2# cron.py
4# List the logged (executed) cron jobs and their commands
5# TODO: also output a list of scheduled (future) jobs
7import re
9from ..formatting import *
10from ..util import readlog, resolve
11from .. import config
13import logging
14logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
16def parse_log():
17 output = ''
18 logger.debug("Starting cron section")
19 output += opentag('div', 1, 'cron', 'section')
20 matches = re.findall('.*CMD\s*\(\s*(?!.*cd)(.*)\)', readlog(config.prefs['logs']['cron']))
21 num = sum(1 for line in matches)
22 commands = []
23 for match in matches:
24 commands.append(str(match))
25 # commands.append([str(match)for match in matches])
26 #logger.debug("found cron command " + str(commands))
27 logger.info("Found " + str(num) + " cron jobs")
28 subtitle = str(num) + " cron jobs run"
29 output += writetitle("cron")
30 output += writedata(subtitle)
31 if (len(matches) > 0):
32 commands = addtag(commands, 'code')
33 commands = orderbyfreq(commands)
34 commands = truncl(commands, config.prefs['maxcmd'])
35 output += writedata("top cron commands", [c for c in commands])
36 output += closetag('div', 1)
37 logger.info("Finished cron section")
38 return output