git-gui: Added repack database menu option, to invoke git repack.
authorShawn O. Pearce <>
Wed, 8 Nov 2006 01:40:35 +0000 (20:40 -0500)
committerShawn O. Pearce <>
Wed, 8 Nov 2006 04:48:21 +0000 (23:48 -0500)
Most users of git-gui probably shouldn't be invoking git repack directly;
instead we should be looking at how many loose objects they have and
how many active packs they have and making the decision for them. But
that's more work to code, and there's always going to be discussion about
what is the right default threshold and how do we know that the user is
willing to do the repack when we decide its time, etc.

So instead we'll just keep it simple and offer up the menu option.

Unfortunately right now we get now progress indication back from
git-pack-objects as its being invoked not through a tty, which makes
it disable progress output and the wrapper won't let us
pass through --progress.

Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
diff --git a/git-gui b/git-gui
index 83f713535f323f605a426bf27420c1dd22940ee6..eb7329c218e9411beb0c5a57f6dd1014e5b1e1e5 100755 (executable)
--- a/git-gui
+++ b/git-gui
@@ -1276,6 +1276,14 @@ proc do_gitk {} {
+proc do_repack {} {
+       set w [new_console "repack" "Repacking the object database"]
+       set cmd [list git repack]
+       lappend cmd -a
+       lappend cmd -d
+       console_exec $w $cmd
 proc do_quit {} {
        global gitdir ui_comm
@@ -1406,6 +1414,9 @@ menu .mbar.project
 .mbar.project add command -label Visualize \
        -command do_gitk \
        -font $mainfont
+.mbar.project add command -label {Repack Database} \
+       -command do_repack \
+       -font $mainfont
 .mbar.project add command -label Quit \
        -command do_quit \
        -accelerator $M1T-Q \