+## look up directory sticky tag, of either fullPath or a parent:
+sub getDirStickyInfo
+ my($fullPath)=@_;
+ $fullPath=~s%/+$%%;
+ while($fullPath ne "" && !defined($state->{dirMap}{"$fullPath/"}))
+ {
+ $fullPath=~s%/?[^/]*$%%;
+ }
+ if( !defined($state->{dirMap}{"$fullPath/"}) &&
+ ( $fullPath eq "" ||
+ $fullPath eq "." ) )
+ {
+ return $state->{dirMap}{""}{stickyInfo};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $state->{dirMap}{"$fullPath/"}{stickyInfo};
+ }
+# Resolve precedence of various ways of specifying which version of
+# a file you want. Returns undef (for default head), or a ref to a hash
+# that contains "tag" and/or "date" keys.
+sub resolveStickyInfo
+ my($filename,$stickyTag,$stickyDate,$reset) = @_;
+ # Order of precedence of sticky tags:
+ # -A [head]
+ # -r /tag/
+ # [file entry sticky tag]
+ # [the tag specified in dir req_Sticky]
+ # [the tag specified in a parent dir req_Sticky]
+ # [head]
+ my $result;
+ if($reset)
+ {
+ # $result=undef;
+ }
+ elsif( defined($stickyTag) && $stickyTag ne "" )
+ # || ( defined($stickyDate) && $stickyDate ne "" ) # TODO
+ {
+ $result={ 'tag' => (defined($stickyTag)?$stickyTag:undef) };
+ # TODO: Convert -D value into the form 2011.,
+ # similar to an entry line's sticky date, without the D prefix.
+ # It sometimes (always?) arrives as something more like
+ # '10 Apr 2011 04:46:57 -0000'...
+ # $result={ 'date' => (defined($stickyDate)?$stickyDate:undef) };
+ }
+ elsif( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}) &&
+ defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{tag_or_date}) &&
+ $state->{entries}{$filename}{tag_or_date} ne "" )
+ {
+ my($tagOrDate)=$state->{entries}{$filename}{tag_or_date};
+ if($tagOrDate=~/^T([^ ]+)\s*$/)
+ {
+ $result = { 'tag' => $1 };
+ }
+ elsif($tagOrDate=~/^D([0-9.]+)\s*$/)
+ {
+ $result= { 'date' => $1 };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Unknown tag_or_date format\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $result=getDirStickyInfo($filename);
+ }
+ return $result;
+# Convert a stickyInfo (ref to a hash) as returned by resolveStickyInfo into
+# a form appropriate for the sticky tag field of an Entries
+# line (field index 5, 0-based).
+sub getStickyTagOrDate
+ my($stickyInfo)=@_;
+ my $result;
+ if(defined($stickyInfo) && defined($stickyInfo->{tag}))
+ {
+ $result="T$stickyInfo->{tag}";
+ }
+ # TODO: When/if we actually pick versions by {date} properly,
+ # also handle it here:
+ # "D$stickyInfo->{date}" (example: "D2011.").
+ else
+ {
+ $result="";
+ }
+ return $result;