request-pull: state what commit to expect
authorJunio C Hamano <>
Fri, 16 Sep 2011 18:37:08 +0000 (11:37 -0700)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Wed, 5 Oct 2011 21:51:26 +0000 (14:51 -0700)
The message gives a detailed explanation of the commit the requester based
the changes on, but lacks information that is necessary for the person who
performs a fetch & merge in order to verify that the correct branch was
fetched when responding to the pull request.

Add a few more lines to describe the commit at the tip expected to be
fetched to the same level of detail as the base commit.

Also update the warning message slightly when the script notices that the
commit may not have been pushed.

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index afb75e80b6b89d1c366ca3ba3e561a83dac66fb5..438e7eb957dc3d206c4d1868415a4fd4802988b5 100755 (executable)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ do
-base=$1 url=$2 head=${3-HEAD}
+base=$1 url=$2 head=${3-HEAD} status=0
 test -n "$base" && test -n "$url" || usage
 baserev=$(git rev-parse --verify "$base"^0) &&
@@ -51,25 +51,29 @@ find_matching_branch="/^$headrev    "'refs\/heads\//{
 branch=$(git ls-remote "$url" | sed -n -e "$find_matching_branch")
 url=$(git ls-remote --get-url "$url")
-if test -z "$branch"
-       echo "warn: No branch of $url is at:" >&2
-       git log --max-count=1 --pretty='tformat:warn:   %h: %s' $headrev >&2
-       echo "warn: Are you sure you pushed $head there?" >&2
-       echo >&2
-       echo >&2
-       branch=..BRANCH.NOT.VERIFIED..
-       status=1
 git show -s --format='The following changes since commit %H:
   %s (%ci)
-are available in the git repository at:' $baserev &&
-echo "  $url $branch" &&
-echo &&
+are available in the git repository at:
+' $baserev &&
+echo "  $url${branch+ $branch}" &&
+git show -s --format='
+for you to fetch changes up to %H:
+  %s (%ci)
+----------------------------------------------------------------' $headrev &&
 git shortlog ^$baserev $headrev &&
-git diff -M --stat --summary $patch $merge_base..$headrev || exit
+git diff -M --stat --summary $patch $merge_base..$headrev || status=1
+if test -z "$branch"
+       echo "warn: No branch of $url is at:" >&2
+       git show -s --format='warn:   %h: %s' $headrev >&2
+       echo "warn: Are you sure you pushed '$head' there?" >&2
+       status=1
 exit $status
index 9cc0a42ea977e184be7af02e05352da8155c4728..5bd16829443bbafd9cd7450353b45f7871290a24 100755 (executable)
@@ -193,8 +193,14 @@ test_expect_success 'pull request format' '
          SUBJECT (DATE)
        are available in the git repository at:
          URL BRANCH
+       for you to fetch changes up to OBJECT_NAME:
+         SUBJECT (DATE)
+       ----------------------------------------------------------------