill x
-button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -text [commit_btn_caption] \
+${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -text [commit_btn_caption] \
-command do_commit
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock \
{.vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.commit conf -state}
if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
- button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -text [mc Push] \
+ ${NS}::button .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -text [mc Push] \
-command do_push_anywhere
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buttons.push -side top -fill x
# -- Commit Message Buffer
-frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer
-frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header
set ui_comm .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.t
set ui_coml .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.l
if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
- radiobutton \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton \
-text [mc "New Commit"] \
-command do_select_commit_type \
-variable selected_commit_type \
-value new
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list conf -state]
- radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
-text [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
-command do_select_commit_type \
-variable selected_commit_type \
[list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend conf -state]
-label $ui_coml \
+${NS}::label $ui_coml \
-anchor w \
-justify left
proc trace_commit_type {varname args} {
-width $repo_config(gui.commitmsgwidth) -height 9 -wrap none \
-font font_diff \
-yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby set}
-scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby \
+${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby \
-command [list $ui_comm yview]
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header -side top -fill x
pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.sby -side right -fill y
trace add variable current_diff_path write trace_current_diff_path
-frame .vpane.lower.diff.header -background gold
-label .vpane.lower.diff.header.status \
+gold_frame .vpane.lower.diff.header
+tlabel .vpane.lower.diff.header.status \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-width $max_status_desc \
-anchor w \
-justify left
-label .vpane.lower.diff.header.file \
+tlabel .vpane.lower.diff.header.file \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
-label .vpane.lower.diff.header.path \
+tlabel .vpane.lower.diff.header.path \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
# -- Diff Body
-frame .vpane.lower.diff.body
+${NS}::frame .vpane.lower.diff.body
set ui_diff .vpane.lower.diff.body.t
text $ui_diff -background white -foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-xscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx set} \
-yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.diff.body.sby set} \
-state disabled
-scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -orient horizontal \
+${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -orient horizontal \
-command [list $ui_diff xview]
-scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -orient vertical \
+${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -orient vertical \
-command [list $ui_diff yview]
pack .vpane.lower.diff.body.sbx -side bottom -fill x
pack .vpane.lower.diff.body.sby -side right -fill y
catch {
set gm $repo_config(gui.geometry)
wm geometry . [lindex $gm 0]
-.vpane sash place 0 \
- [lindex $gm 1] \
- [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 1]
-.vpane.files sash place 0 \
- [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 0] \
- [lindex $gm 2]
+if {$use_ttk} {
+ .vpane sashpos 0 [lindex $gm 1]
+ .vpane.files sashpos 0 [lindex $gm 2]
+} else {
+ .vpane sash place 0 \
+ [lindex $gm 1] \
+ [lindex [.vpane sash coord 0] 1]
+ .vpane.files sash place 0 \
+ [lindex [.vpane.files sash coord 0] 0] \
+ [lindex $gm 2]
unset gm
if {$picked && [is_config_true gui.autoexplore]} {
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# tab-width: 4
+# End:
proc do_about {} {
global appvers copyright oguilib
global tcl_patchLevel tk_patchLevel
- global ui_comm_spell
+ global ui_comm_spell NS use_ttk
set w .about_dialog
- toplevel $w
+ Dialog $w
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
pack [git_logo $w.git_logo] -side left -fill y -padx 10 -pady 10
- label $w.header -text [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
- -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.close -text {Close} \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text {Close} \
-default active \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.close -side right
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- label $w.desc \
- -text "[mc "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."]\n$copyright" \
- -padx 5 -pady 5 \
- -justify left \
- -anchor w \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief solid
+ paddedlabel $w.desc \
+ -text "[mc "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."]\n$copyright"
pack $w.desc -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
set v {}
append d "git exec dir: [gitexec]\n"
append d "git-gui lib: $oguilib"
- label $w.vers \
- -text $v \
- -padx 5 -pady 5 \
- -justify left \
- -anchor w \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief solid
+ paddedlabel $w.vers -text $v
pack $w.vers -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
- label $w.dirs \
- -text $d \
- -padx 5 -pady 5 \
- -justify left \
- -anchor w \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief solid
+ paddedlabel $w.dirs -text $d
pack $w.dirs -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
field tooltip_commit {} ; # Commit(s) in tooltip
constructor new {i_commit i_path i_jump} {
- global cursor_ptr M1B M1T have_tk85
+ global cursor_ptr M1B M1T have_tk85 use_ttk NS
variable active_color
variable group_colors
set font_w [font measure font_diff "0"]
- frame $w.header -background gold
- label $w.header.commit_l \
+ gold_frame $w.header
+ tlabel $w.header.commit_l \
-text [mc "Commit:"] \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
set w_back $w.header.commit_b
- label $w_back \
+ tlabel $w_back \
-image ::blame::img_back_arrow \
-borderwidth 0 \
-relief flat \
[cb _history_menu]
- label $w.header.commit \
+ tlabel $w.header.commit \
-textvariable @commit \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
- label $w.header.path_l \
+ tlabel $w.header.path_l \
-text [mc "File:"] \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
set w_path $w.header.path
- label $w_path \
+ tlabel $w_path \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
set w_columns [list $w_amov $w_asim $w_line $w_file]
- scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sbx \
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sbx \
-orient h \
-command [list $w_file xview]
- scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sby \
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sby \
-orient v \
-command [list scrollbar2many $w_columns yview]
eval grid $w_columns $w.file_pane.out.sby -sticky nsew
-background $active_color \
-font font_ui
$w_cviewer tag raise sel
- scrollbar $ \
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $ \
-orient h \
-command [list $w_cviewer xview]
- scrollbar $ \
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $ \
-orient v \
-command [list $w_cviewer yview]
pack $ -side right -fill y
field opt_detach 0; # force a detached head case?
constructor dialog {} {
- make_toplevel top w
+ global use_ttk NS
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Checkout Branch"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Checkout Branch"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Checkout Branch"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Checkout] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Checkout] \
-default active \
-command [cb _checkout]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
$w_rev bind_listbox <Double-Button-1> [cb _checkout]
pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.options -text [mc Options]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.options -text [mc Options]
- checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
-text [mc "Fetch Tracking Branch"] \
-variable @opt_fetch
pack $w.options.fetch -anchor nw
- checkbutton $w.options.detach \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.detach \
-text [mc "Detach From Local Branch"] \
-variable @opt_detach
pack $w.options.detach -anchor nw
bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _checkout]\;break
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
field reset_ok 0; # did the user agree to reset?
constructor dialog {} {
- global repo_config
+ global repo_config use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Create Branch"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Create New Branch"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Create New Branch"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Create] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Create] \
-default active \
-command [cb _create]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Branch Name"]
- radiobutton $w.desc.name_r \
- -anchor w \
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Branch Name"]
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.desc.name_r \
-text [mc "Name:"] \
-value user \
-variable @name_type
+ if {!$use_ttk} {$w.desc.name_r configure -anchor w}
set w_name $w.desc.name_t
- entry $w_name \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_name \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @name \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S]
grid $w.desc.name_r $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
- radiobutton $w.desc.match_r \
- -anchor w \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.desc.match_r \
-text [mc "Match Tracking Branch Name"] \
-value match \
-variable @name_type
+ if {!$use_ttk} {$w.desc.match_r configure -anchor w}
grid $w.desc.match_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
set w_rev [::choose_rev::new $w.rev [mc "Starting Revision"]]
pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.options -text [mc Options]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.options -text [mc Options]
- frame $w.options.merge
- label $w.options.merge.l -text [mc "Update Existing Branch:"]
+ ${NS}::frame $w.options.merge
+ ${NS}::label $w.options.merge.l -text [mc "Update Existing Branch:"]
pack $w.options.merge.l -side left
- radiobutton $ \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $ \
-text [mc No] \
-value none \
-variable @opt_merge
pack $ -side left
- radiobutton $w.options.merge.ff \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.options.merge.ff \
-text [mc "Fast Forward Only"] \
-value ff \
-variable @opt_merge
pack $w.options.merge.ff -side left
- radiobutton $w.options.merge.reset \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.options.merge.reset \
-text [mc Reset] \
-value reset \
-variable @opt_merge
pack $w.options.merge.reset -side left
pack $w.options.merge -anchor nw
- checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
-text [mc "Fetch Tracking Branch"] \
-variable @opt_fetch
pack $w.options.fetch -anchor nw
- checkbutton $w.options.checkout \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.checkout \
-text [mc "Checkout After Creation"] \
-variable @opt_checkout
pack $w.options.checkout -anchor nw
bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _create]\;break
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
field w_delete ; # delete button
constructor dialog {} {
- global current_branch
+ global current_branch use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Delete Branch"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Local Branch"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Local Branch"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
set w_delete $w.buttons.delete
- button $w_delete \
+ ${NS}::button $w_delete \
-text [mc Delete] \
-default active \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _delete]
pack $w_delete -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.list -text [mc "Local Branches"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.list -text [mc "Local Branches"]
set w_heads $w.list.l
- listbox $w_heads \
+ slistbox $w_heads \
-height 10 \
-width 70 \
-selectmode extended \
- -exportselection false \
- -yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
- scrollbar $w.list.sby -command [list $w.list.l yview]
- pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
+ -exportselection false
pack $w.list.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _delete]\;break
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
field newname
constructor dialog {} {
- global current_branch
+ global current_branch use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Rename Branch"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set oldname $current_branch
set newname [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]
- label $w.header -text [mc "Rename Branch"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Rename Branch"]\
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.rename -text [mc Rename] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.rename -text [mc Rename] \
-default active \
-command [cb _rename]
pack $w.buttons.rename -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- frame $w.rename
- label $w.rename.oldname_l -text [mc "Branch:"]
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.rename.oldname_m @oldname [load_all_heads]
+ ${NS}::frame $w.rename
+ ${NS}::label $w.rename.oldname_l -text [mc "Branch:"]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ ttk::combobox $w.rename.oldname_m -textvariable @oldname \
+ -values [load_all_heads] -state readonly
+ } else {
+ eval tk_optionMenu $w.rename.oldname_m @oldname [load_all_heads]
+ }
- label $w.rename.newname_l -text [mc "New Name:"]
- entry $w.rename.newname_t \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::label $w.rename.newname_l -text [mc "New Name:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $w.rename.newname_t \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @newname \
-validate key \
$w.rename.newname_t icursor end
focus $w.rename.newname_t
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
field ls_buf {}; # Buffered record output from ls-tree
constructor new {commit {path {}}} {
- global cursor_ptr M1B
- make_toplevel top w
+ global cursor_ptr M1B use_ttk NS
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $top
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "File Browser"]]
set browser_commit $commit
set browser_path $browser_commit:$path
- label $w.path \
+ ${NS}::label $w.path \
-textvariable @browser_path \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-font font_uibold
+ if {!$use_ttk} { $w.path configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
pack $w.path -anchor w -side top -fill x
- frame $w.list
+ ${NS}::frame $w.list
set w_list $w.list.l
text $w_list -background white -foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.list.sbx set] \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
rmsel_tag $w_list
- scrollbar $w.list.sbx -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
- scrollbar $w.list.sby -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $w.list.sbx -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $w.list.sby -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
pack $w.list.sbx -side bottom -fill x
pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w_list -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.list -side top -fill both -expand 1
- label $w.status \
+ ${NS}::label $w.status \
-textvariable @browser_status \
-anchor w \
- -justify left \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken
+ -justify left
+ if {!$use_ttk} { $w.status configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
pack $w.status -anchor w -side bottom -fill x
bind $w_list <Button-1> "[cb _click 0 @%x,%y];break"
bind $w_list <Right> break
bind $w_list <Visibility> [list focus $w_list]
+ wm deiconify $top
set w $w_list
if {$path ne {}} {
_ls $this $browser_commit:$path $path
field w_rev ; # mega-widget to pick the initial revision
constructor dialog {} {
- make_toplevel top w
+ global use_ttk NS
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $top
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Browse Branch Files"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ wm transient $top .
- label $w.header \
+ ${NS}::label $w.header \
-text [mc "Browse Branch Files"] \
- -font font_uibold
+ -font font_uibold \
+ -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.browse -text [mc Browse] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.browse -text [mc Browse] \
-default active \
-command [cb _open]
pack $w.buttons.browse -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _open]\;break
+ wm deiconify $top
tkwait window $w
constructor pick {path title a_family a_size} {
variable all_families
+ global use_ttk NS
set v_family $a_family
set v_size $a_size
set f_family $pv_family
set f_size $pv_size
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $top
wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): $title"
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx $path]+[winfo rooty $path]"
- label $w.header -text $title -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text $title -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $ \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $ \
-text [mc Select] \
-default active \
-command [cb _select]
- button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $ -side right
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- frame $w.inner
+ ${NS}::frame $w.inner
- frame $
- label $ \
+ ${NS}::frame $
+ ${NS}::label $ \
-text [mc "Font Family"] \
-anchor w
set w_family $
-height 10 \
-yscrollcommand [list $ set]
rmsel_tag $w_family
- scrollbar $ -command [list $w_family yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $ -command [list $w_family yview]
pack $ -side top -fill x
pack $ -side right -fill y
pack $w_family -fill both -expand 1
- frame $w.inner.size
- label $w.inner.size.l \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.inner.size
+ ${NS}::label $w.inner.size.l \
-text [mc "Font Size"] \
-anchor w
- spinbox $w.inner.size.v \
+ tspinbox $w.inner.size.v \
-textvariable @f_size \
-from 2 -to 80 -increment 1 \
-width 3
grid columnconfigure $w.inner 0 -weight 1
pack $w.inner -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
- frame $w.example
- label $w.example.l \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.example
+ ${NS}::label $w.example.l \
-text [mc "Font Example"] \
-anchor w
set w_example $w.example.t
grab $w
focus $w
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
field sorted_recent ; # recent repositories (sorted)
constructor pick {} {
- global M1T M1B
+ global M1T M1B use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
wm title $top [mc "Git Gui"]
if {$top eq {.}} {
set w_body $w.body
set opts $w_body.options
- frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
text $opts \
-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-relief flat \
- -background [$w_body cget -background] \
+ -background [get_bg_color $w_body] \
-wrap none \
-spacing1 5 \
-width 50 \
-label [mc "Recent Repositories"]
- label $
- label $w_body.recentlabel \
+ ${NS}::label $
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.recentlabel \
-anchor w \
-text [mc "Open Recent Repository:"]
set w_recentlist $w_body.recentlist
text $w_recentlist \
-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-relief flat \
- -background [$w_body.recentlabel cget -background] \
+ -background [get_bg_color $w_body.recentlabel] \
-wrap none \
-width 50 \
-height 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
- frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
set w_next $
set w_quit $w.buttons.quit
- button $w_quit \
+ ${NS}::button $w_quit \
-text [mc "Quit"] \
-command exit
pack $w_quit -side right -padx 5
wm deiconify $top
tkwait variable @done
+ grab release $top
if {$top eq {.}} {
eval destroy [winfo children $top]
method _next {action} {
+ global NS
destroy $w_body
if {![winfo exists $w_next]} {
- button $w_next -default active
+ ${NS}::button $w_next -default active
pack $w_next -side right -padx 5 -before $w_quit
_do_$action $this
## Create New Repository
method _do_new {} {
+ global use_ttk NS
$w_next conf \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _do_new2] \
-text [mc "Create"]
- frame $w_body
- label $w_body.h \
- -font font_uibold \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center \
-text [mc "Create New Repository"]
pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
- frame $w_body.where
- label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
- entry $w_body.where.t \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body.where
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $w_body.where.b \
+ ${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _new_local_path]
set w_localpath $w_body.where.t
## Clone Existing Repository
method _do_clone {} {
+ global use_ttk NS
$w_next conf \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _do_clone2] \
-text [mc "Clone"]
- frame $w_body
- label $w_body.h \
- -font font_uibold \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center \
-text [mc "Clone Existing Repository"]
pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
set args $w_body.args
- frame $w_body.args
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body.args
pack $args -fill both
- label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
- entry $args.origin_t \
+ ${NS}::label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $args.origin_t \
-textvariable @origin_url \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $args.origin_b \
+ ${NS}::button $args.origin_b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _open_origin]
grid $args.origin_l $args.origin_t $args.origin_b -sticky ew
- label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
- entry $args.where_t \
+ ${NS}::label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $args.where_t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $args.where_b \
+ ${NS}::button $args.where_b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _new_local_path]
grid $args.where_l $args.where_t $args.where_b -sticky ew
set w_localpath $args.where_t
- label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
- frame $args.type_f
+ ${NS}::label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
+ ${NS}::frame $args.type_f
set w_types [list]
- lappend w_types [radiobutton $args.type_f.hardlink \
+ lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.hardlink \
-state disabled \
- -anchor w \
-text [mc "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"] \
-variable @clone_type \
-value hardlink]
- lappend w_types [radiobutton $args.type_f.full \
+ lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.full \
-state disabled \
- -anchor w \
-text [mc "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"] \
-variable @clone_type \
-value full]
- lappend w_types [radiobutton $args.type_f.shared \
+ lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.shared \
-state disabled \
- -anchor w \
-text [mc "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"] \
-variable @clone_type \
-value shared]
## Open Existing Repository
method _do_open {} {
+ global NS
$w_next conf \
-state disabled \
-command [cb _do_open2] \
-text [mc "Open"]
- frame $w_body
- label $w_body.h \
- -font font_uibold \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center \
-text [mc "Open Existing Repository"]
pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
- frame $w_body.where
- label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
- entry $w_body.where.t \
+ ${NS}::frame $w_body.where
+ ${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
+ ${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
-textvariable @local_path \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
-width 50
- button $w_body.where.b \
+ ${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _open_local_path]
field w_filter ; # filter entry for $w_list
field c_expr {}; # current revision expression
-field filter ; # current filter string
+field filter ""; # current filter string
field revtype head; # type of revision chosen
field cur_specs [list]; # list of specs for $revtype
field spec_head ; # list of all head specs
constructor _new {path unmerged_only title} {
- global current_branch is_detached
+ global current_branch is_detached use_ttk NS
if {![info exists ::all_remotes]} {
set w $path
if {$title ne {}} {
- labelframe $w -text $title
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w -text $title
} else {
- frame $w
+ ${NS}::frame $w
bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
if {$is_detached} {
- radiobutton $w.detachedhead_r \
- -anchor w \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.detachedhead_r \
-text [mc "This Detached Checkout"] \
-value HEAD \
-variable @revtype
+ if {!$use_ttk} {$w.detachedhead_r configure -anchor w}
grid $w.detachedhead_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
- radiobutton $w.expr_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.expr_r \
-text [mc "Revision Expression:"] \
-value expr \
-variable @revtype
- entry $w.expr_t \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w.expr_t \
-width 50 \
-textvariable @c_expr \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S]
grid $w.expr_r $w.expr_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
- frame $w.types
- radiobutton $w.types.head_r \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.types
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.types.head_r \
-text [mc "Local Branch"] \
-value head \
-variable @revtype
pack $w.types.head_r -side left
- radiobutton $w.types.trck_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.types.trck_r \
-text [mc "Tracking Branch"] \
-value trck \
-variable @revtype
pack $w.types.trck_r -side left
- radiobutton $w.types.tag_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.types.tag_r \
-text [mc "Tag"] \
-value tag \
-variable @revtype
pack $w.types.tag_r -side left
set w_filter $w.types.filter
- entry $w_filter \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_filter \
-width 12 \
-textvariable @filter \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _filter %P]
pack $w_filter -side right
- pack [label $w.types.filter_icon \
+ pack [${NS}::label $w.types.filter_icon \
-image ::choose_rev::img_find \
] -side right
grid $w.types -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
- frame $w.list
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ ttk::frame $w.list -style SListbox.TFrame -padding 2
+ } else {
+ frame $w.list
+ }
set w_list $w.list.l
listbox $w_list \
-font font_diff \
-exportselection false \
-xscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sbx h] \
-yscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sby v]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ $w_list configure -relief flat -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0
+ }
pack $w_list -fill both -expand 1
grid $w.list -sticky nswe -padx {20 5} -columnspan 2
bind $w_list <Any-Motion> [cb _show_tooltip @%x,%y]
method none {text} {
+ global NS use_ttk
if {![winfo exists $w.none_r]} {
- radiobutton $w.none_r \
- -anchor w \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.none_r \
-value none \
-variable @revtype
+ if {!$use_ttk} {$w.none_r configure -anchor w}
grid $w.none_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
$w.none_r configure -text $text
method _sb_set {sb orient first last} {
+ global NS
set old_focus [focus -lastfor $w]
if {$first == 0 && $last == 1} {
if {![winfo exists $sb]} {
if {$orient eq {h}} {
- scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
pack $sb -fill x -side bottom -before $w_list
} else {
- scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
pack $sb -fill y -side right -before $w_list
if {$old_focus ne {}} {
if {[namespace exists $t]} {namespace delete $t}
+proc make_dialog {t w args} {
+ upvar $t top $w pfx this this
+ global use_ttk
+ uplevel [linsert $args 0 make_toplevel $t $w]
+ pave_toplevel $pfx
proc make_toplevel {t w args} {
upvar $t top $w pfx this this
method _init {} {
- global M1B
+ global M1B use_ttk NS
if {$is_toplevel} {
- make_toplevel top w -autodelete 0
+ make_dialog top w -autodelete 0
wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): $t_short"
} else {
- frame $w
+ ${NS}::frame $w
set console_cr 1.0
set w_t $w.m.t
- frame $w.m
- label $w.m.l1 \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.m
+ ${NS}::label $w.m.l1 \
-textvariable @t_long \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
if {$is_toplevel} {
- button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] \
-state disabled \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.ok -side bottom -anchor e -pady 10 -padx 10
method _sb_set {sb orient first last} {
+ global NS
if {![winfo exists $sb]} {
if {$first == $last || ($first == 0 && $last == 1)} return
if {$orient eq {h}} {
- scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_t xview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_t xview]
pack $sb -fill x -side bottom -before $w_t
} else {
- scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_t yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_t yview]
pack $sb -fill y -side right -before $w_t
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc do_stats {} {
+ global use_ttk NS
set fd [git_read count-objects -v]
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[regexp {^([^:]+): (\d+)$} $line _ name value]} {
set w .stats_view
- toplevel $w
+ Dialog $w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Database Statistics"]
- pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons -border 1
- button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
-default active \
-command [list destroy $w]
- button $w.buttons.gc -text [mc "Compress Database"] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.gc -text [mc "Compress Database"] \
-default normal \
-command "destroy $w;do_gc"
pack $w.buttons.close -side right
pack $w.buttons.gc -side left
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- frame $w.stat -borderwidth 1 -relief solid
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.stat -text [mc "Database Statistics"]
foreach s {
{count {mc "Number of loose objects"}}
{size {mc "Disk space used by loose objects"} { KiB}}
set value "$value[lindex $s 2]"
- label $w.stat.l_$name -text "$label:" -anchor w
- label $w.stat.v_$name -text $value -anchor w
+ ${NS}::label $w.stat.l_$name -text "$label:" -anchor w
+ ${NS}::label $w.stat.v_$name -text $value -anchor w
grid $w.stat.l_$name $w.stat.v_$name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
pack $w.stat -pady 10 -padx 10
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [list destroy $w]
wm title $w [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Database Statistics"]]
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
proc hook_failed_popup {hook msg {is_fatal 1}} {
+ global use_ttk NS
set w .hookfail
- toplevel $w
+ Dialog $w
+ wm withdraw $w
- frame $w.m
- label $w.m.l1 -text "$hook hook failed:" \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.m
+ ${NS}::label $w.m.l1 -text "$hook hook failed:" \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
-font font_uibold
-width 80 -height 10 \
-font font_diff \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.m.sby set]
- scrollbar $w.m.sby -command [list $w.m.t yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $w.m.sby -command [list $w.m.t yview]
pack $w.m.l1 -side top -fill x
if {$is_fatal} {
- label $w.m.l2 \
+ ${NS}::label $w.m.l2 \
-text [mc "You must correct the above errors before committing."] \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
$w.m.t insert 1.0 $msg
$w.m.t conf -state disabled
- button $w.ok -text OK \
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -text OK \
-width 15 \
-command "destroy $w"
pack $w.ok -side bottom -anchor e -pady 10 -padx 10
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
wm title $w [strcat "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "error"]]
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
proc _close_updateindex {fd after} {
+ global use_ttk NS
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
set w .indexfried
- toplevel $w
+ Dialog $w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm title $w [strcat "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Index Error"]]
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set s [mc "Updating the Git index failed. A rescan will be automatically started to resynchronize git-gui."]
text $w.msg -yscrollcommand [list $w.vs set] \
-width [string length $s] -relief flat \
-borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
- -background [$w cget -background]
+ -background [get_bg_color $w]
$w.msg tag configure bold -font font_uibold -justify center
- scrollbar $w.vs -command [list $w.msg yview]
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $w.vs -command [list $w.msg yview]
$w.msg insert end $s bold \n\n$err {}
$w.msg configure -state disabled
- button $w.continue \
+ ${NS}::button $w.continue \
-text [mc "Continue"] \
-command [list destroy $w]
- button $w.unlock \
+ ${NS}::button $w.unlock \
-text [mc "Unlock Index"] \
-command "destroy $w; _delete_indexlock"
grid $w.msg - $w.vs -sticky news
grab $w
focus %W
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
$::main_status stop
constructor dialog {} {
global current_branch
- global M1B
+ global M1B use_ttk NS
if {![_can_merge $this]} {
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Merge"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set _start [cb _start]
- label $w.header \
+ ${NS}::label $w.header \
-text [mc "Merge Into %s" $current_branch] \
-font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.visualize \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.visualize \
-text [mc Visualize] \
-command [cb _visualize]
pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
- button $w.buttons.merge \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.merge \
-text [mc Merge] \
-command $_start
pack $w.buttons.merge -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-text [mc "Cancel"] \
-command [cb _cancel]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
proc do_options {} {
global repo_config global_config font_descs
global repo_config_new global_config_new
- global ui_comm_spell
+ global ui_comm_spell use_ttk NS
array unset repo_config_new
array unset global_config_new
set w .options_editor
- toplevel $w
+ Dialog $w
+ wm withdraw $w
+ wm transient $w [winfo parent $w]
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.restore -text [mc "Restore Defaults"] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.restore -text [mc "Restore Defaults"] \
-default normal \
-command do_restore_defaults
pack $w.buttons.restore -side left
- button $ -text [mc Save] \
+ ${NS}::button $ -text [mc Save] \
-default active \
-command [list do_save_config $w]
pack $ -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-default normal \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.repo -text [mc "%s Repository" [reponame]]
- labelframe $ -text [mc "Global (All Repositories)"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.repo -text [mc "%s Repository" [reponame]]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $ -text [mc "Global (All Repositories)"]
pack $w.repo -side left -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
pack $ -side right -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
foreach f {repo global} {
switch -glob -- $type {
b {
- checkbutton $w.$f.$optid -text $text \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.$f.$optid -text $text \
-variable ${f}_config_new($name) \
-onvalue true \
-offvalue false
i-* {
regexp -- {-(\d+)\.\.(\d+)$} $type _junk min max
- frame $w.$f.$optid
- label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
+ ${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
+ ${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
- spinbox $w.$f.$optid.v \
+ tspinbox $w.$f.$optid.v \
-textvariable ${f}_config_new($name) \
-from $min \
-to $max \
c -
t {
- frame $w.$f.$optid
- label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
- entry $w.$f.$optid.v \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
+ ${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text "$text:"
+ ${NS}::entry $w.$f.$optid.v \
-width 20 \
-textvariable ${f}_config_new($name)
pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w
menu $w.$f.$optid.m
build_encoding_menu $w.$f.$optid.m \
[list set ${f}_config_new($name)] 1
- button $w.$f.$optid.b \
+ ${NS}::button $w.$f.$optid.b \
-text [mc "Change"] \
-command [list popup_btn_menu \
$w.$f.$optid.m $w.$f.$optid.b]
set ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) $value
- frame $w.$f.$optid
- label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "Spelling Dictionary:"]
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.$f.$optid.v \
- ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) \
- $all_dicts
+ ${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
+ ${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "Spelling Dictionary:"]
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ ttk::combobox $w.$f.$optid.v \
+ -textvariable ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) \
+ -values $all_dicts -state readonly
+ } else {
+ eval tk_optionMenu $w.$f.$optid.v \
+ ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) \
+ $all_dicts
+ }
pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side right -anchor e -padx 5
pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
set global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
[font configure $font -size]
- frame $$name
- label $$name.l -text "$text:"
- button $$name.b \
+ ${NS}::frame $$name
+ ${NS}::label $$name.l -text "$text:"
+ ${NS}::button $$name.b \
-text [mc "Change Font"] \
-command [list \
- choose_font::pick \
+ tchoosefont \
$w \
[mc "Choose %s" $text] \
global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
- label $$name.f -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^family)
- label $$name.s -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
- label $$ -text [mc "pt."]
+ ${NS}::label $$name.f -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^family)
+ ${NS}::label $$name.s -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
+ ${NS}::label $$ -text [mc "pt."]
pack $$name.l -side left -anchor w
pack $$name.b -side right -anchor e
pack $$ -side right -anchor w
set t [mc "Options"]
wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): $t"
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
field opt_action fetch; # action to do after registering the remote locally
constructor dialog {} {
- global repo_config
+ global repo_config use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
+ wm withdraw $top
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Add Remote"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Remote"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Remote"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
-default active \
-command [cb _add]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Remote Details"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Remote Details"]
- label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
+ ${NS}::label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
set w_name $w.desc.name_t
- entry $w_name \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_name \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @name \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
- label $w.desc.loc_l -text [mc "Location:"]
+ ${NS}::label $w.desc.loc_l -text [mc "Location:"]
set w_loc $w.desc.loc_t
- entry $w_loc \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_loc \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @location
grid $w.desc.loc_l $w_loc -sticky we -padx {0 5}
grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.action -text [mc "Further Action"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.action -text [mc "Further Action"]
- radiobutton $w.action.fetch \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.action.fetch \
-text [mc "Fetch Immediately"] \
-value fetch \
-variable @opt_action
pack $w.action.fetch -anchor nw
- radiobutton $w.action.push \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.action.push \
-text [mc "Initialize Remote Repository and Push"] \
-value push \
-variable @opt_action
pack $w.action.push -anchor nw
- radiobutton $w.action.none \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.action.none \
-text [mc "Do Nothing Else Now"] \
-value none \
-variable @opt_action
bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _add]\;break
+ wm deiconify $top
tkwait window $w
field cached
constructor dialog {} {
- global all_remotes M1B
+ global all_remotes M1B use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.delete -text [mc Delete] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.delete -text [mc Delete] \
-default active \
-command [cb _delete]
pack $w.buttons.delete -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "From Repository"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "From Repository"]
if {$all_remotes ne {}} {
- radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
-text [mc "Remote:"] \
-value remote \
-variable @urltype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m @remote $all_remotes
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ ttk::combobox $w.dest.remote_m -textvariable @remote \
+ -values $all_remotes -state readonly
+ } else {
+ eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m @remote $all_remotes
+ }
grid $w.dest.remote_r $w.dest.remote_m -sticky w
if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $all_remotes origin] != -1} {
set remote origin
} else {
set urltype url
- radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
-text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-value url \
-variable @urltype
- entry $w.dest.url_t \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w.dest.url_t \
-width 50 \
-textvariable @url \
-validate key \
grid columnconfigure $w.dest 1 -weight 1
pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.heads -text [mc "Branches"]
- listbox $w.heads.l \
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.heads -text [mc "Branches"]
+ slistbox $w.heads.l \
-height 10 \
-width 70 \
-listvariable @head_list \
- -selectmode extended \
- -yscrollcommand [list $w.heads.sby set]
- scrollbar $w.heads.sby -command [list $w.heads.l yview]
+ -selectmode extended
- frame $w.heads.footer
- label $w.heads.footer.status \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.heads.footer
+ ${NS}::label $w.heads.footer.status \
-textvariable @status \
-anchor w \
-justify left
- button $w.heads.footer.rescan \
+ ${NS}::button $w.heads.footer.rescan \
-text [mc "Rescan"] \
-command [cb _rescan]
pack $w.heads.footer.status -side left -fill x
pack $w.heads.footer.rescan -side right
pack $w.heads.footer -side bottom -fill x
- pack $w.heads.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w.heads.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.heads -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.validate -text [mc "Delete Only If"]
- radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.validate -text [mc "Delete Only If"]
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
-text [mc "Merged Into:"] \
-value head \
-variable @checktype
trace add variable @head_list write [cb _write_head_list]
trace add variable @check_head write [cb _write_check_head]
grid $w.validate.head_r $w.validate.head_m -sticky w
- radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
-text [mc "Always (Do not perform merge checks)"] \
-value always \
-variable @checktype
field smarkbot
constructor new {i_w i_text args} {
+ global use_ttk NS
set w $i_w
set ctext $i_text
- frame $w
- label $w.l -text [mc Find:]
+ ${NS}::frame $w
+ ${NS}::label $w.l -text [mc Find:]
entry $w.ent -textvariable ${__this}::searchstring -background lightgreen
- button $ -text [mc Next] -command [cb find_next]
- button $w.bp -text [mc Prev] -command [cb find_prev]
- checkbutton $w.cs -text [mc Case-Sensitive] \
+ ${NS}::button $ -text [mc Next] -command [cb find_next]
+ ${NS}::button $w.bp -text [mc Prev] -command [cb find_prev]
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.cs -text [mc Case-Sensitive] \
-variable ${__this}::casesensitive -command [cb _incrsearch]
pack $w.l -side left
pack $w.cs -side right
proc do_ssh_key {} {
- global sshkey_title have_tk85 sshkey_fd
+ global sshkey_title have_tk85 sshkey_fd use_ttk NS
set w .sshkey_dialog
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
- toplevel $w
+ Dialog $w
wm transient $w .
set finfo [find_ssh_key]
set gen_state disabled
- frame $w.header -relief flat
- label $w.header.lbl -textvariable sshkey_title -anchor w
- button $w.header.gen -text [mc "Generate Key"] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.header
+ ${NS}::label $w.header.lbl -textvariable sshkey_title -anchor w
+ ${NS}::button $w.header.gen -text [mc "Generate Key"] \
-command [list make_ssh_key $w] -state $gen_state
pack $w.header.lbl -side left -expand 1 -fill x
pack $w.header.gen -side right
text $w.contents -width 60 -height 10 -wrap char -relief sunken
pack $w.contents -fill both -expand 1
if {$have_tk85} {
- $w.contents configure -inactiveselectbackground darkblue
+ set clr darkblue
+ if {$use_ttk} { set clr [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] }
+ $w.contents configure -inactiveselectbackground $clr
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
-default active -command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.close -side right
- button $w.buttons.copy -text [mc "Copy To Clipboard"] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.copy -text [mc "Copy To Clipboard"] \
-command [list tk_textCopy $w.contents]
pack $w.buttons.copy -side left
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
field meter {}; # current core git progress meter (if active)
constructor new {path} {
+ global use_ttk NS
set w $path
set w_l $w.l
set w_c $w.c
- frame $w \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken
- label $w_l \
+ ${NS}::frame $w
+ if {!$use_ttk} {
+ $w configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
+ }
+ ${NS}::label $w_l \
-textvariable @status \
-anchor w \
-justify left
set w_l $w.l
set w_c $w.c
- frame $w
- label $w_l \
+ ${NS}::frame $w
+ ${NS}::label $w_l \
-textvariable @status \
-anchor w \
-justify left
--- /dev/null
+# Functions for supporting the use of themed Tk widgets in git-gui.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Pat Thoyts <>
+proc InitTheme {} {
+ # Create a color label style (bg can be overridden by widget option)
+ ttk::style layout Color.TLabel {
+ Color.Label.border -sticky news -children {
+ Color.label.fill -sticky news -children {
+ Color.Label.padding -sticky news -children {
+ Color.Label.label -sticky news}}}}
+ eval [linsert [ttk::style configure TLabel] 0 \
+ ttk::style configure Color.TLabel]
+ ttk::style configure Color.TLabel \
+ -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -padding 2
+ ttk::style map Color.TLabel -background {{} gold}
+ # We also need a padded label.
+ ttk::style configure Padded.TLabel \
+ -padding {5 5} -borderwidth 1 -relief solid
+ # We need a gold frame.
+ ttk::style layout Gold.TFrame {
+ Gold.Frame.border -sticky nswe -children {
+ Gold.Frame.fill -sticky nswe}}
+ ttk::style configure Gold.TFrame -background gold -relief flat
+ # listboxes should have a theme border so embed in ttk::frame
+ ttk::style layout SListbox.TFrame {
+ SListbox.Frame.Entry.field -sticky news -border true -children {
+ SListbox.Frame.padding -sticky news
+ }
+ }
+proc gold_frame {w args} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::frame $w -style Gold.TFrame]
+ } else {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 frame $w -background gold]
+ }
+proc tlabel {w args} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set cmd [list ttk::label $w -style Color.TLabel]
+ foreach {k v} $args {
+ switch -glob -- $k {
+ -activebackground {}
+ default { lappend cmd $k $v }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $cmd
+ } else {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 label $w]
+ }
+# The padded label gets used in the about class.
+proc paddedlabel {w args} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::label $w -style Padded.TLabel]
+ } else {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 label $w \
+ -padx 5 -pady 5 \
+ -justify left \
+ -anchor w \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief solid]
+ }
+# Create a toplevel for use as a dialog.
+# If available, sets the EWMH dialog hint and if ttk is enabled
+# place a themed frame over the surface.
+proc Dialog {w args} {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 toplevel $w -class Dialog]
+ pave_toplevel $w
+ return $w
+# Tk toplevels are not themed - so pave it over with a themed frame to get
+# the base color correct per theme.
+proc pave_toplevel {w} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk && ![winfo exists $w.!paving]} {
+ set paving [ttk::frame $w.!paving]
+ place $paving -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
+ lower $paving
+ }
+# Create a scrolled listbox with appropriate border for the current theme.
+# On many themes the border for a scrolled listbox needs to go around the
+# listbox and the scrollbar.
+proc slistbox {w args} {
+ global use_ttk NS
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set f [ttk::frame $w -style SListbox.TFrame -padding 2]
+ } else {
+ set f [frame $w -relief flat]
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 listbox $f.list -relief flat \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0]
+ } else {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 listbox $f.list]
+ }
+ ${NS}::scrollbar $f.vs -command [list $f.list yview]
+ $f.list configure -yscrollcommand [list $f.vs set]
+ grid $f.list $f.vs -sticky news
+ grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ bind $f.list <<ListboxSelect>> \
+ [list event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>>]
+ interp hide {} $w
+ interp alias {} $w {} $f.list
+ } err]} {
+ destroy $f
+ return -code error $err
+ }
+ return $w
+# fetch the background color from a widget.
+proc get_bg_color {w} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ set bg [ttk::style lookup [winfo class $w] -background]
+ } else {
+ set bg [$w cget -background]
+ }
+ return $bg
+# ttk::spinbox didn't get added until 8.6
+proc tspinbox {w args} {
+ global use_ttk
+ if {$use_ttk && [llength [info commands ttk::spinbox]] > 0} {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::spinbox $w]
+ } else {
+ eval [linsert $args 0 spinbox $w]
+ }
+# Tk 8.6 provides a standard font selection dialog. This uses the native
+# dialogs on Windows and MacOSX or a standard Tk dialog on X11.
+proc tchoosefont {w title familyvar sizevar} {
+ if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.6]} {
+ upvar #0 $familyvar family
+ upvar #0 $sizevar size
+ tk fontchooser configure -parent $w -title $title \
+ -font [list $family $size] \
+ -command [list on_choosefont $familyvar $sizevar]
+ tk fontchooser show
+ } else {
+ choose_font::pick $w $title $familyvar $sizevar
+ }
+# Called when the Tk 8.6 fontchooser selects a font.
+proc on_choosefont {familyvar sizevar font} {
+ upvar #0 $familyvar family
+ upvar #0 $sizevar size
+ set font [font actual $font]
+ set family [dict get $font -family]
+ set size [dict get $font -size]
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# tab-width: 4
+# End:
field ask_args 0; # ask for additional args
constructor dialog {} {
- global repo_config
+ global repo_config use_ttk NS
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Add Tool"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
wm transient $top .
- label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Tool Command"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Tool Command"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- checkbutton $ \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $ \
-text [mc "Add globally"] \
-variable @add_global
pack $ -side left -padx 5
- button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
-default active \
-command [cb _add]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Tool Details"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Tool Details"]
- label $w.desc.name_cmnt -anchor w\
+ ${NS}::label $w.desc.name_cmnt -anchor w\
-text [mc "Use '/' separators to create a submenu tree:"]
grid x $w.desc.name_cmnt -sticky we -padx {0 5} -pady {0 2}
- label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
+ ${NS}::label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
set w_name $w.desc.name_t
- entry $w_name \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_name \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @name \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
- label $w.desc.cmd_l -text [mc "Command:"]
+ ${NS}::label $w.desc.cmd_l -text [mc "Command:"]
set w_cmd $w.desc.cmd_t
- entry $w_cmd \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_cmd \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @command
grid $w.desc.cmd_l $w_cmd -sticky we -padx {0 5} -pady {0 3}
grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- checkbutton $w.confirm \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.confirm \
-text [mc "Show a dialog before running"] \
-variable @confirm -command [cb _check_enable_dlg]
- labelframe $w.dlg -labelwidget $w.confirm
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.dlg -labelwidget $w.confirm
- checkbutton $w.dlg.askbranch \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.dlg.askbranch \
-text [mc "Ask the user to select a revision (sets \$REVISION)"] \
-variable @ask_branch -state disabled
pack $w.dlg.askbranch -anchor w -padx 15
- checkbutton $w.dlg.askargs \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.dlg.askargs \
-text [mc "Ask the user for additional arguments (sets \$ARGS)"] \
-variable @ask_args -state disabled
pack $w.dlg.askargs -anchor w -padx 15
pack $w.dlg -anchor nw -fill x -pady {0 8} -padx 5
- checkbutton $w.noconsole \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.noconsole \
-text [mc "Don't show the command output window"] \
-variable @no_console
pack $w.noconsole -anchor w -padx 5
- checkbutton $w.needsfile \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.needsfile \
-text [mc "Run only if a diff is selected (\$FILENAME not empty)"] \
-variable @needs_file
pack $w.needsfile -anchor w -padx 5
field w_names ; # name list
constructor dialog {} {
- global repo_config global_config system_config
+ global repo_config global_config system_config use_ttk NS
load_config 1
- make_toplevel top w
+ make_dialog top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Remove Tool"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
wm transient $top .
- label $w.header -text [mc "Remove Tool Commands"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Remove Tool Commands"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Remove] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Remove] \
-default active \
-command [cb _remove]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- frame $w.list
+ ${NS}::frame $w.list
set w_names $w.list.l
- listbox $w_names \
+ slistbox $w_names \
-height 10 \
-width 30 \
-selectmode extended \
- -exportselection false \
- -yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
- scrollbar $w.list.sby -command [list $w.list.l yview]
- pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
+ -exportselection false
pack $w.list.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
if {$local_cnt > 0} {
- label $w.colorlbl -foreground blue \
+ ${NS}::label $w.colorlbl -foreground blue \
-text [mc "(Blue denotes repository-local tools)"]
pack $w.colorlbl -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
field argstr {}; # arguments
constructor dialog {fullname} {
- global M1B
+ global M1B use_ttk NS
set title [get_config "guitool.$fullname.title"]
if {$title eq {}} {
regsub {/} $fullname { / } title
- make_toplevel top w -autodelete 0
+ make_dialog top w -autodelete 0
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " $title]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set prompt [mc "Run Command: %s" $command]
- label $w.header -text $prompt -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text $prompt -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
set argprompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.argprompt"]
set argprompt [mc "Arguments"]
- labelframe $w.arg -text $argprompt
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.arg -text $argprompt
set w_args $w.arg.txt
- entry $w_args \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w_args \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @argstr
pack $w_args -padx 5 -pady 5 -fill both
pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
if {$is_ask_revs} {
- button $w.buttons.visualize \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.visualize \
-text [mc Visualize] \
-command [cb _visualize]
pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
- button $w.buttons.ok \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.ok \
-text [mc OK] \
-command [cb _start]
pack $w.buttons.ok -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-text [mc "Cancel"] \
-command [cb _cancel]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
proc do_push_anywhere {} {
global all_remotes current_branch
global push_urltype push_remote push_url push_thin push_tags
- global push_force
+ global push_force use_ttk NS
set w .push_setup
toplevel $w
+ wm withdraw $w
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
+ pave_toplevel $w
- label $w.header -text [mc "Push Branches"] -font font_uibold
+ ${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Push Branches"] \
+ -font font_uibold -anchor center
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Push] \
+ ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Push] \
-default active \
-command [list start_push_anywhere_action $w]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ ${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-default normal \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.source -text [mc "Source Branches"]
- listbox $w.source.l \
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.source -text [mc "Source Branches"]
+ slistbox $w.source.l \
-height 10 \
-width 70 \
- -selectmode extended \
- -yscrollcommand [list $w.source.sby set]
+ -selectmode extended
foreach h [load_all_heads] {
$w.source.l insert end $h
if {$h eq $current_branch} {
$w.source.l select set end
- scrollbar $w.source.sby -command [list $w.source.l yview]
- pack $w.source.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w.source.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.source -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "Destination Repository"]
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "Destination Repository"]
if {$all_remotes ne {}} {
- radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
-text [mc "Remote:"] \
-value remote \
-variable push_urltype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m push_remote $all_remotes
+ if {$use_ttk} {
+ ttk::combobox $w.dest.remote_m -textvariable push_remote \
+ -values $all_remotes
+ } else {
+ eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m push_remote $all_remotes
+ }
grid $w.dest.remote_r $w.dest.remote_m -sticky w
if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $all_remotes origin] != -1} {
set push_remote origin
} else {
set push_urltype url
- radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
+ ${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
-text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-value url \
-variable push_urltype
- entry $w.dest.url_t \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
+ ${NS}::entry $w.dest.url_t \
-width 50 \
-textvariable push_url \
-validate key \
grid columnconfigure $w.dest 1 -weight 1
pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.options -text [mc "Transfer Options"]
- checkbutton $w.options.force \
+ ${NS}::labelframe $w.options -text [mc "Transfer Options"]
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.force \
-text [mc "Force overwrite existing branch (may discard changes)"] \
-variable push_force
grid $w.options.force -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- checkbutton $w.options.thin \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.thin \
-text [mc "Use thin pack (for slow network connections)"] \
-variable push_thin
grid $w.options.thin -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- checkbutton $w.options.tags \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.tags \
-text [mc "Include tags"] \
-variable push_tags
grid $w.options.tags -columnspan 2 -sticky w
bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> [list start_push_anywhere_action $w]
wm title $w [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Push"]]
+ wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w