english / icb-paragraph.mdon commit start another creative response for icb (5229a7d)
   1After Nancy's performance the previous night, she was clearly dilapidated and "barely looked fit to leave the house", according to her friend Susan Kidwell whom she met at the movies. boy, however, was as loud and expressive as ever - a quality that he could always be trusted for. As a basketball player, he had been taught to speak so that he was heard, and frequently translated his dominant behaviour into everyday life, much to the amusement of Nancy and her friend Sue Kidwell. The cinema was packed, despite the scorching squals of Holcomb, which even the locals struggled to become accustomed to.
   3The weather of Mexico was of little concern to Dick and Perry, particularly Dick who was "as well-travelled as a politician" and boasted that he could cope with any living conditions. Perry, however, enforced that all they needed was an anonymous excursion until they were safe from the law. As Perry swallowed three aspirin tablets, one by one, he daydreamed of the riches they could accrue in these exotic destinations.
   7Dick woke up in a start, surpirsed to see the couch beneath him, and his mother standing in front of him in the doorway of the living room. It was a smally, musty space, and despite the sun streaming in from the bay windows, the room still felt dingy - partly owing to the dispersing layer of cigarette smoke from the previous night.
   9Dick's stagnant body eventually came to its senses, as he recalled the events of the previous 36 hours. He was well-prepared for the exhaustion that would follow, but his family were utterly surprised to see him sleeping in so late. Dick stretched his arms and dragged himself off the couch at the request of his mother, then eh started cooking his breakfast - 4 eggs, several rashes of bacon, toast, scrolls, and strong coffee to wash it down.
  11This was not a breakfast that Perry would approve of, but thankfully, for Dick, the pair had returned to their respective families. Perry's family was more suspicious of his absence than Dick's, but Perry was experienced in the art of convincing, and had no trouble dispelling his father's assumptions. However, even Perry was still uncomfortable to be in the vicinity of his family, particularly his sister who he had observed to be distant and ignorant of him lately.
  13After waking from a short but deep sleep, Perry covered his previously bare tattoos with a checked shirt, then slid on some ripped blue jeans. Despite being utterly disinterested in working on Tex Smith's dilapidated property, he hoped that these jeans would be viewed favourably by his father. Perry downed his breakfast in his usual rushed and slapdash fashion, then hurriedly left the house without a word to his family. He took his guitar with him, which he was almost as attached to as his partner in crime. Admittedly, Perry had grown used to having Dick by his side, making witty jokes and showing off to Perry. However, this was a feeling that Perry knew well by now, having iterated through many "best friends".
  17*Write a passage describing the night Dick and Perry spent in the Salvation Army dormitory, mentioned on p190*
  19- Dick & Perry discussion
  20- Night time
  21- Themes: Perry's childhood
  22- Dick is dismissive of Perry's lamentation
  24A cool draft blew through the cracked timber walls of the dormitory. A foreign mix of body odour, rotting wood and mould permeated through the dark room. It was now pitch black outside, and the only light in Dick and Perry's temporary shelter was a dangling yellow light bulb which Dick had already come close to punching several times.