english / oral-soi.texon commit [methods] organise preamble of main doc (5c2e939)
   6\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=black}
   9  \title{Statement of Intention}
  10  \author{Oral presentation, July 2019}
  11  \date{Andrew Lorimer}
  12  \maketitle
  13  My oral presentation, titled \textit{The Media Crisis}, focusses on the impact of government control on sound journalism, and aims to raise awareness of freedom and transparency in regard to the media. After several recent developments in the domain of the topic, I thought it was a very relevant and contemporary issue, and it is an issue that I am passionate and somewhat knowledgeable about. This allowed me to employ a broad range of techniques, both logical and emotional, so that I may impact idiosyncratic demographics and personalities with equal magnitude.
  15  In June 2019, the ABC office in Sydney was raided by Australian Federal Police in response to a controversial reportwritten by two of their journalists.\cite{ananian-welsh} This event was shocking and controversial within the country, and especially within the journalism industry. A similar event occurred when the personal home of a \textit{Herald Sun} journalist was searched earlier this year.\cite{mann} Whilst media independence has long been debated, Australia has had little concern given our relatively free society. However, the two incidents this year sparked more discussion and called for the federal government to change their policies.\cite{morris}
  17  In my presentation, I used a variety of persuasive techniques, whilst trying to adopt a calm but passionate tone. By the end of the speech, I wanted to leave listeners feeling empowered but concerned, so I was careful to balance the use of emotionally provocative phrases with objective facts and data. These data included sources such as the United Nations, a commonly revered organisation,\cite{azaoulay} and recent first-hand quotes from journalists affected by the issue. These credible sources were intended to give my presentation a more professional and well-planned quality, rather than relying on my opinion alone which would be less convincing given the nature of the issue.
  19  I also used analogies to emphasise the dim future that Australia is at risk of, such as the example of Ukraine.\cite{kyiv} I also recounted the police raids, primarily Annika Smethurst's, in great detail in order to portray the severity of the situation and the fear that these people experienced. The technique of emotional manipulation to install fear was used minimally but was included to broaden the target audience and impact those less easily swayed by logical arguments.
  21  I was careful to use visual elements deliberately, and included several photographs to add context and divulge emotion. The quotes I cited were also displayed verbatim for listeners to read at their own pace.
  23  The techniques I used were intentionally diverse, but culminate to present a concise and firm argument and its context.
  25    \begin{thebibliography}{99}
  26      \bibitem{ananian-welsh}
  27        Ananian-Welsh, Rebecca (5 June 2019). ``Why the raids on Australian media present a clear threat to democracy''. \textit{The Conversation}.
  28      \bibitem{mann}
  29        Mann, Monique (15 August 2018). ``The devil is in the detail of government bill to enable access to communications data''. \textit{The Conversation}.
  30      \bibitem{azaoulay}
  31        Azoulay, A; UNESCO (2018). ``World trends in freedom of expression and media development: global report 2017/2018''. ISBN 978-92-3-100242-7.
  32      \bibitem{parker}
  33        Parker, Samuel (2015). ```Unwanted invaders': The representation of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and Australian print media''. Cardiff University.
  34      \bibitem{pressthink}
  35        Rosen, Jay (12 June 2019). ``Key steps in the citizens agenda style of campaign coverage''. \textit{PressThink}. Carter Journalism Institute, New York University. 
  36      \bibitem{morris}
  37        Morris, Gaven (28 September 2018). ``ABC's independence is our most precious asset''. \textit{ABC News}.
  38      \bibitem{smh}
  39        Cormack, Lucy; Hunter, Fergus; Back, Alexandra (5 June 2019). ``Australian Federal Police raid ABC headquarters at Sydney's Ultimo''. \textit{Sydney Morning Herald}.
  40      \bibitem{lyons}
  41        Lyons, John (15 July 2019). ``AFP raid on ABC reveals investigative journalism being put in same category as criminality''. \textit{ABC News}.
  42      \bibitem{kyiv}
  43        Sukhov, Oleg; Talant, Bermet (19 October 2018). ``New language law could kill independent media ahead of 2019 elections''. \textit{Kyiv Post} (in Ukrainian).
  44      \bibitem{images}
  45        Images used under Creative Commons license from Public Media Alliance, Kyiv Post, and Associated Press.
  46    \end{thebibliography}