english / persuasive-soi.mdon commit vector projections (2d) (fb12565)
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   6# My Health Record - statement of intention
   8My opinion essay is written in a style intended for a newspaper or website. I took the approach of a casual but informative discussion around My Health Record, and I was careful to thoroughly cover the background of the issue in order to lead readers to a logically sound conclusion.
  10The concept of electronic health records has existed in theory for decades, however only now is it starting to be feasible in practice. I find this an interesting issue since it involves ethical debate as well as more practical problems with implementation. In my piece, I try to convey this passion and genuine interest in the issue without appearing emotionally swayed.
  12In particular, the My Health Record was first posed as a possible solution to the perceived problems with the traditional decentralised system in 2010. It was then announced in 2012 as a trial program, and
  14## Bibliography