english / ransom-invictus.mdon commit [englsih] typos in script (efaaf47)
   1# Ransom
   3Goddess Iris
   5## Quotes
   7"...and with howls that in their pain and desolation must have seemed bearlike..." Achilles re. Hector, p.45  
   8"...he is by nature doubtful" Priam, p.46  
   9"He feels bold now, defiant. Sure of his decision" Priam before confronting Hecuba, p. 49
  10"...their noble Achilles..." Hecuba, p.51
  11"...she is more tied to convention than she believes" Hecuba, p.55
  12"...the body of my son Hector, all his limbs newly restored and shining, restored and _ransomed_." Priam re. dream, p.56
  13'You expect that... jackal, that noble bully, to be moved by this touching pantomime?" Hecuba re. Priam's proposal to Achilles, p.57
  14"...to vent their spite on him..." Hecuba re. Greeks stabbing Achilles after his death, p.57
  15"Something impossible. Something new" Priam re. what to do, p.58
  17## Humility
  19- "What I do is what any man might do" Priam, p.59
  21## Vivid imagery/gore
  23- Hecuba & Priam's hands, p.50
  24- "Oh, if I could get my hands on that butcher I'd tear his heart out and eat it raw!" Hecuba, p.51
  26## Fatherhood
  28- "Seven times now I've grieved for a son lost in this war" Priam, p.52
  30# Invictus
  32The opening scene of *Invictus* introduces a nation of oppression and conflict, whilst referencing a time of change and upheaval. This is symbolised by the rough nature of rugby and the chaotic atmosphere of the streets and the