1\documentclass[a4paper]{article} 2\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2cm]{geometry} 3\usepackage{multicol} 4\usepackage{amsmath} 5\usepackage{amssymb} 6\usepackage{tcolorbox} 7\usepackage{fancyhdr} 8\usepackage{tabularx} 9\usepackage{mhchem} 10 11\pagestyle{fancy} 12\fancyhead[LO,LE]{Organic Analysis} 13\fancyhead[CO,CE]{Andrew Lorimer} 14 15\setlength\parindent{0pt} 16 17\begin{document} 18 19\title{Organic Analysis} 20\author{Andrew Lorimer} 21\date{} 22\maketitle 23 24\section{Mass Spectrometry} 25 26\textbf{Separation of particles by mass} 27 28 Identifies molecules by searching for: 29\begin{enumerate} 30\item The molecular ion \ce{M+} 31\item Fragments of the molecule (as ions) 32\end{enumerate} 33 34 Complicated by noise from different isoptopes of elements (related to relative abundance of isotopes). Every molecule has a \textit{unique} mass spectrum which can be used to identify a substance. 35 36\subsection*{Process} 37 38\begin{enumerate} 39\item Sample species are bombarded with electrons 40\item Positive ions are formed by detaching electrons 41\item Ions are accelerated by an electric field 42\item Accelerated ions are deflected by a magnetic field in a circular radius 43\end{enumerate} 44 45 \[\text{deflection radius}\propto \dfrac{m}{z} \] 46 47\begin{align*} 48\therefore \qquad \uparrow \text{mass} & \implies \downarrow \text{deflection}\implies \uparrow \text{radius} \\ 49\uparrow \text{charge} & \implies \uparrow \text{deflection}\implies \downarrow \text{radius} 50\end{align*} 51 52\subsection*{Reading a mass spectrum} 53 54 \(x\) axis: mass-charge ratio \(\frac{m}{z}\) of fragments \\ 55 \(y\) axis: relative abundance of fragments (molecular MS) or isotopes (isotopic MS) with that \(\frac{m}{z}\) 56 57\begin{itemize} 58\item Most ions have a single +ve charge, \therefore \(\frac{m}{z} = m\) 59\item Ions with double or triple +ve charges can show up in lower abundance as \(\frac{m}{2}\) or \(\frac{m}{3}\) 60\item \textbf{Base peak}: most abundant ion, assigned 100 61\item \textbf{Molecular ion}: molecule as singly charged ion \ce{M+} 62\item \textbf{Molecular fragments}: can show functional groups and other characteristic combinations of elements 63\end{itemize} 64 65\subsubsection*{Combined techniques} 66 67\section{IR Spectroscopy} 68 69\section{Magnetic resonance imaging} 70 71 72\end{document}