rgbtobgr565.con commit [i3blocks-music] add music symbol (a9a8468)
   1/* rgbtobgr565 - convert 24-bit RGB pixels to 16-bit BGR565 pixels
   3  Written in 2016 by Glenn Randers-Pehrson <glennrp@users.sf.net>
   5  To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
   6  and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
   7  worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
   8  See <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. 
  10  Use with ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick to convert 24-bit RGB pixels
  11  to 16-bit BGR565 pixels, e.g.,
  13      magick file.png -depth 8 rgb:- | rgbtobgr565 > file.bgr565
  15  Note that the 16-bit pixels are written in network byte order (most
  16  significant byte first), with blue in the most significant bits and
  17  red in the least significant bits.
  19  ChangLog:
  20  Jan 2017: changed bgr565 from int to unsigned short (suggested by
  21             Steven Valsesia)
  24#include <stdio.h>
  25int main()
  27    int red,green,blue;
  28    unsigned short bgr565;
  29    while (1) {
  30        red=getchar(); if (red == EOF) return (0);
  31        green=getchar(); if (green == EOF) return (1);
  32        blue=getchar(); if (blue == EOF) return (1);
  33        bgr565 = (unsigned short)(red * 31.0 / 255.0) |
  34                 (unsigned short)(green * 63.0 / 255.0) << 5 |
  35                 (unsigned short)(blue * 31.0 / 255.0) << 11;
  36            putchar((bgr565 >> 8) & 0xFF);
  37            putchar(bgr565 & 0xFF);
  38        }
  39    }