static struct grep_opt grep_defaults;
+static const char *color_grep_slots[] = {
+ [GREP_COLOR_CONTEXT] = "context",
+ [GREP_COLOR_FILENAME] = "filename",
+ [GREP_COLOR_FUNCTION] = "function",
+ [GREP_COLOR_LINENO] = "lineNumber",
++ [GREP_COLOR_COLUMNNO] = "column",
+ [GREP_COLOR_MATCH_CONTEXT] = "matchContext",
+ [GREP_COLOR_MATCH_SELECTED] = "matchSelected",
+ [GREP_COLOR_SELECTED] = "selected",
+ [GREP_COLOR_SEP] = "separator",
static void std_output(struct grep_opt *opt, const void *buf, size_t size)
fwrite(buf, size, 1, stdout);
opt->pathname = 1;
opt->max_depth = -1;
opt->pattern_type_option = GREP_PATTERN_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
- color_set(opt->color_context, "");
- color_set(opt->color_filename, "");
- color_set(opt->color_function, "");
- color_set(opt->color_lineno, "");
- color_set(opt->color_columnno, "");
- color_set(opt->color_match_context, GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED);
- color_set(opt->color_match_selected, GIT_COLOR_BOLD_RED);
- color_set(opt->color_selected, "");
- color_set(opt->color_sep, GIT_COLOR_CYAN);
+ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_CONTEXT], "");
+ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_FILENAME], "");
+ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_FUNCTION], "");
+ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_LINENO], "");
++ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_COLUMNNO], "");
+ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_SELECTED], "");
+ color_set(opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_SEP], GIT_COLOR_CYAN);
opt->color = -1;
opt->output = std_output;
if (opt->linenum) {
char buf[32];
xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", lno);
- output_color(opt, buf, strlen(buf), opt->color_lineno);
+ output_color(opt, buf, strlen(buf), opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_LINENO]);
output_sep(opt, sign);
- output_color(opt, buf, strlen(buf), opt->color_columnno);
+ /*
+ * Treat 'cno' as the 1-indexed offset from the start of a non-context
+ * line to its first match. Otherwise, 'cno' is 0 indicating that we are
+ * being called with a context line.
+ */
+ if (opt->columnnum && cno) {
+ char buf[32];
+ xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)cno);
++ output_color(opt, buf, strlen(buf), opt->colors[GREP_COLOR_COLUMNNO]);
+ output_sep(opt, sign);
+ }
if (opt->color) {
regmatch_t match;
enum grep_context ctx = GREP_CONTEXT_BODY;