Various settings can be changed in `%AppData%\ppt-control\ppt-control.ini`. This file is populated with the defaults for all possible settings at installation.\r
-## Improvements\r
+## Todo\r
+- ✔️ Fix multiple-presentation support in JS & OBS clients\r
- Create desktop/start menu shortcuts on installation with pip\r
- Refactor/tidy JS code\r
- Fix "RCP server unavailable" error on server\r
-- Config documentation\r
-- Shortcut to edit config in systray menu\r
+- ✔️ Config documentation\r
+- ✔️ Re-implement last slide behaviour\r
+- ✔️ Re-implement black white behaviour\r
+- ✔️ JS client show status on last slide\r
+- ✔️ Shortcut to edit config in systray menu\r
- Export all slides on presentation init\r
-- Document behaviour for slides with intermediate animations/steps\r
-- Support custom slideshows\r
-- Show speaker notes\r
-- Show overview of all slides
\ No newline at end of file