english / cold-blood.mdon commit collinearity (4668fb4)
   1# *In Cold Blood* - Truman Capote
   3## Setting
   5**What does the setting of the text include?**
   7- Holcomb, Kansas, America, 1959
   8- cultural information - America, small isolated community, agricultural economy, 1959
   9- explicit mention of dates to set period (Nov 14, 1959)
  10- Holcomb, Kansas - small town, "not a place that strangers come upon by chance"
  11- introduction to characters - family interactions/relationships
  12- integration of events & people to describe culture/period/location
  13- "hip-high, sheep-slaughtering snows" - harsh weather
  14- description of clothing - "narrow frontier trousers, Stevensons, and high heeled boots"
  15- description of accent - "the local accent is barbed with a prairie twang"
  16- landscape - dusty, dry flat, vast
  17- low population
  18- "few Americans [..] had ever heard of Holcomb"
  19- dilapidated buildings, uniform through town
  21**How do the setting and events work together?**
  25p 25, 41, 52, 63, 67
  27- chapter titles - "the last to see them alive" etc
  28- not going to church
  29- ambiguous implications
  30- “Chinese elms had turned into a tunnel of darkening green” (leading up to Clutters' house)
  31- “until one morning in mid-November of 1959, few Americans [..] had ever heard of Holcomb”
  32- Herbert “headed for home and the day’s work, unaware that it would be his last”
  33- “if Dick had not hammered home the every-minute importance of the next twenty-four hours” - Dick and Perry planning
  34- “the only sure thing is every one of them has got to go” - Dick
  35- “four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six human lives”
  36- “Only now when I think back, I think somebody must have been hiding there. Maybe down among the trees. Somebody just waiting for me to leave”
  37- dual narrative in chronological order approaching murder
  38- - create a sense that the narrative will "collide"
  39- - different settings, same time
  42## Characters
  44### Herbert Clutter
  46- owns River Valley Farm
  47- four children - two daughters (Eveanna + Beverly) + Nancy + Kenyon
  48- successful - owns large property
  49- "I'm not as poor as I look"
  50- devout Methodist
  51- approves of Bobby but wary of their relationship
  53### Bonnie Clutter
  55- wife of Herbert Clutter
  56- mentally unstable (anxiety/BPD)
  58### Kenyon Clutter
  59- 15
  60- builds stuff
  62### Nancy Clutter
  63- boyfriend Bobby Rupp
  64- best friend Susan Kidwell
  66### Clutter family
  68- complement each other - "just beautiful honey, a beautiful southern Belle"
  69- cares for each other - "poor Bonnie's afflictions", "just one serious cause of disquiet"
  70- controls his kids with a genuine interest - "suggests she see less of Bobby", "his laws were laws"
  71- strict routine/organisation
  72- a family that was stereotypically perfect until Bonnie was sick - judgement of others
  74### Bobby Rupp
  75- Nancy's boyfriend
  77### Alvin Dewey
  78- Investigator for Kansas Bureau of Investigation
  79- wife Marie (stenographer), two sons
  81### Dick Hickock
  83- murders Clutters with Perry Smith
  84- "Dick, the practical Dick"
  85- appears confident
  86- married twice, had three sons
  87- calls Perry "honey"
  88- impulsive - if he had enough money, he "would spend it on vodka and women"
  89- egotistical - e.g. tattoos (contrasting themes) etc
  90- moderately high IQ
  91- diction - indicates uneducation
  93*Perry and Dick appear less genuinely criminal at the beginning of the novel*
  95### Perry Smith
  97- murders Clutters with Dick Hickock
  98- injured in motorcycle accident
  99- breakfast - "three aspirin, cold root beer and a chain of Paul Mall cigarettes"
 100- self-centred/egotistical - “Every time you see a mirror you go into a trance”
 101- more open/prominent in text than Dick
 102- messy/materialistic - “Christ, Perry. You carry that junk everywhere?”
 103- "know the ins and outs of hunting gold"
 104- has trouble meeting deadlines - "if Dick had not hammered home the every-minute importance of the next twenty-four hours"
 105-  criminal past
 106- "never drank coffeemy name sluger lolol"
 107- personal account of boyhood while in Mexico
 108- parents were rodeo riders
 109- two siblings and one inlaw committed suicide
 110- tattoos - more delicate / meaningful than Dick's (juxtaposition). contrasting themes
 112### Willie-Jay
 113- assistant to prison chaplain
 114- respects and mentors Perry
 116### Minor characters
 118- Myrtle Clare - postmistress
 119- Mrs Hideo Ashida - family moved due to crime
 120- Floyd Wells - worked on Clutter farm, imprisoned with Dick, snitched Dick & Perry
 121- Andrews - prison inmate, temporary friend of Perry
 122- Paul Helm - looks after Clutters' farm, close friend of Herb
 124### Suspects
 125- Bobby Rupp - lie detector test
 126- John Jnr/Snr
 127- Mr. Smith
 128- robbery?
 129- Mabel - cafe worker
 130- Jonathan Daniel Adrian - breaks into Clutters' house, reported by Paul Helm
 132**Manhunt** - Floyd Wells alerts authorities and Alvin Dewey starts manhunt. Dick and Perry steal car then return to Kansas to produce more cheques. They then move to Miami, then Las Vegas. Policewoman in Vegas recognises car. Dick confesses first, then Perry. Both undergo trial and are condemned to death. Five year appeal process - Perry starves himself, Dick writes letters to organisations. Dick accepts death sentence politely, Perry regretful/apologetic.
 134## Themes
 136- appearance vs. reality
 137- family & relationships
 138- juxtaposition/irony
 140## Text structure
 142Transition between scenes:
 144- linking event/scenario e.g. car engine, full moon etc
 145- continuous timeframe
 146- songs/hymns
 147- location is gradually introduced into transitions
 148- aids with flow of storyline
 149- foreshadowing of collision of character narratives
 151## Writing style
 153- detail
 154- imagery
 155- mixed perspective