loggger.warning("no subtitle provided.. skipping section")
- tag('p', 0, subtitle)
if (data == None):
logger.debug("no data provided.. just printing subtitle")
+ tag('p', 0, subtitle)
logger.debug("received data " + str(data))
- opentag('ul', 1)
- for datum in data:
- logger.debug("printing datum " + datum)
- tag('li', 0, datum)
- closetag('ul', 1)
+ subtitle += ':'
+ if (len(data) == 1):
+ tag('p', 0, subtitle + ' ' + data[0])
+ else:
+ tag('p', 0, subtitle)
+ opentag('ul', 1)
+ for datum in data:
+ logger.debug("printing datum " + datum)
+ tag('li', 0, datum)
+ closetag('ul', 1)
def opentag(tag, block = 0, id = None, cl = None): # write html opening tag
if (block == 1):
def orderbyfreq(l): # order a list by the frequency of its elements and remove duplicates
temp_l = l[:]
l = list(set(l))
- l.sort(key=lambda x:temp_l.count(x))
+ l = [[i, temp_l.count(i)] for i in l] # add count of each element
+ l.sort(key=lambda x:temp_l.count(x[0])) # sort by count
+ l = [i[0] + ' (' + str(i[1]) + ')' for i in l] # put element and count into string
+ l = l[::-1] # reverse
return l
def addtag(l, tag): # add prefix and suffix tags to each item in a list
def truncl(input, limit): # truncate list
if (len(input) > limit):
more = str(len(input) - limit)
- output = input[-limit:]
+ output = input[:limit]
output.append("+ " + more + " more")
subtitle += ' ' + users[0][0]
- subtitle += ':'
for user in users:
data.append(user[0] + ' (' + str(user[1]) + ')')
if len(data) > MAXLIST: # if there are lots of users, truncate them
for cmd in cmatches:
logger.debug("found the following commands: " + str(commands))
- # temp_cmd=commands[:]
- # commands = list(set(commands))
- # commands.sort(key=lambda x:temp_cmd.count(x))
- commands = orderbyfreq(commands)
- logger.debug("top 3 sudo commands: " + str(commands[-3:]))
subtitle = plural("sudo session", num) + " for"
subtitle += ' ' + users[0][0]
- subtitle += ':'
for user in users:
data.append(user[0] + ' (' + str(user[1]) + ')')
- if len(data) > 3:
- data.append('+ ' + str(len(users) - 2) + " more")
- break
logger.debug("found " + str(len(matches)) + " sudo sessions for users " + str(data))
writedata(subtitle, data)
if (len(commands) > 0):
commands = addtag(commands, 'code')
+ commands = orderbyfreq(commands)
commands = truncl(commands, CMDNO)
writedata("top sudo commands", [c for c in commands])
closetag('div', 1)
if (matches > 0):
- commands = orderbyfreq(commands)
commands = addtag(commands, 'code')
+ commands = orderbyfreq(commands)
commands = truncl(commands, CMDNO)
writedata("top cron commands", [c for c in commands])
closetag('div', 1)
for i in failed:
logger.debug("the following downloads failed: " + str(l_f))
- succ = re.findall('.*nameget.*downloaded.*', syslog)
+ succ = re.findall('.*nameget.*downloaded\s(.*)', syslog)
n_s = sum(1 for i in succ)
l_s = []
for i in succ:
logger.info("starting httpd section")
opentag('div', 1, 'httpd', 'section')
accesslog = readlog("httpd/access.log")
- a = len(accesslog)
+ a = len(accesslog.split('\n'))
errorlog = readlog("httpd/error.log")
- e = len(errorlog)
+ e = len(errorlog.split('\n'))
data_b = 0
+ ips = []
+ files = []
+ useragents = []
+ errors = []
+ notfound = []
+ unprivileged = []
for line in accesslog.split('\n'):
+ fields = re.search('^(\S*) .*GET (\/.*) HTTP/\d\.\d\" 200 (\d*) \"(.*)\".*\((.*)\;', line)
- data_b += int(re.search('.*HTTP/\d\.\d\" 200 (\d*) ', line).group(1))
+ ips.append(fields.group(1))
+ files.append(fields.group(2))
+ useragents.append(fields.group(5))
+ logger.debug("transferred " + fields.group(3) + " bytes in this request")
+ data_b += int(fields.group(3))
+ logger.debug("data_b is now " + str(data_b))
except Exception as error:
if type(error) is AttributeError:
- pass
+ logger.debug("attributeerrror: " + str(error))
logger.warning("error processing httpd access log: " + str(error))
+ logger.debug(str(data_b) + " bytes transferred")
data_h = parsesize(data_b)
+ writetitle("apache")
logger.debug("httpd has transferred " + str(data_b) + " bytes in response to " + str(a) + " requests with " + str(e) + " errors")
+ if (a > 0):
+ logger.debug("found the following requests: " + str(files))
+ files = addtag(files, 'code')
+ files = orderbyfreq(files)
+ files = truncl(files, CMDNO)
+ writedata(str(a) + " requests", files)
+ if (ips != None):
+ logger.debug("found the following ips: " + str(ips))
+ ips = addtag(ips, 'code')
+ ips = orderbyfreq(ips)
+ n_ip = str(len(ips))
+ ips = truncl(ips, CMDNO)
+ writedata(n_ip + " unique clients", ips)
+ if (useragents != None):
+ logger.debug("found the following useragents: " + str(useragents))
+ useragents = addtag(useragents, 'code')
+ useragents = orderbyfreq(useragents)
+ n_ua = str(len(useragents))
+ useragents = truncl(useragents, CMDNO)
+ writedata(n_ua + " unique devices", useragents)
- writetitle("apache")
writedata(data_h + " transferred")
- writedata(str(a) + " requests")
writedata(str(e) + " errors")
closetag('div', 1)
opentag('div', 1, 'smbd', 'section')
files = glob.glob(SMBDDIR + "/log.*[!\.gz][!\.old]") # find list of logfiles
n_auths = 0 # total number of logins from all users
- sigma_auths = [] # contains users and their respective no. of logins
+ sigma_auths = [] # contains users
output = ""
for file in files: # one log file for each client
matches = re.findall('.*sam authentication for user \[(.*)\] succeeded.*', readlog(file))
for match in matches:
userhost = match + "@" + host
- exists = [i for i, item in enumerate(sigma_auths) if re.search(userhost, item[0])]
- if (exists == []):
- sigma_auths.append([userhost, 1])
- else:
- sigma_auths[exists[0]][1] += 1
+ sigma_auths.append(userhost)
+ # exists = [i for i, item in enumerate(sigma_auths) if re.search(userhost, item[0])]
+ # if (exists == []):
+ # sigma_auths.append([userhost, 1])
+ # else:
+ # sigma_auths[exists[0]][1] += 1
n_auths += 1
subtitle = plural("login", n_auths) + " from"
- data = []
if (len(sigma_auths) == 1): # if only one user, do not display no of logins for this user
subtitle += ' ' + sigma_auths[0][0]
else: # multiple users
- subtitle += ':'
- for x in sigma_auths:
- data.append((str(x[0])) + " (" + str(x[1]) + ")")
- if len(data) > MAXLIST: # if many users, truncate them
- data.append('+ ' + str(len(sigma_auths) - MAXLIST - 1) + " more")
- break
+ sigma_auths = orderbyfreq(sigma_auths)
+ sigma_auths = truncl(sigma_auths, CMDNO)
logger.debug("found " + str(n_auths) + " samba logins for users " + str(sigma_auths))
- writedata(subtitle, data)
+ writedata(subtitle, sigma_auths)
closetag('div', 1)
logger.info("finished smbd section")
def postfix():
logger.debug("starting postfix section")
opentag('div', 1, 'postfix', 'section')
- messages = re.findall('.*from\=<.*>, size\=(\d*),.*\n.*\n.*\: removed\n.*', readlog('postfix'))
- size = sum([int(x) for x in messages])
+ messages = re.findall('.*from\=<(.*)>, size\=(\d*),.*\n.*to=<(.*)>', readlog('postfix'))
+ r = []
+ s = []
+ size = 0
+ for message in messages:
+ r.append(message[2])
+ s.append(message[0])
+ size += int(message[1])
+ # size = sum([int(x) for x in messages])
size = parsesize(size)
n = str(len(messages))
- writedata(n + " messages sent")
+ if (len(r) > 0):
+ s = list(set(r)) # unique recipients
+ if (len(s) > 1):
+ r = orderbyfreq(r)
+ r = truncl(r, CMDNO)
+ writedata(n + " messages sent to", r)
+ else:
+ writedata(n + " messages sent to " + r[0])
+ else:
+ writedata(n + " messages sent")
writedata("total of " + size)
closetag('div', 1)
logger.info("finished postfix section")
pool = re.search('.*---\n(\w*)', zfslog).group(1)
scrub = re.search('.*scrub repaired (\d*) in \d*h\d*m with (\d*) errors on (\S*\s)(\S*)\s(\d+\s)', zfslog)
iostat = re.search('.*---\n\w*\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s', zfslog)
- scrubrepairs = scrub.group(1)
- scruberrors = scrub.group(2)
- scrubdate = scrub.group(3) + scrub.group(5) + scrub.group(4)
+ scrubrepairs = scruberrors = scrubdate = None
+ try:
+ scrubrepairs = scrub.group(1)
+ scruberrors = scrub.group(2)
+ scrubdate = scrub.group(3) + scrub.group(5) + scrub.group(4)
+ except:
+ logger.debug("error getting scrub data")
alloc = iostat.group(1)
free = iostat.group(2)
- subtitle = "Scrub on " + scrubdate + ": "
- data = [scrubrepairs + " repaired", scruberrors + " errors", alloc + " used", free + " free"]
+ if (scrubdate != None):
+ subtitle = "Scrub of " + pool + " on " + scrubdate
+ data = [scrubrepairs + " repaired", scruberrors + " errors", alloc + " used", free + " free"]
+ else:
+ subtitle = pool
+ data = [alloc + " used", free + " free"]
writedata(subtitle, data)
closetag('div', 1)
logger.info("finished zfs section")