git-svn: handle multi-init without --trunk, UseSvmProps fixes
authorEric Wong <>
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:38:02 +0000 (00:38 -0800)
committerEric Wong <>
Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:57:12 +0000 (00:57 -0800)
multi-init did not write a svn-remote.<remote>.url config
entry without a --trunk argument.

Also, The svm:mirror property is used by SVN::Mirror to track
the path of the repository that we are mirroring. We need to
append that to the source (which is (presumably) just the URL of
the repository root).

Lastly, we now look harder for svm:(source|mirror|uuid) properties
in sub and parent directories. Since our relative path could
be tweaked.

Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <>
index b7e46e5b0bdb99a36872283391a007f913976f6d..d55691216cca8f0070bd97898da6e0e8b134103f 100755 (executable)
@@ -367,8 +367,7 @@ sub cmd_multi_init {
 sub cmd_multi_fetch {
        my $remotes = Git::SVN::read_all_remotes();
        foreach my $repo_id (sort keys %$remotes) {
-               if ($remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} &&
-                   $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch}) {
+               if ($remotes->{$repo_id}->{url}) {
                        Git::SVN::fetch_all($repo_id, $remotes);
@@ -483,6 +482,17 @@ sub complete_url_ls_init {
                        $gs = Git::SVN->init($url, $path, undef, $ref, 1);
                if ($gs) {
+                       my $k = "svn-remote.$gs->{repo_id}.url";
+                       my $orig_url = eval {
+                               command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k)
+                       };
+                       if ($orig_url && ($orig_url ne $gs->{url})) {
+                               die "$k already set: $orig_url\n",
+                                   "wanted to set to: $gs->{url}\n";
+                       }
+                       unless ($orig_url) {
+                               command_oneline('config', $k, $gs->{url});
+                       }
                        $remote_id = $gs->{repo_id};
@@ -751,13 +761,15 @@ sub fetch_all {
-       foreach my $p (sort keys %$fetch) {
-               my $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $repo_id, $p);
-               my $lr = $gs->rev_db_max;
-               if (defined $lr) {
-                       $base = $lr if ($lr < $base);
+       if ($fetch) {
+               foreach my $p (sort keys %$fetch) {
+                       my $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $repo_id, $p);
+                       my $lr = $gs->rev_db_max;
+                       if (defined $lr) {
+                               $base = $lr if ($lr < $base);
+                       }
+                       push @gs, $gs;
-               push @gs, $gs;
        $ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, \@gs, \@globs);
@@ -974,35 +986,69 @@ sub svm {
 sub _set_svm_vars {
        my ($self, $ra) = @_;
+       return $ra if $self->svm;
+       my @err = ( "useSvmProps set, but failed to read SVM properties\n",
+                   "(svm:source, svm:mirror, svm:mirror) ",
+                   "from the following URLs:\n" );
+       sub read_svm_props {
+               my ($self, $props) = @_;
+               my $src = $props->{'svm:source'};
+               my $mirror = $props->{'svm:mirror'};
+               my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'};
+               return undef if (!$src || !$mirror || !$uuid);
-       return $ra if ($self->svm);
-       # nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root:
-       if ($ra->{repos_root} ne $self->{url}) {
-               $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
-       }
-       my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
-       my ($props) = ($ra->get_dir('', $r))[2];
-       if (my $src = $props->{'svm:source'}) {
-               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+               chomp($src, $mirror, $uuid);
+               $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}
+                   or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n";
                # don't know what a '!' is there for, also the
                # username is of no interest
-               $src =~ s{!$}{};
+               $src =~ s{/?!$}{$mirror};
+               $src =~ s{/+$}{}; # no trailing slashes please
                $src =~ s{(^[a-z\+]*://)[^/@]*@}{$1};
-               tmp_config('--add', "$section.svm-source", $src);
-               my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'};
-               $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}
-                   or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+               tmp_config('--add', "$section.svm-source", $src);
                tmp_config('--add', "$section.svm-uuid", $uuid);
                $self->{svm} = { source => $src , uuid => $uuid };
+               return 1;
-       if ($ra->{repos_root} ne $self->{url}) {
-               $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
+       my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
+       my $path = $self->{path};
+       my @tried_a = ($path);
+       while (length $path) {
+               if ($self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2])) {
+                       return $ra;
+               }
+               $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$## && push @tried_a, $path;
-       $ra;
+       if ($self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir('', $r))[2])) {
+               return $ra;
+       }
+       if ($ra->{repos_root} eq $self->{url}) {
+               die @err, map { "  $self->{url}/$_\n" } @tried_a, "\n";
+       }
+       # nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root:
+       my $ok;
+       my @tried_b;
+       $path = $ra->{svn_path};
+       $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##; # we already tried this one above
+       $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
+       while (length $path) {
+               $ok = $self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2]);
+               last if $ok;
+               $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$## && push @tried_b, $path;
+       }
+       $ok = $self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir('', $r))[2]) unless $ok;
+       if (!$ok) {
+               die @err, map { "  $self->{url}/$_\n" } @tried_a, "\n",
+                         map { "  $ra->{url}/$_\n" } @tried_b, "\n"
+       }
+       Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
 # this allows us to memoize our SVN::Ra UUID locally and avoid a
@@ -1228,11 +1274,9 @@ sub do_git_commit {
                croak "$log_entry->{revision} = $c already exists! ",
                      "Why are we refetching it?\n";
-       my $author = $log_entry->{author};
-       my ($name, $email) = (defined $::users{$author} ? @{$::users{$author}}
-                          : ($author, "$author\@".$self->ra->get_uuid));
+       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = $log_entry->{name};
+                                                         $log_entry->{email};
        $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $log_entry->{date};
        my $tree = $log_entry->{tree};
@@ -1522,8 +1566,10 @@ sub make_log_entry {
        close $un or croak $!;
        $log_entry{date} = parse_svn_date($log_entry{date});
-       $log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author});
        $log_entry{log} .= "\n";
+       my $author = $log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author});
+       my ($name, $email) = defined $::users{$author} ? @{$::users{$author}}
+                                                      : ($author, undef);
        if (defined $headrev && $self->use_svm_props) {
                my ($uuid, $r) = $headrev =~ m{^([a-f\d\-]{30,}):(\d+)$};
                if ($uuid ne $self->{svm}->{uuid}) {
@@ -1535,10 +1581,14 @@ sub make_log_entry {
                $full_url .= "/$self->{path}" if length $self->{path};
                $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid";
                $log_entry{svm_revision} = $r;
+               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid"
        } else {
                $log_entry{metadata} = $self->full_url . "\@$rev " .
+               $email ||= "$author\@" . $self->ra->get_uuid;
+       $log_entry{name} = $name;
+       $log_entry{email} = $email;