+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Marc Branchaud
-test_description='git svn multiple branch and tag paths in the svn repo'
-. ./lib-git-svn.sh
-test_expect_success 'setup svnrepo' '
- mkdir project \
- project/trunk \
- project/b_one \
- project/b_two \
- project/tags_A \
- project/tags_B &&
- echo 1 > project/trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd import -m "$test_description" project "$svnrepo/project" &&
- rm -rf project &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 1" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/b_one/first" &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 1" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/1.0" &&
- svn_cmd co "$svnrepo/project" svn_project &&
- ( cd svn_project &&
- echo 2 > trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 1" trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 2" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/b_one/second" &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 2" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/2.0" &&
- echo 3 > trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 2" trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 3" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/b_two/1" &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 3" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/3.0" &&
- echo 4 > trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 3" trunk/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 4" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/b_two/2" &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 4" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/4.0" &&
- svn_cmd up &&
- echo 5 > b_one/first/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 4" b_one/first/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 5" "$svnrepo/project/b_one/first" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v5" &&
- echo 6 > b_one/second/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 5" b_one/second/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 6" "$svnrepo/project/b_one/second" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v6" &&
- echo 7 > b_two/1/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 6" b_two/1/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 7" "$svnrepo/project/b_two/1" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v7" &&
- echo 8 > b_two/2/a.file &&
- svn_cmd ci -m "Change 7" b_two/2/a.file &&
- svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 8" "$svnrepo/project/b_two/2" \
- "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v8"
- )
-test_expect_success 'clone multiple branch and tag paths' '
- git svn clone -T trunk \
- -b b_one/* --branches b_two/* \
- -t tags_A/* --tags tags_B \
- "$svnrepo/project" git_project &&
- ( cd git_project &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/first &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/second &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/1 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/2 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/1.0 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/2.0 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/3.0 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/4.0 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v5 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v6 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v7 &&
- git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v8
- )
-test_expect_success 'Multiple branch or tag paths require -d' '
- ( cd git_project &&
- test_must_fail git svn branch -m "No new branch" Nope &&
- test_must_fail git svn tag -m "No new tag" Tagless &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/Nope &&
- test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/Tagless
- ) &&
- ( cd svn_project &&
- svn_cmd up &&
- test_must_fail test -d b_one/Nope &&
- test_must_fail test -d b_two/Nope &&
- test_must_fail test -d tags_A/Tagless &&
- test_must_fail test -d tags_B/Tagless
- )
-test_expect_success 'create new branches and tags' '
- ( cd git_project &&
- git svn branch -m "New branch 1" -d b_one New1 ) &&
- ( cd svn_project &&
- svn_cmd up && test -e b_one/New1/a.file ) &&
- ( cd git_project &&
- git svn branch -m "New branch 2" -d b_two New2 ) &&
- ( cd svn_project &&
- svn_cmd up && test -e b_two/New2/a.file ) &&
- ( cd git_project &&
- git svn branch -t -m "New tag 1" -d tags_A Tag1 ) &&
- ( cd svn_project &&
- svn_cmd up && test -e tags_A/Tag1/a.file ) &&
- ( cd git_project &&
- git svn tag -m "New tag 2" -d tags_B Tag2 ) &&
- ( cd svn_project &&
- svn_cmd up && test -e tags_B/Tag2/a.file )
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Ben Jackson
-test_description='git svn reset'
-. ./lib-git-svn.sh
-test_expect_success 'setup test repository' '
- svn_cmd co "$svnrepo" s &&
- (
- cd s &&
- mkdir vis &&
- echo always visible > vis/vis.txt &&
- svn_cmd add vis &&
- svn_cmd commit -m "create visible files" &&
- mkdir hid &&
- echo initially hidden > hid/hid.txt &&
- svn_cmd add hid &&
- svn_cmd commit -m "create initially hidden files" &&
- svn_cmd up &&
- echo mod >> vis/vis.txt &&
- svn_cmd commit -m "modify vis" &&
- svn_cmd up
- )
-test_expect_success 'clone SVN repository with hidden directory' '
- git svn init "$svnrepo" g &&
- ( cd g && git svn fetch --ignore-paths="^hid" )
-test_expect_success 'modify hidden file in SVN repo' '
- ( cd s &&
- echo mod hidden >> hid/hid.txt &&
- svn_cmd commit -m "modify hid" &&
- svn_cmd up
- )
-test_expect_success 'fetch fails on modified hidden file' '
- ( cd g &&
- git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect &&
- ! git svn fetch 2> ../errors &&
- git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect2 ) &&
- fgrep "not found in commit" errors &&
- test_cmp expect expect2
-test_expect_success 'reset unwinds back to r1' '
- ( cd g &&
- git svn reset -r1 &&
- git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect2 ) &&
- echo 1 >expect &&
- test_cmp expect expect2
-test_expect_success 'refetch succeeds not ignoring any files' '
- ( cd g &&
- git svn fetch &&
- git svn rebase &&
- fgrep "mod hidden" hid/hid.txt
- )
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Ben Jackson
+test_description='git svn reset'
+. ./lib-git-svn.sh
+test_expect_success 'setup test repository' '
+ svn_cmd co "$svnrepo" s &&
+ (
+ cd s &&
+ mkdir vis &&
+ echo always visible > vis/vis.txt &&
+ svn_cmd add vis &&
+ svn_cmd commit -m "create visible files" &&
+ mkdir hid &&
+ echo initially hidden > hid/hid.txt &&
+ svn_cmd add hid &&
+ svn_cmd commit -m "create initially hidden files" &&
+ svn_cmd up &&
+ echo mod >> vis/vis.txt &&
+ svn_cmd commit -m "modify vis" &&
+ svn_cmd up
+ )
+test_expect_success 'clone SVN repository with hidden directory' '
+ git svn init "$svnrepo" g &&
+ ( cd g && git svn fetch --ignore-paths="^hid" )
+test_expect_success 'modify hidden file in SVN repo' '
+ ( cd s &&
+ echo mod hidden >> hid/hid.txt &&
+ svn_cmd commit -m "modify hid" &&
+ svn_cmd up
+ )
+test_expect_success 'fetch fails on modified hidden file' '
+ ( cd g &&
+ git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect &&
+ ! git svn fetch 2> ../errors &&
+ git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect2 ) &&
+ fgrep "not found in commit" errors &&
+ test_cmp expect expect2
+test_expect_success 'reset unwinds back to r1' '
+ ( cd g &&
+ git svn reset -r1 &&
+ git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect2 ) &&
+ echo 1 >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect expect2
+test_expect_success 'refetch succeeds not ignoring any files' '
+ ( cd g &&
+ git svn fetch &&
+ git svn rebase &&
+ fgrep "mod hidden" hid/hid.txt
+ )
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Marc Branchaud
+test_description='git svn multiple branch and tag paths in the svn repo'
+. ./lib-git-svn.sh
+test_expect_success 'setup svnrepo' '
+ mkdir project \
+ project/trunk \
+ project/b_one \
+ project/b_two \
+ project/tags_A \
+ project/tags_B &&
+ echo 1 > project/trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd import -m "$test_description" project "$svnrepo/project" &&
+ rm -rf project &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 1" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/b_one/first" &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 1" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/1.0" &&
+ svn_cmd co "$svnrepo/project" svn_project &&
+ ( cd svn_project &&
+ echo 2 > trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 1" trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 2" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/b_one/second" &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 2" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/2.0" &&
+ echo 3 > trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 2" trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 3" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/b_two/1" &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 3" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/3.0" &&
+ echo 4 > trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 3" trunk/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Branch 4" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/b_two/2" &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 4" "$svnrepo/project/trunk" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_A/4.0" &&
+ svn_cmd up &&
+ echo 5 > b_one/first/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 4" b_one/first/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 5" "$svnrepo/project/b_one/first" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v5" &&
+ echo 6 > b_one/second/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 5" b_one/second/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 6" "$svnrepo/project/b_one/second" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v6" &&
+ echo 7 > b_two/1/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 6" b_two/1/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 7" "$svnrepo/project/b_two/1" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v7" &&
+ echo 8 > b_two/2/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd ci -m "Change 7" b_two/2/a.file &&
+ svn_cmd cp -m "Tag 8" "$svnrepo/project/b_two/2" \
+ "$svnrepo/project/tags_B/v8"
+ )
+test_expect_success 'clone multiple branch and tag paths' '
+ git svn clone -T trunk \
+ -b b_one/* --branches b_two/* \
+ -t tags_A/* --tags tags_B \
+ "$svnrepo/project" git_project &&
+ ( cd git_project &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/first &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/second &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/1 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/2 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/1.0 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/2.0 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/3.0 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/4.0 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v5 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v6 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v7 &&
+ git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v8
+ )
+test_expect_success 'Multiple branch or tag paths require -d' '
+ ( cd git_project &&
+ test_must_fail git svn branch -m "No new branch" Nope &&
+ test_must_fail git svn tag -m "No new tag" Tagless &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/Nope &&
+ test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/Tagless
+ ) &&
+ ( cd svn_project &&
+ svn_cmd up &&
+ test_must_fail test -d b_one/Nope &&
+ test_must_fail test -d b_two/Nope &&
+ test_must_fail test -d tags_A/Tagless &&
+ test_must_fail test -d tags_B/Tagless
+ )
+test_expect_success 'create new branches and tags' '
+ ( cd git_project &&
+ git svn branch -m "New branch 1" -d b_one New1 ) &&
+ ( cd svn_project &&
+ svn_cmd up && test -e b_one/New1/a.file ) &&
+ ( cd git_project &&
+ git svn branch -m "New branch 2" -d b_two New2 ) &&
+ ( cd svn_project &&
+ svn_cmd up && test -e b_two/New2/a.file ) &&
+ ( cd git_project &&
+ git svn branch -t -m "New tag 1" -d tags_A Tag1 ) &&
+ ( cd svn_project &&
+ svn_cmd up && test -e tags_A/Tag1/a.file ) &&
+ ( cd git_project &&
+ git svn tag -m "New tag 2" -d tags_B Tag2 ) &&
+ ( cd svn_project &&
+ svn_cmd up && test -e tags_B/Tag2/a.file )