struct combine_diff_state {
- struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
unsigned int lno;
int ob, on, nb, nn;
unsigned long nmask;
parent_file.size = sz;
xpp.flags = XDF_NEED_MINIMAL;
memset(&xecfg, 0, sizeof(xecfg));
- ecb.outf = xdiff_outf;
- ecb.priv = &state;
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
- state.xm.consume = consume_line;
state.nmask = nmask;
state.sline = sline;
state.lno = 1;
state.num_parent = num_parent;
state.n = n;
- xdi_diff(&parent_file, result_file, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+ xdi_diff_outf(&parent_file, result_file, consume_line, &state,
+ &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
/* Assign line numbers for this parent.
return (isalpha(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$');
+static void show_line_to_eol(const char *line, int len, const char *reset)
+ int saw_cr_at_eol = 0;
+ if (len < 0)
+ len = strlen(line);
+ saw_cr_at_eol = (len && line[len-1] == '\r');
+ printf("%.*s%s%s\n", len - saw_cr_at_eol, line,
+ reset,
+ saw_cr_at_eol ? "\r" : "");
static void dump_sline(struct sline *sline, unsigned long cnt, int num_parent,
int use_color)
putchar(' ');
- printf("%s%s\n", ll->line, c_reset);
+ show_line_to_eol(ll->line, -1, c_reset);
ll = ll->next;
if (cnt < lno)
putchar(' ');
p_mask <<= 1;
- printf("%.*s%s\n", sl->len, sl->bol, c_reset);
+ show_line_to_eol(sl->bol, sl->len, c_reset);
int i, show_hunks;
int working_tree_file = is_null_sha1(elem->sha1);
int abbrev = DIFF_OPT_TST(opt, FULL_INDEX) ? 40 : DEFAULT_ABBREV;
+ const char *a_prefix, *b_prefix;
mmfile_t result_file;
context = opt->context;
+ a_prefix = opt->a_prefix ? opt->a_prefix : "a/";
+ b_prefix = opt->b_prefix ? opt->b_prefix : "b/";
/* Read the result of merge first */
if (!working_tree_file)
result = grab_blob(elem->sha1, &result_size);
dump_quoted_path("--- ", "", "/dev/null",
c_meta, c_reset);
- dump_quoted_path("--- ", opt->a_prefix, elem->path,
+ dump_quoted_path("--- ", a_prefix, elem->path,
c_meta, c_reset);
if (deleted)
dump_quoted_path("+++ ", "", "/dev/null",
c_meta, c_reset);
- dump_quoted_path("+++ ", opt->b_prefix, elem->path,
+ dump_quoted_path("+++ ", b_prefix, elem->path,
c_meta, c_reset);
dump_sline(sline, cnt, num_parent,
static int diff_detect_rename_default;
static int diff_rename_limit_default = 200;
+static int diff_suppress_blank_empty;
int diff_use_color_default = -1;
static const char *external_diff_cmd_cfg;
int diff_auto_refresh_index = 1;
+ static int diff_mnemonic_prefix;
static char diff_colors[][COLOR_MAXLEN] = {
"\033[m", /* reset */
diff_auto_refresh_index = git_config_bool(var, value);
return 0;
+ if (!strcmp(var, "diff.mnemonicprefix")) {
+ diff_mnemonic_prefix = git_config_bool(var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!strcmp(var, "diff.external"))
return git_config_string(&external_diff_cmd_cfg, var, value);
if (!prefixcmp(var, "diff.")) {
return 0;
+ /* like GNU diff's --suppress-blank-empty option */
+ if (!strcmp(var, "diff.suppress-blank-empty")) {
+ diff_suppress_blank_empty = git_config_bool(var, value);
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!prefixcmp(var, "diff.")) {
const char *ep = strrchr(var, '.');
if (ep != var + 4) {
const char *new = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
const char *reset = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_RESET);
static struct strbuf a_name = STRBUF_INIT, b_name = STRBUF_INIT;
+ const char *a_prefix, *b_prefix;
+ if (diff_mnemonic_prefix && DIFF_OPT_TST(o, REVERSE_DIFF)) {
+ a_prefix = o->b_prefix;
+ b_prefix = o->a_prefix;
+ } else {
+ a_prefix = o->a_prefix;
+ b_prefix = o->b_prefix;
+ }
name_a += (*name_a == '/');
name_b += (*name_b == '/');
- quote_two_c_style(&a_name, o->a_prefix, name_a, 0);
- quote_two_c_style(&b_name, o->b_prefix, name_b, 0);
+ quote_two_c_style(&a_name, a_prefix, name_a, 0);
+ quote_two_c_style(&b_name, b_prefix, name_b, 0);
diff_populate_filespec(one, 0);
diff_populate_filespec(two, 0);
struct diff_words_data {
- struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
struct diff_words_buffer minus, plus;
FILE *file;
xpp.flags = XDF_NEED_MINIMAL;
xecfg.ctxlen = diff_words->minus.alloc + diff_words->plus.alloc;
- ecb.outf = xdiff_outf;
- ecb.priv = diff_words;
- diff_words->xm.consume = fn_out_diff_words_aux;
- xdi_diff(&minus, &plus, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+ xdi_diff_outf(&minus, &plus, fn_out_diff_words_aux, diff_words,
+ &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
diff_words->minus.text.size = diff_words->plus.text.size = 0;
typedef unsigned long (*sane_truncate_fn)(char *line, unsigned long len);
struct emit_callback {
- struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
int nparents, color_diff;
unsigned ws_rule;
sane_truncate_fn truncate;
static void emit_line(FILE *file, const char *set, const char *reset, const char *line, int len)
- int has_trailing_newline = (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n');
+ int has_trailing_newline, has_trailing_carriage_return;
+ has_trailing_newline = (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n');
if (has_trailing_newline)
+ has_trailing_carriage_return = (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\r');
+ if (has_trailing_carriage_return)
+ len--;
fputs(set, file);
fwrite(line, len, 1, file);
fputs(reset, file);
+ if (has_trailing_carriage_return)
+ fputc('\r', file);
if (has_trailing_newline)
fputc('\n', file);
ecbdata->label_path[0] = ecbdata->label_path[1] = NULL;
+ if (diff_suppress_blank_empty
+ && len == 2 && line[0] == ' ' && line[1] == '\n') {
+ line[0] = '\n';
+ len = 1;
+ }
/* This is not really necessary for now because
* this codepath only deals with two-way diffs.
struct diffstat_t {
- struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
int nr;
int alloc;
struct diffstat_file {
dir.alloc = 0;
dir.nr = 0;
dir.percent = options->dirstat_percent;
- dir.cumulative = options->output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_CUMULATIVE;
+ dir.cumulative = DIFF_OPT_TST(options, DIRSTAT_CUMULATIVE);
changed = 0;
for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) {
struct checkdiff_t {
- struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
const char *filename;
int lineno;
struct diff_options *o;
const char *name;
const char *pattern;
} builtin_funcname_pattern[] = {
+ { "bibtex", "\\(@[a-zA-Z]\\{1,\\}[ \t]*{\\{0,1\\}[ \t]*[^ \t\"@',\\#}{~%]*\\).*$" },
+ { "html", "^\\s*\\(<[Hh][1-6]\\s.*>.*\\)$" },
{ "java", "!^[ ]*\\(catch\\|do\\|for\\|if\\|instanceof\\|"
"^[ ]*\\(\\([ ]*"
"^\\(.*=[ \t]*\\(class\\|record\\).*\\)$"
- { "bibtex", "\\(@[a-zA-Z]\\{1,\\}[ \t]*{\\{0,1\\}[ \t]*[^ \t\"@',\\#}{~%]*\\).*$" },
- { "tex", "^\\(\\\\\\(\\(sub\\)*section\\|chapter\\|part\\)\\*\\{0,1\\}{.*\\)$" },
+ { "php", "^[\t ]*\\(\\(function\\|class\\).*\\)" },
+ { "python", "^\\s*\\(\\(class\\|def\\)\\s.*\\)$" },
{ "ruby", "^\\s*\\(\\(class\\|module\\|def\\)\\s.*\\)$" },
+ { "tex", "^\\(\\\\\\(\\(sub\\)*section\\|chapter\\|part\\)\\*\\{0,1\\}{.*\\)$" },
static const char *diff_funcname_pattern(struct diff_filespec *one)
return NULL;
+ void diff_set_mnemonic_prefix(struct diff_options *options, const char *a, const char *b)
+ {
+ if (!options->a_prefix)
+ options->a_prefix = a;
+ if (!options->b_prefix)
+ options->b_prefix = b;
+ }
static void builtin_diff(const char *name_a,
const char *name_b,
struct diff_filespec *one,
char *a_one, *b_two;
const char *set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_METAINFO);
const char *reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
+ const char *a_prefix, *b_prefix;
+ diff_set_mnemonic_prefix(o, "a/", "b/");
+ a_prefix = o->b_prefix;
+ b_prefix = o->a_prefix;
+ } else {
+ a_prefix = o->a_prefix;
+ b_prefix = o->b_prefix;
+ }
- a_one = quote_two(o->a_prefix, name_a + (*name_a == '/'));
- b_two = quote_two(o->b_prefix, name_b + (*name_b == '/'));
+ a_one = quote_two(a_prefix, name_a + (*name_a == '/'));
+ b_two = quote_two(b_prefix, name_b + (*name_b == '/'));
lbl[0] = DIFF_FILE_VALID(one) ? a_one : "/dev/null";
lbl[1] = DIFF_FILE_VALID(two) ? b_two : "/dev/null";
fprintf(o->file, "%sdiff --git %s %s%s\n", set, a_one, b_two, reset);
xecfg.ctxlen = strtoul(diffopts + 10, NULL, 10);
else if (!prefixcmp(diffopts, "-u"))
xecfg.ctxlen = strtoul(diffopts + 2, NULL, 10);
- ecb.outf = xdiff_outf;
- ecb.priv = &ecbdata;
- ecbdata.xm.consume = fn_out_consume;
ecbdata.diff_words =
xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct diff_words_data));
ecbdata.diff_words->file = o->file;
- xdi_diff(&mf1, &mf2, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+ xdi_diff_outf(&mf1, &mf2, fn_out_consume, &ecbdata,
+ &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
memset(&xecfg, 0, sizeof(xecfg));
xpp.flags = XDF_NEED_MINIMAL | o->xdl_opts;
- ecb.outf = xdiff_outf;
- ecb.priv = diffstat;
- xdi_diff(&mf1, &mf2, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+ xdi_diff_outf(&mf1, &mf2, diffstat_consume, diffstat,
+ &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
- data.xm.consume = checkdiff_consume;
data.filename = name_b ? name_b : name_a;
data.lineno = 0;
data.o = o;
memset(&xecfg, 0, sizeof(xecfg));
xecfg.ctxlen = 1; /* at least one context line */
xpp.flags = XDF_NEED_MINIMAL;
- ecb.outf = xdiff_outf;
- ecb.priv = &data;
- xdi_diff(&mf1, &mf2, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+ xdi_diff_outf(&mf1, &mf2, checkdiff_consume, &data,
+ &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
if ((data.ws_rule & WS_TRAILING_SPACE) &&
data.trailing_blanks_start) {
options->break_opt = -1;
options->rename_limit = -1;
options->dirstat_percent = 3;
options->context = 3;
options->change = diff_change;
options->detect_rename = diff_detect_rename_default;
- options->a_prefix = "a/";
- options->b_prefix = "b/";
+ if (!diff_mnemonic_prefix) {
+ options->a_prefix = "a/";
+ options->b_prefix = "b/";
+ }
int diff_setup_done(struct diff_options *options)
- /*
- * If we postprocess in diffcore, we cannot simply return
- * upon the first hit. We need to run diff as usual.
- */
- if (options->pickaxe || options->filter)
- DIFF_OPT_CLR(options, QUIET);
return 0;
options->output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_SHORTSTAT;
else if (opt_arg(arg, 'X', "dirstat", &options->dirstat_percent))
options->output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_DIRSTAT;
- else if (!strcmp(arg, "--cumulative"))
- options->output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_CUMULATIVE;
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "--cumulative")) {
+ options->output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_DIRSTAT;
+ }
else if (!strcmp(arg, "--check"))
options->output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_CHECKDIFF;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "--summary"))
struct patch_id_t {
- struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
SHA_CTX *ctx;
int patchlen;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct patch_id_t));
data.ctx = &ctx;
- data.xm.consume = patch_id_consume;
for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) {
xpparam_t xpp;
xpp.flags = XDF_NEED_MINIMAL;
xecfg.ctxlen = 3;
xecfg.flags = XDL_EMIT_FUNCNAMES;
- ecb.outf = xdiff_outf;
- ecb.priv = &data;
- xdi_diff(&mf1, &mf2, &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
+ xdi_diff_outf(&mf1, &mf2, patch_id_consume, &data,
+ &xpp, &xecfg, &ecb);
SHA1_Final(sha1, &ctx);
struct diffstat_t diffstat;
memset(&diffstat, 0, sizeof(struct diffstat_t));
- diffstat.xm.consume = diffstat_consume;
for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) {
struct diff_filepair *p = q->queue[i];
if (check_pair_status(p))
void diffcore_std(struct diff_options *options)
- if (DIFF_OPT_TST(options, QUIET))
- return;
- if (options->skip_stat_unmatch && !DIFF_OPT_TST(options, FIND_COPIES_HARDER))
+ if (options->skip_stat_unmatch)
if (options->break_opt != -1)