+Get details about packets blocked by ufw (uses journald)
+import datetime
+import re
+from systemd import journal
+from logparse import config
+from logparse.formatting import *
+from logparse.load_parsers import Parser
+from logparse.util import resolve
+PROTOCOLS = ["TCP", "UDP", "UDP-Lite", "ICMP", "ICMPv6", "AH", "SCTP", "MH"]
+class Packet():
+ """
+ Class to hold variables for each packet. Also parses incoming log messages
+ on object initialisation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ """
+ Determine fields in log message. If any of the fields are missing the
+ log is considered malformed and is discarded. Also the protocol can be
+ specified as either an integer or a string - see `man ufw`.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.inif, self.outif, self.mac, self.src, self.dst, self.len, \
+ self.proto, self.spt, self.dpt = \
+ re.search(r"IN=(?P<inif>\w*).*OUT=(?P<outif>\w*).*"
+ "MAC=(?P<mac>\S*).*SRC=(?P<src>\S*).*DST=(?P<dst>\S*)"
+ ".*LEN=(?P<length>\d*).*PROTO=(?P<proto>\S*)"
+ "(?:\sSPT=(?P<spt>\d*))?(?:\sDPT=(?P<dpt>\d*))?", msg
+ ).groupdict().values()
+ if self.proto and self.proto.isdigit():
+ self.proto = PROTOCOLS[int(self.proto)-1]
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning("Malformed packet log: {0}. Error message: {1}"
+ .format(msg, str(e)))
+ return None
+class UfwJournald(Parser):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.name = "ufw"
+ self.info = "Get details about packets blocked by ufw"
+ def parse_log(self):
+ logger.debug("Starting ufw section")
+ section = Section("ufw")
+ # Find applicable log entries
+ j = journal.Reader()
+ j.this_machine()
+ j.add_match(_TRANSPORT='kernel')
+ j.add_match(PRIORITY=4)
+ j.seek_realtime(section.period.startdate)
+ logger.debug("Searching for messages")
+ blocked_packets = [Packet(entry["MESSAGE"]) for entry in j
+ if "MESSAGE" in entry and "UFW BLOCK" in entry["MESSAGE"]]
+ # Parse messages
+ logger.debug("Parsing messages")
+ inbound_interfaces = []
+ outbound_interfaces = []
+ n_inbound = n_outbond = 0
+ src_ips = []
+ dst_ips = []
+ src_ports = []
+ dst_ports = []
+ protocols = {'UDP': 0, 'TCP': 0}
+ src_macs = []
+ for pkt in blocked_packets:
+ if pkt.inif:
+ inbound_interfaces.append(pkt.inif)
+ elif pkt.outif:
+ outbound_interfaces.append(pkt.outif)
+ if pkt.src: src_ips.append(resolve(pkt.src,
+ config.prefs.get("ufw", "ufw-resolve-domains")))
+ if pkt.dst: dst_ips.append(resolve(pkt.dst,
+ config.prefs.get("ufw", "ufw-resolve-domains")))
+ if pkt.spt: src_ports.append(pkt.spt)
+ if pkt.dpt: dst_ports.append(pkt.dpt)
+ if pkt.proto: protocols[pkt.proto] += 1
+ # Format data objects
+ section.append_data(Data(subtitle="{} blocked ({} UDP, {} TCP)".format(
+ plural("packet", len(blocked_packets)),
+ protocols['UDP'], protocols['TCP'])))
+ src_port_data = Data(items=src_ports)
+ src_port_data.orderbyfreq()
+ src_port_data.subtitle = plural("source port", len(src_port_data.items))
+ src_port_data.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(src_port_data)
+ dst_port_data= Data(items=dst_ports)
+ dst_port_data.orderbyfreq()
+ dst_port_data.subtitle = plural("destination port",
+ len(dst_port_data.items))
+ dst_port_data.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(dst_port_data)
+ src_ips_data= Data(items=src_ips)
+ src_ips_data.orderbyfreq()
+ src_ips_data.subtitle = plural("source IP", len(src_ips_data.items))
+ src_ips_data.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(src_ips_data)
+ dst_ips_data= Data(items=dst_ips)
+ dst_ips_data.orderbyfreq()
+ dst_ips_data.subtitle = plural("destination IP",
+ len(dst_ips_data.items))
+ dst_ips_data.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(dst_ips_data)
+ logger.info("Finished ufw section")
+ return section
+ def check_dependencies(self):
+ """
+ Basic dependency check to determine if there are any logs to parse
+ """
+ ufw_cmdline = "ufw --version"
+ if self._check_dependency_command(ufw_cmdline)[0] != 0:
+ return (False, ["ufw"])
+ else:
+ return (True, None)