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 152(#)59.5 772.4 ms
 1530.753 0 0.753 r
 154( Oral presentation)s
 1550 0.502 0 r
 156(**)59.5 752.4 ms
 157F1 sf
 1580 g
 160F0 sf
 1610 0.502 0 r
 1630 g
 164( Importance of media independence and transparency for democracy)s
 1650 0.502 0 r
 166(##)59.5 732.4 ms
 1670.753 0 0.753 r
 168( Context)s
 1690 0.502 0 r
 170(-)59.5 712.4 ms
 1710 g
 172( )s
 1730.753 0 0.753 r
 174492 ul
 17659.5 702.4 m
 177144 ul
 1790 0.502 0 r
 180(-)59.5 692.4 ms
 1810 g
 182( )s
 1830.753 0 0.753 r
 184492 ul
 18659.5 682.4 m
 187234 ul
 1890 0.502 0 r
 190(-)59.5 672.4 ms
 1910 g
 192( )s
 1930.753 0 0.753 r
 194492 ul
 19659.5 662.4 m
 1976 ul
 1990 0.502 0 r
 200(-)59.5 652.4 ms
 2010 g
 202( )s
 2030.753 0 0.753 r
 204372 ul
 2060 0.502 0 r
 207(-)59.5 642.4 ms
 2080 g
 209( )s
 2100.753 0 0.753 r
 211492 ul
 21359.5 632.4 m
 21424 ul
 2160 g
 217(Journalist Information Warrant - allows access to restrained metadata  )59.5 612.4 ms
 218(AFP raid on ABC - June 2019  )59.5 602.4 ms
 219("alleged publishing of information classified as an official secret")59.5 592.4 ms
 2200 0.502 0 r
 221(##)59.5 562.4 ms
 2220.753 0 0.753 r
 223( Articles)s
 2240 g
 225(Ananian-Welsh. )59.5 542.4 ms
 2260 0.502 0 r
 228F2 sf
 2290 g
 230(Why the raids on Australian media present a clear threat to democrac)s
 231(y)59.5 532.4 ms
 232F0 sf
 2330 0.502 0 r
 2350 g
 236(. )s
 2370.753 0 0.753 r
 238480 ul
 24059.5 522.4 m
 241156 ul
 2430 g
 244(  )s
 245(Ketchell, Misha. )59.5 512.4 ms
 2460 0.502 0 r
 248F2 sf
 2490 g
 250(The devil is in the detail of government bill to enable access to )s
 251(communications data)59.5 502.4 ms
 252F0 sf
 2530 0.502 0 r
 2550 g
 256(. )s
 2570.753 0 0.753 r
 258372 ul
 26059.5 492.4 m
 261354 ul
 2630 g
 264(  )s
 265(UNESCO. )59.5 482.4 ms
 2660 0.502 0 r
 268F2 sf
 2690 g
 270(World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development)s
 271F0 sf
 2720 0.502 0 r
 2740 g
 275(. 2018. )s
 2760.753 0 0.753 r
 27742 ul
 27959.5 472.4 m
 280270 ul
 2820 g
 283(  )s
 284(Parker, Samuel. )59.5 462.4 ms
 2850 0.502 0 r
 287F2 sf
 2880 g
 289(¿Unwanted invaders¿: The representation of refugees and asylum seek)s
 290(ers in the UK and Australian print media)59.5 452.4 ms
 291F0 sf
 2920 0.502 0 r
 2940 g
 295(. March 2016. )s
 2960.753 0 0.753 r
 297174 ul
 29959.5 442.4 m
 300162 ul
 3020 g
 303(  )s
 3040 0.502 0 r
 305(##)59.5 412.4 ms
 3060.753 0 0.753 r
 307( Structure)s
 3080 0.502 0 r
 309(**)59.5 392.4 ms
 310F1 sf
 3110 g
 313F0 sf
 3140 0.502 0 r
 3160 g
 317(  )s
 318(Discuss context and recent developments)59.5 382.4 ms
 3190 0.502 0 r
 320(-)59.5 362.4 ms
 3210 g
 322( ABC raided on 5 June 2019 for "the Afghan files" report)s
 3230 0.502 0 r
 324(-)59.5 352.4 ms
 3250 g
 326( Leaked defence documents which revealed corruption, incl. killing of unarmed men a)s
 327(nd children \(murder\) - ethical appeal)59.5 342.4 ms
 3280 0.502 0 r
 329(-)59.5 332.4 ms
 3300 g
 331( Lyons \(ABC exec. editor\): "we waive no rights, and reserve the right to take injun)s
 332(ction against the warrant")59.5 322.4 ms
 3330 0.502 0 r
 334(-)59.5 312.4 ms
 3350 g
 336( Secrecy offences punishable by seven years imprisonment)s
 3370 0.502 0 r
 338(-)59.5 302.4 ms
 3390 g
 340( AFP also searched Annikea Smethurt's house \(not connected\) - personal surveillance)s
 341( report)59.5 292.4 ms
 3420 0.502 0 r
 343(-)59.5 282.4 ms
 3440 g
 345( Morrisson "not troubled" by raids, but said "I believe in freedom of the press")s
 3460 0.502 0 r
 347(-)59.5 272.4 ms
 3480 g
 349( Importance & risk of public interest journalism)s
 3500 0.502 0 r
 351(**)59.5 252.4 ms
 352F1 sf
 3530 g
 354(1. Importance of source confidentiality/protection)s
 355F0 sf
 3560 0.502 0 r
 3580 g
 359(   )59.5 232.4 ms
 3600 0.502 0 r
 3620 g
 363( Ethical foundation of journalists)s
 364(   )59.5 222.4 ms
 3650 0.502 0 r
 3670 g
 368( Enables individuals to share controversial/sensitive information with journalis)s
 369(ts without fear of persecution)59.5 212.4 ms
 370(   )59.5 202.4 ms
 3710 0.502 0 r
 3730 g
 374( International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights - )s
 3750.753 0 0.753 r
 376138 ul
 37859.5 192.4 m
 379204 ul
 3810 g
 382(   )59.5 182.4 ms
 3830 0.502 0 r
 3850 g
 386( Right of access to information: "right of access to informmation held by public)s
 387( bodies ... )59.5 172.4 ms
 3880 0.502 0 r
 3900 g
 391( records held by a public body, regardless of the form")s
 392(   )59.5 162.4 ms
 3930 0.502 0 r
 3950 g
 396( "The right of access to information includes a right whereby the media has acce)s
 397(ss to information on public affairs")59.5 152.4 ms
 398(   )59.5 142.4 ms
 3990 0.502 0 r
 4010 g
 402( "Every individual should have the right to ascertain in an intelligible form ..)s
 403(. what personal data is stored in automatic data files, and for what purposes")59.5 132.4 ms
 404(   )59.5 122.4 ms
 4050 0.502 0 r
 4070 g
 408( Limited aid of encrypted messaging and internal protocols)s
 4090 0.502 0 r
 410(**)59.5 102.4 ms
 411F1 sf
 4120 g
 413(2. Impact on democracy)s
 414F0 sf
 4150 0.502 0 r
 4170 g
 418(   )59.5 82.4 ms
 4190 0.502 0 r
 4210 g
 422( AU has more national security laws than any other nation)s
 423(   )59.5 72.4 ms
 4240 0.502 0 r
 4260 g
 427( AU is the only liberal democracy without Charter of Human Rights to protect med)s
 428(ia freedom)59.5 62.4 ms
 429(   )59.5 52.4 ms
 4300 0.502 0 r
 4320 g
 433( Democracy means everyone has the right to contribute to the choosing of their g)s
 434re sp
 436%%Page: 2 2
 4390 g
 440F0 sf
 442F1 sf
 443(oral.md                                                                       Page 2)59.5 792.4 ms
 444F0 sf
 445(overnment. If the government is not portraying themselves honestly, how can we make )59.5 772.4 ms
 446(an accurate decision?)59.5 762.4 ms
 447(   )59.5 752.4 ms
 4480 0.502 0 r
 4500 g
 451( Analogy to control of media in Ukraine \(no English media allowed\), other commun)s
 452(ist states)59.5 742.4 ms
 4530 0.502 0 r
 454(**)59.5 722.4 ms
 455F1 sf
 4560 g
 457(3. Risk of bias)s
 458F0 sf
 4590 0.502 0 r
 4610 g
 462(   )59.5 702.4 ms
 4630 0.502 0 r
 4650 g
 466( Control of media could lead to more drastic censorship)s
 467(   )59.5 692.4 ms
 4680 0.502 0 r
 4700 g
 471( Society has a right to know the truth about the leadership of their country)s
 472(   )59.5 682.4 ms
 4730 0.502 0 r
 4750 g
 476( With censorship, journalists cannot do their job - their abilities are being st)s
 477(ifled)59.5 672.4 ms
 478(   )59.5 662.4 ms
 4790 0.502 0 r
 4810 g
 482( Media could slowly become taken over by the government, leading to further corr)s
 483(uption \("slippery slope"\))59.5 652.4 ms
 484(   )59.5 642.4 ms
 4850 0.502 0 r
 4870 g
 488( Surveillance)s
 4890 0.502 0 r
 490(**)59.5 602.4 ms
 491F1 sf
 4920 g
 494F0 sf
 4950 0.502 0 r
 497(-)59.5 582.4 ms
 4980 g
 499( Kevin Rudd calls for royal commission for media power abuse and unethical journali)s
 500(sm \(e.g. Murdoch\))59.5 572.4 ms
 5010 0.502 0 r
 502(-)59.5 562.4 ms
 5030 g
 504( Decline of public interest journalism)s
 5050 0.502 0 r
 506(-)59.5 552.4 ms
 5070 g
 508( Sources are less likely to take risks to reveal corruption and misconduct)s
 5090 0.502 0 r
 510(-)59.5 542.4 ms
 5110 g
 512( Media Freedom Act - recognise and protect freedom of jouranlists)s
 5130 0.502 0 r
 514(##)59.5 522.4 ms
 5150.753 0 0.753 r
 516( Speech)s
 5170 g
 518(As a young and aspiring Australian, I believe that I have the right to know what's g)59.5 502.4 ms
 519(oing on in this country, through unbiased and transparent media reporting. Integrity)59.5 492.4 ms
 520( of the media is absolutely fundamental to the implementation of a sound democracy f)59.5 482.4 ms
 521(ree of corruption, and at the moment, we are dangerously close to the slippery slope)59.5 472.4 ms
 522( of censorship and corrupt journalism. The recent raids on the ABC, which occured in)59.5 462.4 ms
 523( June in response to a report titled "The Afghan Files", are a prime example of the )59.5 452.4 ms
 524(impact that government control can have on this industry - it undermines the fundame)59.5 442.4 ms
 525(ntal principles of investigative journalism, eventually leading to a blind and corru)59.5 432.4 ms
 526(pt society. In another very recent case, which I will discuss later, a journalist's )59.5 422.4 ms
 527(personal home was searched, because apparently she posed a risk to national security)59.5 412.4 ms
 528(. In fact, she was just doing her job. )59.5 402.4 ms
 529(The concept of source confidentiality is one of the most most important ethical prac)59.5 382.4 ms
 530(tices that a journalist learns in their training. Sources are at the heart of strong)59.5 372.4 ms
 531( journalism and writing - without valid evidence for a claim, there is nothing to re)59.5 362.4 ms
 532(port on and no way to inform the people of what's happening in their country. Accord)59.5 352.4 ms
 533(ing to ABC journalist Antony Funnell, sources are "the nuts and bolts of being a rep)59.5 342.4 ms
 534(orter" - there is nothing more crucial than getting information first-hand. In a Rad)59.5 332.4 ms
 535(io National program titled )59.5 322.4 ms
 5360 0.502 0 r
 538F2 sf
 5390 g
 540(The Media Report)s
 541F0 sf
 5420 0.502 0 r
 5440 g
 545(, Funnell goes on to explain that inter)s
 546(actions with sources are "anything but dramatic, very rarely earth-shattering". But )59.5 312.4 ms
 547(it is these rare edge cases which provide a catalyst to an avalanche of knowledge wh)59.5 302.4 ms
 548(ich enables journalism to shine at its best. However, it is these rare encounters wi)59.5 292.4 ms
 549(th a vital source which authorities are most interested in, and as shown in the rece)59.5 282.4 ms
 550(nt ABC raids, this is what the government is most concerned about.)59.5 272.4 ms
 551(Source confidentiality involves keeping the sources of a report confidential to prot)59.5 252.4 ms
 552(ect the informants and journalists. To some, this may seem like a counter-intuitive )59.5 242.4 ms
 553(principle - surely transparency and freedom of information are more important? But i)59.5 232.4 ms
 554(n fact, transparency is indirectly enhanced by journalists keeping their sources pri)59.5 222.4 ms
 555(vate. If an individual with some inside knowledge of corruption wants to see a chang)59.5 212.4 ms
 556(e, taking personal action is rarely the right way to go about it. One extreme exampl)59.5 202.4 ms
 557(e of the effect of this control is in Ukraine, where a  decision made in April this )59.5 192.4 ms
 558(year by the )59.5 182.4 ms
 5590.753 0 0.753 r
 5610.753 0 0 r
 562( example - see Wikipedia corruption )s
 5630.753 0 0.753 r
 5650 g
 566( But in many cases, journalis)s
 567(ts act as a middleman for these individuals who are otherwise trapped. Obviously, ex)59.5 172.4 ms
 568(posing the source of the knowledge on corruption defeats the purpose of exposing it,)59.5 162.4 ms
 569( since it puts the person in immediate danger. Thus, if the exposure of corruption r)59.5 152.4 ms
 570(equired the individual to be named, it would never happen because people would be to)59.5 142.4 ms
 571(o scared to report it without fear of persecution. With source confidentiality, the )59.5 132.4 ms
 572(media acts as a kind of objective, self-regulating analysis of society, representing)59.5 122.4 ms
 573( all points of view equally and exposing events that would otherwise go unnoticed. A)59.5 112.4 ms
 574(nd this is just the kind of perspective that society needs right now.)59.5 102.4 ms
 575(On the 4th of June, the Australian journalist Annika Smethurt had her personal home )59.5 82.4 ms
 576(raided by the Australian Federal Police, in relation to a report she wrote revealing)59.5 72.4 ms
 577( increasing power of government spy agencies in Australia. The subject of her report)59.5 62.4 ms
 578( was concerning enough: it described proposed laws that would allow undercover acces)59.5 52.4 ms
 579re sp
 581%%Page: 3 3
 5840 g
 585F0 sf
 587F1 sf
 588(oral.md                                                                       Page 3)59.5 792.4 ms
 589F0 sf
 590(s to secret bank records, email, and text messages, by the Australian Signals Direct)59.5 772.4 ms
 591(ive. But the cowardly response of fear from the Federal Police is what's most astoun)59.5 762.4 ms
 592(ding in this issue. After arriving unannounced, police spent the day sifting through)59.5 752.4 ms
 593( all of Smethurt's belongings, an intimidating and frightening )59.5 742.4 ms
 5940 0.502 0 r
 596F2 sf
 5970 g
 598(seven hours)s
 599F0 sf
 6000 0.502 0 r
 6020 g
 603( in whic)s
 604(h her phone, computer, papers, and all her physical belongings were searched. The ra)59.5 732.4 ms
 605(id did not end in an arrest, but that's not the point - it is the principle of perse)59.5 722.4 ms
 606(cuting individual journalists for their contribution to society which is most troubl)59.5 712.4 ms
 607(ing to me - it represents a lack of support for a transparent and honest system of g)59.5 702.4 ms
 608(overnance.)59.5 692.4 ms
 609(To understand this situation, it helps to put yourself in the shoes of the prime min)59.5 672.4 ms
 610(ister. Imagine, for a moment, that you are our beloved Scott Morrison, with some lev)59.5 662.4 ms
 611(el of influence over almost every aspect of running the country. Of course, it would)59.5 652.4 ms
 612( be ridiculous to try and govern a country by yourself, so you have to delegate the )59.5 642.4 ms
 613(majority of matters to other specialists, whilst you act as the "face" of the leader)59.5 632.4 ms
 614(ship. Occasionally, your employees will make decisions that go against public opinio)59.5 622.4 ms
 615(n, whether they are necessary or not. And as the leader of the country, you don't wa)59.5 612.4 ms
 616(nt to dissatisfy your people by making a big deal of these unfavourable decisions. B)59.5 602.4 ms
 617(ut what if some of these decisions are so broad that they affect )59.5 592.4 ms
 6180 0.502 0 r
 620F2 sf
 6210 g
 623F0 sf
 6240 0.502 0 r
 6260 g
 627( Australian )s
 628(on some level? What if they are favourable for leaders, but not for civillians? This)59.5 582.4 ms
 629( is the case where it becomes very appealing to hide these things from your people -)59.5 572.4 ms
 630( after all, you don't want to bring them too much bad news. It's a natural response.)59.5 562.4 ms
 6310.753 0 0.753 r
 632(<!--)59.5 542.4 ms
 6330.753 0 0 r
 634( 4:00 )s
 6350.753 0 0.753 r
 6370 g
 638(But if some of these decisions affect everyone so broadly, how can it possibly be ri)59.5 522.4 ms
 639(ght to hide it from the public? Part of the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Pol)59.5 512.4 ms
 640(itical Rights covers this issue, stating that "every individual should have the righ)59.5 502.4 ms
 641(t to ascertain in an intelligible form, whether, and if so, what personal data is st)59.5 492.4 ms
 642(ored in automatic data files, and for what purposes". This makes it crystal clear th)59.5 482.4 ms
 643(at the government should )59.5 472.4 ms
 6440 0.502 0 r
 646F2 sf
 6470 g
 649F0 sf
 6500 0.502 0 r
 6520 g
 653( be hiding their surveillance plans from us, even if i)s
 654(t is to strengthen national security. In fact, Australia has more strict national se)59.5 462.4 ms
 655(curity laws than any other nation, according to experienced journalist Misha Ketchel)59.5 452.4 ms
 656(l. Further, Australia is the only liberal democracy which doesn't have a charter of )59.5 442.4 ms
 657(human rights - so media independence is virtually impossible to enforce officially a)59.5 432.4 ms
 658(t the moment.)59.5 422.4 ms
 659(And even more specific to this incident with Annika Smethurst's report, the Covenant)59.5 402.4 ms
 660( says "The free communication of information and ideas about public and political is)59.5 392.4 ms
 661(sues between citizens, candidates and elected representatives is essential. This imp)59.5 382.4 ms
 662(lies a free press and other media able to comment on public issues and to inform pub)59.5 372.4 ms
 663(lic opinion without censorship or restraint." This paragraph goes deeper into the is)59.5 362.4 ms
 664(sue and describes exactly what the government is )59.5 352.4 ms
 6650 0.502 0 r
 667F2 sf
 6680 g
 670F0 sf
 6710 0.502 0 r
 6730 g
 674( allowing in terms of communic)s
 675(ation: "a free press"... "to inform public opinion )59.5 342.4 ms
 6760 0.502 0 r
 678F2 sf
 6790 g
 681F0 sf
 6820 0.502 0 r
 6840 g
 685( censorship or restraint")s
 686(. I think it's quite clear at this point that the recent incident was definitely a v)59.5 332.4 ms
 687(iolation of these rights, and I think that's a shameful action for the Federal Polic)59.5 322.4 ms
 688(e and for the Australian Government.)59.5 312.4 ms
 689(After these events, Scott Morrison said he was "not troubled" by the raids, but "bel)59.5 292.4 ms
 690(ieved in the freedom of the press". How can anyone who believes in media freedom be )59.5 282.4 ms
 6910 0.502 0 r
 692(_)59.5 272.4 ms
 693F2 sf
 6940 g
 695(not troubled)s
 696F0 sf
 6970 0.502 0 r
 6990 g
 700( by this? It's a hideous deception, and I encourage everyone, regardle)s
 701(ss of their background, to carefully and objectively observe the way that this cowar)59.5 262.4 ms
 702(dly attitude towards the media is sneaking up on us as a society, and consider the i)59.5 252.4 ms
 703(mportance of media independence for a sound and productive society. Thank you.)59.5 242.4 ms
 704re sp
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