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-\section{Circular functions}\label{circular-functions}}
-\subsection{Radians and degrees}\label{radians-and-degrees}}
+\section{Circular functions}
-\[1 \thinspace \operatorname{rad}={{180 \operatorname{deg}}\over \pi}\]
-\subsection{Exact values}\label{exact-values}}
+\subsection*{Radians and degrees}
+\[1 \thinspace \operatorname{rad}={{180 \operatorname{deg}}\over \pi}\]
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\sin\) and \(\cos\)
-graphs}{\textbackslash{}sin and \textbackslash{}cos graphs}}\label{sin-and-cos-graphs}}
+\subsection*{Exact values}
-\[f(x)=a \sin(bx-c)+d\] \[f(x)=a \cos(bx-c)+d\]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.75]
+ \draw [orange, thick] (0,0) -- (3,3) node [black, pos=0.5, above left] {\(\sqrt{2}\)};
+ \draw [orange, thick] (0,0) -- (3,0) node [black, below, pos=0.5] {\(1\)} node[black, above, pos=0.3] {\(\frac{\pi}{4}\)};
+ \draw [orange, thick] (3,0) -- (3,3) node [black, right, pos=0.5] {1} node[black, left, pos=0.7] {\(\frac{\pi}{4}\)};
+ \draw [black] (0,0) coordinate (A) (3,0) coordinate (B) (3,3) coordinate (C) pic [draw,black,angle radius=2mm] {right angle = A--B--C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.75]
+ \draw [orange, thick] (0,3) -- (5.19,0) node [black, pos=0.5, above right] {2};
+ \draw [orange, thick] (0,0) -- (5.19,0) node [black, below, pos=0.5] {\(\sqrt{3}\)} node[black, above, pos=0.7] {\(\frac{\pi}{6}\)};
+ \draw [orange, thick] (0,0) -- (0,3) node [black, left, pos=0.5] {1} node [black, pos=0.8, right] {\(\frac{\pi}{3}\)};
+ \draw [black] (5.19,0) coordinate (A) (0,0) coordinate (B) (0,3) coordinate (C) pic [draw,black,angle radius=2mm] {right angle = A--B--C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
- \(a\) is the \(y\)-dilation (amplitude)
- \(b\) is the \(x\)-dilation (period)
- \(c\) is the \(x\)-shift (phase)
- \(d\) is the \(y\)-shift (equilibrium position)
+ \subsection*{Compound angle formulas}
-Domain is \(\mathbb{R}\)
-Range is \([-b+c, b+c]\);
+ \begin{align*}
+ \cos(x \pm y) &= \cos x + \cos y \mp \sin x \sin y \\
+ \sin(x \pm y) &= \sin x \cos y \pm \cos x \sin y \\
+ \tan(x \pm y) &= {{\tan x \pm \tan y} \over {1 \mp \tan x \tan y}}
+ \end{align*}
-Graph of \(\cos(x)\) starts at \((0,1)\). Graph of \(\sin(x)\) starts at
+ \subsection*{Double angle formulas}
-\textbf{Mean / equilibrium:} line that the graph oscillates around
+ \begin{align*}
+ \cos 2x &= \cos^2 x - \sin^2 x \\
+ & = 1 - 2\sin^2 x \\
+ & = 2 \cos^2 x -1 \\
+ \sin 2x &= 2 \sin x \cos x \\
+ \tan 2x &= \dfrac{2 \tan x}{1 - \tan^2 x}
+ \end{align*}
-Amplitude of \(a\) means graph oscillates between \(+a\) and \(-a\) in
-\(a=0\) produces straight line
-\(a < 0\) inverts the phase (\(\sin\) becomes \(\cos\), vice vera)
+ \sin(\theta+\frac{\pi}{2}) &= \sin\theta \\
+ \sin(\theta+\pi) &= -\sin\theta \\ \\
+ \cos(\theta+\frac{\pi}{2}) &= -\cos\theta \\
+ \cos(\theta+\pi) &= -\cos(\theta+\frac{3\pi}{2}) \\
+ &= \cos(-\theta)
+\subsection*{Complementary relationships}
-Period \(T\) is \({2 \pi}\over b\)
+ \sin \theta &= \cos(\frac{\pi}{2} - \theta) \\
+ &= -\cos(\theta+\frac{\pi}{2}) \\
+ \cos\theta &= \sin(\frac{\pi}{2} - \theta) \\
+ &= \sin(\theta+\frac{\pi}{2})
-\(b=0\) produces straight line
+\subsection*{Pythagorean identity}
-\(b<0\) inverts the phase
+ \subsection*{Inverse circular functions}
-\(c\) moves the graph left-right in the \(x\) axis.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[ymin=-2, ymax=4, xmin=-1.1, xmax=1.1, ytick={-1.5708, 1.5708, 3.14159},yticklabels={$-\frac{\pi}{2}$, $\frac{\pi}{2}$, $\pi$}]
+ \addplot[color=red, smooth] gnuplot [domain=-2:2,unbounded coords=jump,samples=500] {asin(x)} node [pos=0.25, below right] {\(\sin^{-1}x\)};
+ \addplot[color=blue, smooth] gnuplot [domain=-2:2,unbounded coords=jump,samples=500] {acos(x)} node [pos=0.25, below left] {\(\cos^{-1}x\)};
+ \addplot[mark=*, red] coordinates {(-1,-1.5708)} node[right, font=\footnotesize]{\((-1,-\frac{\pi}{2})\)} ;
+ \addplot[mark=*, red] coordinates {(1,1.5708)} node[left, font=\footnotesize]{\((1,\frac{\pi}{2})\)} ;
+ \addplot[mark=*, blue] coordinates {(1,0)};
+ \addplot[mark=*, blue] coordinates {(-1,3.1415)} node[right, font=\footnotesize]{\((-1,\pi)\)} ;
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
-If \(c=T={{2\pi}\over b}\), the graph has no actual phase shift.
+ Inverse functions: \(f(f^{-1}(x)) = x\) (restrict domain)
+ \[\sin^{-1}: [-1, 1] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, \quad \sin^{-1} x = y\]
+ \hfill where \(\sin y = x, \> y \in [{-\pi \over 2}, {\pi \over 2}]\)
-\[\sin(\theta+{\pi\over 2})=\sin\theta\]
+ \[\cos^{-1}: [-1,1] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, \quad \cos^{-1} x = y\]
+ \hfill where \(\cos y = x, \> y \in [0, \pi]\)
-\[\cos(\theta+{\pi \over 2})=-\cos\theta\]
-\[\cos(\theta+\pi)=-cos(\theta+{3\pi \over 2})=\cos(-\theta)\]
+ \[\tan^{-1}: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, \quad \tan^{-1} x = y\]
+ \hfill where \(\tan y = x, \> y \in \left(-{\pi \over 2}, {\pi \over 2}\right)\)
-\subsection{Pythagorean identity}\label{pythagorean-identity}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[yticklabel style={yshift=1.0pt, anchor=north east},x=0.1cm, y=1cm, ymax=2, ymin=-2, xticklabels={}, ytick={-1.5708,1.5708},yticklabels={\(-\frac{\pi}{2}\),\(\frac{\pi}{2}\)}]
+ \addplot[color=orange, smooth] gnuplot [domain=-35:35, unbounded coords=jump,samples=350] {atan(x)} node [pos=0.5, above left] {\(\tan^{-1}x\)};
+ \addplot[->, gray, dotted, thick, domain=-35:35] {1.5708};
+ \addplot[->, gray, dotted, thick, domain=-35:35] {-1.5708};
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\subsection*{\(\sin\) and \(\cos\) graphs}
+\[ f(x)=a\sin(bx-c)+d \]
-\[\sin({\pi \over 2} - \theta)=\cos\theta\]
-\[\cos({\pi \over 2} - \theta)=\sin\theta\]
+ \item Period \(=\frac{2\pi}{n}\)
+ \item dom \(= \mathbb{R}\)
+ \item ran \(= [-b+c, b+c]\);
+ \item \(\cos(x)\) starts at \((0,1)\), \(\sin(x)\) starts at \((0,0)\)
+ \item 0 amplitidue \(\implies\) straight line
+ \item \(a<0\) or \(b<0\) inverts phase (swap \(\sin\) and \(\cos\))
+ \item \(c=T={{2\pi}\over b} \implies\) no net phase shift
-\[\sin\theta=-\cos(\theta+{\pi \over 2})\]
-\[\cos\theta=\sin(\theta+{\pi \over 2})\]
-graph}{\textbackslash{}tan graph}}\label{tan-graph}}
+\subsection*{\(\tan\) graphs}
- \(a\) is \(x\)-dilation (period)
- \(n\) is \(y\)-dilation (\(\equiv\) amplitude)
- period \(T\) is \(\pi \over n\)
- range is \(R\)
- roots at \(x={k\pi \over n}\)
- asymptotes at \(x={{(2k+1)\pi}\over 2n},\quad k \in \mathbb{Z}\)
+ \item Period \(= \dfrac{\pi}{n}\)
+ \item Range is \(\mathbb{R}\)
+ \item Roots at \(x={\dfrac{k\pi}{n}}\) where \(k \in \mathbb{Z}\)
+ \item Asymptotes at \(x=\frac{(2k+1)\pi}{2n}\)
\textbf{Asymptotes should always have equations and arrow pointing up}
-\subsection{Solving trig equations}\label{solving-trig-equations}}
+\subsection*{Solving trig equations}
\(2\theta={\pi\over 3}, {2\pi \over 3}, {7\pi \over 3}, {8\pi \over 3}\)
\(\therefore \theta = {\pi \over 6}, {\pi \over 3}, {7 \pi \over 6}, {4\pi \over 3}\)
--- /dev/null
+set table "methods-collated.poly.table"; set format "%.5f"
+set format "%.7e";; set samples 1000; set dummy x; plot [x=-2:2] sgn(x)*(abs(x)**(1./3)) ;
--- /dev/null
+# Curve 0 of 1, 1000 points
+# Curve title: "sgn(x)*(abs(x)**(1./3))"
+# x y type
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+4.7447447e-01 7.7995752e-01 i
+4.7847848e-01 7.8214535e-01 i
+4.8248248e-01 7.8432101e-01 i
+4.8648649e-01 7.8648467e-01 i
+4.9049049e-01 7.8863648e-01 i
+4.9449449e-01 7.9077662e-01 i
+4.9849850e-01 7.9290523e-01 i
+5.0250250e-01 7.9502248e-01 i
+5.0650651e-01 7.9712851e-01 i
+5.1051051e-01 7.9922347e-01 i
+5.1451451e-01 8.0130750e-01 i
+5.1851852e-01 8.0338075e-01 i
+5.2252252e-01 8.0544336e-01 i
+5.2652653e-01 8.0749545e-01 i
+5.3053053e-01 8.0953717e-01 i
+5.3453453e-01 8.1156864e-01 i
+5.3853854e-01 8.1358999e-01 i
+5.4254254e-01 8.1560134e-01 i
+5.4654655e-01 8.1760283e-01 i
+5.5055055e-01 8.1959456e-01 i
+5.5455455e-01 8.2157666e-01 i
+5.5855856e-01 8.2354924e-01 i
+5.6256256e-01 8.2551242e-01 i
+5.6656657e-01 8.2746630e-01 i
+5.7057057e-01 8.2941100e-01 i
+5.7457457e-01 8.3134662e-01 i
+5.7857858e-01 8.3327327e-01 i
+5.8258258e-01 8.3519105e-01 i
+5.8658659e-01 8.3710007e-01 i
+5.9059059e-01 8.3900041e-01 i
+5.9459459e-01 8.4089219e-01 i
+5.9859860e-01 8.4277549e-01 i
+6.0260260e-01 8.4465042e-01 i
+6.0660661e-01 8.4651705e-01 i
+6.1061061e-01 8.4837549e-01 i
+6.1461461e-01 8.5022583e-01 i
+6.1861862e-01 8.5206814e-01 i
+6.2262262e-01 8.5390253e-01 i
+6.2662663e-01 8.5572906e-01 i
+6.3063063e-01 8.5754783e-01 i
+6.3463463e-01 8.5935892e-01 i
+6.3863864e-01 8.6116241e-01 i
+6.4264264e-01 8.6295837e-01 i
+6.4664665e-01 8.6474689e-01 i
+6.5065065e-01 8.6652804e-01 i
+6.5465465e-01 8.6830190e-01 i
+6.5865866e-01 8.7006855e-01 i
+6.6266266e-01 8.7182804e-01 i
+6.6666667e-01 8.7358046e-01 i
+6.7067067e-01 8.7532588e-01 i
+6.7467467e-01 8.7706437e-01 i
+6.7867868e-01 8.7879599e-01 i
+6.8268268e-01 8.8052082e-01 i
+6.8668669e-01 8.8223891e-01 i
+6.9069069e-01 8.8395034e-01 i
+6.9469469e-01 8.8565517e-01 i
+6.9869870e-01 8.8735346e-01 i
+7.0270270e-01 8.8904527e-01 i
+7.0670671e-01 8.9073067e-01 i
+7.1071071e-01 8.9240971e-01 i
+7.1471471e-01 8.9408246e-01 i
+7.1871872e-01 8.9574897e-01 i
+7.2272272e-01 8.9740931e-01 i
+7.2672673e-01 8.9906352e-01 i
+7.3073073e-01 9.0071167e-01 i
+7.3473473e-01 9.0235381e-01 i
+7.3873874e-01 9.0399000e-01 i
+7.4274274e-01 9.0562028e-01 i
+7.4674675e-01 9.0724471e-01 i
+7.5075075e-01 9.0886335e-01 i
+7.5475475e-01 9.1047625e-01 i
+7.5875876e-01 9.1208344e-01 i
+7.6276276e-01 9.1368500e-01 i
+7.6676677e-01 9.1528096e-01 i
+7.7077077e-01 9.1687137e-01 i
+7.7477477e-01 9.1845629e-01 i
+7.7877878e-01 9.2003575e-01 i
+7.8278278e-01 9.2160981e-01 i
+7.8678679e-01 9.2317851e-01 i
+7.9079079e-01 9.2474190e-01 i
+7.9479479e-01 9.2630002e-01 i
+7.9879880e-01 9.2785291e-01 i
+8.0280280e-01 9.2940062e-01 i
+8.0680681e-01 9.3094320e-01 i
+8.1081081e-01 9.3248068e-01 i
+8.1481481e-01 9.3401311e-01 i
+8.1881882e-01 9.3554053e-01 i
+8.2282282e-01 9.3706297e-01 i
+8.2682683e-01 9.3858048e-01 i
+8.3083083e-01 9.4009311e-01 i
+8.3483483e-01 9.4160088e-01 i
+8.3883884e-01 9.4310383e-01 i
+8.4284284e-01 9.4460202e-01 i
+8.4684685e-01 9.4609546e-01 i
+8.5085085e-01 9.4758420e-01 i
+8.5485485e-01 9.4906828e-01 i
+8.5885886e-01 9.5054774e-01 i
+8.6286286e-01 9.5202260e-01 i
+8.6686687e-01 9.5349291e-01 i
+8.7087087e-01 9.5495870e-01 i
+8.7487487e-01 9.5642000e-01 i
+8.7887888e-01 9.5787685e-01 i
+8.8288288e-01 9.5932928e-01 i
+8.8688689e-01 9.6077732e-01 i
+8.9089089e-01 9.6222102e-01 i
+8.9489489e-01 9.6366039e-01 i
+8.9889890e-01 9.6509548e-01 i
+9.0290290e-01 9.6652632e-01 i
+9.0690691e-01 9.6795292e-01 i
+9.1091091e-01 9.6937534e-01 i
+9.1491491e-01 9.7079360e-01 i
+9.1891892e-01 9.7220772e-01 i
+9.2292292e-01 9.7361774e-01 i
+9.2692693e-01 9.7502369e-01 i
+9.3093093e-01 9.7642559e-01 i
+9.3493493e-01 9.7782348e-01 i
+9.3893894e-01 9.7921739e-01 i
+9.4294294e-01 9.8060734e-01 i
+9.4694695e-01 9.8199336e-01 i
+9.5095095e-01 9.8337547e-01 i
+9.5495495e-01 9.8475372e-01 i
+9.5895896e-01 9.8612811e-01 i
+9.6296296e-01 9.8749869e-01 i
+9.6696697e-01 9.8886547e-01 i
+9.7097097e-01 9.9022849e-01 i
+9.7497497e-01 9.9158776e-01 i
+9.7897898e-01 9.9294331e-01 i
+9.8298298e-01 9.9429518e-01 i
+9.8698699e-01 9.9564338e-01 i
+9.9099099e-01 9.9698793e-01 i
+9.9499499e-01 9.9832887e-01 i
+9.9899900e-01 9.9966622e-01 i
+1.0030030e+00 1.0010000e+00 i
+1.0070070e+00 1.0023302e+00 i
+1.0110110e+00 1.0036569e+00 i
+1.0150150e+00 1.0049802e+00 i
+1.0190190e+00 1.0062999e+00 i
+1.0230230e+00 1.0076162e+00 i
+1.0270270e+00 1.0089290e+00 i
+1.0310310e+00 1.0102385e+00 i
+1.0350350e+00 1.0115446e+00 i
+1.0390390e+00 1.0128473e+00 i
+1.0430430e+00 1.0141466e+00 i
+1.0470470e+00 1.0154426e+00 i
+1.0510511e+00 1.0167354e+00 i
+1.0550551e+00 1.0180248e+00 i
+1.0590591e+00 1.0193110e+00 i
+1.0630631e+00 1.0205940e+00 i
+1.0670671e+00 1.0218737e+00 i
+1.0710711e+00 1.0231503e+00 i
+1.0750751e+00 1.0244237e+00 i
+1.0790791e+00 1.0256939e+00 i
+1.0830831e+00 1.0269609e+00 i
+1.0870871e+00 1.0282249e+00 i
+1.0910911e+00 1.0294857e+00 i
+1.0950951e+00 1.0307435e+00 i
+1.0990991e+00 1.0319982e+00 i
+1.1031031e+00 1.0332499e+00 i
+1.1071071e+00 1.0344985e+00 i
+1.1111111e+00 1.0357442e+00 i
+1.1151151e+00 1.0369868e+00 i
+1.1191191e+00 1.0382265e+00 i
+1.1231231e+00 1.0394632e+00 i
+1.1271271e+00 1.0406970e+00 i
+1.1311311e+00 1.0419279e+00 i
+1.1351351e+00 1.0431558e+00 i
+1.1391391e+00 1.0443809e+00 i
+1.1431431e+00 1.0456031e+00 i
+1.1471471e+00 1.0468225e+00 i
+1.1511512e+00 1.0480390e+00 i
+1.1551552e+00 1.0492527e+00 i
+1.1591592e+00 1.0504636e+00 i
+1.1631632e+00 1.0516718e+00 i
+1.1671672e+00 1.0528771e+00 i
+1.1711712e+00 1.0540797e+00 i
+1.1751752e+00 1.0552796e+00 i
+1.1791792e+00 1.0564767e+00 i
+1.1831832e+00 1.0576712e+00 i
+1.1871872e+00 1.0588629e+00 i
+1.1911912e+00 1.0600520e+00 i
+1.1951952e+00 1.0612384e+00 i
+1.1991992e+00 1.0624221e+00 i
+1.2032032e+00 1.0636033e+00 i
+1.2072072e+00 1.0647818e+00 i
+1.2112112e+00 1.0659577e+00 i
+1.2152152e+00 1.0671310e+00 i
+1.2192192e+00 1.0683017e+00 i
+1.2232232e+00 1.0694699e+00 i
+1.2272272e+00 1.0706356e+00 i
+1.2312312e+00 1.0717987e+00 i
+1.2352352e+00 1.0729592e+00 i
+1.2392392e+00 1.0741173e+00 i
+1.2432432e+00 1.0752729e+00 i
+1.2472472e+00 1.0764260e+00 i
+1.2512513e+00 1.0775767e+00 i
+1.2552553e+00 1.0787248e+00 i
+1.2592593e+00 1.0798706e+00 i
+1.2632633e+00 1.0810139e+00 i
+1.2672673e+00 1.0821548e+00 i
+1.2712713e+00 1.0832934e+00 i
+1.2752753e+00 1.0844295e+00 i
+1.2792793e+00 1.0855632e+00 i
+1.2832833e+00 1.0866946e+00 i
+1.2872873e+00 1.0878236e+00 i
+1.2912913e+00 1.0889503e+00 i
+1.2952953e+00 1.0900747e+00 i
+1.2992993e+00 1.0911968e+00 i
+1.3033033e+00 1.0923165e+00 i
+1.3073073e+00 1.0934340e+00 i
+1.3113113e+00 1.0945492e+00 i
+1.3153153e+00 1.0956621e+00 i
+1.3193193e+00 1.0967727e+00 i
+1.3233233e+00 1.0978811e+00 i
+1.3273273e+00 1.0989873e+00 i
+1.3313313e+00 1.1000913e+00 i
+1.3353353e+00 1.1011930e+00 i
+1.3393393e+00 1.1022926e+00 i
+1.3433433e+00 1.1033899e+00 i
+1.3473473e+00 1.1044851e+00 i
+1.3513514e+00 1.1055781e+00 i
+1.3553554e+00 1.1066690e+00 i
+1.3593594e+00 1.1077577e+00 i
+1.3633634e+00 1.1088442e+00 i
+1.3673674e+00 1.1099287e+00 i
+1.3713714e+00 1.1110110e+00 i
+1.3753754e+00 1.1120912e+00 i
+1.3793794e+00 1.1131694e+00 i
+1.3833834e+00 1.1142454e+00 i
+1.3873874e+00 1.1153194e+00 i
+1.3913914e+00 1.1163913e+00 i
+1.3953954e+00 1.1174611e+00 i
+1.3993994e+00 1.1185289e+00 i
+1.4034034e+00 1.1195947e+00 i
+1.4074074e+00 1.1206585e+00 i
+1.4114114e+00 1.1217202e+00 i
+1.4154154e+00 1.1227799e+00 i
+1.4194194e+00 1.1238377e+00 i
+1.4234234e+00 1.1248934e+00 i
+1.4274274e+00 1.1259472e+00 i
+1.4314314e+00 1.1269990e+00 i
+1.4354354e+00 1.1280488e+00 i
+1.4394394e+00 1.1290967e+00 i
+1.4434434e+00 1.1301426e+00 i
+1.4474474e+00 1.1311866e+00 i
+1.4514515e+00 1.1322287e+00 i
+1.4554555e+00 1.1332689e+00 i
+1.4594595e+00 1.1343072e+00 i
+1.4634635e+00 1.1353435e+00 i
+1.4674675e+00 1.1363780e+00 i
+1.4714715e+00 1.1374106e+00 i
+1.4754755e+00 1.1384414e+00 i
+1.4794795e+00 1.1394702e+00 i
+1.4834835e+00 1.1404972e+00 i
+1.4874875e+00 1.1415224e+00 i
+1.4914915e+00 1.1425457e+00 i
+1.4954955e+00 1.1435672e+00 i
+1.4994995e+00 1.1445869e+00 i
+1.5035035e+00 1.1456048e+00 i
+1.5075075e+00 1.1466208e+00 i
+1.5115115e+00 1.1476351e+00 i
+1.5155155e+00 1.1486476e+00 i
+1.5195195e+00 1.1496583e+00 i
+1.5235235e+00 1.1506672e+00 i
+1.5275275e+00 1.1516743e+00 i
+1.5315315e+00 1.1526797e+00 i
+1.5355355e+00 1.1536833e+00 i
+1.5395395e+00 1.1546852e+00 i
+1.5435435e+00 1.1556854e+00 i
+1.5475475e+00 1.1566838e+00 i
+1.5515516e+00 1.1576805e+00 i
+1.5555556e+00 1.1586755e+00 i
+1.5595596e+00 1.1596688e+00 i
+1.5635636e+00 1.1606604e+00 i
+1.5675676e+00 1.1616503e+00 i
+1.5715716e+00 1.1626386e+00 i
+1.5755756e+00 1.1636251e+00 i
+1.5795796e+00 1.1646100e+00 i
+1.5835836e+00 1.1655932e+00 i
+1.5875876e+00 1.1665747e+00 i
+1.5915916e+00 1.1675546e+00 i
+1.5955956e+00 1.1685329e+00 i
+1.5995996e+00 1.1695095e+00 i
+1.6036036e+00 1.1704845e+00 i
+1.6076076e+00 1.1714579e+00 i
+1.6116116e+00 1.1724297e+00 i
+1.6156156e+00 1.1733998e+00 i
+1.6196196e+00 1.1743684e+00 i
+1.6236236e+00 1.1753353e+00 i
+1.6276276e+00 1.1763007e+00 i
+1.6316316e+00 1.1772645e+00 i
+1.6356356e+00 1.1782267e+00 i
+1.6396396e+00 1.1791873e+00 i
+1.6436436e+00 1.1801464e+00 i
+1.6476476e+00 1.1811039e+00 i
+1.6516517e+00 1.1820599e+00 i
+1.6556557e+00 1.1830143e+00 i
+1.6596597e+00 1.1839672e+00 i
+1.6636637e+00 1.1849186e+00 i
+1.6676677e+00 1.1858684e+00 i
+1.6716717e+00 1.1868167e+00 i
+1.6756757e+00 1.1877635e+00 i
+1.6796797e+00 1.1887088e+00 i
+1.6836837e+00 1.1896526e+00 i
+1.6876877e+00 1.1905949e+00 i
+1.6916917e+00 1.1915357e+00 i
+1.6956957e+00 1.1924751e+00 i
+1.6996997e+00 1.1934129e+00 i
+1.7037037e+00 1.1943493e+00 i
+1.7077077e+00 1.1952842e+00 i
+1.7117117e+00 1.1962177e+00 i
+1.7157157e+00 1.1971497e+00 i
+1.7197197e+00 1.1980802e+00 i
+1.7237237e+00 1.1990093e+00 i
+1.7277277e+00 1.1999370e+00 i
+1.7317317e+00 1.2008632e+00 i
+1.7357357e+00 1.2017880e+00 i
+1.7397397e+00 1.2027114e+00 i
+1.7437437e+00 1.2036334e+00 i
+1.7477477e+00 1.2045539e+00 i
+1.7517518e+00 1.2054731e+00 i
+1.7557558e+00 1.2063908e+00 i
+1.7597598e+00 1.2073072e+00 i
+1.7637638e+00 1.2082222e+00 i
+1.7677678e+00 1.2091358e+00 i
+1.7717718e+00 1.2100480e+00 i
+1.7757758e+00 1.2109588e+00 i
+1.7797798e+00 1.2118683e+00 i
+1.7837838e+00 1.2127764e+00 i
+1.7877878e+00 1.2136831e+00 i
+1.7917918e+00 1.2145885e+00 i
+1.7957958e+00 1.2154926e+00 i
+1.7997998e+00 1.2163953e+00 i
+1.8038038e+00 1.2172967e+00 i
+1.8078078e+00 1.2181967e+00 i
+1.8118118e+00 1.2190954e+00 i
+1.8158158e+00 1.2199928e+00 i
+1.8198198e+00 1.2208889e+00 i
+1.8238238e+00 1.2217836e+00 i
+1.8278278e+00 1.2226771e+00 i
+1.8318318e+00 1.2235692e+00 i
+1.8358358e+00 1.2244600e+00 i
+1.8398398e+00 1.2253496e+00 i
+1.8438438e+00 1.2262378e+00 i
+1.8478478e+00 1.2271248e+00 i
+1.8518519e+00 1.2280105e+00 i
+1.8558559e+00 1.2288949e+00 i
+1.8598599e+00 1.2297781e+00 i
+1.8638639e+00 1.2306599e+00 i
+1.8678679e+00 1.2315406e+00 i
+1.8718719e+00 1.2324199e+00 i
+1.8758759e+00 1.2332980e+00 i
+1.8798799e+00 1.2341749e+00 i
+1.8838839e+00 1.2350505e+00 i
+1.8878879e+00 1.2359249e+00 i
+1.8918919e+00 1.2367980e+00 i
+1.8958959e+00 1.2376699e+00 i
+1.8998999e+00 1.2385406e+00 i
+1.9039039e+00 1.2394100e+00 i
+1.9079079e+00 1.2402783e+00 i
+1.9119119e+00 1.2411453e+00 i
+1.9159159e+00 1.2420111e+00 i
+1.9199199e+00 1.2428757e+00 i
+1.9239239e+00 1.2437391e+00 i
+1.9279279e+00 1.2446013e+00 i
+1.9319319e+00 1.2454624e+00 i
+1.9359359e+00 1.2463222e+00 i
+1.9399399e+00 1.2471808e+00 i
+1.9439439e+00 1.2480383e+00 i
+1.9479479e+00 1.2488946e+00 i
+1.9519520e+00 1.2497497e+00 i
+1.9559560e+00 1.2506036e+00 i
+1.9599600e+00 1.2514564e+00 i
+1.9639640e+00 1.2523080e+00 i
+1.9679680e+00 1.2531585e+00 i
+1.9719720e+00 1.2540078e+00 i
+1.9759760e+00 1.2548560e+00 i
+1.9799800e+00 1.2557030e+00 i
+1.9839840e+00 1.2565489e+00 i
+1.9879880e+00 1.2573936e+00 i
+1.9919920e+00 1.2582372e+00 i
+1.9959960e+00 1.2590797e+00 i
+2.0000000e+00 1.2599210e+00 i
--- /dev/null
+\usepackage[dvipsnames, table]{xcolor}
+\fancyhead[LO,LE]{Year 12 Methods}
+\fancyhead[CO,CE]{Andrew Lorimer}
+\usepackage{xcolor} % used only to show the phantomed stuff
+\setlength\fboxsep{0pt} \setlength\fboxrule{.2pt} % for the \fboxes
+\newcommand{\midarrow}{\tikz \draw[-triangle 90] (0,0) -- +(.1,0);}
+\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
+ axis x line=middle, % centre axes
+ axis y line=middle,
+ axis line style={->}, % arrows on axes
+ xlabel={$x$}, % axes labels
+ ylabel={$y$},
+\title{\vspace{-2cm}\hrule\vspace{0.4cm} Year 12 Methods}
+\author{Andrew Lorimer}
+ \tightlist
+ \item vertical line test
+ \item each \(x\) value produces only one \(y\) value
+\subsection*{One to one functions}
+ \(f(x)\) is \emph{one to one} if \(f(a) \ne f(b)\) if
+ \(a, b \in \operatorname{dom}(f)\) and \(a \ne b\)\\
+ \(\implies\) unique \(y\) for each \(x\) (\(\sin x\) is not 1:1,
+ \(x^3\) is)
+ horizontal line test
+ if not one to one, it is many to one
+\subsection*{Finding inverse functions \(f^{-1}\)}
+ if \(f(g(x)) = x\), then \(g\) is the inverse of \(f\)
+ reflection across \(y-x\)
+ \(\operatorname{ran} \> f = \operatorname{dom} \> f^{-1}, \quad \operatorname{dom} \> f = \operatorname{ran} \> f^{-1}\)
+ inverse \(\ne\) inverse \emph{function} (i.e.~inverse must pass
+ vertical line test)\\
+ \(\implies f^{-1}(x)\) exists \(\iff f(x)\) is one to one
+ \(f^{-1}(x)=f(x)\) intersections may lie on line \(y=x\)
+\subsubsection*{Requirements for showing working for \(f^{-1}\)}
+ start with \emph{``let \(y=f(x)\)''}
+ must state \emph{``take inverse''} for line where \(y\) and \(x\) are
+ swapped
+ do all working in terms of \(y=\dots\)
+ for sqrt, state \(\pm\) solutions then show restricted
+ for inverse \emph{function}, state in function notation
+\(\protect\begin{cases}px + qy = a \\ rx + sy = b\protect\end{cases} \>\)
+for \(\{0,1,\infty\}\)
+where all coefficients are known except for one, and \(a, b\) are known
+ Write as matrices:
+ \(\begin{bmatrix}p & q \\ r & s \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \end{bmatrix}\)
+ Find determinant of first matrix: \(\Delta = ps-qr\)
+ Let \(\Delta = 0\) for number of solutions \(\ne 1\)\\
+ or let \(\Delta \ne 0\) for one unique solution.
+ Solve determinant equation to find variable \\
+ \textbf{For infinite/no solutions:}
+ Substitute variable into both original equations
+ Rearrange equations so that LHS of each is the same
+ \(\text{RHS}(1) = \text{RHS}(2) \implies (1)=(2) \> \forall x\)
+ (\(\infty\) solns)\\
+ \(\text{RHS}(1) \ne \text{RHS}(2) \implies (1)\ne(2) \> \forall x\) (0
+ solns)
+\colorbox{cas}{On CAS:} Matrix \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{det}
+\subsubsection*{Solving \(\protect\begin{cases}a_1 x + b_1 y + c_1 z = d_1 \\ a_2 x + b_2 y + c_2 z = d_2 \\ a_3 x + b_3 y + c_3 z = d_3\protect\end{cases}\)}
+ Use elimination
+ Generate two new equations with only two variables
+ Rearrange \& solve
+ Substitute one variable into another equation to find another variable
+\subsection*{Odd and even functions}
+Even when \(f(x) = -f(x)\)\\
+Odd when \(-f(x) = f(-x)\)
+Function is even if it is symmetrical across \(y\)-axis
+\hspace{5em}\(\implies f(x)=f(-x)\)\\
+Function \(x^{\pm {p \over q}}\) is odd if \(q\) is odd\\
+ \textbf{Even:} & \textbf{Odd:} \\
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[ticks=none, yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-3, xmax=3, scale=0.4, samples=100, smooth, unbounded coords=jump] \addplot[blue, mark=none] {(x^2)}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture} &
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[ticks=none, yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-3, xmax=3, scale=0.4, samples=100, smooth, unbounded coords=jump] \addplot[blue, mark=none] {(x^3)}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
+ xlabel=, % put the x axis in the middle
+ ylabel=, % put the y axis in the middle
+ }}
+ \begin{table*}[ht]
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{r|X|X}
+ & \(n\) is even & \(n\) is odd \\ \hline
+ \(x^n, n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\) &
+ \makecell{\\\begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-3, xmax=3, scale=0.4, samples=100, smooth, unbounded coords=jump] \addplot[orange, mark=none] {(x^2)}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}} &
+ \makecell{\\\begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-3, xmax=3, scale=0.4, samples=100, smooth, unbounded coords=jump] \addplot[orange, mark=none] {(x^3)}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}} \\
+ \(x^n, n \in \mathbb{Z}^-\) &
+ \makecell{\\\begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-4, xmax=4, ymax=8, ymin=-0, scale=0.4, smooth] \addplot[orange, mark=none, samples=100] {(x^(-2))}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}} &
+ \makecell{\\\begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-3, xmax=3, scale=0.4, samples=100, smooth] \addplot[orange, mark=none] {(x^(-1))}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}} \\
+ \(x^{\frac{1}{n}}, n \in \mathbb{Z}^-\) &
+ \makecell{\\\begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-1, xmax=5, scale=0.4, samples=100, smooth, unbounded coords=jump] \addplot[orange, mark=none] {(x^(1/2))}; \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}} &
+ \makecell{\\\begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[enlargelimits=false, yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-3, ymax=3, smooth, scale=0.4]
+\addplot [orange,domain=-2:2,samples=1000,no markers] gnuplot[id=poly]{sgn(x)*(abs(x)**(1./3)) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \end{table*}
+ \pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
+ xlabel=\(x\), % put the x axis in the middle
+ ylabel=\(y\), % put the y axis in the middle
+ }}
+\[ x^2 + bx + c = (x+m)(x+n) \]
+\hfill where \(mn=c, \> m+n=b\)
+ \hline
+ \textbf{Difference} && a^2 - b^2 &= (a-b)(a+b) \\[2ex]
+ \textbf{Perfect sq.} && a^2 \pm 2ab + b^2 &= (a \pm b^2) \\[2ex]
+ \textbf{Completing} && x^2+bx+c &= (x+\frac{b}{2})^2+c-\frac{b^2}{4} \\
+ && ax^2+bx+c &= a(x-\frac{b}{2a})^2+c-\frac{b^2}{4a} \\[2ex]
+ \textbf{Quadratic} && x &= \dfrac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\
+ && & \text{where} \Delta=b^2-4ac \\
+ \hline
+\textbf{Difference of cubes:} \(a^3 - b^3 = (a-b)(a^2 + ab + b^2)\)\\
+\textbf{Sum of cubes:} \(a^3 + b^3 = (a+b)(a^2 - ab + b^2)\)\\
+\textbf{Perfect cubes:} \(a^3 \pm 3a^2b + 3ab^2 \pm b^3 = (a \pm b)^3\)
+\[ y=a(bx-h)^3 + c \]
+ \(m=0\) at \emph{stationary point of inflection}
+ (i.e.~(\({h \over b}, k)\))
+ in form \(y=(x-a)^2(x-b)\), local max at \(x=a\), local min at \(x=b\)
+ in form \(y=a(x-b)(x-c)(x-d)\): \(x\)-intercepts at \(b, c, d\)
+ in form \(y=a(x-b)^2(x-c)\), touches \(x\)-axis at \(b\), intercept at
+ \(c\)
+\subsection*{Linear and quadratic
+\subsubsection*{Forms of linear
+ \item \(y=mx+c\)
+ \item \(\frac{x}{a} + \frac{y}{b}=1\) where \((x_1, y_1)\) lies on the graph
+ \item \(y-y_1 = m(x-x_1)\) where \((a,0)\) and \((0,b)\) are \(x\)- and \(y\)-intercepts
+\subsection*{Line properties}
+Parallel lines: \(m_1 = m_2\)\\
+Perpendicular lines: \(m_1 \times m_2 = -1\)\\
+Distance: \(|\vec{AB}| = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}\)
+\subsection*{Quartic graphs}
+\subsubsection*{Forms of quartic
+\(y=ax^4+cd^2 (c \ge 0)\)\\
+\subsection*{Simultaneous equations
+ \textbf{Unique solution} - lines intersect at point
+ \textbf{Infinitely many solutions} - lines are equal
+ \textbf{No solution} - lines are parallel
--- /dev/null
+\subsection*{Average rate of change}
+\[m \operatorname{of} x \in [a,b] = \dfrac{f(b)-f(a)}{b - a} = \frac{dy}{dx}\]
+\colorbox{cas}{On CAS:} Action \(\rightarrow\) Calculation
+\(\rightarrow\) \texttt{diff}
+\subsection*{Average value}
+\[ f_{\text{avg}} = \dfrac{1}{b-a} \int^b_a f(x) \> dx \]
+\subsection*{Instantaneous rate of change}
+\textbf{Secant} - line passing through two points on a curve\\
+\textbf{Chord} - line segment joining two points on a curve
+\subsection*{Limit theorems}
+ For constant function \(f(x)=k\), \(\lim_{x \rightarrow a} f(x) = k\)
+ \(\lim_{x \rightarrow a} (f(x) \pm g(x)) = F \pm G\)
+ \(\lim_{x \rightarrow a} (f(x) \times g(x)) = F \times G\)
+ \({\lim_{x \rightarrow a} {f(x) \over g(x)}} = {F \over G}, G \ne 0\)
+A function is continuous if \(L^-=L^+=f(x)\) for all values of \(x\).
+\subsection*{First principles derivative}
+\[f^\prime(x)=\lim_{h \rightarrow 0}{{f(x+h)-f(x)} \over h}\]
+Not differentiable at:
+ discontinuous points
+ sharp point/cusp
+ vertical tangents (\(\infty\) gradient)
+\subsection*{Tangents \& gradients}
+\textbf{Tangent line} - defined by \(y=mx+c\) where
+\(m={dy \over dx}\)\\
+\textbf{Normal line} - \(\perp\) tangent
+(\(m_{{tan}} \cdot m_{\operatorname{norm}} = -1\))\\
+\textbf{Secant} \(={{f(x+h)-f(x)} \over h}\)
+\colorbox{cas}{On CAS:} \\ Action \(\rightarrow\) Calculation
+\(\rightarrow\) Line \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{tanLine} or \texttt{normal}
+\subsection*{Strictly increasing/decreasing}
+For \(x_2\) and \(x_1\) where \(x_2 > x_1\):
+ \textbf{strictly increasing}\\ where \(f(x_2) > f(x_1)\) or \(f^\prime(x)>0\)
+ \textbf{strictly decreasing}\\ where \(f(x_2) < f(x_1)\) or \(f^\prime(x)<0\)
+ Endpoints are included, even where gradient \(=0\)
+\subsubsection*{Solving on CAS}
+\colorbox{cas}{\textbf{In main}}: type function. Interactive
+\(\rightarrow\) Calculation \(\rightarrow\) Line \(\rightarrow\) (Normal
+\textbar{} Tan line)\\
+\colorbox{cas}{\textbf{In graph}}: define function. Analysis
+\(\rightarrow\) Sketch \(\rightarrow\) (Normal \textbar{} Tan line).
+Type \(x\) value to solve for a point. Return to show equation for line.
+\subsection*{Stationary points}
+\emph{Stationary point} - i.e.
+\emph{Point of inflection} - max \(|\)gradient\(|\) (i.e.
+\(f^{\prime\prime} = 0\))
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[xmin=-21, xmax=21, ymax=1400, ymin=-1000, ticks=none, axis lines=middle]
+ \addplot[color=red, smooth, thick] gnuplot [domain=-15:15,unbounded coords=jump,samples=500] {x^3-3*x^2-144*x+432} node [black, pos=1, right] {\(f(x)\)};
+ \addplot[color=darkgray, dashed, smooth, thick] gnuplot [domain=-15:15,unbounded coords=jump,samples=500] {3*x^2-6*x-144} node [black, pos=1, right] {\(f^\prime(x)\)};
+ \addplot[mark=*, blue] coordinates {(1,286)} node[above right, align=left, font=\footnotesize]{inflection \\ (falling)} ;
+ \addplot[mark=*, orange] coordinates {(-6,972)} node[above left, align=right, font=\footnotesize]{stationary \\ (local max)} ;
+ \addplot[mark=*, orange] coordinates {(8,-400)} node[below, align=left, font=\footnotesize]{stationary \\ (local min)} ;
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}[enlargelimits=true, xmax=3.5, ticks=none, axis lines=middle]
+ \addplot[color=blue, smooth, thick] gnuplot [domain=0.74:3,unbounded coords=jump,samples=500] {(x-2)^3+2} node [black, pos=0.9, left] {\(f(x)\)};
+ \addplot[color=darkgray, dashed, smooth, thick] gnuplot [domain=1:3,unbounded coords=jump,samples=500] {3*(x-2)^2} node [black, pos=0.9, right] {\(f^\prime(x)\)};
+ \addplot[mark=*, purple] coordinates {(2,2)} node[below right, align=left, font=\footnotesize]{stationary \\ inflection} ;
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.4}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{rX}
+ \hline
+ \hspace{6em}\(f(x)\) & \(f^\prime(x)\)\\
+ \hline
+ \(\sin x\) & \(\cos x\)\\
+ \(\sin ax\) & \(a\cos ax\)\\
+ \(\cos x\) & \(-\sin x\)\\
+ \(\cos ax\) & \(-a \sin ax\)\\
+ \(\tan f(x)\) & \(f^2(x) \sec^2f(x)\)\\
+ \(e^x\) & \(e^x\)\\
+ \(e^{ax}\) & \(ae^{ax}\)\\
+ \(ax^{nx}\) & \(an \cdot e^{nx}\)\\
+ \(\log_e x\) & \(\dfrac{1}{x}\)\\
+ \(\log_e {ax}\) & \(\dfrac{1}{x}\)\\
+ \(\log_e f(x)\) & \(\dfrac{f^\prime (x)}{f(x)}\)\\
+ \(\sin(f(x))\) & \(f^\prime(x) \cdot \cos(f(x))\)\\
+ \(\sin^{-1} x\) & \(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}\)\\
+ \(\cos^{-1} x\) & \(\dfrac{-1}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}\)\\
+ \(\tan^{-1} x\) & \(\dfrac{1}{1 + x^2}\)\\
+ \(\frac{d}{dy}f(y)\) & \(\dfrac{1}{\frac{dx}{dy}}\) \hfill(reciprocal)\\
+ \(uv\) & \(u \frac{dv}{dx}+v\frac{du}{dx}\) \hfill(product rule)\\
+ \(\dfrac{u}{v}\) & \(\dfrac{v\frac{du}{dx}-u\frac{dv}{dx}}{v^2}\) \hfill(quotient rule)\\
+ \(f(g(x))\) & \(f^\prime(g(x))\cdot g^\prime(x)\)\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \columnbreak
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.4}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{rX}
+ \hline
+ \(f(x)\) & \(\int f(x) \cdot dx\) \\
+ \hline
+ \(k\) (constant) & \(kx + c\)\\
+ \(x^n\) & \(\dfrac{1}{n+1} x^{n+1}\) \\
+ \(a x^{-n}\) &\(a \cdot \log_e |x| + c\)\\
+ \(\dfrac{1}{ax+b}\) &\(\dfrac{1}{a} \log_e (ax+b) + c\)\\
+ \((ax+b)^n\) & \(\dfrac{1}{a(n+1)}(ax+b)^{n-1} + c\>|\>n\ne 1\)\\
+ \((ax+b)^{-1}\) & \(\dfrac{1}{a}\log_e |ax+b|+c\)\\
+ \(e^{kx}\) & \(\dfrac{1}{k} e^{kx} + c\)\\
+ \(e^k\) & \(e^kx + c\)\\
+ \(\sin kx\) & \(\dfrac{-1}{k} \cos (kx) + c\)\\
+ \(\cos kx\) & \(\dfrac{1}{k} \sin (kx) + c\)\\
+ \(\sec^2 kx\) & \(\dfrac{1}{k} \tan(kx) + c\)\\
+ \(\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{a^2-x^2}}\) & \(\sin^{-1} \dfrac{x}{a} + c \>\vert\> a>0\)\\
+ \(\dfrac{-1}{\sqrt{a^2-x^2}}\) & \(\cos^{-1} \dfrac{x}{a} + c \>\vert\> a>0\)\\
+ \(\frac{a}{a^2-x^2}\) & \(\tan^{-1} \frac{x}{a} + c\)\\
+ \(\frac{f^\prime (x)}{f(x)}\) & \(\log_e f(x) + c\)\\
+ \(\int f(u) \cdot \frac{du}{dx} \cdot dx\) & \(\int f(u) \cdot du\) \hfill(substitution)\\
+ \(f(x) \cdot g(x)\) & \(\int [f^\prime(x) \cdot g(x)] dx + \int [g^\prime(x) f(x)] dx\)\\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabularx}
--- /dev/null
+\section{Inverse functions}\label{inverse-functions}}
+ vertical line test
+ each \(x\) value produces only one \(y\) value
+\subsection{One to one functions}\label{one-to-one-functions}}
+ \(f(x)\) is \emph{one to one} if \(f(a) \ne f(b)\) if
+ \(a, b \in \operatorname{dom}(f)\) and \(a \ne b\)\\
+ \(\implies\) unique \(y\) for each \(x\) (\(\sin x\) is not 1:1,
+ \(x^3\) is)
+ horizontal line test
+ if not one to one, it is many to one
+\(f^{-1}\)}{Deriving f\^{}\{-1\}}}\label{deriving-f-1}}
+ if \(f(g(x)) = x\), then \(g\) is the inverse of \(f\)
+ reflection across \(y-x\)
+ \(\operatorname{ran} \> f = \operatorname{dom} \> f^{-1}, \quad \operatorname{dom} \> f = \operatorname{ran} \> f^{-1}\)
+ inverse \(\ne\) inverse \emph{function} (i.e.~inverse must pass
+ vertical line test)\\
+ \(\implies f^{-1}(x)\) exists \(\iff f(x)\) is one to one
+ \(f^{-1}(x)=f(x)\) intersections may lie on line \(y=x\)
+\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{Requirements for showing working for
+\(f^{-1}\)}{Requirements for showing working for f\^{}\{-1\}}}\label{requirements-for-showing-working-for-f-1}}
+ start with \emph{``let \(y=f(x)\)''}
+ must state \emph{``take inverse''} for line where \(y\) and \(x\) are
+ swapped
+ do all working in terms of \(y=\dots\)
+ for square root, state \(\pm\) solutions then show restricted
+ for inverse \emph{function}, state in function notation
--- /dev/null
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+\fancyhead[LO,LE]{Year 12 Methods}
+\fancyhead[CO,CE]{Andrew Lorimer}
+\author{Andrew Lorimer}
+ General form& \parbox[t]{5cm}{$x^2 + bx + c = (x+m)(x+n)$\\ where $mn=c, \> m+n=b$} \\
+ \hline
+ Difference of squares & $a^2 - b^2 = (a - b)(a + b)$ \\
+ \hline
+ Perfect squares & \parbox[c]{5cm}{$a^2 \pm 2ab + b^2 = (a \pm b^2)$} \\
+ \hline
+ Completing the square & \parbox[t]{5cm}{$x^2+bx+c=(x+{b\over2})^2+c-{b^2\over4}$ \\ $ax^2+bx+c=a(x-{b\over2a})^2+c-{b^2\over4a}$} \\
+ \hline
+ Quadratic formula & $x={{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}\over2a}$ where $\Delta=b^2-4ac$ \\
+\textbf{Difference of cubes:} \(a^3 - b^3 = (a-b)(a^2 + ab + b^2)\)\\
+\textbf{Sum of cubes:} \(a^3 + b^3 = (a+b)(a^2 - ab + b^2)\)\\
+\textbf{Perfect cubes:} \(a^3 \pm 3a^2b + 3ab^2 \pm b^3 = (a \pm b)^3\)
+\[y=a(bx-h)^3 + c\]
+ \(m=0\) at \emph{stationary point of inflection}
+ (i.e.~(\({h \over b}, k)\))
+ in form \(y=(x-a)^2(x-b)\), local max at \(x=a\), local min at \(x=b\)
+ in form \(y=a(x-b)(x-c)(x-d)\): \(x\)-intercepts at \(b, c, d\)
+ in form \(y=a(x-b)^2(x-c)\), touches \(x\)-axis at \(b\), intercept at
+ \(c\)
+\subsection{Linear and quadratic
+\subsubsection{Forms of linear
+\(y=mx+c\) where \(m\) is gradient and \(c\) is \(y\)-intercept\\
+\({x \over a} + {y \over b}=1\) where \(m\) is gradient and
+\((x_1, y_1)\) lies on the graph\\
+\(y-y_1 = m(x-x_1)\) where \((a,0)\) and \((0,b)\) are \(x\)- and
+\subsection{Line properties}\label{line-properties}}
+Parallel lines: \(m_1 = m_2\)\\
+Perpendicular lines: \(m_1 \times m_2 = -1\)\\
+Distance: \(|\vec{AB}| = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}\)
+\subsection{Quartic graphs}\label{quartic-graphs}}
+\subsubsection{Forms of quadratic
+\(y=ax^4+cd^2 (c \ge 0)\)\\
+\subsection{Simultaneous equations
+ \textbf{Unique solution} - lines intersect at point
+ \textbf{Infinitely many solutions} - lines are equal
+ \textbf{No solution} - lines are parallel
+\(\protect\begin{cases}px + qy = a \\ rx + sy = b\protect\end{cases} \>\)
+for \(\{0,1,\infty\}\)
+solutions}{Solving \textbackslash protect\textbackslash begin\{cases\}px + qy = a \textbackslash\textbackslash{} rx + sy = b\textbackslash protect\textbackslash end\{cases\} \textbackslash\textgreater{} for \textbackslash\{0,1,\textbackslash infty\textbackslash\} solutions}}\label{solving-protectbegincasespx-qy-a-rx-sy-bprotectendcases-for-01infty-solutions}}
+where all coefficients are known except for one, and \(a, b\) are known
+ Write as matrices:
+ \(\begin{bmatrix}p & q \\ r & s \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \end{bmatrix}\)
+ Find determinant of first matrix: \(\Delta = ps-qr\)
+ Let \(\Delta = 0\) for number of solutions \(\ne 1\)\\
+ or let \(\Delta \ne 0\) for one unique solution.
+ Solve determinant equation to find variable
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \tightlist
+ \item
+ \emph{--- for infinite/no solutions: ---}
+ \end{itemize}
+ Substitute variable into both original equations
+ Rearrange equations so that LHS of each is the same
+ \(\text{RHS}(1) = \text{RHS}(2) \implies (1)=(2) \> \forall x\)
+ (\(\infty\) solns)\\
+ \(\text{RHS}(1) \ne \text{RHS}(2) \implies (1)\ne(2) \> \forall x\) (0
+ solns)
+\colorbox{cas}{On CAS:} Matrix \(\rightarrow\) \texttt{det}
+\(\protect\begin{cases}a_1 x + b_1 y + c_1 z = d_1 \\ a_2 x + b_2 y + c_2 z = d_2 \\ a_3 x + b_3 y + c_3 z = d_3\protect\end{cases}\)}{Solving \textbackslash protect\textbackslash begin\{cases\}a\_1 x + b\_1 y + c\_1 z = d\_1 \textbackslash\textbackslash{} a\_2 x + b\_2 y + c\_2 z = d\_2 \textbackslash\textbackslash{} a\_3 x + b\_3 y + c\_3 z = d\_3\textbackslash protect\textbackslash end\{cases\}}}\label{solving-protectbegincasesa_1-x-b_1-y-c_1-z-d_1-a_2-x-b_2-y-c_2-z-d_2-a_3-x-b_3-y-c_3-z-d_3protectendcases}}
+ Use elimination
+ Generate two new equations with only two variables
+ Rearrange \& solve
+ Substitute one variable into another equation to find another variable
+ etc.
--- /dev/null
+\section{Exponentials \& Logarithms}
+\subsubsection*{Logarithmic identities}
+ \log_b (xy) &= \log_b x + \log_b y \\
+ \log_b x^n &= n \log_b x \\
+ \log_b y^{x^n} &= x^n \log_b y \\
+ \log_a(\frac{m}{n}) &= \log_am - \log_a \\
+ \log_a(m^{-1}) & = -\log_am \\
+ \log_b c &= \frac{\log_a c}{\log_a b}
+\subsubsection*{Index identities}
+ b^{m+n} &= b^m \cdot b^n \\
+ (b^m)^n &= b^{m \cdot n} \\
+ (b \cdot c)^n &= b^n \cdot c^n \\
+ {b^m \div a^n} &= {b^{m-n}}
+\subsection*{Inverse functions}
+For \(f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, f(x)=a^x\), inverse is:
+\[f^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, f^{-1}=\log_ax\]
+\subsection*{Euler's number \(e\)}
+\[e= \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} (1 + {1 \over n})^n\]
+\[A = A_0 e^{kt}\]
+ \(A_0\) is initial value
+ \(t\) is time taken
+ \(k\) is a constant
+ For continuous growth, \(k > 0\)
+ For continuous decay, \(k < 0\)
+\subsection*{Graphing exponential functions}
+\[f(x)=Aa^{k(x-b)} + c, \quad \vert \> a > 1\]
+ \textbf{\(y\)-intercept} at \((0, A \cdot a^{-kb}+c)\) as
+ \(x \rightarrow \infty\)
+ \textbf{horizontal asymptote} at \(y=c\)
+ \textbf{domain} is \(\mathbb{R}\)
+ \textbf{range} is \((c, \infty)\)
+ dilation of factor \(|A|\) from \(x\)-axis
+ dilation of factor \(1 \over k\) from \(y\)-axis
+ \begin{axis}[restrict x to domain=-0.9:0.9, axis y line = middle, yticklabels={,,}, xticklabels={,,}, enlargelimits, ticks=none]
+ \addplot[red, thick, smooth, samples=100] plot (\x, {pow(2,x)}) node[below, pos=1] {\(2^x\)};
+ \addplot[blue, thick, smooth, samples=100] plot (\x, {pow(3,x)}) node[left, pos=1] {\(3^x\)};
+ \addplot[orange, thick, smooth, samples=100] plot (\x, {pow(e,x)}) node[below, pos=1] {\(e^x\)};
+ \addplot[mark=*] coordinates {(0,1)} node[above left]{\((0,1)\)} ;
+ \addplot[purple, ultra thick, dashed] plot (\x, 0) node[black, below, font=\footnotesize, pos=0.75] {\(y=0\)};
+ \end{axis}
+\subsection*{Graphing logarithmic functions}
+\(\log_e x\) is the inverse of \(e^x\) (reflection across \(y=x\))
+\[f(x)=A \log_a k(x-b) + c\]
+ \textbf{domain} is \((b, \infty)\)
+ \textbf{range} is \(\mathbb{R}\)
+ \textbf{vertical asymptote} at \(x=b\)
+ \(y\)-intercept exists if \(b<0\)
+ dilation of factor \(|A|\) from \(x\)-axis
+ dilation of factor \(1 \over k\) from \(y\)-axis
+ \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, xmin=-0.5, xmax=5, ymin=-2, ymax=3, ticks=none]
+ \addplot[purple, ultra thick, dashed] coordinates {(0,-1.8) (0,2.8)} node[black, below right, pos=0.75, font=\footnotesize] {\(x=0\)};
+ \addplot[orange,thick,domain=0.01:4,smooth,samples=100] {ln(x)} node[right, pos=1] {\(\log_e x\)};
+ \addplot[red,thick,domain=0.01:4,smooth,samples=100] {log2(x)} node[right, pos=1] {\(\log_2 x\)};
+ \addplot[blue,thick,domain=0.01:4,smooth,samples=100] {ln(x)/ln(3)} node[below right, pos=1] {\(\log_3 x\)};
+ \addplot[mark=*] coordinates {(1,0)} node[above left]{\((0,1)\)} ;
+ \end{axis}
+\subsection*{Finding equations}
+\colorbox{cas}{On CAS:}
--- /dev/null
+\textbf{Order of operations:} DRT
+\begin{center}dilations --- reflections --- translations\end{center}
+\subsection*{Transforming \(x^n\) to \(a(x-h)^n+K\)}
+ dilation factor of \(|a|\) units parallel to \(y\)-axis or from
+ \(x\)-axis
+ if \(a<0\), graph is reflected over \(x\)-axis
+ translation of \(k\) units parallel to \(y\)-axis or from \(x\)-axis
+ translation of \(h\) units parallel to \(x\)-axis or from \(y\)-axis
+ for \((ax)^n\), dilation factor is \(1 \over a\) parallel to
+ \(x\)-axis or from \(y\)-axis
+ when \(0 < |a| < 1\), graph becomes closer to axis
+\subsection*{Transforming \(f(x)\) to \(y=Af[n(x+c)]+b\)}
+Applies to exponential, log, trig, \(e^x\), polynomials.\\
+Functions must be written in form \(y=Af[n(x+c)]+b\)
+ dilation by factor \(|A|\) from \(x\)-axis (if \(A<0\), reflection
+ across \(y\)-axis)
+ dilation by factor \(1 \over n\) from \(y\)-axis (if \(n<0\),
+ reflection across \(x\)-axis)
+ translation of \(c\) units from \(y\)-axis (\(x\)-shift)
+ translation of \(b\) units from \(x\)-axis (\(y\)-shift)
+Two pairs of equivalent processes for \(y=f(x)\):
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \tightlist
+ \item
+ Dilating from \(x\)-axis: \((x, y) \rightarrow (x, by)\)
+ \item
+ Replacing \(y\) with \(y \over b\) to obtain \(y = b f(x)\)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \tightlist
+ \item
+ Dilating from \(y\)-axis: \((x, y) \rightarrow (ax, y)\)
+ \item
+ Replacing \(x\) with \(x \over a\) to obtain \(y = f({x \over a})\)
+ \end{itemize}
+For graph of \(y={1 \over x}\), horizontal \& vertical dilations are
+equivalent (symmetrical). If \(y={a \over x}\), graph is contracted
+rather than dilated.
+\subsection*{Matrix transformations}
+Find new point \((x^\prime, y^\prime)\). Substitute these into original
+equation to find image with original variables \((x, y)\).
+ Reflection \textbf{in} axis = reflection \textbf{over} axis =
+ reflection \textbf{across} axis
+ Translations do not change
+For \(y = f(x)\), these processes are equivalent:
+ applying the translation \((x, y) \rightarrow (x + h, y + k)\) to the
+ graph of \(y = f(x)\)
+ replacing \(x\) with \(x-h\) and \(y\) with \(y-k\) to obtain
+ \(y-k = f(x-h)\)
+\subsection*{Power functions}
+\textbf{Strictly increasing:} \(f(x_2) > f(x_1)\) where \(x_2 > x_1\)
+(including \(x=0\))
+\subsubsection*{Odd and even functions}
+Even when \(f(x) = -f(x)\)\\
+Odd when \(-f(x) = f(-x)\)
+Function is even if it can be reflected across \(y\)-axis
+\(\implies f(x)=f(-x)\)\\
+Function \(x^{\pm {p \over q}}\) is odd if \(q\) is odd
+\subsubsection*{\(x^{-1 \over n}\) where \(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}
+Mostly only on CAS.
+We can write
+\(x^{-1 \over n} = {1 \over {x^{1 \over n}}} = {1 \over ^n \sqrt{x}}\)n.\\
+Domain is:
+\(\begin{cases} \mathbb{R} \setminus \{0\}\hspace{0.5em} \text{ if }n\text{ is odd} \\ \mathbb{R}^+ \hspace{2.6em}\text{if }n\text{ is even}\end{cases}\)
+If \(n\) is odd, it is an odd function.
+\subsubsection*{\(x^{p \over q}\) where \(p, q \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}
+\[x^{p \over q} = \sqrt[q]{x^p}\]
+ if \(p > q\), the shape of \(x^p\) is dominant
+ if \(p < q\), the shape of \(x^{1 \over q}\) is dominant
+ points \((0, 0)\) and \((1, 1)\) will always lie on graph
+ Domain is:
+ \(\begin{cases} \mathbb{R} \hspace{4em}\text{ if }q\text{ is odd} \\ \mathbb{R}^+ \cup \{0\} \hspace{1em}\text{if }q\text{ is even}\end{cases}\)
+\subsection*{Piecewise functions}
+\[\text{e.g.} \quad f(x) = \begin{cases} x^{1 / 3}, \hspace{2em} x \le 0 \\ 2, \hspace{3.4em} 0 < x < 2 \\ x, \hspace{3.4em} x \ge 2 \end{cases}\]
+\textbf{Open circle:} point included\\
+\textbf{Closed circle:} point not included
+\subsection*{Operations on functions}
+For \(f \pm g\) and \(f \times g\):
+\quad \(\text{dom}^\prime = \operatorname{dom}(f) \cap \operatorname{dom}(g)\)
+Addition of linear piecewise graphs: add \(y\)-values at key points
+Product functions:
+ product will equal 0 if \(f=0\) or \(g=0\)
+ \(f^\prime(x)=0 \veebar g^\prime(x)=0 \not\Rightarrow (f \times g)^\prime(x)=0\)
+\subsection*{Composite functions}
+\((f \circ g)(x)\) is defined iff
+\(\operatorname{ran}(g) \subseteq \operatorname{dom}(f)\)
-\PassOptionsToPackage{unicode=true}{hyperref} % options for packages loaded elsewhere
-\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
\urlstyle{same} % don't use monospace font for urls
\textbf{Order of operations:} DRT - Dilations, Reflections, Translations
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Transforming \(x^n\) to
-\(a(x-h)^n+K\)}{Transforming x\^{}n to a(x-h)\^{}n+K}}\label{transforming-xn-to-ax-hnk}}
+\subsection{Transforming x\^{}n to a(x-h)\^{}n+K}
when \(0 < |a| < 1\), graph becomes closer to axis
For \(y = f(x)\), these processes are equivalent:
applying the translation \((x, y) \rightarrow (x + h, y + k)\) to the
graph of \(y = f(x)\)
- replacing \(x\) with \(x − h\) and \(y\) with \(y − k\) to obtain
- \(y − k = f (x − h)\)
+ replacing \(x\) with \(x - h\) and \(y\) with \(y - k\) to obtain \(y - k = f (x - h)\)
For the graph of \(y = f(x)\), there are two pairs of equivalent
equivalent (symmetrical). If \(y={a \over x}\), graph is contracted
rather than dilated.
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Transforming \(f(x)\) to
-\(y=Af[n(x+c)]+b\)}{Transforming f(x) to y=Af{[}n(x+c){]}+b}}\label{transforming-fx-to-yafnxcb}}
+\subsection{Transforming \(f(x)\) to \(y=Af[n(x+c)]+b\)}
Applies to exponential, log, trig, power, polynomial functions.\\
Functions must be written in form \(y=Af[n(x+c)] + b\)
\(c\) - translation from \(y\)-axis (\(x\)-shift)\\
\(b\) - translation from \(x\)-axis (\(y\)-shift)
-\subsection{Power functions}\label{power-functions}}
+\subsection{Power functions}
\textbf{Strictly increasing:} \(f(x_2) > f(x_1)\) where \(x_2 > x_1\)
(including \(x=0\))
-\subsubsection{Odd and even functions}\label{odd-and-even-functions}}
+\subsubsection{Odd and even functions}
Even when \(f(x) = -f(x)\)\\
Odd when \(-f(x) = f(-x)\)
\(\implies f(x)=f(-x)\)\\
Function \(x^{\pm {p \over q}}\) is odd if \(q\) is odd
-\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(x^n\) where
-\(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}{x\^{}n where n \textbackslash{}in \textbackslash{}mathbb\{Z\}\^{}+}}\label{xn-where-n-in-mathbbz}}
+\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash} m{3cm} }
+ & $n$ is even & $n$ is odd \\
+ \hline
+ \parbox[c]{1.2cm}{$x^n,\\ n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$} & {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{graphics/parabola.png}} & {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{graphics/cubic.png}}\\
+ \parbox[c]{1.2cm}{$x^n$,\\ $n \in \mathbb{Z}^-$} & {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{graphics/truncus.png}} & {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{graphics/hyperbola.png}}\\
+ \parbox[c]{1.2cm}{$x^{1 \over n},\\ n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$} & {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{graphics/square-root-graph.png}} & {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{graphics/cube-root-graph.png}}\\
+\subsubsection{\(x^n\) where \(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}
-\(n\) is even: & \(n\) is odd:\tabularnewline
-\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(x^n\) where
-\(n \in \mathbb{Z}^-\)}{x\^{}n where n \textbackslash{}in \textbackslash{}mathbb\{Z\}\^{}-}}\label{xn-where-n-in-mathbbz-}}
-\(n\) is even: & \(n\) is odd:\tabularnewline
-\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(x^{1 \over n}\) where
-\(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}{x\^{}\{1 \textbackslash{}over n\} where n \textbackslash{}in \textbackslash{}mathbb\{Z\}\^{}+}}\label{x1-over-n-where-n-in-mathbbz}}
+\subsubsection{\(x^{1 \over n}\) where \(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}
-\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(x^{-1 \over n}\) where
-\(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}{x\^{}\{-1 \textbackslash{}over n\} where n \textbackslash{}in \textbackslash{}mathbb\{Z\}\^{}+}}\label{x-1-over-n-where-n-in-mathbbz}}
+\subsubsection{\(x^{-1 \over n}\) where \(n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}
Mostly only on CAS.
If \(n\) is odd, it is an odd function.
-\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(x^{p \over q}\) where
-\(p, q \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}{x\^{}\{p \textbackslash{}over q\} where p, q \textbackslash{}in \textbackslash{}mathbb\{Z\}\^{}+}}\label{xp-over-q-where-p-q-in-mathbbz}}
+\subsubsection{\(x^{p \over q}\) where \(p, q \in \mathbb{Z}^+\)}
\[x^{p \over q} = \sqrt[q]{x^p}\]
\(\begin{cases} \mathbb{R} \hspace{4em}\text{ if }q\text{ is odd} \\ \mathbb{R}^+ \cup \{0\} \hspace{1em}\text{if }q\text{ is even}\end{cases}\)
-\subsection{Combinations of functions
+\subsection{Combinations of functions (piecewise/hybrid)}
\[\text{e.g.}\quad f(x)=\begin{cases} ^3 \sqrt{x}, \hspace{2em} x \le 0 \\ 2, \hspace{3.4em} 0 < x < 2 \\ x, \hspace{3.4em} x \ge 2 \end{cases}\]
Open circle - point included\\
Closed circle - point not included
-\subsubsection{Sum, difference, product of
+\subsubsection{Sum, difference, product of functions}
-\subsection{Matrix transformations}\label{matrix-transformations}}
+\subsection{Matrix transformations}
Find new point \((x^\prime, y^\prime)\). Substitute these into original
equation to find image with original variables \((x, y)\).
-\subsection{Composite functions}\label{composite-functions}}
+\subsection{Composite functions}
\((f \circ g)(x)\) is defined iff
\(\operatorname{ran}(g) \subseteq \operatorname{dom}(f)\)