'overwrite': False,
'title': logparse.__name__,
'maxlist': 10,
- 'maxcmd': 3,
+ 'maxcmd': 6,
'resolve-domains': 'fqdn',
'mail': {
'to': '',
Truncate self.items to a specified value and state how many items are hidden.
if (len(self.items) > limit):
- more = str(len(self.items) - limit)
+ more = len(self.items) - limit
+ if more == 1:
+ return 0
self.items = self.items[:limit]
- self.items.append("+ {0} more".format(more))
+ self.items.append("+ {0} more".format(str(more)))
def orderbyfreq(self):
return ["`" + x + "`" for x in l]
-def plural(noun, quantity):
+def plural(noun, quantity, print_quantity=True):
Return "1 noun" or "n nouns"
- if (quantity == 1):
- return(str(quantity) + " " + noun)
+ if print_quantity:
+ if (quantity == 1):
+ return(str(quantity) + " " + noun)
+ else:
+ return(str(quantity) + " " + noun + "s")
- return(str(quantity) + " " + noun + "s")
+ if (quantity == 1):
+ return noun
+ else:
+ return noun + "s"
def parsesize(num, suffix='B'):
--- /dev/null
+# cron-journald.py
+# List the logged (executed) cron jobs and their commands (uses journald module)
+# TODO: also output a list of scheduled (future) jobs
+from systemd import journal
+from logparse.formatting import *
+from logparse import config
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def parse_log():
+ logger.debug("Starting cron section")
+ section = Section("cron")
+ # Initiate journald reader
+ j = journal.Reader()
+ j.this_boot()
+ j.this_machine()
+ j.log_level(journal.LOG_INFO)
+ j.add_match(_COMM="cron")
+ logger.info("Obtaining cron logs")
+ messages = [entry["MESSAGE"] for entry in j if "MESSAGE" in entry and " CMD " in entry["MESSAGE"]]
+ total_jobs = len(messages)
+ if total_jobs == 0:
+ logger.warning("Couldn't find any cron commands")
+ return 1
+ logger.info("Found " + str(total_jobs) + " cron jobs")
+ section.append_data(Data("Total of " + plural("cron session", total_jobs) + " executed across all users"))
+ logger.debug("Analysing cron commands for each user")
+ users = {}
+ for msg in messages:
+ usr_cmd = re.search('\((\S+)\) CMD (.*)', msg) # [('user', 'cmd')]
+ if usr_cmd:
+ if not usr_cmd.group(1) in users:
+ users[usr_cmd.group(1)] = []
+ users[usr_cmd.group(1)].append(usr_cmd.group(2))
+ for usr, cmdlist in users.items():
+ user_data = Data()
+ user_data.subtitle = plural("cron sessions", len(cmdlist)) + " for " + usr
+ user_data.items = ("`{0}`".format(cmd) for cmd in cmdlist)
+ user_data.orderbyfreq()
+ user_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxcmd'])
+ section.append_data(user_data)
+ logger.info("Finished cron section")
+ return section
# cron.py
-# List the logged (executed) cron jobs and their commands
-# TODO: also output a list of scheduled (future) jobs
+# List the logged (executed) cron jobs and their commands (uses syslog file)
+# NOTE: This file is now deprecated in favour of the newer journald mechanism
+# used in cron-journald.py. This parser is still functional but is slower and
+# has less features. Please switch over if possible.
import re
from ..formatting import *
from ..util import readlog, resolve
from .. import config
+from .. import util
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_log():
+ logger.warning("NOTE: This cron parser is now deprecated. Please use cron-journald if possible.")
logger.debug("Starting cron section")
section = Section("cron")
matches = re.findall('.*CMD\s*\(\s*(?!.*cd)(.*)\)', readlog(config.prefs['logs']['cron']))
- num = sum(1 for line in matches)
+ num = len(matches)
commands = []
for match in matches:
jobs_data = Data(str(num) + " cron jobs run")
- if (len(matches) > 0):
+ if (num > 0):
logger.debug("Analysing cron commands")
cmd_data = Data("Top cron commands")
cmd_data.items = ("`{0}`".format(x) for x in commands)
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ACCESS_REGEX = "^\s*(\S+).*\"GET (\S+) HTTP(?:\/\d\.\d)?\" (\d{3}) (\d*) \".+\" \"(.*)\""
+class AccessLine(object):
+ def __init__(self, line):
+ self.line = line
+ fields = re.search(ACCESS_REGEX, line)
+ self.client = fields.group(1)
+ self.file = fields.group(2)
+ self.statuscode = int(fields.group(3))
+ self.bytes = int(fields.group(4))
+ self.useragent = fields.group(5)
def parse_log():
logger.debug("Starting httpd section")
section = Section("httpd")
accesslog = readlog(config.prefs['logs']['httpd'] + '/access.log')
- a = len(accesslog.split('\n'))
errorlog = readlog(config.prefs['logs']['httpd'] + '/error.log')
- e = len(errorlog.split('\n'))
- data_b = 0
- ips = []
- files = []
- useragents = []
+ total_errors = len(errorlog.splitlines())
+ logger.debug("Retrieved log data")
errors = []
notfound = []
unprivileged = []
logger.debug("Searching through access log")
- for line in accesslog.split('\n'):
- fields = re.search('^(\S*) .*GET (\/.*) HTTP/\d\.\d\" 200 (\d*) \"(.*)\".*\((.*)\;', line)
- try:
- ips.append(resolve(fields.group(1), fqdn=config.prefs['httpd']['resolve-domains']))
- files.append(fields.group(2))
- useragents.append(fields.group(5))
- data_b += int(fields.group(3))
- except Exception as error:
- if type(error) is AttributeError: # this line is not an access log
- pass
- else:
- logger.warning("Error processing httpd access log: " + str(error))
- traceback.print_exc()
- data_h = parsesize(data_b)
- logger.info("httpd has transferred " + str(data_b) + " bytes in response to " + str(a) + " requests with " + str(e) + " errors")
- if (a > 0):
- logger.debug("Parsing request statistics (this might take a while)")
- request_data = Data()
- request_data.items = backticks(files)
- request_data.orderbyfreq()
- request_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
- request_data.subtitle = plural(" request", a)
- section.append_data(request_data)
- if (ips != None):
- logger.debug("Parsing client statistics")
- client_data = Data()
- client_data.items = ips
- client_data.orderbyfreq()
- client_data.subtitle = plural(" client", str(len(ips)))
- client_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
- section.append_data(client_data)
- if (useragents != None):
- logger.debug("Parsing user agent statistics")
- ua_data = Data()
- ua_data.items = useragents
- ua_data.orderbyfreq()
- n_ua = str(len(ua_data.items))
- ua_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
- ua_data.subtitle = plural(" user agent", n_ua)
- section.append_data(ua_data)
- section.append_data(Data(data_h + " transferred"))
- section.append_data(Data(plural(" error", e)))
+ accesses = []
+ for line in accesslog.splitlines():
+ if "GET" in line:
+ accesses.append(AccessLine(line))
+ total_requests = len(accesses)
+ section.append_data(Data("Total of " + plural("request", total_requests)))
+ section.append_data(Data(plural("error", total_errors)))
+ size = Data()
+ size.subtitle = "Transferred " + parsesize(sum([ac.bytes for ac in accesses]))
+ section.append_data(size)
+ clients = Data()
+ clients.items = [resolve(ac.client, "fqdn") for ac in accesses]
+ clients.orderbyfreq()
+ clients.subtitle = "Received requests from " + plural("client", len(clients.items))
+ clients.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ section.append_data(clients)
+ files = Data()
+ files.items = [ac.file for ac in accesses]
+ files.orderbyfreq()
+ files.subtitle = plural("file", len(files.items)) + " requested"
+ files.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ section.append_data(files)
+ useragents = Data()
+ useragents.items = [ac.useragent for ac in accesses]
+ useragents.orderbyfreq()
+ useragents.subtitle = plural("user agent", len(useragents.items))
+ useragents.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ section.append_data(useragents)
+ logger.info("httpd has received " + str(total_requests) + " requests with " + str(total_errors) + " errors")
logger.info("Finished httpd section")
return section
--- /dev/null
+from ..formatting import *
+from .. import config
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def parse_log():
+ parser = util.JournalParser()
+ parser.parse()
parser_dir = "/usr/share/logparse/"
main_module = "__init__"
-default_parsers = ["cron", "httpd", "mem", "postfix", "smbd", "sshd", "sudo", "sysinfo", "temperature", "zfs"]
+default_parsers = ["cron-journald", "httpd", "mem", "postfix", "smbd", "sshd-journald", "sudo", "sysinfo", "temperature", "zfs"]
+deprecated_parsers = ["sshd", "cron"]
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if name in default_parsers:
logger.debug("Found parser {0} in default modules".format(name))
return Parser('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[:-1] + [name]))
+ elif name in deprecated_parsers:
+ logger.debug("Found parser {0} in deprecated modules".format(name))
+ return Parser('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[:-1] + [name]))
return None
table.add_row(Row([Column("Installed"), Column(parsesize(ram_b))]))
raw_mem = util.readlog(config.prefs['logs']['meminfo'])
- total_regex = re.compile("(MemTotal:\s*| kB)+")
- free_regex = re.compile("MemFree:\s*")
+ line_regex = re.compile("^Mem(\w+):\s*(\d*)\s*kB$")
for line in raw_mem.splitlines():
- matches = re.findall("^Mem(\w+):\s*(\d*)\s*kB$", line)
+ matches = line_regex.findall(line)
if len(matches) > 0:
logger.debug("Detected {0} memory of {1} kB".format(matches[0][0].lower(), matches[0][1]))
table.add_row(Row([Column(matches[0][0]), Column(parsesize(float(matches[0][1])*1000))]))
-# if "Mem" in line:
-# total = line_regex.sub("", line, 1)
-# processor = proc_regex.sub("", processor)
-# if not processor in proc_data.items:
-# proc_data.items.append(processor)
-# else:
-# logger.debug("Found duplicate entry (perhaps multiple cores?) for {0}".format(processor))
-# if len(proc_data.items) > 0:
-# section.append_data(proc_data)
-# else:
-# logger.warning("Failed to find processor data")
table.align_column(0, "right")
--- /dev/null
+# sshd.py
+# Find number of ssh logins and authorised users
+import re
+from systemd import journal
+from logparse.formatting import *
+from logparse.util import resolve
+from logparse import config
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def parse_log():
+ logger.debug("Starting sshd section")
+ section = Section("ssh")
+ j = journal.Reader()
+ j.this_boot()
+ j.log_level(journal.LOG_DEBUG)
+ j.add_match(_COMM="sshd")
+ messages = [entry["MESSAGE"] for entry in j if "MESSAGE" in entry]
+ login_data = Data("successful", [])
+ invalid_data = Data("invalid", [])
+ failed_data = Data("failed", [])
+ for msg in messages:
+ if "Accepted publickey" in msg:
+ entry = re.search('^.*publickey\sfor\s(\w*)\sfrom\s(\S*)', msg) # [('user', 'ip')]
+ user = entry.group(1)
+ ip = entry.group(2)
+ userhost = user + '@' + resolve(ip, fqdn=config.prefs['sshd']['resolve-domains'])
+ login_data.items.append(userhost)
+ elif "Connection closed by authenticating user root" in msg:
+ entry = re.search('^.*Connection closed by authenticating user (\S+) (\S+)', msg) # [('user', 'ip')]
+ user = entry.group(1)
+ ip = entry.group(2)
+ userhost = user + '@' + resolve(ip, fqdn=config.prefs['sshd']['resolve-domains'])
+ failed_data.items.append(userhost)
+ elif "Invalid user" in msg:
+ entry = re.search('^.*Invalid user (\S+) from (\S+).*', msg) # [('user', 'ip')]
+ user = entry.group(1)
+ ip = entry.group(2)
+ userhost = user + '@' + resolve(ip, fqdn=config.prefs['sshd']['resolve-domains'])
+ invalid_data.items.append(userhost)
+ login_data.subtitle = plural("successful login", len(login_data.items)) + " from"
+ login_data.orderbyfreq()
+ login_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ invalid_data.subtitle = plural("attempted login", len(invalid_data.items))
+ invalid_data.orderbyfreq()
+ invalid_data.subtitle += plural(" from invalid user", len(invalid_data.items), False)
+ invalid_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ failed_data.subtitle = plural("failed login", len(failed_data.items)) + " from"
+ failed_data.orderbyfreq()
+ failed_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ section.append_data(login_data)
+ section.append_data(invalid_data)
+ section.append_data(failed_data)
+ logger.info("Finished sshd section")
+ return section
-# sshd.py
+# sshd_auth.py
-# Find number of ssh logins and authorised users
+# Find number of ssh logins and authorised users (uses /var/log/auth.log)
+# NOTE: This file is now deprecated in favour of the newer journald mechanism
+# used in sshd-journald.py. This parser is still functional but is slower and
+# has less features. Please switch over if possible.
import re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_log():
+ logger.warning("NOTE: This sshd parser is now deprecated. Please use sshd-journald if possible.")
logger.debug("Starting sshd section")
section = Section("ssh")
logger.debug("Searching for matches in {0}".format(config.prefs['logs']['auth']))
matches = re.findall('.*sshd.*Accepted publickey for .* from .*', readlog(config.prefs['logs']['auth'])) # get all logins
logger.debug("Finished searching for logins")
+ logger.debug("Searching for matches in {0}".format(config.prefs['logs']['auth']))
+ authlog = readlog(config.prefs['logs']['auth'])
+ matches = re.findall('.*sshd.*Accepted publickey for .* from .*', authlog) # get all logins
+ invalid_matches = re.findall(".*sshd.*Invalid user .* from .*", authlog)
+ root_matches = re.findall("Disconnected from authenticating user root", authlog)
+ logger.debug("Finished searching for logins")
users = [] # list of users with format [username, number of logins] for each item
data = []
- num = sum(1 for x in matches) # total number of logins
+ num = len(matches) # total number of logins
for match in matches:
entry = re.search('^.*publickey\sfor\s(\w*)\sfrom\s(\S*)', match) # [('user', 'ip')]
logger.debug("Found " + str(len(matches)) + " ssh logins for users " + str(data))
+ invalid_users = []
+ for match in invalid_matches:
+ entry = re.search('^.*Invalid user (\S+) from (\S+).*', match) # [('user', 'ip')]
+ try:
+ user = entry.group(1)
+ ip = entry.group(2)
+ except: # blank user field
+ continue
+ userhost = user + '@' + ip
+ invalid_users.append(userhost)
+ logger.debug("Parsed list of invalid users")
+ invalid_data = Data(subtitle=plural("attempted login", len(invalid_matches)) + " from " + plural("invalid user", len(invalid_users), print_quantity=False), items=invalid_users)
+ if (len(invalid_data.items) == 1): # if only one user, do not display no of logins for this user
+ logger.debug("Found " + str(len(invalid_matches)) + " SSH login attempts for invalid user " + invalid_users[0])
+ invalid_data.subtitle += ' ' + invalid_data.items[0]
+ invalid_data.orderbyfreq()
+ invalid_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
+ logger.debug("Found " + str(len(invalid_matches)) + " SSH login attempts for invalid users " + str(data))
+ section.append_data(invalid_data)
+ logger.debug("Found {0} attempted logins for root".format(str(len(root_matches))))
+ section.append_data(Data(subtitle=plural("attempted login", str(len(root_matches))) + " for root"))
logger.info("Finished sshd section")
return section
import os
import socket
import inspect
+from systemd import journal
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
return domain[-1]
-def resolve(ip, fqdn = 'host-only'): # try to resolve an ip to hostname
+def resolve(ip, fqdn=None): # try to resolve an ip to hostname
# Possible values for fqdn:
# fqdn show full hostname and domain
# fqdn-implicit show hostname and domain unless local