completion: drop the hard coded list of config vars
authorNguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Sat, 26 May 2018 13:55:28 +0000 (15:55 +0200)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Tue, 29 May 2018 05:51:28 +0000 (14:51 +0900)
The new help option --config-for-completion is a machine friendlier
version of --config where all the placeholders and wildcards are
dropped, leaving only the good, completable prefixes for
git-completion.bash to consume.

Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index ccb206e1d4d8f12c32864bccc5971af41d63d051..8d4f6dd30152e70d1379a956793b1086fba7f5b6 100644 (file)
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ static struct option builtin_help_options[] = {
        OPT_HIDDEN_BOOL(0, "exclude-guides", &exclude_guides, N_("exclude guides")),
        OPT_BOOL('g', "guides", &show_guides, N_("print list of useful guides")),
        OPT_BOOL('c', "config", &show_config, N_("print all configuration variable names")),
+       OPT_SET_INT_F(0, "config-for-completion", &show_config, "", 2, PARSE_OPT_HIDDEN),
        OPT_SET_INT('m', "man", &help_format, N_("show man page"), HELP_FORMAT_MAN),
        OPT_SET_INT('w', "web", &help_format, N_("show manual in web browser"),
@@ -447,8 +448,14 @@ int cmd_help(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
        if (show_config) {
+               int for_human = show_config == 1;
+               if (!for_human) {
+                       list_config_help(for_human);
+                       return 0;
+               }
-               list_config_help();
+               list_config_help(for_human);
                printf("\n%s\n", _("'git help config' for more information"));
                return 0;
index 99dfedbd0bbb8fb7d12512331d4913a5ae3a8572..1278f3b133bebd0d9035efeab0dca79655de64e8 100644 (file)
@@ -1986,6 +1986,13 @@ __git_config_get_set_variables ()
        __git config $config_file --name-only --list
+__git_compute_config_vars ()
+       test -n "$__git_config_vars" ||
+       __git_config_vars="$(git help --config-for-completion | sort | uniq)"
 _git_config ()
        case "$prev" in
@@ -2144,332 +2151,8 @@ _git_config ()
-       __gitcomp "
-               add.ignoreErrors
-               advice.amWorkDir
-               advice.commitBeforeMerge
-               advice.detachedHead
-               advice.implicitIdentity
-               advice.pushAlreadyExists
-               advice.pushFetchFirst
-               advice.pushNeedsForce
-               advice.pushNonFFCurrent
-               advice.pushNonFFMatching
-               advice.pushUpdateRejected
-               advice.resolveConflict
-               advice.rmHints
-               advice.statusHints
-               advice.statusUoption
-               advice.ignoredHook
-               alias.
-               am.keepcr
-               am.threeWay
-               apply.ignorewhitespace
-               apply.whitespace
-               branch.autosetupmerge
-               branch.autosetuprebase
-               browser.
-               clean.requireForce
-               color.branch
-               color.branch.current
-               color.branch.local
-               color.branch.plain
-               color.branch.remote
-               color.decorate.HEAD
-               color.decorate.branch
-               color.decorate.remoteBranch
-               color.decorate.stash
-               color.decorate.tag
-               color.diff
-               color.diff.commit
-               color.diff.frag
-               color.diff.func
-               color.diff.meta
-               color.diff.old
-               color.diff.plain
-               color.diff.whitespace
-               color.grep
-               color.grep.context
-               color.grep.filename
-               color.grep.function
-               color.grep.linenumber
-               color.grep.match
-               color.grep.selected
-               color.grep.separator
-               color.interactive
-               color.interactive.error
-               color.interactive.header
-               color.interactive.prompt
-               color.pager
-               color.showbranch
-               color.status
-               color.status.added
-               color.status.changed
-               color.status.header
-               color.status.localBranch
-               color.status.nobranch
-               color.status.remoteBranch
-               color.status.unmerged
-               color.status.untracked
-               color.status.updated
-               color.ui
-               commit.cleanup
-               commit.gpgSign
-               commit.status
-               commit.template
-               commit.verbose
-               core.abbrev
-               core.askpass
-               core.attributesfile
-               core.autocrlf
-               core.bare
-               core.bigFileThreshold
-               core.checkStat
-               core.commentChar
-               core.commitGraph
-               core.compression
-               core.createObject
-               core.deltaBaseCacheLimit
-               core.editor
-               core.eol
-               core.excludesfile
-               core.fileMode
-               core.fsyncobjectfiles
-               core.gitProxy
-               core.hideDotFiles
-               core.hooksPath
-               core.ignoreStat
-               core.ignorecase
-               core.logAllRefUpdates
-               core.loosecompression
-               core.notesRef
-               core.packedGitLimit
-               core.packedGitWindowSize
-               core.packedRefsTimeout
-               core.pager
-               core.precomposeUnicode
-               core.preferSymlinkRefs
-               core.preloadindex
-               core.protectHFS
-               core.protectNTFS
-               core.quotepath
-               core.repositoryFormatVersion
-               core.safecrlf
-               core.sharedRepository
-               core.sparseCheckout
-               core.splitIndex
-               core.sshCommand
-               core.symlinks
-               core.trustctime
-               core.untrackedCache
-               core.warnAmbiguousRefs
-               core.whitespace
-               core.worktree
-               credential.helper
-               credential.useHttpPath
-               credential.username
-               credentialCache.ignoreSIGHUP
-               diff.autorefreshindex
-               diff.external
-               diff.ignoreSubmodules
-               diff.mnemonicprefix
-               diff.noprefix
-               diff.renameLimit
-               diff.renames
-               diff.statGraphWidth
-               diff.submodule
-               diff.suppressBlankEmpty
-               diff.tool
-               diff.wordRegex
-               diff.algorithm
-               difftool.
-               difftool.prompt
-               fetch.recurseSubmodules
-               fetch.unpackLimit
-               format.attach
-               format.coverLetter
-               format.from
-               format.headers
-               format.numbered
-               format.pretty
-               format.signature
-               format.signoff
-               format.subjectprefix
-               format.suffix
-               format.thread
-               gc.
-               gc.aggressiveDepth
-               gc.aggressiveWindow
-               gc.autoDetach
-               gc.autopacklimit
-               gc.logExpiry
-               gc.packrefs
-               gc.pruneexpire
-               gc.reflogexpire
-               gc.reflogexpireunreachable
-               gc.rerereresolved
-               gc.rerereunresolved
-               gc.worktreePruneExpire
-               gitcvs.allbinary
-               gitcvs.commitmsgannotation
-               gitcvs.dbTableNamePrefix
-               gitcvs.dbdriver
-               gitcvs.dbname
-               gitcvs.dbpass
-               gitcvs.dbuser
-               gitcvs.enabled
-               gitcvs.logfile
-               gitcvs.usecrlfattr
-               guitool.
-               gui.blamehistoryctx
-               gui.commitmsgwidth
-               gui.copyblamethreshold
-               gui.diffcontext
-               gui.encoding
-               gui.fastcopyblame
-               gui.matchtrackingbranch
-               gui.newbranchtemplate
-               gui.pruneduringfetch
-               gui.spellingdictionary
-               gui.trustmtime
-               help.autocorrect
-               help.browser
-               help.format
-               http.lowSpeedLimit
-               http.lowSpeedTime
-               http.maxRequests
-               http.minSessions
-               http.noEPSV
-               http.postBuffer
-               http.proxy
-               http.sslCipherList
-               http.sslVersion
-               http.sslCAInfo
-               http.sslCAPath
-               http.sslCert
-               http.sslCertPasswordProtected
-               http.sslKey
-               http.sslVerify
-               http.useragent
-               i18n.commitEncoding
-               i18n.logOutputEncoding
-               imap.authMethod
-               imap.folder
-               imap.pass
-               imap.port
-               imap.preformattedHTML
-               imap.sslverify
-               imap.tunnel
-               imap.user
-               init.templatedir
-               instaweb.browser
-               instaweb.httpd
-               instaweb.local
-               instaweb.modulepath
-               instaweb.port
-               interactive.singlekey
-               log.decorate
-               log.showroot
-               mailmap.file
-               man.
-               man.viewer
-               merge.
-               merge.conflictstyle
-               merge.log
-               merge.renameLimit
-               merge.renormalize
-               merge.stat
-               merge.tool
-               merge.verbosity
-               mergetool.
-               mergetool.keepBackup
-               mergetool.keepTemporaries
-               mergetool.prompt
-               notes.displayRef
-               notes.rewrite.
-               notes.rewrite.amend
-               notes.rewrite.rebase
-               notes.rewriteMode
-               notes.rewriteRef
-               pack.compression
-               pack.deltaCacheLimit
-               pack.deltaCacheSize
-               pack.depth
-               pack.indexVersion
-               pack.packSizeLimit
-               pack.threads
-               pack.window
-               pack.windowMemory
-               pager.
-               pretty.
-               pull.octopus
-               pull.twohead
-               push.default
-               push.followTags
-               rebase.autosquash
-               rebase.stat
-               receive.autogc
-               receive.denyCurrentBranch
-               receive.denyDeleteCurrent
-               receive.denyDeletes
-               receive.denyNonFastForwards
-               receive.fsckObjects
-               receive.unpackLimit
-               receive.updateserverinfo
-               remote.pushdefault
-               remotes.
-               repack.usedeltabaseoffset
-               rerere.autoupdate
-               rerere.enabled
-               sendemail.
-               sendemail.aliasesfile
-               sendemail.aliasfiletype
-               sendemail.bcc
-               sendemail.cccmd
-               sendemail.chainreplyto
-               sendemail.confirm
-               sendemail.envelopesender
-               sendemail.from
-               sendemail.identity
-               sendemail.multiedit
-               sendemail.signedoffbycc
-               sendemail.smtpdomain
-               sendemail.smtpencryption
-               sendemail.smtppass
-               sendemail.smtpserver
-               sendemail.smtpserveroption
-               sendemail.smtpserverport
-               sendemail.smtpuser
-               sendemail.suppresscc
-               sendemail.suppressfrom
-               sendemail.thread
-               sendemail.tocmd
-               sendemail.validate
-               sendemail.smtpbatchsize
-               sendemail.smtprelogindelay
-               showbranch.default
-               status.relativePaths
-               status.showUntrackedFiles
-               status.submodulesummary
-               submodule.
-               tar.umask
-               transfer.unpackLimit
-               url.
-               user.signingkey
-               web.browser
-               branch. remote.
-       "
+       __git_compute_config_vars
+       __gitcomp "$__git_config_vars"
 _git_remote ()
diff --git a/help.c b/help.c
index f078dfebad6e2da7c217c5b66eec898765274f44..3ebf0568dba1f20039b6e4d02c18c652078ad2cb 100644 (file)
--- a/help.c
+++ b/help.c
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ struct slot_expansion {
        int found;
-void list_config_help(void)
+void list_config_help(int for_human)
        struct slot_expansion slot_expansions[] = {
                { "advice", "*", list_config_advices },
@@ -460,8 +460,36 @@ void list_config_help(void)
                            e->prefix, e->placeholder);
-       for (i = 0; i <; i++)
-               puts(keys.items[i].string);
+       for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
+               const char *var = keys.items[i].string;
+               const char *wildcard, *tag, *cut;
+               if (for_human) {
+                       puts(var);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               wildcard = strchr(var, '*');
+               tag = strchr(var, '<');
+               if (!wildcard && !tag) {
+                       puts(var);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               if (wildcard && !tag)
+                       cut = wildcard;
+               else if (!wildcard && tag)
+                       cut = tag;
+               else
+                       cut = wildcard < tag ? wildcard : tag;
+               /*
+                * We may produce duplicates, but that's up to
+                * git-completion.bash to handle
+                */
+               printf("%.*s\n", (int)(cut - var), var);
+       }
        string_list_clear(&keys, 0);
diff --git a/help.h b/help.h
index b46fe6ee7303ff7d044df4727a47bc5e81bd9616..f8b15323a60dd318820c7295a4eebbcbd1de43dc 100644 (file)
--- a/help.h
+++ b/help.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ static inline void mput_char(char c, unsigned int num)
 extern void list_common_cmds_help(void);
 extern void list_all_cmds_help(void);
 extern void list_common_guides_help(void);
-extern void list_config_help(void);
+extern void list_config_help(int for_human);
 extern void list_all_main_cmds(struct string_list *list);
 extern void list_all_other_cmds(struct string_list *list);