1# Chemical Analysis 2 3_Salt - ionic compound formed by acid/base reaction_ 4 5## Analysis methods 6 7**Quantitative** - measuring values 8**Qualitative** - measuring categories or simple observation of characteristics 9 10### Electrical conductivity 11 12- quick and inexpensive 13- ionic salts are conductive 14- measures combined levels of dissolved salts 15- measured in EC units 16 17### Colorimetry 18 19- e.g. universal indicator (pH), or chlorine analysis 20- colour levels are compared with standards 21- colour can be natural or caused by reaction with an added chemical (dye) 22- instrumental colorimeter - compares subject with samples of known coloration 23- **complment** of a colour is the colour left after original colour is removed from white light (inverse) 24 25 26 27### Gravimetric analysis 28 29- precipitates are collected and dried 30- 31 32## Stoichiometry 33 34- analysis of ratios 35- calculations based on chemical equations 36- can predict relative amount of substances involved in chemical reactions 37- chemical equations do not indicate rate or extent of a reaction