--- /dev/null
+/* The MIT License
+ Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2011 by Attractive Chaos <attractor@live.co.uk>
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifndef __AC_KHASH_H
+#define __AC_KHASH_H
+#define AC_VERSION_KHASH_H "0.2.8"
+typedef uint32_t khint32_t;
+typedef uint64_t khint64_t;
+typedef khint32_t khint_t;
+typedef khint_t khiter_t;
+#define __ac_isempty(flag, i) ((flag[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&2)
+#define __ac_isdel(flag, i) ((flag[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1)
+#define __ac_iseither(flag, i) ((flag[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&3)
+#define __ac_set_isdel_false(flag, i) (flag[i>>4]&=~(1ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1)))
+#define __ac_set_isempty_false(flag, i) (flag[i>>4]&=~(2ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1)))
+#define __ac_set_isboth_false(flag, i) (flag[i>>4]&=~(3ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1)))
+#define __ac_set_isdel_true(flag, i) (flag[i>>4]|=1ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1))
+#define __ac_fsize(m) ((m) < 16? 1 : (m)>>4)
+#define kroundup32(x) (--(x), (x)|=(x)>>1, (x)|=(x)>>2, (x)|=(x)>>4, (x)|=(x)>>8, (x)|=(x)>>16, ++(x))
+static inline khint_t __ac_X31_hash_string(const char *s)
+ khint_t h = (khint_t)*s;
+ if (h) for (++s ; *s; ++s) h = (h << 5) - h + (khint_t)*s;
+ return h;
+#define kh_str_hash_func(key) __ac_X31_hash_string(key)
+#define kh_str_hash_equal(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
+static const double __ac_HASH_UPPER = 0.77;
+#define __KHASH_TYPE(name, khkey_t, khval_t) \
+ typedef struct { \
+ khint_t n_buckets, size, n_occupied, upper_bound; \
+ khint32_t *flags; \
+ khkey_t *keys; \
+ khval_t *vals; \
+ } kh_##name##_t;
+#define __KHASH_PROTOTYPES(name, khkey_t, khval_t) \
+ extern kh_##name##_t *kh_init_##name(void); \
+ extern void kh_destroy_##name(kh_##name##_t *h); \
+ extern void kh_clear_##name(kh_##name##_t *h); \
+ extern khint_t kh_get_##name(const kh_##name##_t *h, khkey_t key); \
+ extern int kh_resize_##name(kh_##name##_t *h, khint_t new_n_buckets); \
+ extern khint_t kh_put_##name(kh_##name##_t *h, khkey_t key, int *ret); \
+ extern void kh_del_##name(kh_##name##_t *h, khint_t x);
+#define __KHASH_IMPL(name, SCOPE, khkey_t, khval_t, kh_is_map, __hash_func, __hash_equal) \
+ SCOPE kh_##name##_t *kh_init_##name(void) { \
+ return (kh_##name##_t*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(kh_##name##_t)); \
+ } \
+ SCOPE void kh_destroy_##name(kh_##name##_t *h) \
+ { \
+ if (h) { \
+ free((void *)h->keys); free(h->flags); \
+ free((void *)h->vals); \
+ free(h); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ SCOPE void kh_clear_##name(kh_##name##_t *h) \
+ { \
+ if (h && h->flags) { \
+ memset(h->flags, 0xaa, __ac_fsize(h->n_buckets) * sizeof(khint32_t)); \
+ h->size = h->n_occupied = 0; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ SCOPE khint_t kh_get_##name(const kh_##name##_t *h, khkey_t key) \
+ { \
+ if (h->n_buckets) { \
+ khint_t k, i, last, mask, step = 0; \
+ mask = h->n_buckets - 1; \
+ k = __hash_func(key); i = k & mask; \
+ last = i; \
+ while (!__ac_isempty(h->flags, i) && (__ac_isdel(h->flags, i) || !__hash_equal(h->keys[i], key))) { \
+ i = (i + (++step)) & mask; \
+ if (i == last) return h->n_buckets; \
+ } \
+ return __ac_iseither(h->flags, i)? h->n_buckets : i; \
+ } else return 0; \
+ } \
+ SCOPE int kh_resize_##name(kh_##name##_t *h, khint_t new_n_buckets) \
+ { /* This function uses 0.25*n_buckets bytes of working space instead of [sizeof(key_t+val_t)+.25]*n_buckets. */ \
+ khint32_t *new_flags = NULL; \
+ khint_t j = 1; \
+ { \
+ kroundup32(new_n_buckets); \
+ if (new_n_buckets < 4) new_n_buckets = 4; \
+ if (h->size >= (khint_t)(new_n_buckets * __ac_HASH_UPPER + 0.5)) j = 0; /* requested size is too small */ \
+ else { /* hash table size to be changed (shrink or expand); rehash */ \
+ new_flags = (khint32_t*)xmalloc(__ac_fsize(new_n_buckets) * sizeof(khint32_t)); \
+ if (!new_flags) return -1; \
+ memset(new_flags, 0xaa, __ac_fsize(new_n_buckets) * sizeof(khint32_t)); \
+ if (h->n_buckets < new_n_buckets) { /* expand */ \
+ khkey_t *new_keys = (khkey_t*)xrealloc((void *)h->keys, new_n_buckets * sizeof(khkey_t)); \
+ if (!new_keys) return -1; \
+ h->keys = new_keys; \
+ if (kh_is_map) { \
+ khval_t *new_vals = (khval_t*)xrealloc((void *)h->vals, new_n_buckets * sizeof(khval_t)); \
+ if (!new_vals) return -1; \
+ h->vals = new_vals; \
+ } \
+ } /* otherwise shrink */ \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if (j) { /* rehashing is needed */ \
+ for (j = 0; j != h->n_buckets; ++j) { \
+ if (__ac_iseither(h->flags, j) == 0) { \
+ khkey_t key = h->keys[j]; \
+ khval_t val; \
+ khint_t new_mask; \
+ new_mask = new_n_buckets - 1; \
+ if (kh_is_map) val = h->vals[j]; \
+ __ac_set_isdel_true(h->flags, j); \
+ while (1) { /* kick-out process; sort of like in Cuckoo hashing */ \
+ khint_t k, i, step = 0; \
+ k = __hash_func(key); \
+ i = k & new_mask; \
+ while (!__ac_isempty(new_flags, i)) i = (i + (++step)) & new_mask; \
+ __ac_set_isempty_false(new_flags, i); \
+ if (i < h->n_buckets && __ac_iseither(h->flags, i) == 0) { /* kick out the existing element */ \
+ { khkey_t tmp = h->keys[i]; h->keys[i] = key; key = tmp; } \
+ if (kh_is_map) { khval_t tmp = h->vals[i]; h->vals[i] = val; val = tmp; } \
+ __ac_set_isdel_true(h->flags, i); /* mark it as deleted in the old hash table */ \
+ } else { /* write the element and jump out of the loop */ \
+ h->keys[i] = key; \
+ if (kh_is_map) h->vals[i] = val; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if (h->n_buckets > new_n_buckets) { /* shrink the hash table */ \
+ h->keys = (khkey_t*)xrealloc((void *)h->keys, new_n_buckets * sizeof(khkey_t)); \
+ if (kh_is_map) h->vals = (khval_t*)xrealloc((void *)h->vals, new_n_buckets * sizeof(khval_t)); \
+ } \
+ free(h->flags); /* free the working space */ \
+ h->flags = new_flags; \
+ h->n_buckets = new_n_buckets; \
+ h->n_occupied = h->size; \
+ h->upper_bound = (khint_t)(h->n_buckets * __ac_HASH_UPPER + 0.5); \
+ } \
+ return 0; \
+ } \
+ SCOPE khint_t kh_put_##name(kh_##name##_t *h, khkey_t key, int *ret) \
+ { \
+ khint_t x; \
+ if (h->n_occupied >= h->upper_bound) { /* update the hash table */ \
+ if (h->n_buckets > (h->size<<1)) { \
+ if (kh_resize_##name(h, h->n_buckets - 1) < 0) { /* clear "deleted" elements */ \
+ *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets; \
+ } \
+ } else if (kh_resize_##name(h, h->n_buckets + 1) < 0) { /* expand the hash table */ \
+ *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets; \
+ } \
+ } /* TODO: to implement automatically shrinking; resize() already support shrinking */ \
+ { \
+ khint_t k, i, site, last, mask = h->n_buckets - 1, step = 0; \
+ x = site = h->n_buckets; k = __hash_func(key); i = k & mask; \
+ if (__ac_isempty(h->flags, i)) x = i; /* for speed up */ \
+ else { \
+ last = i; \
+ while (!__ac_isempty(h->flags, i) && (__ac_isdel(h->flags, i) || !__hash_equal(h->keys[i], key))) { \
+ if (__ac_isdel(h->flags, i)) site = i; \
+ i = (i + (++step)) & mask; \
+ if (i == last) { x = site; break; } \
+ } \
+ if (x == h->n_buckets) { \
+ if (__ac_isempty(h->flags, i) && site != h->n_buckets) x = site; \
+ else x = i; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if (__ac_isempty(h->flags, x)) { /* not present at all */ \
+ h->keys[x] = key; \
+ __ac_set_isboth_false(h->flags, x); \
+ ++h->size; ++h->n_occupied; \
+ *ret = 1; \
+ } else if (__ac_isdel(h->flags, x)) { /* deleted */ \
+ h->keys[x] = key; \
+ __ac_set_isboth_false(h->flags, x); \
+ ++h->size; \
+ *ret = 2; \
+ } else *ret = 0; /* Don't touch h->keys[x] if present and not deleted */ \
+ return x; \
+ } \
+ SCOPE void kh_del_##name(kh_##name##_t *h, khint_t x) \
+ { \
+ if (x != h->n_buckets && !__ac_iseither(h->flags, x)) { \
+ __ac_set_isdel_true(h->flags, x); \
+ --h->size; \
+ } \
+ }
+#define KHASH_DECLARE(name, khkey_t, khval_t) \
+ __KHASH_TYPE(name, khkey_t, khval_t) \
+ __KHASH_PROTOTYPES(name, khkey_t, khval_t)
+#define KHASH_INIT2(name, SCOPE, khkey_t, khval_t, kh_is_map, __hash_func, __hash_equal) \
+ __KHASH_TYPE(name, khkey_t, khval_t) \
+ __KHASH_IMPL(name, SCOPE, khkey_t, khval_t, kh_is_map, __hash_func, __hash_equal)
+#define KHASH_INIT(name, khkey_t, khval_t, kh_is_map, __hash_func, __hash_equal) \
+ KHASH_INIT2(name, static inline, khkey_t, khval_t, kh_is_map, __hash_func, __hash_equal)
+/* Other convenient macros... */
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Test whether a bucket contains data.
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @param x Iterator to the bucket [khint_t]
+ @return 1 if containing data; 0 otherwise [int]
+ */
+#define kh_exist(h, x) (!__ac_iseither((h)->flags, (x)))
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Get key given an iterator
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @param x Iterator to the bucket [khint_t]
+ @return Key [type of keys]
+ */
+#define kh_key(h, x) ((h)->keys[x])
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Get value given an iterator
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @param x Iterator to the bucket [khint_t]
+ @return Value [type of values]
+ @discussion For hash sets, calling this results in segfault.
+ */
+#define kh_val(h, x) ((h)->vals[x])
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Alias of kh_val()
+ */
+#define kh_value(h, x) ((h)->vals[x])
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Get the start iterator
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @return The start iterator [khint_t]
+ */
+#define kh_begin(h) (khint_t)(0)
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Get the end iterator
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @return The end iterator [khint_t]
+ */
+#define kh_end(h) ((h)->n_buckets)
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Get the number of elements in the hash table
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @return Number of elements in the hash table [khint_t]
+ */
+#define kh_size(h) ((h)->size)
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Get the number of buckets in the hash table
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @return Number of buckets in the hash table [khint_t]
+ */
+#define kh_n_buckets(h) ((h)->n_buckets)
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Iterate over the entries in the hash table
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @param kvar Variable to which key will be assigned
+ @param vvar Variable to which value will be assigned
+ @param code Block of code to execute
+ */
+#define kh_foreach(h, kvar, vvar, code) { khint_t __i; \
+ for (__i = kh_begin(h); __i != kh_end(h); ++__i) { \
+ if (!kh_exist(h,__i)) continue; \
+ (kvar) = kh_key(h,__i); \
+ (vvar) = kh_val(h,__i); \
+ code; \
+ } }
+/*! @function
+ @abstract Iterate over the values in the hash table
+ @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
+ @param vvar Variable to which value will be assigned
+ @param code Block of code to execute
+ */
+#define kh_foreach_value(h, vvar, code) { khint_t __i; \
+ for (__i = kh_begin(h); __i != kh_end(h); ++__i) { \
+ if (!kh_exist(h,__i)) continue; \
+ (vvar) = kh_val(h,__i); \
+ code; \
+ } }
+static inline khint_t __kh_oid_hash(const unsigned char *oid)
+ khint_t hash;
+ memcpy(&hash, oid, sizeof(hash));
+ return hash;
+#define __kh_oid_cmp(a, b) (hashcmp(a, b) == 0)
+KHASH_INIT(sha1, const unsigned char *, void *, 1, __kh_oid_hash, __kh_oid_cmp)
+typedef kh_sha1_t khash_sha1;
+KHASH_INIT(sha1_pos, const unsigned char *, int, 1, __kh_oid_hash, __kh_oid_cmp)
+typedef kh_sha1_pos_t khash_sha1_pos;
+#endif /* __AC_KHASH_H */
--- /dev/null
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "commit.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "diff.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+#include "progress.h"
+#include "list-objects.h"
+#include "pack.h"
+#include "pack-bitmap.h"
+#include "pack-revindex.h"
+#include "pack-objects.h"
+ * An entry on the bitmap index, representing the bitmap for a given
+ * commit.
+ */
+struct stored_bitmap {
+ unsigned char sha1[20];
+ struct ewah_bitmap *root;
+ struct stored_bitmap *xor;
+ int flags;
+ * The currently active bitmap index. By design, repositories only have
+ * a single bitmap index available (the index for the biggest packfile in
+ * the repository), since bitmap indexes need full closure.
+ *
+ * If there is more than one bitmap index available (e.g. because of alternates),
+ * the active bitmap index is the largest one.
+ */
+static struct bitmap_index {
+ /* Packfile to which this bitmap index belongs to */
+ struct packed_git *pack;
+ /* reverse index for the packfile */
+ struct pack_revindex *reverse_index;
+ /*
+ * Mark the first `reuse_objects` in the packfile as reused:
+ * they will be sent as-is without using them for repacking
+ * calculations
+ */
+ uint32_t reuse_objects;
+ /* mmapped buffer of the whole bitmap index */
+ unsigned char *map;
+ size_t map_size; /* size of the mmaped buffer */
+ size_t map_pos; /* current position when loading the index */
+ /*
+ * Type indexes.
+ *
+ * Each bitmap marks which objects in the packfile are of the given
+ * type. This provides type information when yielding the objects from
+ * the packfile during a walk, which allows for better delta bases.
+ */
+ struct ewah_bitmap *commits;
+ struct ewah_bitmap *trees;
+ struct ewah_bitmap *blobs;
+ struct ewah_bitmap *tags;
+ /* Map from SHA1 -> `stored_bitmap` for all the bitmapped comits */
+ khash_sha1 *bitmaps;
+ /* Number of bitmapped commits */
+ uint32_t entry_count;
+ /*
+ * Extended index.
+ *
+ * When trying to perform bitmap operations with objects that are not
+ * packed in `pack`, these objects are added to this "fake index" and
+ * are assumed to appear at the end of the packfile for all operations
+ */
+ struct eindex {
+ struct object **objects;
+ uint32_t *hashes;
+ uint32_t count, alloc;
+ khash_sha1_pos *positions;
+ } ext_index;
+ /* Bitmap result of the last performed walk */
+ struct bitmap *result;
+ /* Version of the bitmap index */
+ unsigned int version;
+ unsigned loaded : 1;
+} bitmap_git;
+static struct ewah_bitmap *lookup_stored_bitmap(struct stored_bitmap *st)
+ struct ewah_bitmap *parent;
+ struct ewah_bitmap *composed;
+ if (st->xor == NULL)
+ return st->root;
+ composed = ewah_pool_new();
+ parent = lookup_stored_bitmap(st->xor);
+ ewah_xor(st->root, parent, composed);
+ ewah_pool_free(st->root);
+ st->root = composed;
+ st->xor = NULL;
+ return composed;
+ * Read a bitmap from the current read position on the mmaped
+ * index, and increase the read position accordingly
+ */
+static struct ewah_bitmap *read_bitmap_1(struct bitmap_index *index)
+ struct ewah_bitmap *b = ewah_pool_new();
+ int bitmap_size = ewah_read_mmap(b,
+ index->map + index->map_pos,
+ index->map_size - index->map_pos);
+ if (bitmap_size < 0) {
+ error("Failed to load bitmap index (corrupted?)");
+ ewah_pool_free(b);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ index->map_pos += bitmap_size;
+ return b;
+static int load_bitmap_header(struct bitmap_index *index)
+ struct bitmap_disk_header *header = (void *)index->map;
+ if (index->map_size < sizeof(*header) + 20)
+ return error("Corrupted bitmap index (missing header data)");
+ if (memcmp(header->magic, BITMAP_IDX_SIGNATURE, sizeof(BITMAP_IDX_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
+ return error("Corrupted bitmap index file (wrong header)");
+ index->version = ntohs(header->version);
+ if (index->version != 1)
+ return error("Unsupported version for bitmap index file (%d)", index->version);
+ /* Parse known bitmap format options */
+ {
+ uint32_t flags = ntohs(header->options);
+ if ((flags & BITMAP_OPT_FULL_DAG) == 0)
+ return error("Unsupported options for bitmap index file "
+ "(Git requires BITMAP_OPT_FULL_DAG)");
+ }
+ index->entry_count = ntohl(header->entry_count);
+ index->map_pos += sizeof(*header);
+ return 0;
+static struct stored_bitmap *store_bitmap(struct bitmap_index *index,
+ struct ewah_bitmap *root,
+ const unsigned char *sha1,
+ struct stored_bitmap *xor_with,
+ int flags)
+ struct stored_bitmap *stored;
+ khiter_t hash_pos;
+ int ret;
+ stored = xmalloc(sizeof(struct stored_bitmap));
+ stored->root = root;
+ stored->xor = xor_with;
+ stored->flags = flags;
+ hashcpy(stored->sha1, sha1);
+ hash_pos = kh_put_sha1(index->bitmaps, stored->sha1, &ret);
+ /* a 0 return code means the insertion succeeded with no changes,
+ * because the SHA1 already existed on the map. this is bad, there
+ * shouldn't be duplicated commits in the index */
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ error("Duplicate entry in bitmap index: %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ kh_value(index->bitmaps, hash_pos) = stored;
+ return stored;
+static int load_bitmap_entries_v1(struct bitmap_index *index)
+ static const size_t MAX_XOR_OFFSET = 160;
+ uint32_t i;
+ struct stored_bitmap **recent_bitmaps;
+ struct bitmap_disk_entry *entry;
+ recent_bitmaps = xcalloc(MAX_XOR_OFFSET, sizeof(struct stored_bitmap));
+ for (i = 0; i < index->entry_count; ++i) {
+ int xor_offset, flags;
+ struct ewah_bitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+ struct stored_bitmap *xor_bitmap = NULL;
+ uint32_t commit_idx_pos;
+ const unsigned char *sha1;
+ entry = (struct bitmap_disk_entry *)(index->map + index->map_pos);
+ index->map_pos += sizeof(struct bitmap_disk_entry);
+ commit_idx_pos = ntohl(entry->object_pos);
+ sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(index->pack, commit_idx_pos);
+ xor_offset = (int)entry->xor_offset;
+ flags = (int)entry->flags;
+ bitmap = read_bitmap_1(index);
+ if (!bitmap)
+ return -1;
+ if (xor_offset > MAX_XOR_OFFSET || xor_offset > i)
+ return error("Corrupted bitmap pack index");
+ if (xor_offset > 0) {
+ xor_bitmap = recent_bitmaps[(i - xor_offset) % MAX_XOR_OFFSET];
+ if (xor_bitmap == NULL)
+ return error("Invalid XOR offset in bitmap pack index");
+ }
+ recent_bitmaps[i % MAX_XOR_OFFSET] = store_bitmap(
+ index, bitmap, sha1, xor_bitmap, flags);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int open_pack_bitmap_1(struct packed_git *packfile)
+ int fd;
+ struct stat st;
+ char *idx_name;
+ if (open_pack_index(packfile))
+ return -1;
+ idx_name = pack_bitmap_filename(packfile);
+ fd = git_open_noatime(idx_name);
+ free(idx_name);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (bitmap_git.pack) {
+ warning("ignoring extra bitmap file: %s", packfile->pack_name);
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bitmap_git.pack = packfile;
+ bitmap_git.map_size = xsize_t(st.st_size);
+ bitmap_git.map = xmmap(NULL, bitmap_git.map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
+ bitmap_git.map_pos = 0;
+ close(fd);
+ if (load_bitmap_header(&bitmap_git) < 0) {
+ munmap(bitmap_git.map, bitmap_git.map_size);
+ bitmap_git.map = NULL;
+ bitmap_git.map_size = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int load_pack_bitmap(void)
+ assert(bitmap_git.map && !bitmap_git.loaded);
+ bitmap_git.bitmaps = kh_init_sha1();
+ bitmap_git.ext_index.positions = kh_init_sha1_pos();
+ bitmap_git.reverse_index = revindex_for_pack(bitmap_git.pack);
+ if (!(bitmap_git.commits = read_bitmap_1(&bitmap_git)) ||
+ !(bitmap_git.trees = read_bitmap_1(&bitmap_git)) ||
+ !(bitmap_git.blobs = read_bitmap_1(&bitmap_git)) ||
+ !(bitmap_git.tags = read_bitmap_1(&bitmap_git)))
+ goto failed;
+ if (load_bitmap_entries_v1(&bitmap_git) < 0)
+ goto failed;
+ bitmap_git.loaded = 1;
+ return 0;
+ munmap(bitmap_git.map, bitmap_git.map_size);
+ bitmap_git.map = NULL;
+ bitmap_git.map_size = 0;
+ return -1;
+char *pack_bitmap_filename(struct packed_git *p)
+ char *idx_name;
+ int len;
+ len = strlen(p->pack_name) - strlen(".pack");
+ idx_name = xmalloc(len + strlen(".bitmap") + 1);
+ memcpy(idx_name, p->pack_name, len);
+ memcpy(idx_name + len, ".bitmap", strlen(".bitmap") + 1);
+ return idx_name;
+static int open_pack_bitmap(void)
+ struct packed_git *p;
+ int ret = -1;
+ assert(!bitmap_git.map && !bitmap_git.loaded);
+ prepare_packed_git();
+ for (p = packed_git; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (open_pack_bitmap_1(p) == 0)
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int prepare_bitmap_git(void)
+ if (bitmap_git.loaded)
+ return 0;
+ if (!open_pack_bitmap())
+ return load_pack_bitmap();
+ return -1;
+struct include_data {
+ struct bitmap *base;
+ struct bitmap *seen;
+static inline int bitmap_position_extended(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ khash_sha1_pos *positions = bitmap_git.ext_index.positions;
+ khiter_t pos = kh_get_sha1_pos(positions, sha1);
+ if (pos < kh_end(positions)) {
+ int bitmap_pos = kh_value(positions, pos);
+ return bitmap_pos + bitmap_git.pack->num_objects;
+ }
+ return -1;
+static inline int bitmap_position_packfile(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ off_t offset = find_pack_entry_one(sha1, bitmap_git.pack);
+ if (!offset)
+ return -1;
+ return find_revindex_position(bitmap_git.reverse_index, offset);
+static int bitmap_position(const unsigned char *sha1)
+ int pos = bitmap_position_packfile(sha1);
+ return (pos >= 0) ? pos : bitmap_position_extended(sha1);
+static int ext_index_add_object(struct object *object, const char *name)
+ struct eindex *eindex = &bitmap_git.ext_index;
+ khiter_t hash_pos;
+ int hash_ret;
+ int bitmap_pos;
+ hash_pos = kh_put_sha1_pos(eindex->positions, object->sha1, &hash_ret);
+ if (hash_ret > 0) {
+ if (eindex->count >= eindex->alloc) {
+ eindex->alloc = (eindex->alloc + 16) * 3 / 2;
+ eindex->objects = xrealloc(eindex->objects,
+ eindex->alloc * sizeof(struct object *));
+ eindex->hashes = xrealloc(eindex->hashes,
+ eindex->alloc * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ }
+ bitmap_pos = eindex->count;
+ eindex->objects[eindex->count] = object;
+ eindex->hashes[eindex->count] = pack_name_hash(name);
+ kh_value(eindex->positions, hash_pos) = bitmap_pos;
+ eindex->count++;
+ } else {
+ bitmap_pos = kh_value(eindex->positions, hash_pos);
+ }
+ return bitmap_pos + bitmap_git.pack->num_objects;
+static void show_object(struct object *object, const struct name_path *path,
+ const char *last, void *data)
+ struct bitmap *base = data;
+ int bitmap_pos;
+ bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(object->sha1);
+ if (bitmap_pos < 0) {
+ char *name = path_name(path, last);
+ bitmap_pos = ext_index_add_object(object, name);
+ free(name);
+ }
+ bitmap_set(base, bitmap_pos);
+static void show_commit(struct commit *commit, void *data)
+static int add_to_include_set(struct include_data *data,
+ const unsigned char *sha1,
+ int bitmap_pos)
+ khiter_t hash_pos;
+ if (data->seen && bitmap_get(data->seen, bitmap_pos))
+ return 0;
+ if (bitmap_get(data->base, bitmap_pos))
+ return 0;
+ hash_pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, sha1);
+ if (hash_pos < kh_end(bitmap_git.bitmaps)) {
+ struct stored_bitmap *st = kh_value(bitmap_git.bitmaps, hash_pos);
+ bitmap_or_ewah(data->base, lookup_stored_bitmap(st));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bitmap_set(data->base, bitmap_pos);
+ return 1;
+static int should_include(struct commit *commit, void *_data)
+ struct include_data *data = _data;
+ int bitmap_pos;
+ bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(commit->object.sha1);
+ if (bitmap_pos < 0)
+ bitmap_pos = ext_index_add_object((struct object *)commit, NULL);
+ if (!add_to_include_set(data, commit->object.sha1, bitmap_pos)) {
+ struct commit_list *parent = commit->parents;
+ while (parent) {
+ parent->item->object.flags |= SEEN;
+ parent = parent->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static struct bitmap *find_objects(struct rev_info *revs,
+ struct object_list *roots,
+ struct bitmap *seen)
+ struct bitmap *base = NULL;
+ int needs_walk = 0;
+ struct object_list *not_mapped = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Go through all the roots for the walk. The ones that have bitmaps
+ * on the bitmap index will be `or`ed together to form an initial
+ * global reachability analysis.
+ *
+ * The ones without bitmaps in the index will be stored in the
+ * `not_mapped_list` for further processing.
+ */
+ while (roots) {
+ struct object *object = roots->item;
+ roots = roots->next;
+ if (object->type == OBJ_COMMIT) {
+ khiter_t pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, object->sha1);
+ if (pos < kh_end(bitmap_git.bitmaps)) {
+ struct stored_bitmap *st = kh_value(bitmap_git.bitmaps, pos);
+ struct ewah_bitmap *or_with = lookup_stored_bitmap(st);
+ if (base == NULL)
+ base = ewah_to_bitmap(or_with);
+ else
+ bitmap_or_ewah(base, or_with);
+ object->flags |= SEEN;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ object_list_insert(object, ¬_mapped);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Best case scenario: We found bitmaps for all the roots,
+ * so the resulting `or` bitmap has the full reachability analysis
+ */
+ if (not_mapped == NULL)
+ return base;
+ roots = not_mapped;
+ /*
+ * Let's iterate through all the roots that don't have bitmaps to
+ * check if we can determine them to be reachable from the existing
+ * global bitmap.
+ *
+ * If we cannot find them in the existing global bitmap, we'll need
+ * to push them to an actual walk and run it until we can confirm
+ * they are reachable
+ */
+ while (roots) {
+ struct object *object = roots->item;
+ int pos;
+ roots = roots->next;
+ pos = bitmap_position(object->sha1);
+ if (pos < 0 || base == NULL || !bitmap_get(base, pos)) {
+ object->flags &= ~UNINTERESTING;
+ add_pending_object(revs, object, "");
+ needs_walk = 1;
+ } else {
+ object->flags |= SEEN;
+ }
+ }
+ if (needs_walk) {
+ struct include_data incdata;
+ if (base == NULL)
+ base = bitmap_new();
+ incdata.base = base;
+ incdata.seen = seen;
+ revs->include_check = should_include;
+ revs->include_check_data = &incdata;
+ if (prepare_revision_walk(revs))
+ die("revision walk setup failed");
+ traverse_commit_list(revs, show_commit, show_object, base);
+ }
+ return base;
+static void show_extended_objects(struct bitmap *objects,
+ show_reachable_fn show_reach)
+ struct eindex *eindex = &bitmap_git.ext_index;
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < eindex->count; ++i) {
+ struct object *obj;
+ if (!bitmap_get(objects, bitmap_git.pack->num_objects + i))
+ continue;
+ obj = eindex->objects[i];
+ show_reach(obj->sha1, obj->type, 0, eindex->hashes[i], NULL, 0);
+ }
+static void show_objects_for_type(
+ struct bitmap *objects,
+ struct ewah_bitmap *type_filter,
+ enum object_type object_type,
+ show_reachable_fn show_reach)
+ size_t pos = 0, i = 0;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ struct ewah_iterator it;
+ eword_t filter;
+ if (bitmap_git.reuse_objects == bitmap_git.pack->num_objects)
+ return;
+ ewah_iterator_init(&it, type_filter);
+ while (i < objects->word_alloc && ewah_iterator_next(&filter, &it)) {
+ eword_t word = objects->words[i] & filter;
+ for (offset = 0; offset < BITS_IN_WORD; ++offset) {
+ const unsigned char *sha1;
+ struct revindex_entry *entry;
+ uint32_t hash = 0;
+ if ((word >> offset) == 0)
+ break;
+ offset += ewah_bit_ctz64(word >> offset);
+ if (pos + offset < bitmap_git.reuse_objects)
+ continue;
+ entry = &bitmap_git.reverse_index->revindex[pos + offset];
+ sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(bitmap_git.pack, entry->nr);
+ show_reach(sha1, object_type, 0, hash, bitmap_git.pack, entry->offset);
+ }
+ pos += BITS_IN_WORD;
+ i++;
+ }
+static int in_bitmapped_pack(struct object_list *roots)
+ while (roots) {
+ struct object *object = roots->item;
+ roots = roots->next;
+ if (find_pack_entry_one(object->sha1, bitmap_git.pack) > 0)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int prepare_bitmap_walk(struct rev_info *revs)
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int pending_nr = revs->pending.nr;
+ struct object_array_entry *pending_e = revs->pending.objects;
+ struct object_list *wants = NULL;
+ struct object_list *haves = NULL;
+ struct bitmap *wants_bitmap = NULL;
+ struct bitmap *haves_bitmap = NULL;
+ if (!bitmap_git.loaded) {
+ /* try to open a bitmapped pack, but don't parse it yet
+ * because we may not need to use it */
+ if (open_pack_bitmap() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < pending_nr; ++i) {
+ struct object *object = pending_e[i].item;
+ if (object->type == OBJ_NONE)
+ parse_object_or_die(object->sha1, NULL);
+ while (object->type == OBJ_TAG) {
+ struct tag *tag = (struct tag *) object;
+ if (object->flags & UNINTERESTING)
+ object_list_insert(object, &haves);
+ else
+ object_list_insert(object, &wants);
+ if (!tag->tagged)
+ die("bad tag");
+ object = parse_object_or_die(tag->tagged->sha1, NULL);
+ }
+ if (object->flags & UNINTERESTING)
+ object_list_insert(object, &haves);
+ else
+ object_list_insert(object, &wants);
+ }
+ /*
+ * if we have a HAVES list, but none of those haves is contained
+ * in the packfile that has a bitmap, we don't have anything to
+ * optimize here
+ */
+ if (haves && !in_bitmapped_pack(haves))
+ return -1;
+ /* if we don't want anything, we're done here */
+ if (!wants)
+ return -1;
+ /*
+ * now we're going to use bitmaps, so load the actual bitmap entries
+ * from disk. this is the point of no return; after this the rev_list
+ * becomes invalidated and we must perform the revwalk through bitmaps
+ */
+ if (!bitmap_git.loaded && load_pack_bitmap() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ revs->pending.nr = 0;
+ revs->pending.alloc = 0;
+ revs->pending.objects = NULL;
+ if (haves) {
+ haves_bitmap = find_objects(revs, haves, NULL);
+ reset_revision_walk();
+ if (haves_bitmap == NULL)
+ die("BUG: failed to perform bitmap walk");
+ }
+ wants_bitmap = find_objects(revs, wants, haves_bitmap);
+ if (!wants_bitmap)
+ die("BUG: failed to perform bitmap walk");
+ if (haves_bitmap)
+ bitmap_and_not(wants_bitmap, haves_bitmap);
+ bitmap_git.result = wants_bitmap;
+ bitmap_free(haves_bitmap);
+ return 0;
+int reuse_partial_packfile_from_bitmap(struct packed_git **packfile,
+ uint32_t *entries,
+ off_t *up_to)
+ /*
+ * Reuse the packfile content if we need more than
+ * 90% of its objects
+ */
+ static const double REUSE_PERCENT = 0.9;
+ struct bitmap *result = bitmap_git.result;
+ uint32_t reuse_threshold;
+ uint32_t i, reuse_objects = 0;
+ assert(result);
+ for (i = 0; i < result->word_alloc; ++i) {
+ if (result->words[i] != (eword_t)~0) {
+ reuse_objects += ewah_bit_ctz64(~result->words[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ reuse_objects += BITS_IN_WORD;
+ }
+ {
+ const unsigned char *sha1;
+ struct revindex_entry *entry;
+ entry = &bitmap_git.reverse_index->revindex[reuse_objects];
+ sha1 = nth_packed_object_sha1(bitmap_git.pack, entry->nr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reuse at %d (%016llx)\n",
+ reuse_objects, result->words[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+ }
+ if (!reuse_objects)
+ return -1;
+ if (reuse_objects >= bitmap_git.pack->num_objects) {
+ bitmap_git.reuse_objects = *entries = bitmap_git.pack->num_objects;
+ *up_to = -1; /* reuse the full pack */
+ *packfile = bitmap_git.pack;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ reuse_threshold = bitmap_popcount(bitmap_git.result) * REUSE_PERCENT;
+ if (reuse_objects < reuse_threshold)
+ return -1;
+ bitmap_git.reuse_objects = *entries = reuse_objects;
+ *up_to = bitmap_git.reverse_index->revindex[reuse_objects].offset;
+ *packfile = bitmap_git.pack;
+ return 0;
+void traverse_bitmap_commit_list(show_reachable_fn show_reachable)
+ assert(bitmap_git.result);
+ show_objects_for_type(bitmap_git.result, bitmap_git.commits,
+ OBJ_COMMIT, show_reachable);
+ show_objects_for_type(bitmap_git.result, bitmap_git.trees,
+ OBJ_TREE, show_reachable);
+ show_objects_for_type(bitmap_git.result, bitmap_git.blobs,
+ OBJ_BLOB, show_reachable);
+ show_objects_for_type(bitmap_git.result, bitmap_git.tags,
+ OBJ_TAG, show_reachable);
+ show_extended_objects(bitmap_git.result, show_reachable);
+ bitmap_free(bitmap_git.result);
+ bitmap_git.result = NULL;
+static uint32_t count_object_type(struct bitmap *objects,
+ enum object_type type)
+ struct eindex *eindex = &bitmap_git.ext_index;
+ uint32_t i = 0, count = 0;
+ struct ewah_iterator it;
+ eword_t filter;
+ switch (type) {
+ case OBJ_COMMIT:
+ ewah_iterator_init(&it, bitmap_git.commits);
+ break;
+ case OBJ_TREE:
+ ewah_iterator_init(&it, bitmap_git.trees);
+ break;
+ case OBJ_BLOB:
+ ewah_iterator_init(&it, bitmap_git.blobs);
+ break;
+ case OBJ_TAG:
+ ewah_iterator_init(&it, bitmap_git.tags);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (i < objects->word_alloc && ewah_iterator_next(&filter, &it)) {
+ eword_t word = objects->words[i++] & filter;
+ count += ewah_bit_popcount64(word);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < eindex->count; ++i) {
+ if (eindex->objects[i]->type == type &&
+ bitmap_get(objects, bitmap_git.pack->num_objects + i))
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+void count_bitmap_commit_list(uint32_t *commits, uint32_t *trees,
+ uint32_t *blobs, uint32_t *tags)
+ assert(bitmap_git.result);
+ if (commits)
+ *commits = count_object_type(bitmap_git.result, OBJ_COMMIT);
+ if (trees)
+ *trees = count_object_type(bitmap_git.result, OBJ_TREE);
+ if (blobs)
+ *blobs = count_object_type(bitmap_git.result, OBJ_BLOB);
+ if (tags)
+ *tags = count_object_type(bitmap_git.result, OBJ_TAG);
+struct bitmap_test_data {
+ struct bitmap *base;
+ struct progress *prg;
+ size_t seen;
+static void test_show_object(struct object *object,
+ const struct name_path *path,
+ const char *last, void *data)
+ struct bitmap_test_data *tdata = data;
+ int bitmap_pos;
+ bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(object->sha1);
+ if (bitmap_pos < 0)
+ die("Object not in bitmap: %s\n", sha1_to_hex(object->sha1));
+ bitmap_set(tdata->base, bitmap_pos);
+ display_progress(tdata->prg, ++tdata->seen);
+static void test_show_commit(struct commit *commit, void *data)
+ struct bitmap_test_data *tdata = data;
+ int bitmap_pos;
+ bitmap_pos = bitmap_position(commit->object.sha1);
+ if (bitmap_pos < 0)
+ die("Object not in bitmap: %s\n", sha1_to_hex(commit->object.sha1));
+ bitmap_set(tdata->base, bitmap_pos);
+ display_progress(tdata->prg, ++tdata->seen);
+void test_bitmap_walk(struct rev_info *revs)
+ struct object *root;
+ struct bitmap *result = NULL;
+ khiter_t pos;
+ size_t result_popcnt;
+ struct bitmap_test_data tdata;
+ if (prepare_bitmap_git())
+ die("failed to load bitmap indexes");
+ if (revs->pending.nr != 1)
+ die("you must specify exactly one commit to test");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Bitmap v%d test (%d entries loaded)\n",
+ bitmap_git.version, bitmap_git.entry_count);
+ root = revs->pending.objects[0].item;
+ pos = kh_get_sha1(bitmap_git.bitmaps, root->sha1);
+ if (pos < kh_end(bitmap_git.bitmaps)) {
+ struct stored_bitmap *st = kh_value(bitmap_git.bitmaps, pos);
+ struct ewah_bitmap *bm = lookup_stored_bitmap(st);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Found bitmap for %s. %d bits / %08x checksum\n",
+ sha1_to_hex(root->sha1), (int)bm->bit_size, ewah_checksum(bm));
+ result = ewah_to_bitmap(bm);
+ }
+ if (result == NULL)
+ die("Commit %s doesn't have an indexed bitmap", sha1_to_hex(root->sha1));
+ revs->tag_objects = 1;
+ revs->tree_objects = 1;
+ revs->blob_objects = 1;
+ result_popcnt = bitmap_popcount(result);
+ if (prepare_revision_walk(revs))
+ die("revision walk setup failed");
+ tdata.base = bitmap_new();
+ tdata.prg = start_progress("Verifying bitmap entries", result_popcnt);
+ tdata.seen = 0;
+ traverse_commit_list(revs, &test_show_commit, &test_show_object, &tdata);
+ stop_progress(&tdata.prg);
+ if (bitmap_equals(result, tdata.base))
+ fprintf(stderr, "OK!\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "Mismatch!\n");